August 20, 2020, USA: In this image from the Democratic National Convention video feed, Hunter Biden makes remarks introducing his Dad, former United States Vice President Joe Biden, on the last night of the convention on Thursday, August 20, 2020 (Credit Image: © Democratic National Convention V/CNP via ZUMA Wire)
Written by Piero Messina
The Russian Defense Ministry has a correspondence between Hunter Biden, the son of the President of the United States, with employees of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Pentagon contractors. The documents would be evidence of Biden jr’s role in providing funding for work with pathogens in Ukraine. The head of the Russian radiation protection forces, chemical and biological, Igor Kirillov said at a press conference, as reported by Tass. LINK
From Moscow, thus, new accusations come to Joe’s son.
According to Igor Kirillov “The existence of this material is confirmed by the Western media and the content of the messages shows that Hunter Biden was instrumental in providing funding opportunities for work with pathogens in Ukraine, securing funding for Black & Veach and Metabiota ( the latter, an American biotechnology company) “.
The Russian Defense Ministry has made public a list of those who would be involved in the creation of biological weapons components in Ukraine. Among these, one of the key figures according to the Russians was Robert Pope, a US Defense Department executive at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. A few days ago, former US President Donald Trump asked Vladimir Putin to make public any harmful information he knew about the Biden family, in particular about Hunter Biden, the president’s son.
The Russian State Duma has opened an investigation into an alleged network of US-controlled bio-laboratories in Ukraine and will report the conclusions of the proceedings to President Putin and international organizations. The investigation will proceed through four working groups, the Special Commission of the Lower House of Parliament has established, after hearing the testimony of the Ministry of Defense, according to what the co-president, Irina Yarovaya, has announced. “We are talking about Pentagon-controlled covert activities, with elements indicating the development of biological weapons, a danger to both Ukraine and Russia,” she said, citing the involvement, according to Moscow allegations, of Hunter Biden, with his investment fund Rosemont Seneca, and the US undersecretary of state for political affairs, Viktoria Nuland, to whom the Duma formally asks for explanations.
The documents collected in Ukraine also give the dimension of the wealth accumulated by the second son of US President Joe Biden with the Ukrainian affair. Hunter earned $ 4.8 million between 2017 and 2018 thanks to a financial deal with the Chinese energy company Cefc. Confirming the claims of Kirillov, it is one of the leading newspapers of the world mainstream to certify the story: the “Washington Post”. The newspaper’s account is based on government documents, court files, bank details and emails contained in a laptop that belonged to the son of the head of the White House. The deal, according to the investigation, was officially concluded on 2 August 2017 with the signatures of Hunter Biden himself and a Chinese executive named Gongwen Dong. A few days later, millions of dollars began pouring into a newly opened checking account at Cathay Bank. However, the entire operation lasted just over a year.
“Many aspects of Hunter Biden’s financial deal with Cefc China Energy have already been made public and included in a report drawn up by the Republican Party in the Senate in 2020. The investigation confirmed many key details and found additional documents showing the interactions. between the Biden family and Chinese leaders, “the article reads.
Documents show that over the course of 14 months, the Chinese conglomerate and its executives paid $ 4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle. On the other hand, there is no evidence that the current president Joe Biden personally benefited from the transactions with Cefc, which began a year after the conclusion of his experience as deputy of Barack Obama and well before the announcement of his candidacy for the US presidential elections of. 2020.
Documents unearthed by the Washington Post include the payment of a one million dollar fee and the payment of 3.8 million for consultancy activities. According to the US newspaper, they show “how the family enjoyed the relationships Joe Biden built over decades of public service.” Hunter Biden has already been the subject of a federal investigation for alleged tax evasion and his business in Ukraine, linked to the energy company Burisma and cited by Republicans in connection with a possible conflict of interest, has also been the focus of attention. However, Cefc represented the most profitable business ever conducted abroad by the son of the president of the United States. Potential energy projects Hunter Biden discussed with the Chinese company were never made public, but the US businessman received at least $ 3.79 million in consulting contracts. Biden then made another million dollars defending Patrick Ho, a CEFC executive accused by the US of having organized in a multimillion-dollar corruption scheme that also involved Chad and Uganda and was subsequently sentenced to three years in prison.
