On Wednesday The Wall Street Journal revealed that the Biden administration for the first time sent a B-52 bomber in a long range flight from the US to the Persian Gulf on Tuesday.
It’s the first such “warning” message to Iran under the Biden White House, in continuation of similar recent moves by Trump, and the sixth such B-52 operation over the Persian Gulf in only a few months. WSJ reports:
The B-52H Stratofortress, a long range heavy bomber, flew from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on Tuesday and was expected to make a continuous flight across Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and down the eastern Saudi coastline near the United Arab Emirates and Qatar before returning to the U.S., a senior military official said.
In a show of force out from a position of strength our B-52 Stratofortress Nuclear Strategic Bomber fly over the American-Persian Gulf in order to defend our Allies against the terrorists and their constant attacks on our freedom and our way of living.
and we open all dam flood gates in america and sink half of america in water first or blow up the head of the supervolcanos and sink all of it in lava -.-
poor creatures you are to be so pathetic salty losers and truth of the matter is usa firing a single weapon at iran will be the end of america and it will not be a nice end
Don’t be silly. No one is firing any nukes anywhere. Our tax dollars should be put to better use at home than these pointless and expensive theatrics with 70 year old sub-sonic aircraft that were easily downed by NVA AAA.
Iran is a weak nation.Its birthrate is declining and its youth have left islam and want to migrate out of Iran.Irans shia crescent is about to collapse as well as shia dont have any money lol.
if iran had the agriculture capacity than iran might have 120 million soon but it doesnt and therefore it will need to have a decline around 10-20 millions less inside iran is pretty much the mark til 2030 and it doesnt matter if they wander out or simply reproduce less
india is now totally done it has annoyed the sikh so much i hear they are talking of independence non stop and are even favoring pakistan over india these days and dont tell us we didnt warn you long enough because we did and in fact our leader himself did make the point
you followed the stupid imbecilic self ruinous strategy of the jews so its your fault you started to behave like the most ruinous people and soon you will fall to ruin thanks to your foolishness of giving the jews even a second of your time to listen to their nonsense and lies
Indian Hindus are victims of a ruthless caste system that promotes ignorance and superstitions. India has never been a county, but a collection of statelets which the successive foreign invaders exploited.
I lived in Iran in the 70’s while serving in the MAAG and it barely had 45 million people. India is hardly twice the size of Iran in size and has no resources and should have a maximum of 100 million people, rather than the 1.5 billion it is pushing towards. South Asia, which includes Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka is over-populated beyond survival and there has to be a major calamity soon.
its a mess for sure but i would be suprised if they joined pakistan rather than chosing independence because its a revolution of sikhs and pakistan is kind of filled with problems itself when it comes to relations with sikh
It appears the Pakistani intelligence is arming them and China is doing the same in Assam and Nagaland. There are 22 active insurgencies going on from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu.
anyway the borders we are used to in the east will come back because britain is a nobody to create a fake unsustainable entity such as india and think that it could survive is a joke because who is britain anyway to think that it could sustain its projects when the usa itself is falling
these fake project nations aka company states such as usa and india and co will all fall and their stripes were a joke from the beginning and only the idea that the europeans got rid of heraldic knowledge allowed people to believe that india and america are anything but a company and here they go these stars and stripes and really india is nothing but stars and stripes similar to america its fake and a company state
Indian Raj was the Jewel in the imperialist British crown. Britain rose from a small island of shopkeeps to a major global power for two centuries on the back of India’s riches.
Hey coolie boy, how are the slums in Delhi today??? You stupid hindu racist who love licking the zio terrorist Nuttayahoo rectum, want some beef soup today?
4 years ago
Meh, those are just the kind of aircraft Iran’s AIM-54/Fakour 90 armed F-14’s are designed to destroy. Wouldn’t exactly be hard to spot over the Gulf either… so yeah… I doubt Iran is afraid.
these fools still dont understand that their airpower is useless and in fact among irans main strategies in air combat is one called emp detonation which will allow a few 100s of american planes to drop from the air like stones but anyway the b52 is useless as it can get and its just a point that america can send something from home to the region even if that something is a joke
Very “impressive” for jingoism with no substance.
Let us not exaggerate…. it is becoming kindergarten here.
Doesn’t matter how “ingenuous” those upgrades are… at all.
No 3.rd generation jet can compete even with F-35 let alone 4++ generation F-15EX or (even worse) F-22.
why else would Iran want to buy 4th generation Russian and Chinese jets if not for their new capabilities and newest missiles?!? If those F-14 are so “impressive” and not outdated already?
F**k off you i d i o t !
For what it does B-52 is good enough sufficiently but F-14 is not good enough against US fighter jets any longer with all the “ingenuous””upgrades” they could possibly put in that jet !
