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MARCH 2025

Bolton Says Russia Should “Stop Interfering” In US Elections And “Get Out” Of Crimea And Donbass

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Bolton Says Russia Should "Stop Interfering" In US Elections And "Get Out" Of Crimea And Donbass

IMAGE: Reuters

After visiting Moscow with the announcement of the US withdrawal from the arms reduction treaties with Russia, President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton came with a new round of threats and accusations against Russia.

In an interview with Reuters in Georgia’s Tbilisi, Bolton once again accused Russia of interfering in US elections,  and claimed that it should get out of Crimea and Donbass.

“It will be helpful if they [the Russians] stop interfering in our election … get out of Crimea and the Donbass in Ukraine … stop using illegal chemical weapons to conduct assassination attempts against Russian exiles in the West, and if they would be less intrusive in the Middle East,” Bolton said.

Bolton’s remarks, which include both unfoncrirmed speculations (like assasinations and interfering in US elections) and demands to Russia to abandon its national foreign polciy in key regions, show that the US does not understand or does not want to understand the key motivations behind Moscow’s actions. In the current complicated international situation, this hostile behaviour is openly leading for a further escalation between the US and Russia.

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Mind your own business John!


He hasn’t got a mind.


US needs to get out of many places including Syria.

John Mason

The next visit from a US senior official to Russia should be greeted by low ranking Russians, or cancel their entry visas. Putin should also cancel his talk with Trump, no point anyway talking to a liar besides Trump hasn’t any say or power.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Trump is in office, not in power. Perhaps, he will be impeached after the Mid-Trumps, causing paralysis in the levers of power of the US EVIL Empire? Could a blue wave now buy another year of peace as the Empire entangles itself in the chaos? Then there is the spectre of 1861 to 1865. Lots of NRA loonies on the loose that could cause a late October / early November surprise!

Carol Davidek-Waller

I wonder what Bolton’s drug of choice is. Or perhaps he’s just one more senile old man trying to recapture his glory days (real and imagined) and make the rest of us foot the bill for his foolishness.

Lena Jones

His “drug of choice” is ziocaine. Gets you high on evil – fries your brain out in the end.


His “drug of choice” is ziocaine.

His drug of choice is zionism.

Dressing that toxic shit up with clever names is counterproductive, so just call out the cancer for what it is: zionism.

Lena Jones

Hold on to yer underpants, Miss manners – if I say ‘ziocaine’ then ziocaine it is for me. Nothing you can do about that. LOL!

You’re suspiciously waaaaaay too serious!


You’re waaaaaaay too suspicious.

Why would you want to call something as toxic as zionism a cutesy name like “ziocaine”?

Lena Jones

Do you have a proverbial ‘funny bone’?

Obviously NOT!


Do you have a proverbial ‘funny bone’?

Of course I do.

I don’t think zionism is in the least bit funny though. Do you?

Lena Jones

LOL I think you’re hilarious but not as hilarious as ziocain.


LOL! Did you decide to adopt the personality of a ten-year-old valley girl for your Disqus persona?

Lena Jones

No funny bone and no spine, apparently.


No funny bone and no spine, apparently.

LOL! Says the triggered humorless bint with the paper-thin ego.

Lena Jones

LOL the charm of a sack ‘o potato and shit for tongue. Keep at it motherfucker gnat – squat you in my sleep lol!


LOL the charm of a sack ‘o potato and shit for tongue

LOL! Project much? Keep flickin’ it, (((Lena Jewnes))) – eat demented little bitches like you for breakfast, lol.


I’ve been a big fan of your writing, going all the way back to your Mondoweiss days, btw.

So quit trying to bust my “proverbial” balls already, Miss Ball-Breaker. ;)

Lena Jones

Dude, I don’t waste time “ball-breaking” bug balls – surely you know this about me already ;-)

And did you really have to adopt Mondoweiss’s pathetic jewy gatekeeping standards?! You’ve brought the stink of Controlled Opposition widya. Check dat at dat door willya?!


