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Biden Makes It Clear Ukraine Will Not Be A NATO Member

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Biden Makes It Clear Ukraine Will Not Be A NATO Member

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Since 2022, there has been a major discussion among officials and experts about the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member. In response to Russia’s special military operation, some NATO countries promised Kiev membership in the alliance. However, it has become increasingly clear that the bloc is not interested in accepting Ukraine as a member.

In a recent statement, US President Joe Biden said that his “vision of peace” does not necessarily include Ukraine’s entry into NATO. His words were spoken during an interview with the Times on May 28. In the interview, he commented on relevant issues in current US politics, including Ukraine, Israel and the elections. According to him, a proper understanding of “peace” should prioritize ensuring that Russia does not repeat its military actions in Ukraine in the future, with being Kiev’s possible NATO membership unnecessary.

Biden emphasized the “importance” of relations between the US and Ukraine, especially with regard to the supply of weapons in the current conflict. He seems to value the material aspect of relations with Ukraine more than the formal aspect. In this sense, he understands that the US is already fulfilling its role in terms of helping Ukraine, and there is no need to achieve the country’s membership in the military bloc.

Biden also believes that, by supplying weapons to Ukraine, the US is already helping Ukrainians to “defend themselves” in the future. In other words, he has made it clear that Washington is not willing to do anything for Ukraine beyond what it is already doing – and the future of Kiev is the responsibility of the Ukrainians themselves.

“Peace looks like making sure Russia never, never, never, never occupies Ukraine. That’s what peace looks like. And it doesn’t mean NATO, they are part of NATO (…) It means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries, where we supply weapons so they can defend themselves in the future,” he said.

At the same time, Biden repeated the fallacious rhetoric that the conflict in Ukraine is some kind of initial stage of the Russian interests. The American president believes that, if Ukraine loses the war, Poland, the Baltic States and other European countries will soon face wars with Russia as well. He also praised his own work as the leader of a military superpower, recalling Finland’s entry into NATO and the expansion of the military bloc as a victory, despite the conflict situation with Moscow.

In fact, Biden’s position reflects an atypical political realism in his statements. The American president usually uses excessively aggressive and unrealistic rhetoric in his speeches, advocating an openly bellicose policy against Moscow. However, despite these characteristics, Biden does not seem willing to admit Ukraine’s entry into NATO, which is no surprise.

For any serious military analyst, Ukraine’s entry into NATO has always seemed extremely unlikely. Despite maintaining very close relations with the main Western powers, Kiev plays a proxy role in NATO’s war plans. It is not in the alliance’s interest to have a country at war among its members, since this would require the invocation of the collective defense clause, automatically involving all members in a conflict situation. What seems more interesting for the bloc at the moment is to maintain Ukraine as an external ally, capable of being used against a military enemy without provoking any need of mobilization for the member countries.

Biden is obviously being hypocritical when he says that the US is already helping Ukraine enough. The only purpose of US military assistance is to prolong the conflict, as the US weapons are incapable of changing the final outcome of the conflict or ensuring that Kiev “can defend itself in the future.” Biden is simply trying to disguise the fact that his country is using Ukraine to wage war with Russia, without any concern for Kiev’s future.

As Ukraine approaches complete military collapse, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no future for Kiev. The regime will not be granted accession to the Western defense bloc, and it also seems unlikely that NATO will intervene directly against Russia. The situation seems obvious: Ukraine has engaged in a suicidal war to protect the interests of its sponsors and will now have to deal with the consequences of this decision alone.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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Geriatric News

you know biden is lying if his lips are moving while not eating ice cream or sniffing little girls

jens holm

and your are his girlfriend too ?


yor ar his gilfrend tu! that’s right, jensy.

jens holm

after a lie anythings is true.

# geriatric news # is a onetimer.


your daughter is bidens toygirl.

