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MARCH 2025

Billion Rubles Violations Discovered In Roscosmos In 2018 Actually Lower Than 2017’s 800 Billion

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Billion Rubles Violations Discovered In Roscosmos In 2018 Actually Lower Than 2017's 800 Billion

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The Accounts Chamber of Russia identified violations in the Russian space industry in the amount of approximately 50 billion rubles throughout 2018, TASS reported on May 29th.

The head of department, Alexei Kudrin, made the announcement.

“Let me remind you that a year ago we discovered violations in Roscosmos in the amount of 800 billion rubles. Thank God that we have not made revelations in that amount this year,” he said, speaking of the audits by the Accounts Chamber in 2018.

Alexey Kudrin added that the Accounts Chamber was developing new methods of fighting corruption.

“This is a very delicate task, here the society requires more substantial measures given the scale of corruption and embezzlement. Therefore, we must respond to this challenge, which, as we understand, is real, and we are developing new methods in this area and are now updating our agreements, including law enforcement agencies, ” Kudrin said.

The report of the Accounts Chamber reported that in 2017, the department revealed 151 facts of irregularities in the work of Roskosmos for a total of 785.5 billion rubles.

The first deputy head of the state corporation, Maxim Ovchinnikov, said that the reports of the Accounts Chamber for the years 2014-2016 were focusing on issues with the financial discipline and the managing of the budget process.

The former head of Roskosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, who headed the state corporation in May last year, in the summer of 2018 asked the Accounts Chamber to conduct an audit of the industry and approved a plan to counter corruption for 2018-2020.

Kudrin previously called Roscosmos a record holder for the number of financial irregularities in unseen amounts.

According to the head of the Accounts Chamber, procurement procedures were conducted incorrectly, with most commonly the prices being overstated.

In 2018, the Accounts Chamber revealed 9235 violations committed by government agencies when using the budget system. The total amount of violations amounted to 772.7 billion rubles. Which is still lower than the 785.5 billion discovered for Roscosmos alone in 2017.

The Accounts Chamber reported on plans to conduct a series of inspections in the space industry in 2019.

Roskosmos, Progress Rocket and Space Center, NPO them. S.A. Lavochkina and others will be audited using the federal budget funds allocated in 2016-2018. They will also be audited for the current period of 2019, for funds relegated to scientific, technical and innovative activities within the framework of the state program “The National Space Programme 2013-2020.”

The Accounts Chamber will also analyze the effectiveness of the use of funds allocated under the above-mentioned state program for the same period at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) Energia, the Center for the operation of ground-based space infrastructure and other industry enterprises.

RSC Energia and Roscosmos will undergo an audit of the use of funds from the federal budget as part of the execution of government contracts between 2016-2018.

In May, the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, reported on multi-billion-ruble embezzlements identified in Roskosmos.

He added that the investigation had been going on for approximately 5 years and there appears to be no end in sight.

Related to these investigations and developments, there have been several officials in the field that have fled Russia in the midst of audits and investigations. Some of them even fled ahead of the investigations.

Chingiz Agaronov, co-founder of the JSC R&D Company “Cascade” fled Russia back in 2016. On May 22nd, 2019, the Tverskoy Court in Moscow ruled on his arrest in absentia.

He is charged with giving bribes in large amounts to the leaders of the military acceptance committee controlling the installation work at the facilities of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).

Yury Yaskin, a senior official from the Roskosmos space agency, fled Russia in the midst of audits and inspections of the satellite and ballistic-missile research center that he headed.

The Investigative Committee of Russia charged Deputy Chief of the Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv) Aleksandr Kiruhin with fraud.


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Toronto Tonto

You want to fix the corruption problem in Russia , you will need to arrest everyone .


Not everyone rather just Jews because they are only perverted creatures.

Jens Holm

You are the pervert rubber dog.


Here you go the perfect rubber dog


Loung Kodak

You’re a pervert pro-terror!st and one of the worst hypocritical. disqus.com/home/discussion/liveuamapcom/director_of_the_pentagons_defeat_isis_core_task_force_chris_maier_on_us_troop_levels_in_syria_im_not/#comment-4484663840


You are very simple-minded, Do you honestly believe that other people are good and only Jew are bad?


If you don’t believe then its up to you. I just follow Jewish brutality on humanity in every single country including Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Japan, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Germany, India and so on. God protect all humans from these evil creatures. Ameen.

Tommy Jensen

Come on, there is no difference from “jews” and the rest of us.


If Russia want to circle the corrupt elements then only observe Jews because Jews are US proxies to do economic terrorism in every country like America.

Toronto Tonto

Why do you hate jews so much , did your jewish mommy beat your sorry azz you pastie little white boy .

Daniel Miller

oy vey you offended kike?

Jens Holm

Thats not about being offended. Its blaming others for being in bad systems and insist in remaing in them.

Its typical here many ME citicens are teached they by birth(of course only the little boys) are above the rest of us – jews or not.

They expect we shall honor and respect them for it and bow and bow.

Things are not like that in most other parts of the world jews inclusive. We gain honor and respect from what we do or do not. We are not born above anybody else even some feel that.


Yes, Merit,merit and more merit

Jens Holm

You just use jews as hostiles for covering up our own criminal activities.


Russia teaches the world how to create more oligarchs. Putin is there to watch the process and protect the oligarchs’ interests which move all the profits created in Russia to the west i.c investing in US. What a wonderful world. And Putting is selling patriotism to the ordinary people !!!

Jens Holm

I agree. Much like Communist Feudalisme and the Zars, even some of the billions for visiting Paris and London now is frozen.


Ouf happy for a moment ehhh lol. But your approach in history and philosophy is ignorant. You have to learn how to distinguish communism and feudalism.

Jens Holm

As long as Russia dont build up a modern system for tax tax and against kids of cheeting, it will be like that.

The Russian state cant pay its bills incl. pension and a lot of other stuff of importance.

So far I not even see criminal activities there. I see they have no money spending control.

Danish companies hadly are in Russia anymore. Even You ask for how much to pay in tax fx pr month, You get no answer. Suddenly the tax collectors comes stripping the companies down to the bones accusing them for not paying tax as well as the Leaderships are named and convicted as criminals.

Next of course is, the Russian state takes over the factory, but soon after collapse it too, because they have no qualified replacement,

The Russians has no idea about modern production as well as controlling income tax and profit from production should be and work well. NONE.

Above that, You have to pay corruption to establish anything first. Blaming western for that is far out. We have corruption as well, but that not systematic one making no production.

Olie H

“system for tax tax and against kids of cheeting”


Jens Holm

Goverments as well as the producing ones cant make a budget and do business, if they have no stability.

Much like living in a country, where You random are taxfree or robbed.

Nice little video.

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