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MARCH 2025

Biden’s First Airstrike On Syria

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Biden's First Airstrike On Syria

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Late on Thursday, the United States airstrike targeted the facilities allegedly belonging to Iran-backed militia in Syria near the Iraqi border, according to the reports by U.S. media.

The U.S. reportedly carried out one strike, and no coalition forces took part in this action.

The Associated Press reported:

“I’m confident in the target that we went after, we know what we hit,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters flying with him from California to Washington. Speaking shortly after the airstrikes, he added, “We’re confident that that target was being used by the same Shia militants that conducted the strikes,” referring to a Feb. 15 rocket attack in northern Iraq that killed one civilian contractor and wounded a U.S. service member and other coalition personnel.

Austin said he recommended the action to Biden.

“We said a number of times that we will respond on our timeline,” Austin said. “We wanted to be sure of the connectivity and we wanted to be sure that we had the right targets.”

Earlier, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the U.S. action was a “proportionate military response” taken together with diplomatic measures, including consultation with coalition partners.

“The operation sends an unambiguous message: President Biden will act to protect American and coalition personnel,” Kirby said. “At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to deescalate the overall situation in eastern Syria and Iraq.”

Kirby said the U.S. airstrikes “destroyed multiple facilities at a border control point used by a number of Iranian- backed militant groups,” including Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada. The U.S. has blamed Kataib Hezbollah for numerous attacks targeting U.S. personnel and interests in Iraq in the past.

The reported airstrike, which was ordered by President Joe Biden, was an apparent response to rocket attacks against U.S. targets in Iraq. The recent attacks at U.S. troops allegedly linked to Iran-backed militia groups targeted coalition forces outside Irbil International Airport, Balad Air Base, and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, inside the Green Zone, killing at least one U.S. military contractor.

There was no information about this accident or any damage caused by the strike from official Damascus or Tehran.

The move was limited in scope, potentially aimed in lowering the risk of escalation. Apparently, this was an act of intimidation, aimed not only at inflicting damage on the enemy, but also at fulfilling political goals.

It is likely that Biden agreed with his Defense Secretary to carry out the strikes in order to send a strong signal to thwart Iran ahead of the discussion of the latest reports on Iranian nuclear program by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s board of governors next week in Vienna. It is expected that the proposed resolution would “underscore strong concern at the IAEA’s findings” and “express the board’s deepening concern with respect to Iran’s cooperation.”


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Al-Bukamal here:


a few km inside the Syrian border. A single strike by what?

Seems to be grandstanding.

Fog of War

For what purpose ?


W/ Biden very hard to tell. I think he makes decisions based upon committee recommendations, so there need not be a logical purpose if you are familiar with this type of decision making. “Seeming” to do “something” is enough but it looks like something small and safe as to the event itself.

Fog of War

Something small and save can always elicit a ” large and dangerous ” response. I’m sure the Zios take that in consideration. This is probably just a ” feeler ” attack with more to come.

Adam Prisbit

F-15 Eagles launch 7 JDAM 500lb bombs against shia terror target INSIDE syria HEHE like how it taste, eh?

Icarus Tanović

Firecrackers, eh?

Adam Prisbit

How abouyt JUDO CRACKER YOU? eh? do not make me angry I have bad temper when Judo mat is on ground beneath my feet!

Ashok Varma

How old are you? does mummy know that you are lonely and need maternal love and some semblance of recognition.

Stinky Man

Biden is paying back Israel for their assistance in throwing the US election. Trump was on his way out of Syria, the Jews were not going to stand for it, Trump had to go. The Mossad has it filthy hands all over it.

Fog of War

The Khazars surely want more then this. The payback always comes with interest.

Nigel Maund

The Rothschild’s and their coterie of internaitonal bankers – aka The Cabal.

Adam Prisbit

antisem conspiracy shet

Nigel Maund

Grow up and do some serious research! Commentary based upon ignorance is no commentary at all.

Jimmy Jim


Adam Prisbit

that theory debunk you skunk. they khazar not even convert to jew they were MUSLIM you liar shet

Ashok Varma

What kind of a demented loser upvotes themselves?

Nigel Maund

You’re obviously crude and uneducated and your language shows your poor level of education. You only know how to throw 3rd grade insults and can’t even spell. I’d say your educational level was sub High School level. Hence, your commentary is, as ever,, irrellevant. Best thing you can do it go back to school?

