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Blood Spilling In Ukrainian Steppe

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Blood Spilling In Ukrainian Steppe

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Blood Spilling In Ukrainian Steppe

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The warring sides continue fighting in Ukraine.

There is a slow advance of the Russian army on the eastern outskirts of the city of Soledar. Units of the 6th Cossack Regiment of the Luhansk People’s Militia are fighting in the areas near the Knauf plant, weakening the enemy’s defenses. They reportedly managed to take two fortified strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the Ugledar front lines, Russian advance was reported near the village of Vladimirovka.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reports daily on heavy losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on all front lines.

According to the Ministry, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) hit the 37th battalion of the 56th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the AFU deployed near Avdiivka. As a result, it completely lost its combat capability. Loss of personnel exceeded 60 percent.

More than 80 Ukrainian servicemen of the Ukrainian 18th Battalion of the 35th Marine Brigade were killed and more than 50 others were wounded by strikes by the VKS in the areas of Belaya Krinitsa and Velikoye Artakovo.

Russian artillery killed more than 250 Ukrainian servicemen of the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade in the area of the settlement of Mazanovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Russian forces hit a temporary base of foreign mercenaries in the city of Kharkiv. As a result, more than 90 militants were killed.

In the Mykolaiv region, about 60 Ukrainian soldiers and 8 units of military equipment were destroyed by the VKS near the town of Posad-Pokrovskoye.  The strikes hit the temporary deployment point of the 1st battalion of the 28th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It was reported last night that Russian missiles struck at the Ukrainian facilities in the town of Zatoka in the Odessa region. According to unconfirmed reports, about 300 Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries were killed.

The Ukrainian military is responding with strikes on the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, including on civilians.

Over the past day, 379 Ukrainian munitions hit the territory of the DPR. As a result, one civilian died in the village of Krasny Liman.

Ukrainian forces also hit the village of Pervomaiske using the American HIMARS MLRS. One civilian was killed and three others were injured as a result of the shelling. In total, 80 civilians have been killed and 253 injured in the LPR in 6 months.

The Ukrainian military continues shelling the city of Energodar. More shells hit dangerously close to the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant. On August 17, two employees of the NPP were detained in Energodar for adjusting Ukrainian fire on the facility.

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Last edited 2 years ago by AnnaMcMullen

Maybe, one day, those responsible of all this nonsense, deaths, violences and destructions, will have to pay?

Karma is a bitch.


Hopefully yes, mainly those foreigners who fed the Nazis and let them go unpunished for their crimes should pay a high price.


Most disliked country in each nation:



Russian soldiers castrate a Ukranian POW with a box cutter


Perpetrator is a Kalmyk named Vitaly Valerievich Aroshinov.

Here’s his address:


Last edited 2 years ago by Hans

(WARNING GRAPHIC) Gook Soldier (fighting on the side of Russia) Castrates Ukrainian POW with a box cutter, he could be with the Wagner mercenary group. https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/warning-graphic-gook-soldier-castrates-ukrainian-pow_vrkJSzukSDTbkvH.html

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans
Max Schmidt

Those resonsible for this genocide are in Washington DC



Abraham Lincoln

London and Washington can’t do anything without the approval of their Israeli masters.


And israhell


All three


Could you leave the Israelis out of this? They have nothing to do with this nightmare ! Thank you,


Stop lying.

John Wallace

They never pay. They mostly get buried in memorial cemeteries and have government sponser funerals.

Sgt. Based

The zionists have been getting punished for 2000 years and they still never learn

It absolutely is the Jews

When they’re supposedly “punished” it’s usually not as bad as they contend it to be.

It absolutely is the Jews

You mean Jews. This has been funded, managed and sponsored by Jews.


Another great video posted by SF. It explains very clearly what actually is taking place in the Donbass. Sooner or later something has to be done about the western involvement in the war. It isn’t right that the English and American scumbags can send their weapons to Ukraine and then bring death and destruction to the people living in the liberated areas of Donbass and the rest of Novorussia … without receiving any punishment.


Same goes for russia, which brought death and destruction to the people living in Ukraine. This cannot be allowed anymore without russia receiving a severe punishment. Yes that’s right.


Putin is not responsible for the the death and destruction in the failed state of Ukraine, the Americans and English and our old friends the Jews are. The noble president of Russia is the one who is liberating the people of Rus, his people, from the satanic influence of the wicked west, who wants all Ukrainians dead!

Joao M...

Right on every point.


Thank you, bro.


