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MARCH 2025

Big Fail Of AstraZeneca: Europe Suspends Vaccination

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Big Fail Of AstraZeneca: Europe Suspends Vaccination

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The European countries one by one halt the vaccination by AstraZeneca vaccine. Previously, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Estonia and Lithuania suspended its use, while on March 15th, Germany, France and Italy have temporarily suspended the vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca.

The reason of such decisions is the number of cases of blood clots, including lethal, that were reported the last week.

According to the statement issued by AstraZeneca on March 14th, “more than 17 million people vaccinated in the EU and UK with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca … So far across the  EU and UK, there have been 15 events of DVT and 22 events of pulmonary embolism reported among those given the vaccine, based on the number of cases the Company has received as of 8 March.”

Despite the reassurance offered by AstraZeneca, Emmanuel Macron proclaimed the suspension of its use up to the announcement of the European Medicines Agency’s official opinion on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the similar statements were issued by German Health Ministry, following recommendations by the Paul Ehrlich Institute that insisted on a deeper study of a potential link between the vaccine and blood clots. In Italy, the decision to suspend the vaccination for 15 days was made by the National Pharmaceutical Agency due to the same safety fears.

The WHO and the EMA have not found any evidence of such AstraZeneca’s side effects like blood clots. Europe is waiting for the results of their studies.

Even if the safety of Oxford vaccine will be proved, anyway such a social stir in all European countries and beyond the EU borders will significantly damage its reputation as well as revenues.

But who is guilty of the big fail of AstraZeneca vaccine? – Probably, Putin as usual.


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Assad must stay


Pave Way IV

But who is guilty of the big fail of AstraZeneca vaccine? – Probably, Putin as usual.

[SECRET/NOFORN] Threat: APT 1322 Code Name: Corona Bear

Tommy Jensen

Well, Putin is coming up with another global pandemic here this year in July, and you thought Putin would save you from the globalists. You hoped……………………………………..LOL. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/from-event-201-to-cyber-polygon-the-wefs-simulation-of-a-coming-cyber-pandemic/?unapproved=3344&moderation-hash=246d3ad9f0ff5b8a96bea584a572423d#comment-3344

Jens Holm

None says so.

Pave Way IV

It’s sarcasm, Jens. Remember the other Advanced Persistent Threats (hacking groups) identified by the U.S. and given the ‘Bear’ code name? Cozy Bear, Fancy Bear, Sneaky Bear? OK, I made the last one up.


To be Frank, capitalist countries have no respect for human life and Jew big pharma Bilderberg plunderers are experimenting with the most vulnerable disposable lives. Pfizer, Moderna and especially AstraZeneca are KILL SHOTS.



If suggest in polite company, ie, people who mostly believe the MSM at face value, that an apparently mutating virus might take a while to pin down, and that first generation vaccine roll-outs have inherent risks, based on processes of trial and error in the field and outside of labs, and all this holds true, despite the scale of industrial-resources being thrown at the problem, in bid to win race for state-contracts, those polite people will still tend to use terms like conspiracy theorist… : /

Jens Holm

I see none of that lack of respect compared to others. Facts are “we” actually are able to make a vaccine. Many are not ot dont do it.

Vaccines always are to reduce a risk compared to a much higher risk by doing nothing.

Its very visibke in any death rate about it. .

Jens Holm

Its incompetence comparing those. HIV can be treated 100% here and does. Cancer is not one thing but many kinds of very different anomalies.

Catching cold mainly is not treated, because the body is able to defend against it. You can avoid it by using masks and not close to other people.

Putting in “Americans” is unqualified as well. You should look for which actually can do something about or try – and the o´nes, which are not.

Jens Holm

Typical infected comment.

Pave Way IV

You will take the monkey juice, Jens. TAKE IT!


If Russia vent with their silly plan to join the “Sputnik V” with that British crap vaccine in some sort of hybrid vaccine…. They would be accused now for those problems, not ” AstraZeneca” !

Furkan Sahin

I never take vaccine they are dangerous one can die suddenly would rather be infected with corona than be vaccinated


This is not promotion of any vaccine. Just observation of the fact that one NEVER becomes an “allay” with the enemy that only seeks to make some harm …


My thoughts as well.


