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Biden Administration Says It Wants To Negotiate With Iran, Rolls Back UN Sanctions

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Biden Administration Says It Wants To Negotiate With Iran, Rolls Back UN Sanctions

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On February 18th, the Biden Administration told the United Nations Security Council it was rescinding a Trump administration assertion that all U.N. sanctions had been reimposed on Iran in September 2020.

Acting U.S. Ambassador Richard Mills informed the 15-member body in a letter, which can be read below.

Biden Administration Says It Wants To Negotiate With Iran, Rolls Back UN Sanctions

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told European allies that President Joe Biden’s administration was prepared to talk to Iran about both countries returning to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, Iran Nuclear Deal).

The Trump administration quit the pact in 2018.

Then in August last year former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he had triggered a 30-day process at the Security Council that led to the return of U.N. sanctions on Iran and stopped a conventional arms embargo on Tehran from expiring on October 18th.

13 of the 15 Security Council members said Washington’s move was void because Pompeo used a mechanism agreed under the 2015 nuclear deal that the Trump administration had abandoned.

Additionally, as mentioned above, The United States would be ready to hold talks with Iran if the European Union extended an invitation.

“We are ready to show up if such a meeting were to take place,” an unnamed US official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity, after talks among the U.S., British, French and German foreign ministers. Earlier, a senior EU official said he was prepared to convene such a meeting among the parties to the deal: Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.

This was later confirmed by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, as mentioned above.

Iran has indicated it will begin blocking IAEA inspectors from its nuclear facilities starting from February 21st.

This is likely why the Biden administration is attempting to find a way forward before this next escalation measure that there are concerns would be hard to roll back takes effect. Both the US and Europe are warning against such a step.

At the start of this month State Department spokesman Ned Price appeared to shrug off EU-backed talks when asked directly about Tehran’s expressed willingness to engage through the Europeans. He said there are “many steps” that had to be taken before engaging “directly with Iran” and before the US is willing to “entertain any sort of proposal.” Later the White House appeared to walk back the comments.

This is a significant change in direction and policy, and it appears that Iran’s increasing influence is paying dividends.

Separately, after a month in office, US President Joe Biden accepted a call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Little was made public, but the conversation “was very friendly and warm and lasted about an hour,” according to the prime minister’s office.

The White House, Biden “affirmed his personal history of steadfast commitment to Israel’s security and conveyed his intent to strengthen all aspects of the U.S.-Israel partnership, including our strong defense cooperation,” according to a statement.

Little was promised, and it appears that Israel was rather shrugged off.

“Biden and his aides aim to tell Netanyahu, ‘You’re nothing special,'” geopolitical analyst Yossi Melman previously wrote in Israeli outlet Haaretz. “‘The personal connection and chemistry you had with Donald Trump not only fail to advance your standing in Washington, they’re an obstacle,'” according to a speculative report.

It appears that it wasn’t too far from the truth.


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like dunny the dump trump tried to erase all signs of his predecessor obama (who was an unusually inept president) it now seems biden is attempting to clear the records of anything dunny did and I guess that’s a good start.


The US population is under dire economic and health crises, the Jews have ruined America and got us involved in totally counter-productive endless sapping wars, while the average American suffered. Biden for all his faults understands that Iran is too big and powerful to engage militarily. The Iranians did not blink despite 42 years of unrelenting US adversity. It is time now to acknowledge Iranian supremacy in the region as the Nixon doctrine espoused and bring US soldiers home.

klove and light

that is all correct…when talking to RATIONAL human beiings….

zionist jews are not rational humans…..they cheat they lie they murder they deceit they backstab etc……

war is inevitable !!!!

Just Me

The Zionist scum will be wiped out if they mess with Iran. That is no boast, but reality. 6 million parasites against 200 Axis of Resistance just don’t add up. Even the UAE morons are leaving Yemen and that will free up a lot of battle hardened Ansarallah to move to Palestine.


Israel has nukes and i am afraid they will use them without a blink..

Just Me

As if Iran doesn’t. In any case nukes can’t be used in the small sliver of coastal Palestine, it would suicide for the Zionists. They are evil bastards and go with the flow and will start licking Iran’s ass again.

