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MARCH 2025

Border Fight Club: Chinese And Indian Troops Have Fist, Stone and Stick Fights In Border Escalation

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Border Fight Club: Chinese And Indian Troops Have Fist, Stone and Stick Fights In Border Escalation

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For approximately a month, China and India have had a standoff along their disputed frontier high in the Himalayas.

Thousands of troops were deployed on both sides.

According to Indian officials, the standoff began in early May when large contingents of Chinese soldiers entered deep inside Indian-controlled territory at three places in Ladakh, erecting tents and posts.

They said the Chinese soldiers ignored repeated verbal warnings to leave, triggering shouting matches, stone-throwing and fistfights.

There were numerous “escalations” of sorts, with Indian and Chinese soldiers organizing stone-flinging fights and also fighting with sticks, there were also several fist fights.

Reportedly no weapons were discharged, but it is presumably just a matter of time.

In order to avoid further escalation, Chinese and Indian officials met at a border checkpoint on June 6th. The talks were held in the border outpost of Maldo on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC)  – the de facto border between the two countries, India-based NDTV channel reported.

Reportedly, the talks resulted in a positive agreement on peacefully resolving the situation, Chinese experts said, according to the Global Times.

“Both sides agreed to peacefully resolve the situation in the border areas in accordance with various bilateral agreements and keeping in view the agreement between the leaders that peace and tranquility in the India-China border regions is essential for the overall development of bilateral relations,” India’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

India said the meeting took place in a “cordial and positive atmosphere,” China did not immediately respond. Beijing has on multiple occasions described the border situation as “stable and controllable.”

Most of the 3,488km-long (2,167 miles) border between the two countries is disputed and non-demarcated.

Retired Indian Northern Army Commander Lt Gen DS Hooda described the high-level talks  as “unprecedented”.

“I have not seen Corps Commander level officers carrying out military talks,” Lt Gen DS Hooda was quoted as saying.

No shots have reportedly been shot across the disputed border since 1975. Diplomats say this is part of an unofficial “de-escalation pact”.


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Ivan Freely

triggering shouting matches, stone-throwing and fistfights.

LOL I predict nothing will change; going back to the original state.

Zionism = EVIL


Chinese Dog

Chinese new generation soldiers are weak yellow assholes.Chinese army doesnt even have proper military aircrafts to transport their troops.Besides, if they open up 2 fronts(China and pak) we can open up atleast 3 fronts for China(SE asia, Japan and central asia) and 2 fronts for pak(Afghanistan and Iran). Chinese assholes will get fucked and ultimately the paki bastards will get fucked as well :)

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass PP troll, India is a starving fourth world shithole where 900 million shit in the streets. China is a superpower with the strongest economy in the world. What are you a 10 year arsehole?

This is “modern” India…


Chinese Dog

Better than China though, China is the same.If you dont show the world how you are , that doesnt mean you are a superpower.Chinese arent even close to be a super power.In some regions of China they still eat rats because of poverty.

Zionism = EVIL

Good thing the PLA is beating the little Indian turds with stones and fists, last time they used weaponry the results were not pretty. Indian cowards ran faster than Usian Bolt :) Just look how happy the stupid India cunt is to surrender, at least he got fed.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b22c5f1c331a4898aaabd2f0ba6455f6c4ba9532106f96dc5367ebf1ba6871b4.jpg

Chinese Dog

Stupid shia bastardo we beat up Chinese troops.An Indian colonel punched a Chinese general and he was injured as blood was oozing from his nose.Instead of mutah propanganda read someties as well instead of your shia fantasy stories

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass turd, I have seen your shithole from Kashmir to Bombay, who are you trying to kid moron ROFLMAO!


Chinese Dog

Your shia bastard brothers and muslims are making it a hell.Once we remove these mutah assholes from india, we are gonna make it a heaven.Just wait and watch how we fuck your masters you stupid mutah product


It almost comical

Zionism = EVIL

In all seriousness, China is a 3,000 year old great civilization, India is shithole ruled by just about everyone including the butthole sized Portuguese. India is dirt poor, with a landmass that can barely hold 100 million, let alone 1.4 billion filthy rats. China today has the most modern military in the world and immense wealth. It is no match.

Anduin Lothar

Russian military is light year ahead of China, they are still buying Russian weapons, Russian jets… Still China is 10 light years ahead of India…

Zionism = EVIL

In a parallel universe perhaps.