Only biggest COWARD does not have balls to face the reality !!!
And COWARDS NEVER WIN the WAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This permanent EXAGGERATION of Iranian capabilities has nothing to do with reality is going on my nerves already!
I do not want to be part of it !!
Stupid slogans were chanted by crowd in communism in retarded Attempt to obfuscate FACTS on the GROUND and that is why communism couldn’t survive!
Zio jewshit maggot….any Iranian antiaircraft missile can take down the b2 junkpile. No need for the ancient remarkable maintained Iranian F14 to take off Hez can do the Iranian that favor with one of the hundred thousand they have….waiting to send those zio children of lucifer back to their home in hell. Now f****k off, i have work to do. go play with your zio self in the washroom
That is exactly the point !
It can’t take those B-52’s because Americans are not idiots that much !!!
Iranian antiaircraft missiles can’t do sh*t because bomber is flying well out of the Iranian antiaircraft missile range you moron !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No enemy was ever killed with only big mouth.
Retard like you can hardly do any useful work…better leave it be.
Sure zio …just like the useless Iranian missiles that rained down on the US gay-boys in Iraq last January…..their period came down all together after….flown to Germany after for treatment.
Only China has developing quantum processor units tech…and is working on “quantum radar” at the moment. I doubt very much, that they would sell it to Iran or anybody else.
Why the hell Would they need “quantum radar”
if they can track B-52 With very old W.War-2 radars?!!
For 5th generation jets (F-22, F-35) Iran uses Russian radars.
johnny rotten
4 years ago
Flying scrap metal isn’t a great show of strength, doing something means doing something not threatening to do something, yet all they can do is parade a relic of the Cold War.
It is long range platform for carrying long range (nuke tipped) missiles …
The fact that it is ” Cold War” “relic” is of the secondary importance as long as it is out of the range of the Iranian defenses.
Nice sleek new much more expensive bomber would not change much on that kind of “duty”…
It could be even flying cupboard as long as it is big enough and can fly and deliver those missiles in the right moment and place and to the right destination.
chris chuba
4 years ago
Another 8,000 mile round trip? The Houthis fire one missile and we waste $1M in fuel and maintenance.
That’s Biden thinking of the environment and climate change so he sent only one rather than two.. At ths rate climate change will soon be in reverse , Thanks Joe..
Just useless posturing, “waste in fuel”, because your military bases and everything you hive in middle East is DEFENSELESS AGAINST IRANIAN RETALIATION !!!
You would have to swallow thousands of dead and tens of thousands of wounded in the first HOUR of the conflict !!!!!!!!!
The IDF have plans … a 4 tier Missile Defence … and offensive weapons …
F/kn Russian stooge … lol
Yossi / Kochavi / Bibi sleep well … meanwhile the Irangate shittin their pants …
4 years ago
nah not biden, more likely the independent pentagon having it within their purview to do things like that but not drop bombs until ordered to do so, by the pressie.
Chaperone Of The United Slaves (COTUS) Ron Klain (WH Chief of Staff) at present times is the senile old mans nurse maid.
Dick Von Dast'Ard
4 years ago
Woops! There goes another U.S. convoy going up in flames either inside Iraq or very likely next within Syria.
The Yankees can’t deter shit.
Icarus Tanović
4 years ago
So Saudis hates and therefore hides the truth. Indeed Explosive drones hit theirs targets in Riyadh.
In a show of force out from a position of strength our B-52 Stratofortress Nuclear Strategic Bomber fly over the American-Persian Gulf in order to defend our Allies against the terrorists and their constant attacks on our freedom and our way of living.
b52 are so scary after all they are so old one wonders if they break apart in air
Freedom ..you IDIOT….try electing anyone who your master in Hell Aviv don’t approve…THEN TALK ABOUT FREEDOM.
Shove your freedom up your fat ass.
it would be smart of iran to fire a v2 rocket simply to show that it has technology on the same level as b52
Then we would fire OUR nuclear Minute Man down in the Kavir-e-Lut to show our technology. Not smart!
and we open all dam flood gates in america and sink half of america in water first or blow up the head of the supervolcanos and sink all of it in lava -.-
A well aimed missile to the San Andreas fault line or Yosemite will do the trick. I am sure Russia, Iran, China know this too well.
america is pathetic at best
btw how scared are you of v2 rockets because that scared we are of your b52 hahaha XD
you want to play ww2 with us hahahaha XD
poor creatures you are to be so pathetic salty losers and truth of the matter is usa firing a single weapon at iran will be the end of america and it will not be a nice end
Don’t be silly. No one is firing any nukes anywhere. Our tax dollars should be put to better use at home than these pointless and expensive theatrics with 70 year old sub-sonic aircraft that were easily downed by NVA AAA.
And NVA MiG-21
60’s technologies….right.