Hasbara Hunter

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/533fadf312c40c2207352cbda5f61853a4703c1e4a7a8df2854eca08d4c8154e.jpg Negev Nuclear Research Center

coordinates: Latitude: 31° 00′ 4.68″ N Longitude: 35° 08′ 40.20″ E

Hasbara Hunter

Funny detail btw…this picture was made by a Keyhole-4 “CORONA” reconnaissance satellite…


Just Me

Today it is the Covid 19 satellite lol

Jens Holm

Nice windows:)

Arch Bungle

Dimona is a nuclear waste hazard waiting to spill over …


Top target along with the chemical plant in Haifa ( I think). The US knows the deal and the US abandoned ship.

The Iranian position is clear. The US and EU must adhere fully with the treaty and Iran will set the clock back to what it was when the US reneged and de facto forced the EU to renege as well.


nukes are sort of useless in the vastness of Iran and the loss of credibility for the jews, if they resort to the nukes they’ve threatened the world with for the last 60 years, is something they never could reclaim – they would be toast in the eyes of the world.

Just Me

How do you nuke a country that is 1.64 million sq kms and 70% mountains and then expect to survive in a 40 kms wide strip of coastal occupied Palestine. Nuclear weapons are all bombast.


you nuke main population centers.

Jens Holm

Thats right or fx Bandar Bash where they make missiles.

Maybee they even name it operation fried chickens:(


they don’t care about credibility. Their doctrine is clear. If they loose conventional warfare they will use nukes and they will cry self defence

Jens Holm

I can only read You and others lie all the time about it and them – and next even blame thor for, what You insinuate.

And the worst is You have repeated it for Yourself so many times, that You even believe in it.

Thats the world for so many things of Yours. You create things and by that has no chance to handle anything well. The result is very visible.


Israel does not have the strategic depth to play missile games, especially missile attacks in Israel with Hezbollah and millions of Palestinians looking for revenge. Israels nukes are useless in that scenario.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect.

Israel also has not htreatned the whole world with them.

They are stored in Dimona and split up in peaces. Those all are relative small. One fx can take Theheran and not much mopre then that.

Cheryl Brandon

another Zionist apologist,

Concrete Mike

One nuke will equal anti jew pogroms around the world.

But we are dealing with irrational actors, so who knows.

Supreme Blyat

Maybe yes maybe not. https://media3.giphy.com/media/mcVEZG10gaBTG/giphy.gif


one nuke by the jews is one nuke too many and the world will respond with vengeance – rest assured.


Not Zionist US congress. If Europe is too senile to act on moral grounds for anything concerning the truth and geopolitical problems facing real humans, what more of the big USA. It seems Zion is its own judiciary in the USA.


You may enjoy this site, Mike.

There is an interactive globe that spins and zooms in live to EVERY radio station in the world in real time. Its brilliant.


Arch Bungle

israel’s nukes are more of a harm to itself than to anyone else.

israel is sitting on a giant nuclear suicide bomb that is no use.

Dimona is not only israels nuclear weapons forge but the tanks attached to the reprocessing plant are also Israels only storage facility for nuclear waste.

Dimona has been built in the 50’s to the safety and environmental standards of that era.

Already once in 2004 the Israeli authorities had to issue Iodine pills to it’s residents in that area.

The ‘israelis’ have serious environmental issues at Dimona and the recent construction works are connected to this.

Jens Holm

Thye are no leaving Yemen. They are there but more as reserve and not supporting the agressive incidents.

Ashok Varma

Zionist Jews also wanted to create a India-China war, but failed. They are more hype than anything else.

Jens Holm

Killed the dead sea and painted the black one too.

Arch Bungle

The Jews would love nothing more than to see Asias two greatest civilisations wipe each other out.

Guess who wins in a war between China and India?


Jens Holm

Its so laughing reading like this. Its also predictions maybee from someone who has eaten too much or too little. .

Jens Holm

I take it again. USA will not use a single soldiers for an iranian having a value of none or minus.

Many here dont get it.

If it excaltes the USA and maybee will amputate it. No lectricity, no water, no trains, no bridges and like that.

Then You remain where You are unless You are on foot or bicycle.

Concrete Mike

Who are you too deem who is worthless and who is not?

Your talking nazi talk.

You are NOT the pope, stop pontificating . Its friday go have a beer and leave!

Jens Holm

Your focus is wrong. They will not fight anywhere near what many here hope for.

This is not about Popes but how war will be, if its Iran versus USA.