Dude, I don’t waste time “ball-breaking” bug balls – surely you know this about me already ;-)

Dude, quit kicking yourself in the lady balls – I know you’re not normally this triggered. ;)

And did you really have to adopt Mondoweiss’s pathetic jewy gatekeeping standards?!

LOL! Yeah, except that you’re the one who’s adopted the cutesy Mondoweiss term for zionism…And I’m the one calling that cancer by its proper name.

You’ve brought the stink of Controlled Opposition widya. Check dat at dat door willya?!

Nah, I brought up the fact that I’m a big fan of your writing, and have been for years, going all the way back to when you used post on Mondoweiss.

Are you kicking up a stink coz you’re embarrassed you used to post on “pathetic jewy gatekeeping” Mondoweiss? I wasn’t trying to shame you. LOL!

Lena Jones

“Muslim Jew”? More like the fucking mossad in a kaffieh motherfucker!

Fucking shekeled stalker lol!


“Muslim Jew”?

Yeah, it’s my Disqus username.

More like the fucking mossad in a kaffieh motherfucker!

Fucking shekeled stalker lol!

No. You write about the Palestine issue and I enjoy reading your take on the Palestine issue. Why all the hostility?

Lena Jones

YOU started it with your pathetic attempt at censoring the word ‘ziocain’ just so you can engage with me you fucking time-wasting asshole!


YOU started it with your pathetic attempt at censoring the word ‘ziocain’ just so you can engage with me you fucking time-wasting asshole!

Nah, YOU “started it” with your unhinged fucking nonsense about “censoring”, so stop wasting everyone’s time with your deranged drivel, you demented fucking bitch!

Lena Jones

LOL how jewy of you to accuse others of what you yourself do! It’s all upthread in black and white motherfucker – and clearly before the eyes of the whole world, YOU STARTED IT WITH YOUR PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT CENSORING ME, fucking shekeled eunuch!

Muslim+jew? My ass lol!


It’s all upthread in black and white motherfucker

Yeah, it certainly is, you psychotic little oxygen thief.

Muslim+jew? My ass lol!

If (((Lena Jewnes))) says so. LOL!

Lena Jones

Man it’s so funny how you’re NOT funny! You’re that fucking brit from Golders Green motherfucker.


Man it’s so funny how you’re NOT funny!

Awwwwwwww, shucks, has the easily triggered little psycho bitch lost her “proverbial ‘funny bone'”? LOL!

You’re that fucking brit from Golders Green motherfucker.

Nah, I’m that fucking motherfucker who had no fucking clue you were such an unhinged fucking lunatic.

Lena Jones

You’re not a freaking fan, as you claimed, you’re a fucking psychotic hasbara bot – collect your shekel from bibi’s asshole, asshole!

BTW you eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner mister no-nuts wannabe ‘Lena Jones’ lol! ‘Little bitches” would bite your cowardly ass off in a nano sec – then puke up, no doubt: so very shit-bitter is your flavor! Flexing small linguistic muscle at language masters will send you straight to your jewy psychiatrist you fucking lunatic jew! Try it motherfucker! And like a brainwashed-triggered jew fool you would now, wouldn’t you?! LOL like all nasty scumbag jews: you’re so predictable!


You’re not a freaking fan

I certainly was a “fan” of your writing; however, I had no idea you were such a freaking lunatic, and I don’t tolerate toxic little shit-stains with fragile egos, who attack me for no discernible reason while spewing some unhinged garbage about me “censoring” them on a public forum that I don’t fucking control.

BTW you eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner mister no-nuts wannabe ‘Lena Jones’ lol!

Nah, I eat and then spit out psychotic little ghetto queen wannabes like you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. LOL!

Flexing small linguistic muscle at language masters will send you straight to your jewy psychiatrist you fucking lunatic jew!

Yeah, except that I’m not the toxic nut-job with the blog who’s spewing racially charged invective at my readership, you unhinged fucking lunatic!

