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Bombshell: Was Nord Stream Nuked?

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Bombshell: Was Nord Stream Nuked?

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Written by Peter Koenig. Originally published by GlobalResearch

The saga of the Nord Stream blow-up has been confusing, and confused with multiple reporting on who-did-it, and who did not do it, who had an interest, about the motives, and who was most suffering from the blast. It seems the saga never ends.

Perhaps it should not end before the truth has been found – and before the culprits are brought to justice, because this is a crime of tremendous proportion.

In early February 2023, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh released a report based on secret but he says highly reliable sources, providing details of how the US intelligence agencies planned the sabotage ordered by US President Joe Biden (confirmed at press conference on 7 February 2022).

President Joe Biden:  “If Russia invades that means tanks and troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then “There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”

Reporter: “But how will you exactly do that, since the project is in Germany’s control?”

Biden:“We will, I promise you, we will be able to do that.”  (emphasis added)

Seymour Hersh revealed how the US Navy carried out the bombing with the cooperation of Norwegian forces. After the report was published, Washington quickly denied it.

The Blame Game. Who Did It?

This was the beginning of the blame game, who did it, how was it done and what were the motives. This speculative debate has not ended – and there is no end in sight.

An Underwater Tactical Nuclear Device?

However, about a month ago, Bombshell news, what appears to be evidence for the “How”, emerged. According to mathematician, physicist and geoscientist Professor Hans Benjamin Braun, the pipelines were devastated by an underwater tactical nuclear device.

This was reported by Swiss journalist Christoph Pfluger during his weekly Swiss “Transition TV” or TTV news show. See screenshot of Abstract (below), of Professor Braun’s report. Scroll dow for link to complete report of Professor Hans Benjamin Braun

Bombshell: Was Nord Stream Nuked?

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Following initial accounts, moderate explosives of a few hundred kilograms of TNT were responsible for the destruction. That would correspond to a seismic reaction of a (Richter) Magnitude of 2.3.

However, after a review of publicly available seismic data throughout Northern Europe, this could not be further from the truth.

“Seismic traces were reported as far as the Nord Cap (1,800km from the detonation) and Greenland, thus, characterizing the Nordstream explosion as a teleseismic event. An analysis of the wave-forms detected at seismic stations around the Baltic- and Bothnian Sea, characterizes this event as …. having a detonation energy of 200 tons of TNT equivalent or more, rather than the 500 kg claimed in the press”, says Professor Braun in his report.

This is an explosive power at least 400 times larger than claimed. The resulting wave-forms share characteristics with known underground nuclear explosions. Professor Braun concludes that only a nuclear explosion could produce these effects, which also include the extreme warming of the seabed, strong underwater currents, and the radioactive fallout that could be measured even in Switzerland.

For the full Swiss TTV report on the Nord Stream presumed nuclear devastation, see this. The news report is in German. The section on the pipeline explosion starts at min. 9:45. Professor Braun’s report, of which a screenshot of the Abstract, you see above, is in English. To view the TV report in German click the screen below

Bombshell: Was Nord Stream Nuked?

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Translated into English, click Screen Below: (starts at 5’27”, following the presentation in German)

Bombshell: Was Nord Stream Nuked?

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After Professor Braun finished his study, he handed it to several colleagues for peer review, among them three physics Nobel Laureates. In April 2023, the final report was handed to the governments concerned, including Sweden, Finland, Poland, as well as NATO’s Secretary General, Russia’s Ambassador in Switzerland, as well as to the UN Security Council, which at that time was chaired by Russia.

Link to the complete report by Professor Hans Benjamin Braun (English) entitled: Nordstream -Anatomy of Dante’s Explosion  which you can download

Bombshell: Was Nord Stream Nuked?

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What happened? Big silence.

None of the countries concerned, not even Russia, and of course not NATO, seems to have an interest to escalate the case, demonstrating to the world that presumably Washington / NATO does not shy away from using a nuclear device to destroy the energy supply that fuels the German and European economy. And that we are indeed already in a nuclear war.

Motives for the “Sabotage”

Officially, the motives were nothing less than making sure that the “sanctions” on Russia over the Ukraine war would hold, could not be broken by Germany under pressure from Germany’s business and manufacturing community. Germany’s economy was going to suffer tremendously without cheap Russian gas.

Unofficially, there is a secret plan by the corporate financial cabal, a plan wholly integrated into the UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset, to bring the western economies, particularly the ones of Europe and the US, down, possibly to a full-blown ruin. Number one instrument is depriving the economies of energy.

This goes hand in hand with the cabal’s depopulation agenda – also an integral part of the Great Reset and Agenda 2030. Achieving both these targets would make it easier to initiate and implement a new world order, based on full digitization and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The surviving humans would become electronically manipulatable transhumans which could be “turned on and off”, so to speak, as needs dictate.