All three are the servants of the devil, together they form 6 – 6 – 6. If they’re wiped off from the surface of the world, we can all begin to live in peace.

jens holm

Our help to the Uras is because of the morons like You. We are rthe strong patient and hesitating ones.

Some scumbags has invaded Ukraine. Ukras has not been nice, but they had invaded none.

There are no liberated areas. None are liberated as long as they are Russian robots. You see the price right here and nothing is solved.


calm yourself—see clinic for better anti-depressant….loser upset cannot accept reality—-you lose Russia rejects immoral anglo imperialism racism—as USA colony you must accept sodomy


Well you’ll all be dead soon and then Ukraine will be gone. And to think it could have been easily solved with civilized behavior. Ukraine are looking like a bunch of Morons.

Niall of the Nine Hostages

The hypocritical NATO savages will get whats coming to them soon when they are put in their place by the rest of the world. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in Washington, London and every ukronazi supporting country in the EU. It will be a pleasure to watch them squirm

Joao M...

Message to NATO… Winter is coming. 🌨️❄️🌨️🥶🥶🥶❄️

It absolutely is the Jews

Don’t worry. Their bath houses will keep them warm.


Yes. After the total victory for Putin, sometime next year, when he has destroyed the Nato alliance of scumbags, I will watch the coming proceedings with glee, celebrating the only way I know how by raising a glass of Russian vodka to honor the great man who basically single-handedly defeated the most evil organisation the world has seen for a very long time. And then, of course, I will have another drink.

Vlad Craioveanu

Stop drinking! We have enemies to put on trial! All those who lied and oppressed and pushed the West into this madness must be hanged. Klaus Schwab, Victoria Nuland, the monster from Canada… And the shithead Iohannis and the entire secret service mafia that sold Romania to USA deep state.


I’m not celebrating Putin’s victory … yet, for the SMO hasn’t reached the three main objectives … yet. And you are of course right in what you are saying about the evil scumbags you name in your comment. But how are they going to be brought to justice when they live in the wicked West?

It absolutely is the Jews

Nothing will ever happen to them unless the majority of the worlds population takes over and starts running the UN.


Twenty years he tried to get along with NATO, even join it, even offer it help in Afghanistan – turning the other cheek to every slap in Russia’s face. Ukraine will be the straw that broke NATO’s back. Mark my words.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nostrodamus
Do Tell, Mr. Stoltenberg

I believe it was Stoltenberg that someone recently asked to name a single positive outcome from a NATO intervention, whereupon he quickly blurted out ‘Kosovo’.

Well then, Mr. Stoltenberg. If a NATO war initiated to separate a region from its UN recognized state in the name of some on again/off again notion of a ‘right to self determination’, why then would NATO not choose to fight alongside Russia and not against it in Ukraine’s war against the Donbass and Crimea? Do they not have such rights, Mr. Stoltenberg? After all, UNMIK only identified 4000 casualties of mixed origins in Kosovo after two years of investigation. How many Donbass civilians died by Ukraine’s hand in 8 years, Mr. Stoltenberg? Do tell. We’re all ears.

These people are so entangled in their own web of contradictions and lies that I’m surprised they can find their way to the toilet without ending up pissing in their neighbor’s kitchen sink.

Simple Truths

Pissing in their neighbors’sinks is a long and valued tradition within the NATO high command.

It absolutely is the Jews

Look what they did to Libya when Jew Mossad agent Sarkozy instigated the war? They wrecked the best country in Africa, and NATO loved bombing to help jihadis.

Bufford T Justice

Hope you’re right.

poko molo idaho lgbt

why victor Orban reject visa—say Russex bf sawyeria military victorious—-richer because USA#1 moron sanctions EU weakened and isolated….my retired janitor ex bf Sawyer, Jens not isolated when in my trailer

jens holm

If Hungary is member of EU and Nato, the rules for us has to be followed. Or else – its Out.

If Herbie dont change, we will change Hungary.


senile moron jens—any nation in EU/NATO can veto paralyze anything—there is no mechanism for removal…such an attempt would cause immediate disintegration of both….danes as stupid as amerikans

Time to unplug the fridge

They won’t go hungry in Hungary, or cold either….how about you?

Edgar Zetar

Hahaha Slav joker. When I read “poko molo idaho lgbt” its a phrase you taked from Yuri, he used very often that phrase. Lol!

jens holm

Its very impressing the Russians has no losses. Even worse is the ukras kills own civilians too.

Peter Stein

It’s very impressing. That’s why you keep coming back 24/7… to read impressing news.

jens holm

I read many very different sides and compare. By that Im able to add and subtract. I also increase my knowledge level.

