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Blocking F-35 Delivery To Turkey, U.S. May Cause 18-24-Month-Long Break In Jet Production

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Blocking F-35 Delivery To Turkey, U.S. May Cause 18-24-Month-Long Break In Jet Production


Congressional block of F-35 sale to Turkey could lead to long delays in F-35 deliveries and serious issues for Lockheed Martin.

In August, Congress passed a bill that could potentially block the sale of 100 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets to Turkey. The reassessment of the relationship with Turkey was caused by an agreement between Turkey and Russia for the purchase of S-400 Triumf missile air defense systems.

Turkey is a global leader in aerospace manufacturing, and 10 Turkish companies will make about $12 billion worth of parts for the F-35, including key components such as the center fuselage and some landing gear. For certain items, like the cockpit display, Turkey is the only source in the world.

Together with Northrop Grumman, Turkish Aerospace Industries manufactures and assembles the center fuselage, weapons bay doors, and air-to-ground pylons used to carry equipment.

Ayesas is the sole supplier for two major F-35 components—the missile remote interface unit and the panoramic cockpit display.

Kale Aerospace manufactures airframe structures and landing gear uplock assemblies.

Fokker Elmo makes 40 percent of the electrical wiring interconnection system (EWIS) for the F135 engine.

Alp Aviation manufactures airframe structures and assemblies, landing gear components, and more than 100 engine parts for the F135, including titanium integrated blade rotors.

According to Bloomberg if the block of the F-35 sale happens, Ankara could stop supplying crucial parts for the F-35. “If the Turkish supply chain was disrupted today, it would result in an aircraft production break, delaying delivery of 50-75 jets and would take approximately 18-24 months to re-source parts,” U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis wrote in July in a letter to Congress.

Blocking F-35 Delivery To Turkey, U.S. May Cause 18-24-Month-Long Break In Jet Production

Image: Daily Sabah

Jim Mattis is supposed to present the report on the reassessment of the US-Turkey relationship, which needs to review Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program and the risks posed by the country’s purchase of the Russian S-400 Triumf air missile defense system.

Erdogan commented that he is not worried regarding the F-35 sale and has not mentioned a response.

Relations between the US and Turkey have quickly been deteriorating in recent months, after the Trump administration imposed tariffs on the import of Turkish steel and aluminum, as well as sanctioned two ministers in the Turkish government. This led to a sharp loss of value of the Turkish lira and a retaliation by Turkey which saw tariffs on many US products including electronics and cars. This was sparked in part by the agreement for the purchase of the Russian S-400 Triumf air missile defense systems, but also due to the detainment of Andrew Brunson, an American pastor charged with assisting the failed 2016 coup in Turkey.

On October 4th, the US imposed sanctions against a Turkish company and two of its officers for allegedly doing business with North Korea. The Treasury Department accused S.I.A. Falcon International Group of being involved in trading weapons and luxury goods with North Korea, defying sanctions imposed by both the United States and the United Nations. This can be seen as a warning to North Korea, but also as another deterioration in the relationship between the US and Turkey.

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Poor Turk

The failed coup was a nice show, Turkey still belongs to NATO and has to obey.


If true, then


Dan IS

New video from Idlib, Must watch ???? https://youtu.be/LVvQ_CNhht8?t=365

John Whitehot

seems they took it down in a matter of seconds. what was that?

Dan IS

Video of first ISIS parade in idlib since 2013 https://i.imgur.com/4Gz3irQ.png

Dan IS

Every new video containing ISIS flag is instantly removed from youtube (in less than 10 minutes).. something is very wrong here. Muslims are living in hardest times ever. Some sties still provide help https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xnv2y

Tudor Miron

Well done South Front! Thanks for removing daesh propaganda without delay.


The more they block and delay, the less production and higher unit cost for the rest leading to more aggravation.

Promitheas Apollonious

AND THEN THEY WONDER………….. why F35 is such a lemon. Like a dog with hundred fathers.


Seems as though out-sourcing military components isn’t a really good idea. DUH. The US has been doing this for years, then they complain about design leaks…another DUH. Then being the highly intelligent individuals that they are, they start with the threats to Erdo, resulting in a possible manufacturing supply interruption…on a plane that is already years behind schedule, not to mention unsafe and riddled with issues. Yes sir, they guys are right on the ball. But they will continue to push the production of this flying turd, no matter what. After all, the US public is footing the bill so why should they care. How many bridges and highways could the cost 5 of these lemons repair/build?…not that the US CONgress gives a shit.

Promitheas Apollonious

humans deserve 100% the leaderships they having since they are the responsible party that put them there. Or so the myth goes among the voters.

Carne João Pasta

That’s what I was lamenting in my long winded post earlier this morning

Promitheas Apollonious

then I understood you completely wrong my apologies.


“The people get the leaders they deserve” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Promitheas Apollonious

Yes he repeated Socrates.


At least now they have a legitimate excuse for the delay which gives them some time with minimal harassment to try to fix a few of the issues their creation is plagues with. “It’s Turkey’s fault, not our design!”

