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Biden Forces Russia To Retake All Of Ukraine, And Maybe Even Lithuania

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Biden Forces Russia To Retake All Of Ukraine, And Maybe Even Lithuania

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Written by Eric Zuesse

The Soviet Union had included what now are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

There is no indication that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had intended on February 24th anything more than to add to Russia the extremely pro-Russian former Donbass region of Ukraine. Russian troops were, however, sent also to surround Ukraine’s capital Kiev only in order to prevent Ukrainian troops there going south and joining Ukraine’s troops who already for eight years had been and still were in Donbass, so that Ukraine could then reinforce its Donbass troops against Russia’s invasion. Once Russia determined that its forces and the (highly pro-Russian) local Donbass Government forces in Donbass were clearly on the path toward victory there, the Russian troops surrounding Kiev became withdrawn southward toward Donbass. The clearer that it has since become that Russia would succeed in its Donbass operation, the more that America and its allies supplied weapons to Ukraine, and the less willing, to negotiate with Russia, this made Ukraine’s Government. That encouragement to Ukraine’s Government, from the U.S. and its allies, caused Ukraine’s Government to commit itself to victory at any cost against Russia (even promising to invade Crimea to retake it). The negotiations between Russia and Ukraine therefore collapsed.

Biden seems to have made some sort of deal with Ukraine’s President Zelensky that if Ukraine would do that (resist Russia all the way), then America and its allies would commit to Ukraine all the way up to World War III, but not by sending troops, only weapons and economic aid, which total so far this year the U.S. has been authorized in an amount of $54 billion. America’s allies have donated far less. Basically, the deal is between Biden and Zelensky, to fight Russia all the way to a “victory” by Ukraine (actually by America) against Russia.

However, now that Ukraine is losing its war, Biden and his allies are allowing the war to expand closer and closer to WW III. Ukraine has several times bombed nearby cities in Russia, though constantly promising that it won’t.  And now, Lithuania, which is part of America’s alliance, has closed Russia’s rail traffic through Lithuania into Russia’s province of Kaliningrad. Analogous would be if an anti-U.S. Canada were to block U,.S. rail traffic between the lower 48 states and the American state of Alaska. That sort of thing violates international law and is the international-law equivalent of a declaration of war, which Lithuania has now done (though not yet formally declared), with the approval of the U.S. and of America’s pther allies, all of which are thereby daring Russia to enforce its own international-law rights by Russia’s bombing any Lithuanian-or-allied forces that would attempt to enforce the U.S.-and-allied blockade against Kaliningrad.

An excellent discussion of the ramifications of this situation can be found here:

where the reasons why this pushes Russia, to retake all of Ukraine, plus to retake Lithuania, are well explained. Whether Putin will decide to do that, however, is not yet known. What is known is that if Russia is forced to either go to war against the U.S. and its allies, or else to continue to allow this international-law violation by Lithuania being backed-up by America, against Russia, then either Putin will back down and Biden will win, or else Biden will back down and Putin will win, or else we all will experience WW III no longer in just its proxy-war (Ukrainian battlefield) stage (such as has been the case), nor in any other merely traditional-war stage, but finally as an all-out nuclear exchange, which will be completed within less than an hour and doom everyone.

Biden has already decided to bring on a global recession or even depression in order to defeat Russia, but whether he will go all the way to WW III in order to force Russia to become just another ‘U.S. ally’ (but it would be the biggest one of all, since Russia is by far the world”s biggest country, even without its former partners in the Soviet Union), isn’t yet known.

As Russia’s Government has said on many occasions, what is at stake for Russia in this matter is “existential,” namely whether or not Russia will continue to exist as a free nation, since it will not accept becoming yet another U.S. colony. However, for America, as America’s own Government has said on many occasions, what is at stake is continuation of U.S. hegemony over the world, or else there coming to be no hegemon. That fixed objective of the U.S. Government has been stated in many ways, but perhaps the clearest of all being by President Barack Obama on 28 May 2014, when addressing America’s future generals:

The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.

To be a “hegemon” is to be the only nation that is indispensable — all others are, according to that view, dispensable. Russia’s Government is now being tested to determine whether it will accept being dispensable, or else continue as it has been at least since 1991, as a free country, no mere colony of some foreign government.

