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Biden Might Turn Out To Be Even Worse Than Hitler

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Biden Might Turn Out To Be Even Worse Than Hitler

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Written by Eric Zuesse

One of the reasons why the Ken Burns and Geoffrey C. Ward Public Broadcasting System (PBS) documentary series The U.S. and the Holocaust stands out from, and stands above (both more comprehensive, and deeper, than) all other Holocaust documentaries, is that it is the first one to place that historical event into the broader Western cultural perspective, of which the Holocaust was a part, which is the same tradition that was the most comprehensively described and documented in the 1976 history-book, Anti-Semitism: The Causes and Effects of a Prejudice, which traces Hitler’s Nuremberg laws back to the devout Roman Emperor Constantius in 339 AD (his Codex Theodosianus XVI.8.6), saying that any Jewish man who marries a Christian woman “shall suffer the death penalty.” (Hitler constantly raged against “miscegenation,” or “race-mixing,” which he called “the blood-poisoning of the Jews.”) Then, that book lists and documents hundreds of pogroms, all by Christians against Jews, starting in 1009 A.D. in France, and then 1011 A.D starting also in Germany. (A flaw in this otherwise masterful book is that it fails to note that, on 27 November 1095, Pope Urban II officially announced The Crusades to kill Moslems. Europe, from that point on, was to be free not only of Jews, but of Muslims.) The Christian mobs, inspired by their preachers’ sermons that were quoting from the New Testament, already had started The Crusades unofficially against Jews in Europe, even before it officially began in 1095, to the south, against Muslims. The documentary isn’t ONLY about America and the Holocaust, but about the entire cultural West, or Europe (that is, the Christian or New-Testament realm), and the Holocaust. This broader focus always has been needed, because (despite Daniel Goldhagen’s writings to the contrary, which blame “Germans” only — as-if other Christians were inconsequential in it — which the Burns-Ward documentary proves to be massively false) so many non-Germans were eagerly assisting the Nazis and many other Germans, to punish, and ultimately kill, Jews, for being (or allegedly being) Jews. The essence of the Nuremberg laws had actually started by no later than the year 339, and were clearly based upon the Bible. In my 2000 book, WHY the Holocaust Happened, I documented that the Holocaust had been inspired by the Bible, which Hitler considered to be “the Monumental History of Mankind” (no mere myth) — and which likewise had poisoned the minds of millions of other Europeans. As I documented there, Hitler was so obsessed to exterminate all Jews, as to have even turned down the urgings from his generals, late in the conflict, to stop the trains to the mass-killing centers such as Auschwitz, in order for there to be enough trains made available to bring more soldiers and weapons to the battle-fronts. To Hitler, the prerequisite to his personal success would be exterminating all Jews. I got this from reading everything from Hitler. Finishing the Holocaust was more important than anything else in order for him to feel vindicated. He really believed that the Bible is “the Monumental History of Mankind.” He even rejected Darwin’s theory of the descent of Man. He had been brought up believing that “the Jews” (via John 8:44 and other New Testament passages) had been descended from the snake in Genesis 3 — Satan. By “Aryans” he meant pure-blooded Christians, descended from Adam and Eve. The idea of the Thousand-Year Reich came from Revelation 20:7-10. Thus, he told Bishop Berning on 26 April 1933, “I am doing what the Church has done for 1,500 years. I am simply finishing the job.” On 18 December 1926, he told a group of followers, “The teachings of Christ have laid the foundations for the battle against Christ as the enemy of Mankind; the work that Christ began, I shall finish.” He insisted that Jesus was no Jew, and had not descended from any. Moreover, to Hitler, “race” was in the blood, NOT in any genes. However, one didn’t need to hear Hitler’s speeches, nor read Mein Kampf, etc., in order to be able to believe that, as Matthew 23:33-36, John 8:43-47, Thessalonians 2:14-16, and other biblical passages, argued, Jews are the worst of the worst, which Hitler was persuaded of, by his private readings of that “Monumental History of Mankind.” The Burns-Ward documentary makes the case that the Holocaust very definitely was a Christian event, and not ONLY a German event. The evidence that it presents includes not ONLY German, but ALSO European and American Christianity. Without that outside support, Hitler could not have done it. That, too, is clear from their The U.S. and the Holocaust. The documentarians could achieve this only by means of opening the scope of their investigation wide enough so as to see what has been ignored for way too long by other ‘historians’ — that the guilt in it wasn’t ONLY German. The allegations that it was only German are lies; it was Christian. And it was the most evil act in all of human history. It was done by “us,” not ONLY by Germans. The documentary makes clear that though there also were a minority of Christians who opposed the Holocaust, that was ONLY a minority.

