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Bolton’s Continued Humiliation: Turkey Seeks Coordination With Iran And Russia On US Exit

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

After Ankara slammed the door in John Bolton’s face during his trip to Turkey in which he expected to meet with Turkish President Erdogan, only to have Erdogan skip that meeting to criticize the US national security advisor in a speech to parliament, Turkey is now calling for Iran and Russia to step up coordination with Turkey in northern Syria as US troops withdraw.

Bolton's Continued Humiliation: Turkey Seeks Coordination With Iran And Russia On US Exit

Prior summit in Ankara, Turkey April 4, 2018. via Reuters

It’s but the next humiliation for Bolton, who flew out of Turkey on Tuesday, and for White House policy in the Middle East, after he announced preconditions to American troop draw down that emphasized Turkey agreeing to not attack the US-backed Kurds in Syria. Erdogan slammed this as a “serious mistake” and pro-government Turkish media painted the picture of a “soft coup” underway against Trump being orchestrated by Bolton and other subverters who had “rogue”.

But no doubt adding insult to injury, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu issued further provocative words on Wednesday, noting that given “certain difficulties” of confused US policy, the American draw down should be coordinated with Iran and Russia to prevent a power vacuum and the reinvigoration of terrorists.

“The United States [has] been facing certain difficulties with the process of the troops’ withdrawal from Syria. We want to coordinate this process with Russia and Iran, with which we had arranged work in the framework of the Astana process,” the Turksih FM said.

This would involve Turkish forces conducting joint patrols with Russia amidst a US withdrawal of all troops from Syria, in accord with prior agreements reached during the Astana talks, set to continue further in Moscow at a future date. Cavusoglu also said bilateral talks are being prepared between Turkey and Iran, but gave no further specifics, according to Russian media.

Closer Turkish and Iranian coordination in Syria would be a huge red flag for Washington, which has long stated a policy goal of thwarting Iranian entrenchment in Syria as part of its reason for keeping forces in the country. Israel has also focused on the Iran issue to argue the White House must stay the course in Syria, or else cede the Middle East to the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah pro-Shia axis.

Erdogan, for this part, sought to articulate Turkey’s vision for a post-US pullout solution in northern Syria in a Monday New York Times op-ed asserting, “President Trump made the right call to withdraw from Syria,” while promising to protect Syrian Kurds not associated with terrorist groups. He made no mention of current talks and increased coordination between the Kurdish YPG and the Syrian Army, and proposed a Turkish-backed “stabilization force” on the ground to patrol former US-occupied zones.

Given Turkish FM Cavusoglu’s most recent statements, it appears Erdogan is seeking approval and coordination for such a plan from Moscow, which however is likely to back the ongoing talks between Assad and Kurdish representatives. Or the provocative statements could also merely be the latest Turkish thumb in Washington’s eye.

But as we mentioned previously, this is where the Syrian Kurds are actually headed: towards making a deal with Assad which would provide Syrian Army protection to Kurdish enclaves in the face of the invading Turks. This truly local solution, fast taking shapewill occur without the United States or Turkey, and in affirmation of Syrian sovereignty.

As Washington and Ankara feud, and as President Trump seeks to clamp down on the conflicting messages on Syria from within his own administration, the “solution” may come faster and more organically than anyone thought, namely a Russian-backed Syrian Army advance on Kurdish enclaves in coordination with the YPG/former SDF Kurdish fighters.

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Neither Assad nor Iran wants an armed Kurdish Militia. Assad might even agree to Turkish ground operation to disarm Kurds, but only if Turks promise to leave and hand the territories to Assad, coordinated with Iran and Russia. With that possibility in mind, Kurds might disarm themselves returning to pre-war status. That would satisfy most (Turkey, Assad, Iran), Russia wouldn’t care much, US and Israel wouldn’t like it though.

Brother Ma

No native country wants the Kurds armed and of course the US and Israel do. The Kurds should be thankful they don’t get shot and buried in the desert by Russosyrians which is all I would deservedly give them ..and I was their most fervent supporter when they were killing jihadis!

Turks bleating about power vacuums and Isis coming back is a bit rich given the Turks were the ones who funded and trained ISIS on US orders ..back when they were pals!

Poetic justice would be Turks out of Syria altogether and Kurds as wandering beggars. I think Syria has forgiven them way too many times. In time,Assad should push them into Turkey. In addition,Syria should take back Hatay from the Turk dogs.


Brother, you are in delirious.

Brother Ma

Why ?


some interesting points. but you are way too emotional to continue this discussion.

Brother Ma

Yes of course because all geopolitics is conducted rationally. Look at khassogi murder in Arab embassy and Killary’s gloating of Gaddaffi’s murder.


It seems that Americans are having hard time without their beloved jihadists.


Bolton who is a zio mule is getting kicked around trying to implement the zio plan to try tokeep US in Syria. US as a defeated party cannot set any preconditions pertaining their withdrawal, the longer they dawdle around the more embarrassing it gets. Trump wants the troops out just as clearly as he wants the wall to be built. The zio detractors will be swept away and rendered ineffective, starting with Bolton’s firing.

Tommy Jensen

US is and has never been a defeated party. US is a winner nation of winners. Dont you make no mistake about that!!


Yes, they are defeated in Syria, totally inept in Afghanistan, defeat in Vietnam, Korea, and most importantly self defeat at home because of a highly polarized and divided society. This divided society is on the fringe of another civil war.


