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Bracing Up For New Attack? Iranian-Backed Forces, Hezbollah Deployed Reinforcements In Syria’s Greater Idlib

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Bracing Up For New Attack? Iranian-Backed Forces, Hezbollah Deployed Reinforcements In Syria’s Greater Idlib

July 29, 2017 photo, a Hezbollah fighter stands at a watchtower at the site where clashes erupted between Hezbollah and al-Qaida-linked fighters in Wadi al-Kheil or al-Kheil Valley in the Lebanon-Syria border. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Iranian-backed forces have deployed reinforcements in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on December 12.

The fresh reinforcements were deployed in the town of Saraqib and its outskirts, along the M5 highway. The highway, which was liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies earlier this year, links Damascus with Aleppo.

“Vehicles loaded with fighters as well as military and logistic equipment coming from Aleppo’s southern countryside arrived in Saraqib,” the SOHR said. “This was the second batch of reinforcements sent by the militias [Hezbollah and Iranian-backed forces] this week.

Hezbollah and Iranian-backed forces maintain a series of positions between the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man in southern Idlib and the southern countryside of Aleppo.

During the recent battle in Greater Idlib, Hezbollah and Iranian-backed forces liberated several areas in southern and western Aleppo. They also played a key role in the defensive operations around Saraqib.

The deployment of reinforcements in Saraqib may be a sign of nearing military escalation in Greater Idlib. The SAA and its allies may be preparing to resume their operations in the region. Another possibility is that Turkey and its proxies are planning to attack the M5 highway.

Earlier this week, Turkish forces withdrew from a number of posts besieged by Syrian government forces along the M5 highway. This freed up a sizable Turkish force.

Bracing Up For New Attack? Iranian-Backed Forces, Hezbollah Deployed Reinforcements In Syria’s Greater Idlib

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Emad Irani

Idlib the last FSA terrorist pocket. It will be mostly liberated by SAA itself. Hezbollah will not play a big role, only SAA and Syrian militia

Kenny Jones ™

Iran’s missiles are needed if Turkey is involved

Emad Irani

Short range ballistic missiles or suicide drones, we can give them to SAA but using MRBM from Iran for targeting Turkey is difficult. I believe Iran and Syria are working on missiles and drones. Syria really need those things as a cheap game changer

Jens Holm

Are You sponsored by Kafka or what.

Emad Irani

I like only a few works of Kafka. But all in all I prefer Iranian poets and authors, not lame western ones

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Hezbollah’s support role will be anything but insignificant, to be sure.

Emad Irani

in early 2020 they took over Saraqib in a few hours. Without their support since 2013 SAA would be lost in terms of guerilla warfare

Jim Allen

It’s Syria’s war, and if I recall Hezbollah pulled much of it’s force to Lebanon when the pretenders were digging hole’s at the Lebanese border to try to blame on the militia. No one bought that story either. Russia has some Spetsnatz forces in Syria, or did have. One thing is certain, they know what they’re doing, and are a very effective force.


I hope the burn Idlib down and those rats with it.

johnny rotten

Honor and Glory to Hezbollah and Iran, your sacrifice in saving the Syrian people will never be forgotten.

Jens Holm

“Syrian people” seemes to be redefined just as honor and respect. More then 10 million Syrians are “excluded by Assad” people and 5 or 6 million are not even in the country.

The only ones living in peace are the 500.000 dead ones as well.

Syria has no Goverment and Hesbollah should go home and make less children.

Ice Icegold

Ok you said your bullshit , now get the fuck out of Idlib you filthy Turk


You are giving credibility to an insane attention seeking troll. Ignoring this mental case is the best Frankly.

Jens Holm

You show very well, You are not raised to take notice of facts.

Jens Holm

Yours is no comment.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Indeed. I raise my glass to the late, great Iranian (people’s) General Soleimani. Truly heartbreaking.