How, then, might Joe Biden turn out to be even worse than was Adolf Hitler?

Originally, the Cold War had been alleged to be ideological, “capitalism versus communism,” but, after George Herbert Walker Bush secretly informed America’s allied heads-of-states, starting on 24 February 1990, that they were secretly to move forward with the Cold War even after Gorbachev would soon end both the Soviet Union and its communism and its Warsaw Pact military alliance, until Russia itself ultimately will itself become conquered by the U.S. alliance (NATO), the U.S. regime made clear only by its actions, and not by any words, that its supreme goal is regime-change in Moscow. It has proceeded along this path systematically by overthrowing, first, all national leaders — such as Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, and Viktor Yanukovych — who are not hostile toward Russia. And, now, it is focusing increasingly upon regime-change in Moscow itself. This is where Biden comes in, because he is trying everything short of actually invading Russia itself — which would mean the final global nuclear war phase of WW III — in order to achieve that objective. If he goes all the way to it, then regardless of whether the first side to employ nuclear weapons will be Russia or instead America, the blame will be entirely upon Biden, and not upon Putin; and here is why:

What is at stake for the U.S. regime is only the continuation of — and increase to universal — hegemony, of its status, as being the dominant world-power, so as to become the international rule-maker for the entire world, replacing the United Nations as being the international-law-maker for the entire world. It is status. But what is at stake for Russia now is instead existential; it is its sovereignty over its own territory, its own national independence, its avoiding to become ‘an ally’ — another vassal-nation — of the U.S. global-imperial regime. America’s takeover of Ukraine in 2014 was the start of the war there, and it has placed Putin into a corner, to which he responded on 24 February 2022, and to which response Biden is responding.

If the U.S. regime, under Biden, now forces the Russian Government to choose between either initiating the nuclear phase of WW III, or else surrendering its own national independence to the U.S. imperial regime, then Putin will almost certainly go nuclear, which I believe would be the correct choice; and here is why I do:

What is the correct response to an obsessively evil bully who offers you the option either to become a slave of his, or else to continue fighting him even if it might mean the death of both of you? Even if the opportunistic response would be to capitulate and become an evil person’s slave, would you not choose instead to fight, even if that might mean the end of you?

But what about if choosing to fight might result in the end of the entire world? Is that a world that you would want to be a part of? Who would? I suspect that most people would instead choose death. Some would not, but what would it actually mean to become a slave of an evil person? It means to do evil things. That then is what surrendering would mean. I would therefore advise Putin (or his successor) to say no, even if it would mean my own death. A chance for freedom from an evil force is worth the risk of death. So: whatever the outcome of this would be, the blame must go to the bully — not to his victim.

If Biden goes all the way, he’ll be even worse than Hitler. Fewer than 100 million people were killed in WW II. At least 6 billion probably would be killed from WW III and its aftermath. And if that happens, then Biden — and all U.S. Presidents ever since 1990, and even extending back to 25 July 1945 — would be to blame for it. Because, what’s really needed is instead a U.S. President who condemns and repudiates the decision that Truman made on 25 July 1945, and that Bush continued on 24 February 1990, for the U.S. Government to take over the entire world. That’s what an honorable U.S. President would do. Will America, ever again have (as we did have in both FDR and Lincoln), an honorable President? We need it (and so does the entire world) — and soon.


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Doctrinaires, all of em.

Peter M.

“During the shelling of Kiev, the head of the department of Cyber Police, Colonel Yuri Zaskoka, was killed. At the time of the missile strike, he was driving along Shevchenko Boulevard,” the head of the National Ukronazi Police said.



Car-bomb or geran? ;)

Inbred Carlo

I only see you sucking another kebab’s dick. Did you post a wrong link?


YUISh-christ-islam, all the same reason from Yordan

Ole Olesen


Tom Bombastadillo

I agree. Zuesse hates Christians apparently. He is probably Jewish.


I think Zuesse never read the new or old Testament. I did, and do not see where anyone stated Jews have to be murdered. Furthermore, Hitler wasn’t a Christian in any sense of the word. Perhaps a pantheist. So let Zuesse start reading the Bible without any prejudice.


Hitler also believed in “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” I believe was very significant to him. His vision for Germany became a threat to the global bankers who backed him who are Jewish Satanists who care little for ordinary Jews or Christians but everything about world rule and exploiting the war as a rapid social engineering event toward that goal. The Holocaust is now also used as another tool toward that goal. I would not use the word honorable with either Lincoln or FDR. and few Christians had any knowledge of any of Germany’s internal affairs at that time. But we can agree we need peace now.

Tom Bombastadillo

When you read of Menachim Begin and others high in the Jewish hierarchy describing goyim as less than insects compared to Jews, then you have to figure the Protocols are an authentic racist screed.

