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Bolton’s Mysterious ‘5,000 Troops to Colombia’: Preparations For US Invasion In Venezuela?

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Bolton's Mysterious '5,000 Troops to Colombia': Preparations For US Invasion In Venezuela?

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On January 29th, US President Donald Trump’s public events schedule is completely vacant. More than likely, the POTUS will spend the day if not more discussing the regime change policy and efforts aimed at Venezuela.

On the previous day, Trump signed an executive order aimed at “Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Venezuela.”

“The Executive Order I have issued accounts for the swearing in of a legitimate Interim President of Venezuela, and addresses actions by persons affiliated with the illegitimate Maduro regime, including human rights violations and abuses in response to anti-Maduro protests, arbitrary arrest and detention of anti‑Maduro protestors, curtailment of press freedom, harassment of political opponents, and continued attempts to undermine the Interim President of Venezuela and undermine the Venezuelan National Assembly,” the Presidential Message accompanying the order stated.

Shortly thereafter, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on  Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA), pursuing the abovementioned executive order.

“The United States is holding accountable those responsible for Venezuela’s tragic decline, and will continue to use the full suite of its diplomatic and economic tools to support Interim President Juan Guaidó, the National Assembly, and the Venezuelan people’s efforts to restore their democracy,” said Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin.  “Today’s designation of PdVSA will help prevent further diverting of Venezuela’s assets by Maduro and preserve these assets for the people of Venezuela.  The path to sanctions relief for PdVSA is through the expeditious transfer of control to the Interim President or a subsequent, democratically elected government.”

The state-owned oil company had “has long been a vehicle for corruption.  A variety of schemes have been designed to embezzle billions of dollars from PdVSA for the personal gain of corrupt Venezuelan officials and businessmen.  For example, a 2014 currency exchange scheme was designed to embezzle and launder around $600 million from PdVSA, money obtained through bribery and fraud.  By May 2015, the conspiracy had allegedly doubled in amount, to $1.2 billion embezzled from PdVSA.”

Some misconduct was traced back between 2011 and 2013. However, the US only took action now, because it hadn’t needed to pressure Venezuela for a regime change prior to this.

Sanctions on individuals, operating the oil sector in Venezuela may also be sanctioned in the near future.

This followed sanctions on 7 individuals allegedly closely related to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on January 8th.

On January 28th, White House National Security Adviser John Bolton spoke to reporters regarding the situation in Venezuela. Bolton said nothing new in general, repeating the same strong rhetoric aimed at regime change.

However, the contents of one page on his notebook could be seen. The contents show something that strongly resembles “Afghanistan” and “5,000 troops to Colombia.”

Bolton's Mysterious '5,000 Troops to Colombia': Preparations For US Invasion In Venezuela?

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USA Today reported that it had asked a White House spokesman for comment, but no denial or confirmation was given to possible troop deployment in Colombia.

Trump said that “all options are on the table” when asked last week if the U.S. was prepared to intervene militarily.

A spokeswoman for the Colombian embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Earlier, Colombia claimed that it would not allowed US bases on its soil for a possible intervention in Venezuela.

On the same day, Bolton announced that Brazil received its first batch of humanitarian aid, while being praised for standing in recognition of Venezuelan self-proclaimed Interim President Juan Guaido.

He also praised Israel, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed the country’s support for “the new leadership in Venezuela.”

In a surprising turn of events, however, on January 29th, New Zealand expressed its opposition to the regime change in Venezuela.

New Zealand’s foreign minister, Winston Peters, has refused to add New Zealand’s name to the list backing Guaidó. “It is not New Zealand’s practice to make statements of recognition of governments,” Peters said.

“Venezuela needs to decide its future through free and fair elections. This government expressed concerns about Venezuela’s elections in 2018, and these concerns remain.”

Prime minister Jacinda Ardern later justified her stance, saying that on her recent trip to Europe “absolutely no one expressed concern” that New Zealand’s decision differed from that of its allies.

“What we do as a country, and rightly so, is call out human rights abuses … it is absolutely clear that people are suffering under the current regime and that they deserve access to their democratic rights and freedoms.”


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Why does Brazil need humanitarian aid. Did I miss something?

As for 5000 troops, hardly a force to invade a country of 30 million with. Even one that is falling apart. Maybe 50.000, then yes. Still, 5000 would make for an excellent force to train locals how to fight Maduro if you want to start an insurgency.