Iranian soldiers hardly ever will meet a single USA soldier but many might die not even knowing, what hirtt them.

Thats no nazi thing at all as well. Many has done that, which You should know, if You not are censured and a lazy bum not caring for facts.

Stalin did. Saladin with his 8 paqssports did…Many many.

Supreme Blyat

Another American with poor English?

Jens Holm

Lawyers pidgin and swaheli from You.

Supreme Blyat

No, Jihadi Holms, I didn’t meant toupset you

Potato Man

Talk the talk, walk the walk…


US does not have many other options left.

Potato Man

I not saying they have other “options” but we don’t know what they gonna do, we never know what they gonna said behind close doors (Iran-US). The JCPOA is not small deal and it is not just about Iran nuclear usage only…also US have not lift all sanctions.


People outside of US don’t understand the dire situation the country is in. US is facing a resurgent Russia, a Chinese economic giant and a resolute Iran. US is not in a position to start a war with any of them. So Iran is the easier way to diffuse at least tensions in the Middle East as Blinken and Bill Burns are very hostile to Russia which they see as an easier target as the Jews in Russia are a 5th column. China and Iran are more homogeneous and harder nuts to crack. Iran, a rich country also offers the dying US economy a lucrative market. US also aims to keep China from taking over Iranian economy. Close to half a trillion worth of Iranian assets are frozen around the world and will be released slowly. I know Iran since the MAAG era of 70’s, it a nation destined to be a great power again.

Potato Man

You still don’t understand what I’m trying to say buddy, all I’m saying US is trying to re-negotiate and add more BS to Iran deal. In no way will US just join back to Iran nuclear deal, that not gonna happen. I been to Iran and China I have friends there as well, you don’t need to tell me about how strong Iran, China and Russia are buddy, I never said anything about those countries, again US is trying to re-negotiate Iran deal, and most likely Iran wouldn’t accept it. Also, nothing happened yet…let’s just wait it out and see what both side say and do.

BTW Iranian are much more pro-west – say whatever as you wish but their youth are. China will be the next super-power in 5-8 years from now and Russia is getting pushed backed by West to East…and fuk no, there wouldn’t be any war – American Zion are not stupid to start a war – that’s why they support terrorists all over the world for years.

“So Iran is the easier way to diffuse at least tensions in the Middle East” LMFAO that is cute. But no.

Fog of War

” US also aims to keep China from taking over Iranian economy. ”

However, China shouldn’t be taking over anyone’s economy . How would that be beneficial to the host country ?

Just Me

SF has it right again, Biden and his aides aim to tell Netanyahu, ‘You’re nothing special,’” geopolitical analyst Yossi Melman previously wrote in Israeli outlet . “‘The personal connection and chemistry you had with Donald Trump not only fail to advance your standing in Washington, they’re an obstacle,’” according to a speculative report.

johnny rotten

They have always lied about Iranian nuclear power, they used it as an excuse, and now they can no longer hide their true fear, that of Iranian missiles, stopped stone cold in the street now they would like to discuss missiles, too late, resigned because the game is over and you lost.

Jens Holm

Russians should give thenm one and trust they dont detonate it in the Teheran Airport.

Just Me

The dotard Trump should have got his orange head out of Kushner’s poncy Jew ass and negotiated with Iran.


true but dunny is infatuated by his own daughter ivanka and what she says goes – kushner is a limited gifted jew who has stolen whatever money the kuchner family has although they had enough to pay harvard 2 million bucks to secure young asswipe jared admittance to the school after that papa kushner hired an escort girl and sent her to his brother in law and then squaled to his sister. greta family and don’t forget that jared extorted 1 billion bucks from the qataris in order to save papa’s real estate company which jared almost managed to sink by one of the most idiotic purchases of a second rate building on 5th ave and the little slimy jared probably promised the qataris that he would keep mohemmed bin salman off the qatari gates.

Just Me

Kushner’s pappy was a convicted fraud who the orange dotard pardoned from club Fed prison. They were ripping off other Jews with ponzi scams, just like Bernie Madoff. Jews are just into greed and money and don’t give a fuck who to scam. The UAE and Persian Gulf Wahhabi dolts are the latest scam targets, loot them before the oil is worthless.


yep the kushners indeed are truly odious scum (and being married to trump’s daughter doesn’t change that conclusion rather tells you very clearly that the trumps are equally odious scum or white trash).