In order for the U.S. to win this conflict, the entire world will have to accept rule by America’s Government (i.e., being a U.S. ‘ally’). In order for Russia to win this conflict, the U.S. Government would have to change what has been its overriding objective ever since, actually, 25 July 1945: hegemony.

NOTE: Officially, the term “hegemony” is merely a synonym for “domination.” The reason dictionaries lie about it is: a term that means domination over all other countries conveys a Hitlerian image, and the U.S. Government wants to avoid being viewed as Hitlerian. The fact is that no country can be a hegemon unless it dominates over all other countries — leads an all-inclusive global empire (even if never officially declared to be an “empire” at all). The correct usage of the term “hegemon” therefore is exclusive (“the hegemon”), not not merely one of several (“a hegemon”). In any case, Obama made the point unambiguously clear by asserting that “The United States is … the one indispensable country.” Hitler felt the same way about Germany. This is the challenge that Russia faces. America ideologically switched sides right after WW II. But Russia remains (and passionately) anti-nazi. So, if Russia will have to retake all of Ukraine, and also Lithuania, in order to continue its own independence, it will do that, because Russia has remained anti-nazi. How Biden would respond to that is unknown.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Diaper senile Biden needs a change of poopies as Russia kicks Nazi hoholassholes …..SLAVA ROSSIYA,!


What are you celebrating really?, victory over What? Sevetodonesk? You’re getting exhausted and run down before the anglo saxons come in, remember they already have boots on the ground and they are sending their weapons bit by bit


And the weapons are being taken apart bit by bit along with the morons using them.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Jew constipation…SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Meta Rhoades

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Last edited 2 years ago by Meta Rhoades
Omas Bioladen

$ = NZ Dollars?


America has only seal clubbed countries that can’t fight back. The vaccinated American LGBT army will get easily defeated by Russia.




Vaccinated and sodomized by taliban


the 3rd worldwar will be only by mixed missiles . soldiers (victorious russians +chinese) will be used only for ocupation !


The families of banking parasites who orchestrated every single war and conflict for the past few hundred years are the ones who funded both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks. They have been in control of the stooges in the Western governments and the lying mass media for decades. There was no distinction between them and Hitler as they funded him and used him to further their goals. They also funded the Bolshevik takeover or Russia where they killed 66 million Christian Russians. The hegemon is the families of banking psychopaths who have all but enslaved the entire world. Many in the Western countries pray for Russia to win and put an end to these Satanic bankers who have caused so much death and destruction the world over.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ioan
Toxic Male

“they killed 66 million Christian Russians” what the fuck makes you believe that? Why don’t you realize how ridiculous that sounds?

The Nazis already killed amost 30 million, which is verifiable, and already there is not a single Russian family not somehow affected by this genocide. There are WWII memorials in almost every town where the war was fought. After 77 years, the Russian population is still not fully restored, some villages that were eradicated are still abandoned, so you can see traces of the Nazi genocide all over Russia.

So in addition to that you say the Bolsheviks killed another 66 mil? Now that makes almost 100 million when we add WWII casualties. So the Bolsheviks killed more than double than the Nazis did? Do you even know the population figures of the USSR of those years?

66 million people just vanished, where are the mass graves? Where are the memorials? No effect on Russian culture, politics? Every Russian should be able to tell you stories of there family members suffering from this. But instead, if you would ask you would only get a confused stare. Because the figures you write are fucking dumb and make no sense at all. Such a genocide but no traces and proof at all. Almost like it never happened…

Last edited 2 years ago by Toxic Male

Good post but unfortunately there is no point trying to convince Ioan, his worldview only encompasses the sights and sounds of his mother’s basement. The constant streams of propaganda have completely fried the brains of several Western citizens, it’s better to think of this group as chickens walking around with their heads chopped off.

Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA

I made the mistake of stumbling into a pro-Ukraine reddit thread and the comments made me want to pound my head into a wall repeatedly, the most recent reddit post was about the workers and civilians being attacked on the oil refinery a few days ago by a Ukrainian UAV drone or something and most the comment were from people cheering the attack and even joking about “useless” Russia’s air defense system is for not shooting it down, these people hate Russia so damn much that even when Ukraine blatantly commits war crimes out in the open like Bucha or the oil refinery attack, there opinion doesn’t get moved or changed 1 iota, I really am curious to see how the pro-Ukraine reddit forum will react when Ukraine eventually loses the war. The vast majority of these people in the first couple days after Russia invaded on February 24th were guaranteeing that Russia’s economy would collapse after 1 whole month from the sanctions, heavy losses ect……. Well hear we are 4 whole months later and NONE of those things have come to fruition, I can’t wait to see how badly these people start shrieking when they learn that Russia was winning all along.


Solshenizyn did know more than you !



The so-called Cheka and its follow-up organisations, with its jewish leaders committed most of the crimes. And these jews are still controlling Russia. This is the point. The real massmurder happened between 1917 – 1941. And if you totally eradicate, genocide an area, then there is NOONE LEFT, to later tell about it. That is what happened to the 66 mio christian russians. See the documentation : EUROPE – THE LAST BATTLE (all parts). See:




It is like IOAN stated. Jews turned 1917 Russia into a judeo-bolshewic hellhole eradicated the maximum of the native population, killed the intelligencia, tortured the rest, and then later Stalin eighter murdered per NKWD or send this little rest into the World War 2 slaughter. UDSSR attacking like this. 1st line drunk mongolian hordes. Behind it better armed also often drunk russians. Behind that small line of to the teeth armed jewish commissars shooting everybody who wanted to go back. This way the small amount of true christian russian that survived the initial jewish revolution (1917) were massacred away in WW2.

(Btw. and still today because of jew Putin’s new “antisemitism laws” it is strictly forbidden to speak out this truth, so that russian not wake up and start realizing who’s their real enemy is. As the real enemy is not the Nazis, nor the Ukrainians or the Americans. It’s not the eskimos nor is it the spaniards or the french, no, it is Jews ! That’s the name of the parasites, ok ? Jews, plain and simple !)

Last edited 2 years ago by ludmilla
Toxic Male

Your retarded odysee documentaries are NOT documentation. I’m so tired by now seeing people posting links to the same garbage over and over and over and NOT ONCE can anyone actually provide documents that proof that the USSR is responsible for a specific amount of people killed. The only documents that acutally proof this (but the real number of casualties is a liiiitle smaller) are from the archives of the USSR themselves, which where opened up after its dissolution. They are not a secret to anyone, even the western historians had to admit that this Solzhenitsyn type horseshit is indeed horseshit. But instead of learning from this, people only get dumber.

I’m tired of Nazi glorifiers and their little documentaries. Do I really have to explain that Nazism was ENTIRELY a product of “the jews” (anglo american zionist big business) you are so obsessed with? Now that Russia has to fight with Nazis again, I think the last thing they want to hear is your Nazi propaganda.

Again, how can those 66,000,000 just vanish? Do you realize what kind of significance the Nazi genocide has in Russian collective memory, its culture and politics, its whole identity? Now take something MORE THAN DOUBLE casualties but with NO EFFECT on the previously mentioned things. The commies must have erased the memory about our lost relatives too!!! Oh and NO EFFECT on the population statistics! How the fuck can USSR lose ca. 100,000,000 citizens from 1917-1945 and then still have some 170,000,000?? Funny how its always the “ethnic christians” being killed! They should be extinct by now!

And if the commies killed MORE THAN DOUBLE than the Nazis then why are they not hated in Russia? They should be hated more than the Nazis! But I guess Russians haven’t watched your genius documentaries and thus their IQ is not high enough to comprehend this.

Also, if da bolshevikz have left no traces of their crimes of fantastic magnitude, then HOW do those genius producers of “Europa” know what happened? HMMMMM?

I never see you pathetic wehraboos even mentioning the Nazi genocide, at the same time pretending that you care about Russia. 27 million which are 100% fact are ignored, just like in western MSM. Thats why you are allies. You have much more in common with the same “jews” than Russia. Go to Russia and tell them how eeeevvil the commies were and that their own state killed 66,000,000 of its own people, they would consider this a disgusting insult. Because it is.