Anduin Lothar

Russia have 7.5k nukes, Chine around 300, rocket technology which is most important part of any military, Russia is at least 40 yrs ahead of China, best tell for that is solid fuel rockets, more advanced, and more capable aircrafts, also more of them (China is still buying Russian jets), more and better tanks, better trained infintry… Should i go on?

Swift Laggard II

For a fellow who passes himself as having high level Command experience, your assertions are pathetic and laughable. That is what happens when your emotions get the better of you and you let go of your rational analytical senses to revel in delusional fantasies

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, DENIAL is a river in Egypt. India is dirt poor shithole. China is a modern rich superpower.

Chinese Dog

Mutah product zionism=evil thins that China is a superpower.Thats a very lame joke as a lot of poverty exists in China.In some Chinese provinces, they still eat rats because of poverty.My frineds have visited China.They told me its worse than India.

Zionism = EVIL

Shithead, I have visited both. Chinese are clean, advanced civilization. You are filthy ugly rats. And I am being kind :)

Chinese Dog

No you shia bastard you havent seen anything you CCP propoganda bastard :)

Zionism = EVIL

You are little piece of shit and very easy to rattle ROFLMAO! That is why your color is SHIT too :)


Wayne Nicholson

Lots of poverty in the USA so I guess by your definition the USA isn’t a superpower either. Poverty’s got nothing to do with power. Poverty has more to do with the distribution of wealth than economic power. Lots of third world shitholes are wealthy nations …. they’re shitholes because the wealth is concentrated in a few at the top.

Zionism = EVIL

Thank you for the sensible comment. India is a shithole largely due to its socio-economic failure, caste system, insane military spending and rampant corruption and inability to form a unified state. That is true of the US and most of South Asia. Comparing India to China is beyond absurd or shows a total disconnect with reality. The failed Americunt model of turbo capitalism has made matters worse as a few billionaire now control India, with corrupt third rate political cronies like Modi in tow, who like Trump is only interested in fanning divisions and hate. India is on a downward spirial as it has insurgencies from Kashmir, Khalistan to Assam and Nagaland, I post comments on objective truism, not the idiocy of trolls like PP who with his multiple accounts now posts garbage as “Chinese Dog”. These morons realy need to have good look at themselves. The west is pissed off at China as it poses a severe economic and strategic challenge. It is too late to try and “contain China” and it would be better to accept the Asian Century.

Chinese Dog

Chinese are fucked from all sides.Chinese are not having any kids.Soon the muslims and africans are gonna take over China and the weak yellow bastards wont be able to do much.

Zionism = EVIL

You are the dumbest turd so far, but great entertainment and easy as shit to bait.

Chinese Dog

How is Iran?Heard that several Iranian assholes were killed by Kurdish rebels ;)

Zionism = EVIL


Chinese Dog

I loved it when Suleimani was barbequeued by a US drone ;)I had a chilled beer that day.Waiting for ayatullah to die :D

Zionism = EVIL


Chinese Dog

That was 1962.In 1967 we fucked them again so read about that as well you stupid shia

Zionism = EVIL

You are too stupid even to bait. Fuck off retard. I have had my fun. LOL

Chinese Dog

Go fuck your 12 year old bride you shia asshole

Zionism = EVIL


Chinese Dog

Muslims are polluting India.Once we remove muzlims , my country is gonna be a heaven. Waiting for that day.

Zionism = EVIL

Hindu marrying a dog. LOL


Chinese Dog

Shut the fuck up shia bastard.Hope israel destroys your stupid shia shithole

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, you are dumbest fuck. I am in stitches laughing.


John Wallace

So when Chinese Dog got married and told his bride to suck his snake… she chose this one..


We will bro, keep India safe from Chinese communists and Muslim terrorists.

Zionism = EVIL

Hush Jew cunt who is Iraqi Arab really.

John Wallace

Sucked Chinese Dog in with that one. Just shows how dumb it is. Just because you sit on a dildo doesn’t mean you know how to fuck.

Ashok Varma

Spoken like an extremist Wahhabi Arab, which you are, Iraqi Jew is still and Arab convert. You are self-loathing and very silly boy.


That’s who I am, deal with it.



Lazy Gamer


John Wallace

So which one is Chinese Dog ? . Has he named himself or his wife. If it is his wife than he hasn’t married a bitch .


stupid pp you didn’t die of the covid19 like the rat you are? The Muslim Mughal Empire build India hahah.Where is the most place visited in India ?(Agra Taj Mahal). Chinese and India confrontation who gonna benefit it beside the Anglo US zionist Khazar fake jew.