Ashok Varma

He is a child and wants attention, upvotes himself and talks about Judo etc, most confused teenagers talk in that way.

Nigel Maund

If your Indian which I guess you are, India produces far more high quality University graduates per annum than the USA has for the last 20 years. Indeed, most software engineers are now from India as are engineers and other scientists. The US now ranks below 48 in the global index of educational standards. I say this as an Australian.

Ashok Varma

Namaste. Yes, India will have a bigger economy than the deadbeat US in a decade. The US is a continuation of British imperialism and thuggery. The US is running an extortion racket by bullying other weaker nations, but now with the rise of Asia it is having a difficult time coming to grips with a multipolar world in which it is a mere ordinary failed state and not that “exceptional”. China, India, Russia, Iran, and even Vietnam now graduate more engineers and hard science grads than US, and of far better quality.

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

Its true that the Khazar empire was not just Jewish converts but also had many Jews refugees from Palestine after the Romans destroyed the temple. But The history of The Khazar empire is well documented including the large Jewish conversions and then their migrations across what is now Eastern Europe and Russia. Many Jewish Ashkenazi’s recognise and celebrate their Khazar heritage. It was the Khazar’s who saved Rome and Europe from the early expansion of the Muslim (Turkic) empire. Their history is fascinating and some of their huge battles are well documented and legendary. attention anti Zionists: not all Kazars are bad , not all Ashkenazis or Jews are bad. many are good. It is Zionism, imperialism, capitalism , racism and satanism that is bad. it is worth noting that the Jewish migration out of Palestine spread across west Asia, especially Iraq with many Jewish tribes who then converted to Christianity and then to Islam. Nearly every Iraqi has a good part of his/her DNA being original Mizrahi Jew. That Mazrahi blood line produced David, Suleiman and our beloved Jesus and the holiest of women Mary who everybody loves, peace and blessing on them all.

Adam Prisbit

What you say is PARTLY true, except everything about khazar being ashkenazi and zionist being bad is BULLCRAP not TRUE!

William D

The fact that Trump was even elected President should prove every one of your ‘world order’ theories false. Trump helps the Jews because he wants to build hotels in Israel, as well as Moscow, as well as Riyadh. It’s that simple. I’ll never understand why simple minds try to make everything so complicated


US has been under Rothschild and Zionist occupation post WW2 and its military, economic, domestic and international policies are only intended to push Jew interests. As an American, I really fear that we will be dragged into major wars on many fronts, including escalating tensions with Russia and China. Dying empires as history has shown, are dangerous and reckless. Having a doddering senile old fool with hands on the nuclear buttons is worse than the bombastic Trump.


Trump was more dangerous because of his indebtedness to Netanyahu, the ultra-ultra Zionist. Don’t forget Trump was also potentially insane due to his decades old drug habit. Now, you see how your comparing Biden, the more experienced politician to Trump, a green bud doesn’t convince me?

William D

Jews don’t run America. Trump’s own club is on a rich white island where Jews had to form their own club due to discrimination. I fear the wars too. Russia will learn democracy soon enough. China will go down like a screaming child, ripping the wall paper off the walls on their way out. China will claim their citizens are sacrificing for the good of the party as their people starve. America has already outlasted China as country with true freedom, the only measure for a great nation


You are the one who is dumb as in incredibly shallow regarding this Zionist total control of both sides of the US political sphere. The Khazars will accept and enjoy whatever the USG slices for them, so long as they won’t be expending their own reserves for their planned overrun of the middle-east.

Ashok Varma

Yinon plan is delusional and doomed for failure.

klove and light

Ask yourself, why did Trump wait until the last six months to get US troops out of Syria? The same for Iraq, and Afghanistan? Because both parties adhere to same policies in terms of stealing resources, and applying pressure on governments in which they do not support. Your whole comment is completely wrong except, “The Mossad has it filthy hands all over it.” which can be followed w…….

spot on!

Ashok Varma

US has been under Zionist occupation since 1945 and the nexus between Zionists and the deep state military industrial complex ensures a continuation of wars infinitum. The US is bankrupting itself and is seen as a global pariah. The Zionists have failed to ignite a Sino-Indian conflict and even Pakistan and India have agreed not fire on each other in Kashmir, so that only leaves the Arab world and Ukraine as incubators of Wahhabi and Zionist evil. It is time the world open its eyes.