Frankly, the late great general Soleimani was only one diplomatic element in a whole chain of regional resistance which is now too entrenched for the imperialist reactionary and Zionist devils to overcome. However, Turkish role is perhaps even more devious and it is time for Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and their allies to expel Turkish tools of Zionism from Syria and Iraq and then put the Turks in a cage in the Caucasus. Russia and Iran need to use round the clock drones and carpet bombing in Idlib.


Frankly, Hezbollah is the greatest equalizer in the region against neo-imperialism, Wahhabist evil and Zionist devil cult. The civilized world owes Hezbollah and Iran, an eternal debt of honor.


This time Turkish drones and guided artillery will be muted and Syrian and allied spearheads will defeat the and eliminate foreign forces in Idlib. Turkey and their proxies might need the taste of Iranian and Syrian missiles to realize how limited they are.

Jens Holm

So what else do You predicxt for the future.

Old joke by several: What would Jesus has done to those people. Well, he woud have transformed them to fish.


He would transform evildoers into ash.

Jens Holm

very optimistic :) Jesus was a nice person. If he lived today he probatly would make warwidows to virgins.

Lone Ranger

CIAisis will cry and rage ???

Jens Holm

Even Hesbollah use dollar.

US recircle liras and rials and export them as toilet paper to Lebanon, Syria and Persia.

Lone Ranger

Cool story Jens… Time for your evening Thorazine shot…

Jens Holm

Learn to wash Yourself and learn the stinking smell is not from CIA,

Another arap music version. CIA dont rage and cry just because some arabistanis and russians says so in their propaganda.

Its the same for Israel. They also are not at all, what little rooster boys learn in highly infected schools.


Lone Ranger

Your english is getting better Jens, I understood at least 20% of what you wrote. Dont know what you are doing but keep doing it…

P.S. dont forget to insert your Tampax, you are bleeding all over the place…

Jens Holm

The progress is all Yours. Understanding 20% is better. Do You or UN give Your mother oxygene?

Vomen dont bleed down there at all.

Lone Ranger

If you say so Jens.. you are the expert on LSD overdose…


I wonder when Iranian Mullahs will understand that the things in the region have changed 4-5 years ago and their rag tag militia called Hezbullah is nothing but cannon fodder anymore ?

Jens Holm

Thats a relative and many things are. I also see Hesbollah producing ony minus for Lebanon dont support Lebanon at all.


They have no good to Lebanon , killing unarmed civilian protestors do not count.They only act as cannon fodders against serious forces in the region .

Emad Irani

same shit repeated for 40 years. I bet you don’t even know where Lebanon is. Haha I know ya all are hating Hezbollah for defeating FSA terrorists. Beside that Hezbollah has its own interests in Syria


Yes same shit repeated since last 40 years , while people like you try to promote Hezbullah here altough what they could do is to watch Israel grow.

What are you guys are good for ? What you have changed in the region other than doing nothing and dying in lots ?

Emad Irani

seeing Israel could not gain any land in the last 40 years after losing lebanon twice in 2000 and 2006 :) enough? Beside that by looking at Irans defense industry, we couldn’t even produce some AKs. Today there is a very laaarge arsenal of different missiles and drones and … keep talking dude you cannot defeat a militia group which belongs to middle east. Iran is here for 5000 years, and you? Get the hell out of our region


Israel is constantly opening new settlements as you masturbate here with yr non existent n victories my Iranian friend , Jews did not lose any battle in 2000 or 2006 as well , it was you pro Iranian guys who declared their victory unilaretally . If it was victory , which lands you gained back , can you tell ? None.

Go on keep talking about some Middle east militia groups as if we dont know how you try to deal with PJAK , as if we dont see how you hang people who protest your backwards theocratic regyme. LMFAO.

Speaking about yr 5000 years presence in the region , why you can not tell how you were almost annihilated completely by the Turks before they entered Anatolia ? I will not even speak about Mongols.

