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MARCH 2025

Berlusconi, Zelensky and Putin. The Truths That Cannot Be Told In Italy

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Berlusconi, Zelensky and Putin. The Truths That Cannot Be Told In Italy

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Written by Piero Messina

Italy’s new far-right government crashed before starting work. The elections of 25 September gave the Italian right an absolute majority. But the unconventional “Ukraine” undermines the foundations of the new government that has yet to take office. In the coming days Giorgia Meloni (head of the Brothers of Italy party, a movement that has roots in neo-fascism) should be given the task of forming the new government team. At his side are Matteo Salvini (leader of the League) and the former president of the government and leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, re-elected to parliament after a stop linked to legal events.

The majority seemed compact. Of course, someone imagined that Giorgia Meloni was changing the Italian geopolitical strategy with respect to the Russia-Ukraine affair. Many remember when Meloni argued that sanctions on Russia were useless. But in recent months the political narrative has changed, and even before the vote on 25 September, Meloni clarified his pro-Atlantic position, confirming the approach initiated by the former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi: loyal to NATO and ready to supply weapons and ammunition the government of Kiev.

But now, on the eve of the formation of the new government, the Italian right is shattering precisely on the political position to maintain with respect to the Ukraine dossier.

Silvio Berlusconi has spoken. A speech of his reserved to the elected parliamentarians of his party was broadcast online. Here’s what Berlusconi said, here’s how Berlusconi analyzes the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: “It went like this: in 2014 in Minsk, Belarus, an agreement was signed between Ukraine and the two newly formed republics of Donbass for a peace agreement without anyone attacking the other. Ukraine throws this treaty to the devil a year later and begins to attack the borders of the two republics. The two republics suffer casualties among the military who arrive, I am told, at 5-6-7 thousand dead. Zelensky arrives, attacks on the two republics tripled “. Putin, in Berlusconi’s version, is opposed to any initiative, resists, undergoes strong pressure from all over Russia. And then he decides to invent a special operation. “He entered Ukraine and was faced with an unexpected and unpredictable situation of resistance from the Ukrainians, who started receiving money and weapons from the West from the third day. And the war, instead of being an operation of two weeks, it became a war of two hundred-and-a-half years. So, this is the situation of the war in Ukraine. “

In short, for anyone who knows the recent and older history of that piece of Europe, Berlusconi has told – perhaps in his own way, with some histrionic notes – a story that everyone knows and everyone knows to be true, at least in its essential parts. Yet it was banned. Giorgia Meloni threatens to kick Forza Italia and Berlusconi out of the government. The mainstream media thunders madly against what is called Berlusconi’s latest madness. Yet, for once at least, the elderly Forza Italia leader has only told the truth.


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Ooooopsie now the circus begins…..Meloni is 100% WEF

Michel LeBlanc

Will she last as long as that bitch Truss?

Im betting no.

Slava KKKrainii

In that case the party of agent Georgia is a well known politic chess of the kikejoos intelligence services, as they do all over Europe. Same simple and efficient khazar satanists of the fake dual ‘dialectic’. Create the problem, catch the peoples to work on, and then rapidly create also the solution, catch again the peoples to work on again.. So, the large masses of sheep will have all the time busy to solve recurrent issues without any chance to shore this up. Perfect match in Ro for example: when the national security slave and traitorous services, like the former commie secret police Securitate overnight transformed into a democratic civil patriotic one (??), smell that peoples got large disgust with the present and neverending ‘reversible’ politic duo of the 2 major political parties (left and right), as they are the initial construction of the mentioned strategy after ’89, they immediately apply same ‘politic cloning’ mechanism and fund another ‘new’ party, which is supposedly to fight against the former 2 major ones…..and the sheep is very pleased, contended and ….manipulated another ‘quantity’ of time till the same process will return, again and again…. P.S. Now the new ‘patriotic’ party is called AUR and they say that fight against both the major ones…..but, but….there were many other like ‘AUR’ in the past, and only dust remains from them and…….dust and the kikejoos.

Last edited 2 years ago by Slava KKKrainii

You know that all filthy commies sip vodka on vday, a day only commie-jews celebrate.

