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MARCH 2025

Biden’s Pyrrhic Victory

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Biden’s Pyrrhic Victory


Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront

As predicted, the election turned out to be considerably closer than most pundits and polls predicted. In spite of polling that suggested Biden leading Trump by a margin of 5%-15%, in actuality the popular vote margin of victory turned out to be more in the vicinity of modest 3%, a remarkably lackluster showing on the part of a veteran political operative like Biden running against an incumbent whose tenure in office was characterized by a mishandled pandemic and a crashing economy. Granted, much of the blame for that ought to be shouldered by the Congress, state governors, and their legislatures. No institution of US governance is coming out of this crisis with an enhanced but, to quote Harry Truman, “the buck stops” in the Oval Office.

The weak margin of victory is nevertheless solid enough to survive legal challenges from Team Trump, which moreover lacks serious heavyweight operatives at the helm. The 2000 election hinged on the outcome in a single state—Florida—which in turn hinged on a recount in a single county. That was not an insurmountable challenge to the likes of James Baker, a long-time Bush family retainer, and it was likewise not overly unpalatable to the courts. This time, however, the situation is far more complex. It is no longer a matter of mis-counted ballots. In order to give victory to Trump, the courts would have to in effect invalidate tens of thousands of ballots in several states, on the grounds that they were counted as valid votes in violation of existing laws and regulations. Barring an extreme case of malfeasance by election officials in several states, something that is yet to be demonstrated, it is unlikely in the extreme the US court system will be willing to set a precedent that in the long term could fatally undermine the entire US system of elections.

Having said that, even senior GOP officials are happy to go along with the argument that Trump was robbed of victory through electoral fraud, in the form of abuse of mail-in ballots. There is literally no political penalty to pay for that, and moreover casting lasting doubt on the legitimacy of Biden’s victory represents payback for the last four years of Democrats casting doubt on the legitimacy of Trump’s victory through the RussiaGate scandal. One has to wonder whether Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s echoing of Trump’s allegations of voter fraud were at least in part motivated by him having to put up with being commonly referred to as “Moscow Mitch” on social media.  Spending the next four years investigating Biden family finances, and particularly Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine, China, and other regions whose politicians have an interest in being in Joe Biden’s good graces, is vastly preferable to four more years of RussiaGate.

Nevertheless, the GOP machine will hardly much expend political capital on behalf of Donald Trump, in support of his quest to emerge as the winner of the 2020 election. While Trump proved to be a remarkably effective party base motivator, far better at the task than literally any GOP politician of note, he nevertheless poses a long-term threat to the stability of the two-party system. Worse, Trump’s victory in 2020 would have doomed the GOP to major losses in US Congress, governorships, and state legislature in 2022 and 2024, with Trump himself being almost inevitably followed into the White House by a Democrat in 2024, and possibly a very leftist Democrat at that. That is a scenario that neither party wants to see, but to the GOP it would represent a close brush with death.

With Biden and Harris in the White House, both of them relatively unpopular politicians in their own right lacking even the fake charisma of Barack Obama, GOP is likely to rebound very quickly from losing the White House. Even now it looks like a Pyrrhic victory for Biden, whose party will not retake the US Senate barring the unlikely victory in both of Georgia’s runoff races that will take place in January—by which time Biden’s gradual walking away from campaign promises and shifting ever further to the right will have demoralized the base of the Democratic Party—and will have actually suffered losses in the House of Representatives. Biden’s victory also has not translated into any gains at all in state races. So instead of having the Democrats control all three branches of the Federal government by 2024 and at the same time enjoy expanded influence in State governments, it appears rather likely the GOP will return to that level of political dominance in only four short years. Sacrificing Trump is a price well worth paying for it. While it is too early to say who will be the GOP’s champion in the 2024 presidential elections, Donald Trump created an original blueprint for running an effective presidential campaign championing a conservative version of national greatness with a strong element of insular nationalism, as opposed to the aggressive nationalism of globalization that the Democrats embrace. Almost regardless of who the Republican nominee is, they will run a modified version of Trump’s campaign, and they will do so with a high likelihood of success.

