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MARCH 2025

Biden Admits He Won’t Sanction MbS Simply Because Saudis Remain “Our Allies”

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

The White House has issued a belated response – or ultimately a weak attempt at damage control – amid growing bipartisan outrage that despite his prior “tough” talk on the campaign trail to “hold the Saudis to account”, crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is getting off scot-free.

“The Biden administration defended its decision not to sanction Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman personally for his role in the death of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, as the White House confirmed no more actions against the kingdom are imminent,” Stars & Stripes reports Sunday. This means that not so much as suspension of weapons sales are on the table, apparently.

Biden Admits He Won't Sanction MbS Simply Because Saudis Remain "Our Allies"

This despite the newly declassified intelligence assessment identifying MbS as “approving” the operation to kill or capture the Washington Post journalist.

Biden’s answer as to why the US is stopping short at sanctioning dozens of lower-level Saudi officials (and not MbS) that the newly declassified intelligence assessment identified as orchestrating Jamal Khashoggi’s Oct.2018 murder appears to simply be that the Saudis are “our allies”:

“The United States has not historically sanctioned the leaders of countries where we have diplomatic relations or even some where we don’t have diplomatic relations,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Behind the scenes there are a range of diplomatic conversations.”

A White House statement indicated that no further actions will be taken against Riyadh (other than slapping up to 76 officials with ‘travel restrictions’):

“The recalibration of relations with Saudi Arabia began on January 20th and it’s ongoing,” the White House said in a statement. “The Administration took a wide range of new actions on Friday. The President is referring to the fact that on Monday, the State Department will provide more details and elaborate on those announcements, not new announcements.”

Certainly the Saudis now have little to worry about given the White House is meekly talking “recalibration of relations” in the wake of US intelligence identifying MbS as having ordered the brutal killing and dismemberment.

So it took no time at all for things to return to “business of usual” in terms of Washington relations with the Saudi regime. The Saudi prince literally got away with murder… and now has a perpetual “get out of jail free card” simply because he’s a White House “ally”. Ultimately this of course comes as no surprise at all.


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Of course, so damn predictable. Saudi Arabia means money to the US, and money always gets first priority. Protectors of the global ‘rules based order’ my ass….

Clarence Spangle

Let’s talk about the extrajudicial killing of . . . Muammar Gaddafi . . . for example . . . in comparison… Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, and these types of killings are perfectly legal in a monarchy where the king is the ultimate judge, just ask the British monarchy, they did it for centuries.

However, most of NATO are not monarchies, yet they are graced with privilege to carry out such operations, while those lowly barbaric Saudis are held to a more stringent standard? Khashoggi committed treason against his king, he was a Saudi subject.

Just because Khashoggi worked for the Washington Post, it gives him no special privilege on Saudi Arabian soil.

Just Me

US deep state is on Saudi payroll. Demented Biden and his son has made millions of the Saudis, so do you think they will sanction the corrupt hand that feeds them?

Clarence Spangle

This world is run by tyrants and corrupt bureaucrats.

Clarence Spangle

You’re a pathetic idiot. Khashoggi deserved what he got.

This world is run by tyrants and corrupt bureaucrats.

Clarence Spangle

Let’s talk about the extrajudicial killing of . . . Muammar Gaddafi . . . and Jamal Khashoggi . . . who deserved what he got . . . Just because Khashoggi worked for the Washington Post, it gives him no special privilege on Saudi Arabian soil.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, and these types of killings are perfectly legal in a monarchy where the king is the ultimate judge, just ask the British monarchy, they did it for centuries, so did the Persian monarchy and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Most of NATO are not monarchies, yet they are graced with the privilege to carry out such operations as the extrajudicial killing of . . . Muammar Gaddafi . . . for example, while those lowly barbaric Saudis are held to a more stringent standard?

Khashoggi committed treason against his king, he was a Saudi subject, allegedly killed on Saudi soil at their consulate . . . in Turkey . . . who is also a member of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. (The Turkish caliphate before it was no stranger to sex slaves and mass executions.)