No one is more racist nor more supremacist than zionist Jews. They are the true enemy of mankind and they are the ones behind and pushing Biden & Co towards a bed end.


I have researched and read that writing. Everything in there advocates against the 10 commandments. Real religious jews support what is in the 10 commandants. The author of that writing is unknown.

What that writing does talk about, is strategies, operations, and techniques to achieve a one world government. In all, a very gruesome read, but a very important read, since some of what is described in that writing is being put into practice today.

Remember Bucha!

With strong ally USA, Ukraine will win and get revenge for Bucha!

Tom Bombastadillo

Fat chance.


With Russia, one day the residents of Bucha will get revenge on Ukraine for Bucha.

Paul Citro

During the last nuclear confrontation, the US was fortunate to have a young intelligent President who was able to negotiate a deal and avert worldwide catastrophe. Now we have a President who is obviously demented, who could not negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag, and may be just fine with exterminating all of us.

Walter Roth

Well, the Crusades were a necessary reaction to 460 years of Muslim campaigns and conquests, which also affected primitive lands like Egypt.

Egypt voluntarily converted to Christianity, while Islam forces the people to do so with the sword.

460 years in which the Muslims conquered Sicily, Syria, Spain and even Teole France and fought hundreds of battles against European troops….. only then was the first crusade called.

Karl Martell stopped the Muslims in France….. but without the Crusades the murderous gangs would have quickly recovered and moved on.

Without all of that, we might all be Muslims today, a horrible thought.

Walter Roth / Switzerland.


Revisionist history at it’s finest, wouldn’t expect less from stupid racist Western cowardly barbarian such as yourself there Walter boy.

Florian Geyer

The Tax collectors for the Muslim occupation of Spain were the jews.


What no one talks about why we had Crusades. They were in response to militaristic expansion of Islam.

Tom Bombastadillo

I have read the first paragraph so far, and it is such utter uninformed anti-goy BULLSHIT that my blood is boiling. I suppose that Eric Zuesse still believes the 6 million lie also.


Shhh! I found Ken Burns WW2 and Vietnam series’ both quite silly. In the former, they interview a guy who claims to have interrogated a German who was trained to occupy the United States. I would love to see a single historical document that shows the Germans had an agency ready to occupy the US. Burns managed a multi-hour series about Vietnam without once mentioning Ed Lansdale, although he did actually show a picture. Maybe he can do a series on the imaginary Hoholodomor. Nazism, like all identitarian authoritarian doctrines was very, very bad, and racist German expansion cost tens of millions of lives, but the story told about it is, shall we say, curious.


Most still do. “Liberation of the camps” by Theodore j.oKeefe, is a good start for those who prefer the truth.

Agent 913t

The first half of the article is absolutely incorrect and pure speculation with selective reasoning. Firstly, Christianity is not a new religion, but a fulfillment of Judaism, hence it cannot be seen as antisemitic, as Christianity is a semetic religion in itself. The holocaust is and never was either rooted or a result of Christianity simply because the origins of both religions are exactly the same and exactly the same laws that Jews follow are the laws that Christians follow. Christians are actually the same as Messianic Jews. Secondly, it was Christian nations that welcomed Jewish refugees and communities throughout history. It was Christian nations that drew up the Belfour declaration and setup the modern state of Israel and Christian nations that drives the Nuremberg trials to hold the Nazis to account. Finally, the article doesn’t once mention the Holy Roman Empire and the 2nd Reich of Charlemagne. Understanding Hitler’s 3rd Reich ambitions has to be viewed in perspective of the Emperor Constantine ‘s 1st Reich and Emperor Charlemagne’s 2nd Reich. The title of Holy Roman Emperor would have been carried on by the Arch Duke Frans Ferdinand, was it not for his assassination that preluded WW1 which ended the 2nd Reich of the Holy Roman Empire. It must be understood that the Holy Roman Empire was not a Christian concept, but a Roman Catholic concept which is not representative of either the Protestant Messianic Jewish or Orthodox faiths. As for the rest of the article, it must be noted that both Biden and Pelosi are both self confessed Roman Catholic, which does not represent Christianity at all. Protestant Christians have suffered persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholics long before either Hitler or Biden. In closing, the first half of the article is absolutely inaccurate and follows a totally subjective and selective reasoning that is without context and substance.


“Biden and Pelosi are both self confessed Roman Catholic”

In fact! They say so. That does not mean they are catholic.

Tommy Lee

IIRC, Pelosi was excommunicated over her support of abortion.

Tom Bombastadillo

Well we in USA HAD a President like the one Zuesse desires for the USA, and it was Donald Trump.