Its a part of me. I add long life learning to my DNA. Its typical for many here that Darwin is right. They are born with no ears and eyes. Instead the only has a big mouth based on feelings below their belt.

If You shave them, You often will find their brain is a daft prick not given normal input form birth or even before. many seemes to raised by old pravda papers. Things here also very much is in vblack and white.

Sending soap to them might help, if they know what it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

‘I read many very different sides and compare. By that Im able to add and subtract.’

Last I heard, you added 2 and 2 and came up with 5.

jens holm

Thats right. Its synergy. When You learn You gets interests too. So You can innovate.

A start is to learn to learn. Not all has that talent. Some are forbidden to learn or are been limited by others.

I have a typical from Your kind of world: If China grow USA will decline. But that might not true because China also makes the cake to share bigger.

Sector Gaza

rusty dildo in jens rectum=innovation

Edgar Zetar

Poor Jens… next live please try to get in better place when G0d was giving brains to people… get you miss the oportunity on this live.

Sector Gaza

senility and lsd do not improve understanding except in Denmark and USA

jen holm neurologist

blood from aneurysm seeping in Jens brain–for normal person this indicates surgery—for Jens we shocked that any blood flows to part of brain


Good job 🇷🇺 🇷🇺

Marcus Chapman

Damn, all them dead Ukies and not one Russian soldier with a paper cut. You got to hand it to the Ruskis. They truly are supermen.

jens holm

Its a part of their plan to decline the living age. They cant efford pension plans for so many.

Apart from the many rapes in Ukraine, they also solve birth control problems. Less will be unimployed too.

Thats Russian progress.

Edgar Zetar

Jens, do you believe Russians are so bad if you believe all the nonsense of your comments… on USA not Russia they lowered the life expentancy in the two last decades just because USA system is broken and pension payments cannot afford people living to advanced ages. The great poisoning is called and check out in Google… War is a war and untrained and young soldiers could commit atrocities but dont think your comments is a Russian Army’s policy, and guess that No Officer would allow that to happen in their squads… Jens Holms stop taking too many blue pills, you will get dumber than Sawyer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Sector Gaza

dane progress—sucking American cock taking anti-depressant to treat your happiness problem



Looks like Ukraine 🇺🇦 is winning. That’s a joke.

The Russians are killing a lot of western mercenaries. Maybe 200 plus a day. That’s a good thing. And Ukrainian casualties may exceed 20,000 a week. Brutal.

It’s hard to have a lot of sympathy for Nazis. When this war is over, half the remaining population of ukraine 🇺🇦 will be seeking Russian Citizenship and passports.

jens holm

You have no idea where Ukraine is.

Sector Gaza

Sawyer say Jens stole his rusty dildo—can you find in your rectum?

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

The Ukraps Donbass defense and Kherson counter-attacks are going so well that they are starting to create fortified defense lines in the North of the country, LOL The CIA Jew puppet clown Prince Zelensky still says return of all occupied territory is the only basis for any peace negotiations. My message to he people of Ukraine would be – Zelensky+lamppost+rope, some assembly required!

Institute for the Study of Nuland Warts

They keep droning on about using drones to defeat the RF. Much better than a million man offensive on Kherson that it seems no one showed up for. Meanwhile, the RF grinder just keeps grinding and you can barely hear the sound of Ukrainians droning on and on and on. They’re really annoying those ukrops – sort of like mosquitoes that Nuland didn’t have a chance to infect with dengue in her chain of biolabs before the RF got there.

Igor S.

Ukr lost about 18.5 millions personnel from the start of the special operation, they will give up soon

It absolutely is the Jews

A minimum of 6 million fled. More than 6 million live in the separatist areas and want to join Russia, and then factor in another 250,000 million dead or wounded. Then you need people to take care of the dead and wounded and support their failed war effort, and it starts getting close to 18 million.


So, Rothschild’s proxy NAZIs in Ukraine want to cause a massive extinction level event, via a nuclear meltdown, and two employees at the plant were insane enough to help adjust the fire targeting? It’s a suicide mission at this point to do the bidding of the genocidal banking cartel. Does Rothschild realize, Russia will prolly wipe Switzerland and Isreal off the map and turn his ‘posessions’ into radioactive waste lands if his poxy retards set off a meltdown in that plant.

Institute for the Study of Banderite Freaks

That reminds me of an old WWII saying: “Where Banderites have been, there’s nothing left for the Nazi SS to do.”

It absolutely is the Jews

Tel Aviv should be Russias first target to be nuked, followed by London, Washington, New York Miami and Hollywood California. That’s my wish list, and I’m an American.

