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Boeing 737 MAX “Was Designed By Clowns” – Internal Boeing Messages Reveal

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Boeing 737 MAX "Was Designed By Clowns" - Internal Boeing Messages Reveal

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On January 9th, Boeing released a statement referring to communications released to the US Congress and the Federal Aviation Administration.

The company expressed regret because of the content of these communications, and apologized to the FAA, Congress, and its airline customers, and to the flying public for them.

“We have made significant changes as a company to enhance our safety processes, organizations, and culture. The language used in these communications, and some of the sentiments they express, are inconsistent with Boeing values, and the company is taking appropriate action in response. This will ultimately include disciplinary or other personnel action, once the necessary reviews are completed.”

The messages in question contained statements by Boeing employees referring to the Boeing 737 MAX.

In an April 2017 exchange of instant messages, two employees expressed complaints about the Max following references to issues with the plane’s flight management computer.

“This airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys,” one unnamed employee wrote.

In a message from November 2015, which appears to shed light on lobbying methods used when facing demands from regulators, a Boeing employee notes regulators were likely to want simulator training for a particular type of cockpit alert.

“We are going to push back very hard on this and will likely need support at the highest levels when it comes time for the final negotiation,” the employee writes.

In an instant messaging exchange on February 8, 2018 — when the plane was in the air and eight months before the first of two fatal crashes, an employee asks another:

“Would you put your family on a MAX simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn’t.”

The second employee responds, “No.”

Peter DeFazio, the House transportation committee chairman, who has been investigating the Max, said the messages “paint a deeply disturbing picture of the lengths Boeing was apparently willing to go to in order to evade scrutiny from regulators, flight crews, and the flying public, even as its own employees were sounding alarms internally”.

He added:

“They [the messages] show a coordinated effort dating back to the earliest days of the 737 Max program to conceal critical information from regulators and the public”.

Senator Roger Wicker, who chairs the commerce committee leading the Senate’s probe into Boeing, also said the latest documents “raise questions about the efficacy of the FAA’s oversight of the certification process.”

The US Justice Department has an active criminal investigation underway into matters related to the 737 MAX aircraft.

Some of the messages pointed to problems with the simulators. Boeing, in its statement, said that it is confident “all of Boeing’s MAX simulators are functioning effectively” after repeated testing since the messages were written.

But messages from 2017 show the following:

“I want to stress the importance of holding firm that there will not be any type of simulator training required to transition from NG to MAX,” Boeing’s 737 chief technical pilot said in a March 2017 email.

“Boeing will not allow that to happen. We’ll go face to face with any regulator who tries to make that a requirement.”

Finally, the FAA said that these revelations showed nothing that wasn’t already known. It specifically said that “it determined that nothing in the submission pointed to any safety risks that were not already identified as part of the ongoing review of proposed modifications to the aircraft”.

It has all allegedly been addressed, and that the only surprising thing was “the tone and the content of some of the language.”

“Any potential safety deficiencies identified in the documents have been addressed. The tone and content of some of the language contained in the documents is disappointing.”

It should be reminded that the passenger airplane that crashed in Iran on January 8th was a Boeing 737, and this isn’t the first time a plane of this model, not specifically the 737 MAX has had issues in recent months and years.


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Assad must stay

I laughed very hard when I first read this, boeing should just forget about this 737 max plane and just shut down or rethink its life

Dan Ridley

It’s a great plane with rigged software. The plan was to bankrupt boeing so the chinese could purchase the company for pennies on the dollar through shell companies.

Our aerospace industry is very much in danger of being run by Chicoms.


Ah, so its Chinas fault that the US management are charlatans now :)

Jens Holm

Those are not charletans at all. Its true there are competition having winners and loosers.

Robert Ferrin

No its Iran’s fault or those pesky Russian’s,for we know it can’t be Boeing with their endless greed as 93% of their free money was going into stock buy backs to enrich the board of Boeing.!!!!


Its 97% share buy back, similar to all other US Corps controlled by 2% Rothschild jews that run a $150T empire. Only 3% is for development.

Boeing majority share holders are jews funds each having above $5T assets, bigger than Japan GDP.

Assad must stay

sorry i dont buy that


Are you a Indian H1B? The 737 max software was known to have outsourced by jews funds controlled Boeing to India’s HCL fake coders that always mess up everything they touch.

Those Indians were boasting & bragging in their websites & resumes for doing up 737 max until it got grounded. Now they denied any involvement. Educate yourself.

Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour fake India Engineers https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-28/boeing-s-737-max-software-outsourced-to-9-an-hour-engineers

Incompetent India programmer https://medium.com/@deepusnath/is-india-a-space-of-incompetent-software-developers-1a3ec048df1f

Only 7% India engineer is employable in India. https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/engineering-employment-problems-329022-2016-07-13

India Engring is dying with poor education. https://www.quora.com/Is-engineering-dying-in-India

These are how Indians get their education https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/03/india-school-exam-season-cheating-mafia-

Free man

How does the design of the aircraft relate to the fact that it is not resistant to Iranian missiles?

Ole Johansen

its not the same plane

Free man

Thank you for the clarification.

Ole Johansen

They got a huge problem.

The design flaw is said to be that historically they have shifted the position of the engine from UNDER the wing to more and more forward and then upwards. So the plane is a flying death trap.

What they have done is to software compensate the design flaw that saves fuel. If that software fails, so does the plane and hence that two horrible accidents.

