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Big Trouble In Interpol: Agency’s Chief Detained In China Over Bribery And Corruption

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Big Trouble In Interpol: Agency's Chief Detained In China Over Bribery And Corruption

Meng Hongwei

The missing Interpol chief, who also served a lengthy term as China’s vice minister for public security, Meng Hongwei is detained by Chinese authorities. On October 7th, Interpol received his resignation letter with “immediate effect.”

On October 6th, according to the international police organization’s secretary-general Juergen Stock, Interpol asked Beijing to clarify the situation of the Interpol chief, who had been missing for 12 days. His wife reported him missing, after he travelled from France to China in the end of September. His disappearance was made public on October 5th.

“Interpol has requested through official law enforcement channels clarification from China’s authorities on the status of Interpol President Meng Hongwei,” Stock, who carries out the day-to-day running of the organization, said on its website.

“Interpol’s General Secretariat looks forward to an official response from China’s authorities to address concerns over the President’s well-being,” Stock added in the statement.

On the following day, the Chinese anti-corruption body released a statement saying that the Interpol chief and Chinese vice-minister for security had been detained because he is under investigation for bribery and corruption.

“Public Security Ministry Vice Minister Meng Hongwei is currently under investigation by the National Supervisory Commission for suspected violations of law,” the Chinese anti-corruption body said in a brief statement on its website.

Interpol said later that Meng had resigned as president of the organization, and that South Korean national Kim Jong Yang would become its acting president, while it would appoint a new president at a Nov 18-21 meeting of the organization in Dubai.

“Today, Sunday 7 October, (at) the Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon, France received the resignation of Mr Meng Hongwei as President of Interpol with immediate effect,” Interpol said in a statement.

On October 7th, Meng’s wife, Grace, said her husband sent her an image of a knife before he disappeared during a trip to their native China. According to her, the knife picture was a way of her husband telling her that he was in danger. She also said that four minutes before sending the image, he sent her a message saying: “Wait for my call.”

This is generally how investigations for similar charges happen in China. Fan Bingbing, a Chinese actress who disappeared in July reappeared on October 3rd with a public apology and a fine of $129m for tax evasion and other offences.

Earlier than that, China’s former chief of internet regulation, Lu Wei, was charged with taking bribes. In July 2015, he was replaced as head of the online regulator, with Xinhua News Agency giving no official explanation for his departure, saying that he would “no longer serve as director.”

There was no information of him for more than a year and in November 2017 China’s anti-corruption agency announced that he had been detained amid an internal corruption probe, adding that he was “arbitrary and tyrannical.” In February 2018, state media added that he had been expelled from the Communist Party and dismissed from public office “for multiple offences including taking bribes.”

There has been an apparent large crackdown on Chinese corruption. Prior to March 2018, the main watchdog for corruption was the Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI). However, starting from March, the Chinese government established a new body called the National Supervision Commission (NSC) which would oversee “all public servants exercising public power” – not just party members.

The MSM portrays Chinese President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on corruption as a political witch hunt, for him to clear his way of political rivals.

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And we have a Journalist Chopped Up by Wahhabi Clown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman….inside the Wahhabistani Consulate in Turkey…


In China at least you get the Bullet for Bribery Treason & Corruption…..Execute this Meng Hongwei If Found Guilty…. because it is also High Treason in his Function…


We are again witnessing the almost universal corruption by those in positions of influence and power who control all the aspects of our lives.

There is nothing new in this of course but what is new is our ability to see this world wide cancer of greed and treachery in real time with the internet information now available to us all.

Its time for a universal ‘Peasants Revolt’ Merijn.


This is Interpol….those are Coppers Right?!! Come and Arrest me Filthy Treacherous Coppers!!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR COUNTRY & TO HUMANITY!! TRAITORS IS WHAT YOU ARE…


Beautiful Days….:)


Yes indeed and in all nations on Earth there has been and is police corruption.

Some direct for money , some for personal advancement and some for political ideology of some sort.

Sometimes it is a few rogue police,sometimes it is a rogue police department and sometimes it is an entire national police force that only protects their masters.

Promitheas Apollonious

what part you missing, they all employees of the NWO? Their job is to control the populations and eliminate all opposition one way or the other.


Oh I thought they were to Serve & Protect the People…But as I understand you…I can consider them the Enemy…Good…another one on my Shitlist: INTERPOL the Treacherous Little Rats That will arrest everyone opposing the Emperor…and Stealing and carrying out Fraudulous Operations themselves…The Corrupted Bastards….Eliminate the Praetorian Guards….Yeah we need a Bloody Revolution….more Rope…more Trees…Coppers can KISS my Ass..Traitorsss & Thieves is what they are…Small wonder why more & more people start shooting Coppers…they must be pretty pissed off then…they obviously declared WARRR

Promitheas Apollonious

I do like your humor friend dont ever lose it. No we need trained people who can make surgical operations against their thinking tanks and high level employees. Cut the heads the rest will fall apart in no time.


You sound like a Man of Reason…good….just like them Russians….

Promitheas Apollonious

I am not russian I am Ελληνας. As far I am concerned we are at war with this abominations on earth and we are fighting for the generations to follow to have their freedom and a choice.

We have allowed this to happen and is our responsibility to clean it, before we take the long walk.