Go To Jail Card – for celebrating vday


Modern Day Fascism & Nazism is not the Fascism & Nazism of Yore & Lore.

Thats why you phaggots should stop using it against it, you phaggot motse sheim ra commie jew kikes.

USA is the shithole of Hell

Ukrainians started receiving money and weapons from the West from THE DAY THE MAYDAN MADNESS HAS BEGUN!

NATO has pumped BILLIONS and mercenaries in their tens of thousands and trained demented Ukropigs with nazy delusions from the moment they seized power in Ukraine. Ukraine has become a huge cauldron created to destroy Russia and THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE, to sent them into slavery for the filthy West. Traps, strongholds, the entire population directed to one goal: to fight Russia for the WEF pigs.


So the opposition turns out to be just a controlled opposition. That’s the reality of democracy today.

William White

When was it not?

Nazi trash

Why in the hell did the italians vote for this US puppet meloni who working for the US aspen institue ??? i dont get it

William White

Canadians voted for Trudeau -twice! PT Barnum said it.


To be fair, 30% (mostly post menopausal front holes, who cannot see that he is a faggot) may have voted for ‘the Turd’. But given the criminally corrupt English electoral system, he has a ‘majority’.


William White what a phucking phaggot name lol


In democracy you get a choice to vote for 6 on one side OR half-dozen on the other is : same shit

Peppe il Sicario

Are you still so wet behind the ears that you have yet to realize that there is no such thing as “free elections” in the US and its puppet states of Europe… It’s all an illusion. Modern “Democracy” is a Free-masonic construct.


The United States controls the electoral system. Does Assange remind you of anything?

To admin: stop to delete my comments you imba. I’m pro-Russia!


the one they were calling a right wing fascist last week? yeah… who suddenley isnt a right wing fascist after she lauds nato scum and EU homosexual deviant child molestors? look who is the right wing fascist this week…..Silvio Berlusconi which if you go a few years back is the TOAST of those very same pedophiles in the media. Im glad he is telling the sped/peds where to go.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
Florian Geyer

The West is in dire need of a great reset and the need of millions of new and secure mental institutions to accommodate the imbecilic Woke.

Slava Rossiya.

Peppe il Sicario

Yes, and Vlad is the specially anointed man who will carry it out!!


the wokeiatti are already on the decline. self imagined support dematerializes like the US strategic petroleum reserve hahahahahahahaha


As long as we can remember the Italians have always been a bunch of hypocrites and cowards. The new Italian government that so many in this World were hoping that will side with Russia and defy the EU narrative just like Hungary did. Pity ! Anyway, before mid 2023 , Europe will break apart and become Euro-pagan.

Peppe il Sicario

Shut up with that Italian coward trope…all Anglo-Saxon projection of your true inner cowardness! You’d call your mother a whore ten times over and slit her throat if I or some other “picciotti” friends of mine came over to your house and knocked on your dock to get you ready for a nice hydrochloric acid bath.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Peppe il Sicario

Listen, all you dumb CIA and Anglo-Cuck trolls here. This is the scoop. Berlusconi was mainly brought to power in the 1990s by the Sicilan Mafia, Cosa Nostra, and so it shouldn’t surprise that his voting base today is still primarily in Sicily and Calabria, the home region to the ‘Ndragheta, arguably, the 2 most powerful criminal organizations in the world…so, yeah fukk you all with that fake Khazharian Mafia jive BS propaganda! The Sicilian Mafia and the ‘Ndragheta along with the Campanian Gomorra and Clan dei Casalesi run Italy. They control all the Masonic lodges in the country and not only, all the banks, industries in the North are totally or in part owned by these organizations. Without recycling organized crime money, many would have gone under. Here in Sicily, already in the early 2010s, word was that Russia and China were willing to invest billions upon billions making Sicily the strategic gateway transport node to Africa for China and Russia’s Belt Road Initiative. Then, my sources added: guess who is blocking everything??????? Do you all need a rocket scientist to figure it out? Those above mentioned organized crime groups who Berlusconi acts as a frontman for, will do anything, I mean anything to protect their financial assets and interests. They will resort to every machination possible to obstruct or eliminate who gets in their way and I will affirm that they are not afraid of anyone, foreign intel organizations, governments, multinationals etc. In 1992, the year I returned to Italy, during the Italian governments war on the Sicilian Mafia, Cosa Nostra blew up la Basilica di San Giovanni Laterano in Rome, the old seat of the Vatican, and another ancient symbolic church on the Aventine hill in Rome. Why did Cosa Nostra attack Vatican institutions? Because everyone in Italy, including Piero Messina, knows where the true centuries old political power rests. After, these attacks, the government backed off its organized crime campaign and the rest is history. Prior to Berlusconi’s forced resignation in 2011, Italy had enjoyed enormous economic dealings and even joint military industrial projects with Russia, which included fighter jets, submarines, Light Armoured Vehicles, civilian aircraft with Sukhoi etc. Then, the CIA organized a coup ordered by the Affirmative Action Prez of the US, who by the way still runs the sh*t there behind the scenes and not that Depenz wearing pedo idiot, for the simple reason that Berlusconi offended Obongo referring to him as ” a guy with a nice natural tan.” See how much of a narcissistic c*nt that Satan-loving house negro is???

