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MARCH 2025

Bolton Reveals ‘New’ US New Strategy To Combat Russian & Chinese Influence In Africa

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On December 13th, White House National Security Adviser John Bolton unveiled Trump’s Africa strategy. The plan focuses heavily on “countering China and Russia’s expanding influence across the region, while also making sure US taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly with a reduction in US involvement in United Nations peacekeeping missions.”

He emphasized that the US vision for Africa is “one of independence, self-reliance, and growth — not dependency, domination, and debt.”

It is somehow, however, to include additional cuts to aid and peacekeeping programs.

“This strategy is the result of an intensive interagency process, and reflects the core tenets of President Trump’s foreign policy doctrine. Importantly, the strategy remains true to his central campaign promise to put the interests of the American people first, both at home and abroad,”he said.

“Under our new approach, every decision we make, every policy we pursue, and every dollar of aid we spend will further US priorities in the region.”

The plan relies on three priorities.

The first one is to enchance US economic ties with the regio; but without providing examples of how that would be done. Bolton also accused both Russia and China of “predatory practices,” which only benefit the countries and are detrimental to Africa itself.

“In short, the predatory practices pursued by China and Russia stunt economic growth in Africa; threaten the financial independence of African nations; inhibit opportunities for U.S. investment; interfere with U.S. military operations; and pose a significant threat to U.S. national security interests.”

The second priority, according to Bolton, is to counter the threats caused by “the lack of economic progress in the region has accompanied the proliferation of Radical Islamic Terrorism, and other forms of violent conflict, across Africa.”

Evidently, he mentioned Russia and China first, because they appear to be the prime guilty parties responsible for that lack of economic progress in his vision of the situation.

Bolton mentioned aid provided to Africa in past fiscal years and periods, saying that it hasn’t stopped Russia and China from taking advantage of African states.

Thus, the aid without effect will be cut, there will be no assistance without accountability.

“Americans are a generous people, but we insist that our money is put to good use,” Bolton said.

The third priority is “ensuring that all U.S. assistance dollars sent to Africa are used efficiently and effectively to advance peace, stability, independence, and prosperity in the region.”

This will be done through “a new initiative called “Prosper Africa,” which will support U.S. investment across the continent, grow Africa’s middle class, and improve the overall business climate in the region.”

This will come in addition to encouraging African leaders to “choose high-quality, transparent, inclusive, and sustainable foreign investment projects, including those from the United States.”

He finalized his speech with the following:

“Under our new Africa Strategy, we will expand economic ties on the basis of mutual respect. We will help African nations take control of their own economic destinies and their own security needs. And, we will ensure that all U.S. foreign assistance in the region gets results for the American people.

It is no secret that what Bolton claims goes contrary to the US conduct around the world.

On Russia’s part, on December 16th, it announced that it is ready to help to build the Trans-African cross-continental railway including the Dakar – Port Sudan – Cape Town route by expanding the existing Trans-Africa Highways 4 and 5.

“The Sudanese side expressed interest in participation of the Russian companies in constructing of the Trans-African railway over Dakar – Port Sudan – Cape Town,” said the commission in a document seen by TASS.

“The Russian side confirmed readiness to work out the opportunity for participation with interested economic operators, provided that the initiator ensures formal confirmation of interest by all states – project participants and submission of elaborated financial and organizational-legal models of this project,” the document says.

The first phase of the project will be an estimated $2.2 billion upgrade to 1,228 kilometers of existing rail between Dakar, the capital of Senegal, and Bamako, the capital of neighboring Mali.

In addition to that, Le Monde reported, that “Putin’s chef” Evgeny Prigozhin took part in a meeting  the leaders of militant groups of the Central African Republic that took place in Sudan’s capital of Khartoum on August 27th  and 28th. The report was based on anonymous claims of the alleged meeting participants. Similarly to earlier Bloomberg’s claims, Prigozhin appeared to be some sort of “right-hand-man” of the “evil mastermind Putin,” and is definitely up to no good, but it is all speculation.

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that ambassador-at-large Konstantin Shuvalov participated in the talks on August 29th.

“He was received by President of the Central African Republic Faustin-Archange Touadera who expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the Russian Federation for its efforts. In response, the Russian representative emphasised that Russia’s assistance was in line with the efforts of the African community which was making a decisive contribution to relieving the crises on the African continent in accord with the principle enunciated by the African Union, which is that African problems need an African solution.”