Meanwhile a million poor AmeriKKKans will die of Covid by next month as they have no health care, jobs, homes or hope.
Yep…Amerika…exceptional….EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID.
Covid is a scam for Covidiots to wallow in.
Iran is a weak nation.Its birthrate is declining and its youth have left islam and want to migrate out of Iran.Irans shia crescent is about to collapse as well as shia dont have any money lol.
why are hinds such animals
Ok fartfart you win lol.
if iran had the agriculture capacity than iran might have 120 million soon but it doesnt and therefore it will need to have a decline around 10-20 millions less inside iran is pretty much the mark til 2030 and it doesnt matter if they wander out or simply reproduce less
btw why did you annoy the sikhs?
do you understand that india having the sikhs on its side was a great win for india?
india is now totally done it has annoyed the sikh so much i hear they are talking of independence non stop and are even favoring pakistan over india these days and dont tell us we didnt warn you long enough because we did and in fact our leader himself did make the point
you followed the stupid imbecilic self ruinous strategy of the jews so its your fault you started to behave like the most ruinous people and soon you will fall to ruin thanks to your foolishness of giving the jews even a second of your time to listen to their nonsense and lies
a fart is what india is these days thanks to the wannabe nazis in india like you
Indian Hindus are victims of a ruthless caste system that promotes ignorance and superstitions. India has never been a county, but a collection of statelets which the successive foreign invaders exploited.
its called population control iran is a nation which should not have more than 70 million people
I lived in Iran in the 70’s while serving in the MAAG and it barely had 45 million people. India is hardly twice the size of Iran in size and has no resources and should have a maximum of 100 million people, rather than the 1.5 billion it is pushing towards. South Asia, which includes Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka is over-populated beyond survival and there has to be a major calamity soon.
it is mostly because of their gang rape fetish, half of the Indians don’t even know who their daddys are
Just like the blacks…lol…a black woman child normally has over 1 daddies….and she cant remember who they were
how are the farmers doing?
Sure. All Iranians want to go to Calcutta where they will find paradise and a better life……….LOL.
“india” is full of hungry people and angry farmer and these hinds are basically losing “india”
India will be divided soon, the Sikhs want to join Pakistan and the creation of Khalistan, and independent homeland.
its a mess for sure but i would be suprised if they joined pakistan rather than chosing independence because its a revolution of sikhs and pakistan is kind of filled with problems itself when it comes to relations with sikh
It appears the Pakistani intelligence is arming them and China is doing the same in Assam and Nagaland. There are 22 active insurgencies going on from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu.
anyway the borders we are used to in the east will come back because britain is a nobody to create a fake unsustainable entity such as india and think that it could survive is a joke because who is britain anyway to think that it could sustain its projects when the usa itself is falling
Britain is a failed state like the US, as even Gordon Brown acknowledged.
these fake project nations aka company states such as usa and india and co will all fall and their stripes were a joke from the beginning and only the idea that the europeans got rid of heraldic knowledge allowed people to believe that india and america are anything but a company and here they go these stars and stripes and really india is nothing but stars and stripes similar to america its fake and a company state https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company
Indian Raj was the Jewel in the imperialist British crown. Britain rose from a small island of shopkeeps to a major global power for two centuries on the back of India’s riches.
….and the Brits have been there ever since, on the back of India, and India likes it…………..LOL.
Hindu marries dog
LOL. Most Nordic people want to immigrate to the shitholes of India too.
Mangaluru: Holy Shit! Looks Like India’s Panambur Beach is the New ‘Toilet’ Destination for Early-Morning ‘Poopers’
Mistake. You meant “Most Western Liberals goes to Goa and India as their new paradise”. Its like the faeces at home in Democrats States…………….LOL.
Many Californians are also lining up :)
Hey coolie boy, how are the slums in Delhi today??? You stupid hindu racist who love licking the zio terrorist Nuttayahoo rectum, want some beef soup today?
Meh, those are just the kind of aircraft Iran’s AIM-54/Fakour 90 armed F-14’s are designed to destroy. Wouldn’t exactly be hard to spot over the Gulf either… so yeah… I doubt Iran is afraid.
these fools still dont understand that their airpower is useless and in fact among irans main strategies in air combat is one called emp detonation which will allow a few 100s of american planes to drop from the air like stones but anyway the b52 is useless as it can get and its just a point that america can send something from home to the region even if that something is a joke
No one even wants the b52 for a flying cesspit
america would love to show off the f35 but unfortunally its trash and therefore the b52 stick and stone bomber was the only thing they could do
To keep 1970s F-14 flying and even upgrading them is a testament to Iranian resilience, ingenuity and engineering skills. Very impressive.