Nigel Maund

Longer than that. Since they established the US Fed in 1913 on Jekylll Island with Rothchild’s lieutenant Paul Warburg.

Ashok Varma

You are right of course, I was alluding to the Jew invasion of US post WW2 and their growing infestation of all organs of government, business and media. I believe your ex-FM Bob Carr also mentioned the Jew control over Australia in his book.

Stinky Man

Israel got what they could from Trump then Israel bent Trump over and put it to him. Israels problems with Trump 1 Trump didn’t start any wars. 2. Trump was on his way out of Syria, he wanted out earlier but was dupped by GOP hawks.

John Tosh

Did someone say the word “STUPID”


Biden is senile and not in power. He shakes even signing documents, this escalation in Syria is part of the Zionist deep state plane to humiliate Russia and draw it into a bleeding war. The Pentagon and Langley believe that Syria is the line in the sand and US with Zionist and Wahhabi support can defeat both Russia and Iran in Syria. There will be gradual escalation as was quite predictable.

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, I did.

Adam Prisbit

yes STUPID is what antisemite butcher assad regime lover like you are!!! STUPID is what mullah irgc shia terrorist lover is!!

Icarus Tanović

Snake bite itself? Is that so? Seem that is.

Ashok Varma

This is one retarded chap, he is so desperate that he upvotes him or herself. Quite peculiar.

Nigel Maund

More vitriolic and uneducated laguage from a virtual moron.

John Tosh

Shut up lazy good for nothing loser!!!

Adam Prisbit

antisemt piece of SHETET


Biden’s a terrorist Ziocorporate tool like the Trumpet, Obomber, etc., before him so there’s nothing much to see about it, Pentagon Zioterrorists operate independently from any White House puppets and PR reps. Wait for his first missile strikes on Syria, CNN praised the Trumpet over his own strikes, Biden’s gonna get special reports on his “bravery” bombing Syria.


Media preverted homosexual/aids infested desperatos have no honour nor valour (period) I will check with russian ministry before coming to conclusions,as we ought know they lie and lie, however their strategy will fail,no matter what,if anything do the wise make a move only to regret it,fk no! Stay tuned,nwo/cia/deep state losing on all fronts,must resort to idle threats,but these too will fail miserably,like I said no future in fascism nor their lgbtq do’minion,ap news=fake,phoney,false

Stay safe,us dolla drops yet again(cool)


It looks like a small pin prick attack done at the lowest risk place, BORDER CROSSING, to get out a press release for optics.

Fog of War

For what purpose ? Biden wasnt under any public pressure to retaliate. In fact 99% of the US public doesn’t even know about the pin prick attacks against ” US ” convoys driven by Iraqi drivers.


Maybe not the public then, but elements in the defense establishment…it will be easy to over-analyze this.

Assad must stay

this will only make the militias launch even more intensive attacks hahahahah what an idiot lloyd austin and biden are, two absolute morons


Austin is an Uncle Tom and just a spokesman for the deep state like Obama was. Their agenda is to humiliate Russia and Iran and restore waning US power. Russia is also much to blame for not responding to over 300 Zionist strikes and not even allowing Syria to use the S-300 or its own S-400 missiles. Sooner than later Russians will be killed in Syria by the US airstrikes and land action.


He, the Russian president, may be had by the Khazar Mafia already. The KM run an absolutely efficient human compromise racket, so this is how Russians won’t make a move.

Icarus Tanović

That’s what you say. Regular strikes on American convoys/bases says otherwise. And no fly zone to idf over Lebanon.


You are referring to strikes on expendable “Free Syrian Army”, cargo and foot soldiers!

Fog of War

Yes, so many dead tires.

Assad must stay

inshallah this western plot fails

Adam Prisbit

then bring on it on!!!!! stuped SHET USA will smash and destroy all shia in Syria and Iraq END IT ALL FOR GOOD

Icarus Tanović

We just did. Check it out. And it’s Muslims, actually not Ziowahhabis that bothers you.

Fog of War

” this will only make the militias launch even more intensive attacks ”

What was stopping them before. Good will ?