Thus, it may appear that, despite Bolton’s claims, Russia might actually be trying to help the African region. It may also just be a part of “Putin, the Bond villain’s” plot. If one takes a neutral look at the situation, it would appear that China and Russia are just expanding their influence in Africa in both economic and military fields. These developments are leading to a further decrease of the influence of the US and its allies in the continent.


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Len Zegelink

the us is scary .

Chris Chuba

The people left who actually believe the U.S. are even scarier.

Carne João Pasta

I can’t for the life of me comprehend why anybody in their sane mind would be seeking to come here to the US to live.

Jens Holm

Try idlib and remember a white helmet.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, mainly muslims prefare to be among us christians and sekulars as well: How comes ?

Jens Holm

The usual internal crap we see none of in the whole well. We also dont cry all the time and fuck only your mothers.


Looks like as the US lost Africa. I was recently in Ethiopia, and there all Infrastructure is build by Chinese companies. They have nowadays a lot of factories, housing and street infrastructure UsS would love to have. Compared to Chicago or Detroit Ethiopia is way ahead.

Jens Holm

I dont see USA ever had Africa, so it cant be lost. Most influence today is by old colonial powers such as ´GB, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Russia has tryed to make big indluence, but we only has seen bad dictatorships smashing out everything into centralized ruins like in fx Tanzani, Eritrea, Sudan and Zimbabve.

By that the competition – so to speak – is only Russia and China. It seemes China has some succes ignoring human rights sending chinese in and amking cheep things being friendly and by that plundering as the old ones.

Hard for me to see Russians expand there. Strange too. They have the whole Russia and several close neigbors and the whole, Sibiria. Why Africa ?

Pave Way IV

What the hell, Russia? NOBODY is allowed to do ANYTHING in Africa until the US has decided that it has adequately cleared out ISIS. Oh, and after every African nation is indebted to the IMF for an eternity – that, too. Why won’t you obey the US?

Chris Chuba

Every word Bolton speaks is a lie. I’m surprised he didn’t burst into flames. All he knows he knows is coercion. Bolton doesn’t ‘respect’ anyone, his primary tool will be to threaten any country that trades with Russia, China, and Iran with extraterritorial sanctions and deny them access to SWIFT, all the while saying that he is ‘saving them from the predatory operation of Russia, China, and Iran’. He is the father of lies.

Jens Holm

No, Bolton has free speak and is allowed to tell his oppinion based on own facts. Mnay others then Bolton show a lot of devastating non respect for others too.

You handle this as gold from Fort Knox. Its not. Its a proposal, so relaste to that instead of telling more lies above his proposals, which is no politic od United States.

Not even their President has power for doing that.

And politics in Africa do change, so åepåle has to renew and update plans. Many are doing that.


nuts float and accordingly all nutcases have surfaced in the the administration of the disunited moronic states of America, just think nikki haley and john bolton (supeme headcase) and fatso pompeo and steve mnuchin and others. and of course the head idiot himself, donald donny trump. can it get much worse – of course not. the white supremacist headcases from yale, harvard and other places running the place as their privileged fiefdom are deluded and will happily foul up the place for their own petty reasons, mostly spelling money and if it so happens say 500000 kids dies in the process, so be it (madeleine albright, dimmer than a pea-soup), not forgetting the other millions that died at the hands of the washington dc war criminals. I guess washington, jefferson, hamilton and other of the founding fathers are rotating in their graves in eternal shame.




Since when is chaos a “new” strategy for the US?


It is no secret that what Bolton claims goes contrary to the US conduct around the world.

There you go.

Degenerate Bolton’s “new” strategy will be resumed to what they do best: chaos.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Bolton dont talk for USA having some influence. Its allowed to have ideas and propose them. Too many here dont see that. It seemes not even allowed, where they are.


So it’s 4 in the morning your time, which tends to make me think you are a drunk, or really your in the US?


These morons want war with every single country in the world. They are the children of evils.


No, evil incarnated.

Jens Holm

I dont see that.


There are none so blind as those who will not see.

John Whitehot

“He emphasized that the US vision for Africa is “one of independence, self-reliance, and growth — not dependency, domination, and debt.””