Very “impressive” for jingoism with no substance. Let us not exaggerate…. it is becoming kindergarten here. Doesn’t matter how “ingenuous” those upgrades are… at all. No 3.rd generation jet can compete even with F-35 let alone 4++ generation F-15EX or (even worse) F-22. why else would Iran want to buy 4th generation Russian and Chinese jets if not for their new capabilities and newest missiles?!? If those F-14 are so “impressive” and not outdated already?
Hasbara idiot, the same can be said of the b52 junk pile
F**k off you i d i o t ! For what it does B-52 is good enough sufficiently but F-14 is not good enough against US fighter jets any longer with all the “ingenuous””upgrades” they could possibly put in that jet !
Only biggest COWARD does not have balls to face the reality !!! And COWARDS NEVER WIN the WAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This permanent EXAGGERATION of Iranian capabilities has nothing to do with reality is going on my nerves already! I do not want to be part of it !! Stupid slogans were chanted by crowd in communism in retarded Attempt to obfuscate FACTS on the GROUND and that is why communism couldn’t survive!
Zio jewshit maggot….any Iranian antiaircraft missile can take down the b2 junkpile. No need for the ancient remarkable maintained Iranian F14 to take off Hez can do the Iranian that favor with one of the hundred thousand they have….waiting to send those zio children of lucifer back to their home in hell. Now f****k off, i have work to do. go play with your zio self in the washroom
That is exactly the point ! It can’t take those B-52’s because Americans are not idiots that much !!! Iranian antiaircraft missiles can’t do sh*t because bomber is flying well out of the Iranian antiaircraft missile range you moron !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No enemy was ever killed with only big mouth.
Retard like you can hardly do any useful work…better leave it be.
Sure zio …just like the useless Iranian missiles that rained down on the US gay-boys in Iraq last January…..their period came down all together after….flown to Germany after for treatment.
you have seen my comment (you retard) to “tzatz” huh?…but it is good that I have thought you something
iran tested quantum communication and quantum radar which might have scared the americans so much that they had to send a pampers bomber XD
Only China has developing quantum processor units tech…and is working on “quantum radar” at the moment. I doubt very much, that they would sell it to Iran or anybody else.
Why the hell Would they need “quantum radar” if they can track B-52 With very old W.War-2 radars?!! For 5th generation jets (F-22, F-35) Iran uses Russian radars.
Flying scrap metal isn’t a great show of strength, doing something means doing something not threatening to do something, yet all they can do is parade a relic of the Cold War.
It is long range platform for carrying long range (nuke tipped) missiles … The fact that it is ” Cold War” “relic” is of the secondary importance as long as it is out of the range of the Iranian defenses. Nice sleek new much more expensive bomber would not change much on that kind of “duty”…
It could be even flying cupboard as long as it is big enough and can fly and deliver those missiles in the right moment and place and to the right destination.
Another 8,000 mile round trip? The Houthis fire one missile and we waste $1M in fuel and maintenance.
That’s Biden thinking of the environment and climate change so he sent only one rather than two.. At ths rate climate change will soon be in reverse , Thanks Joe..
>>>> SPAM >>>>> SPAM >>>>>>> SPAM >>>>>>>>
I notice all the braggarts are Iranian pumping themselves up with BS …
This is the 2nd time Biden has sent the B-52’s flying over the Gulf … as if to say … ‘Whose in charge?’ … ‘Whose your daddy?’
Always counting on the demise of the USA and pumping up Iranian prowess serves the agenda of the vile Mullah Police State … eh?
It might work in the Southfront echo chamber … patting each other on the back while holding your dick … lol
The Future is About to Land …
If wasnt for the stupid enslaved USA, you zio terrorists children of lucifer would already be shitting your panties or back with your father in hell
‘If it wasn’t for’? pmsl
4 little words … lol
Just useless posturing, “waste in fuel”, because your military bases and everything you hive in middle East is DEFENSELESS AGAINST IRANIAN RETALIATION !!! You would have to swallow thousands of dead and tens of thousands of wounded in the first HOUR of the conflict !!!!!!!!!
The IDF have plans … a 4 tier Missile Defence … and offensive weapons …
F/kn Russian stooge … lol
Yossi / Kochavi / Bibi sleep well … meanwhile the Irangate shittin their pants …
nah not biden, more likely the independent pentagon having it within their purview to do things like that but not drop bombs until ordered to do so, by the pressie.
Pressie??? you mean the real leader of the sheeple nation of USA…Nuttayahoo.
Chaperone Of The United Slaves (COTUS) Ron Klain (WH Chief of Staff) at present times is the senile old mans nurse maid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Klain
Woops! There goes another U.S. convoy going up in flames either inside Iraq or very likely next within Syria. The Yankees can’t deter shit.
So Saudis hates and therefore hides the truth. Indeed Explosive drones hit theirs targets in Riyadh.