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Black Is Bad, The Latest Madness Of Kais Saied

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Black Is Bad, The Latest Madness Of Kais Saied

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Written by Piero Messina

What can you do if you have just realized that you have destroyed the nation you govern and you realize that popular protest threatens to become revolution? It’s simple: you have to shout conspiracy. Tunisian plenipotentiary president Kais Saied knows this old rule. Thus, while on the one hand he continues to order arrest warrants against his political opponents, Saied cries of conspiracy. He has finally found Tunisia’s real enemy: they are the sub-Saharan migrants who cross the African continent and arrive on the beaches of Tunisia to try to cross the Strait of Sicily and reach Europe. Saied sostiene una tesi particolare. Prima di tutto ricorda a se stesso e alla sua Nazione che la Tunisia, prima ancora di essere africana, è una terra araba e musulmana. La sua tesi è semplice. Kais Saied has alleged that undocumented immigration from sub-Saharan African countries is aimed at changing Tunisia’s demographic composition.   

Here’s what Saied said during a meeting of the National Security Council on last Tuesday followed the arrests of dozens of migrants this month in a crackdown:”The undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider Tunisia a purely African country that has no affiliation to the Arab and Islamic nations,” Saied said, adding that the influx of irregular migrants must quickly be ended. He added that unnamed parties had over the past decade settled African migrants in Tunisia in return for money, according to comments published by the presidency online.

Just a few days ago, Saied had met with a delegation from the Italian government to lay the foundations for a common strategy to combat illegal immigration.

Saied’s words were contested by civil rights activists.Activists, who had this week already condemned what they call hate speech directed at African migrants, said the president’s comments were racist.v”It is a racist approach just like the campaigns in Europe,” Romdhane Ben Amor, spokesperson for the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency. “The presidential campaign aims to create an imaginary enemy for Tunisians to distract them from their basic problems.”

It is not the first time that Saied has evoked the existence of a conspiracy against Tunisia. Just two months ago, Saied had argued that basic foodstuffs “are available within the Tunisian market, but there are shortages in order to aggravate the situation” in the North African country.

Black Is Bad, The Latest Madness Of Kais Saied

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In reality, a conspiracy against Tunisia really exists. It wouldn’t be difficult for Saied to find out who is behind a strategy that is destroying the country of jasmine, rendering the 2011 revolution in vain. It would be enough for Saied to look in the mirror.

Saied demolished all the constitutional principles of the country, rewrote the constitutional paper for his own use and consumption, canceled the parliament, called sham elections. With his economic policy he has demolished what little remained of the Tunisian economy, already tested by the crisis generated by the Covid 2019 pandemic.

The last chance to revive Tunisia was the loan requested from the International Monetary Fund. But the Financial Authority has blocked everything, at least for now. The international financial institution was supposed to announce its final decision on whether or not to approve the loan on December 19, but this did not happen.

Tunisia’s credibility on an economic level no longer exists. The latest downgrade by Moody’s of Tunisia’s sovereign rating from “Caa1” to “Caa2”, with a negative outlook, shows that “the country is now judged to be at very high risk”. Expert economist Ezzedine Saidane said on the radio station “Shems fm”, explaining that Moody’s classification includes 20 positions and Tunisia currently occupies the 18th place: going down another level would mean bankruptcy and, therefore, recourse to the Paris Club to renegotiate debt.

Thus, while President Saied plays at being the end-of-empire dictator, for weeks in Tunisia a series of basic food products such as milk, coffee and sugar have been almost unobtainable. Insensitive to calls for democracy from what remains of the political world, the president continues to crush opponents. In the last week, at least ten opposition figures have been arrested, without anyone knowing the charges leveled against them.

In the European media, the Tunisian chaos finds no space. But what is happening in Tunis and its surroundings does not go unnoticed by those who do business and have to invest in Tunisia. As of this weekend, major international tour operators have stopped selling travel packages to Tunisia. Tourism represents almost 9 percent of the country’s GDP and is the main source of foreign currency supply.


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What kind of junk is this again?

Italy is crying like a baby because Saied removed the cancer, the so called muslim brotherhood?

Peppe il Sicario

Did he really? If so, I salute him and his efforts. The problem is that the Italian governments since about 2011 have been literally hand-picked in Washington DC. This last PM, Giorgia Meloni? An Aspen Institute card-carrying whore!!! You know who they are right??? So, don’t take whatever they say too seriously.

The Muslim Brotherhood is any case, a British Crown created organization. As usual, you’ll find the British government behind every malice almost anywhere in the world and I urge if there are any decent humble and righteous British citizens left to get as far away from that country as possible as it is slated for near total destruction. It will become a haven country for the likes of OXFAM, Amnesty Intl., Action-Aid and other “humanitarian” groups.

Slava Rus!!!

Slava Rus!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Peppe il Sicario
Chris Gr

Yes you are right, however, both Meloni and the Muslim Brotherhood have a degree of correctness.