LOL! White House could not care less.
Jesus recommends for his followers to begin castrating themselves in service of yahweh:
Matthew 5:40 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2019:12&version=NIV
(Revelation 9:14-16) https://biblehub.com/revelation/19-15.htm (14) The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. (15) And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. (16) And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.…
“strike down the nations” i.e. to strike down the “goyim” (gentiles, non-jews) since jews are wanderers and therefore are internationalists.
https://biblehub.com/hebrew/1471.htm https://biblehub.com/hebrew/goyim_1471.htm
nazi moron sodomized by uncle Jeb in arkansas trailer park for entire childhood 50 years ago—now senile, discarded unable to attract toothless obese lgbt
Now, you entered in my second ‘specialization’, the Bible. You live in a totally distorted and imaginary universe. There Jesus refer on the peoples who want to ‘live like eunuchs’, that means ‘without children’ or by extrapolation ‘without sexual life’ for the kingdom of heaven, but just to observe he don’t make a compulsory statement, but some brainwashed extremists DO THAT by truncating and faking the clear meaning of the statement. More, here is an allusion for the monastic life in Christ. But not for some nazi cretin which take disparate statements from a wide range of domains and pretending compose a real ‘truth’ from all this hotchpotch notions.
(John 13:23) https://www.biblehub.com/john/13-23.htm There was reclining on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
(Luke 14:25-26) https://biblehub.com/luke/14-26.htm (25) Large crowds were now traveling with Jesus, and He turned and said to them, (26) “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters — yes, even his own life— he cannot be My disciple.
Yeshua also said:
(Matthew 10:34-36) https://biblehub.com/matthew/10-34.htm “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”
You should change your moniker to “free to have my head up my ass”. Would fit better.
You keep on projecting your own faults onto other people. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+13%3A23&version=NKJV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuXsKV8XF_M
B-b-but it is not a war you guys! It’s a “special military operation”, a “peace keeping mission”? Afghanistan (Putin supported) was peace keeping too? https://t.me/visegradball/115078
For each one of them there are 50 ukrops killed or wounded. Your point? You are losing bitches. Get the facts!
Why the fuck do you think I’m supporting Azov? I posted an image earlier showing Israel supports them. Of course Israel supports both sides, as do jews support each side in most wars historically. https://i.imgur.com/q4S46nL.jpg
Supporting Azov is like supporting isis. And no ammount of BS and gaslighting will change that. Keep practicing.
It isn’t like ISIS either. You fall for black propaganda.
Juice support.
Can a idiot make a real distinction between a khazarian ashkenazi non-blood, non avraamic fake jew and the real sephardic, blood, avraamic REAL hebrew people, imbecile !?
jews were bad since the beginning of the hebrew bible. https://bit.ly/3wV4qiR
I have the facts, while you have none.
Shut up, german subhuman. You nazis do not have the right to speak. Your faggot-loving, pedophile nation is the most degenerate, depraved and subhuman of all the races of humanity, so before you even think to criticize others, first look in the mirror.
Your point? You sound like a desperate hohol without a supervisor.
“You sound like a desperate hohol without a supervisor.”
Yet more desperation from a faggot that believes anyone not in agreement with you is a “paid NATO troll” hiding underneath every digital bridge.
Shucks, I thought you were a paid Kremlin troll, making Ukraine look like the 2nd coming of Hitler. Guess you fooled me.
U.S. military often uses images of Russian helos and jets and Soviet soldiers at the Battle of Berlin. You lose again…
“U.S. military often uses images of Russian helos and jets and Soviet soldiers at the Battle of Berlin.”
No proof. Different context.
“You lose again…”
Only in your mind, not in reality. You have no point, you fail to see the context of those posters and devise your own fantasies to escape realities you find unfavorable.
It means you are completely brainwashed at the beck and call of your trainers who applied Pavlov’s conditioned reflex training for dogs onto humans.
Pavlov didn’t need to make the transition to humans with you.
Man, get a grip. I dropped and busted a 5 lb box of screws at Home Depot the other day that had fewer loose screws than you.