Biden’s own likely legacy as a one-term president will be the product of the combination of pandemic and associated economic crisis, and the Obama Alumni Association that will be running his administration. One should not forget Joe Biden won his first election to the US Senate by running a “law and order” campaign in 1972, the year of Richard Nixon’s spectacular re-election landslide that resulted from his application of the so-called “Southern Strategy” of exploiting the backlash to civil rights among the White population of not only the Southern states. Over the decades, Biden himself rode that backlash to successive re-elections to US Senate by running campaigns with only thinly disguised racist themes. That record all but vanished from public memory as soon as Biden was chosen as Obama’s running mate. The fact that Biden, an architect of many crime bills whose effect has been to disproportionately incarcerate Blacks, chose someone like Kamala Harris who enthusiastically applied the provisions of Biden’s crime bills, indicates Biden has not moved past his 1972 persona. While paying lip service to “Black Lives Matter” and other slogans of the day, Biden’s campaign worked really hard to attract suburban White GOP voters and made hardly an effort to woo the growing Hispanic constituency. Biden also has no use for such hot-button issues as Defund the Police, Green New Deal, Medicare for All, that are sacrosanct to the most enthusiastic left wing of the Democratic Party. It is already evident that the individuals Biden is appointing to his transition team and vetting for administration positions, including the just-announced Chief of Staff Ronald Klain, represent a return to the discredited policies of the Democratic Leadership Council.

Likewise when it comes to foreign policy, we are likely to see all manner of retreads from the Obama Administration and a continuation of the aggressive foreign policy from those years. Biden has already made it clear there will be no reduction in defense spending, no withdrawal from “US leadership”, and a return to an emphasis on “human rights” which collectively suggest redoubled regime change efforts around the globe. There is even talk of Hillary Clinton becoming the US Ambassador to the United Nations, where she would presumably continue to ply her brand of American Exceptionalism. All in all, Biden’s ascent to the presidency feels like the post-Napoleonic Bourbon Restoration. Alas, just as the Bourbons “learned nothing and forgot nothing”, everything points to the Democrats making a very similar mistake for which they, and the country, will pay for dearly.


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ΠΥΡΕΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΗ (.Pyrrhic Victory).. a Greek word that shows the result of a battle in which he emerges victorious, but he has suffered such heavy losses that in the future it will be difficult or impossible for him to continue fighting to achieve his goals. That is, that “while he won the battle, he lost the war”,

In December, when the voters will gather to vote, then we will find out who will be the president in the US

Magic Puro

Yes, thank you, the GREEKS invented the WORLD and everything in it and in between.


Do you disagree with that ???

Samuel Vanguard

Biden will go back to his basement after SCOTUS declares President Trump victor of the election that Demoncrats wanted to steal,but that would possibly result in a civil war.


Yes, but do not forget that Biden has the support of Kissinger. And Kissinger is the spokesman and postman of … “Ten”.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously. Americunts are worse than a banana republic, in a brainwashed moronic population of 330 million fuckwits, all the idiots could find were two senile old fools to select a Jew puppet “President” . no wonder the world is laughing.



I do not disagree … but seriously now the Democrats did not have someone better to run for president, and they found this old man who suffers from Alzheimer’s ??? why did the Democratic party choose him as leader of party and presidential candidate when they know better than you and I of Biden’s dwindling mental stature? What is behind this choice ??

Zionism = EVIL

I think he is more suitable as puppet for Jew run deep state. Trump besides being a buffoon was unpredictable and really wanted to end the disastrous unending lost wars. The whole corrupt and rotten Americunt failed state is built on wars, death and destruction. That is their main export now, so peace is not very attractive for the Bilderberg, as you well know what Goldman Sachs and the Jews banks did to Greece and now Armenia.


Both Biden and Trump are controlled by the TWO Jewish factions that rule the United States and the rest of the world. Have you ever thought … since with Biden we will have more wars as you say … WHY he is Kissinger’s choice …. since Kissinger is Putin’s mentor and adviser ?? Putin was Kissinger’s choice to lead Russia.

Also the Democrats have VERY GOOD RELATIONS with China … did they print the ballot papers for fraud in China ???

Zionism = EVIL

That cuntKissinger is so evil that even at 97 years, the bastard refuses to die. He is also advising Biden on how to deal with Ukraine and Russia, which means more warmongering and destabilization. It is the Roman empire in the death throes.


Yes he is very bad …. but those who give him the orders … are even worse than him. They have no human feelings … no likes or dislikes … only interests.

Zionism = EVIL


Harry Smith

You got it right pal. These people stays outside of good/evil frame.


Is what I learned true ?? That in Iran in every village, no matter how small … is there a natural gas network ??? Is there a HUGE gas transmission network in Iran?