Ashok Varma

This is the only rational way for the US to stop China’s expansion in the Middle East. That is why India joined the Russian and Iranian military exercises. Putin is coming to India soon.

Jens Holm

I dont see that too.

I comment this site about this no more. Its the same fantasy scenaries all over. I only agree in China for good reasons gets more influence. ¨

Soon the Russians at the Russian part of the Silkroad will only speak chinese too.

Arch Bungle

Like I always said, the only way to deal with the US is to play hardball.

Rouhani’s softly-softly approach of appeasement never worked.

It’s only when the Majlis and Khamenei had enough and put their foot down that the Americans started showing some rationality …

Ashok Varma

From my last visit to Iran in 2020, I detected that Iran will move to hard nationalism after June elections. Rouhani is now a lame duck, but the next President will be in a very powerful position as the Ayatollah Khamenei era is coming to an end as well and after him the military will have a strong role.

Arch Bungle

I think people will look back one day and realise that Khamenei was a moderate, regulating hand of wisdom that has guided Iran through a sea of sharks.

People never know what “Tyrant” means until it’s too late …

Ashok Varma

Khamenei is last of the original IRI revolutionary leaders left and the new generation is much tougher. My understanding is that a ex-Sepah President is assured. Iran is now strong enough to brush off threats. The Zionists will try their best to undermine a detente but have no hope.

Jens Holm

You could be right. But the opposite can happen by that too.

We have seen the USSR collapse. There was no real replacers but almost only ones, which all looked back and was heros under WW2 and just after that.

To me chaos and uprise treating people too hard is and option too.

Look for Egypt. They went back to sekular Generals, which in economics are even worse.

Jens Holm

As long as they have those church people just between Allah and the rest, there will be no real change.

Jens Holm

I dont see that at all. Did You read it in an Iranoian newspaper or what:)

Cheryl Brandon


Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect.

But its true USA as an emmigrant country protect and emmigrant country almost no matter what.

Cheryl Brandon


Jens Holm

I see none of that. If I read You and others here, they have every reason to be as they are.

Great Khan

hahahahaha Jew rat now in trouble,,,,,,Iran brother STRONK! and have mucho dinaro…..Zionist kishmish mamtu……hahahahhhaa


Frankly, the message from Arbil was read loud and clear in Washington DC and expedited the talks.

Kenny Jones ™

Good, no nuke but economic prosperity is what Iran needs, and now they can support their proxies even more


Iran will have a lot spare cash to go around.

Jens Holm

Some commas might be moved. Thats it.

Concrete Mike

Your not the one to judge grammar, punctuation or syntax.



Hezbollah has proven to be a very effective ally for Iran, look the zionist pets are running scare trying to gain some time for their evil master to come up with another plan cooked deep in hell

Jens Holm

They are not scares, they are very prepared and active.

TGhey are not raised as Your kind of loosers.

The Objective

will the current tit-for-tat attack between America and Iran escalate to a larger conflict on Iraqi soil? http://criticalwatcher.site/2021/02/19/was-the-oil-truck-explosion-sabotage-against-iran/


Biden wants to negotiate? There’s nothing to negotiate! Go back to the original deal, remove all sanctions, reimburse Iran for stealing their oil that was meant for Venezuela and all other costs due to sanctions. Anything less would be seen as an attempt to renegotiate the deal.

In the mean time, Iran should continue on the same path until the true terrorists (the USA) respect the original deal.

Fog of War

These negotiations will be exactly like the ones that were held with North Korea, the Houthis, the Taliban, the native Americans, and so forth. How did those turn out ?


Impossible while US terrorists are occupying Iraq.

King Cliff

If the biden administration want to truly negotiate with Iran,they should remove the sanctiom and start the negation.


The US only has to do what was previously agreed. Nothing more, nothing less.

Its easy, even for dumb American politicians.

Rodney Loder

EU is willing to back Biden with fresh troops in Iraq, provided their not shot at, so that would involve a deal with al-Kadhimi who is not open to allowing Iraq to be used as a battle ground to bolster Biden’s standing in the US, the colour revolution of 2019 has failed and it’s organisers are somewhat distressed as their Wester election has failed to materialise. Covid is making Iraq the sick man of the Middle East and is beginning to mimick Afghanistan so far as violent factionalism is concerned. EU embracing Biden at Iraq’s expense is not likely to be a game saver for Biden.

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