Here is Tabriz, Iran . People shouting ‘ Long Live Azarbaijan’ Plain truths against yr state propaganda.


Emad Irani

Just like I said same shit only repeated. Dear moron, first of Israel cannot be in a war for over 1 month. There are many evidences how and why Israel began to beg for help from US during the 33 day war. Beside that new settlement where? In a dry desert? hahaha why are they buying lands in South America then? PJAK is a dead group, all leaders got killed in Europe and some in Iraq by missile strike in 2018. Furthermore the remain fighters will be hanged. Everyone who challenges our security will be hanged no matter through some sponsored western backed protest or PJAK or jihadist sunni terrorists groups

Beside that moron, my mother is from Tabriz you know how many IRGC member and commanders are from there? How many of them martyred in the Iran Iraq war? Exactly, too many because no ones gives a shit about turanism in Iran. Only a few little football fans who cannot even protest openly because they fear getting shot by Azeri Ashura division in Tabriz.

Now cry me a riverrrr and one more time get the hell out of middle east, back to mongolia cold desert. I know why Turks have arab, persian, greek, russian or mongol roots


My Iranian friend , I under stand that you are desperately trying to promote yr backwards theocratic state desperately , but unfortunately it will not be so easy . I asked you what you gained in 33 days war and all you could tell me that ‘ but but they can only place their new settlements in the dry desert’ . You are just another Middle Eastern trying to dodge questions and findinbg excuses when confronted with realities.

”Military clashes in West Iran[52] refers to the ongoing military clashes between Kurdish insurgent party Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, which began in April 2016. Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK) and Komalah expressed their support to the Kurdish cause of PDKI as well, with both clashing with Iranian security forces in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In parallel, a leftist Iranian Kurdish rebel group PJAK resumed military activities against Iran in 2016, following a long period of stalemate.”

This was from wiki. Enjoy.

One thing more my dear Iranian friend , although I am not interested in your mother , nice to hear that she is from Azeri region. So if I were you, I wouıld not speak about some genes , especially considering that your nation has been invaded by so many races in past including Turks. I wonder how this efected your gene pool. LMFAO , we both know how it did.

Finally , this sentence of yours some up Iran ..

”Only a few little football fans who cannot even protest openly because they fear getting shot by Azeri Ashura division in Tabriz.”

”Everyone who challenges our security will be hanged”

This is how backwards , how primnitive and how under developed that cesspoll called Iran is.

Emad Irani

That is the problem why you are losing in middle east. Because you know nothing about middle east neither Iran. Just some one minute videos or some statements in the news nothing more. Someone who got his information from Wikipedia shows that he is no position to talk about geography, geopolitics or military stuff, easy dude.

Israel has no hopes after Syria regime change defeat. They can’t go for war against Iran alone. US will not start a war. Because Pentagon officers know about Iranian nuclear deterrence. Beside that Iran is producing 300-400 long range missiles per year. This is hell for an attacker.

I said dead group, you show me Wikipedia nice try. Try this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Iraqi_Kurdistan_missile_strike

“Target: Headquarters of Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan and Kurdistan Democratic Party” in September 2018

Like I said, you know nothing about Iran. Even Irans Supreme Leader is an Azeri hahaha nice try idiot

National Security is duty not backward. Every country has its own ways to save security. Iran will hang those traitors, murderers and separatists.


My dear Iranian friend , I know that you are trying to promote yr country , but you did quite a good job here proving what Iran actually is, a backwards cesspool. I would not call that the Turks are losing in Middle East , ande thats exacly why you are posting here in anger. You know that things are changing , you know that it is wont be a walk in park for you anymore.

On the contrary I know Iran very well – Things can go from bad to worse there any second and end with a total fall.

By the way I know that Hamaney is Azeri but it does not change the fact that he is running a backwards medieval state. But this should be a problem form you , because after all you were the one blabbering about DNA. So how does it feel to be governed by an etnhic Turk while you were trying save the day here with some DNA nonsense ?