The entire UN system is sold to the unnamed corporate financial behemoth. UN Agenda 2030 is not just comprising the 17 noble Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It goes much farther. To understand what these SDGs really mean – see this.

As to “unnamed financial cabal”, the number one financier and supporter of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is BlackRock. The WEF is one of the main executing agencies of the Great Reset and Agenda 2030.

The cabal is not there yet, and with humanity’s strength and spiritual power, these dark forces shall not reach their objective.

The cabal knows perfectly well that the world’s economies are fueled by hydrocarbon and that this will remain the main source of energy for the foreseeable future.

The propaganda and hubris talk about “climate change” no end, when real science knows that real climate change happens all the time, has happened for the last 4.5 billion years, since Mother Earth exists. Its main cause of influence is the sun – 97%-plus – and it has nothing to do with CO2 generated by man’s activities and economies. The ever ongoing natural process is slow so nature and sentient beings may adjust.

The brutal changes in weather and climate that we increasingly experience in the last decade or so, are wantonly man-made, meaning they are part of Environmental Modification (ENMOD) technologies called geoengineering. They include numerous highly sophisticated and scientifically studied technologies, which are capable of modifying the composition of the higher atmosphere to bring about rapid weather / climate changes – hot, cold, drought, flooding.

Drought, flooding, in rapid succession can and does destroy vital food crops, fertile agrarian lands, infrastructure, housing, and wellbeing of people. It causes, famine, misery, and death – and a bleak future.

Geoengineering can be targeted on specific societies, countries, or regions of the world. There is much similarity with potential nuclear warfare. See also this.

The chemicals and methods used in geoengineering – even satellites are used – are protected by hundreds of patents, of which the public at large has no idea. And of course, mainstream media is generously paid to remain silent about it.

In order to fight this massive crime on humanity, We, the People, must wake up, and take matters under OUR, We, The People’s control – NOW.

With every day we refuse to wake up, we move a step closer to the abyss of no return. We are seconds before midnight and must act NOW.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


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more about the enmod geo-engineering and more about the satellites being used for this. come on people, there has been geoengineering for many decades.

John Kesich

if the point of the global warming “hoax” is to deny hydrocarbons to the masses, why not simply end the billions in subsidies annually that governments provide for fossil fuels? people really do need to think for themselves instead of trusting blindly those who have made other reasonable assertions.

gryaz stapo vosh

ns—half funded by germland, neverland learned lesson–never trust perverted amerikan….”amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen”. hunter thompson

gryaz stapo vosh

2/3 all lawyers live in usa…”russians rarely cheat each other; russians do not need written agreements or contracts”. alexandr herzen


pure nonsense


arguments , please at least one single


new evidence from nord stream underwater expedition refutes official claims wyatt reed and max blumenthal·june 27, 2023 thegrayzone evidence-nord-stream-underwater-expedition “but what if the seismic readings they observed were not a result of the explosion itself, but rather, the subsequent force of the pipeline rapidly depressurizing?”


that is the second sensationalist nuke claim – the first being the beirut harbor blast. real tactical nukes like the b61’s stored at büchl germany, as well as 7 other european and turkish sites are dial-a-yield up to 370 kilotons, a different kettle of fish. the question is why did southfront fall for this? read the article – the author gish-gallops into some private rant. to anger moscow? – then that is nafo, nato fellas at work, who after all are based in lithuania.


(part 1) all in all my impression is mixed. the seismic traces (if it’s true), are convincing. if there are similarities to the traces of nuclear explosions , then there is a strong indication. a doubt is , why use nuclear weapons , if you are able to execute the terror act in a usual conventional way? for example by the ukrainian commandos , who are well prepared for such attacks. it makes for me not much sense.


(part 2) also the answer to “cui bono?” in the article is in my opinion far too speculative. the link to “great reset” (which is speculative itself) requires much fantasy , while the words of j.biden from febr.2022 about the clear plan to destroy nord stream 2 after the russian invasion  are absolute self explanatory. some judges would already count them as evidence to sentence the criminal , who gave the order to commit the crime.


(part 3)  i can though imagine , the task was so important , that the masters planned not just one commando to execute it , there were sure alternatives , if one plan fails  ; and sure some false traces too , to complicate the future investigations. so it’s very well possible that the us and norwegian navy took part , but also special forces like the british , along with the ukrainian commandos , whose traces could be followed across the balticum.

Last edited 1 year ago by Darius

(part 4)  and even the six tourists could very well have been involved as diversion and false trace. i am still waiting for some “russian connection” which will be sure presented by bellingcat collective or the german bild zeitung. i am very shocked there were so far no ufos, sea monsters or the 1000 years old drowned vikings , who helped the collective west to fight the evil russians.


seismic traces in greenland? it’s all unbelievable yes , but if these traces have similarities to the underwater nuclear explosions , then it’s at least an indication , to further examine the suspision.

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