Viet Hochi min won

zelensky while being followed by a big bus: “but daddy you said you would support ukraine until the very end”. massa biden answers “-this is the end kid”. and then throw him under the bus.


i’d say let azov be useful for a change and throw him under a tank or one of the bulldozers that were never sent to build kharkov defense lines because zelensky’s new cyprus casino had ‘administrative costs’ to cover.

jens holm

thats correct.and he do but are not ditatur.

his space is to follow senat and congress. some there has blocked because the incommers by a mexico fence.

now he is back. the w a r c o m m i t y decides money. earliervbest known by macain.


stop taking meth , nobody here understands your blabling

Pepe el Empresario

this is getting to be fun, like a game of ‘where’s waldo?’

who is the real jens and who is his smarter alter ego, er…i mean id.

jens holm

i dont care. its important to me i am only one of them and people dont mix me.


do you know what this means? this means that nato’s goal of getting ukraine into nato, started in 2008, was pointless bloodshed from the beginning.


of course, but you’ll never hear it from the msm’s talking shitheads.

jens holm

seemes you have no acces, has not ears and eyes or is sitting on them.

Pepe el Empresario

isn’t sitting on eyes and ears something danish gayboys do?

jens holm

0 id wrote that


it was a failure, but it did have a point. the us still wants the russian state to collapse and be broken up along ethno-religious lines as part of the us drive to prevent an economic union on the eruasian landmass that operates outside the auspices of the us empire.

jens holm

same joke again.

no need to collapse russia. they do it themselves for free.

and has bought there best to the world marked price as well

jens Holms father

thats right jens…its now obvious nato can’t defeat russia in war , so its social media sh!t eeaters like you will pretends that was never the plan


if so , then there was never a reason to expand to ukraine


hungry little munchkins like nazifräulein freeland and neoconniving nuland couldn’t keep their hands out of ukraine’s cookie jar.

in the olden days, we would have sacrificed them to the minotaur or thrown them into a volcano to appease the angry gods.

jens holm

in the whole wide world only the rusians are forced to believe that.

the rest of us know in brains, reading, writings and treaty how and why ukraine was born and the conditions.

we have not expanded as well. ussr collapsed themselves with the bad santa system all the way from ddr and into asia-caucasus.

jens holm

we with russia has decided to have ukriane only able to defend itself. but it includes repair and new constructions. ukraine has been a important trade trader by tzars andand ussr. the change only is by kiev and a very needed modern way.

jens holm

therefore we have demands to copy in infrastructure and by that fx corruption. too much money and work a wasted in war and repair. there is no lack of money.

Pepe el Empresario

bad santa system? are you attacking santa claus now too?

jens holm

try to make your to explain

Captain Crunch

understanding you is more difficult than deciphering the rosetta stone.

jens holm

2. fx stool, window.

and yours: im a jew, a nazi, a lgbt, we as nato and eu will have the russian infection as ours, we take tax payers money even they and we has decided it, its bad to live longer and better then russian, we freeze in the wintertime and poor ones as no food.

and for sure i learn about russians right here. why should i not use i advanced middle class english here. so i try to read and write with that kind of glasses.

im raised with that context. its doing well.

Captain Crunch

millions of ukrainians are hoping to receive a lump of coal in their stocking this chilly x-mas.

jens holm

we has not expendad to ukraine. if so there was not even a dead russian foot there.

ukraine know has joined the rest of the world instead of being a part of moskva ussr only.

parts of europa for centuries has traded with that part. we has had lack of food. ukrania has minerals where nikel, iron, coal and steel are best known.

jens holm

stalin traded a lot from there to hitler as well. so parts is 2 steps. we decide with kiev and improve their prodution which is something for something.

thats no expand just outdated systems and tools are being replaced as well as complety new ones are being implented – as they do here.


what’s mark price have to do with it? he’s just a basketball player. was he carrying a hash oil vape with him too?

jens holm

i didnt wrote this.


till now all your comments proof that you are a hassbara and nato propaganda moron, but after this one its also a proof that your whole brain must consist only of pure dogshit.

jens holm

your sience sucks not even able or aloowed to explain why

Last edited 3 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

the usual russian parrot version.


find the jeffrey sachs interview. this us government insider reveals all. and victor orban’s interview is not bad either, he reveals how nato 2008 planned the whole war, he was part of the cabinet. which angela merkel has admitted.


so how do you translate these into russian versions, huh? how do you translate merkel and hollande’s confessions into russian versions? how do you translate the confession of us general keir simmons into the russian version? or poroshenko’s confession? everything can be found online.


typical nato propaganda goes like this, turning opposition to war and killing into support for putin. and nato supporters like jens are crying over this childish dialogue. there are also viewpoints that want the war to end immediately for their own benefit and the economy.

jens holm

we are not even organised like that.

jens holm

its simple.