Luke Hemmming

And apparently the FM of Colombia has said only a few hours ago that it wont allow the US to use it’s country to stage an invasion. So that begs the question how is this going to work then? Or will the US, like it did in Syria, just invite itself into Colombia?

Tommy Jensen

You believed in it……….LOL. You believed it was true Colombia would not allow US a base to stage an invasion……………you believed in it………………LOL.


Do what it did with Nicaragua in the 80’s? Train ‘freedom fighters’ in its neighboring countries and wage an insurgency war to overthrow it? After all, the same guy who was responsible for that policy has been put in charge of regime change in Venezuela.

Kelli Hernandez

Bomb bomb bomb the Venezuelan people into submission. Or send jihadis in through Colombian border. Ignore what comes out of Columbia a US vassal state

al quaida

“5000 would make for an excellent force to train locals how to fight Maduro if you want to start an insurgency.” Bingo.


True. Of course, could the Colombian army not do that? Both Colombia and Venezuela have been supporting insurgent groups in the other’s country for quite some time.

Prince Teutonic

Ofcourse they won’t fight! They will train “moderate opposition”…


That seems the most logical conclusion.


But “moderate opposition” is so 2016; a failed strategy of the old paradigm. This is MAGA time, baby! Based on JBolt’s weird comments about embassy security I’d bet we’ll see a MEK-style false flag attack on the embassy in the next news cycle. 5,000 troops would likely be enough to ‘secure the embassy’ (as well as an airfield or seaport) until the marines can come to the rescue.

northerntruthseeker .

Obvioulsy the US is sending military aid to Brazil, and hoping that the Brazilian right wing regime will join the US in this upcoming invasion of Venezuela!


Who knows. Could be Trumps usual North Korean Samba Bob and BS. He’s so creative for a war criminal.

Luke Hemmming

“The United States is holding accountable those responsible for Venezuela’s tragic decline. “

So that would make the US responsible then wouldn’t it for the decline? After all it was the USA that imposed the economic and political sanctions that have made the lives of the people of Venezuela so difficult in the first place.


LOLOLOL the american slaves are now in a downward spiral, that only they themselves initiated and continue to do so.Ofcourse bigger parts of EU are following too.Also on orders.LOLLOL.The world the created is slowly falling apart.Held together through war,corruption and deceit. In the End Phase, that will come shortly, there are only 2 Options.The first beiing the best for the planet.The US will self-implode with a civil-war Outcome, or the US will turn to the outside and take several nations with them.

Promitheas Apollonious

send 5000 troops to do what exactly in Venezuela become fertilizer for the forests there?

Peter Bozich

Yes, the 5000 troops are most probably LGBTQ, that’s what has become of the US military, total spanking fodder for any other army.


To spread US military LGBT awareness to the Columbian military boys and girls of course :)

Promitheas Apollonious

how stupid of me not to think what you saying. You think they organize also a rainbow parade to scare the shit out of their enemies?


Rainbow parades scare the shit out of me, Promitheas :)

Carol Davidek-Waller

Bolton translated: First install a right wing nutcase as President of Brazil who will steal from the poor and give to the rich, then overturn a certified election in Venezuela, install a front man for a crook and steal their oil. Tiny John is straight out of Dr. Strangelove. If the outcome weren’t so tragic, the little draft dodger would be terrific political satire. Trump will really get hosed trying to play Henry Kissinger 50 years too late.

jim crowland

obviously you have never been even close to venezuela,,,,,,the murderous dictatorship is killing dozens of people daily…


for real. Just like Sassams MWD or Assads chemical ttacks, right?

northerntruthseeker .

Where are you getting this information from? The Jew spew media that lies about everything obviously!

Get your facts straight…. Maduro is NOT “killing dozens of people daily” as you falsely claim, for there is no basis for that statement at all… It comes only from the liars in the Jew spew media that want to brainwash people into the falsehood that “forced regime change” is required in Venezuela!

Gregory Casey

In fact, if you watch some TeleSur coverage that is widely available on the Internet showing what has been happening inside Venezuela it is quite clear that armed and masked men are prowling the streets shooting indiscriminately at “fellow” Demonstrators/Rioters and at Police. The pity is that such coverage will never be shown on television in America or Western Europe.