Are you plugging for Boltons job Tommy :)

Tommy Jensen

Bolton and me have the same brain :-(. Sour, bitter, arrogant, cruel, but always on the side of Israel and US government.

John Brown

The USSA are slaves of racist supremacist Jews. See former congress woman and American hero says USSA Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship Israel, above their oaths to America, its Israel not America first. Its not an oath of loyalty to Britain above America. So its the Zionist empire not the Anglo Zionist empire. So its the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship. Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel part 1 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/29/how-soon-can-we-get-aipac-owned-traitors-out-of-congress/ The only Member of the sitting US Congress we can document so far that has refused to sign the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even before America is Representative Walter Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mWR5OaRO8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0&t=8s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOp1b1obC04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e13b8bb9a5a25fd33bc47742b6f6dd77910dcfca90857294f6eaeb0c3eaa6929.jpg Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth. Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated. Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e13b8bb9a5a25fd33bc47742b6f6dd77910dcfca90857294f6eaeb0c3eaa6929.jpg Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

Tommy Jensen

I knew there was something suspect with Moses. Moses is said to have written a lot of books, but we cant find them. Neither can we find copies.

Only scriptures in another language than Moses spoke, claiming to be written down after 500 years of songs and story telling about Moses claims of his revelations from God, are found.

John Brown

Part 2 Nor could America have been transformed into an Israeli slave-state, provider and war-fighter for Israel with an endless supply of American Soldiers to use as Israeli cannon-fodder in their quest to expand and create “greater Israel”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOp1b1obC04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mWR5OaRO8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg Very few Americans know of this treasonous betrayal by all but one Member of Congress. This betrayal is a very serious, grievous violation of their Oath of Office and also American espionage laws and it constitutes Treason. Why do we know for certain this signing the AIPAC Loyalty Oath is Treason? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY We know this for certain because Treason is the capital offense of betraying one’s country and aiding or abetting an enemy of one’s own country, people and one’s government. Yes, but isn’t Israel an important ally of America? Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

No, quite the contrary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY The only reason the average American does not yet know this is because the Major Mass Media is controlled by six media moguls who answer to run Israeli linked large American investment house that works through Switzerland. Together these six media mogul who are all traitors have essentially created an illegal New Monopoly, a true News Cartel that does little more than feed the American public a continuing stream of USG propaganda, USG big lies and USG false-narratives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0&t=8s Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY It is our job at Veterans Today and the rest of the Alternative media of the Internet to get the truth out to everyone and expose this USG propaganda, these big USG lies and USG false-narratives. Soon unless stopped the Internet, which is the World’s New Gutenberg Press, will bust the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and this truth will dissipate to every America. This will bring an end to the espionage done against America in America by AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and other Israeli-linked foreign espionage fronts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

Tommy Jensen

One size fits all ;-).

You can call me Al


(whispering away repetitevely – “no-one listens to me, even the North Koreans said I was repugnant…..mmmm, mmmm”


Bye bye Mad Rat.


Yeah, Erdo, lets coordinate joint russian/turkish patrols in Afrin, Azaaz, al Bab and Jarablus to protect the return of the Syrian public institutions and the return of the Syrian local administrations to those regions.

Tommy Jensen

Here Trump can see for himself what Bolton and I have pointed out, that there are still many problems that America need to resolve before we can pull out.

We are NOT making a soft coup to force Trump into endless war in Syria. We are just pointing out the problems that have to be resolved first before we can do it!

As the world is hasty changing every day, no one can predict when these problems are resolved, but these problems WILL be resolved by America, by its security advisors and by our true allies. Because we can do it, and we WILL do it, because we can dream it!

Brother Ma

US has not won a war since WWII and it needed help to do that..


Actually it was Soviets that won the war mostly. Americans fought against an enemy already in the decline. The rest is just Hollywood interpretations of history, -cultural hegemony-, probably the best kind of hegemony.

Brother Ma

Of course! Which is why is said they needed help! I was being polite but know very well the heavy lifting was done by the Soviets.


” there are still many problems that America need to resolve before we can pull out.”

That’s rather akin to you fucking your wife during an argument and refusing to pull out until she agrees with you Tommy :)

Brother Ma


Tommy Jensen

Thats fair enough. Also called a white smoke meeting. Women can be difficult to argue with. Not a bad tool to agree about something.


Only if the Tool does not bend in use Tommy.

Xoli Xoli

Bolton is a devils messenger. let him and fat kitchen boy waist USA tax payers money and spread lies around in middle east USA and Israel weapons testing ground.The NATO secrets have been exposed by Jesus now Erdogan is ashame to be seen with his best friend Bolton.During UNSC votes Erdogan votes against Russia but wants to eye blind Syrians by showing he is Iran and Russian friend.Putin reads Erdogans minds that is why he give him carrot.No one trust Erdogan even USA and NATO because he want to be treat like a spoil child while he is a head choppers king the anti christ.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan hasn’t been reading the MSM, he doesn’t know yet that Trump’s been outsmarted by the deep state and no longer has control of the situation, he’s still trying to do a deal with the man the MSM tell the rest of us isn’t really in control of the situation, and actually ignored one of the people who does. Does that make him stupid, NO, it makes him a lot smarter than I gave him credit for, he wasn’t fooled by the deep state into thinking they had any say at all on the matter,he still knows who the top dog is, and it’s not the one barking the loudest.

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