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Biden Defends Decision Not To Sanction Saudi Crown Prince Over Kashoggi Murder, In Reverse Of Campaign Promise

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Biden Defends Decision Not To Sanction Saudi Crown Prince Over Kashoggi Murder, In Reverse Of Campaign Promise

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On March 17th, US President Joe Biden said that there would be no sanctions on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite evidence pointing that he orchestrated Jamal Khashoggi’s killing.

In Biden’s interview for ABC News, George Stephanopoulos asked him what his position was towards various world leaders.

Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “a killer” and he would continue to antagonize him and exert even more pressure.

Regarding Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, however, he said that since the Kingdom is allied, nothing would come of his involvement in Khashoggi’s killing.

“You said during the campaign that you would personally punish the Saudi leaders if they were found to be responsible for this death of Khashoggi. They were found to be responsible. Mohammad bin Salman — Salman was found to be responsible. He was found to have acknol — authorized it. Yet, you didn’t personally sanction him,” the interviewer asked.

And then Biden explained his point of view, and the hypocrisy of the entire US policy.

“Three things. One, I’m the guy that released the report. That report had been done for a while. It wasn’t released. I insisted it be released, number one. Number two, when I spoke to the king, I made it clear to the king — the king, his father, that things were gonna change. And I insisted on several things. Number one, we held accountable all the people in that organization –

Not the crown prince because we have never, that I’m aware of, when we have an alliance with a country, gone to the acting head of state and punished that person. And — and — ostracized him. But here’s the deal. We said, number one, end the war in Yemen. End the starvation there.

Number two — and I went down the list of the things we expected the Saudis to do. And they’re in the process of doing those things. And if they don’t, we’re gonna — it’s a changed relationship. It’s a changed relationship we have with Saudi Arabia. There’s no blank check.”

And he basically gave an unclear answer, but still explained that the Saudi crown prince is safe, and he is not being sanctioned, persecuted or anything, since a US ally can do as they please.

The United States has no treaty binding itself with Saudi Arabia, and the kingdom is not one of the Arab countries designated as a major non-NATO ally. The US often refers to the kingdom as a strategic partner because of its oil production, its status as a regional counterbalance to Iran and its counterterrorism cooperation.

The US recognizes that serving heads of state or governments should be granted immunity from prosecution under international law. But Prince Mohammed’s father, King Salman, remains the titular head of state of Saudi Arabia, and the US has never officially granted immunity to an “acting head of state.”

Plus, they are exempt of sanctions and pressure, only, if they are allied to the US.

Furthermore, Biden’s inaction against the prince was a turnabout from his campaign, when Biden spoke scathingly of the royal family and said he wanted to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” for the killing and other abuses.


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Potato Man

Money is money, doesn’t matter who is in satanic house in US.

Supreme Blyat

Basically they are just ‘more’ satanic than you.


Beautiful name “blyat”, you didn’t tell me, since you live in that third word called ukrine (or urine don’t remmeber), have you ever thought to sell your ass to the Yankees? Or you can give it for free since you are a blyat :))

Supreme Blyat

Go back in baikal, moscalito.


Hi how it was your Blyat day? Blow jobs anal? :))

Actually i am very good in Oslo thanks :))) Do you have fun in that crapy farm called ukrine or urine?

Supreme Blyat

Yeah, it’s urine, your mom nickname in my brothel. She loves golden showers, or at least that’s what I teach her to. She’ll bring some buckwheat for yeah tonight, moscalito.


Hahahaha you dream also of my mother??? Don’t you blow job enough all the yankiees coming in that crapy farm?? Or are you a nynpho? 🤣😂🤣

Btw I know italians staying in Odessa. They post horrible pics of that african-style village! Have you ever seen Firenze, Venezia, Lion?? Proposal: give that village to Russians so they will do of it a new St Petersburg!!! 😂🤣

Supreme Blyat

Yes I was in Latin America for a trip, that’s where I take my best women, found your mom in a pubel in Moscow, she likes golden showers, lelieves it’s vodka, a bit retarded but I tell my clients shes a Russian specialist.


