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MARCH 2025

Biden’s Allegations About Russia’s Supposed Nuclear Escalation In Ukraine Are Hypocrisy

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Biden's Allegations About Russia's Supposed Nuclear Escalation In Ukraine Are Hypocrisy

Aug 09, 1945; Nagasaki, Japan; The mushroom cloud that resulted from the US dropping a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki. (Credit Image: © ZUMA Press/ZUMAPRESS.com)

The accusations are quite ironic given the US history of using WMDs.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The usage of weapons of mass destruction in a conflict hasn’t happened since August 9, 1945, when the United States of America dropped the second atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki (the first one destroyed Hiroshima just three days prior), killing tens of thousands of civilians in seconds. With well over a thousand tests, the US is also infamous for detonating the largest number of atomic and thermonuclear weapons in history. And yet, the belligerent thalassocracy is also known for using weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) as a pretext to launch wars of aggression and invasions against dozens of sovereign countries, supposedly to prevent the usage of such weapons in war. The most prominent example of this must be Iraq, which the US and its numerous satellite states have attacked multiple times under this pretext. Iraqi WMDs were never found, although the US still insists that the destruction of the Middle Eastern country was supposedly justified.

Even though virtually the entire world knows that the US accusations against Iraq were based on false claims, America seems determined to continue using this pretext when attacking others. It has been accusing Syria of using chemical weapons for over a decade now, all without solid proof and has even directly attacked the country and its security forces under this pretext. In addition to Syria, the US-led political West is making the same allegations against Russia. Since February 24, the US and its numerous vassals have been accusing Moscow of using chemical weapons during its special military operation against the Neo-Nazi junta in Kiev. Western state and corporate-run mainstream media have been spinning this narrative for months, especially in April and May. However, US President Joe Biden has upped the ante and effectively accused Russia of planning to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

On Sunday, September 18, during a “60 Minutes” interview, Joe Biden “issued a warning” to his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin, to “not change the face of war” by supposedly “using either tactical nuclear or chemical weapons” against the Kiev regime forces. “Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. You will change the face of war unlike anything since World War II,” the US president stated while speaking to CBS interviewer Scott Pelley.

Biden's Allegations About Russia's Supposed Nuclear Escalation In Ukraine Are Hypocrisy

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The question was most likely staged as a way to portray Russia in the worst possible light while presenting the US as the supposed “voice of reason,” which is quite hypocritical given the US history of using WMDs. Biden didn’t specify what the US would do in case Russia decided to use such weapons, but he claimed that it would be “consequential” and that the end result would be: “They’ll become more of a pariah in the world than they ever have been.” Without going into specifics, he stated that the US reaction would “depend on the extent of what they do.”

It’s quite clear these warnings and empty threats are primarily designed for domestic use, given the unflattering state of America’s economy and the severe inflation which is hurting the American people’s purchasing power. In addition, there have been no indicators that Russia is planning to use any sort of WMDs, especially given the fact that the Eurasian giant hasn’t declared war or national mobilization. Russia’s strategic forces have been put on high alert in previous months, but this was in response to US and NATO actions.

The Kiev regime has regularly been accusing Russia of alleged chemical weapons usage, but none of these claims were ever supported by any evidence and were mostly used for war propaganda purposes. More recently, the Kiev regime officials have also been claiming that Russia is now using the Soviet-era Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for “nuclear blackmail” and to “unleash nuclear terror”. These allegations are quite strange and even ironic, given the fact that the Neo-Nazi junta forces have been shelling the nuclear power plant for months, risking a potential nuclear catastrophe, possibly orders of magnitude worse than the 1986 Chernobyl or 2011 Fukushima disasters.

In early August, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that the world was “one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.” At the time, Guterres added that “we have been extraordinarily lucky so far” and called for a broader stand-down of all nuclear-armed powers’ arsenals, but also stressed that the “luck” the world had enjoyed so far in avoiding a nuclear catastrophe “may not last” and urged the world to “renew a push towards eliminating all such weapons.”

“Luck is not a strategy. Nor is it a shield from geopolitical tensions boiling over into nuclear conflict,” he concluded.

Moscow has also voiced its own concern for the potential of nuclear escalation, but these warnings were directed at the political West, particularly its military wing in the form of NATO, which has been conducting a crawling expansion toward Russia’s borders for over three decades now, despite promises not to do so.

In April, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov vowed that Moscow would do everything in its power to avoid using nuclear weapons. However, he also stressed the danger of underestimating how fast things could spiral out of control in Ukraine if the political West continued its belligerent policies towards Russia. Lavrov’s comments were specifically directed at NATO and its destabilizing role in Ukraine as the aggressive military alliance has been effectively engaged in a proxy war against Russia by supplying billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to the Neo-Nazi junta in Kiev.


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armchair enginner

Russian hypersonic nukes can’t be intercept by NATO systems. Overrated NATO nukes can be intercept by the S-550s and S-500s. I guess it’s checkmate. Cope.


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Last edited 2 years ago by LiviaPeterson
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Last edited 2 years ago by Vickyigon

US and UK has been killing 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East.

Drago Bosnic

My name is Drago Bosnic. I keep dreaming about a nuclear dick. That is why I wrote this long poetic BS vomit that will nobody read.

I love nuclear dick. It makes my sissy pussy wet. I want it shoved up my ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Drago Bosnic

it is not yet clean how much of threse Russia already has ready for use curreently.