Free man



Hope they were not all killed by some guards just like many Iranians confessed here.

But if you ask Iranian shills here , Iran is a role model. They think that everyone reading these posts are morons and idiots.


This is Iran , as plain and simple as possible. This is the regym they are promoting as a role model here.

Shia man

Nice propaganda is that all you have to say. Dying in lots lmao what did they do for the past 40 years? Killing their own civilians? Watching Israel grow? What other bullshit propaganda do you have to spew everyone can see clearly how big the resistance movement has gotten and that kills you inside. Do you think because some Arab states normalized with Israel that Israel influence grew these Arab states always worked with Israel this is nothing new they just made it public and you think majority of the citizens living in those countries are happy with their rulers decision. No matter how much your propaganda machine wants to make it look like you guys are all the way on top and the resistance movement is dying off and soon to fade away but in reality things are much more different then what your propaganda spews and trust what I tell you Iran’s influence will grow much more thanks to these dumb Arab rulers showing their true colors so you could keep living in your lala land where you think US and Israel can take over the world in 5 mins and we will keep living in reality.

Jens Holm

I agree in that part too. Helpong the Assad invasion didnt help as well.

Emad Irani

yes because regime change plans failed after 10 years with the help of 80 countries :)

Jens Holm

Thats how it is. Im for sanctions only and a wall west of Istanbull and now north of Caucasus too.

No western lives or money should be used there.


Goodbye idiot shill.


Good bye, intolerant , brainwashed little guy.


Amazing how Hezbollah has strong intelligence sources, knows secrets that the FSB and CIA would like to remain as secrets.

Jens Holm

They even has invested un better microskopes to see it. None dare to tell them to turn the microskope upside down, bacuse so many will die laughing.


Very strong indeed. The assasination of Suleimani and regular murders of iranian scientists prove how deep Hezsbullahs intelligence web is.

Jens Holm

Its an indication for Israel and others are doing pretty well too.

Jack Bauer

This is a joke. Syria and Russia aren’t doing anything. Just maintaining the Status Quo. Thanks for keeping us informed Southfront but nothing ever changes. Coverage has become repetitive and boring. The map, which is the real metric, always stays the same. Clearly a deal has been brokered between Russia and nato. Syria has had it’s hands tied either voluntarily or otherwise. If Syrians can’t find for themselves or have agreed not to, why do we need the constant ” non news “? Asking for a friend….

Jens Holm

I see it as another stalemate for the world with everlasting revenges for honor and respect, which is not there.

But I see no Russia-Nato trade. Turkey is not in Syria by Nato and USA/UK/France are there as their own and not Nato.

Im from Denmark.We are in Nato and as Nato we are called in in Iraq by the Bagdad Goverment to fight ISIS(which they seemes to be able to themself now) and to imporve the Iraqi forces, so the are the ones controoling Iraq and not t6he many militias apart from the 11 pershmerga agreements of 2004.

cechas vodobenikov

u don’t fight ISIS— you are ISIS/USA colonoy

Jens Holm

Thats Your version because of all Your despots can keep You in line. We love that if You dont come here.

Jews wrote the Choran to keep Ypu down. And as safety belt they made Muhammed Economics too.

We are westerns economics and mainly feel fine about it

Maybee this old danish can be the new hit for Your friends in ISIS:


klove and light

spot on

Servet Köseoğlu

Peculiar choice of photo with a guy wearing sun-hat hollywood style may be deceptive…Here a photo helps us to see another facet of Hezbollah with the flower vest in their uniform….How charming.. family men,guardians of the region playing significant role in human history….Look at these handsome people looking forward with hope…xD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74da3a3af4ca7b4f5249466d0e55feca1a0e5e0f70a36aaed34f6fe9d08d53a5.jpg

Emad Irani

said the turk from Xinjiang hahah this man is 100% lebanese but the photo under my text seems like dogs fucked another women