Kelli Hernandez

Bullshit. I’ve watched..no such thng. Did you see the thousands at Maduros rally’s? You know the real Venezuelan people who don’t speak English and have not been westernized? Why do those at Guido Bandido rallies all dressed to to kill in expensive clothes? Oh that’s right they are the upper middle class and beyond who Stand with the opposition. Classic color revolution

Kelli Hernandez

And that is complete bullshit. Like Assad gassing his people? US lies no longer work and their regime change operations no longer invisible. This has scummy rich Jew Zionists all over it.

Gregory Casey

You completely misunderstand what I say. Those who are prowling the streets in masks and hoodies with guns in hand shooting bullets at people and at the Army and Police are those demonstrating in support of the US-backed pretender. They are anti-Maduro and anti- the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The Demonstrations in support of Maduro and the Government that US & European Media have refused to show on our TV screens are as large if not, indeed, far larger than those in support of the US-backed Pretender who claimed the role of acting-President at a time when US Interests thought the Army was about to flip and decide to go against the entire history and culture of the Army and assert their non-allegiance to the Bolivarian Republic. Thankfully, US-Intel was wrong and despite a small group of Officers and enlisted men attempting to seize power, their effort fizzled out with a whimper. If I did not make myself clear in what I expressed, my apologies but you can be certain that I support the lawfully-elected President and his Government and not the oil and banking interests who wish to seize the money and assets of ALL of the Venezuelan People for the benefit of the few ………. those dressed in designer clothes who were so visible in photos and film streamed on US & European News Organizations.

Gregory Casey

I agree with you.

Gregory Casey

I also ask you to read the Comment I made far below some 2+ hours ago that I hope makes clear whose side I am on in this. As with Syria, so too with Venezuela ……….. and yes, I despise American Foreign & Defense Policy.

Gregory Casey

No it is not.


LOL, For second I thought you were talking about the USA…


You forgot to add the last part of your sentence – …with barrel bombs dropped onto the last remaining hospitals in the country. There, fixed it for ya’.




Mind you Kissinger was the one who typified the goyyim as being useless breeders and feeders, so was he any better, really?


Yup, its fasinating, remeber Libya, the western eh….. MSMs, tales, storys, intervjues, about how bad it was, torture, starvation, videos of demonstations witch where faked an mass, fake storys about people been killed was hyped hard by the MSM and the NGOs, never forget their role, as HRW and the rotten AmIn, humiliation done by someone, mass graves, etc, it was all lies, never forget that, they lie about everything, every god dammed day, and the MSM was in the forefront of the insane level of propaganda directed at Gaddafy and Libya in general, verifyeing their own propaganda thru control of the coment fields, where they colude with them all, incl Facebook, remarkable amount of this coments whom is echoing the idiot propaganda are fake, do click on them for your self, all to “verify” the claims of course for humaNazing anyone back to the stone age, the left and right screams in unisone, the only diffeence is what reason is it for “saving” the Libyans from the Dick, yeah, like Norway air force, whom burned Libyan children alive with posphore and littered the area with cluster bombs, and was whining about Taliban using IEDs, huh. And the attacks on people whom dont follow the idiots, are of course Putin Trolls, yeah, dunka dunka.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7uvC4JfSs0 I bow to only one, my wife. hehe Period.

The same shit show is in full force again but this time its Venezuela, and the second hard fact is the use of narratives, political directions or belifes in an way that is downright hillarious and is coming from people whom knows basically jack shit about virtually everything, and they drool about Venezuela.

Its not about capitalism, socialism, etc, that is an freak show camuflaged as an debate, its about One massive problem only, the Imperial Banana republic UssA, period, its all about resources and control of them, nothing else matters, nothing, dont ever again try to insult the peoples intellegence, wankees with your inherent and worshiped to religion selfinflicted thru ignorance an intitutionalised Paranoia and hump that with weapon grade stupidity and presto you have the average wankee doodle idiot, run by an even dumber Valge idiot from NY.

And feeds us links to what, CNN, FauxNews, or BBC ( the world renounsed feeder of utter Bullshit, Bollocks and Crap) and incl AmeriTrad/TrumpTard hard core dungeons of manure and shit heads talking again about thing they know jack shit about.