Lena Jones

Take that stinky cunt outta yer mouth you ballless stalker! You started it by aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING I stop using the word ‘ziocain’ and any reasonable person would call that a pathetic attempt at censorship! It’s ALL upthread in black and white motherfucker! So shove your amateur ‘point by point’ responses to me up Sarah’s twat when you’re having a gruesome threesome with the Netanyahus!

Phew! Thank dog you’re NO LONGER A FUCKING LUNATIC FAN lol!

Thank dog I don’t have to contend with your derivative and cliched attempts at insults in my fanclub lol!

Now go choke on your jewish psychosis/neurosis/halitosis, ziocained bitch!

Muslim Jew? Fucking hilarious ziobot BITCH!

If anyone’s “triggered”, it’s YOU by the word ZIOCAIN!


Take that stinky cunt outta yer mouth you ballless stalker!

Go wash that filthy fucking cunt out with soap and water, you clitless wonder!

You started it by aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING I stop using the word ‘ziocain’ and any reasonable person would call that a pathetic attempt at censorship!

Quote the bit where I’m “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’” then, you comprehension-challenged cunt!

It’s ALL upthread in black and white motherfucker! So shove your amateur ‘point by point’ responses to me up Sarah’s twat when you’re having a gruesome threesome with the Netanyahus!

So quote the relevant text then and quit queefing like a demented motherfucker! And you can “aggressively and humorlessly” shove YOUR amateur responses to me where the sun don’t shine — and yes, I’m talking about your cunt, snowflake!

Phew! Thank dog you’re NO LONGER A FUCKING LUNATIC FAN lol!

Awwwwww, shucks, did I hurt your precious little feelings when I wouldn’t bow down to your greatness and lick your stinky asshole? LOL!

Thank dog I don’t have to contend with your derivative and cliched attempts at insults in my fanclub lol!

LOL! Your “fanclub”? Bitch, please! And the only derivative and cliched amateur here is you. LOL!

Now go choke on your jewish psychosis/neurosis/halitosis, ziocained bitch!

Why don’t YOU go choke on some of that “jewy psychiatrist” cock you love so much, you psychotic little cock-starved bitch!

(((Lena Jewnes)))? Fucking hilarious ziobot BITCH!


If anyone’s “triggered”, it’s YOU by the word ZIOCAIN!

Nah, the only easily triggered one here is YOU — by the word “Jew”! But keep projecting, you triggered little snowflake!

Lena Jones

Ziocain is making you froth at the mouth again lol!

BTW a REAL snowflake woulda busted your ass for your raging misogyny but you think I give a shit if a jewy cunt calls me a cunt?! Never LOL!

And stop imitating my writing style you fucking klepto plagiarist jew!


Ziocain is making you froth at the mouth again lol!

Nah, zionism is making you froth at the gash again. Still wating for you to quote the post where I was “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’”. LOL!

BTW a REAL snowflake woulda busted your ass for your raging misogyny but you think I give a shit if a jewy cunt calls me a cunt?! Never LOL!


Either quote the fucking post where I was “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’”, or man-up and apologize for being a comprehension-challenged cunt. LOL!

And stop imitating my writing style you fucking klepto plagiarist jew!

Stop fantasizing about Jew cock, you filthy fucking whore, and quote the post where I was “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’”! Either put up or shut up, you illiterate fucking hack! LOL!

Lena Jones

Still sounding like a rejected sycophant with Tourette syndrome. I have a cure for your cuntiness: find the nearest bridge.


Still sounding like a rejected sycophant with Tourette syndrome. I have a cure for your cuntiness: find the nearest bridge.

Still sounding like an unhinged, frothing at the gash, comprehension-challenged cunt; still no quote showing I was “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’”. I have a cure for your cuntiness, snowflake: either man up and apologize for being an unhinged, frothing at the gash, comprehension-challenged cunt, or go play in traffic.

Lena Jones

… And you’re STILL behaving like a demented rejected, sycophant tsk tsk – little man with no self-control.

Again, go back upthread, right to the beginning of it all and see where your assholeness started it all.