Some 10 yr old Ukie kid sitting at his computer making up stuff. Or maybe that belching cat guy with the same mental development.
Even half wits can spot a WWII GI Joe helmet and kit, let alone the blackface. No Russian would ever mistake them.
Guess maybe as a German, it gave you the heebee jeebees.
BTW: Grandpa was in the 1st Marines, first wave on Guadalcanal.
Now go back to playing with your Azov water gun, Guntie.
Western people will care. Bad reputation is built over time. One brick at a time. Everyone in the west despises the ruling elites, because they have the gut feeling that they are corrupt pedophile monsters. But they are protected by secrecy and lies. If documentation starts coming out, they will have no way to hide their misfits.
You are talking about people you never met. You are typically scapegoating the west as usual, something you are not very knowledgeable about since you are brainwashed and lack real education. It boils down to false blame and envy.
You don’t understand Russia is run by pedophiles too, while China has a tradition of gay acceptance. You don’t understand jews promote gays, transgenderism and pedophilia, you don’t understand how they infiltrate and corrupt society for their own ends.
What you are after is revenge through white genocide, while lacking the intelligence to comprehend what is going on beyond the national media narrative of any country.
You have an inferiority complex
More Than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Ancient Jewish Thought https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/37225?lang=bi
The Six Sexes of the Talmud: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/196414?lang=bi
Metzitzah b’peh (Bris) is a process where the Rabbi applies oral suction and drinks the blood of the freshly circumcised mutilated penis of a baby https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/metzitzah-b-039-peh-bris-is-a-process-where-the-rabbi-applies-oral-suction-and-drinks-the-blood-of-t_3aLtoB5qeu2OqOG.html
Jewish LGBTQ connection https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/jewish-lgbtq-connection_LKQkOpjB15IfLry.html
Sex with Children by Talmud Rules http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/america_2.html
Non-Jewish female is put to death if a Jew rapes her https://odysee.com/@Lasse_Karagiannis:f/Pedo:d1
Unlike in traditional Asian and African mythologies, European mythos is traditionally patriarchal and thought to originate with the Aryan horse lords now commonly referred to as the Proto-Indo-Europeans.
Something else:
Tu’er Shen is China’s rabbit god of homosexuality.
Homosexuality has been documented in China since ancient times. According to one study, for some time after the fall of the Han Dynasty, homosexuality was widely accepted in China[1] but this has been disputed.
[2]Several early Chinese emperors are speculated to have had homosexual relationships accompanied by heterosexual ones.
[3] Opposition to homosexuality, according to the study by Hinsch, did not become firmly established in China until the 19th and 20th centuries through the Westernization efforts of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China.
[4] On the other hand, Gulik’s study argued that the Mongol Yuan dynasty introduced a more ascetic attitude to sexuality in general.
Breaking with its usual practices on LGBTQ rights and issues, China launched its first medical clinic to treat transgender children and adolescents. – The Chinese state-backed media outlet The Global Times recently reported that the clinic opened at the Children’s Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai, saying that it will “serve as a bridge between transgender children, parents, doctors and the various circles of society.” – The clinic’s opening and its celebratory coverage in Chinese state media comes as the country simultaneously works to limit LGBTQ activism and voices.
Everything you just said also applies to the countries you endorse. You lack critical thinking ability, it seems more out of willful ignorance and a century of brainwashing than an intellectual disability.
Plenty of proof that implicates Russia and China too. Since whites are too independent for jewish comfort, they plan to eliminate white people to rule over far dumber, more obedient populations.
Homosexuality and trans and lesbian are global universal and eternal. Simple as. Always have been always will be everywhere.
