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MARCH 2025

Blatant Propaganda: US-backed Militants Deployed in At Tanf Claim They Have Frontlines With ISIS

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US-backed militants, operating under the brand of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), have made another attempt to justify their operations against the Syrian army and its allies in southeastern Syria, along the border with Iraq.

The FSA media wing released an “official” map of the military situation in southeastern Syria claiming that the US-backed force have some “frontlines” with ISIS in the area. The map argues that the FSA cotnrols wide areas north and northwest of the US-led coalition garrison in the border town of At Tanf.

Blatant Propaganda: US-backed Militants Deployed in At Tanf Claim They Have Frontlines With ISIS

Click to see the full-size map

The real map of the military situation in Syria:

Blatant Propaganda: US-backed Militants Deployed in At Tanf Claim They Have Frontlines With ISIS

Click to see the full-size map

Earlier this year, the US-led coalition and its proxies made an attempt to build a buffer zone between the Syrian army and its allies from the Iraqi army and the Popular Mobilization Units in Iraq. However, the attempt failed when Syrian government forces reached the border area northeast of At Tanf. Since then, the Syrian army has widely expanded its zone of control along the border with Iraq and now is advancing on the ISIS-held T2 pumping station.

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no wonder, they are the same as ISIS

paolo duchateau

Salut bru, ça fait plaisir de lire un compère pas macronné du ciboulot.

Concrete Mike

Ces rafraîchissant en tabarnak

paolo duchateau

Salut Canada

Concrete Mike

Haha mon juron archaïque à relever ma position shit!!!

paolo duchateau

Ostie !!


merci bien compere, et super tes nombreux messages ici!

Jens Holm

15 sheeps came marching …. Baaah


Same a ISIS fatter,. with less hair and nice, clean US supplied uniforms. And no feeling they need to die for Allah, or Syria, or the USA.

John Whitehot

I’d call it a blatant lie. propaganda would mean that at least 1 part of truth in 100 could be present.


This seems like fake news to me and it must be said, FSA related sources have a tendency of being not only unreliable but often outright fake.

I even read on a FSA source they claim FSA units out of Tanf will be relocated to Shaddadi in Northern Syria.

It might be true that the SDF can protect them there but a. Why would the SDF protect FSA units unless they join and b. How would they get there as I see no overland connection between Tanf and Shaddadi. Helicopters? Flying carpets?

My conclusion : fake news.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The rumor of the US going back to Jordan could be true ,this is probably face saving move but don’t trust it , US has more lies than a golf course .

Concrete Mike

Lol good one, id Say us are in the rough right now

Jens Holm

Yerrrh, and his wife is a tee bone steake…

Jens Holm

haha. And the others hahah.

Jens Holm

Yes, too much of that. None really knows if they sended that message at all, but we see the same reactions again and again for fakes,manupilations and even thruth: Diaperjumping from immature grown ups, which hardly has left their own garden or balcony.

I dont trut much fro m FSA either.

paolo duchateau

Poor moderate beheaders trapped in the desert with only one way to flee: Jordania, It’s harder to directly deal arms, gear, ammos… to daesh rats now. Supplies by air and evacuation of westerners beheaders becomes much more dangerous !!

Jens Holm

They are not trapped in the desert at all.Thats pure propaganda.


SAA are close to T2 now. FSA trash was to cowardly to attack ISUS, and they need to run away back into Jordan. Are you tired of trolling the UA site. And now you want to discus with adults ?

Wahid Algiers

Jensi, poor little idiot. Wait until you are allowed to speak.

Wahid Algiers

FSA rats are born liars, cheap and dirty traitors to the Syrian People and willing slaves of Uncle Sam and Israel. These guys were the scum of the syrian society before 2011 and they hoped to get good jobs after the back stabbing “revolution”. Spell on them, knock them in the dust and hang them as high as possible for a warning.


“FSA” doesn’t really exist anymore. Most of it really is foreign fighters that have crawled out of the woodwork all over the world…

Does not matter, they will still get their goose cooked.

Wahid Algiers

FSA = Feet Sucker Asses (of masters US and Israel)

Jens Holm


Wahid Algiers

Shut up immigrant.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

How can Jordanian mercenaries be traitors they have no loyalty not even to their King .

Jens Holm

?? Some seems to be from refugee camps, which inhabitants actually are Syrians pushed away by the failed dictatorshif by Baathistas.