Assad must stay

dont know, i am not on the ground there, maybe you can find out ? haha

Fog of War

Yet you make predictions of what they’re going to do.

Assad must stay

no, but i can only hope, i do not control them

Fog of War

Hope springs eternal.

Assad must stay

the very words i live by lol

Servet Köseoğlu

Soft retaliation strikes , if Biden.co chose Syria battlefield instead of Iraq to attack then Usa is deeply afraid of İran’s easily payback potential in Iraq like İran demonstrated by striking Erbil airport which is extremely valuable and vulnerable asset.

Fog of War

No they’re not, this is the Zionist ramp up. Trumpy boy was to slow, Biden’s Khazar cabinet will make sure things speed up now.

Jimmy Jim



The logical approach by Iran should be to use the growing anti-US sentiment in Iraq to its advantage and initiate retaliation in Iraq and Syria both and widen the resistance as US is now firmly in deep state hands. The same people who were leading Obama’s failed Syrian policies are now back in control and want to “punish” Russia in Syria.

Shia man

I think it’s always been about Iran they always complain about Iran. Iran! Iran!! Iran!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QM2luXVUp7A

Alejandro Bonifacio

jihadi john is back🤢🤮

Fog of War

Funny, the US has been doing nothing alot now. Like killing an Iranian general. So much nothing.

Lone Ranger

Iran killed dozens of CIA operators and spec ops inside U.S. bases in Iraq, hit a dozen convoys. Hit U.S. embassy in Baghdad twice… Yeah nothing…


They just will never admit to their losses them Zionists

Fog of War

” They just will never admit to their losses them Zionists ”

Then the show will go on. No ” losses ” no push back from the ‘Merikan public. You comment also applies to most military organizations these days.



– U.S. soldiers were treated for concussion injuries following Iranian missile attack on base in Iraq –


Pave Way IV

Sniffer Joe had to protect CENTCOM ISIS. Shia militia was ‘interfering’ with CENTCOM ISIS Deir EzZor ops. Israel would have done it but Russians would have followed through their threat and kicked Israel’s ass for any more Syrian attacks.

Blue In Green

Hey Pave!

Sorry to ask, but what threats are we talking about exactly?

Pave Way IV

Syria does not control the S-300 Russia gave to them in 2018, Russia does. This is specifically because Syria would shoot at attacking Israeli warplanes, which would result in escalation. Russia avoids that by operating the S-300, ignoring Israeli targets during attacks. The ‘threat’ is Russia handing over the S-300 and letting an escalation happen, then protecting their interests in Syria.

Blue In Green

Thanks for the clarification!

Narine Joa

So much empty chest beating. Dude Iran lost their poster boy and top general to a childish hit and run attempt and then got their Nuke-Expert murdered what did Iran do? Nothing that is right using obsecure elements to hit US bases to deny accountablity.

But I agree in one place Biden is a Soft MOFO that doesn’t belong to office he doesn’t understand that Iran is a rogue element he keep treating them as someone sane. His ridicoluous

Lone Ranger

You shouldnt get your news from cornflakes boxes…

Narine Joa

Where is Iran’s promise that they will revenge that man against Israel? Where? is the promise? Why are they are firing one bullet at Israel is the question to be asked

Lone Ranger

Multiple U.S. bases were hit causing heavy casulties and material loss. A dozen U.S. convoys were hit inside Iraq. And the U.S. Embassy twice. A U.S. carrier also went up in flames and was basically destroyed while docked at its harbour… If thats not payback I dont know what is, thats one step short of a full on war. Skip Mossad news Shlomo…

Narine Joa

an Airstrike Iran warned on before hand lol lol lol. Weak sauce. Not one single soul was killed by them. They are the biggest cowards and bullshitters

Lone Ranger

Sure, Shlomo, keep crying. I know it hurts. Condolences to your fallen wahabimossad buddies. May they rest in pieces…

Blue In Green

I totally forgot about that multi-billion dollar ship that was scrapped due to the fire.

What a loss….


Didn’t Iran make the Chosenite generals and their intelligentsia hide after the unreported assassinations of their colleagues?

Nigel Maund

The US would have been out of the Middle East had Trump not been sabotaged at the ballot box by wholesale Election Fraud on a humungous scale. ISIS would be deminished and further weakened. As it is the US Deep State is back in the game and we can expect false flags and plenty more trouble and escalation of the conflict. For the time being Evil reigns supreme under the Biden administration.