No one in Russia gives a shit about some antisemitism laws, there the people say what they think anyway. No Russian is afraid of saying something “offensive”.

“Jews, plain and simple” No not plain and simple. Jews come in every shape and color, brown jews, white jews, black jews, ginger jews… only a moron who lack critical thinking demonizes a whole people that are only united by this vague lable “jew”.

“1st line drunk mongolian hordes” “drunk russians”… Go to hell. I wish you had the balls to go to a Russian village, spit on the grave of the unknown soldier in front of a crowd of “drunken mongolian hoards.” Go ahead and do this. And film vertically of course.

Last edited 2 years ago by Toxic Male

you must be a jew . there is plenty literatur of russian dissidents who survived the Gulags . they count more than any documents . like the survivers of “holocaust” have only their story + no documents .

Toxic Male

LMAO! So lemme get this straight – you don’t give a shit about actual proof, instead you just trust what some guy says. Because you like what he says. That really sums up all you morons. Thanks for finally admitting.


and now the jewamerican communists (demonrats) want turn USA into a Gulag (FEMA) with black criminal executers of white patriots !


dig open the frozen Gulag camps !


Hitler expelled the (((banksters))) from Germany. Claiming that the (((banksters))) funded the National Socialists is a flat-out lie.


I know exactly what your talking about. The rich Jewish banking families. The idiots that commented after yours are phucking clueless to this fact but hey when you consume too much koolaid and Doritos what do you expect. Dumbed down sheeple like them.

Pamfil Military Academy

There is no truth about 66 million killed by bolsheviks. And no even close to this.That number is ‘indicated’ by the fake jews western history manipulation, just like many other things.

R. Nakagawa

Very good article, actually.


Russia cannot stop just with a small part of eastern Ukraine that is not strategically practical it MUST take Odessa .America is preparing Moldova for a push into Ukraine .Those telling Biden what to do are insane and Jewish they want WW3 as that is what is decreed in the Talmud.

Pamfil Military Academy

I bet that 99.99% of SF audience here didn’t read or even know anything about the satanic khazarian fake jews book of Talmud.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Iknow it ! we goyim are less than cockroaches for them !


“Jewish they want WW3 as that is what is decreed in the Talmud.”…. And in the new testament of Zionist Christianity


Russia has to be restored to Yalta agreement nivel ! Putin is too timid .


The ukronazis are so dumb to realise their land gets smaller each and everyday this conflict drags on let alone the AFUs mounting casualties that significantly depleted its active personnel.


US-led NATO spending trillion to maintain a large army which frequently conduct routine war games across the planet to guarantee its preparedness in case the needs arise.. here came the Russian forces storming Ukraine which was reconized by NATO as an invasion of a sovereign state, however, the brave well-prepared and combat-ready NATO army are nowhere to be seen near battle zones to confront the RF aggression… Useless bunch of cowards concerned defeat before entering the pit. A total waste of resources if it’s not deployed for the very purpose it’s trained to deliver.. The taxpayers should demand a full refund spent on these money-wasters as well as filing a petition to dismantle such coward military.



William White

So you are in favor of Nuclear war? We’ll not be listening to you.

War Dog

They’re just smart (smart is relative of course). You don’t go full frontal attack with a country that can annihilate you in a radioactive cloud in half an hour from 8000 miles away.

Instead, you implement devious means, Lying, stealing, cheating, turning a blind eye to obvious war crimes, using other folks’ cannon fodder – all good.


Just wait until they counter-attack. Just you wait.

They say (who is they?) Ukropians will be ready to c-a in August at the earliest and probably September. Maybe that’s b.s. propaganda but, if true, then they’re done (as if it’s not already over and always was) since it doesn’t appear they can ‘hold on’ (certainly not in the Donbass) for another two months.

Last edited 2 years ago by jimbojames

spit on you !