I will never ever ever fly in such a machine before the engines are refitted into a safe position for the plane to not be kept flying by code.


I agree – the narrative is not about right or wrong but ‘save boeing’ more than anything else.

Jens Holm

That goes for the other big ones too.


the ukraine 737 which went down in Iran the other day was probably downed by an enemy of Iran, say israel as most likely culprit, but the downing of boeing could be devastating for boeing’s future, in fact it could even mean ruin for the seattle-based company. thus the narrative takes over and the group of ass-kissing vassals screams bloody murder and points finger at Iran and as usual fails to provide any kind of evidence supporting the accusations. this is the third boeing going down in a year and a half with more than 500 dead and even if it isn’t the 737 max it’s the predecessor and might just threaten boeings future – thus the world points finger at Iran and forgoes the real criminal – israel.

Jens Holm

Thats no oppion but propaganda.

Dan Ridley

The CRS-11 Chip allows the plane to be taken control of remotely. It’s defective.

Research the CRS11 computer chip. You’ll be scared.

Ole Johansen

More flight friendly information here.

Imagine the first strike capability if you coordinate AIS with BUAP. Near the entire passenger fleet will become large droneforce that can be sent to hit any target at sea or land. We have seen that the aluminum tube called a airliner can penetrate steel and its fuel melts its down like a dream(9/11)

Understanding BUAP and remote control flying starts here:


Jens Holm

Thats how it is. Kitchen knives are not forbidden even You can kill Your neíghbor with it.

Dan Ridley

If people only knew how evil our government and its subsidiaries are, they would immediately revolt.

Redpill the masses. The truth needs to be heard. and the CRS11 Chip is the scariest shit out there for civilians. Turning a plane into a remote controlled missile is plain evil.


If they can take control of cars remotely through the CAN bus then they can take remote control of planes. They have real time telemetry data of the engines in operation, so why wouldn’t they have control over the avionics?

Peter Jennings

These planes were obviously designed by experts and professional people with huge experience. These experts were then ignored and forced by their unscrupulous management to find ever cheaper ways of producing a aircraft which would ultimately kill all its customers. Manufacturers of electric chairs used to do the same for their customers.

It seems that the FAA also needs to run some simulations, ie: training, to withstand irresponsible corporate bullies and take their jobs seriously.


This problem started in the 80’s when companies were increasingly being controlled by Bean Counters and Lawyers.

Peter Jennings

I read recently, online, that the wiring practices for this type of aircraft hasn’t been redesigned since the mid sixties. Modern aircraft have so much more wiring that they probably bunched together in ever tighter bundles. This leads to overheating problems and fires.

The footage being shown online is, IMO, reminescient of the Concorde crash in France in July 2000.

Jens Holm

Thats upgrade has not been miscalculated, but the production seemes to have been done to make to many things too cheep and not tested well.

So I defend the new airplane but not the malfunctions, which for very good reasons could be avoided.

Boing so far has made more then 10.000 airplanes and ost of them has been the best we got for many decades.


Corporations like to hire psycopaths in higher management, because they’re completely expedient and have no scruples.


There’s also nepotism, in-group preference is natural but not when a small minority of people take over a society like termites.

Jens Holm

It happend long time before that. You always has had bean counters and lawyers.

I think all also have to see that most of it is very good, because more can effort to buy usefull stuff.

Its very much abot lack of control and stupidisme for new models having no purpose is allowed. I fx cant get new knife for my old electric shaver. Why not. My beard is the same kind as ever and electric razers havnt changed for decades.

Jens Holm

That goes for many products all over the world. We have to have more sober productions and a much better quality check.

Last Year I bought a small chinese tent, because it was cheper then semilar, but when I got it important parts were cheeper as well. I could not see that on Internet even there was good pictures. By that I did not get a small very good tent for the rest of my life unless I die soon:(


Now for some black humor on the subject, poor taste for many but verifiable when looking at statistics that are increasingly becoming less and less public each year.


Family Brawl At Disney Caught On Camera: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IRXKd3Se1fQ/


Vox Veritas

Yeah who cares about a clown plane when you can call the complainers (lulz) racists.

P{h}uck Boeing. Shoot on sight all the executives involved in this conspiracy to defraud customers and conspiracy to inflict grievous bodily harm, perhaps even depraved indifference to human life.

Daily Beatings

“This airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys”. Those monkeys are kinda bad, better spank them.


Indians design the latest max softwares that crash it, Jewish fund managers supervised them to squeeze more shekels out.


Jews funds exceeding $5T controlled Boeing & most Fortune 1000 Corps. They outsource to India clowns to design, and supervise by Isahell monkeys. They wanted to add uninterrupted drone control to all Boeing planes (patented by Honeywell & Boeing) for kidnapping/assassination/missile usage.The result is a failed product as usual by clowns & monkeys.

Those HCL Indians were boasting & bragging in their websites & resumes for doing up 737 max until it got grounded. Now they denied any involvement. Educate yourself.

Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour fake India Engineers https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-28/boeing-s-737-max-software-outsourced-to-9-an-hour-engineers

Incompetent India programmer https://medium.com/@deepusnath/is-india-a-space-of-incompetent-software-developers-1a3ec048df1f

Only 7% India engineer is employable in India. https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/engineering-employment-problems-329022-2016-07-13

India Engring is dying with poor education. https://www.quora.com/Is-engineering-dying-in-India

These are how Indians get their education https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/03/india-school-exam-season-cheating-mafia-

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