What will happen is the reaction to the white genocide agenda you knowingly or unknowingly endorse will inevitably make Whites racially tribalistic and distrustful of outgroups. https://odysee.com/@SouthernNordic:7/critical-mass-the-coming-man:c
The narrative you follow was crafted in the west and propagated mostly there than any other part of the world. What’s good is you and many others already prove that “racists” and “nazis” are correct about jews and other racial groups flooding in all White countries. https://odysee.com/@redicetv:1/is-russia-anti-globalist-whats-putins-objective:5
The White ‘Guilt’ Complex – weakening the West empowering the Rest: JR Nyquist & Rudolf B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blE9oqZmL9k ^ Jeff doesn’t understand jews (mostly the Sephardic jews) controlled the Transatlantic slave trade. Only 5% of those Sub-Saharan Africans went to what later became the USA, the fact there were white slaves too is swept under the rug.
https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2022/03/08/timeline-of-the-replacement-migration-agenda-short-post/ [1] 1920s-70s: Explicitly anti-White ideologies are formalized and spread throughout Western academia (Western Marxism, Critical Race Theory, Marxist “anti-imperialism” etc.).
[2] 1933-45: Western and Eastern Globalists collaborate to destroy nationalism in Europe and found the New World Order, fronted by the United Nations. This establishes a new political and moral paradigm, with (European) nationalism as the ultimate evil (brown nationalism is lauded and championed) and the “diversification” of European countries as the ultimate good.
[3] 1950s-70s: The “Civil/Human Rights” revolution legally enshrines anti-White politics under the guise of “equality” and enforces multiracialism and integration by banning racial “discrimination.”
[4] 1960s-70s: Policies to intentionally destroy White birth rates are implemented throughout the West (birth control, abortion, etc.) under the guise of “sexual revolution” and “freedom.” Leaked reports from World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation, etc., (e.g. Jaffe Memo) prove that these policies are specifically designed to reduce fertility.
[5] 1960s-90s: Open border immigration laws are passed throughout the West, removing all racial and ethnic limitations on immigration and naturalization.
[6] 1990s-present: Globalist destabilization of the Third World causes a mass influx of refugees and rent-seeking economic immigrants LARPing as refugees.
[7] 2000s: United Nations’ Replacement Migration agenda is officially announced and subsequently endorsed by Western countries and bureaucratic NGOs around the world.
[8] 2010s: The so-called “refugee crisis” kicks mass migration into overdrive; huge NGOs with backing from people like George Soros ship millions of Third World immigrants into Europe and America.
Result: “Whitey has low birth rates, we need to replace you with foreign brown people. Fortunately, the entire Third World has been destabilized, which is all your fault for being a genocidal White supremacist imperialist and having racist ancestors. So, you are morally obligated to embrace your own ethnic replacement. If you protest, we’ll throw you in jail for hate speech. No, you can’t secede because these ‘Civil Rights’ laws prevent you from doing so. Diversity is our greatest strength.”
Blah blah War has always been. Everywhere. Regardless of race religion class ethnicity. It’s human.
Im a western. You are out of any context of mine. Writing like that can only be You not even has tryed to find out.
except that you ride dicks instead of horses. c’mon man!
Everyone despises Russians now. Even more that they’re bankrupt. The bitches of the Chinese.
Agree. In West is a huge rift bwtween the common peoples and the ruling mobster elites. Everywhere.
Thats not the point. If we cant buy the produced stuff, there would be no production and all was poor.
Your kind of rift makes no sense. Fx we have an ordinary bathtub. We dont care if other has 5 in gold full of diamonds.
Our world is hot water, soap, shampoo and be dry after that in varm house having a meal and a beer or a glass of wine now and then.
Its alspoOur own house, a car, a garden, internet, mobilphone and peacefull invirments with not much corruption, trust for police and courts, a good health system and free hospitals.
And we have moron.
Things are not perfect here. We do improments and bad things happens too. But we has the right to compare with the rest of the world for free and do.
We can choose be lections and do. But this system is the best ever, where I live.
typical of an amerikan nazi hillbilly addicted to crack
Race specific bioweapons have long been a US priority the Biden trail casts plausible deniability for another actor.
Russia’s multiethnic. Your charge is senseless. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/quot-keep-a-low-profile-quot_gAReH3n7wfzk7Fn.html https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Kabbalah-Jews-Are-the-ENEMY-of-ALL-Humanity:3 https://i.imgur.com/YNX07I6.jpg
Aint that the Truth. Amen.
The jew is lying. Otherwise is honest about killing those who don’t submit to jewish tyranny.