Servet Köseoğlu

said the Turk from Antalya dear…sorry no Xinjiang admirer here as well…xD

Emad Irani

DNA test will handle it, do it pls hahaha or you have arab and persian roots at the end

Servet Köseoğlu

test what?lol..what will change in my life ıf ı find another ”blood”…

Emad Irani

nothing, only the mix changes. You are right khkh

Servet Köseoğlu

of course nothing…only blubbering…xD

Emad Irani

I like it, how u are happy about this hahaha

Servet Köseoğlu

YAWN….when nothing to say…blubbering over and over..xD

Emad Irani

I said you are a mix, you know what this means kid? If you are happy about this fact, I am happy to why not hahaha

Servet Köseoğlu

it depends on your point of view…xD

Ashok Varma

Turkey is now an outcast Wahhabi terror sponsor like the other imperialist created cancers Pakistan and Zionistan.


Primitive and mindwashed people created by a backwards Mullah Regyme.

Servet Köseoğlu

they can do whatever they want..its their problem…only funny to see dumb efforts of demonstrating Hezbs as if It´s a civilization that can make ships strong enough to go thru wormwholes that got a quasar inside..xD


They are trying to promote that backwards and non tolerant country called Iran as the saviour of the region and bastion of human rights. What is more funny is some Kremlin bots and ”romantic socialist’ from eastern European counbties are gladly buying what they sell.

Servet Köseoğlu

well..ı dont want to label any country..its not my way unless ı am triggered… ı think ı alredy passed that stage ”triggered”…


I see yr point , but these guys are completely out of their minds . Look at their arguments , which goes as ‘ if someone tries to protest , we immediately kill him ”

But after all they are doing a good business to show what Iran actually is.



you are clearly deranged and urgently should visit the nearest shrink.


Those clowns are only good with their PR over the media my friend, I was ready for them to respond and I actually hoped they would but they didn’t (as they promised). Too bad, me and my friends were ready to hang those terrorist bastards from the balls. Maybe next time, mercy is the last thing a Hezbo guy would get from me if I catch him alive.

Servet Köseoğlu

no difference to me..both are the disgusting products of the local eco system of middle-earth..All they like alien egg-sacks…When disturbed, even in this venue these egg sacks would release a cloud of microscopic insect-like their terror cells into the air that would then enter a host organism (country) through any open orifice —…both of them rot in hell with heir supporters..

Servet Köseoğlu

ı support my government partly not in all case..all wahhabis/salafis can rot in hell as well..ı dont have any religion..ı hope a holy battalion will prepare an onslaught for them…

Servet Köseoğlu

hundreds of accounts are already criticizing Turkey’s policies..why should ı join them?….They’re gonna use that money to re-educate themseleves so we’re doing a good thing..its flattering to see you recalling my sentences..and that was probably in my debut stage of sf..there is mercenary pool in syria..ı am ok to use them like in libya in n-k but ı am also hoping for Assad to re-unite his country..

Servet Köseoğlu

First of all ı dont give two penny what ı look like for you or the others(dont take it personal) lol@lie part.. using my almost name,surname never hide his identity in southfront where tens of people with alt-accounts and changing their alias periodically…just like in real life ı have nothing to hide….ı am pragmatist like all rational person do at least ı am thinking this way..no..this venue is not the exact place to express my sincere feelings about the ongoing events in full spectrum…cant you see the biased accounts even not capable of doing rudimentary google search?the dumb comments with dna tests,kebab,goat-fuckers etc etc..and one last thing ı dont like assad,ı didnt like his father as well as far as ı read,made research but never supported the initial policy of erdogan against Syria with a very basic simple principle which is when a neighbour is in fire that fire eventually catch you up but now in this stage as apragmatist you have to use every opportunity you can like getting the maximum benefit of the mercenary pool..