I dont about the rest. Very manipulative telling those araound Daara are mercenaries. You really dont get it. So many think Assads should have been gone Years ago and kept in jail for ever.

Jens Holm

telling this again as number 4567890988765544 make You win a bag of sand for Your beach in Latakia.

Wahid Algiers

Pay attention that you don’ t get a bag of sand to eat you immigrant.

Jens Holm

Its the same repeating propagada or very low knowledge level, which block for any solution at a needed hoigeher level.

It coudl also be a rock Ypou can cary with no help next time or “wakk away more then 100 meter away fromhome with rope”

Mnay here read a lot trying to follow whats going on. They dont like timewasters like that and other semilars.


The US-Jordanian ‘FSA’ are mercenaries and US special forces. Their Pentagon handler’s dream targets were Damascus to west, and Dier Ezzore to central east. For US to occupy and permanently carve off as a rump Syrian Sunnistan – leaving Lakatia and coast for Alawites and granting whole north east to Kurds.

Concrete Mike

It is, worst part, ITS OUR GODDAMN MONEY!!!!!!

With the poverty and lack of jobs st home, they think its ok to take our money, then borrow à shit load more, for idiotic projects like this that bring absolutly no benefit whatsover to à regular hardworking Joe in Kentucky. Its brings nothing. It sickens me.


Understand the Norwegians are around Al Tanb, Brits too.


Yeah, but they are just NATO lap dogs following their master around.

Michael Qiao

btw, the tiger forces now linked with another force of the SAA, thus encircling ISIS on Ithriya-Raqqa road

Wahid Algiers

Fine, good news. A new pocket north of the road is created. Now SAA only have to wait until the ISIS want to take the road (only way out) and then shelling and sniping them. Or they starve inside by thirst and hunger. Hawks and other units will be clear to start eastwards from Hama CS to take the last positions of the ISIS. In the meantime SAA has a long vertical front nearly through whole Syria.

Michael Qiao

this is good news indeed, and they could even attack the front broadly right now

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Hawks , QSF,HSF and other groups are already pushing they gave them the opportunity to leave , that road is closed now. They are coming across pro government towns so this helps with the clearing of areas . There is another front that will close another pocket , some of the rebels from some areas have recently joined with the SAA .


The SAA needs to clear the pocket of ‘Stay Behind Terrorists’ quickly to protect the civilians there . This would also free up about 10,000 NDF etc to bolster the SAA assault formations to the south of Raqqa.

Wahid Algiers

From this point of view you are right.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The road is now controlled and they have a shorter supply route, this will save hours .

Cem Duru

Dear friends, i cannot understand one point. The rebels in the al-tanf area are supported by USA, and the rebels in the Jarablus-albab area are supported by Turkey. Now, i assume, turkey has changed sides recently, by bombing afrin canton (which is USA’s area of influence) and supporting Qatar. Therefore, are the above mentioned rebels belong to different fractions, or if those rebels belong to the same fraction, how they can opperate under the support of differenf rival sides? (Namely Turkey and USA). Can we assume that, the rebels in the north will side with Russia-SAA-Iran and the rebels in the south will side with Kurds and USA? If not, will the northern rebels also “rebel” again against Turkey by USA support?


Good and relevant questions. Imo rebels in the north are, like in the south, anti Assad.

Some moderates in the North were US funded and a little bit sympathetic to SDF. Most are abject islamists and turkish mercenaries while those around Idlib are often HTS, former al Qaeda and IS light.

In the south Turkey has no influence and those are more moderate generally. Rebels both in the north and in the south are generally against kurds as in kurdophobic. They are arab supremacists.

Concrete Mike

Al nusra runs the show in the South and in Idlib, they are us/Saudi/Israël backed.

There are other factions but Al nusra is by far the Most powerful.


It becomes clearer if one accepts that ALL the terror warlords give their services to whichever terror clan is advantageous in wealth and power. So a criminal gang will change allegiance easily and those links manipulated by the US for her ends as well

Essentially the US Coalition and proxy terrorists are just a cabal of criminal gangs united by greed .


All of this will soon become a moot point.

Because the US supported FSA, down in the al-Tanf area (extreme Southeast), were cut off recently by the Syrian coalition PMU’s, the US intends to move these same FSA militias to the North. They are going to be airlifted (leap froged) up into Northern Syria, into the SDF-YPG controlled area near Shadadi. That is about 100 miles North of Dier-ez-zour.

