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MARCH 2025

Bosra Al-Sham Militants Demand Reconciliation Agreement: Southern Syria Maps

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On June 30, the remaining fighters of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the town of Bosra al-Sham, in the eastern Daraa countryside, demanded a reconciliation agreement and raised the Syrian flag over the town’s ancient citadel, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Several Syrian opposition activists confirmed that a meeting between Russian officials and commanders of the FSA is currently taking place inside Bosra al-Sham. The two sides will likely reach a deal in the upcoming hours.

Bosra Al-Sham Militants Demand Reconciliation Agreement: Southern Syria Maps

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Few hours earlier, the SAA and the Tiger Forces launched a ground attack on several potions of the FSA around Bosra al-Sham. Russian Aerospace Forces backed the attack and carried out several airstrikes on the militants’ positions there.

Bosra al-Sham is well-known for being a stronghold of several FSA factions in the eastern Daraa countryside, including Shabaab al-Sunnah group. Once town is captured by the SAA, the remaining positions of the FSA in the region will likely collapse within hours.

Bosra Al-Sham Militants Demand Reconciliation Agreement: Southern Syria Maps

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Now they start Demanding for Reconcilation & Green Buses..???!!! Wtf….Congratulations SAA…

Gregory Casey

Break for the Border!!

Feudalism Victory

Jordan closed it.


Good afternoon Feudalism, what is Jordan? Be careful with your response, as you are the victory of feudalism. By the way, the Crusades were feudal?

Feudalism Victory

I read jordon closed their border to refugees from syria now that is to say muslim jihadist invaders.


But the Crusades where feudal or not? And what about the jew crusade?

Feudalism Victory

The crusades took place during medieval times when feudalism was the organizing principle.

The jew crusade probably refers to the establishment of israel.

Does my screen name make you think im a zionist and i am unhappy about current events?


No for your questions, The jew crusade, instead of israel, could call itself Mars. I’m old, I’m hebreo and I’m going to take in person care of some of them. do you want to join me?

Feudalism Victory

I only offer commentary. My vital interests have nothing to do with the screwed up politics over there.


It’s good to have vital interests


May be those even don’t want green buses, they have passed to history. Green buses, as de-escalation zones, were only a phase of the plan. Great salutations, brother Merijn, we, the humans, have won one more a battle. Spartacus!!! Hoka Hey!!!


Great isn’t it my Brother!… a lot happened the Last Moons… I’m Very Happy it Goes the way it goes…Good Luck to Syria… Great Respect for what everyone achieved including Allies… That a Prosperous & Free Middle East may be the End result…..and ofcourse a bit more awareness in the West.. HoOKA HeEYY!!!


And we are going to help to liberate Texas!!! Humanity, what a species!!!


Liberate the World if its up to me…. yeah stupid humans… Lot of potential but they simply refuse to Use it….


No my brother, there are humans, only = a lot of shit, a lot of well done works.


https://youtu.be/QCGqXdMTMiM https://youtu.be/fwd4CGdPNUg

Here are some War-Whoops


I think they already have it as far as Nueces River.


Don’t joke with serious things, and go see if your DNA is more celtic or german, as your brain has no race.


Understood. 1/2 Celtic (Scots Mother, the other part mix of German and Polish), but that (Celtic) is no guarantee either, as Mexico settled Irish (I assume, based upon Catholic faith as the Mission system was important here) in Texas and they proved to be unreliable, look what happened at Goliad for example.


Lets imagine that I’m 99% Hebreo and that I’m going.for example, to Vanuatu.


Look at that speed of SAA and Tiger forces.

Gregory Casey

Looks to me as if the War in Southern Syria is over apart from the coming Military Op to dislodge ISIS and its backers from the Golan Borderlands. ISIS fighters have nowhere left to go except to melt away and over the Border into Israel and/or Jordan. #SAR??


In other words return home…


Israel, USA?


Canada and UK


gustavo, you are russ?


Haha dual citizens I guess


Hadu duha

Feudalism Victory

Seems jordan has turned its back on them. Expect al tanf to abandon its charges. If I was in al tanf id be making escape plans or start reconciling quickly.


Jordan is the USA.


You know in south Syria Jordan’s officials played a significant role to reconcile militants with SAA.


No I didn’t know that, do you have a source? Jordan has closed its border with Syria, and although the Zionist media is making claims of hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing the fighting, they obviously couldn’t leave Syria.

I am sure that most Jordanians support their Syrian brothers, but the US has occupied and controlled Jordan for a long time.


Over apart?! Israel have nowhere left to go except to return the occupied Golans to Syria, capicci?


Or they can always go back to Europe & Elswhere…I bet they will be very pleased to see them back again…




You are where? Perhaps a BMW SS A!?


