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Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

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Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

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The US and its allies are negotiating deals with Ukraine for long-term military support that could be hard for a future president to exit

Originally published by AntiWar

The Biden administration is working to reach a deal with Ukraine for long-term military support to keep backing the war with Russia that would be difficult for a future president to exit, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.

The effort is part of a commitment made by G7 nations at the recent NATO summit in Vilnius to negotiate their own bilateral security deals with Ukraine. Besides the G7 nations, 18 other countries have agreed to provide long-term military support for Kyiv.

The idea of the long-term commitment is to show Russia that it can’t wait out the Biden administration. The Journal report reads: “Western officials are looking for ways to lock in pledges of support and limit future governments’ abilities to backtrack, amid fears in European capitals that Donald Trump, if he recaptures the White House, would seek to scale back aid.”

Trump, who escalated US involvement in Ukraine during his term by taking the step to provide Javelin missiles, has said he would end the Ukraine war within “24 hours” if elected in 2024. The former president is the current frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

The Journal report acknowledged that the Biden administration could not legally bind a future president from exiting a deal with Ukraine, but Republican hawks in Congress could make it difficult. During his time as president, Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, but the majority of Republicans in Congress supported exiting the agreement.

A US official told the Journal that one proposal being considered for Ukraine would be a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which would not require congressional approval. President Biden has previously floated the idea of an “Israel model” for Ukraine. The US provides Israel with $3.8 billion in military aid each year under a 10-year MOU but does not provide mutual defense guarantees. The Journal report said that French officials have suggested military aid commitments for Ukraine should be over a four-year period.


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jens holm

russians has the best eyes in the world. they se a lot we dont see.

Edgar Zetar

jens, your eyes are on the sanitarium, please o go there and find some relieve…

Lo Hung Testicle

jens, you have eyes in your asshole….. always looking for meat pipe to ride

Karl Pomeroy

trump will exit the ukraine war, no matter what the lying wsj says.

Edgar Zetar

russia should end ukraine conflict, because if you let the empire to lay ground in ukraine they would never leave them and it will be the new israel wall street in the north close to russia borders, so russia must wipe out ukraine and establish the new border between east and west in poland, and should warn the east that russia would not play anymore western games.

Florian Geyer

i fully concur. it is the time to enable the us to throw its dollars into a live volcano.

real gold can never be destroyed.

jens holm

you are a learner parrot repeating like that. ii have to too and even even child level and lego.

we have no lack money from outr side. ukras has to have they own state and decide evething there to devollop så they get batter stands standars – it they want too.

none the want to remain in the ussr ruins. they not even wanted to joint commnisme alle the way to to day, they accepted tzars because they let them alone(poor, ilitate a.s.o.)

Icarus Tanović

do you know how dumb you sound?

jens holm

another barking mad russian version driven stalin from 1917 and even before by tzars.

your establish ones are some 36 millions. fro denekin to today,

you write from what you learned in shool, which are complete false almost all over. look at 100s of other history. they more or less the the same.

the ussr-russian one is more far out then painting horse to a zebra.

Icarus Tanović

what the hell was that? ahahahahahahahahaha!

jens holm

you are right. thats that it.

you live in selvcreated dark far away from the rest of the world.

that includes history books, we has lie into invading ukraine too.

fx russia were the only ones, lost ww1 3 times – revenge revenge exuse from takeb taken to belarus and ukrane.

jens holm

josep banderas is same thing. we was only there for a short while in the declining nazis land. the who did killed? not russians. no. he killed those which would not make ukraine(west) to a state or autonome between poland and russia.

he even were jailed by gestapo but released . thats not the stalin version at all. stalin used to take werstern ukraine too.


the only reason all ‘those countries’ are in this forced alliance, obviously, they don’t have a choice with the us pressuring them. no one wants to be stuck in ukraine for ever, they don’t care about that country and its fight with russia. they know russia is not a threat to them since putin is not expanding or encroaching other countries’s borders. trump scalated that war because he was not wise to the mic actors, he was naive, but then realized his mistake and decided to end it.

jens holm

shame of you.

our kind collapased them. you could reformed many times and ussr too.

even gorgatov in jetsin in own versions cold. but they were elected 20 years to late.

instred you prefeded half dead people soch as thenjenka and androvov seniles only able to look at back in time.

very impressing you are able to forget eu living next door too and russia is not part of europe any more by own choise.

John Kesich

do you mean it will be as hard to end these deals with ukraine as it was for trump to end the iran nuclear deal? or as hard as it was to blow up nord stream? as if there is any honor among the thieves of dc.

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