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MARCH 2025

Blocking Crimea. A New Border-style Checkpoint at the Kerch Strait Bridge

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Blocking Crimea. A New Border-style Checkpoint at the Kerch Strait Bridge

The Kerch Strait Bridge. Click to see the full-size image

Moscow continues its efforts to strengthen security of the Kerch Strait Bridge that links the Republic of Crimea with mainland Russia.

A checkpoint of the Interior Ministry has been recently established on the Crimean side of the Kerch Strait Bridge, near the city of Kerch. The cost of the project is around 88 million rubles (around 1,350,000 USD).

Blocking Crimea. A New Border-style Checkpoint at the Kerch Strait Bridge

A general look at the region. Click to see the full-size image

The decision to establish the checkpoint came in the framework of further actions to esnure security of this key infrastructure object. Russia has been steadily working in this direction. The need of such efforts became obvious on November 25, 2018 when the government of then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko staged a provocation in the Kerch Strait area. As a result of the encounter between Russian coastal guards and the Ukrainian Navy, the Russian side detaned 3 Ukrainian ships.

The campaign to strengthen security in the area as well as in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov continued in late 2018 and early 2018. One of the employed measures is the deployment of additional patrol ships and other forces.

For example, On June 11, the Russian Black Sea Fleet received its latest patrol ship the Project 22160 Dmitryi Rogachev after a flag-raising ceremony at the Novorossiysk Naval Base. The patrol ship Dmitry Rogachev is  the second serial ship of the project 22160. The ship was designed and built using the modular concept of weapons. The lead project 22160 Vasily Bykov patrol ship was delivered to the Black Sea Fleet on December 20th, 2018. 4 more patrol ships are expected to be delivered to the Black Sea Fleet between 2020 and 2023

Nonetheless, something strange is happening at the newly established checkpoint at the Kerch Strait Bridge, according to data received by SouthFront from Crimea over the past few weeks.

Accounts of eyewitnesses regarding the situation on the spot generate questions. People leaving Crimea towards mainland Russia are especially concerned. According to their accounts, there is an enormous level of the security at the checkpoint. The situation can be compared with crossing of a state border.

For example, passengers of long-distance regular buses have to leave the vehicles where they pass a portal body scanner. Passengers’ luggage, including hand baggage, is checked via security scanners. Often the baggage becomes a subject to physical inspection. Security service personnel ask passengers to unpack their bags. There is also a total passport control. Documents are checked and scanned. The difference between this and crossing of some state border is that in the case of Crimea there are no visa checks, registration of migration cards and stamping of the corresponding stamps.

Such actions take a significant amount of time from travelers and go contrary to one of the concepts of the Kerch Strait Bridge – a freedom of movement of people across the country. This situation is especially disturbing people of riper years.

Officially, this situation is described as a part of the ongoing campaign to boost security of the infrastructure object and prevent possible incidents, which may appear because of the complicated situation in the region. At the same time, a part of the locals already see this case as a kind of signal of the possible separation or autonomisation of Crimea from Russia.

The explanation, which is closer to the common practice, is the traditional lack of proper performance of the duty and instructions. There are no doubts in the need to ensure security of the bridge. The deployment of additional forces and employment of various means to achieve this goal are logical. However, the practice demonstrates that formalism, spasms of “can-do” spirit and attempts to get nice performance reports may create additional and unexpected tensions in such a sensitive region as Crimea.


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Toronto Tonto

How long do you think this bridge will last ??????


Why you want to destroy it by bomb, Israelo tonto?


Tonto means “dumb”.




He’s Toronto the Fool.


How would you prefer, by shoving it in your mom’s ass?


Instead of posting bullshit on South front its better to realistically answer the question that why you Israeli people want to destroy with bomb a crimian Russian bridge. Israelo Tonto disappare with no answer.


Did your mommy delete your previous comment?


You disperitly scare from my posts that is why I have deleted. Second you have no answer that is why posting bullshit without good moral. Sorry this website is not for LGBT. Again wrong number.


Do I disperitly scare from your posts? That’s why you have deleted?


You should really keep that it in your own family.

We all guessed that’s what happened to you.


But I like to keep that in your family. When you say “we all guessed” you show that you lack confidence. Maybe because you wonder how could I shove a bridge in your mom’s ass.


You could try digging through 6 feet of earth, but I’d imagine your mother carries that up her jacksie while she’s still alive, and serving US forces so cheaply.


Thanks for imagine all that things with my mom. While I have fun with yours in reality.


I don’t imagine, your mother’s details are pinned up in every US unit going, they like it cheap.


Thank you for the appreciation. Yours is for free but only war criminals dare to fuck her.


A half hours work digging her up doesn’t seem free for shagging a corpse, but who knows what things you picked up wandering the deserts.

stupid is as stupid does

Definitly much longer than Ukraine or E.U.


Concrete piers won’t even reach their peak strength for 100 years or more. Asphalt paving and expansion joints should last 20 years …. the confederation bridge to PEI is a similar structure however the conditions in Crimea is less severe than here and it’s in excellent shape after 20 years. The Northumberland straight gets horrendous ice conditions that they’ll never see in the Black Sea. The steel superstructure is going to need continuous maintenance … like any bridge … a bridge that size will have a crew working on it every summer for the rest of it’s life.


