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Blinken Praises His Jewish Ancestry While Contradicts Western Narratives About Ukraine

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Blinken Praises His Jewish Ancestry While Contradicts Western Narratives About Ukraine

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The irresponsible attitude of some American officials towards current events in Ukraine and Israel may have reasons beyond politics. Personal emotions and sentiments of ethnic revenge may help to explain the irrational actions of some key public figures in US politics.

In several recent statements, the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has made clear his ethnically motivated position of full support for Israel, ignoring the specific political nuances of the case and letting a kind of anti-Palestinian revanchism guide his attitudes. It was not by chance that during his speech in Tel Aviv about the current crisis in Gaza, Blinken stated that he was speaking not only as US Secretary of State, “but also as a Jew.”

A curious and noteworthy detail in Blinken’s words during his Tel Aviv tour is that he also mentions that his Ukrainian Jewish ancestors were persecuted “in Russia”, making it clear that Ukraine was part of Russia and confirming the historical obviousness that Ukraine never existed as a country before the end of USSR. Once again, contradictory speeches by Western officials refute Kiev and NATO’s own narratives.

“I come before you not only as the United States secretary of state, but also as a Jew (…) My grandfather, Maurice Blinken, fled pogroms in Russia. My stepfather, Samuel Pisar, survived concentration camps – Auschwitz, Dachau, Majdanek”, he said.

In fact, this ethnic background may also explain the irrational stance of unrestricted support for Ukraine widely promoted by Blinken. In a recent article, an important Western newspaper described Blinken as “a symbol of solidarity between US, Ukrainian Jews”, praising the Secretary’s family roots and his current role in the US policy of support for Kiev.

In the same post, the author makes some additional comments on Blinken’s personal history, showing details on the origins of his family. According to the biography, the Secretary’s ancestors actually fled from Russia’s Ukraine to the US in the early years of the 20th century – and the reason for that was precisely Ukrainian antisemitic sentiments.

“In 1904, a 25-year-old Ukrainian Jew named Meir Blinken and his young family began settling into a new life in New York’s Lower East Side. Though they were far from home, they were by no means alone. In fact, they were just one of thousands of families who had arrived in America after fleeing Ukraine to escape antisemitic terror”, the article reads.

Apparently, unintentionally, the author seems to confirm that antisemitic tendencies were already strong in Ukraine at that time. These trends historically come from Western European influence on some Ukrainian regions and were strongly encouraged during the WWII, when ultranationalist organizations adopted anti-Semitism and anti-Russian racism as part of their fascist ideology. Soviet Russia destroyed these movements, abolishing Ukrainian fascist organizations, undermining Western influence and integrating the region’s different ethnicities into Soviet society.

However, after the end of the USSR, the West began to encourage the resurgence of Ukrainian nationalism and rehabilitate fascism as an ideology, resulting in the current situation where a neo-Nazi regime is working as a proxy for NATO in a war against Russia. Blinken ironically is cooperating with this regime. While his Jewish ancestors fled Ukrainian anti-Semitism, Blinken is now helping to further increase the hegemony of a racist mentality in Ukraine.

It is nothing new that Jews confused by their ethnic emotions and disrespectful of their history begin to support antisemitic, fascist ideologies. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky himself is Jewish and even so he leads a neo-Nazi junta. In the same sense, Blinken makes every possible effort to ensure that the US continues to endorse Kiev’s racist and genocidal policy, even though he himself is a descendant of a family that suffered from Ukrainian anti-Semitism.

Blinken’s support for Israel shows something similar. The Zionist State uses the historical suffering of the Jewish people in an opportunistic way in order to justify policies of ethnic cleansing, apartheid and genocide against the Palestinians – making it look like Nazi practices, both in past Germany and in current Ukraine. Blinken praises his ancestry as the main factor in supporting Israel, when in fact he should, as a Jew, feel compelled to combat all forms of racism and ideological supremacism, as his people have been victims of this type of mentality many times in history.

In fact, instead of using heightened ethnic pride to justify hatred and revenge, Western, Ukrainian and Israeli leaders should seek a better understanding of the problems of racism and supremacism. Confusing and contradictory speeches like Blinken’s show how irrationality takes over the Western decision-making process, leading to a disastrous foreign policy that is conducting the world to a catastrophe.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.


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Peter F.

well written article, straight to the point. blinken will go down in history as the worst secretary of state in the us history.


isn’t he secretary of state of israel?


agree. he and zelensky’s hypocritical positions are cut from the same cloth.


it’s like lebron and jordan. each devious creep has to be judged in the times in which they operate. henry kissinger seemed to be the greatest scumbag of all time, but then we had legends like albright and rice, each one hall-of-fame vermin in their own right. i don’t know how all these poor american jews overcome the all-encompassing anti-semitism to get the sos position. what a mitzvah!

Edgar Zetar

blinken plays the victim card, while they are slaying others, they play the victim role. you don’t get to be secretary of state without being a good good player, only intelligence services watch and analize carefully what liers told and acts just to try to predict their new movements and their goverment beforehand. it’s so easy to discover the role of usa on this, watch their secretary of state, antonhy bliknen is blinking all day long. usa created israel, so usa will protect them.


this is a very jewish thing to do though.

slavic proverb:

“a jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back.”


the us founding fathers are rolling in their graves. jews in full control of us government, academia, finance, media? every thing the gentile learned in history forgotten — the historical ill intent of the jew in full display for even the most politically correct mind to awake form it’s ruinous slumber.


true, woodworker…


what a weird a$$ excuse for a character diaperblinkhead is. what american would be proud of this fool, aside from other severely confused, installed and sheltered idiots.


this article must be mistaken. there is no way that a jewish person could be secretary of state in this era of rampant anti-semitism. there’s nowhere for the jews to be safe. they were just minding their own business in israel when these awful “palestinians” showed up out of nowhere and starting persecuting these pacifist communal farmers. terrible!


there is verified and confirmed information about israeli ammunition (155 mm etc) sent to ukraine for using in battle killing russian, secondly about more than 2000 israeli officer from israeli idf and mossad helping ukraine – about 1000 of these israeli servicemen came back to israel after 7 october-, many in russian army are very angry about that – add to that incident of killing russian servicemen in the air few years ago – and they not happy with putin soft reaction to it!

Keller mendelevium

some dumb israeli mercs had their heads and hands cut off by ukrainian nationalists after their deaths to make sure they stayed unidentified.


blinken is a kike-maggot.


the juice hollow co$t goes on as slumville tax cattle die in gaza so that jooish boyz must not. trump gushes “when i am back in the white house, the united states will stand with israel all the way — without hesitation, without qualification, and without apology. we will fully support the israelis in their mission to ensure that hamas is decimated, and these atrocities will be avenged. they will be avenged.”


don chump of the slumville juice uniparty is back on the stump to make israhell grate again.

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