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BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile (Infographics)

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BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile (Infographics)

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The BGM-71 TOW (“Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided”) is an anti-tank guided missile developed for the United States military. First produced in 1970, TOW is one of the most widely used ATGMs. The US and its allies supplied a large number of TOW ATGMs to radical militant groups fighting againts the Damascus government in Syria.


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Martin Petrovski

BGM-7? you guys probably mean BGM-71

Zionism = EVIL

The Toophan (Persian: طوفان‎ “Storm”, rarely Toofan) is an Iranian SACLOS upgraded anti-tank guided missile reverse-engineered from the American BGM-71 TOW missile. The Toophan 1, an unlicensed copy of the BGM-71A TOW missile, began mass production in 1988 and the Toophan 2, a BGM-71C ITOW variant, was publicly shown in 2000.] The Toophan comes in at least 11 variants, many of which are poorly documented due to lack of western intelligence on growing Iranian military capabilities, including variants with laser guidance, thermobaric warheads, and tandem-warheads with increased penetration. The Toophan is manufactured jointly by the Aerospace Industries Organization of Iran and Iran Electronics Industries.

The Toophan is normally deployed from ground-based tripods, and can also be mounted on fighting vehicles and helicopters. Like the BGM-71 TOW missile, the Toophan is a large, rugged, powerful, and reliable anti-tank guided missile deployed by small teams against tanks, armored vehicles, buildings, and other targets. The Toophan forms the backbone of the Iranian Armed Forces’s extensive ATGM inventory and is procured in large quantities in a variety of variants. The Toophan has been exported to the governments of Iraq and Syria and to a large number of non-state Iranian allies in the Middle East and Asia, and has been successfully used in the Iran–Iraq War, the 2006 Lebanon War and the Iraqi, Syrian, and Yemeni conflicts.


Martin Petrovski

what relevance dose this unlicanced iranian knockoff the TOW have to do with South fronts typo?

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck off Jew CUNT LOL. Learn English first.

Martin Petrovski

i am littearly the farthest thing form a jew you can get but whatever floats your boat m8 also it seems like my english is perfectly fine since you got so butthurt.

Zionism = EVIL

First of all DUMBASS, it is DOES, not DOSE and I can go on and on, but the reality is that Southfront does a good job with its limited resources. Yesterday, you arseholes were criticizing Russian SAM systems and today it is typos LOL. Another FACT cupcake is that Iran has the largest inventory of TOWS and its derivatives, so deal with it.


Martin Petrovski

well dose does it dosent matter since your understood what i said and you got butthurt about it infact your retarded friend called me a nazi and a jew at the same time XD i mean from what i can gather you ppl are ether extremely stupid or have some sort of mental issues since no normal person can be this stubborn and just plain butthurt about simple questions and corrections. Also i mean the critisizam of Russian SAMs is grounded on facts you tell me why did the Russian made SAM’s sebria had only shot down 2 fixed wing manned aicraft in the war of 1999 or their complete failiure in Iraq in 1991 and 2003 or their current failiure to stop IAF strikes on the SAA yes the SAA shot down one F16I but 1 aircraft was shot down 2 years ago mind you and yet the strikes never stoped how many IDF soldiers has the SAA killed and how many SAA soldiers has the IDF killed?

“Another FACT cupcake is that Iran has the largest inventory of TOWS and its derivatives, so deal with it.” again what relevance dose irans outdated TOW knokoffs and it haveing the largest imout of them have to do with what i said.

Ashok Varma

This article is about US TOWS that Iran now manufactures and is currently the largest producer, so it is very relevant and useful to know. Iran should be commended for all its scientific achievements despite relentless and unjust sanctions.

Martin Petrovski

“scientific achievements” since when is copying a system that? Also this is a article about the US TOW not the iranian one the Toophan can have its own.

Zionism = EVIL

You need a dose of high colonic up your dumbarse :) to see the light of day.

Martin Petrovski

sorry m8 i dont do ass stuff on dudes i am not into that if you are good for you also i dont like alternative medicine ether that hippy bullshut needs to stop.

Zionism = EVIL

Well in that case listen to Trump and shine a UV light up your arse and inject bleach and also don a space suit.

Trump and his adviser suggests reopening economy by putting ‘everybody in a space outfit’

Martin Petrovski

again with the ass stuff you are begging to sound like a closet homosexual its ok to be gay m8 xD hahahha

Icarus Tanović

If you have already used your standard arsenal of “facts” then you turn to insults. Lame.

Martin Petrovski

oh no i dont mean to offend him its just that he sounds like a closeted homosexual with all of the ass play referances he writes i mean its a bit of a red flag dont you think?

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t try to be smart JEW CUNT, it is just a typo fuckwit.

Martin Petrovski

man you really do hate jews dont you did a jew rape you or smth?

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian Toophan TOWS are far more advanced that the Americunt BMG-71. Toophan (Typhoon/Storm) on the ubiquitous Safir 4X4. Production rate 5000 a year.


Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah ATGM teams using the Iranian Toophan with devastating effect in Syria against Americunt backed terrorists.


Liberal guy

Hmmmmm and against the recently upgrade saa tanks especially the t-90 these Yankee tows are pretty useless

Lone Ranger

Fav weapon of choice for wahabimossad isis terrorists… Made in the U.S., with proud…

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