Watch an old Trump video, about Venezuela and Libya, rape and plunder and He also stated something witch we already know by now, whom the f…. cares. Yeah, the Monroe Doct. Nice huh, since its Their back yard, right. This coup sets just one new flashing record, its so f…. obvious its should be an regarded as an basket case was it not for the insane wankeestan Gov, lead by the worst rat pack ever, and how remarkable silent did it not become after Trump and Co desided to attack Venezuela, yeah, even the leftis is drooling something about Trumo doing the right thing, hehe, yeah, the gates have been flung open, what could possibly go wrong.

I hope the world notices this, Africa, you better wake up as fast as f…. because they will come for you, you can whine and cry about whatever nonsense, but eventually we are in the same boat, just look to France, Africa, the shit storm is coming.



Wankees , you just coined your best new word !


DAMN! ……That was classic. Thank You.

Murray Smith

Yeah we hear endless crowing about a precious 2nd amendment from a nation of chicken hearts who don’t have the balls to ever use it.


the syphilitic moron of a national security adviser, aka bolton, is guessing and guessing and guessing and however much he’s guessing he still won’t get it right. and given that, trump ought to fire his sorry ass back to the backwater he came from and which managed to raise such a miserable creep like him.

think about it, there are only two countries that wage war and cause death and destruction and misery and famine on an industrial scale and that is the severely destitute states of america and the other is israel and the latter is allowed to operate a concentration camp with impunity and where the most prominent part is the slow ethnic cleansing program carried out. and the world is quiet and thus complicit in the genocide the israelis are engaged in and which is directed against the palestinians.

al quaida

New Zealand did not “express their opposition” to regime change. (From the linked Guardian article) “The New Zealand government is refusing to take sides in the escalating Venezuelan leadership crisis, declining to give official recognition to either leader.” But their pro regime change talking points indicate which side they’re on. They know their full support isn’t needed anyway and this way allows the NZ PM to save face with the NZ public.

jim crowland

Mr Bolton it is about time that a great democracy help us get rid of this communist murderous regime…



Tommy Jensen

For my part I also express my concerns, but I go with Israel. If its good for Israel I am always in, because I wanna please Israel and the Solomon Temple. It gives more dólares…………..…….LOL.




And that was Bolton’s “top secret” proposition to Trump ! But before doing that he was posing for photographing ! :-)))))))

What effing moron !


Pyet tisic transgendry v VZ!?!


what’s “VZ”?




:-))) Does he sending his girl-boyfriend as well ?

Prince Teutonic

After fuck up in Syria, negotiations with Taliban in Afghanistan they can’t afford another fail. I think they are targeting Venezuela this time among other things probably because they know Russia and China can’t interfere with their plans on South American continent…

You can call me Al

“because they know Russia and China can’t interfere with their plans on South American continent”…….. you need to backtrack on that comment shortly, we’ll see.

Kelli Hernandez

Russia and China have significant investments in Venezuela. What’s it worth to them??? Not enough I fear


Oh but they can!


Coup already failed in VZ. Blather from blatherskite Boulton

Murray Smith

Every US President has to lay waste to at least one country. It’s the only thing both sides of the aisle can agree on – their barbarism is the only thing that’s unanimously welcomed – such a sick culture.


Who the fuck goes into a press conference carrying a legal pad with a single note on it unless they want all the world to see it? This is obvious disinformation meant to invoke a reaction. The least he could have done is mark up the sheet with notes to make it look like they are his notes from a meeting instead of this obvious ruse that wouldn’t fool a 5 year old.

The USA will fund and support an insurgency or invasion by others but they won’t send US forces into Venezuela ….. rarely do you see US forces get directly involved in Latin American coups at least not since the Spanish American war. Advisor role and airstrikes maybe but not regular troops on the ground.


Yeah, or maybe Bolton is actually stupid enough to forget that he had his ‘Master Plan #3’ in hand.

“…US forces get directly involved in Latin American coups at least not since the Spanish American war.” Not to split hairs here, but Panama comes to mind. Also, Operation Zapata (Bay of PIgs) did have regular troops on tap in addition to the Brigade 2506 guys.


Wasn’t the Panama operation to remove one of their own that went rogue? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Noriega#CIA_involvement_and_U.S._support


Yeah, that’s how they roll in the House of Bush I guess. Maybe we could also include Grenada on that list of US Southern Command undertakings.

Kelli Hernandez

Just wait for the reaction when Venezuelans are bombed or murdered by Bolton jihadis . British people seem to have more brains then Americans. They are protesting this regime change war of aggression on Venezuela. Meanwhile Americans SIT. When this shitshow starts Americans will deal with millions at their border escaping brutal regime change.

