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MARCH 2025

BLM-Loving Daughter Calls On Government To Persecute Her Parents For Participation In Capitol Standoff

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BLM-Loving Daughter Calls On Government To Persecute Her Parents For Participation In Capitol Standoff

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As US authorities started detaining and persecuting people that participated in protests near the Capitol on January 6, the division and hate between the ‘conservative’ and ‘neo-liberal’ parts of the US society remain on the unprecedented level.

Showcasing the new normality, an ordinary “liberal lesbian” shared names and faces of her parents in Twitter to help the government to detain and persecute them. Meanwhile, MSM and neo-liberal agitators push the narrative that all protesters that stand against the forceful entrenchment of the neo-liberalism in all spheres of the daily life and questions the victory of Biden in the recent election (that showed an unprecedented scale of what can be called a voter fraud) are just ‘domestic terrorists’.

BLM-Loving Daughter Calls On Government To Persecute Her Parents For Participation In Capitol Standoff

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The political freedoms, the freedom of speech and the ability of people to think without pre-moderating their views under the MSM-imposed narrative are no more tolerated in the new ‘tolerate’ United States of America.


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The daughter did the right thing. If you want to participate in an insurrection, you must do it out in the open!

Kenny Jones ™

Boohoo insurrection get out here globalist when biden takes office you can say goodbye to your life as you know it


Make no mistake they may try to come after us,but they will get it first,because its a dog!


Trump does not have the power to deal with his opponents. The right wing of America lost their opportunity to find a worthy leader. What would be worse? A civil-nuclear war or the coming dictatorship under Jo…errr Kamala Harris?

Kenny Jones ™

Joe till February, then Kamala because he is unfit for office

Arthur Deodat Jr.

The daughter will end on antidepessants, betrayed from community she thinks that belongs to.


If she were a trophy wife, married to a right-wing plutocrat, you think she would be in smaller need of antidepressants?


Begone dogger,coward,insolent,unconstituate traitorous turd! The elections were rigged,that follish girl will end up with nothing nor anyone who cares(period)


Tell that to black supremacists from BLM, before they shoot innocent people, burn down buildings and loot.

Me&Myself None

I too do not support fascism, racism, and supremacism, therefore if my parents were that foolish to support an idiot, racist, imbecile like Trump, I would have reported them to the authorities as well.


Eat shit jew


I find that disturbing and profoundly wrong. In the country where I live turning against your own parents (or any member of the family) on the side of the repressive state. Only because they have different political views, is unthinkable and immoral….against all basic moral (Christian) values.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

It is alarming how disrespected is a family in USA. Attacks on family weakened its position in society. Confused children are symptoms of this disease.


Only White and Asian families are targeted by the woke campaigns. Notice how jews always portray black people in movies as sane, tempered, and righteous family providers while the whites are always violent, unstable and deranged.

Dont get me wrong I think blacks are as much a victim as everyone else by this cultural smear campaign. The result is a weak and unstable country, wrought with infinite status quo and prone to civil war, while the zionists have free reign to wage their wars unopposed.

Jim Allen

The disease is, indoctrination. It’s infected the last three generations in US, and other countries. It’s origins have been discovered recently by researchers working on finding a safe treatment to this severely disabling disease. Testing shows the disease is carried by Zionists, who generally not affected, by, or contract the disease themselves. Research is ongoing to learn how the highly contagious disease is transmitted person to person, and spreading like wildfire.


HiaNd you aew 100 % right!

Kenny Jones ™

Go read a bible closet jew


Your a dogger,you know each dogger that tied to dog on me had nothing on the truth, I know my constituates,they don’t,in the end even cheif detective realised they are the nutters, not the truth,people like you are mentally ill,no honour,no valour,your just a stinking dog!


You have no idea how people from former communist states look at you. We’ve seen a lot of your kind, in a lot of situations. Other than that I have nothing to “talk” with you.