Know your Mexico quite well, but BMW is just initials (and W I hardly use), e.g., from Quaternary International when I worked at CZU in Praha Suchdol:


But presently with project in Kirovograd central UA, at Nebelivka in the rajon Novoarckangelsk, this is run from NE England, W in name, well, there is a beer in England that my dad drank.


What the fuck did I just read….


a travel trip.

You can call me Al

“Or they can always go back to Europe & Elswhere” – WHAT ?



It’s where they came from, Israel is a bunch of Europeans trying to take over Arab land. They might be *^#!* but they are our *^#!*.


My thoughts as well Merijn.

The western warmongers will be getting ‘ return parcels of terrorists ‘ with no refund :)

You can call me Al

God willing.


What good willing, it’s the Bible! They are done1

You can call me Al

?. No comprende.


Since the Chechenya wars they are done, and we aren’t even irritated (imagine if we war!). Their world is finished, pi, period.They will never fight till the last one, Bush, Clinton, Trump, Isis et alia

You can call me Al

With you there.


I’m been always there, on my way.

Gregory Casey

The War within Syria with Syrians is over and apart from dislodging ISIS from the borderlands beneath the Golan the Syrian Arab Army and Syrian People have achieved an enormous Victory over the assembled Forces of Saudi Arabia and its Allies in the entire Syrian Op in Southern Syria …….. Israel, US, France, UK, Qatar, Jordan. What is left is to clear Eastern Syria and Northern Syria of the vermin embedded in those areas but these Victories in Southern Syria will stiffen the resolve of all Syrians to complete the job. As for ISIS ‘controlled’ territory below the Golan, surely, the only question to be answered is whether Israel & Jordan will take in their (former???) “Allies” and whether those assorted Saudis/Chechens/Europeans/Tunisians/ together with their US/UK/France/Israeli Commanders will melt away across the Border leaving essentially unoccupied Territory behind them with a few hundred misfortunes who will remain there and willing to be blasted to their well-deserved Eternal Reward in Hell.


bosra is old city greek and roman and period byzantine importante city commercial christian! community nestorian the prophete muhamed is reveling the monotheisme a 600 after jesus christ year ago from moine christian nestorien!!


Antoun, real french or english, please,


Moine in in latin based West European languages usually refers to monks, so this is the Nestorian (as in, very OLD) Christian centre of that branch, an important economic centre in times olf old (pre-Muhammed by 600 years or moreHellenistic, Roman and east Roman (so-called Byzantine, in English and West Euro, actually a made-up term, but Slavs like Czechs will say Rzim or Rome also for Byzantium). So cultural links also with Constantinople, ad so on.

You can call me Al

NO it is not. Read your comment again “Bosra is an old city greek and roman and of the period byzantine. Important(e) city commercial christian! Community nestorian.”

Really ?, good English ?.


Sure better that my english.

You can call me Al

and mine.




Syria must demand total unconditional surrender, not less.


Must total surrender of whom, only by curiosity?

You can call me Al

Don’t be a total tw@t – you know what he means.


=============================================================================== = Breaking News: Unconfirmed speculations that Israel have started withdrawal from Golan Heights. = ===============================================================================

You can call me Al

If they have, it is either a cunning, devious hooked nosed plan OR this whole war was a set up.

I cannot believe it myself, but nowadays, stranger things have happened / are happening.


Oops! What a mistery!


Speculations are speculations! “Unconfirmed speculations” are something akin to the Shakespearian: “Much a do about nothing”


This posting should of course, been above, in reply to Rob. A Big sorry Al


As in 1,000,000 Jews murdered and cremated in Auschwitz. Yet the only evidence of their ashes was an area which suggests there was up to 1,000 but probably closer to 700 cremations carried out there. This makes perfect sense when we consider Auschwitz only had 2 coal fired units, which according to the Canadian research team that carried out the investigation back in the 50s, had these crematorium units at best consuming 8 corpses per day. Then there was the detailed survey of Fred Leuchter of the late 80s which supported their findings. Both studies were extensive as was the the Official Polish Research report which was expected to debunk the Canadian/Leuchter Investigations of the 50s & 80s. https://Codoh.com/library/documents/ Expect you already read the report Al putting above link up for those who haven’t.


I would like to believe that, but as proved in WWII, Jews value their possessions more than their lives.


They value other peoples possessions a lot more Sinbad :)

You can call me Al

“BOSRA AL-SHAM MILITANTS DEMAND” – Demand !!!, sorry what, “DEMAND” !!!? – kill them all.


Most likely a very poor translation, more than likely “want” or “appeal for”


No that is the ancient city that must be preserved. If they don’t surrender just surround it, they will not stand alone.

You can call me Al

Oh OK, thanks for the info.

Richard M

These Daraa Orc Havens are drying up faster than a dawg turd on a Vega sidewalk in August!

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