You a trip to Latin America??? A blyat tour!!!! 🤣😂🤣 come on maybe you just watched a film about it 🤣😂 post a pic of your shitty home…you are poor and get a few coin for any blow job. You are an old blyat 😥 otherwise tell me of odessa, why is so awful? Can’t you copy any building like in Firenze Venezia Dresden Barcelona??

Supreme Blyat

Yes, I’m poor sitting on a carpet in my yurta in Siberia, drinking fresh sheep blod.


Stop blow job today! Seriously! Tell me the truth, you were a Russian colony and today you are a US colony. Are you richer than before? Which of them is the best client, as a blyat, which dick you liked more?

Supreme Blyat

Too many questions for a little green. Go back on the bottom of Baikal where you came from and meditate to the greateness of Gingis Khan.


Hahaha you don’t know if it was better to be e Russian colony or a US colony! Maybe you just enjoy being a colony anyway :))) any blyat needs a pimp… :))))))))))

Supreme Blyat

Especially midget Putin, his pimp is Arkady Rotenberg.


Of course you blyat know all pimps in the region :))) so you are jealous of Puint’s pimp or you are happy enough with your US pimp? How much do you take for blow job?

Supreme Blyat

I take all, and give your mom a bottle of golden shower to share it with you, moscalito.


Shy you! we have a shy blyat:)))) you just obey, no need to understand :))) you are the right servant for US fascists, they don’t like people thinking, infect they chose a buffon to lead U(k)rine. :))))

Supreme Blyat

I’m Vladimir Putin, the blyatest Blyat from the country of blyats


So you dream to be Putin in person 😆😂🙈 I though you are durachiok but no that much!!!! 😂😆😂😆😂😆🤣

Supreme Blyat

Well, I’m not that much cuz I’m small. Tell me more about the countries you want to live instead of yurta swamp.


Hile reading that you call yourself blyat, I remember in in Italy there are a lot of prostitutes from U(k)rine, that is why people know that third-world-country as a crapy pour farm. Since you are now a US colony we know perfectly how the neo-liberism works in order to get reacher a few people and much poorer the majority :)) I am an Italian living in Norway. In which part of that country do you live?

Supreme Blyat

You are trying too hard, Franceskov ;) regarding the rich and slavery. There is not a single Russian in the top 100 richest people in Russia.


Hahaha you cannot say a word without mentioning Russia :))) brainwashed? Paranoid? Low education? We were talking about the US!!!!!!!

Supreme Blyat

Ruskeys are obsessed to talk about sunny coutries to forget they are living in a frozen shithole.


You are obsessed by Russian! Did you get raped by a russian when you were a baby maybe :)))

Ok..seriously: people like you with low education in the field, can easely be attacked by a paranoid decease coming from the medias. They repeat and repeat the same matter every day so people get in a loop of thoughts, look for bias confirming his paranoia. Try to stop speaking of Russian 1 week! It is a therapy…

Supreme Blyat

Ahhh baby raping fantasy, why I’m not too surprised. *FBI* can we check this boy data ASAP?


Hei blyat what is happening in U(k)rine?? Do you wonna kill your lovely president? :))) he has been a good US servant as yet :))



Hei blyat :)) how many blow job have you done today? By the way..How much do you get for each in U(k)rine?

Supreme Blyat

Don’t worry I get money for your mom too, will send you a bottle of golden shower to wash your muzik mouth.

Raptar Driver

It’s amazing how life like he is considering he is inanimate matter.


Technically he is right. They can get out more from not punishing him but using the threat of punishment as a tool to get as much as possible.


It’s called coercion, but I sincerely doubt there is the need for much of that. MbS is just as much an installed puppet as every leader in the west, which is all of them. Although all the recent ‘peace pacts’ look and sound new, in reality they aren’t. As for KSA, they’ve been in bed (publicly) with US/Israel since the ’70s and there are no intentions of rocking the boat. This is just theatre. Obama was going to jail the Bush criminals, Trump was going to put Killery in prison and Biden is going after KSA. There was never even an inkling of any of that happening and never was going to. But it sounded good to their sheep.


since the demented fool can’t remember what he said 30 seconds ago anything against the clown prince is like something written in water, gone is gone and his brain won’t ever recover its thinking capabilities, once a demented fool always a demented foooool. but he and the son managed to make a nice pile from burisma when the going was good.