Dick Von Dast'Ard

CIA declares a dirty war upon heartland America.

Harry Smith

This is going to end with nothing.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

You better open up your eyes and ears… Boy!

Harry Smith

Do you want to make a bet?

Lone Ranger

Had been the case since they killed JFK.

Kenny Jones ™

Maybe the CIA is suddenly our friend then

Dick Von Dast'Ard

If you are a neoNazi? Undoubtedly so.

Harry Smith

Like Parsons daughter from 1984 https://youtu.be/RyR51MqOl5I


There are few types of poople who are more devoid of honor than cowardly cretins who snitch on their own family and friends, to the State. Especially with regards to some fake “insurrection” against the most bellicose regime since the Mongols swept across Asia.

Most of these craven regime lickspittles will deeply regret doing this one day, if they live long enough.

Lone Ranger

She will be a good Gestapo err I mean CIA agent.

Jim Allen

Even prior to that.

Ishyrion Av

Communism in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union didn’t achieve such a success in creating the “perfect new human”. A non-person so devoted to the government that it will denounce the parents, the children, and friends for any “forbidden” activity. Only China managed to achieve this “success” during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. We are heading to a full dystopian society which neither Orwell couldn’t imagine in his 1984 book.

cechas vodobenikov

pol pot tried w amerikan help “amerikans do not converse they entertain each other amerikans do not exchange ideas, they exchange images the problem with amerikans is not Orwellian, it is huxleyan: amerikans love their oppression” Neil Postman

Ishyrion Av

I wouldn’t speak generally. I know Americans who are smart and educated and I am sure there is plenty more there.

John Brown

Soon many of them will be murdered by the false Zio gods


Why not Stasi or KGB? Fucking boomer

Lone Ranger

CIA is still around…

cechas vodobenikov

only USA has 17 unintelligence agencies—no other more than 5


They need17 to keep a watch on each other.

cechas vodobenikov

“the East German Stasi could only have dreamed of having a police surveillance state like USA”. Thomas Drake (senior NSA administrator)


Comparing the CIA to the Gestapo is disgraceful. What did the Gestapo ever do to be compared to that evil den of murders and thieves?

John Brown

Probably a spoiled rich kid.

Would have been a great Commisar in the gulag murdering those 66 million in the Soviet Union.

Oh remember event those who informed on their parents were also killed by the party because if they turn on their parents, why wouldn’t they turn on the party as well? What is the cost of working such as her to death to death in Siberia or the price of bullet to the back o the head..


Lone Ranger

Difference is Russia defeated this. U.S. has its biggest fight ahead…

John Brown

Yes but 66 million plus died.

Remember the Zio CHEKA USSR went to ban free speech first and guns second before the extermination began.

Lone Ranger

66million is a bit exagerated. That was Red China. Under Stalin around 7-12million died. Before him 3-4million, so around 12-16million in total. Even when you add WWII losses you are around 50+million. You only have scroll through the population numbers of the time. During the great depression 7million Americans starved to death, around the sane ammount as in the Holodomor in Ukraine. Since 1972 46million Americans were killed in the for of abortion. But we can agree that some entities are working real hard to fuck up both countries.

John Brown

Wrong!!! Numbers confirmed with about another 30 million murdered by Zio Rothchild created Hitler.

Red China around 85 million.

Lone Ranger

Russia had a population of 97million in 1926. If you kill 66million and the nazis another 30-35million thats more than the total population of Russia. Let that sink in… And population replacement and reproduction is not that fast that you can go from zero to 130million in 30years. Currently Russian population is close to a 150million. With another 30mullion ethnic Russians living in former Soviet states and the U.S.

John Brown

So if anyone questions the number killed in your Jewish holocaust its hate speech and such questions must be banned yet when you question the numbers with holocausts committed by Jews against Goyims its all OK, because you are the superior master race and Goyims are lower then animals who only exist to serve your master race as slaves as we have no other reason to exist so its ok for your master superior Jewish race to exterminate the Goyim at will is that it?