He ain’t lying. Zionazi jews are fighting a proxy war against non zionazi jews.
The jews are in perfect lockstep with each other. The conflict between them on the surface is an illusion. https://odysee.com/@redicetv:1/is-russia-anti-globalist-whats-putins-objective:5
grunter lies–projects inferiority
Would you mind telling us what Gunth3r lied about, Yuri?
Another escapee from the booby hatch
The president of Ukraine is Jewish…
They are drunk, this Ukrainian supporter. When you call azov nazi they will say the president is jew. But now they come out with something silly, long wall of text that i automatically assume that they are robot.
And Google and Facebook BBC etc
Look behind him and you’ll see Yarosh with a pistol to the back of his head.
That’s the part that makes Gunther scream in delight like Goebbels’ five little girls, before he popped them with cyanide of course.
BTW: Hey, does anybody know if those Azov commanders are issued cyanide pills?
Actually, half-jewish and only on father’s side so that doesn’t really make him a jew according to jewish tradition.
Guess that’s why their neo-nazis can tolerate him. That and because he’s easy to control.
Wow. Victoria Nuland brought her ancestral hate to both Ukrainians and Russians, inciting a war to destroy them.
Its even visible now. So many in the world has smaller feet.
Soon micro bonzai people will land of the moon of Putin too. They take their energy from Tjernobyl for free.
Im tired of all that infected crap. Do a real comment or grow potatoes.
Learn English and maybe you won’t have so many ‘what?”s
Putin is crying
https://mobile.twitter.com/uaweapons look at all those russians retreating getting ambushed left and right
Which country is in a better position than they were six weeks ago, the Ukraine or Russia?
Ukraine is till there.
’till there? ’till where? Do you mean they’re there ’till they’re not there any more?
Biolabs are totally patriotic. We need more bioweapons. Praise Adolf and Bandera Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
Dude you are disgusting. Freedom of speech has a limit, and you are near its breaking point
yes, no, and no
Why? He’s just telling it like it is. He has a special insight into the Ukie mentality.
Banderas was Ukrainian freedomfighters just as Pilsuski in Poland. Using it as Stefan Banderas was only one band person is highly incorrect.
He hardly was a real nazi. His was in war withPoland for a fre Ruthenia in 1918 before Hitler wrote Kampf.
Banderas was a nationalist and even was jailed by the Nazis in Schsenhausen.
Even Timothy Snyder says Bandera wanted to establish a fascist government without ethnic minorities.
Banderites are fascist to the core.
Ukranazi Canadian lab director was working on Zyklon C.
Oy gevalt. Not the precious koshernazi biolabs. Thsts the ciamossadisis money. Oy oy.
If these was done by Russia in Mexico Moscow would be already a glassparkinglot.
Because we all know that America can bomb Russia with impunity, right? Do you what Russia has that the US doesn’t? Space. Their country is sparsely populated. Even in the event of a nuclear war, they will be able to rebuilt their civilization in undeveloped areas. While muricans would go around dying of cancer.
Facts says that a global war or an almost global war will give radiation all over and very much will arrive everytime it becomes windy.
Sibiria is sparcely populated because many cant live there.
You have no idea about radioactivity as well. Children in schools by UNICEF know more about things then You.
So, why do you goad useful idiots in Ukraine into sparking a nuclear holocaust then? Is it that you, like so many Ukrainians, like holocausts? Bandera sure did.
I’ve been saying that for years.
Muricans that survived would be killing each other over the last twinky on the store shelf.
Eff the pedobiden family.
Did you say pedo?😍😘
Eww 🤢
Its Yuri and not me. We try to upgrade him to white trash with paint.
He didn’t say transpedo. So it isn’t for you.
Jens Holm Denamrk never wrote that. Its Gagarin and laika has his never used brain.
Man, get a f***ng English dictionary. Or go bother folks on the five Danish language forums in existence.
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
I which country?
An Iskander a day keeps biolabs away 🤗
Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺
Fu.ck you…
I can’t see Putin living more than another 7500 days. 8000 tops.
Fu.ck you and the horse you rode in on, you lying dog-faced pony soldier. The Polish cavalry’s coming any day and they promised me a brand new 60’s era pony.