Zionism = EVIL

That is true, Iran is sitting on the second largest gas reserves and they keep on discovering more. Iran has approximately 29.6 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves which accounts for 16% of the world’s total reserves. This places Iran behind Russia with the second largest gas reserves worldwide. In 2009, Iran’s natural gas production stood at 116 billion cubic metres. That is the reason China is so interested and why the so-called sanctions totally failed. The whole huge country is literally floating on oil and gas.



Yes, both Iran and Greece have HUGE reserves of gas and oil. And China as a country that does not have its own reserves … is interested in countries that can make it self-sufficient in energy issues. Do you know which bank is behind this investment in the huge network in Iran … and if I remember correctly it is an investment of 40 billion.

Zionism = EVIL

Bank of Kunlun is the main one and many smaller Chinese and Russian banks. To further insulate the Iran-China oil trade from foreign entities, CNPC has its own bank, the Bank of Kunlun, which has limited exposure to the global financial system. Its subsidiaries also deal exclusivity with Russian banks leaving a complex trail which has neutralized western sanctions.


Exactly.!!! The Russian bank is a big one, it tends to be a giant bank and it is called BEP … it is the bank of international settlements of Russia … it is a bank with huge assets, and it is the one that took over and made the Olympics in Sochi. He has made huge investments in Putin and Alexei Miller in any country on the planet, if you will. https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTB_Bank So this bank has made the biggest investment in gas networks in the world … WHERE ??? IN IRAN. !! For which account ?? For the colossal Russian companies Gasnop and Rosnet. Rosnet … that is, a Russian company ..but a member of the board of directors and has a participation of 19.75% the BP.!!!

Zionism = EVIL

I think in the next decade China, Russia, Iran and lot of other countries will destroy the Jew created Bretton Woods western economic and fiscal system. US is a global deabbeat now and China is already number one economy.


Yes very likely … the US will disintegrate …. however in the coming decades the world will not be bipolar as it was until now … but multipolar. Personally, I hope that China and the USA will face each other in a war.

Zionism = EVIL

That is a sound observation and similar to mine. The US is now too weak to take on China in a direct manner, they will try undermining and terrorism against both China and Russia, but will fail.


The USA has hidden papers, do not underestimate them !! For every weapon they display, they have ten more behind them. China is not so strong either …. it also has its weaknesses. The peoples of the Mediterranean should create the “Mediterranean Union” where they can develop their trade and economic relations with SECURITY … within this Mediterranean Union could join countries that are not related to the Mediterranean like Russia and Iran …. but with a special regime they could move their products freely.

Zionism = EVIL

I think China’s one belt is also aiming at that and has picked both Greece and Italy as key Mediterranean nodes. So a multi-polar world is already underway and that is what is freaking out the marginalized Americunts.


China wants to become GEOPOLITICALLY sovereign on the Planet..it goes for the Planetarium …. the peoples of the Mediterranean want to be FREE. Let us decide for ourselves and not the Chinese or the Americans for us. China does not want the “Mediterranean Union”


Italy delivers 4 ports, vital to China … why do you think it was hit so hard by the covid-19, biological warfare https://www.pronews.gr/sites/default/files/styles/default-inner/public/article/2019/3/23/45.jpg?itok=B8I6h0iv

David Robertson

The US, excluding NATO countries, spends ten times more than China on its military. It is also heavily nuclear armed, as are both China and Russia. Be careful what you wish for. Any such war would spell the end of civilization. It will never happen.

There is a contest between China and the US but it is mainly commercial and for all intents and purposes China has already won. They have been assisted by the big US transnational corporations who all have factories and businesses in China. Globalisation is the name of the game and Trump is ostensibly trying to roll that back.

That is the core idea behind his slogan MAGA. It is economically unlikely however. The Chinese can produce everything much more cheaply and industry outside the MIC has largely moved there. Give him another four years and this will become obvious. Biden is just a Chinese puppet. The CCP own him and his family.

David Robertson

*Gazprom and Rosneft are the oil and gas giants in Russia. The biggest bank is the state owned Sberbank.

Magic Puro

Yet Iran still live in medieval time with its mullahs.

Fog of War

” That cuntKissinger is so evil that even at 97 years, the bastard refuses to die. ”

Sacrificing little children and drinking their blood has some rewards.

Magic Puro

‘in the death throes’

Hardly.. only metastasizing.

David Robertson

They say they are Jews but they are a synagogue of Satan.

catalin zt

He’s owned by the khazariancabals…

David Robertson

The whole world lies in the power of the Evil One. At least for now. That is about to change.

