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Biden Administration Stops Short Of Endorsing Trump Recognition Of Golan Heights As Israel

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Biden Administration Stops Short Of Endorsing Trump Recognition Of Golan Heights As Israel


On February 8, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared that the Biden administration is now more endorsing the Trump administration’s recognition of the occupied Golan Heights as part of Israel. However, he noted that the territory was important for Israel’s security and Washington in fact supports its control by Israel.

“As a practical matter, the control of the Golan in that situation I think remains of real importance to Israel’s security,” Blinken told CNN. “Legal questions are something else and over time if the situation were to change in Syria, that’s something we look at, but we are nowhere near that.”

The US officiall added that the Syrian government as well as the presence of Iranian-backed forces pose a ‘significant security threat’ to Israel.

Therefore, the Biden administration seems to turn back from the formal rhetoric of the previous US leadership towards the situation, but this does not mean that any practical steps in the field will be taken.


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johnny rotten

Always discussing issues that do not concern them, the Golan is Syrian and will return to Syria whatever the will of the evil empire, even Palestine will return to its legitimate owners who have always inhabited it, every word of the axis of evil resounds for what it is, bullshit, in the Free World.

Just Me

The liberation of Golan from Zionist criminals is the next way stop on the way to the liberation of Palestine.

Hasbara Hunter

The days of Terminal Cancer, Balfour Declaration, Illegal Occupation, Criminal ZioNazi-Freehaven, Childraping, Kidkilling Apartheidstate & Oded Yinon-Beachhead into the Middle East called ISraHell are numbered anyway…

Concrete Mike

This is ridiculous Blinken. Israel would be safer if it didnt sponsor murderous jihadi to its north.

They are creating their own threat, then use that threat as justification.

How stupid.do you think we are?

Concrete Mike

You type fast.


Which Jihadis is Israel sponsoring to the North?

Concrete Mike

Oh look who it is, the village idiot.

Buddy there are dozens of pictures of bibi visiting al.nusrah trash in hospital. Also cases upon cases of supplies were found in eadt ghoutta.

If you guys wouldnt gloat so much, your question wouldnt be as morronic. But your gloating idiots, so your contradicting yourself!

Way to fall in the trap morron!


Ah … giving succor to the Jihadis that attacked Assad … getting fresh INTEL from the Jihadis then sending them back to fight is bad?

When Assad returned to the border … these same Jihadis sought shelter by attempting to infiltrate Israel … but were mercilessly killed by drones et al

They believed Israel was safer than Assad’s torture chambers … oops

Their INTEL no longer needed … eh?

Did you miss that Cement Head?

You should listen to your wife … eh?


Concrete Mike

You were giving fresh satelite intel to jabhat al.nusrah.

Your lying. Just stop. IDF has praised al.nusrah too.much. I also read war on the cheap.

What about the 1000’s white helmets (al nusrah paramedics)you evacuated?

Israel supports jabhat al nusrah ,isis and any other paramilitary group in syria fighting against the government.

These so callef salafists dont mind killing muslims, even though its forbidden. Yet they havent lifted a finger against your mighty israel. Why you ask? Dont attack the boss, simple as that!

You claim that al.nusrah attacked israel is false, pleaee provide some sources!

Your just a zealot israeli first wanker! If you like israel so much, why dont you move there fuckwit?


The former Syrian Golan Heights were used from which to attack Israel throughout the 1950’s and 60’s … firing on Israeli farms below

In 1967 … the Golan was captured in a defensive war … and will NEVER be returned … it’s been annexed by Israel and will remain sovereign Israeli territory … full stop

Blinken stated that the future disposition of the Golan is in question? It’s not his concern … full stop


Concrete Mike

So if israel takes land, annexes it for “security” were supposed tk be ok with that!!

In crimea, there was a popular referendum, where the PEOPLE voted to secede from ukraine. You turn around, say it was annexed and blast russia with sanctions!!

Enough with the double standards!!

Israel isnt special. Let the people of golan decide without having jewish guns pointed at their heads.

I guarantee you, the vote will be 100% remain in Syria!

Get it in your little nazi head, we dont want you, we dont want to be like you. If you keep this up we will all get killed for your selfishness!

The world dont run around israel.


‘We’re’ ? Who out you in charge of that decision … hello?

‘We’ ? You’re nobody and your opinion is worthless … cement head


You can call me Al

Different times, different weapons; some Arabs states may have bowed to the nose, but not all. Nor have Muslim states around the World, especially inlight of people finally understanding “The Greater Isrelplan”…



Iran is defending Palestine?

They’re a Jihadi/Islamist Mullah Police State with a ‘hard on’ for Jews/Zionists/Israelis … their animus was to the Big Satan and the Little Satan … Israel is closer and is being surrounded by Iranian proxies … Hezbollah in Lebanon / Islamic Jihad (and Hamas) in Gaza … Shia Brigades in Syria … eh?

Israel will continue to attack its enemies …. anytime & anywhere

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