Murray Smith

They’ve had one tyrant after another for over 50 years and yet they crow endlessly about their precious 2nd Amendment when they’re too chicken shite to ever use it.


Most of those crowing endlessly about their precious 2nd Amendment are the same guys who gladly support the tyranny. Especially now that ‘their guy’, President Bircher, is squatting on the throne. And even if they wanted to “use it”, small arms aren’t going to do anything against MRAPs (which happen to be parked in just about every town).


Yep. It is public ordering of mercenaries from the supplier, and those mercenaries will be most likely of South American origin (although they could be Africans as they are the cheapest and have no sympathies with the locals). You wanna bet they will be called VDF and their main target will be the oilfields? 5000 is a low figure and not enough to make a difference, they have a pre-agreed multiplier, so it is probably a code for more like 50,000.


The US has been using Columbian mercs to destroy Yemen, so I imagine they will use them.


He plans the repression and starvation of entire nations, wearing a tie with cute flying elephants and friendly ducks. A true sociopath…

You can call me Al

STFU you demented wank stain. Even your stupid Yank voice pisses me off now, never mind the rubbish you spew + you all look like a retarded twat.

Putin, xi – get in there and kick their filthy Zio arses out. PLEASE, for the love of God, shut them up.




It’s a very annoying feature of the “Russia-friendly” press, or whatever one calls it, that the Americans are habitually dismissed as “stupid”. Of course this is deliberate and smart psychological warfare, intimidating the good (?) people in Caracas “Let’s not take any steps to protect our country commensurate to the threat, things could get so much worse if Uncle Sam were to get really angry.”

Not that I’m a fan of his, but it seems that Little Kim is about the only one with a grip on such situations. He’d publicly lick his chops at the thought of sending those 5000 orcs to their grave. Then it’s the other side who has to think twice.


The Americans are stupid, their actions over many years displays their stupidity.


Oddly enough, 5,000 is also the estimated number of Bolton’s pet MEK terrorists. A little live-fire exercise in Venezuela would be good practice to prepare MEK forces for the upcoming Pivot to Persia.

“According to a 2003 article by The New York Times, the MEK was composed of 5,000 fighters….In 2011, United States Department of Defense estimated global membership of the organization between 5,000 and 13,500 persons scattered throughout Europe, North America, and Iraq (Wikipedia).”


The USA has many armies and they go under many names.

Gregory Casey

Interesting that over the course of the past 4-5 days, the language deployed by BBC EuroNews France 24 ABC NBC CBC CBS Fox Sky & all the others has changed so that the Maduro Government is now described as “the Regime” while description of the young pup hoped to have been installed as the new puppet-President pursuant to a Coup that kicked off one week ago, and failed within the day, has changed from “acting-President” to straight-up “President”. Since when did News Directors in Europe, little-Britain and N America dictate to the People of any State who their Government is or might be.


Look at who owns the media, and you have your answer. They are creating the next holocaust.

Pave Way IV

With all respect to everyone who thinks otherwise, to my eyes it looks more like 5,000 troops + Colombia. I’m not even sure about the “+”, but it’s really hard for me to see the word “to”. And, no, I have no idea what 5,000 troops + Colombia means, except that Bolton wanted everyone to see it. Nonetheless, chicken scratchings from a chickenhawk displayed to chickenshit ‘journalists’ shouldn’t surprise anyone.


5000 “social workers” from Blackwater is my guess… Much more cost effective then regular G.I. Joe’s! (According to neo-con standards, of course!)

Kelli Hernandez

One question: How the hell is this in the interests of the American people?. What threat is Venezuela to us?


When have the American people ever mattered to the US Government, it’s about helping the Plutocrats. They would dispose of every single American if it made the plutocrats richer, they can always import more peasants.


Notice how all US destabilization plans involve oil, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Iraq Nigeria, Venezuela, even Yemen and Myanmar are about oil fields. This tells you that oil is Americas Achilles heel.

American oil producers are losing money whenever oil drops below $60, so being the genius’s they are they try to shut down oil production of their competitors, with threats guns and bombs. They are using the same tactic in electronics, now that China is overtaking the US, they ban Chinese electronics.

The good news is, it’s a sign of their desperation, the end is nigh.

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