Hasbara Hunter

What’s the Problem here? It is pretty common practice for USraHell to “Neutralize” Critical & Pesky Journalists…




Clarence Spangle

❝Control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it.❞―Henry Ford

“Now you know I’m going to be lambasted and called anti-Semitic…They’ll say he was up to his old canards; he said Jéws control Hollywood. Well, they said it themselves! Jéws control the media. They said it themselves!”―Louis Farrakhan

Hasbara Hunter

Almost ALL MONARCHIES belong to the SAME Khazarian Elitist Satanic Parasitic Paedophile INBRED BLOODLINE….

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Hasbara Hunter

Let me explain a tiny detail here: 95% of the TOTAL JEWISH Population consists of Sabbatean Khazarian AshkeNazis…These Devilworshipping Kidkilling, Childraping & Sacrificing Maniacs are NO SEMITES…Palestinians are Semitic People… Khazarian AshkeNazi Paedophiles are Killing Palestinians…so I have a Question for you:


Clarence Spangle

“If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jéw is victorious over the peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind and this planet will—as it once did for millions of years—move through the ether devoid of men.” — Mein Kampf https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/266e73e2eff6e6f96566b4a9d2c2377b07158eaa98d2294c3c4beb9e02435457.png

Hasbara Hunter

Hitler was a Jew…says enough…

Clarence Spangle

You’re cum drunk.

Hasbara Hunter

And a Jewsuit…an Illuminated-Puppet used to destroy the German People & the Russians….never killed himself but was transported to Argentina or somewhere else through Vatican Rat-Lines or Operation Paperclip…



Either way History as we know it is a Shitload of Crap…

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Hasbara Hunter

The Devil is showing his True Face…Out in the Open…No more Hidin’…Clearly visible for Everyone to see…it will only accelerate the Downfall of the Demonic Psychopathic Massmurdering Paedophile Cabal…

Clarence Spangle

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, and these types of killings are perfectly legal in a monarchy where the king is the ultimate judge, just ask the British monarchy, they did it for centuries.

Most of NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) are not monarchies, yet they are graced with the privilege to carry out such operations as the extrajudicial killing of . . . Muammar Gaddafi . . . for example, while those lowly barbaric Saudis are held to a more stringent standard?

Khashoggi committed treason against his king, he was a Saudi subject, allegedly killed on Saudi soil at their consulate . . . in Turkey . . . who is also a member of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.

Ivan Freely

Allies? LOL Try Petrodollar.

Clarence Spangle

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy, and these types of killings are perfectly legal in a monarchy where the king is the ultimate judge, just ask the British monarchy, they did it for centuries, so did the Persian monarchy and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Most of NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) are not monarchies, yet they are graced with the privilege to carry out such operations as the extrajudicial killing of . . . Muammar Gaddafi . . . for example, while those lowly barbaric Saudis are held to a more stringent standard?

Khashoggi committed treason against his king, he was a Saudi subject, allegedly killed on Saudi soil at their consulate . . . in Turkey . . . who is also a member of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization. (The Turkish caliphate before it was no stranger to sex slaves and mass executions.)


mohammed bin salman is implicated in the murder of kashoggi and the disunited states of insufferable fools doesn’t strike him with a plethora of sanctions under the pretext that there is diplomatic relations between the two countries. a bit weak and more than likely that the saudis buy a lot of expensive weapons and most important of all, the jared kushner detente between the jews in palestine and the goat-shaggers in riyadh, which the jews in the disunited states of insufferable fools would be most displeased with if it was allowed to fall and thus the detente a la jewry is too important and a scheming murdering clown prince is allowed to remain just that, a smiling clown prince.

Clarence Spangle

Khashoggi deserved what he got.

Just Me

He was an a$$hole and used to be a spokesman for the al-saud pimps. Then they fell apart and rest is a headchopping history.

Clarence Spangle

This world is run by tyrants and corrupt bureaucrats. I respect only the natural order of things – I’m not bound by their hypocrisy.

Just Me

The retard also has his 80 year old mother locked up.

Clarence Spangle


Supreme Blyat


johnny rotten

Why on earth would Joe Zombie give up his 10%, wouldn’t that be him?

Lost Empire

Senile Joe won’t sanction criminal saudi prince because SA is an America’s ally. As usual fascist America don’t punish criminals that are her ally, especially if they spend miliard of dollars buying US weapons

Clarence Spangle

Khashoggi deserved what he got.

Assad must stay

at this point i dont give a shit what biden says, only what he does, and how to counter it if it is dangerous

Clarence Spangle


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