I think you gave him too much info for his skull to digest. No wonder he is Toronto Tonto. It even rhymes. The fool!

Toronto Tonto

Our apartments stay upright dufus .


We make the same mistakes. The difference is insurance or the taxpayer pays to fix them. There is a dam in NB that requires a $2 billion retrofit because the concrete is failing prematurely and back in the early 1990’s a luxury high rise condo development I trimmed out had to have 3 floors in the middle of the structure removed at close to the cost of the entire building because of a contaminated load of Portland. I got paid to trim them twice.

Russia may have lost an apartment building recently but we have a whole generation of highway bridges and dams that are ready to collapse so you got nothing to crow about.


How long does it have to last? How long will Ukraine exist in its present form of a US colony?

Realistically once the US has been taken care of, democracy will once again take hold in Ukraine. The people of eastern and southern Ukraine would vote to join Russia, Poland would annexe the northern parts, Austria and Romania would get some, and Ukraine would simply disappear.


Since when has Austria border with Ukraine? Or you meant Australia? or Slovenia? Trump will make Ivanka governor if Crimea.


Austria ruled Western Ukraine for centuries, haven’t you ever heard of the AustrianHungarian Empire, which stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea, and as far north as Polish territories.

Austria was one of the nations who dissolved the Imperial state of Poland.

You have to be slow, retarded even, if you never read a history book which told you that.


Look kid, I can draw the Austrian-Hungary map with closed eyes, because I like geography, but this is more a logical argument, would Austria mainland receive a part of Ukraine, and that enclave being separated by Hungary and Slovakia like the Kaliningrad is separated by mainland Russia? And why, are somewhere in Ukraine people that want to join Austria? What kind of delusional nightmare are you living in?


The Galicians prefer the Germanic races to rule them, they still wear SS insignia today, KID.


Because Germanic races are no troglodytes like eastern Slavs(half mongols)


Better than desert people like yourself Wolowitz.


Get back to yurta dirty moskal


Oh Norman, did I hurt your feelings!



Thanks for writing ‘lol’ so I know you tried a joke.


Lots of laughs, at your butt hurt feelings, Norm.


I’m so butt hurt at your funny jokes, I don’t know if I should laugh or I should cry, what do you propose?


The stress is getting to you, you can see your own doom and are cracking up.


Please stop, I feel so stressed, I can see my doom and I’m cracking up. How is your mom, still ass burning from last fisting disaster?


I’m not into gay marriage, a filthy desert habit.

Any brisket going, Norm?


Almost funny, but keep trying, maybe you’ll learn to write jokes without “LOL” under your own comment..


Laughs out loud!

Does that bother you Norman, did you want to show off your magic tricks?

Ask your Mom for some brisket, be a good little boy for mommy. LOL, lol


Do you know any other funny words than brisket and Norm? Let’s try a bit of variety, how about a gif or some meme?


Why, is it bugging you, beatle-head?


Because normal people can’t get along with retards that keep saying the same word again and again.


What’s that got to do with you, you are not normal, Norm?


I’m not, are you, faggot?


You would love that, a faggot.

But of course you would, gayboy.


I would what?


All the desert people dabble with that kind of thing.

They sell their moms.


Gelly much you can’t sell yours?



Don’t forget this is an English publication, Norm. lol


Thanks for fixing my English. Jelly much you can’t sell yours?


Jelly isn’t much of an improvement.

Is it Jello you mean, US troops often give that away to people like your mom, as a tip.


No, it’s jelly from jealous as you are that you can’t have american jello by selling your mom


Why would I be jealous of you selling your mom?

Carry on Norm, keep up with the family tradition. lol, at the thought that you think anyone would be jealous, of your mom.


If I had few hours to write an auto-reply spin text it was more sophisticated than your replies


If you had a few more decades, you would still be unable to post in English, Norm. Zelensky loves slappers from Lviv.


I write better English than most Russians, since they are not here to back you



Where have you posted ‘better English”?

LOL, what a muppet.


In your moms womb


In her tomb, that’s the word you were looking for, Norm.

Zelensky is having a ball with all the girls from Lviv.


No, womb, but okay when you visit her tomb tell her i still love her


Tell her yourself, if you ever get a visa to get out of Lviv.

How much does your mom charge for Zelensky to do your sister?


I will give you a point every time I feel very offended by your guerrilla warfare against me on this forum, here is your points: …


Nobody else will give you anything, except Zelensky.

More borscht.




Ahh, hurt your feelings, Norm.

Galicians are so soft skinned, which is why the Turks love them. lol


ouch ouch …


That’s what Abdul said you said!




Still hurts to think of Abdul!

Big guy he is, but he loves the boys from Lviv. lol


Tell Abdul he has a big dick, get some extra money.