you make lada with pedal into a toyota. you annocen the armato to the best tank in the world. hardly no russians dies and ukraine because putin too disconneted hell and heaven.

its over. russia is no part of europe. they only understand grenades as hints.


throw ’em all into a volcano. i take serious umbrage at their threatening the world with nuclear destruction over their crap laden devious machinations.

time the west did some ‘lustrations’ of its own and rid itself of these disease ridden cold war dinosaurs.

jens holm

i dont even look up.

most likely it was about ukraine as buffer zone only could defend themselves. most likely it was about their many nukes given to russia for peace and trust.

as ususal in the russian liars universe merkel as to admit things, which has in the open all over the our parts of the word for years.

Pepe el Empresario

you don’t even look up? that’s a good strategy to avoid the threat of nuclear war. just keep staring at your navel and you’ll never see it coming.

jens holm

the ussr empire collapsed it self. stalin and krustov made those insane borders as well all the way with ddr.

same homemade mistakes in asia/caususus. blame your own for that.

i compare with usa and partly britts and french.as well as eu. that was and is to the much better almost all over.

this is not about nukes. fx russian was given all nukes from ukriane. it was decided ukraine only were able to defend itself and if needed was help.

jens holm

im so tired of this.

i dont need to look up common knowledge up.

what is it: sunglasses, icecreme, cold drinks. anti tanner or what 🙈

Captain Crunch

im so tired of this.

now you know how we feel reading your indecipherable gobbledegook. granted, it’s strictly for a laugh but tiring, nonetheless.


why doesn’t what he wrote make sense to jens?

oh, oh i know, teacher. call on me! because he’s a senseless nitwit?

jens holm

no need for teachers.

free speech is a vital granted as a right for all to all.

Pepe el Empresario

then try some speech sometime and not throwing a scrabble set into the air and posting what it spells after it lands.

jens holm

you dont dedide.

i and we dont have to simplify our language and life to yours at all.

i dont trow scrabble but use what the german language also is. thats dayli speeak and works well and not simlple american lawyers and doctor version.

i why change to lies all days long with a dirty stream of accusation from the air or random from behind.

jens holm

i not a lgbts nazis jews from a monkey and dont support what im to hele. we dont starve in the streets and are cold in the winther time each.

if you want to understand you have to learn. in some many things you not even has a language for what we do,

Pepe el Empresario

gabba googa abra dabra finney fooney fiddle de dum.

jens holm

not at all.

you are in a slavish language group, which also is isolated from the rest of the world by your kind of rule.

i understand you and culture very well. you not even try to understand ours.

i your language dont grown to handle more complcated things better. it very visiblive in your school and education system – and much less then needed for the fure is there.

jens holm

you are some thing is decidings. you dont have good deciders which its needed. you also dont reward them.

and your aswers are so funny. president election between one person 🐑🐏🐏🐑🐑🐑🐑

jens holm

and you even see biden as putin in seat. he is not.

you even put western kapitalisme into your collapsed uncle marx system and name wester economics as a failore.

but by denmark make more then 4 times more the russia pr capita. we also lives much longer and better.

we even try to get rid of too much too. and we have changed in energy too.

Captain Crunch

i understood that better than jens the jabberwocky’s gibberish

Captain Crunch

the german language is as nonsensical as your butchery of english? no wonder they lost two world wars then.

jens holm

not at all.

nato members has free speeach. any can propose changes. some countries proposed that as future and not nato. n o t n a t o.

it was decided to ukraine more permanent help. thats goes for eu as well and in matters down to toilet paper levers in to connections to the world.

jens holm

we with russia has decided to have ukriane only able to defend itself. but it includes repair and new constructions. ukraine has been a important trade trader by tzars andand ussr. the change only is by kiev and a very needed modern way.

therefore we have demands to copy in infrastructure and by that fx corruption. too much money and work a wasted in war and repair. there is no lack of money.

Pepe el Empresario

are you trying to say that ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole, like bozo’s former adviser?

former mp godfrey bloom came out the other day and said the same thing.

just like a broken clock, the brits are right every once in a while.

jens holm

i dont try. its a proven facts and ussr habits.

no matter what its theirs and not yours or mine. it makes sense to smash it into pieces by infantile killing revenge.

