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Bodies Of Missing Iranian Revolutionary Guard Personnel Found In Syria

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Bodies Of Missing Iranian Revolutionary Guard Personnel Found In Syria

The flag of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ Quds Force

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced on February 28 that it had discovered and identified the bodies of five of its missing service members in Syria.

“With the round-the-clock efforts of research team of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ Quds Force, the bodies of five Iranian soldiers who had been martyred during an advisory mission in Syria were discovered and their identities after their DNA tests were identified,” a statement by the IRGC’s Public Relations reads.

The five Iranian service members were identified as “Saeed Ansari” from Tehran, “Hamid Mohammad Reza’ie” from Qazvin, “Mohammad Qanbarian” from Semnan, “Seyyed Javad Asadi” from Mazandaran and “Meysam Nazari” from Tehran.

The IRGC didn’t provide additional information on the service members’ mission in Syria or where and when they were lost in the war-tron country.

According to the available information, most of the IRGC’s forces in Syria deployed between the governorates of Homs, Aleppo and Deir Ezzor. Their main mission is to counter the remaining fighters of ISIS and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria.

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Rest in peace. Not speaking on behalf of Syrians and Iraqis, but us Iranians also owe to these unknown heroes our security and peace of mind. It’s by their efforts along Russians, Iraqi, Syrians, Lebanese and volunteers from other countries that we won’t have to deal with US-backed and Saudi/Zayed funded terrorists inside our borders and in our cities, something that has been an old goal of their masters. You will be remembered.


All the who brave souls have paid the ultimate price to push back the barbarians of the US Coalition of Terror, have rescued Syria from the medieval system of cruel Warlords that the US and Israel intended.

Their families have also paid a huge price, and it is only just that they are given the support that they may need.

I sincerely hope that history will record this part pf the 21st century as being the period when the current world Empire, that is based on slavery and plunder in all its forms, decayed and died.


From 2023 on, if I’m alive, I will start to write that story, decay and fall of the US of A and it’s vassals empire. There are volunteers here for the investigation and exposition?


I look forward to reading about how the US Empire collapsed :)

The Empire Falls Flat.


You have a lot of company, including in the US. The non stop regime change fails since Ukraine is step one. Step two is the US gives up even attempting them.


If only 20% of the ridiculous US military spending was diverted to proper schooling, healthcare and infrastructure projects, the lives of rank and file citizens would be greatly advanced.

Luke Hemmming

Hear Hear! But alas that is never going to happen. Can I share with you all a video that I watched today that made me feel useless and worthless. How we are nothing more than slaves disposed of when our usefulness has been depleted… https://youtu.be/2aaDr6joUdc >Warning it is a bit boring but in essence it tells of the ruling bloodlines that control the world and how we are nothing more than cattle. :-( the same ruling bloodlines that control the wars as well as the banks.


The Alex Thomson lecture is the most interesting and detailed account of the ‘progress’ of man that I have listened to for many years.

Thank you for the link.


Thank you. Rest in peace.

Mase fah

Rest in peace brothers!

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