Off topic: “ELBRUS” is Russia produced (Soviet origin) “CPU” (processor) and here are the specs of the performance of that CPU compared to most advanced top of the line Intel Xeon “CPU”

To fight the prejudice that Russia is lagging very far behind in electronics compared to Western counterparts.


Supreme Blyat

Do you use it?


How can I? I don’t even live in Russia. On top, it would take special motherboard with appropriate socket. I doubt that those things are commercially available even in Russia. Elbrus CPU’s are mainly used by Russian military industry.

Supreme Blyat

Russia military sure have top noch CPUs. I thought they learned some civil commerce from West or Asians… Sad.


They can’t compete commercially with the US global dominance in CPU market. But in the case that we have new cold war “Iron Curtain” and they are forced to use their own CPU that would be an alternative to Inetel and AMD processors.

Supreme Blyat

Ok if they can’t compete with US and China, but they could try UK, Taiwan, South Korea. Just for the sake o peace. I mean Russia is so bad at commerce that their simps can only think at war all day long.


Something wrong with your logic bacon. They can’t compete commercially = price, production infrastructure etc. If China has problems in that segment of high tech industry production, how much even more is case for Russia?! Russia is not so “bad at commerce” They are not USSR, have better design and sell many products successfully. The problem is political also. Example: Weapons sales that are actively stifled by US sanctions (to all Russian customers) They prevent Russia from growth in selling their weapons on very competitive price.

Supreme Blyat

Look, China is competing with USA on the international markets. I was saying Russia should try to make CPUs at least for domestic market. But I’ll give you another example: Russia exports lots of timber and imports lots of furniture. But ok, that’s civilian industry, so boring…


You have huge incompetence in electronics to understand the complexity of the problem. CPU is not computer, just one fragment of the puzzle. I am fed up with your “timber …. furniture” comments. This is not 1st time you mention that stupid example. Russia has manged to become very competitive in military industry despite the fact that they were lagging decades behind after 1999 collapse. In agriculture also.. They can do it in other domains, they are not stupid, the way you imagine them to be.

Supreme Blyat

I didn’t say CPU is a cimputer, Russia can assamble its’s own computer in a garage, but with non-Russian CPU. I used timber-furniture example for the first time online but because you are a grumpy cat, you are permanently tired…. Aaaand again. The military argument :)))


The science is not clear … the reaction to the complaints are clear

The vaccine is in the arms of millions with a few having an adverse reaction … Canada’s top Virus Chief says it’s OK to use the vaccine

So … anti-vaxxers are delighted

Raptar Driver

Once I drank so much alcohol that it would have killed a smaller man. it didn’t do a thing to me other than make me silly. So does that mean alcohol is not a poison?

Jens Holm

Alcohol is no poison. Too much of everything is poison.

If You want to store food, You can come too much salt on it, You can come too much sugar, You can give no air by putting it into water, Ypou can smoke the putside, You can use a freezer or just cold.

It about level. Too much alcohol can give You delerium and You die. Everytime You drink a lot You permanent kill braincells, but even You has many.

Raptar Driver

I’m pretty sure alcohol is a poison.

Jens Holm

Several billions dont say alcohol is a poison. Muslims use it only for medical care.

Too much is poison. All science say one or two glas of wine makes You live longer and is very good for Your blood pressure. It make sYou relaxed in a good way too.

The poison version is made by Muhammed and Co. But its true, that if people cant handle how much or little, they are out of order. The results are bad in simple crimes as well.

Out of hand is very visible for Russia. Drinking less has made much more of the simple stupid part of crime go away. We had the same problem in Denmark some 100 years ago. The Goverment taxed it hard and private organisations – actually named BLUE Cross – took care of the ones, which could not vontrol themself.

Denmark still has small problems about the “too much”,, but it will never be forbidden or something.

Raptar Driver

Stop defending alcohol. I love beer and a little bit of Canadian whiskey. That doesn’t mean it’s not a poison. I just happen to like that poison as do millions of others perhaps billions. But I sure don’t want that poison that comes through the needle. It doesn’t give me a buzz or make me feel good nor does it make my health better. Alcohol does all of these things, in the right amounts.

Jens Holm

Im explaining alcohol. We only use Canadian Club for lamps here…

Raptar Driver

There’s nothing wrong with CC. It is good, Inexpensive, clean whiskey. What’s your poison?