Icarus Tanović

Thats bs. He clearly knows what he’s doing. Just he is pretending to be imbecile, so Camilla Harris can take over in Jun.

Proud Hindu

What about Putin’s business and partnership with mbs?Kremlin propaganda news aka south front .

Simplekindof Man

Pro conservative russian yes,all out pro Putin 1000% I wouldn’t say so. Surely not pro Navalny to….

Black Waters

A pederasta and a terrorist, what a couple.


How many ways can he lie? Didn’t we hear this KSA is an ally song and dance somewhere before? The more things ‘change’, the more they remain the same. Ally, right, what he means is that what we started with KSA, we will continue. Not just for the money…which we all know is paramount, but because Israel needs it for it’s fake ‘peace pacts’ (bribes and threats). Period. End the Yemeni ‘war’? I think we’ve seen what KSA peace overtures look like. It’s a lot like US/Israeli ‘peace plans’, give up and die. Somehow I doubt the Yemeni will comply. Iran isn’t fooled and Putin needs to up his game in Syria, before the west does. Soon he will be facing more Ukrainian propaganda as well. Azerbaijan/Armenia is just a taste of what is coming.


The US often refers to the kingdom as a strategic partner because of its oil production, its status as a regional counterbalance to Iran and its counterterrorism cooperation.

How nice. because: – Oil reserves aren’t what they claim and is rapidly drying up – Counterbalance to whom? Ansarallah is handing them their bottom every single day. Maybe if Iran was Saint Vincent and used only spears and bows and arrows they had a 50-50 chance? – Counter-terrorism operations… pfewhhahhhahahahaheehee…. [splashing tea out of nose, ROFL, tear filling the eyes, sides hurt]. … sorry, can’t continue. I think I broke a rib or two.. :’-)


Saudi war against Yemen is really about KSA’s remaining crude reserves having been over-stated in market valuations for decades – they want a proxy-vassal leader in Yemen – so can seize the un-tapped crude reserves across northern Yemeni territory, but it really hasn’t worked out according to KSA’s plan…

jade villaceran

already received the kick back, MBS also promise that theres more as long as he can purchase more weapon to kill more civilians

johnny rotten

This is a human case, how long will they harass this old sick man, unable to understand and want? The interview was not live, but recorded and in clips, because the old pederast criminal is unable to give a logical speech for more than a few seconds even if loaded with meth. So they’re using it as an empty dummy to make Americans believe they have a president, and a foreign policy as well. The interviewer tricks him to make him say what he wants, while the interviewee, without knowing what he is talking about, draws from his vast repertoire of lies, repeating nonsense that no one in their right mind would dare to say. Who’s in charge today is the club that owns the fake news cartel, we saw it on election day, but even for the last 4 years, the billionaires who own America are playing another fake card to carry on their criminal designs, this card is the unwitting, evil, Zombie Joe.

Assad must stay



Biden Family Foundation is basic protection racket – can easily buy Biden’s sanctioned protection. Just as Ukrainian Oligarch Kolomoisky did – by installing Biden Jr on board of Ukrainian Gas Burisma, at few hundred grand a month salary for couple of years. And, hey presto, the disgraced Oligarch was safe from Interpol arrest, during his brief forced exile from Ukraine. Kolomoisky was internationally wanted over embezzlement of vast amounts of cash – including huge IMF loans – from his Ukrainian banking asset PrivatBank. His competitor Oligarch, and then President, Poroshenko had seized the bank, and forced Kolomoisky into exile, under international political pressure over issue. But Biden kept Kolomoisky safe during exile – as long as payments kept coming to Biden family via Biden Jr – and ultimately Kolomoisky was able to return to Ukraine, after couple years, when Poroshenko lost general election, and Kolomoisky’s very own vassal candidate Zelensky gained Presidential power. Uncle Joe’s protection racket thwarted justice for no less than the IMF and Interpol, and of course, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Ukrainian citizens whose bank accounts were fleeced. Now, its bin-Salman Jr of Saudi Arabia, seeking the services of Biden Family Foundation protection racket – and purchased safety from international criminal proceedings.

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