Pepe el Empresario

nato’s raison d’etre is pointless bloodshed. it keeps the paychecks coming.

jens holm

of course. it decided and long time plans as well. an usual you dont mention eu.

Captain Crunch

well, after all….it was uttered by bush junior, the dumbest junior next to hunted biden in all of america’s history.


i’d believe charlie ponzi, the originator of the ponzi scheme, before i’d believe anything out of biden or his administration’s mouths.

jens holm

russian lovers ignores every agreement about ukraine and belarus.

its very impressing they are able to so. anytime is more + to communicate with door.


can you name one?


what the fuck is that danish idiot talking about now? can you translate?

jens holm

there we go again. you not even know what we(i) are talking about even some 141 countries has asked to retreat and hold back in un. china and india was neutral in that.

something wrong with googletranslatre or what. not at all.

Captain Crunch

it’s your english language butchery, jens. can you please hold off posting until after you pass the fourth grade? i hear the third try’s a charm.


you mean minsk2? after merkel and macron admitted they have deceived , nobody will accept a new agreement


all i know is that unsc resolutions are designed to be accepted as international law and there are two relevant ones to the current situation that the us voted for and then threw in the garbage after they were passed, clearly indicating that usnato is never to be trusted without binding guarantees or threat of nuclear annihilation. 1244 and 2202.

jens holm

so funny. ukraine gave all their nukes to russia. thats trust to me.


ukraine never had nukes. the nukes were property of the ussr. and russia as their legal successor according to the un also had all the launch codes. a deal was made to bring said nukes back to russian territory, also to be further away from todays eu nations.

then ua broke the deal, and now flatheads like gneaus stapo or jens cry foul.


jens holm

far out. ukraine got their % of everything and nukes too.


no they did not. you can look it up at documents within the un and other historical venues. even we americans are not as stupid as you eurotards.

fun fact, the russians even took over the debt of all(!!) former soviet states and paid everything. but yet you ungratefull nazis are never happy.

Pepe el Empresario

at america’s insistence. they knew back then that ukraine was a loose cannon and corrupt mafia shithole and always would be.

nazis with nukes somehow didn’t seem appealing to washington back then. how times change, eh?

Last edited 3 months ago by Pepe el Empresario
jens holm

i dont care about reasons and sides.

facts were and are ukraine became able to only defend themselves.

Captain Crunch

more undecipherable gobbledegook. please, have mercy on this forum.

jens holm

minsk 2 and its small additions only were the latest.


no shit sherlock!


no need to be mean or childish, not everyone knows history. they need to be told the obvious. like how very few people know the war was put under clinton in 2008.


in sf si a luat pastilele, la faza asta era f lucid.


i have read somewhere that austine is going to talk to european leaders on june or july that they must carry the burden on ukraine war with russia usa withdrawing

Conan M

southfront is trolling again for anti-zionist behavior…


could explain the biden laptop story is resurging


the cocalinsky ziokhasarian pimmelpiano player bleeds out his whole nation and country as a usefull idiot to weaken russia, for an eu and nato promise that may never come, or if ever, than too late for what will be leftover from former ukraine. so not understandable why theres still no rebellion or military coup against him.


“they are part of nato” ….. it means, except men, nato is already fighting russia with almost all it’s capabilities. and the world sees what are the results. us weapons are not far better than the russian weapons…. devastating for the us industrial war complex.


so the 150 biljon $$ the yankee-failures spent on ukraine to cause harm for russia and give the yanks quick missile-access to moscow, ukraine in nato and loads of russian mineral deposits failed spectacularly and now they pretend nothing ever happened. 600000 dead ukrainians and aninfrastructure in ruins – wow!


we americans will delegate this issue to the eurotard vassals, so that they take the blame and pay at the end, just like we did with the austrian painter.

eurotards do our bidding, especially that nation of flatheads named germany.


Last edited 3 months ago by _TomSawyer_
jens holm

its not about russia at all.

Conan M

i had alot more to say that was edited.

but i believe everyone that has visited sf over the years and witnessed first hand the lies and deceit from washington can conclude that this addled p0$ that probably can’t even remember his own name will change direction whenever the zionist warmongering leadership feels it necessary to do so.

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
jens holm

when that few zionist is important to you, you are worth nothing and deserve it.

Pepe el Empresario

if anything ‘clear’ ever came out of foggy brain joe, it’d have to be leakage of cerebrospinal fluid

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