Tudor Miron

“Yes, and you guys have to pay more now”(c) Lockheed Martin


The ting of champagne glasses being raised today in the Lockheed Martin’s head office could be heard louder then the sonic boom of an F-35 going through the sound barrier.

Pablo Rivera

Is it supersonic?


tudor? in shitting?


All things are supersonic, under the right conditions that is. ;-)


ayatollahs will die


Outsourcing existed to bind other countries to the F=35 program. And I mean bind literally. It was easier to beg forgiveness and get an end to one’s debts from a mafia loanshark then to get out of the F-35 program, because then the outsourcing to those countries would stop and jobs would get lost.

Which makes the current predicament all the more hilarious. Irony so thick you can scoop it up and serve it in an ice cream cone. If its true that is. You never really know with internet news.


As opposed to any other form of news?!? so you ‘really know’ when its print media, radio or TV news……. *rolls eyes*


It mainly existed to commit the involved outsource countries to buying a certain number of these flying turkeys.



Isn’t that what I basically said? I know I have a tendency to use too many words sometimes.


The F-35 was never really intended to be an actively used part of the US military. It’s all about blowing a lot of money out to the arms industry, where current brass at the Pentagon are hoping to find board seat sinecures when they retire. It’s been called a bunch of spare parts flying in formation, which is probably apt, especially after the crash in Beaufort, SC last month.


I was wondering when talk of this would be more open. I should think that there was some reflection upon the move to block the F-35 sales to Turkey. I guess that the result of the reflection is, we will win, just block the sale. Turkey must be sitting there grinning like a cat. All in all, it points to very much ‘fire from the hip’ foreign policy. Enjoy the mud on your faces, those who pushed for the blockage.


US decisions and statements are made in an emotional mode….because it feels good for the moment.

Tudor Miron

Emotions of hate and fear seldom lead to wise decisions.


Emotions of hate and fear project a clear case of helplessness. The military brass said that if Russia uses conventional hypersonic weapons, US’s response would be a nuclear strike. I think they they would rather loose one or two carriers instead of 100 million killed.


nice characteritics of ruskie nation


Fuck are you that stupid you didn’t understand the comment…. or a hopelessly pathetic troll attempt.

Concrete Mike

Ah i see youve met our forum chihuahua, he yaps all the time, and about once a week does something funny.

Promitheas Apollonious

emotional desperation with the knowledge they losing the global game and what is coming after yes. All desperate morons become spastic after they pass the stage of denial and began to see their worst nightmares come true.

The problem with this morons is they have the power to take almost every one down with them if they are not stopped on time.


I am still at a point where I doubt the military command would follow orders from these deluded armchair warrior morons to carry out a nuclear strike .

Promitheas Apollonious

I hope you are right but the ones who execute nuclear commands are trained to do so on order. I just dont think any of the morons who make the threats, will ever give the order because he knows what will happen to him and every one else around them and are no more cowardice sub humans than they are.


The military knows what is going on, all this political BS and posturing by making idiotic threatening statements are fueled by the arm chair warriors, pulling the strings on their nodding donkeys……..I think the military high command is fully aware of that. They might even resent the fact that they are excluded from policy making decisions because the arm chair warriors have monopolized the narrative.

Promitheas Apollonious

and why you assume that the military command who have since they exist have executed the bigger genocides in all history of the world in 200 years is not the right hand of NWO? Seriously now, unless you think that the high command is patriots who only care to die protecting you and I am not sarcastic, because if you do you are for a very hard awakening my friend.


Listen man, keep things in context, we are talking about nuclear deterrence against a peer power, not the Spanish American war, nor WW1, nor WW2 or picking on defenseless countries. I do not know how dammed down the military is today, I think they have enough sense in distinguishing between 10,000 dead or 100,000,000 dead.


What is your idea of the NWO? My idea of NWO is a group of thousands of Jewish billionaires that became billionaires through globalization, globalization being the greatest theft in modern history, whereby US and Europe were stripped of economic assets and outsourced to countries in Asia, Wall Street schmucks, the Soros, Bloombergs and all, became billionaires during the last few decades. Jews had access to the Fed since early 20th century, Hollywood and some news outlets, they were not a powerful force in the US until they started to get filthy rich. The neocon group got a foothold in the US administration and became a powerful voice in the early to mid 80’s.

Same thing in Europe, in the 18th century, Rothchild senior was a schmuck that directed Nathaniel and his other sons to go to England and other parts of Europe and open banking houses; Nathaniel started to finance the English war effort in Spain, keeping Wellington’s troops paid, as Wellington became the victor against Napoleon, Nathaniel’s fame and wealth grew exponentially, Nathaniel Rothchild eventually becoming the money supplier of the British Empire. As the Rothchild influence and fortune grew, so did Jewish activism grow throughout Europe throughout the 19th century.