I have to admit, despite all the verbal and physical abuse from both sides, no one has drawn their firearm and let loose a few rounds. Amazing…

Zionism = EVIL

Chinese treat the Indian turds as dogs and slap them around occasionally. The Indians would not last a day against the PLA, and second problem for the filthy rats is that Pakistan would attack and wrestle Kashmir. India is fourth world shithole and has less than zilch chance against China.

Anthony Papagallo

Deliveroo should open an office there.

Zionism = EVIL



China is not interested in conflict as we are focusing on economic development. Fighting an impoverished neighbor is not in our interest. India is being manipulated by the west to score cheap propaganda shots. Our showdown will be with US in its own time.


Enters deep into indean controlled territory then claims , “we’re not interested in conflict”. This is the typical behaviour of an agressor we’ve seen it too many times in history.

John Wallace

That’s what the US says everytime before they push the button so you are right.

Zionism = EVIL

It is funny that these trolls have a very revisionist view and ignore the FACT it is the Americunts who have invaded 47 nations since 1945 and killed millions. It is not the Chinese who are daily killing the Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Yemenis and Syrians.


So just because one big bully has a string of crimes we should let other bullies have impunity, nice logic you’ve got there.

Zionism = EVIL

No kiddo, China has reclaimed its own territory, India has illegally annex Kashmir. The area is historically Aksai-Chin, the operative word being CHIN or CHINA. India also annexed unarmed peaceful principality of Sikkim in 1973 by force. China and Pakistan called the staged referendum a farce and a disguise for the forced annexation of the principality, similar to the Zionist annexation of Palestine.


You bumbling buffoon, aksai chin is Chinese already, we are talking about lakdah .. china entered lakdah. Lakdah =/= aksai chin… Do I need to be slower for you?

Ashok Varma

Please disregard all the silly trolling by PP who is not a Indian or speaks for the vast majority of Indians who want to live in peace with China and all our neighbours, despite having an extremist government which will not last. India-China trade is almost $100 billion with India having a huge deficit. We have massive unemployment problems and an economy devastated by the Covid virus. China and India have no desire to fall into a trap the US and Zionists are pushing.

Raptar Driver

The most disgusting people on the planet earth. #1 Albanians #2 Turks #3 Indians. Perhaps they will make good fertilizer in the future?

Zionism = EVIL

Second that, and include the Jew cunts and you are on a roll :)

Raptar Driver

Of course how could I forget but let us include Zionists.

Cheryl Brandon


Cheryl Brandon


John Wallace

Different heads on different sides of the same coin . Choice is an illusion to divert attention elsewhere by the puppeteer . Two wings of the same bird.


India and China can create together a successful partnership beneficial for both. Please Indian friends don’t be the useful idiots of the americunts in their struggle against China, it is not going to bring you any advantages but only misery.

Zionism = EVIL

Well said. It is the Zionist cunts that are fanning conflicts. Most Indians hopefully are not that stupid.

Ashok Varma

Indeed Sir. Indians are not that easy swayed by US warmongering. We are not in position to fight China which will end up in a nuclear exchange with both China and its all weather ally, Pakistan. India has enough problems.

John Wallace

Holy shit !! did I miss the fun while sleeping

Albert Einstein said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, as you can see the subservient Indian body language, the Chinese just gave them a warning and India is in no condition to fight China as events have shown. China wrestled large parts of NEFA and Aksai Chin in 1962 and the poor Indians are still smarting over it. Today’s China is a superpower in every sense of the word and most rational Indians know it. A war with China on top of the world would be the end of India and their RAW (intelligence service) and military know it. The Americunts and the devious Brits are the only cheerleaders for a war that will weaken both India and China. I don’t believe there is any chance of that happening, so feel free to go back to sleep.

John Wallace

Oh so I didn’t miss WW3 afterall. Just jumped to sticks and stones war 4 .. Yes I remember way back India was supported by Russia against China and China supported Pakistan I agree China is a different kettle of fish from 20 years ago . I read something in the 1980’s that said that China thinks in terms of centuries while America plays its policy like a poker hand. Constantly throwing it in and hoping for a better one next time..


Love your comment!

Assad must stay

I am glad they resolved the issue, the zios are probably prodding india to do this

Ashok Varma

Modi’s alliance with Zionists has been a disaster for India, both economically and politically and has undermined India’s internal social cohesion. Modi is worse than Trump is fanning intolerance.

Assad must stay

why is he doing this? is he aware of it or there is something in it for him?


They should stop their petty disputes and rivalries over worthless wasteland and unite against angloamerican hegemony. Both nations suffered terribly because of Britain.

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