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Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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The shelling of the city of Donetsk and other settlements by the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues daily, and civilians are killed daily. 

On October 5, among the targets for the Kiev forces there were the Kiev, Kirov and Kuibyshev districts of the city of Donetsk. They came under massive artillery fire. More than 25 strikes with NATO 155 mm shells were recorded. Civilian infrastructure facilities of the capital were shelled, including the local school No. 65, City Hospital No. 25, Abakumovo Recreation Center, the European residential complex near Shakhterskaya Square, as well as houses in the village of Staromikhailovka.

A boy born in 2005 died in Staromikhailovka as a result of the shelling. A woman and two men were killed by the Kiev regime in the Kirovsky district in Donetsk near the Abakumov Palace of Culture. At least three more people were injured, their condition is not specified at this moment.

Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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The day before, the AFU shelled the bus fleet in Donetsk. An employee of a transport company was killed. Once again, the target of the AFU was not a military facility, but an enterprises where civilians work.

On the same day, a woman was killed as a result of the shelling in the Kirov district in Donetsk.

Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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Blood On The Streets In Donetsk (Photos)

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The attacks are carried out with high-precisions weapons supplied to the terrorist Ukrainian forces by their Western partners. The Ukrainian nazis deliberately target civilian houses and facilities in an attempt to threaten the population in the lost territories. This is the reality that the citizens of the DPR and LPR have been living in for years during the so-called Anti-Terrorist operation launched by the Kiev regime.


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I feel sorry for these people but Russia is no longer able to guarantee anything. It will be a massacre


It is a massacre of Russian civilian population since the massacre organized by Victoria Nuland, when deluded nazis were brought to power.

Vlad from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Poomania
Waldick from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Waldick from Poomania

Yes, we know that Ukromaidan terrorists are sick scum and genocidal mass murderers but whose fault is that after 7 months of SMO Donetsk is still in their artillery range? At least evacuate children to Russia.

CDM from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by CDM from Poomania

Waiting for November 12-19 … russian army are comming BAD ! Winter is comming.


Unfortunatelly it is too late for many peaceful people. And Ukraine is a total. mess, neither Russian, all other European nor Ukrainian people do not want and do not need this war. It is all orchestrated by US and WEF.


Russia will do nothing. NATO weapons and intelligence are definitely changing the situation on the ground

Attilla Sissy from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Attilla Sissy from Poomania

As someone living in the UK who is a British citizen I am ashamed of my government and their criminal politicians who inflict along with the Kiev junta mass Murder on the civilian population of Donbass and other liberated areas of former South Ukraine the British government’s policies are contrary to international law and the conventions they do Not represent ordinary British people

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Might I suggest that you do the best thing possible in Britain and do your best to defund your government?


My friend I agree with you 100% as do many other English people None of the Western governments were elected to go to war with Russia or the Russian people just like the Junta in Kiev Western governments and Western politicians are Criminal’s and Murderers

Zelensky demands NATO nuke Russia

Zelensky has now officially been diagnosed as criminally insane.

Still want to follow him, West?

High Time for Lights Out in UA

If he can’t win, he’ll drag the world down with him by golly.

Hitler had a better grip on reality than that cokehead.

Florian Geyer

The simplest way to starve the UK government is to decline to buy big ticket items such as new cars and other vanity items.

Florian Geyer

I am also ashamed for all the death and destruction orchestrated by the US and UK in the Donbass.

I am an unwilling British Subject :)

Kev not Kiev

Don’t be ashamed, they neither represent you, or sane human behaviour. Turn those feelings of shame into righteous outrage, stop paying tax, and start sabbotaging the five eyes appartik.


Again my friend I agree with you withdraw any tax payments made to the British government or any organisation or agency they control for a start. Yes outrage is the correct word people should be on the streets calling out the British politicians and media outlets who promote these policies name the so called journalists and businesses involved list their personal details online including their home addresses the London telegraph newspaper the guardian newspaper and their so called journalists the BBC in London Sky news Rupert Murdoch and the rest. Action not just words is what is needed confront the politicians and media heads in public


Bobo? Some Serbian who leave Serbia and migrate to UK? why? Migrate to Russia, be brave…

Patrick Leahy

UK = State Sponsor of Terrorism

Yours is not to question why.......