The latter part of this article I generally agree with, but the premise of that first paragraph is utter historical rubbish that does not apply to any of the current situation.

I was the smallest guy in my class most of the time and I had two older brothers as well, so I learned how to deal effectively with bullies: You HURT him with whatever is at hand and cause REAL PAIN, and then it is no longer fun nor productive for him to bully you, and he leaves you alone thereafter. It works.

Florian Geyer

It worked for me as well,lol.


Biden is a character, a role, played by either The british prince Edward or king Charles. This is done to sell the idea of a democratic system to the american public instead of the corporate truth. Also Greg Abbott, the texan is a role played by the british on their former and now stealth colonies.


Eric Zuesse’s account of the holocaust is fiction. There is zero evidence that Hitler was out to exterminate all Jews, and for Eric Zuesse to put the blame on Christians is out right scandalous libel. This article is pure bull-shite. For the past 80 years Jews have scrutinized tons of documents, seized after Germany’s defeat in 1945, in search of any order signed by Hitler to kill all Jews. It doesn’t exist. Like the term Holocaust (which did not appear util the 1960s) the “Final Solution” was invented by American Jews. It is fiction. By the behavior of Jewish elites, i.e. usury, pornography, prostitution, narcotics, especially in Berlin, Hitler rightly branded them as enemies of the State. The German chancellor was reacting to the same Jewish provocations that led to their expulsion from over 75 countries over the past 2,000 years. Yet, Hitler did not order Jews be exterminated. Just the opposite. He arranged for thousands to be allowed migration to Israel with their assets. The definitive historical work of David Irving proves Eric Zuesse, at the least wrong, at worse biased. That SouthFront published this pos it worrisome.


Jews were only on the top of Hitler’s list. That list included all genetically non-Germanic peoples, or anyone with abnormalities.


It’s an orthodoxy of both Anglo-American exceptionalist identitarianism and unfortunately Soviet propaganda. Nazism is an extra-creepy form of identitarianism that served to get the Germans killing the Russians and vice-versa while the Anglo-American speculators ended up with the largest empire in history, but the legend served both Soviets and Anglos equally in the post-war period.

Tommy Lee

More drivel from this dumbass. Even actual tankies admit that the Nazis’ antisemitism wasn’t just usual European Jew-hate (which the Jews brought on themselves, either way), but now Biden may be worse than Hitler. Fucking brilliant.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Lee

I’m really sorry to object to the otherwise quite esteemed Eric Zuesse, but the Jews *are* usually the perpetrators and not the victims of crimes, and have been for centuries. Given the Jewish ideology, not being an ardent Antisemite is a shame and indicates a lack of will to survive for everyone who is not a member of the Chosenites. The Holocaust was “predicted” in the book The Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion, which appeared in 1908, even before WW1. If we Germans would had really organized it, it should have removed the Jews who have tried to exterminate us since well over 150 years, instead of aiding them to conquer Palestine while killing the odd Jewish peddler around the block who had no great ambitions. In other words, it would have killed the “other half” of Jewry, while even the numbers are highly contentious, and 6 million is just a figure to satisfy their spookery, with no base in any real data. Since Jews pushed for WW1 and WW2 from their UK bridgehead, my take is that their main aim was to have white people kill each other in as large numbers as possible, while also eliminating all doubt, that the white people are their arch enemies, that need to be killed, and all Jews who didn’t believe so, and who would rather have preferred to sit on the fence instead of going to Palestine to fight for a Jewish state. About all moral and civilizational decay in the Western world has also been “predicted” in the aforementioned book as a means to conquer the West and destroy it from within. If the West wants to survive, the first necessity for the indigenous Western population is to realize how they are being conned by Jews, and drastically curtail their influence.


Your text only makes sense of you replace word “Jews” with grifters/idlers/servitors/rent seekers/parazytes/thiefs/rent collectors.

Last edited 2 years ago by War
Ones a while i reply

Worse than Hitler, seriously?! During WO II 80 million people got killed, among them 20 million Russians.

Abraham Lincoln

Really bad anti christian pro racist supremacist global Jewish Judeo Nazi satanic slave empire dictatorship propaganda.

What about what he Jews did to the christians murdering over 200 million of them more then 100 christians for every Jew killed by Christians .

Don’t forget Muslims conquered the holy land before the crusaders came to free it. Muslims murdered millions of Christians.

Wars are the Jews harvest “Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn.)

If you want to keep score keep score for all sides.

Biswapriya Purkayastha

Roosevelt was honourable? That’s a laugh.

Sgt. Based

God wouldn’t that be great

Imagine jewish control over the US being broken and all the jews and muslims.being eradicated

What a utopia

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