I know you are Greek…the Dutch approach would be to sink the whole Armada…Surgical operations seems like a better and less Bloody way of solving this problem….the Russians like a more Diplomatic approach as well…

Brother Ma

Heracles and the Hydra. You must burn the cut-off head well though ,otherwise ten new ones will sprout for every one you have cut off!


I hope not. Historically almost every peasant’s revolt was not only crushed, it was crushed brutally. Not to mention that revolutions rarely ever improve the lives of the people, especially the revolutionaries themselves. No, what we need is a smart revolution. I have no clue how, but there has to be a better way to get rid of the powers that be throwing everything into chaos.

Promitheas Apollonious

Individual action against the heads of this organization should do it.


‘Smart’ or not, a revolt is needed badly Barba.

Promitheas Apollonious

join us we teach you all we know.


True. But a failed revolt is usually worse then no revolt at all. Nor a revolt that just puts a new elite into power, worse then before. Before we tear the old down, we must do the one thing that both elites and revolutionaries from the past never did, really think things through.

Promitheas Apollonious

revolt in a multicultural country, beside the fact none can coordinate or willing to with the other groups is impossible to happen especially in countries as the states that every one is going to be shooting at every one else. And almost we are at that point in europe as well.

Why you think priority number one of NWO is changing the demographics of all countries and especially europe financing and abusing her native population in favor of the trash they import via turkey and africa double time into europe?


Holland is pretty okay with its Multi-Culti thing…”The Foreign Troublemakers” are only a very small group…and often born here…I grew up with all Nations… and many of us will fight side by side in case of a War…The European Government Supported The U.S. & their Headchoppers in the Murder of Gaddafi and Destruction of Libya they opened up the Gates to Europe…and they have to pay the Price….The European Parliament which is a Bunch of self-elected Dictators is also a Cause of this “problem”


I personally think a Peasant Revolt is badly needed…Pitchforks and Lots of Rope… Heads on Pikes….Guillotines and all that…get rid of Evil for once and for all…after that it will be a lot easier to suppress any Evil in the Future….a Big Spring Clean Up….The Problem is there are a lot of Dumbass Peasants at the Moment….So it is a Pretty Stupid Idea to start any Peasant Revolt Tomorrow…First the Dumbass-Peasants gotta get a little Smarter…otherwise any Revolt will be Crushed for Good….A Global United Revolution is the answer…just have to spread info for a couple more years… things have to grow…especially when you have to deal with Pea Brains…Small I.Q.s…Bad educational systems & Years And Years of Brainwashing & indoctrination by the MSM…


You can’t get rid of the evil once and for all, because it is in man. However you can set it back quite a bit, like using a brush cutter on weeds.

Actually a revolt is inevitable, the system that prevails in the western world, capitalism, funnels wealth from the poor to the rich, eventually the poor run out of money to give the rich, which causes growth to stagnate. At some point a trigger starts the revolt, the rich get slaughtered and the wealth redistributed. Then the whole thing starts again.


Well the time has arrived for a Fresh start…the more Evil you Kill…the Less Evil there will be…0.1% Owns 50% more or less….that’s weird…especially if those folks are a bunch of Satanic Massmurdering Paedophiles….Evil has won upon Earth at the Moment…it has infected every aspect in society… So there definitely is a Big difference between some Evil in Man and a World gone Crazy…that is why the Weed has to be cut back drastically…it will be for future generations…


“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.” (HL Mencken)


Very true Sinbad.


There’s a lot of Western officials and businessleaders who could have used with some Chinese style ‘justice’. I’m sure that in an un-democratic system like China its rife with abuse, but then again, is that so much worse then the Western system where you ruin your country’s economy without punishment, and even receive a fat government bailout check?

Brother Ma

Oh , Interpol is concerned is it? Too bad ,too sad! Maybe Interpol should concern itself with multinational tax evasion and multinational paedophilia rings more . Let the Chinese look after their own criminals thank you very much!

Hear that patronising Interpol!


Interpol’s motto should be ‘ Do as we say and not as we do’ :)

Gary Sellars

Copyright comes into play I’m afraid. That motto is already claimed by the US gov.




interpol has no trouble. one perisdents goes, another comes. thius is democracy.

china has problem. withj credibility. in future no chines become important position in international organizations.

Bill Wilson

Interpol just helps to find people for other countries if they’re wanted for crimes or not. The Red Chinese just grabbed this guy because he knows too much about Chinese government corruption and doesn’t want him around to talk about when their financial system tanks due to it. BTW it’s been going downhill for awhile and building up steam as capital leaves their stock and bond markets. China has been bailing out banks to prevent their failure while cancelling grandoise overseas projects because they now lack the funds to do those.


Yeah right – like you know what the real story is between this ex-Chinese state vice minister, and the Chinese state. Your remarks are wild speculation, based on, and reinforcing, your confirmation bias.

Gary Sellars

Bill is making up shit to suit his prejudices. The reality is likely that this guy has conducted some dodgy behaviour and has been nabbed.

I find it encouraging that the Chinese will pursue someone for corruption, regardless of how high a position they hold. Too bad the US can’t do the same – why hasn’t Clinton been jailed?

Gary Sellars

You write like a 5 year old… or a Ukropi ape. You want to “beat” Putin but you can’t use a spell-checker?

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