Sector Gaza

sawyer found that all blood drained out of jens when he tried to make jens get erection


Ukraine said non of America HIMARS MLRS had been destroyed by Russia. This was the news that came from west, is there any truth in that?


Once again it’s Jews , Jews , Jews Heres my question if the Jews are able to get Slavs to KILLS other Slavs for their entertainment Whos fault is it ???

A if the Slavs are this STUPID and can be so easily manipulated why shouldn’t the “Jews” take advantage of this it’s only logical.

Institute for the Study of Banderite Freaks

Banderite Slavs are actually pretty stupid. Something in the water maybe.


These spotters must be dealt with.


Meanwhile putin sells gas to those who arm the ukronazos, instead of destroying Western Europe by putting all unemployed and hungry. Something does not compute Russia will lose this war, will lose territory and face, because putin has not yet understood that the west is at war with Russia. What a disgrace, very annoying


Thank You

Zakhovara Charm School

come to Russia–we teach Nebraska LGBT manners

Institute for the Study of Monopolar Nucleosis

Russia sells them just enough gas to keep their heads above water, then watches them floundering around doing the doggy paddle. It’s very amusing. Cheers them up on those long winter nights.

Marco Paganotto

Fk me, with the knowledge of daily casualties of that magnitude, who the fk would carry on fighting?! And in the foreground, you’ve got Zelensky blackmailing and forcing the people of Ukraine to go and face the unimaginable horror of unsurviable shelling, when the truth is, who the fk even is he? Like he represents a legitimate Government right? He wouldn’t even be in power if it wasn’t for the Special Forces of various contributors, but you try explaining that to the majority of people who are being fed by the BBC and SKY and you risk substantial aggression for being pro Putin!

Last edited 2 years ago by Marco Paganotto
Institute for the Study of Monopolar Nucleosis

What legitimate government? It’s the continuation of a puppet regime installed by a dirty neocon coup d’etat of a democratically elected government, or so the OSCE swore it was before they were thoroughly compromised, using the exact same tactics that the UK and US used in 1956 against Iran’s democratically-elected Mossadeq and multi-party system, unleashing paid thugs in the street to stir up trouble.

The UK/US killed democracy in Iran over the control of oil, and installed a dictator. So much for that foolish WaPo ‘democracy dies in darkness’ BS.

Last edited 2 years ago by Institute for the Study of Monopolar Nucleosis
It absolutely is the Jews

He’s a Jew. And he is on his mission to benefit world Jewry. Not Ukrainians.

Jean Paul France

Putin does not dare to mobilize recruits for the war in order not to lose popularity in Russia nor does he dare to use his special tactical weapons, (thus controlling the great steppes and roads and immobilizing the Ukrainian army), which would give him a clean victory and fast in Ukraine.

(But Ukraine does mobilize thousands of new fighters and receives weapons from NATO without humility.)

Russia is stuck in a swamp in Donbass, incredibly unable to cut off the enemy from supplies and reinforcements there, (after six months), progressing very, very slowly in a Stalingrad-type war of urban attrition, (Russians die too), the big cities Kharkov, Dnipro, Nikolaev and Odessa are still unconquered…Zelensky makes terrible and dangerous provocations in Zaporizhia and Crimea, the red lines quickly turn green, etc, etc.

So I don’t understand what the hell Putin wants, a 5 year war??? He does not dare to be bold and resolute to end the sooner the better??? If the war drags on too long… there is no great danger that problems will accumulate on several fronts, at home, against NATO, against Turkey in Syria, in Kaliningrad, in Serbia, in Nagorno-Karabakh, etc. ???

I do not understand Mr. Putin. I am European and I notice that many people here, many investors who lose on the stock market, many businessmen, also quite a few governments who do not dare openly confront the United States, secretly want this war to end quickly, for Russia to take its piece and that the rest of Ukraine is small, demilitarized and neutral. In other words, the United States and the United Kingdom are much more isolated and weak in the West than Russia believes.

poko molo anitorial rectum cleaners

you as confused and wrong as us nebraska hillbillies

ziloniy rubashka

Zelensky green shirt now so stinky he can scare away taliban


And no, I repeat, no military losses on the Russian side. Not one! Legends come to life, as they’re told of old when heros fought being unvulnerable. This is manifest proof that Russian soldiers are super-human champions, protected by G-d, impervious to harm or injury, unstoppable, indomitable, invincible. This is not a report from the frontlines, this is a miracle of epic proportions unfolding before our videoed eyes.

It absolutely is the Jews

You’ fail to realize that much of the fighting done on the Russian side is done by the former Ukrainian citizens from the Donbass and other regions.

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