Adam Prisbit

Good! UNited states Needs smart, good strong and proud Jewish leaders! otherwise it will gone under sink into madness, nationalist nazi and right wing fanatic rule!

Nigel Maund

What total horse manure you speak. It’s self evident you know nothing about anythng?


The US needs to be dejudified so that it’s Jew free. The whole world needs it. The sooner that Judaism is outlawed and abolished. The better that it will be for humanity.


You’re a depraved pervert shilling for evil blood sucking Jew baby rapers that rape 1,000 children worldwideevery week. Israel is the pedophile rape capitol of the planet. . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/67eac93e2c9db2ebc189d29f829f441ee36486d7e17e05996851a8fa915b25e5.jpg

Alberto Garza

biden is not in charge of the u.s. he is senile nanci pelosi is taking the nuclear suitcase from him

Just Me

Biden is 80 years old and has dementia and shakes. His wife even puts words in his dumbass mouth. The Jews are running the American morons into the ground and the endless wars will only escalate. Russia and Iran needs to supply more weapons to the regional freedom fighters. The battle should be in Iraq which has been under US and NATO occupation for over 20 years and they are stealing Iraq blind. A recent report stated that over $2 trillion in Iraqi oil has been stolen since 2003 and is paying for the occupation and Wahhabi terrorism. It is time to unleash the copper plate IEDs.

Free man

Very limited and modest response. But this is a sign for more “mysterious” bombings in the area in the near future.

Blue In Green

Nothing too out of the ordinary, the U.S. and Israel have been trying (and failing) to stymie the border crossing between Syria and Iraq for quite some time now. They just needed some excuse and these rather ambiguous rocket attacks in Iraq give them the convenient casus-belli to enact such actions.

Whilst i don’t think an intense back and forth will come to fruition, a war of attrition will definitely be going down moving forward which really just means more of the status-quo we’re all quite familiar with at this point.

Remember, the U.S. armed forces are in no position currently to recommit tens of thousands of troops/and other assets into the Middle-East for another romp around given America’s utter current failure in containing Chinese expansion in SouthEast/East Asia.

People tend to forget that America’s global ambitions are not completely tied to the Middle East and they do have to exert influence/control in other parts of the globe.

Blue In Green

Thanks Nowruz!! you’re understanding about what’s going is much better than mine as well lol, I’m more of a weapons guy myself so geopolitics isn’t exactly my forte haha :)

Anyways, I’ve always found it very weird how so many here (and in general) tend to always forget about the “Bigger” picture when arguing about little incidents here and there in the Middle-East.

Pave Way IV

Agree with you guys, but I think you underestimate the eagerness and ability of the U.S. to screw everything up.

BiG: Remember, the U.S. armed forces are in no position currently to recommit tens of thousands of troops/and other assets into the Middle-East…

Why not? Nobody is threatening us anywhere else on earth (except in our imagination). We have the entire military to spare for such schemes and can always come back. Besides, we (the U.S.) always has plenty of NATO stooges willing to throw bodies at our schemes.

Nowruz: “These “tit-for-tat” strikes are meaningless in terms of provoking a full blown war between Iran and US”.

Unintended consequences and indirect paths to bumbling into a war. Things can so south pretty quickly when you consider all the potential actions of all the aggrieved parties. If I were Israel, I would have a dozen false-flags in the works. Biden’s easy to manipulate like that.

Nowruz: “The US understand if they attack Iran (directly) then the Zionist Project will be greatly hurt from the blow-back.”

I think a price Israel would be willing to take to (potentially) weaken or eliminate Iran. Besides, if the U.S. was provoked to bumble into a war with Iran, then Israel could sit back rather unscathed and watch the fireworks. If Israel chose their so-called preemptive protective strike, then they would be blamed by everyone – exactly why I think they would never do it. Easier to put the U.S. frog in the pot of water and slowly turn up the heat with provocations on both sides. Sooner or later: US-Iranian war; Israel cheerleads from the rear.