There are two simplistic views – one is that Russia can just liberate Dombas and all will settle down, the other is that Russia will need liberate all of Ukraine to stop the war (the western dream to create some sort of Afghanistan for Russia). However the reality is more complicated, with a spectrum of options and possibilities in between these extremes. To understand them one has to understand the real composition of Ukraine – it is not as simple as Ukraine v Russia in this conflict. Indeed the truth is that Ukraine is a divided state in terms of culture and language, which has been exacerbated by the widespread spread and indoctrination of Nazism by Kiev in the Ukrainian population – following the western coup. Indeed the reality is that there is Civil war in Ukraine and there will be ample fighters prepared to fight the Ukrainian Nazi regime who come from the pool of people that once constituted the Ukrainian population. So Russia could easily produce a North/South Korea scenario supplying sufficient military backing for a status quo to exist forever.

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar

Agreed, the most likely scenario imo is that the RF will be looking to liberate those areas that actually want to be liberated. Russian speakers are fed up of being second class citizens and who could blame them.

Peter Jennings

IMO, the Russian military may only need to defeat US and nato poodles in the Donbass and liberate the people there. Once the rest of Ukraine sees the people of the Donbass getting on and enjoying their freedom and democracy, they will want the same.

Most of Ukraine’s population must be sick of their US/nato junta by now, and Ukrainian mothers must be sick of losing their sons for nothing. Once these Ukrainians lose the fear they have for their junta and nazi bully boys, things will change for the better.

The US and nato will obviously want to keep piling weapons into Ukraine in the hope Ukrainian’s will use them. That hasn’t gone so well up to now and isn’t a long term strategy. When nazis in the ranks get depleted, there won’t be enough of them to prevent Ukrainian servicemen simply giving up and returning home. Many already knew they were fighting a lost cause.


NaZi Russia will be dealt like Nazi Germany. Putler takes a lot of russians 6feet under


now nazi USA removes abortion rights—-you nazi cretins despise freedom—you feninzed amerikant cowards already humiliated by Russia in Syria, now Ukraine……time to bbq amerikan swine…eradicate inferior racist species despised by everyone


You mean the criminal black racists with low IQ killing whites with illegale arms suplied by jewish communists ?


Nazi russia? You certainly ain’t the sharpest tool in the block,surely askenazi cocksukn bio lab aids!


Russia can start “walking the walk” by removing itself from the UN by declaring that it’s host is an absentee “landlord” that tells it’s “official members”… Don’t Do As I Do… Do As I $ay!… And that the Russian Federation will keep intact and preserve ALL UN charter under a new roof in Moscow that sees ALL it’s members as equal… Then Russia needs to purge the remaining 5th column of it’s Central Bank starting with it’s female titular head and open the door to allowing the market to set the price of commodities cutting itself loose completely from the Anglo-Zioni$t market(s) and declare to the “little guy”… We’re open for business!…

How Russia WINS over Hearts and Minds for bringing all their money to invest in Russia’s markets?… We’re open for business and now offer lines of credit to buy your gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium and every other commodity you want to trade with Russia doing it EXCLUSIVELY through MIR and abandoning SWIFT for good!…

Russia… SAY WHEN!… Cause you know that the Federal Reserve/BOE/EU will never make that kind of offer EVER AGAIN!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

ukies retreat again—severodonetsk fully liberated Sawyer/puppet nazi now requires intense sodomy therapy from lgbt social worker in oregun


Yes, on all of the Ukraine but no on any NATO country but Russia might as well fire a preemptive Nuke attack if they are thinking about attacking any NATO country. Militarily, Russia is in no position to take on the entire NATO so any attack would be a prelude to a nuclear war.


Aint you a low iq degenerate lacklusting,selow dementy gimp,with your selow demented nazo pussis! Don’t insult higher intellects gimp,that is bad for your health!

Wayne Gabler

If I may, I will try to end some confusion about who is pushing who’s buttons in ‘the West’. ” from the U.S. and its allies, “, should be “from the EU World Bank’s military arm NATO, including its Allie the USA”.


The “supreme leader of Westminster ” has stated that any Ukrainian refugee no authorised to enter the UK will be deported to Rwanda –Rwanda has been given £120 million so far to pay for new arrivals -as I said the UK has binned the ECHR along with the USA ( Human Rights Act).


Given the population of the UK and the land area, each person gets a space 60m x 60m on average, and that isn’t taking into account farmland, wilderness areas etc, so it’s kind of full already, that’s an ongoing thing from before this started.