And just like the psychotic jews, you’re now DEMANDING an apology for a crime you yourself committed!

And you’re still thieving analogies from me lol!

Man, you’re in such an unhinged state that I’m thinking you don’t have enough cunt in your life and therefore projecting cuntiness on others you make contact with.

Eat your own muslimjew shit and die already motherfucker!


… And you’re STILL behaving like a demented rejected, sycophant tsk tsk – little man with no self-control.

… And you’re STILL behaving like an unhinged, frothing at the gash, comprehension-challenged cunt. Tsk tsk – butthurt little snowflake diva with no self-control.

Again, go back upthread, right to the beginning of it all and see where your assholeness started it all.

Yeah, my “assholeness started” right after your cuntiness started it all.

Bitch, if you’re going to libel me and behave like an unhinged, frothing at the gash, comprehension-challenged cunt, you can expect my “assholeness” in abundance.

YOU falsely and hysterically accused me of “censoring” you by “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’”. You claimed it was this that made you start frothing uncontrollably at the gash.

Again, go back upthread, right to the beginning of it all, and quote the post where I was “aggressively and humorlessly DEMANDING” you “stop using the word ‘ziocain’”. Put up or shut up, you ridiculous fucking twat! LOL!

And just like the psychotic jews, you’re now DEMANDING an apology for a crime you yourself committed!

Nah, just like your beloved “psychotic jews”, you libel people and then start frothing at the gash when you can’t back up your psychotic hysterical accusations.

So I’ve “committed” a “crime” now I see — and I’m “DEMANDING an apology for a crime”!?

You really are one hysterical little comprehension-challenged cunt, aintcha. LOL!

And you’re still thieving analogies from me lol!

Nah, you’ve still got your big fat head so far up your cunt, you can’t see the wood for the trees. LOL!

Man, you’re in such an unhinged state that I’m thinking you don’t have enough cunt in your life and therefore projecting cuntiness on others you make contact with.

Lady, you’re such an unhinged, comprehension-challenged cunt, I’m thinking you don’t have enough cock in your cunt, and therefore project cuntiness onto others you make contact with.

Eat your own muslimjew shit and die already motherfucker!

Go choke on your “jewy psychiatrist[‘s]” cock so you can die happy already, you miserable motherfucker! LOL!


BTW: Your latest blog post is A++. Credit where credit’s due, you easily triggered, comprehension-challenged bitch! LOL!


You already been footing his bills and not only his, all your life. In work – blood and what humans hold so dear above all…. money. So dont worry about footing the bill. Maybe is time to learn how to live free of them.


Bolton has particular brain wiring and chemistry – he is at the extreme end of the Narcissist spectrum – otherwise known as a Sociopath. Bolton simply believes he is always right – everyone else is the problem – and the world should simply conform or be reconfigured to his reflected image.


Weird paralel reality is what we see, the whining about the latest pathetic hickup coming from the pack of demonCrauts in the banana republic UssA, where the Reporats are whining about been the originator of the attack/s, the hillarious bomb sketch, and where they have dug up an uh….. thing, witch of course is wacko, but is places firmly in to lunatic bin, but is widely used to attack others whom have nothing to do with this nonsense what so ever in the first place.

Let me again remind people about some few fundamentals, one is this, they keep your record of everything, back to the stone age of the internet, aka 20 years ago, to the present as we speak, about what do You have on your track record, huh, and never forget this, everything can and will be used against you, that, is an fundamental you should never doubt,, they control everything. Then they, as the ministrys of truth, will of course have an ball, aka drool something about CONspiracy theorys, yeah, dunak, dunka, how, intellegent of them, isnt it. And during our years on the net, acsidentally or not, intended or not, its recorded, son, never forget that, so in essense, what I say is that they can make you look whatever they want people to think you are, that, sheeps is cold hard facts. Done since the stone age, only the way its displayed have variated, not the distortions of facts and history, they have wtisted the not an new turn, to widen the attack field, and race bating is rising, their last tool to make an ciwil war come thrue, its so obvious to me that I am infact exsited, the shit storm is coming home and do the wankees have the balls or not to do the right thing.