Fog of War

” We have the entire military to spare for such schemes and can always come back. Besides, we (the U.S.) always has plenty of NATO stooges willing to throw bodies at our schemes. ”

There’s a reason why the ZioAmericans are kissing up to all their ” minority ” populations and allowing millions of migrants in, while promising to make the current millions US ” aliens ” citizens. Draft anybody ?

klove and light

war is inevitable……………

klove and light

latest news…… 3 trucks destroyed and 17 fighters of PMU dead………

thatr was the official opening bell………no need for PMU to hold back anymore in iraq……..

open warfare has started…….

Arch Bungle

This is the same site ‘israel’ bombed a few weeks ago.

So clearly the ‘israeli’ bombing was a complete failure.

Or, as usual, they’re bombing the same decoys again.

Adam Prisbit

HE HE!!!! America is STRONG, not weak. Iran terror shia mullah proxy fighter man BETTER NOT tempt the US airforce navy marine SKY FIGHTERS!

Icarus Tanović

Don’t you worry about, dear.

Lone Ranger

Hi Shlomo 🤗 Dont let your matzoball soup get cold at the hasbarat HQ…

Adam Prisbit

that all you can do? skunk!

Lone Ranger

Dont be so hard on yourself mossadisis boy, its not worth it 🤗

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

America is strong, but God and his angels and the aliens who serve Him are stronger. God said in the Quran they they scheme and plot but God is the best of planners. America is the antiChrist, and with it’s satanic Allies they are abomination of desolation that prophet Daniel (AS) prophesised. America is a creation of Satan (God curse him). These are the end times and as God said he will allow the creation of an evil on the earth that only he can destroy. God has returned every evil soul and every good soul to earth to play out the end times, but this time with his direct intervention to guarantee Victory for His cause. Every human, Jin and alien on earth is to be tested during this end time, are you with America / Zion or other satanic forces or against ? do you stand with the prophets or not . as end times events unfold we will all forced to make these decisions. During these times as God has unleashed forces on the earth and allowed answers to be given to truth. anybody can now do a little made up prayer and ask the question about is God or his prophets true or is Zionist/ America true and you will get the answer in your dream that night . but first ritually purify with a bath or shower, ask the question before sleep and see what happens. not all “humans” have a soul as some are demons or hybrids, but if you have a soul and billions of humans do . you can talk to it . it is accessible through your eye. ritually purify yourself and get into a state of calm and then look deeply into your eye and ask your soul to speak to you. You might be shocked by what it tells you ….

Fog of War

Please dont bring God into this, otherwise you’ll have to explain why God allowed hundreds of Thousands of middle eastern people to get maimed and slaughtered. God had nothing to do with this as its only human evil with Khazar oversight . Nothing less, nothing more.

Adam Prisbit

aliens? you mean extraterrestrial? Lol Israeli space agency said USA and IDF have TOP secret agreement with intergalactic federation of highly advance alien species from OUTER SPACE PLANET. Look it up! that mean IDF have aircraft that are invisible to the eye! invisible to quantum radar and most powerful normal radar!

Lone Ranger

Last moves of a crumbling Empire…

Lone Ranger

Desperate pirates…

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

I am originally from Iraq and recently returned from Baghdad and so i say …. The Americans have made a huge mistake. They do not know what Iraq is like now. they mix only with the Elite (traitors) in Iraq and think Iraq is as it was: weak, divided and not willing to defend itself. This attack without warning, remember Trump (the re-born Nero) alerted syria and only bombed an empty airbase. This attack was designed to kill Iraqi’s. In Iraq the Hashd al Shaabi is seen as Hero’s, who protected Iraq from the American led ISIS. everybody in Iraq knows that the Americans created ISIS , even the Iraqi traitors siding with America know that America created and led ISIS. The Americans have started something new and i expect Iraq will fight back and eventually expel not just America but Europe and many others including western companies. An earthquake is coming to Iraq and it wont be Iran but Iraq that will surprise the world. Watch out Israel and Arab agents, Iraq is now heavily armed and highly politicized. The army will stand with the Hashd, and so do the people. Oh Lord, God inspire the people of Iraq to seek leadership from the Imam Mahdi (AS), Amen.

Fog of War

” Iraq will fight back and eventually expel not just America but Europe and many others including western companies ”

Timeline please.


Its not ‘Biden’s’ its Israel’s.

Dušan Mirić

Aggressors! Invaders! Murderers!

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