Suffice to say, Italy is the most pro-Russian major country in Europe, only the Serbs feel a stronger bond to it and probably the Greeks to an extent.

Alla prossima!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
A. Dane

As the majority of Ukrainian forces were busy, trying to free the NAZI Azov battalion pinned down in the steel factory of Mariupol; Russia launched a Great Force from Belarus and surrounded (Pinned down) the Ukraine capital Kiev. If Russia had wanted to end the war, they could just have taken the capital, and Ukraine would be defeated. However, the Russian forces waited outside Kiev, while clandestine international negotiations were conducted to resolve the (pinned down) NAZI battalion, NATO officers and foreign mercenaries in Mariupol. Even though several attempts were made by Ukraine and NATO to free the NATO officers from the steel plant, they were finally forced to accept a deal to let the NAZIs be taken prisoners, and Russia would spare the Ukrainian capital. In Accordance with the deal, the large Russian forces withdrew from Kiev without having fired one shot. And in Mariupol, the NATO officers were let free, while the Azov NAZIs were imprisoned in Donbass, and charged with war crimes.

The Forces of Ukraine have actually been pinned down no less than 2 times previously, by the Donbass militias, resulting in 2 Minsk agreements for peace in Donbass, signed by Ukrainian Presidents for the release of its forces. The Ukrainian Forces were then pinned down a 3rd time in Mariupol by Donbass militias with the assistance of Chechen freedom fighters, and the Russian Airforce, resulting in the Kiev agreement, and the Retreat of Russian Forces from Kiev.

However, it didn’t take NATO long to launch a Blitzkrieg against Eastern Ukraine, this time in Kharkov, close to the Russian Border, where US missiles and artillery were launched into the Russian city of Belgorod. What really happened in Ukraine back in 2014, is that the US was supplying NAZI organizations, who have been hiding and thriving behind the Iron Curtain since WWII, to coupe the Government in Kiev. Add to that, the fact that since 2014, stay-behind NAZI and Fascist organizations in Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy, America and Canada has been supplying the Ukro NAZIs with arms, and paying NAZI mercenaries collected from all western Nations, to Fight the Russia population in Eastern Ukraine.

During WWII, The Azov battalion was the German NAZI Battalion who lost the Battle of Stalingrad.

Joseph similia

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.



Hitler Loyalists and Our Truth


commie and jew loyalists and their bs



Fag dicksuckers VS Russia and friends suck another fat dick fag. #Spunkbois get spluged

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
Neil Sutherland

The Mistake is by Meloni. She is in no position to talk to Berlosconi that way. in fact, strategically she should plan for someone else than herself to say what he said, what other reason is there to form a ‘coalition’ with ‘other’ parties? it should be a positive thing, as ‘predictive programming’. and she is a fraud; no one votes for ‘family values’ or ‘country’ as the most important issue, it’s always the pocketbook. and only Russian energy can prevent Italy’s and Europe’s descent into 3rd-world status.


Meloni is a woman. Author keeps saying he, his, him etc. Mis-Gendering!

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