So, vote those clowns out of office and get a new crop of clowns in there.

Big Ben, the Doomsday Clock

For whom the bell tolls.


All thanks to Putin and his garbage strategy.

Lesco Brandon

Russia is solely to blame for this. We know the Nazi thugs have been carrying out genocide against Russians for over 8 years now. Russia said it would protect its citizens and has failed to do so by fighting a limited war and allowing the Nazis to attack civilians with impunity.

Why is there still power and water available to Nazis in Kiev and Lvov?!

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Russia needs to go full William Tecumseh Sherman and bring the war to the civilians in western Ukraine by shutting off their energy and transportation. They need to freeze in the dark this winter.

Keba Fake Jew from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Keba Fake Jew from Poomania
Crotchsuck Bitch from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Crotchsuck Bitch from Poomania
Pox Americana

USA = State Sponsor of Terrorism

Kebab Fake US from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Kebab Fake US from Poomania

These US and NATOSTAN Nazis are walking in to many a cauldron. There supply lines will be cut completely off and the remaining armor and soldiers will be put through a meat grinder. It will be unlike what these fucking Nazis have see or experienced.


The Russian air force is destroyed, the Russians have no ability to co-ordinate actions and seemingly have no infantry what so ever. If Russia had a real democracy with real elections Putin wouldn’t be around much longer stinking up the place.

Kev not Kiev

If the troops were already called up, and a weak, collapsing front line is the set up of a century, then this war might be over before Christmas. Time will tell, go Russia Go… Win his for humanity!

Let's play Wack a Hohol

Sounds like a plan


This is nothing compared to the price they will pay after russia retreats from the city.

The Crunge

I’m no military genius but with this stuff going on, I kind of get the idea Russia should have used a greater number of soldiers to begin with. Not waited til now to up the number by 300,000.

Lance Ripplinger

These war crimes are not reported in the “mainstream media” of course.


Putin needs to be replaced NOW …by Lavrov or the PM. Before Russia is defeated and humiliated. Then he will run to isRealHell for shelter with his jew gods


Breaking NEWS: Russia soon to announce withdrawal from Ukraine. Congratulations! You lost 40,000+ soldiers and donated over 3000 abandoned tanks and armored vehicles to the AFU. Slava Retardation! All that for nothing :)

Porc halal and kosher at the same time

I think once all paperwork for including the new territories into Russia, hell will be released on fuckraine..

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal and kosher at the same time

The jews are behind this…look who holds power in Kiev and Washington. Putin will blame “nazis”.


I’m surprised anyone still lives there after so long at war. Between the risk of random shelling, no economy anymore, getting conscripted, and knowing the front could be your neighbourhood next week. Fuck just go to anywhere else. And leave the area for those too poor and or dumb to live anywhere else. Maybe that’s what’s already happend?

Kev not Kiev

If you want to know what the bloody satanists think about civilians, look at how they treat their own captive civilians. Bioweapon injection mandates, poisoning food, water, air, medicine, education, culture, and history. Dropping nukes on civilian cities, check. Using nuclear weapons testing on their own military guinea pigs, check… You are not dealing with a human entity, what ever is running this evil, is not human, it’s antihuman, or it’s insane and collectively seeks to condem all earth life to extinction. We have to kill it first, and as soon as possible, or noting will survive on this planet, not even bacteria.

Kev not Kiev

I know when the nukes fly, the five eyes internet whore of Google spy phones and leftist trolls will come to a screeching halt… The trolls, turned to ash… No bunkers for you. The banks, castrated from counterfieting money, the media, gagged from lying, inverting reality and wiping up hate mongering campaigns against the innocent. I’m actually looking forward to it. No more taxes, no more bullshit, just God, what’s left of nature, and not a shed of Satanic control grid left functional…. Amen, hit the button people, what are we waiting for? More bullshit news at 11? Nuke the Satan-nests now!

Kev not Kiev

Southfront? Why erase stimulating comments and leave up posts that amount to a video of someone catching their own pooh in their mouths like what Crazycanuck posts? Lordy lordy… What’s the point of a comment section that leaves up span and deletes educated analysis, is your actual target audience Springfield from the Simpson’s? Good luck with ‘donations’ if that’s the case.

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