David Robertson

Harris is the one inside the Trojan Horse called Joe.

Magic Puro

Any of the words you wrote of GREEK origin?


What exactly do you mean?

David Robertson

Great cartoon. Captures the truth precisely.

Zionism = EVIL


cechas vodobenikov

biden vs trump= the amerikan right brain/several warped brain cells vs the amerikan left brain/crudity 2024: Boris and Bullwinkle democrat vs bugs bunny and Natasha GOP

Zionism = EVIL


The only true banana republic left.

Jihadi Colin


Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, the new flag is ready too/ one with a banana for the republic of morons and the other for its Jew masters


catalin zt

And insert an abused child on that flag to be more accurate! Some bombs will fill the gap too! Some dollar bills will do too,the only thing an anglo-saxon has emotions when sees!

David Robertson

The Jewish State, the religion and the nation will all be destroyed within the foreseeable future. Jerusalem itself will be incinerated by an nuclear weapon.


It’s been this way for a long time…


You didn’t see the march on DC today for Trump. Full of gays…absolutely full. The jews behind all of them are the ones in control. It doesn’t matter. Democracy was usurped a long time ago…the mask is finally coming off.

Jihadi Colin

My point is that I don’t care which of these war criminals wins, to the rest of us in the world there is no difference anyway.

Magic Puro

Yet………. Number of bots under Trump decreased drastically.


Zionism = EVIL

Well this sums up the Americunt banana republic


catalin zt

Anglo-saxon MONKEYS!

Fog of War

You’re a monkey street shiter. How’s the indoor plumb coming along in India ?



Ryan Glantz

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ae5bdae12870b8c3415eff13e6dafd80 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a88f070a8e7fbb71646474b7ebcba1b92a627d8a69a60d8f0d6d738913b6dd52.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4af65ab07dc842b4d021d1c7a83541ea38fa69434d35d4c911a26ce7bb93976a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/437668d36a320f4445986ddcb39d48103f7254e7f9e43629bab9a681ebdbb4a5.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49677a4c08516a6aaaa5bd171cfae2aee6b910190bf0ae462e599b92c2a6554b.jpg 9fabcf1a480724b2b3f70c819a0255c.jpg

Vox Populi

The US system is rotten and corrupt from top down.

Ryan Glantz

Most “systems” around the world are.

Ryan Glantz


Vox Populi

Yes, I would agree when you have Goldman Sachs appointing Presidents and Prime Ministers.


catalin zt

Anglo-saxon Fascist capitalist entertainment! Nothing wrong with it! Abuse some children on the stage and the picture complete! Few klu Klux clans shadows needed too! This is Murica! Heil!


Beat it Bolshevik-Stazi !

Magic Puro

Anglo-Saxon is of course in reality JEWISH.


anather Ioudaíos, anather Evraios and anather Israeli.

Magic Puro

I thought Greeks were so intelligent.. at least what’s what they claim.

The ‘Anglo-Saxon’ in question.. the one ruling.. are Jewish. Doesn’t mean all Anglo-Saxon are.

David Robertson

The Fascist/Communist divide is the ultimate Dialectic. Both are two sides of the same coin, totalitarian and authoritarian. Both are controlled by the same people. The only question is what is the synthesis? Nothing good for sure.

Magic Puro

Socialism and Communism are just a path to the real Trojan horse.. Technocracy.

catalin zt

Because they are ruled by anglo-saxons and khazarians!


What makes the corrupt US (and by extension, Western) system so noteworthy is they have essentially declared a program of systematic dispossession and marginalization against it’s own founding majority.

David Robertson

The fish rots from the head.

Ryan Glantz

so uh, the surface farm is going to be super pissed either way. Checkmate, you reptilian fiends.

Vox Populi


Fog of War

Too cryptic, you need to elaborate more.

Ryan Glantz


Vox Populi

The US is now a global joke and even their own media now openly makes fun of its stupidity.



Woman sitting like a man. Man sitting like a woman.


biden did not fucking win https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bf65ab49938d7b69186bac2db0648eb6de6218f868f36e2ec3427c20af2fba57.jpg





Vox Populi


Monte George Jr

Except at the airports – where there is no place for the unwilling to escape from the TVs playing CNN endlessly.

catalin zt

Well is not just Binden an PAEDOPHILE but ALL the anglo-saxons!

David Robertson

How about the Celts?

David Robertson

Nice graphic. I recognize the picture of the voting.