Israel first

Niggers suck and everyone knows it. All over the west people avoid them, rightfully so because they are violent.

They are a useless race.


U Right, It’s such a disgrace that the KKK stopped lynchings

Chris Gr

No they don’t. And Tunisians are not Arabs.

Saied is based

Everybody hates N I G G E R S and had no respect for them:

whites used african slaves arabs used african slaves jews were slave traders and were paid by arabs to castrate them.

Even the niggers themselves hate blacks this is why they want to dilute their horrible ape genes into us.


Blacks are demonic, importing them is madness.


By that logic, you are calling yourself demonic. The point is avoid talking about a subject you have basically no clue. Those people illustrated on that headline photo were forced to move because of Western sponsored terrorists. The African continent has been an international target for centuries because of its huge natural and spiritual resources. Russia understood that Africa has a big role to play in the future so the first step is to get the root cause of worldwide pain: these cabals who financed Portugal, Spain, France, Germany and England to initiate worldwide slavery, genocide and robbery.

Proud Nigerian

Africans are parasytes. They have all opportunities in our own countries and they do nothing apart of stealing and whining.


No one likes that,useless race of apes. Their population keeps growing and by 2040 they will be around 3B-4B african blacks-niggers. Disgusting stuff and they will probably try to keep migrating to the west , east and anywhere else that isn’t their shit hole nigger infested nations. Only to ruin the new “hosting” nations.

Chris Gr

This is Bill Gates propaganda.


If life was good on the african continent then people would not risk crossing the sea to europe in crappy boats that sink a lot. But life is not good and until someday when african states get their act together and figure out how to feed and care for their own people, maintain good relations with their neighbors, and put tin-pot dictators and their henchmen in prison, the beatings will continue…don’t hold your breath.


So much spin in the first part of this article. Wow. Almost like reading MSM on Ukraine. Imputing Kais Saied was a racist and islamicist is absurd. Firstly, Islam has nothing to do with this at all; certainly bc millions of ‘black’ Africans are muslims. Islam and ‘black’ go together like bread and butter (but also Christianity etc.). Secondly, Saied stands for Tunisian tradition of calling themselves precisely “Tunisians”. That’s what it says in their passport, not “Arab” as is the case in other countries. And also not playing the islamist card. Thirdly, yes, the second part of the article has more to it: Emigration from subsaharan Africa is directed through Tunesia and it’s difficult coping with it. These ppl, however, don’t want to stay – mostly – in Tunesia but go to Europe. Even Tunesia has the problem that many of their best-educated people emigrate bc they just don’t find adequate jobs and opportunities in T. Of course, larger powers are at play, angry at Tunesia’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause for one, their functioning judicial system etc.

Trivia: The name “Africa” goes back to a tribe the Romans called “Afri” that lived in what is today Tunesia. Hence “Africa”, the land of that tribe.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave
S Balu


Peppe il Sicario

Up until the late 1950s, half the population of Tunisia was of Sicilian origin due to the fact that the racist French didn’t want Sicilians emigrating to continental France or maybe because they were still mad about the Sicilian Vespers revolt of 1282 in which the French were kicked out of Sicily. Of all the Sicilian immigrants in Tunisia which numbered about 500 thousand people, in the early 1960s after the country’s independence from France, over 98% were more or less forced to move back to France or Italy mainly. This undoubtedly created a huge refugee problem in Italy, Rome especially. The city had entire shanty towns consisting of them and were heavily responsible for Rome’s massive post-war population boom. I personally know Sicilian-Tunisians, even a first cousin of my father is married to one. Now, Saied’s Tunisian government is crying about the Sub-Saharan Africans changing the demographics!! Well, Karma is truly a bitch my friend!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Peppe il Sicario
Chris Gr

Are you a mafioso or something?

Peppe il Sicario

Let me put it this way, I have more men in my family history of this type than there are in all of Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola films combined…😎

Chris Gr

Then I was correct of putting you in the same category as the Jewish Sicariis?

Jaafar Aziz

You idiot piero the clown 🤡, President Saied just want to recover the country’s sovernity unlike the foolish european nations. He repeated those who are here legally are welcome while illegal immigrants must quit. As simple as that.


I am very surprised how Southfront can be the voice of such mainstream propaganda! For a media being regularly accused of conspiracy, how can you be the voice of the ones always accusing you?!? We all know that a large part of immigration is organised and financed by organisations like Freedom House and the NED. Migrants being sometimes even cought with leaflets printed by those organisations explaining how to migrate. Not even talking about who finance the huge costs of all those NGO boat “saving” immigrants in the sea…


So when a president dare to talk about this, even if I am personally not very fan of this autistic president, we should all support! The same president dare also this week accuse Bernard Henry Levy, the co-organizer of all Islamic so called revolutions, of “support to terrorism. Which I guess is also something Southfront knows very well. How possibly Southfront can support and be the voice of poeple claiming that the coup of “Yasmin revolution ” was positive for Tunisia?!?


It is Soros money and ships moving people all over the world destroying cultural sovereignty.

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