From there they will be in position to move South to capture important oil fields North of Dier-ez-zour, even though the SDF-YPG says they will not move South from present positions.

The plan is to recruit former ISIS fighters in that area, as ISIS collapses. In fact this FSA has already done exactly that. Thus, ISIS will morph into the friendly FSA, in an effort to partition Syria and grab important assets.

Once ISIS starts to collapse it will be important to grab important Syrian assets around Dier-ez-zour before US rebels get there. Syria is going to need more help from Iraqi PMU’s to do this.

Jens Holm

They are not cut off. Seems like the bulge on Your neck is cut of.

As all Baatista lovers, You operate with the border to Jordan as well as Iraq as a 50 meter high concrite wall filled up with mines and barbed wire.

Same naive talk, when SAA now are gurading most of the border to Syria like a few ants on a footballfield. You dont get how big that dersertarea is.

If FSA or USA were clever and lucky they could go to Raqqa, Ramadi and almost to Amman unseen.


Yes, just like the US/FSA move on Al Bukamal in July, 2016. Or was this a resupply mission for ISUS? HAHA

Jens Holm

It was a raid. There has been several raids mainly with small succes or none.


@ Jens Holm,

I notice that you have posted 17,931 comments . Does this mean that you are a professional commentator ? At say an average of 3 minutes per comment plus say another 5 minutes reading posts you wish to comment on, this suggests a minimum of 2,557 hours spent here. That is say 64 weeks of work at a minimum based on a 40 hr week.

You have been registered here for 22 months, so either you have far too much time on your hands on a balcony somewhere OR you are a paid Western Troll.

Which is it my friend?

Jens Holm

Im a hard work total independent writer and against we are in the middle east at all even our parlment has a big majority for it.

But I have been commenting since about 1998 but only local and also much about the muslims comming here integrating well only 50% after 10 Years.

In that it has always also been against those, which dont want it to work and Im for we – if possibkle – only take the real refugees and the ones which we have jobs for.

Im a kind of comapored to retired, but not very old. My doings are flexible,so I have this all time day and nigt, if there are space for it. And I like it. I learn a lot and add it to my danish part as descriebed above.

So when I started here, I has a well known base not only for muslims and the rest but also all historicly facts from long time before many cpountries were made before Ottomans finally collapsed. I can go back in any regions which those figtings in Syria is related to incl Western, russians, Iran, Afgjanistan and main parts of pakistan as well.

Sometimes my memory only remember the top/surface about detalie things, but they are back more or less after checking and making it more deep by that.

Its not only about war. Its also agriculture, mining, industriael levels, powerplants like the Dams in Syria and logistics for everything incl oil and gas after it has left fx Syria/Iraq/Iran/Kasakstan/russia.

I havnt been writing any english the last 40 years, but I have almost reached my very old level and still improving a little. I live in a tourist are and every summer I speak “tourist english” well and the subjekt there are not advanced.

Im for human right. Great lack of those many places in the world.

Finally many of my 17,931`s are very short and I often use bork. Thats what hens say here, when they do have to say sométhing in stead of “silent often can be gold”

So many comment of mine are reading shit and giving it minus. So I do “work hard and enegaged”, but not as much as the high numbers says.

My bigget problem is, that Im only able to make an advanced 2 finger system.

If You read more, You will see i try to document all I can by many explanations and referring to facts supporting it by Internet incl maps and links like below https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23ddb79d4555568f296043ea0d9c9eb48fbcdbc689a9886f43b0fd532b5834e3.png . I dont think trolls do that very much.


I appreciate your reply, thank you. Your English is 100% better than my Danish :) and although understandably not perfect , I can and try to understand the nuance of most that you say. I hope,lol.

At one time in history the church was the dominant broadcaster of ‘opinions ‘ (propaganda) and the church greatly disliked and feared the advent of the printing press. Today the ruling establishment greatly fears the internet as the channel of alternative ideas. There is nothing new in this world it seems :) I never cease to be astounded at the imbecility of all too many of the worlds leaders who appear to have lost touch with the historic reality that has destroyed so many leaders in the past.

Jens Holm

Manipulated map of the worst. ISIS has the Iraqian side of the border up to eufrat and north of it having the phosfat minefields with good roads and rails for train.

So they are not “gone” as decriebed.

In the other hand it seems overestimated, what FSA as well as SAA has. Too many dont see, that in that area those small troops are like a few ants on a football field.


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