Lone Ranger

Weapons are only as useful as the user. U.S. is the most well armed society on the planet, yet globalist are torturing them for decades.

Kenny Jones ™

Clown world


it is becoming tragic…people are heading towards total alienation and solitude…desolate existence, a hell on earth.

cechas vodobenikov

observed by the Parsonian sociologist, Philip Slater in his book, ‘The Pursuit of Lonliness’


a daughter that squeals on her parents are indeed not much of a daughter and they should immediately disown the ungrateful b..tch. moreover engaging in the storming of the congress isn’t much to bother about, in fact they, the occupiers that is, are naturally right to try to do something about the faux-democracy that has cheated the undereducated poor f-ckers for the last 110 years, and that’s the one and only way to make the moronistan (the disunited states of A) whole again, redistribute the wealth among the under-educated bodybag-fillings or the prison bed fill outs (to secure the profits for the privatized prison system):

Ishyrion Av

The problem is not the daughter. The problem is the symptom.


You mean like the mother.

Ivan Freely

The daughter snitched because her parents disowned her for being part of the LQXYZ community.

Concrete Mike

Its all pretty petty isnt it? The girl was compelled to do this to her family as revenge!

Americans have been storming legislatures around the world for decades, now they act all surprised when it happens to them.

I would gladly peacefully enter parliament to take a dump.on chrystia.freylands desk.

That would be the dream LOL!

Ivan Freely

Sometimes. Family politics can be very nasty especially when money is involved.

Forget dump. Listen to the Brits. Burn it all down. Nov 5. ;)


what an awful article, three paragraphs written by a very dim child, lol what a stupid site


well you’re welcome to take your views and fuck off for good, twat!

cechas vodobenikov

“the least reproach offends amerikans; the slightest sharp sting of truth turns them fierce”. Tocqueville “the men amerikans most admire tell them the most extravagant lies; the men they most despise try to tell them the truth” HL Menkhen I surmise u r amerikan


That surely is a venomous being. There are all kind of snitches and traitors. Even under communism it was very rare to find someone to rat on biological parents. It was used in speech to describe the lowest a human can stoop down to. It was so rare, next to impossible.


Typical leftist loves the state more than her own family. Maybe she thinks her blm/democrat ‘allies’ will treat her differently from her parents if they ever go full tyrant.


Hatred from within, polarization of US society along political lines will lead to a national implosion coupled with possibly a civil war.

cechas vodobenikov

or a more competent police state…”the East German Stasi could only have dreamed of having a police surveillance state like USA”. Thomas Drake


The technology was not available back then, today Americans want to own the latest technological toys, post on Facebook, Twitter….etc, without realizing their exposure to governmental agencies surveillance.

Fog of War

Children turning on their parents has happened several times already.

Mao’s China. Leninist / Stalinist Soviet Union. Cambodia under Pol Pot.

What did all those nations have in common at that time ?

cechas vodobenikov

idiot fascist—u know zero about USSR or Russian culture

Fog of War

In light of this article I present to you a very timely video.


cechas vodobenikov

long ago Tocqueville observed that individualism –amerikans the most individualistic society—produces a self doubting, insecure, over-conformist, antagonistic, anxious, fearful peoples The concept of the “mir” in Russia is unfathomable to amerikans as is the concept of “sobernost”…it is no surprise that “mean, bitter” (Riesman) people with backward vengeful laws that incarcerate more per capita than any nation in history hate each other. Combine this with amerikan money worship, consumerism you produce a shallow nation of robots that now copulate w mobile phones….”growing up in amerika is largely an education in shopping”…now they burn their own cities—BLM/antifa infants….”amerikan parents teach their children to have bad manners—they consider this to be rebelliousness”. G Gorer…he observed the crude obscene language of the self uglified amerikan in 1948 after 3 centuries they cannot manipulate eating utensils, but they now submissively wear masks

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