“The military executed genocide”…. the cunts that participate in those activities are criminals released from prison in exchange for fighting/’military duties’ controlled by some pysco colonel who takes orders from the nations security services/corrupt politicians…. you dont seems to even half grasp how this shit works.

Promitheas Apollonious

good bed time story. Who teach it you? Because sure as heel and taxes, is not what historical fact says.


From a year ago…

Trump’s cryptic warning ahead of Iran decision: ‘The calm before the storm’



Trump can be a pompous self absorbed windbag. He is not going to do anything militarily against Iran, he is blowing smoke like he did with N. Korea.


“The military knows what is going on,…..”

This was meant as an illustration in agreement that the Military know whats going on.


It’s the other way around, the generals want to nuke. American generals wanted to nuke Korea and Vietnam, if you give them a gun, they will use it, it’s what they were bred to do.


They want to nuke when there is no threat of nuclear reprisals, the Chief of Staff and generals know better when an idiot politician says, because you break the INF rules we will destroy those offending weapons…..and want to make some political policy of it.


You’re wrong, the Generals act full of bravado and talk big because if they don’t they get the ass… of course there are meat head generals who are badly ill-informed (if informed at all) that may think they can survive, most generals would understand very well what happens and imho revolt against those orders.

Tudor Miron

That’s similar with US sanctions against Russian Alu giant Alros. They didn’t like the results of it.

Ilya Grushevskiy

Lols, I wanna play these US strategy planners at chess to get my confidence up! (much more of a go guy otherwise)

Brad Isherwood


F 35 has made the Elites involved huge $$$. The aircraft is already bypassed by 6th gen tech/design. F 35 cancellations or Political Kabuki theatre can be expected . Israhell wants the Stealth F 15x vs Stork crasher F 35.

F 35s communications interlink and multi targeting is the Prize. That tech can be stuffed into other airframe designs. Israhell/Intel…with Israhell inside means Russia /China have to Chip their birds with no Israhell inside.

Promitheas Apollonious

it seems now if they go on with their attack on turkey also the golden excuse why they drop the F35 for a new air frame that actually can fly and stick the bill to their tax slaves.

Brad Isherwood

Russia learned the limitations of the F 22 design via Su 57. Su 57 is Low RCS frontal….so too are Su 30,33,34,35. The cost/maint of the Stealth paint for F 22 takes the program to the stupid expensive . Russia knows pure Stealth is Fiction… Best able Low RCS is doable already. Russia proved it could do Supercruise with Su 57. New Mig 35 gets double mileage vs previous Migs….that’s a big gain!

Engines are huge IR heat sinks.. IR and multimode BVR missiles will kill the so called Stealth … It will come down to strategy… Kinda ….run if you can….you’ll die trying. Russia /China Area denial strategy gives them Primacy the Empire force multiplier cannot prevail against.


comeon i know everything is just marketing…i bet the orcs will get the jets eventually…thank god those jets are usless


What’s this?: a DELAY in the great F-35 gold-plated flying ostrich program? Why how can that be when everything has been going so swimmingly for the program up until now, — i.e. up until the first trillion dollars has been wasted and these already obsolete, absurdly “over-teched,” turkeys have never yet seen any real airtime? What a terrible farce the whole thing is!! All I can think is they sure better unload as many of these bloated, unmaneuverable, penguins to their many pathetic “allies” post haste, if they hope to recover even a twentieth of their current “sunk costs” in this farily typical, if truly gargantuan, MICC boondoggle/fiasco, because once all of those possible purchasing countries see and test fly one of the vastly superior new Mig 31s or Su-57s from Russia, or one of the two quite similar 6th generation fighters coming on line from China, all of which should be available for about a third the cost of the F-35, their interest in this slow tug-boat of a warplane is going to plunge from the sky as quickly as an F-35 that has just encountered one of its many superior competitors! Truly pathetic!!

Pablo Rivera

“over teched turkeys” are you referring to the planes?

Concrete Mike

Turkey is a derogatory term for a flightless bird. A crappy plane is a turkey.

No offense to our turkish friends…if we have any :))


my little pet, already more then 300 f-35 were produced. how many su pak were finished???

this is the difference betwenn italy size economy and us economy.


The SU-57 hasn’t been in the build stage for 10+ years…. probably a major factor if you could actually think about a subject for more than 0.3 seconds…


I don’t know what the threshold is for “global leader” is, but Turkey’s promise of $12 billion in parts total is only a tiny fraction of America’s which produces $300 billion dollars of planes a year. On the other hand, we did farm out a bunch of component production to nations that were buying the plane so yes this can cause delays, but to put it in perspective we’ve been delivering certain variants already and we can always simply arrange for a different aerospace company to build those components.


And lets be honest, it has taken 25 years to get the F35 to this stage, what difference will another 2 years make.

Concrete Mike

I can only gice you one upvote. :D


Blocking F-35 Delivery To Turkey, U.S. May Cause 18-24-Month-Long Break In Jet Production

this is only russian wet dream


Cancel the sake and REFUND THEIR MONEY, Douchebags.

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