No War



Despite efforts to prevent a nuclear war event, reducing times from detection to response are increasing the probability of such an event. In this context, as the US-NATO-allied bloc are pursuing nuclear primacy (efforts to overcome mutually assured destruction through close proximity fast first-strike potential with multi-layered multi-phase retaliatory missile interception capabilities), it should be a matter of priority for Russia and China to similarly seek nuclear primacy (or as close to this concept as possible). A world war scenario in a nuclear era also has a logical outcome (this scenario does not translate to human extinction but would result in profound levels of destruction in many involved nations). Over a third of humanity would likely perish in such an event and many would perish in the post-war environment until normalization occurs (1-2 months for fallout depending on proximity, with food security and disease being other issues).

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC

The Collective West (not to confuse with the geographical Western hemisphere) is asking for a nuclear Winter. So, maybe they will get what they asked for. Soon.


What do you do with a country that’s never got beyond the teenager stage -lives in a drug haze -that suffers from megalomania – has 400 wars ?– Act like Iran its 10,000 year old history knows how to deal with children -stop talking to it and threaten action and TAKE action .

When your dealing with the terminal insanity of “forever a cowboy ” and inflict it on the world it must be brought to its senses .

Russia ( I hope ) is taking heed of Iran,s sane actions which are actions – Iran is ready for war with Zionism as they said all missiles pointed at Tel Aviv -drones etc – one bad act by Israel and its war .

Talking has to end when it just gets you laughed at and ignored and I hope Russia is now gearing up for Total War as its existence depends on it –US threats about Russia using tactical nukes is just propaganda by the USA to control the media – Mr.Putin has already said they will be used against NATO -aka USA – DO !!! dont talk .

Waffle has come to an end and in the end the child has to be taught woke or no woke.

dj dd

The reason why the West keeps voicing concerns of a potential Russia use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine is because they know from the beginning of this conflict that Ukrainian victory is only possible if they get directly involved. The realization that Russia, in other to avert defeat, will use some sort of nukes is why they started warning Russia from the get-go.

And now, that is what is exactly happening. They are directly involved and Russia is loosing ground. No wonder, they are continuing with the scare tactics.

Unfortunately for the Russians, the West’s philosophical development is so advanced that they know all aspects of international and inter-governmental political and military reasonings and when to use them.

Transgender vegan Sarah Ashton-Cirillo

philosophical development will not protect you from a hypersonic nuke


By “the West” do you mean the United States, the people who poisoned Vietnam with Agent Orange? That is the act of a state that is endowed with philosophical development that “is so advanced”.


– “Russia does not want war and does not intend to start a war. But today, Russia can see that the explosion of a global war is almost unavoidable and is prepared and will continue preparing. Russia does not want a war but is not afraid of a war. Those who get Russia involved in this process will learn the real meaning of pain”.” [Vladimir Putin] (At the Threshold of a Third World War, Southfront, 12/09/2016)…… The policies and actions of the US-NATO-allied bloc remain based on escalation of active (and approaching) conflicts. The eventual outcome is a matter of logic. Note: In addition to being integrated into US operational plans and military architecture, Australia is currently seeking to covertly attain nuclear weapon delivery capabilities (as verified in Australian strategic policy documents) in an undisclosed expansion of an allied nuclear weapon sharing program). It would be prudent for Russia and China to quietly adjust their (joint) operational planning accordingly.


All this will end on the 27th, the referendum results will be in and the Donbass will join mother Russia any attack on the donbass is an attack on Russia, then the su 57 and the Armata will come into play and the NATO farce will be shown for what it is when the 7th and 10th armies cross the line, the CIA sponsored regime in kiev will answer for its crimes and the world will usher in a new order,Tiocaiagh ar lá Rús go brea!


NEWS just breaking!!!!! RUSSIA is discussing MOBILIZATION for tomorrow and NATO are SHITTING THEMSELVES all those NATO troops are about to be EXTERMINATED it looks like Russian patience has run out for the west, GLORY TO RUSSIA the gloves are about to come off those 3 armies waiting at the border since the operation began are about to roll forward THIS IS THE END OF NAZI UKRAINE AND NAZI NATO as UKRAINE WILL CEASE TO EXIST, ONWARDS TO ODESSA AND THEN KIEV. LONG LIVE RUSSIA AND THE DONBASS FORCES VICTORY IS OURS =Z=


The US propaganda does prepare for use the “prevention first strike” as defense.


The Elites never developed nukes to fight or use on each other, thats bs they’re all family clan, nukes exist to Oppress the Masses and possibly even to ward off Enemies They Made & Have that they wouldn’t dare let us know Exist.


They want to use these new clean thorium bombs themselfes. Accusing the other party is just a way of making threats in the dark.


The largest nuclear detonation ever was a Russian detonation not an American one. Just go to GOOGLE and put “Largest Nunclear detonation” They show the bomb and a video of the detonation. There are several links. All of the links say the largest detonation ever was Russian. Go have a look. Is this article “revisionist history?” As an addendum for those care, the U.S. has recently sprint $1,000,000,000.00 that is $1.5 trllion dollars to “Modernize” it’s nuclear arsenal. But the punchline is that the yield (blast) of the arsenal was downsized to make them “more usable” The Russians on the other hand has put warheads on some of their arsenal 40% larger than that “largest nucleaar detonation ever”. So anyone thinking or declaring that the American nukLear weapons are larger is, according to HISTORY is wrong, deluded and uninformed. Could anyone be clueless enough to believe Google is spewing Russian propaganda..??? Anyone who doubts should check how many billions in military contract’s Google has with the U.S. government.


Rank hypocrisy and who bombs Hiroshima and Nagasoki?

April4-1967 Warning

Looks a lot like Biden, but that’s not the real deal. My guess is that the guy is from upstate NY or maybe California but he’s definitely not the real Joe Biden. The ears dont lie: as unique as a fingerprint. Right Langely? It’s ok, like Joan Rivers outed Obama and Mike.

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