Perhaps he should start with the US themselves.

Jens Holm

Well, they are 325 mio. Why him. Many are trying to clean USA as well as making dirt too.

Peter Moy

Once again, disregard anything that this brain-damaged, evil, despicable, Kosher chicken hawk coward Bolton has to say. First of all, get rid of that ridiculous walrus-like growth on your upper lip: you are NOT Mr. Moneybags in a Monopoly board game. Second: do some research comparing US and Chinese activity in Africa in this century. Since 2013 China has invested more than the equivalent of $60 BILLION dollars in the construction of schools, roads, railways, stadiums, office buildings, business parks, etc. in Africa creating real jobs and improving livelihoods. What has the US done since the so-called war on terror? Around 30 military bases that benefit only a few people and drone attacks in Nigeria, Mali and Somalia are the US contribution to the poorest, least developed continent on this planet. Conclusion: this Bolton is just another hypocritical, uneducated, dangerous as Hades, mental freak driving a US foreign policy. Face the facts moron and keep purchasing adult diapers you coward!

Jens Holm

He is allowed to speak as anybody else in the free wordl. The magic in that world of mien is, that we choose ro follow a Bolton or not and its not about his beard or not.

Kisher food is fine with me even too many pots and pans ans well as not enough bacon.


If Bolton’s moustache was a brush, it would be a toilet brush.

Jens Holm

He writes from where You are ?

Jens Holm

All articles here hostile to USA starts with a “The USA taxpayers” in the best Marx Engels – Muhammed Economic style.

They are not able to see the Americans seeing this as an invéstment – even it pays off.

It makes me laugh Russia will take all those railriads and roads alle the coloby havers has decided asnot usefull at all.

Transporting internal sand in Shara and Sudan ?

Russia has bought cheep Syrian asphalt oil for ancient military equipment as well ?


You’ve never read Marx, so how would you know?

Jens Holm

Yes many parts, also the ones which are no communistic. Parts of Engells only.


It is in the nature of Empire hostility. Occupation causes hostility. The enemy are the people of our vassal states. All empires are hated by their subject by definition. This is a fact. We have just spent SIX TRILLION DOLLARS of taxpayer money in the Middle East for absolutely NOTHING. We are getting expelled just as occurred in Vietnam. The only ones laughing to the bank are the ‘dogs and merchants of war. And it ain’t you buddy nor me. You don’t need to read Marx to understand this truth. Just open your eyes.

Jens Holm

I dont care about those taxpayers. USA and we have a lot of money.

But I have been Against and talked and written about it since Afghanistan, so at least dont blame me.

I have written my oppinion in handling Your and several other Regions -A wall west of Istanbul and oil out and only food in to fair prices.

We have no friends there and only select who should kill each other faster. We also get so many emmigrants. We should stop all, which we dont ask for.

But it certainly is not our fault and very strange from here most refugees in the world are muslims and they prefare to stay among christians and sekulars from people of their own kind – or at least closer to their own kindb then us.

It would be fine if muslims did well here. 50% dont that at all even we help them all we can paying for everything. If its about money 2017 cost us 33 extra billion kroner. Thats 5 BILLION dollars.

So fine if You stayed in You non devellop zones.

Tommy Jensen

US in Africa supports freedom in an intensive interagency process which reflects the core tenets of America´s peace and freedom to usury loan values. When Russia and China only are pursuing Africa´s gold, resources and usury money to gain world power influence and leverage, we in America have an obligation to go into Africa and protect freedom and security.

We do this by spying on what Russia and China are doing. Then we by leading from behind destroy all the schools, hospitals, railways and clean water utilities that China and Russia have or will finance and build in Africa. In an undercover way. Because we want Africa to be free nations and independent for their own sake! and also for America´s security! To make America great again. Because this is the way we are in America, its our style to help other people to freedom!!


Racist and slave trader United States can not compete with Russia and China for the hearts and minds of the people of Africa. China builds infrastructure, and the United States sells weapons to the most corrupt leaders in Africa.


How is the United States going to promote and increase the African middle class when the African American middle class is minuscule.


Russia has only one true and valuable partner in Africa, and its Cuba. China and Cuba should always contract Cuban doctors in Africa. Remember, Cuba cured the scourge of Ebola when no one else could.

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