That might apply to England but not the Highlands of Scotland =235,540 in 2018 -wild open spaces -more sheep than humans – look up the Highland Clearances .


That’s the UK in total, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined, average population density 270 per square kilometer, although yes, it isn’t evenly distributed, which is why I mentioned farmland and wilderness areas, they are mostly more tightly packed than 60mx60m.


Who wants live in those shit cold places ? Greenland, Iceland, north canada, north siberia still available . not with me !

War Dog

I think it’s a fine idea. In Rwanda, they’ll feel right at home. Maybe they can stir up another round of Tutsi genocide and then really feel at home.


ha ha ha ha ha ha there are still some nice cannibal places in central africa !


Brandon won’t be president for long now , his days at the office are numbered. He will be out before mid-terms “for health reasons”.

William White

Oh and then CAM LOT! We thought we couldn’t get worse than Trump and now her. We’re doomed!


When was the last time the USA didn’t have a fool or a puppet as president ? Asking for a friend :)


Russia needs the entire Ukraine territory. If they only take the Donbas , it’s gonna be an endless conflict zone. Taking the entire country will give Russia and China the ultimate control of Europe.

William White

That’s right, it has to be GONE.

War Dog

Why would Russia want to control Europe? It’s bad enough it’s being forced to control Ukraine.


@War Dog

Because that is what the judeo-communist long-term strategy was from day 1. Get NS Germany and USA-UK into war, wait till they heavily fight each other to the point of mutual exhaustion and then roll it over from the east and take all of Europe with nearly no fighting and resistance. But NS crossed this plan (at least temporarily).

Now the jews used different strategy, but in the end again want to take Europe from Wladivostok to the Atlantic. World-Communism= World Jewry. Their new strategy was to infiltratate everything from USA to Europe over a period of up 50 years, turn the people to become unknowingly pro-communist, then ruin everything from within, blame the “western system” (not the judeo-communist infiltration) for it, then force poison-injection on the enemy military forces and population, and then afterwards invade Europe and take everything without the enemy being able to defend itself properly because its leaders are already communists, and the military completely unfit for combat due to poison-injection, corruption, and make-love not war ideology plus EU military LGBT (homosexuals and transgender-led) or flooded with muslim migrants and has no interest in defending the christian countries anymore. That’s the jewish plan we see executed live every day in all western countries.

Red Communist in EU hide behind the green-ideology of climate-stories and destroy the economy from within on idiocity-pretext of “saving the climate”. It’s all jewish, jewish media agendas brainwashing the masses into eighter stupidly fighting each other or committing mass-suicide directly (see the deadly mRNA-ratpoison vaccine injections).

Last edited 2 years ago by ludmilla

Yes exactly ! and since i have no children i would not defend this idiotic degenerated people against jew pharma criminals, islam+ afro invaders, russian + US nukes, jew censorers + holycausters . its not worth .


Sergey Lavrov has announced the EU & NATO are forming a coalition to wage war against Russia -Argentine has said it wants to join BRICS .

Cpt Pervis

An intermediate option is a crescent shaped liberation all the way west past Odessa, plus up Transnistria. Some sort of western core of Ukraine might remain, but not with a criminal psychopathic junta in power. There are long term problems, serious ones, if these psychopaths continue to have any sort of influence.

It is a sort of Balkanization for good this time. I hope some of these fragmented newly formed republics can live by good principles, and basically behave in the opposite manner as a Soros or N.Rothchild appointed thugs (eg SBU, and the executive branch of the so called Kiev regime) does.


all jewish usurpators will be deported to israhell ready to be nuked .


Ukraine has said -quote- ” I hope the number killed is below 100,000″ -due to lack of males female battalions are being formed , one is already formed -males up to 60 are being forceable called up-illness ignored -men hide in houses or outbuildings .


More nonsensical babbling about evil Hitler. Lie after lie. What kind of a moron do you have to be to accept the BS we’ve been fooled into thinking is actual history and not simply LIES invented by the (((psychotic victors))) of a war that ended 77 years ago?

