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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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On January 8, the ISIS Wilayah Sinai published a new release exposing the fragile situation in the Egyptian peninsula.

The release, titled “Bleeding the Campaigns,’ includes footage from dozens of attacks on Egyptian government forces by ISIS cells in Sinai. Some of the attacks shown in the release were as recent as January 6.

The 24-minute video began with a segment highlighting the Egyptian military failure to put an end to the ongoing ISIS insurgence in Sinai, despite what the terrorist group called “international support.”

The release shows a series of attacks with improvised explosive devices (IED), bulldozers, battle tanks and armored vehicles of the Egyptian Armed Forces. In many of the attacks, ISIS cells used remotely-controlled IEDs.

‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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A number of attacks by ISIS snipers were also included in the release. Most of these attacks were, however, a failure. ISIS snipers mainly used AM-50 Sayyad anti-materiel rifles.

‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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The terrorist group also shared footage of ambushes and raids that targeted Egyptian troops near the cities of Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid in North Sinai.

‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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The release also shaded light on some of the heavy weapons used by ISIS cells in Sinai, including a motorcycle-mounted Type 54 12,7mm heavy machine gun.

‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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An improvised rocket-propelled grenade made by ISIS cells in Sinai was also shown in the video. The rocket was made from MK-118 Rockeye submunitions, which were most likely recovered by the terrorists from cluster bombs dropped by Egyptian warplanes.

‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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In an attempt to intimidate the locals in Sinai, the terrorist groups also showed the execution of three men accused of ‘spying’ for the Egyptian and Israel intelligence.

‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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‘Bleeding The Campaigns’: New ISIS Release Exposes Fragile Situation In Egypt’s Sinai

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The ISIS video report exposes the fragile situation in Sinai. However, the release, which is meant to serve as propaganda for ISIS, is filled with exaggerations. ISIS cells in Sinai are still involved in operations within a small part of the peninsula.

Egyptian government forces will have to step up their efforts against ISIS in order to restore security and stability in the entire region.


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Fog of War

What is the budget of the Egyptian military again ?

Jens Holm

You cant rely on any numbers for them. Their military forces produce very much themself as owners but in factories being very ineffective and corrupt.

I allow me agin to say, that You have to remove the reasons for extremisme as well as it goes to reduce or remove groups like that.

Fighting guerilla is no matter of money even drones and radars for finding people and cars are good helpers.

Israel use the hard stuff way with succes. But You fx can learn a lot from Peshmerga in Iraq and the YPG parts of SDF in Syria, which are small very independent groups of fx 10 being very clver opportunists being not catsced in ambush.


where can we find the video


2020 Military Strength Ranking 1st US 2nd Russia 3rd China …. Egypt is 9th army in the world 10th Brazil 11thTurkey 12th Italy 13th Germany 14th Iran 15th Pakistan … 18th IsrhaHell https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.asp

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Watch “Capitol Hill Fiasco” on Global Research site.

Before it is removed, quick.


thanks buddy

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Do you think she went to the same training centre that Oswald went to?

Why would she be shot, with so many armed police behind her who could easily arrest her. Why would they remove her clothing, and why would anyone pump her heart when she supposedly had a neck wound. Where was the blood spatter on the wall. Google her funeral, or interviews with her family, no videos or mention of it.


It is obvious that Capitol event had to have some victims (staged or true) so that everything about that event gets dramatic dimension and justifies nonsense meme about “protesters being armed”.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We didn’t see the Maidan people taking selfies with the police. Unless it was with their corpses.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Just watched a site, given to me by AM Hants, beforeitsnews.com. Excellent, posted yesterday, try it out.

Jens Holm

More likely You will be removed first. Its easy. You are nothing.

Hasbara Hunter

Thanks brother….yeah Lies & Broken Treaties….let’s see how humanity will deal with Baphomet & his little helpers in the near future…at the moment the big majority still behaves as Sheeple

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hi Hasbara Hunter, hadn’t seen you earlier, I would have known you would be interested in this, or I would have sent you this. AM Hants sent me another site, beforeitsnews.com which carries another video “the deep state is in panic mode”, excellent video, about 50 minutes with other sites mentioned on it.

Hasbara Hunter

The Deep State is in a Panic mode for quite some time now….but a lot of people still don’t have a clue of what really is goin’ on….thanks for the link!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

dissidentvoices.org is another must see site, great info. Check out Peter Koenig also.

Hasbara Hunter



Tis good to see you my friend. We live in times when, for better or worse, we can say, I was there :)

Hasbara Hunter

Good to see you too brother…I’m ready to face anything the Elitist ZioNazi-Parasites throw at us….let them bring it on!