Ukraine will never forgive Russia for hundreds of years to come. Ukraine will build a millitary that Russian only wish to have then we will take revenge on Russian territory. We will destroy you. This what Putin’s army did is not war is genocide. all Russian Commanders are abandoning injured solider dead soliders and they are running towards Belarus border and we are picking them up at a huge passe Only in the last few hours we destroyed over 79 millitary vehicles and captured 46 but to let you know nobody have mercy anymore on Russian army Solider. They are running towards border of Belarus on foot. Ukraine army destroyed more than half of Russian millitary vehicles wich they were involved in this war. We will win. Let’s don’t forget We will never forgive Russia. Slava Ukraine Death to Putin.
Ukrainians will thank Russia for having freed them from the nazi oppression. As it happened during the Great Patriotic War. Slavs will be freed again. And the nazi faggots will be sent home in coffins.
Most people can say their thankyou very well. Hura Hura. Russian flags in the streets too.
Those people already are free all the way to west of Berlin. Bulgaria and Roumania are. Most parts of Causcasus are.
Tempting to add Kasakstan, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kirgisistan.
Most likely Russia soon will collapse again. Their Capitols will be Novgerod and Kiev. The Ruthenians there are the real Russians.
RUSSIA is just RUTHINIA with Moskva accent.
Finland will get their land back and Kazan again will be their own state. Tatars which wish for it can live in Tatar land again.
senile nazi moron jens has lgbt social worker now employs laptop therapy so he can ignore senile idiot
There is not naziopression. There are sheep told. You are sheep. You not even take in facts for their elections.
Don’t worry about that. Ukraine wont exist in the future. Neither Ukrainians.
you alikes are the proof that the best solution will be to bomb everything on the west side of the dnepr to the stone age and the survivors should be disarmed farmers only.
None can run that far on their hands.
Sureee pal of course LoL
Ukraine is no more, because its weak and got corrupeted by the west.
It is no more, never to return.
We dont have that kind and seize of corruption here.
What in hell are you babbling about? Is that some sort of Piglatin English or something?
Donbassers won’t forgive Ukraine for a thousand years.
I saw what Ukraine did in 2014-2015. They’re getting off easy, so go fu.ck yourself.
I’d like to see Porkshanks hanging upside down hog-tied on a rope, like Mussolini. That Turchinov rat-face too, and that’s just for starters.
You murdered your own people in Maidan, for God’s sake, just so your little fascist freaks could come to power. Then you burned people alive in Odessa and shot them through the head in Mariupol for just standing around. Then spent years shelling civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk, blowing them to pieces. You’re scum. So, a big fu.ck you to you, bud.
Multiple Projectiles Strike Russia:
S400? S500? Anyone?
Sort of reminds me of the final scene from the Gladiator, when Maximus arm locks Commodus and Commodus retaliates limp wristed with his knife and manages to scratch Maximus then dies, to everyone’s applause.
Did you see my laptop 💻? If yes, call 555-crackerboy.
Which one? Didn’t you lose three so far, crackerboy?
russia is no Friend to Japan or Germany or Italy, and a bad influence on China.
The Future is a realignment with Russia tossed out of Axis & NAM.
Russia and China were friends of convenience having the same enemy but never attacking directly (never in history ever attacked their sworn enemy).
China has done a good job as part of Axis, and has never bullied or harmed another Country, despite americunts and jews trying to make China fail.
russia is a proven failure throughout history, despite our attempts to help.
So many evil and corrupt things are being revealed about Ukraine . It’s like a giant Mexican Piñata you keep beating and the inside keeps pouring out. Keep Beating it.!
They are high in corruption and ineffectivines.
But there are progress as well. Most people here ignore that and tell what wasnt even true in the bad old Russian days.
Bad analogy. Piñatas have candies inside. What’s inside Ukraine is a horror show and that’s BEFORE Russia stepped in.
It’s sort of like the old medieval punishment of disembowelment that the English favored so, when the stomach’s slit open and all the entrails full of shit come spilling out.
Boy, this Gunther guy’s a real piece of work. Somebody left the booby hatch unlatched?