Hitler had no interest in “conquering the world” then and neither does Putin today – but the jews do and they never tire of telling us so, which is why both men are reviled and demonized by the tribe. Both are champions of their nations’ sovereignty and independence and that cannot be allowed in a world controlled by self-chosen sociopaths.


Yes I know Hitler brought prosperity to Germany – free holidays and much more but– as of now Germany obeys the USA and the German “Green Party ” aren’t green accepting Fracked US LNG.


Dont take my post to mean I approve of Hitler just stating a historical fact.


I love the ideology of Hitler thou. Rid the world of the parasitic Jews.

Last edited 2 years ago by EpsteinWozMurdered

parasitic amerikants


but we will loose because they are a tricky insidious closed mafia . and we white indoarians (also russians) are unable to form a closed secretive mafia like them . the italo mafia are orphans against them !


Hitler sorry could not kill the Jewish Worldcongress, Rothschilds, B´naiB´rit, Sanhedrin . they are always the spearpoint of hatred against white goyim + specialy against the germans (already before any holocaust, atleast since 200 years ) .


the deutsche (they are no germans in my eyes) in majority are traitors like in europa there should be 50 million traitors killed !

War Dog

Give it a rest, Heinrich.


you are right. he wanted only the west on his side against evil jewish communism . but you must take into acount that jewish infested brits + americans stay over 80 years of permanent “Hitler the evil” jewish propaganda . its very acid jew brainpiss .


As of today-PM Ukraine has ordered a retreat from Severodonetsk.

Joe Bidet Is a nonce

No, the appx.1500 fighters holed up in an industrial area are surrendering rather than dying, not retreating!


Not according to every western news media including Reuters.

War Dog

Well, one can assume the exact opposite to be true then, can’t one?

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s what Vladimir Putin tried to do when the entire Russian Special Forces were wiped out in Kiev when they tried to topple Zelensky. Maybe the Putin cockroaches are still believing their own deranged fantasy of the diversionary tactic. The thousands of destroyed Russian tanks from the moronic diversionary tactic in Kiev are being paraded all around Europe.


Oh STFU you idiot. Here is a roll of toilet paper to wipe the shit that is dribbling from your mouth.

Buford T Justice

He’s gone off his meds again .

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroaches still threatening Lithuania and the European Commission. Cowardly pathetic pieces of shit are desperate for those goods, aren’t they? The big bad shitty bear crying to the European Union.

Muhammad your Prophet

ooga boogaboogagaga ooga oga oooga blablabklalbla bla blkab alb blablablab yada yadad yada


fluency in chimpanzee—impressive for a halfwit nazi

War Dog

I’d bother to respond but you’ll be gone within a day, much like your beloved Severodonetsk defenders, so why bother?


I quote you : “the extremely pro-Russian Donbass region of Ukraine”

Maybe in your dream…?

Sure 15 to 20 years ago people where mostly pro-Russian, but slowly it has changed in the western Donbass, and in the last few years maybe around 20 to maximum 30% were pro-Russian and right now, maximum to 2 to 3% (and just to be polite).

It’s why in the “liberated” territories, absolutely nobody welcome you and celebrate you!

So maybe people before starting writing a book or launching a “special operation” people should look at the reality and the facts and forget your ideology.

Karma is a bitch!


Then you woke up from your dream with your hand wrapped around your dik with your grandma and mother licking the jizz from your belly button hey? 🍆💦

William White

So bombing the 3%? That’s some willy figurin there Jethro!

Pamfil Military Academy

Military academy say this: NO ! This will never happen in actual events. Russia have no need to start and suffer a nuclear war with the Satan personally. Satan and his evils human servants will survive for sure. Theirs need to provoke pain, suffering and destruction to GOD creatures is a constant goal.

Cpt Pervis

I totally agree, these are deliberate provocations for that purpose alone. Russia shouldn’t take the wicked bait. Far better option is to cut them off Russian resources. For good, or until real democracy sans psyops and such shenanigans is restored in Baltics.


To take all of Ukr and then Lithuania, Putin will have to really commit, the operation must then scale to a full war, mobilisation, it will be extremely expensive to run and requires clinical implementation. In this regards, the current campaign is equivalent to merely scratching an itch.


nukeswar is cheaper for him !

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