The enemy, wankees, the one that eventuallu crashes empires, is the enemy from within. Drow your land and people to ruin, and you see nothing, hear no evil and see no evil.

And then we have things like this Bolton thing, witch we all know is an pathological liar, and on top of it, even when its ben explained cluntless times, the facts never matters, they see what they want to see, and how on earth can you have any serois debate or whatever senario with scums like this Bolton thing. God what an stupid and dangerous MoFo.

The thing is, they feed their own rope to the self imposed and created gallow, to an level where its beyond sanity, and they wounder why everybody is running away, that and from an sinking ship. Its an tragicomical farse in real time. What could possibly go wrong. They have nothing left that an massive mooney sucking war machine, the only ind. left in the banana republic, and what to do, other than make more wars, any war will do, as long it can be prolonged ad infinitum, wars arent meant to be won, that is an ilution, wars are made to last forever, like Yemen and Syria, Palestina to the insane hate propaganda against Venezuela, etc, etc.

All wars are bankers wars.



yes they can you are right but then only if you care what morons and clones are thinking with their 1 sec thinking spans if that. Parrots usually dont have a thinking span either parroting or repeat like monkeys what they see others do.

And this world already is separated to free humans and then the western mostly tax slaves, that from the day who are born are just a number chasing like maniacs little pieces of paper with images and numbers on them called money. They are single digits IQ most of them and even worst their employees single tasking automatons so instead of thinking are invisible and all powerful, you should take a very good close look at them and what they can do is absolutely nothing. The reason they can is because exactly that none of you ever learn to survive in this world unless it has a boss who make all the decisions for them. And mass population all its life live from a penny to the next.

I often wonder how many days any of this allegedly `civilized` PC correct tax slaves, can survive if the electricity goes out. Have you?

Tommy Jensen

I agree with Bolton. Only I would add that Putin should also stop pouring gasoline all over the ME as this is not exactly adding to a peaceful new world order in freedom.

Jim Bim

We are all aware that you are a Neocon, warmonger, hawk…and a moron.


Yes because pouring gasoline all over ME – that’s ‘Murican job. We don’t want those pesky Russians taking away jobs from hard working ‘Murican deep state employees…And the way Putin’s doing it the fire is almost out – incompetent communist…


Go pour some more zionism over what’s left of your brain, zionazi.


HaHa I suppose years of US regime change operations are peaceful & beneficial!

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Now I wonder what would happen if Russia was to really interfere in Central America and send millions of refugees towards the US, full of IS and the drug lord’s mules and minions? Why should only the EU suffer the “refugees” created by the US EVIL Empire? How many could live in your home, Tommy???

William Warren Conkright

Yes, USA needs to stop and get out of Syria and also apologize for 2014 coup in Ukraine and pull out all support for the chocolate man. USA needs to march marines into Honduras, Guatemala , and Mexico and occupy them for 10 years. Smash all their inferior toy military in one day. Martial occupation law in countries. Occupy and clean the place up Then you will not see one more illegal trying to cross.. Be Proactive and Forward Force. not reactionary. USA needs to take care of our neighbors so they dont have to come here

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

“USA needs to take care of our neighbours so they don’t have to come here.” Exactly. But how is this achieved? People will not flee a developing country which is fast catching up with its neighbours. But there are some basic questions about Mexico. Why are the Northern States of Mexico in such a mess and practically run by drug lords??? How’s the war on drugs, fully backed by the US, going in Mexico, Latin America and the US itself???

John Brown

You mean the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship, worshipping their evil god of many names Satan, Lucifer, Nirrti (Vedic and Puranic) destructive Goddess of darkness, whose name means destruction. She is associated with pain, misfortune

Harvey Swinestein

You forgot your Dementia meds Jensen . .


Yeah Putin invaded Iraq, Libya, supported terrorists in Syria, israeli genocide in Palestine, Saudi war in Yemen… Now switch to you alter account R Trojson and say something even more retarded.