Well , There are two scenarios for what is happening in Sinai : 1- Either The elites benefit from the ongoing insurgency by pretending to be protecting the Christians and getting support from the west as a result and thus doesn’t to put an end to this insurgency . 2-The army is failing due to using old tactics , Angering the local population in addition to depending on conscripts to fight the insurgency .

In both cases the elites here in Egypt don’t tell the public the real situation in Sinai and thus we cannot solve a problem we don’t know much about .


GERMANY AIN’T EVEN IN THE TOP 40,LET ALONE NORTH KOREA 25TH? what a pile of sht,seriously who do these units get the numbers from the lgbtq,how about actives?


How about balls – be ready to die in fight…., how to measure it? Taliban or Houthi – Ansar Allah are not even considered army yet they kick some butt all the same. These are just statistics that must always be taken with the grain of salt . Either approach is used somebody will be ripped off .

The Objective

Bullshit! you’re such a fucked-up dimwit. How can you evaluate military strength by the number of equipment and personnel each country has without taking into account the quality of weaponry and experience and competence of personnel. Just imagine: Egypt stronger than Iran, Pakistan, Germany, Turkey, and Israel. Can anyone believe this bullshit? Egypt imports all of its major weaponry.

I used to think you’re a good military analyst. Now I know for sure you’re just one of the many morons shooting off with their mouth about pretty much everything. It’s good to know that you’re this low on IQ. That means I don’t have to take any of your juvenile comment seriously.


This is just one of many military statistics sites lists! Go tell them that you don’t like it ! It is just stupid statistics you simpleton !



Prototype Engine Developed For Russia’s PAK DA Strategic Bomber A prototype engine has been developed for Russia’s new strategic bomber, Prospective Air Complex for Long Range Aviation (Russian acronym- PAK DA), which is expected to be rolled-out in 2021-22. The PAK-DA is the next generation strategic bomber boasting a flying wing design, stealth features and will carry hypersonic missiles and nuclear weapons in its belly. It will replace current generation long range bombers such as the Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22. In February, the Russian MoD greenlit a contract to commence production of PAK-DA aircraft with initial deliveries targeted for 2027. On Wednesday, Alexei Sobolev, Deputy General Director – Managing Director of UEC-Kuznetsov told reporters that the engine will be sent for its tests soon after its assembly. It was Alexei Krivorochko, Russian Deputy Minister of Defense, who first revealed that the bomber’s engine prototype will be sent for its initial tests by the end of 2020. The aircraft will have a 12km operational range and is of subsonic speed. It will be able to remain in the air for up to 30 hours while carrying 30 tonnes of nuclear weaponry. https://www.defenseworld.net/uploads//news/big/4_1608788456.png

The Objective

So far, Russia’s Su-57 program is a big flop. The plane still got a lot of problems. Now Russia has launched another ambitious program slated to mature in 2027. The Su-57 took over a decade and Russia is yet to perfect it. Well, goodluck with this superambitious project. My guess is, this plane won’t come online until at least 2035.


You understand jack shit on the subject ! I can’t be bothered to waste my time on ignorant retard like you. You can’t even see difference between bomber and air – superiority multi role fighter jet, you effing simpleton!! PAK-DA has nothing to do with PAK-FA ! Go away!


Suk 57 has not been a flop, its limited procurement is due to contract fulfillment of generation 4++ aircraft, and the finishing stages of development of Saturn 30 engines, some of its technologies are being incorporated in Gen 4++ aircraft, and larger production runs are expected after 2025.

The Objective

In other words, it won’t be ready until 2025. We’ve heard that on and off for the past ten years. It started in 2005 and had its first flight in 2010. Only 12 units have been built so far. That’s the problem with over-ambitious programs. The Su-57 will still have problems 10 years from now.


They are being built now in production mode, the first one was delivered in December, you obviously want to be ignorant that Gen 4++ aircraft are being procured now, and keep making baseless statements. There are quite possible export possibilities with Algeria, India, Vietnam…etc.

Stealth technology is not more demanding than hypersonic propulsion technology, something the Russians mastered while the West keeps fumbling around.


Not ready?!!? This is definitive final “PRODUCTION” model ! First batch of 12 SU-57 is in production already! There will be NO CHANGES on this SU-57 except newer engines in the NEW batch (after this one) you ignorant simpleton! The only difference from next batch of SU-57 is that they will have new “second stage” 5th generation engine Saturn called: “Article 30” engine. That will be ready for production next year (this one now used is “first stage engine” that can be easily replaced in due time on 1st 12 models with “Article 30” engine)

Do not talk about things you have no clue whatsoever!!

Jens Holm

We have the same kind of people here even they are unarmed. They destruct what there is and next complain abiut it too.


Its just a thought that its very possible that Israel is playing both sides in Egypt.

ISIS was very happy to be right on the borders of Israel, their wounded were treated in Israeli hospitals :)

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