Jens Holm

Ha ha. It was a joke. I have half of bottle of black Johny water. Your CC is milder and nicer.

Raptar Driver

Finally something we can agree on. I prefer the black label however it’s around $40 a bottle here compared to 17 for the CC.

Jens Holm

The black Johny Walker was a birthday gift. I drink the red one but dont drink much.

Raptar Driver

Yes everything in moderation. Cheers!


It works … it’s safe … science says so

The death of 1 doesn’t mean the vaccine is a bust … hello?

Thanks for your question …


Jens Holm

Vaccine is a risk compared to the risk with no vaccine. My best gues here would be the doctors here will recommend people having too thick blood get another vaccine.

People having those heartproblems are well registrated here.

Ivan Freely

Is this the EU trying to take another swipe at the UK?


Yes it is. Some Phizer vaccinated human lab rats, have by shear chance, died within hours or a few days of being vaccinated :)

Captain Freedom

BREAKING NEWS! Guess who was chosen to be the world’s laboratory for big pharma’s experimental injection? That’s right…

“Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla calls Israel ‘world’s lab’ in interview to NBC” https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla-calls-israel-worlds-lab-in-interview-to-nbc-660349


Either the chosen ones are not good at choosing or this is yet another deceptive maneuver to gain more power

Jens Holm

That part hasnt to be forgotten. In a market economy the producers think for own cost benenfit.

The States and the Worlorganisations should keep more of those producers in line. We se the same for several new antocanser products, where they are allowed to sell things skyhigh.

People doing that should be crusified upside down. Thats not mmaking money but theft.


Israel, the UK and the US have vaccinated the most people with Pfizer. The Pfizer vaccine has big problems, read or watch Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

Geert Bossche: Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination (Open Letter to WHO) https://dryburgh.com/geert-vanden-bossche-open-letter-to-who-halt-all-covid-19-mass-vaccination/

Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche – YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJZxiNxYLpc

Tommy Jensen

We cant stop now with all the vaccines produced. They must also be used……………..LOL.


I think that Biden supporters deserve to have 4 shots each, because they are vital for US interests. :)

Jens Holm

Well so far 99,99% seemes to be very well. I see no lol in that compared to 2% dies with none.


This is a rebuttal to Geert Bossche from Dr. Frei; While a halt is great, the rest is a “continuation of the overall covid deception”.


Jens Holm

fitzer hasnt big problems. You stupidist have.

Some very few seemes to die and we probatly know why now. So if we can, they can give none or another vaccine to those kind of people, which connect bad and makes the blood “thick”.

The victims seemes to be very few compared to the result. Thats how Mega(data) is.

Jens Holm

Of course they are. Any´new treatment even safe cant reach all aspects unless its in mass scale.

Humans are not as homogene as many here extect. Most ones commenting like You are raised to non thinkers only able to registrate black and white by their owners.

You have to understand risk calculations.

No vaccinations is estimated to 2% dead and very few harmed for a longer period. Vaccine might say O,O2% dead a and a ælittle more then few harmed for a longer period.

You have to learn to understand to compare.


Hungary, using Russia and China’s vaccine, will be feeling pretty smug now.

Tommy Jensen

Science need to be funded for a deeper study of a potential link between the vaccine and blood clots. These blood clots could be peoples own fault because of their way of living.

If these blood clots is only 2-3% of the population we should continue to vaccinate as many million as possible, and then wait and see what happen next.

Captain Freedom

I prayed to Science lord gates last night and he said his vaccinez are A-okay, and that there are no bloody links between vax and anything bad. But the funding should still continue, in fact science needs to be funded to all high heavens. Thats how we found out that blood clots never appear in vaxxd ones, we tested 3 vaxxed guys and NOT A SINGLE ONE had the blood thingy. I mean they were some dead hobos, but still. So its not their way of living that causes this, but the mere fact that they are LIVING. No breathing = no blood clots. TRIPLE MASK TIME GUYZ!!! thats what I call SCIENCE, BITCH!

Simon Ndiritu

So, a vaccine that kills 2-3% through blood clots is better than a virus that kills 0.02%? are you kidding?

Tommy Jensen

The whole scam is kidding.

Jens Holm

Facts are no vaccine kills 2-3%. Vaccine reduce that to maybee 0,05% where a some 0,0005 % are killed by the vaccine.

Doing nothing is doing something.