Alejandro Bonifacio

jajajajajajajajaja, you are a bad joke thanks to make me laugh

Floyd Hazzard

Lol…. hallucinations!!!!:These idiots think they own the world. If they could only step out of themselves and see how clownish they actually come across……hillarious!!!


Bolton the zionazi should go play in traffic.


So……… What is he planning to do if the Russians and allies tell him to go f*ck himself? Make more threats as they been doing since 1979? Pathetic.

hey Boltonfart, none take you and the rest of you seriously, beside planning to take you serious enough to push you make the mistake that with a moron as yourself and the ones who make you, is not that hard and then evaporate you.


He is annoying.


Someone should remind Bolton that Crimea is Russian territory and that the Russians who live in the Donbass aren’t going to agree to live under the jackboot of the US just because the US overthrew the government of Ukraine. No doubt Bolton is upset that the NATO contingent, hiding in Crimea prior to the overthrow of the Ukrainian government, was kicked out of Russian land.


First of all Washington withdraw their all military machines, war ships and dismantle their all military bases from the whole world land and sea and then gives threats to Russia and China. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8efa48bab498b0042811ba9f24f922b930614c19773cd2c1386ad41f2005e43e.jpg

Madd Bassist

Yeah…THIS, after word has it Mueller’s investigation is going to show there was no Russian interference in the US elections.


Bolton besides being a coward is also an idiot.


idiot yes and no, psychopath, definitely.

Zionism = EVIL

Maybe draft dodging Bolton should wear some big diapers and attack Crimea. If US is so powerful why does it not invade Russia and find out :)

John Brown

Racist supremacist Jews and their puppet BOLTON and their USSA slaves SHOULD “STOP INTERFERING” IN Russian ELECTIONS and elections all over the earth AND “GET OUT” OF CRIMEA AND DONBASS and over 80 other countries.

Feudalism Victory

Logic doesnt apply here. This is just propoganda and drawing lines. A little psychological torture to make Russia act irrationally.

Harvey Swinestein

Bolton as usual has his head waaaay too far up his ZioNazi masters’ arses . . .

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

This creep really needs re-education at the point of an ICBM. I am a peaceful Gandhist, but I do have my limits.

William Warren Conkright

Yeah put him in one of those portable jail cells that ISIS uses to hold hostages and cart around in places. I saw video of hostages in truck Jail cells, childlen beheaded for Christ, boy murdered for WhiteHelmets, Churches burned up. in 1999 I saw Clinton/NATO firebomb a commuter RR train burning up all passengers. NATO=NAZI can there be any doubt. Throw in EU also. The pictures and facts speak for themselves

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I can imagine a Trump-Bolton conversation one night. Bolton: “Mr President, we have a problem: all countries are demanding payments in gold or gold-backed currencies, the Chinese, Japanese and the Saudis are planning to dump their US Treasuries when the markets open in the morning, and the EU will be right behind them. Boris and May are making some strange noises about 1776 and 1812. What do we do, Mr President?” Trump: “Let’s unleash some of our magnificent air-craft carrier groups on Moscow and Beijing and teach those Germans another lesson” Bolton: “Aah, Mr President, those hypersonic weapons and Sarmat are real and on full alert”. Trump: “Time for me to finish that game of golf: could be July the 4th in the morning!”


Hey Bolton you deranged scum, stop interfering in Europe and the rest of the world, and go join McCain in hell.


This is what it is all about. Ukraine / RUssian claims to oil / gas in the Black Sea And Sea of Azov before and after. The US has seen a load of profits, just there to be looted, disappear from its grasp.



John “I am the walrus” Bolton trash talks Russia for the benefit of his domestic USA audience… yawn.


Oh well now, if Bolton says, then who is Putin to do otherwise?


Bolton’s rhetoric is repulsive and inflammatory, but for the most part he is dutifully following through on preparing the president’s meetings with President Putin both in France and Washington.



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