No thanks, you can keep that earner for yourself. lol


. this point was a no brainer


Since when has the US had a border with Kosovo Diego Garcia Hawaii or any of the other parts of the world it holds by force? But yes Austria was wrong, I should have said Hungary, my mental map left poor old Hungary out.

The important thing, is when the USA is destroyed, people all over the world will know freedom, many for the first time.


Boy, you can’t let it go easily. “Realistically” Austria was not wrong. You are wrong.

Luke Hemmming

The bridge will last longer than the illegal state of Israel would in a war against Iran. Bwahahaha

Black Waters

There you are little degenerate!

Toronto Tonto

wass up numbnuts .


Well, I think security must get priority. The “object” is a high value target for some very motivated goons.


Have some Ukranian fanatics had some input into this article I wonder?

The facts are that if the US backed criminal Ukranian regime currently in power was able to destroy the bridge, they would do, and have vowed to do so.

I cannot see that any sane traveller would object to security measures to prevent a terrorist attack on the bridge the travellers are about to travel on.

The writer is attempting to picture Russia as a Police State for protecting her citizens, whereas in reality it is the Ukraine, with direct NATO training and military aid , that is in fact the worst kind of police state. Ukraine is a Terrorist run Police State.


Yes, in fact, I had assumed something like this was already in place as a matter of common sense precaution.

paul ( original )

Anyone would think that there are no guards or barriers outside Downing Street. Interestingly for the first time ever last week I saw well armed police in my town. They had a rifle and handguns and were casually standing outside Boots in the shopping centre. My thought was are they there to reassure or intimidate the population?




Cops with guns have never really assured me anywhere :)

Perhaps a concerned citizen had informed the cops that drugs were regularly being sold in Boots and the Senior Plod in charge of the area took affirmative action.


It could be that sarcasm is being used in some of the SF material. Not necessarily this one, but others that I’ve read. At least that’s the impression that I get.

I can see both sides on the article above. I understand your perspective about the need for precautions to avoid problems. And agree that it’s warranted in this instance. But as a practical matter for the people involved. I sympathize with them.

I drive an 83 foot 40 ton semi loaded. And refuse to cross the Canadian border. Even though the border is 2 hours from where I live. And I’m less than 10 miles from it almost every week picking Canadian freight from my Canadian customers. Because the border is such a pain in a–.

Getting treated like a criminal suspect and potential terrorist is demeaning. I have better things to do with my life than waste time dealing with it.


Its rather like driving a British truck in Switzerland and Spain. Its not worth all the bollocks.

Ray Douglas

Well, it would be a constant fear of a suicide bomber getting on to a bus and blowing the bus and the people in it to pieces. That needs to be avoided at all cost. No more victories for the head chopping US proxies.

Rhodium 10

People know that all these movement is to prevent terrorist attacks from Ukrops or wahabies..during 80s Police was deployed in almost all main Hotels in the Spanish coast full of tourist..and nobody was concerned!




Try moving through any EU state, security forces search your luggage, you have to produce I.D, and sometimes answer questions as to why you are travelling.

Putting security on a bridge which a US backed state has sworn to take down, is common sense.


“Blocking Crimea”

dumb headline. dumb article.

anyone that doesn’t understand where Crimea is (and evidently that includes some of the residents of Crimea) should take a moment and get their head out of their posterior.


Even if this article is somewhat factual, Russia is fully entitled to secure its land and citizens from Ukrainian terrorists. The Israelis, NATO and US have turned Ukraine into a terrorist training camp and are even bringing in Salafists to fan terrorism in Russia and beyond.


Toronto Tonto

Ukrain needs to protect itself from Nazi terrorist Russia like all countries bordering the terrorist russian shitthole .

Toronto Tonto

Just Russia trying to protect what it steals .


Steals ? That is what canadian did to native in canada.


He’s not Canadian, more Norman Wolowitz than Mounted Police.


There are, still, Ukrainian fascists hiding in Crimea. They can be used.

AM Hants

Have I come onto a BBC or CNN site, by mistake?

What is the problem and I have no understanding of the article?

Ukraine is doing their utmost to upset things, including having no problem taking lives. So what is Russia meant to do?

Remember the Korsun Massacre? Now what was that all about? Remember the Kerch Strait, is continually under attack and what were Ukraine hoping to achieve?

SBU confirms counterintelligence officers were on board navy boats captured by Russia 13:00, 27 November 2018 POLITICS 1760 0 This is a normal practice of providing counterintelligence support to the Ukrainian Navy units.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/politics/10353876-sbu-confirms-counterintelligence-officers-were-on-board-navy-boats-captured-by-russia.html

Crimea Putin Documentary. First ten minutes well worth watching, if do not have time to view whole video, or just section by section. Together with around 1 hour and 24 minutes into the video. The US and NATO were so sure they could kick Russia out of their warm water port, over in Crimea, and just simply move in. Bastion said ‘NO’.

EXCLUSIVE: The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mw4Y9jRwCQ

Ashok Varma

Russia is a victim of US destabilization and terror and has every right to protect its land and people.

Toronto Tonto

When is putin going to pay the 40 plus contractors still owed money for this illegal build that will fall into the sea soon .

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