Both has afterburner too by some malfunction for some time or maybee for years. Its exact the same for virus. They are like that and the body takes a lot of time to heal it up.

I have had it. in my knees and my arms as afterburner. It took 3 months, where I felt pain in any kind of fast movements.

cechas vodobenikov

special jens-tratz vaccine w novichok LSD produces hallucinations and prevent Covid by killing you Anton Chekov the famous writer and physcian wrote, “the difference between a lawyer and a physician is that the lawyer steals your money but the physical steals your money and also kills you”

Raptar Driver

All countries should suspend permanently these so called vaccines. They are reprogramming you’re DNA at a cellular level to produce pathogens.

Tommy Jensen

BREAKING NEWS!!! Exactly what I said, but first after a year some VIP “expert” finally realized that I were right.

The vaccine causes HIV. It weakens your immune system and makes the Corona virus deadly. BREAKING BREAKING A MUST SEE EVIDENCE VIDEO https://153news.net/watch_v…

Jens Holm

Even Our radio died.


Yet your keyboard begrudgingly lives on….

Jens Holm

I dont know why


Shocking revelation 😀

Jens Holm

I accept things are not always better and perfect.


Your brain died long, long time ago…. if you ever had one.

Jens Holm

We are not like the Russians making Russia into an experimental zone. So we now look at statistics and take in rapports.

Vaccines has to be compared with no vaccine. That many estimated megadata is a very difficult job.

Lone Ranger

You just went beyond full retard Jens. Congrats. Slow clap…

Jens Holm

Referring with what we do is retarded?


Literally your every word is retarded. Every comment, every word….

Jens Holm

WRiting that on my sober comment show Your own level well. You are a : Who cares.

Lone Ranger

We? Everything…

Jens Holm

Facts are the Russian vaccine was not tested as it should according to, what the science says about it.

Even so they produced and used it. It became a succes, because they and we were lucky and not because they were clever.

OK they were fast. Thats very good. But its a permant difference to much Russia produce they have less or none safety matters.

Too many defaults.

Lone Ranger

Facts are the Americant vaccine was not tested as it should according to, what the science says about it.

Even so they produced and used it. It became a moderate succes, because they and we were lucky and not because they were clever.

OK they were fast. Thats very good. But its a permant difference to much U.S. produce they have less or none safety matters. Fixed*

Too many defaults.

Jens Holm

Well, this is about vaccine and the rules there are mainly kept apart from the criminals making bad copies. Thats why we have made world organisations for it, where its possible.


The International Jews invaded and occupied Arab land by force, raped and massacred the natives and they now are the most vaccinated in the world. Robbery and pillage has paid off for these alien Jews on Arab soil.


Jens Holm

They bought a lot of Sputnik to support the Russian warfare in Syria:). When they did it was the cheepest one and what they could efford even the cover seemed to be lower then for the rest.

Jens Holm

Arabs are newcommers there compared to Jews, Arameas and several others. Arabs only arrived to there, because they thought they could drink the water west of them and for some few washing every friday wasnt enough.


The International Jews in Palestine are fully vaccinated but the chart does not look the virus infections have dropped dramatically, right? https://i.imgur.com/2uMNzZ5.pngw=300

Jens Holm

It will and many more will only get ill and dont die. It takes about 14 days before You have the cover. In this marts 01 is long time ago.


Covid-19 deaths today – highest 10

1 Brazil ……………. 1,275 2 USA ……………….. 764 3 Russia ……………. 404 4 Italy ……………….. 354 5 France …………… 333 6 Mexico ………….. 220 7 Bulgaria ……….. 187 8 Peru ……………. 174 9 Argentina …….. 166 10 Germany …… 156

Covid-19 cases today – highest 10

cases 1 USA ……………. 44,317 2 Brazil ………….. 42,107 3 India …………… 24,366 4 Turkey ………… 15,503 5 Italy ……………. 15,267 6 Poland ……….. 10,896 7 Russia …………. 9,437 8 Jordan …………. 9,417 9 Iran ……………… 7,980 10 Hungary ……… 7,706

Source: worldmeters


As of today USA cases = 30,138,586, deaths = 548,013 So total infections in the US are at almost 10% of population?

Source: worldmeters.


There will be rather a lot of fat Americans going to meet their maker.


Well that went very south, very fast…

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