I’m beginning to question just how blue some of these blue states are in light of the volume of evidence about democrat voter fraud. The US may be a lot more conservative and pro gun rights than the democrats, fake polls and lying Jew media make it out to be.

This article fails to to mention the 800 pound gorilla in the room. The computer election fraud. That can produce any results that the criminals in control of it want.


w.t.f going on ,everyone here posting is sane,i’ll be damned,i’m outta here!


nothing pyrrhic about it – trump is out and that goes a long long way (and pompeo, and abrams, and mnuchin and a few more of that stripe).


Pompeo is on 7 ME countries trip all against Iran, what is Trump up to?




https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/82023147901eb3ed9bcbe8e8352dac4749632e62fedc38a7920a7fd7e15a5613.png https://gagop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Deficiency_Letter_1_.pdf


The Trump campaign has had to bring to task the State of Georgia over the hand recount scam that they’re trying to run. Replicating the same types of obstructions to oversight that they’re being forced to recount the vote over.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a06dbbf08ef8e611330a17468d11ca80eaec05552a5167045762fb99909fb425.png https://gagop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Deficiency_Letter_1_.pdf




https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0d0d2aadbc2cbe602c775cb814237274918e97658ae15e74913ba47c17d44d1f.png https://policy.defense.gov/portals/11/documents/hdasa/references/insurrection_act.pdf


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/913b24be430f404a56f0c1b912455cf18204a4565603328bfb0e68c2711a51e5.png https://www.google.com/search?q=insurection+act&oq=insurection+act&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i433i457j0i10j0i10i433j0i10l4.4663j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Some people read the Insurrection Act as setting aside other normally applicable laws in jurisdictions where the forces may be active operating under the presidential authority conveyed in the act. Such as the prohibition of non residents of DC carrying guns in DC.

David Robertson

It ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. There is a long way to go in this “election”. My money is on a Trump victory. Biden is an empty suit controlled by darker forces. Whoever wins the economy will crash next year. The world will enter a Greater Depression. I don’t think the United States will survive. The entire world order of which it is the centre is disintegrating. Buckle up and batten down the hatches. It will get a lot worse before it gets better. Stock up on food and buy silver and gold. If you can leave the cities and move to the exurbs.


Unfortunately there’s a lot of credible evidence that you may be right. The US may need to switch to an authoritarian government to survive as a unitary state. If that happens. Hopefully whoever ends up running it is competent and a good person capable of engineering a soft landing and positive rebuild.

Though they may have to fight a civil war to maintain the union. Which means that the nukes and other wmd have to be secured now so that they don’t fall into the wrong hands.


Conceptional Illustration

SpecOp Force Organization Chart

1st Regiment leader

A Company leader

Platoon 1 leader

Squad 1 leader, member, member, member

Squad 2 leader, member, member, member

Squad 3 leader, member, member, member

Squad 4 leader, member, member, member

Platoon 2 leader

Squad 1 leader, member, member, member

Squad 2 leader, member, member, member

Squad 3 leader, member, member, member

Squad 4 leader, member, member, member

Platoon 3 leader

Squad 1 leader, member, member, member

Squad 2 leader, member, member, member

Squad 3 leader, member, member, member

Squad 4 leader, member, member, member

Platoon 4

Squad 1

Squad 2

Squad 3

Squad 4

B Company

C Company

D Company

2nd Regiment

3rd Regiment

4th Regiment




Yours Truly



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/809971fb04742837a695b800a5cd30cdb5b18561f45abe2c2b652c296a7ccefb.jpg https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/stabbing-reported-dc-proud-boys-antifa-clash-streets-nations-capital/


Right now people are agreeing to be disarmed by the police. If that changes it will be a problem. Particularly if there are groups of them armed with assault rifles.


Dominion scandal will stop the steal of the election


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3478804ac717cde738eff1baf72244e9a072d765fe9a53c4778c736dc89a7458.png https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/massive-criminal-voter-fraud-going-blow-mind-everyone-country-sidney-powell-dominion-systems-video/




“Sidney Powell: They can watch the voting real time. They can run a computer algorithm on it as needed to either flip votes, take votes out or alter the votes to make a candidate win… It’s massive criminal voter fraud, writ large across at least 29 states… It’s obvious the algorithm and the statistics that our experts are tracking out are batches of votes and when the votes changed. It’s going to blow the mind of everyone in this country when we can get it all together and can explain it with the affidavits and the experts that have come forward.”

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