Servet Köseoğlu

Nowhere..a muslim country with a 85 million population is absolutely not in western block which eu already proved us and not eastern as well…Turkey is a fusion a hybrid which will always live in limbo..but western rules no longer applies to us neither eastern..Both sides has to realize we are hybrid which makes Turkey unpredictable and untrustworthy which is yes and no..and we dont have to make any choice..Remember Turkey helped a lot to İran in process of sanctions(Reza zarrab) and we have serious problems with usa becase of this..ı dont believe a country can take on İran and Russia militarily..ı find it unrealistic.. too late İran is already god-level on ballistic missiles and have a very agressive intelligence in middle-east..Erdogan is oppportunist,everyone knows it..

Servet Köseoğlu

Opportunism has limits which İran showed in Erdogans case in Azerbaijan I think we’re on the verge of a world war thats your opinion a doomsday scenario..You are over-estimating west..why west failed at Chinas growing process or İrans steps in terms of self-sufficiency in military?..When its comes to some red-lines in the region Turkey-and iran is performing same reflexes like in Barzanis referandum..(iran spoiled their party)..our problems with usa is absolutely not temporary..hint:no secret usa pushing kurdistan including south-eastern cities of Turkey or Cyprus issue…and so on…ı believe that history has rhymes in an extent too…now lots of iranians are supporters of Armenia which is sworn enemy of Turkey…so? all parties are happy atm unless border-change had not been realized..Karabakh case Turkey is at opposite sides with usa..just look at he flight-radars from twitter accounts all usa drones,plnaes using crete-ukraine-georgia air-space..no ıwill not have to lean one side or to another ı have an ability to sit at two chairs because of my location..

Rafik Chauhan

Turks knows they cant attack Hezbollah or iran militia direct. Turks will avoid that. Bcuz last time when they attackHezbollah and iran militia near M% highway they ended up losing all of Highway and Saraqib in just 24hours. Amd this time Syrian and lebnese hezbollah will attack turks direct if they attacked.

cechas vodobenikov

yet Israel claims when they maim grains of sand in desert they are Iranian/hizbollah sand—they must be using amerikan satellites staffed by LSD Jens/tammy


Again with your “final Israel moments” Ali? if it was up to me then we would have already been in a war which would have destroyed you. Once you cross our red line (and you will eventually), you will get what you ask for. You might not care of dying, but millions of other Iranians might not think the same.

Jim Allen

Crying, and raging ? Already ?

Jens Holm

You are wet because they pee in Your pants.

Jimmy Jim


Ashok Varma

LOL, chit of a boy !


well Iran together with hezbollah are slowly and surely encircling the tiny bit of land the jews have stolen, in line with their ingrained dna, so to be able to send them urgently to their hell. and there is no two things about it – what 84 million iranians and loads of hezbollah ready for war and loads of syrians and loads of iraqis should be enough to wipe the world free of these miserable scum illegally occupying palestine. not worth to be saved except in the mind of the prime slime kushner but since he soon will be out of office and most likely not warranting a security watch, maybe someone will deal with him. and then you have erdogan who will kill off the jews at a moments notice if the opportunity arises and russia can sit in the Caspian Sea with loads of missiles aimed at tel aviv and haifa and and should the jews think that their nukes will save the day – they won’t and Russia will be there to make certain that the jews don’t resort to that measure.

Rodney Loder

Turkey is not Syria’s enemy, Turkey us just soaking up some of the influence left by Britian and France who initiated the Arab Spring and forced Obama to come to save them as Gadaffi single handed was about to clean them all up, the stains caused by Britain and France have to go somewhere.

Anyhow I had to quit OPP can’t keep supporting Trump while he’s donating Western Sahara to Morocco on behalf of Israel, the funny thing is that while Trump is doing the descent thing by screwing up Jew Owned Globalisation the maggot Jews are taking up the slack that the US departure from China is leaving with beefed up relationships on every front , Scott Morrison is an imbecile but at least he didn’t go behind Trump’s back when he stuck it to China, I think Morrison is a mug and now he has to climb down.

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