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Brand Trudeau Wins a Second Term

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Brand Trudeau Wins a Second Term


Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

“Brand Trudeau is: ‘Welcome to the new politics, just like the old politics.’”

Shachi Kurl, Angus Reid Institute, The Guardian, Aug 22, 2019

Few politicians come across more as products of hashtag committee management than Justin Trudeau.  His image has been doctored, massaged and spruced, and even then, the Instagram-Twitter committee did not quite see those corrupt influences that are bound to tarnish someone who believes in endless, indestructible parliamentary majorities.  The image can do much, but not that much.

After being elected in October, 2015, Trudeaumania became something of a syndrome, helped along by a persistent dedication to being in the permanent social media cycle.  The photo-op became staple, as is a certain shallowness that lends itself to it.  In picking Canada’s first gender-balanced federal cabinet, he was mindful of the optical moment.  Change was coming, and his revolution would be tweeted.

In a fast spinning, whirling age of disseminated images, lacking substance helps and acts as a powerful propulsion.  The Internet, observed Eric Andrew-Gee in 2016, “has given still photos a pride of place in our media culture that they haven’t enjoyed since the rise of television.  Mr Trudeau has used that power, and that technology, to the hilt.  He is the first prime minister of the Instagram age.”

In July 2016, it was noted that Trudeau “has had about one official photo-op for every weekday he has been in the business of governing.”  Marie-Danielle Smith of the National Post considered him “the most visible Canadian leader since his father, Pierre” having “participated in at least 168 public events since swearing in his cabinet last November.”

Trudeau the Brand has been in business for some time.  It came to the fore in the now famed charity boxing match in March 2012 against Patrick “Brass Knuckles” Brazeau, second-degree black belt in karate and former navy reservist.  The Liberal MP for Papineau seemingly did not stand a chance.  Nor did the Liberal Party, having been wiped by the Conservatives.  Trudeau, after absorbing the initial barrage of punches, won.

In a film on the encounter by Eric Ruel and Guylaine Maroist, Trudeau suggested that “the power of symbols in today’s world” should never been underestimated.  The Liberals were weak in parliament.  “We’ve never had so few MPs.  The Conservatives have all the money and the support.  So… wouldn’t it be fun to see Justin Trudeau win?  A triumph over the all-powerful Conservatives?”

In 2017, Trudeau would tell Rolling Stone that the choice of opponent in the boxing bout was entirely conscious, giving the impression that the whole affair, from start to finish, had been an exercise of eager manipulation.  “I wanted someone who would be a good foil, and we stumbled across the scrappy, tough-guy senator from an Indigenous community… I saw it as the right kind of narrative, the right story to tell.” Very British New Labour; very Old Third Way.

The Canadian elections have returned Trudeau to Ottawa, but with a reduced vote.  The sheen has come off, and the coat seems somewhat tattered.  Trudeau was found by Canada’s ethics watchdog to have violated conflict of interest laws in pressuring his attorney general to avoid a criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin for bribes made to Libyan officials between 2001 and 2011.  As the ethics commissioner, Mario Dion, found, Trudeau “contravened section 9 of the Conflict of Interest Act”, being the only public official “able to exert influence over the attorney-general in her decision whether to intervene in a matter relating to a criminal prosecution”.

Then came the other side of branding and e-marketing political candidates.  What goes around in image terms will come around.  If you pontificate about the evils of toxic masculinity, be wary of what skeletal remains the historical cupboard is stocked with.  And so it transpired that a younger Trudeau was prone to don “blackface” and “brownface” pose, less in terms of toxicity than being intoxicated by moment and situation.  (Those few mishaps included singing Harry Belafonte’s Day-O at a high school revue, and sporting an Afro wig, black face and body paint in the company of fellow white water rafters.)  A public apology followed: “It was something that I didn’t think was racist at the time, but now I recognise it was something racist to do, and I am deeply sorry.”

As it wore on, the nodding suggestion of Trudeau’s time in office was a return to what had been dubbed in Canadian political circles the Laurentian Consensus, the elite self-absorbed view of those in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and cities along the St. Lawrence River.  As John Ibbitson of The Globe and Mail described it in 2011, “On all the great issues of the day, this Laurentian elite debated among themselves, reached a consensus and implemented that consensus.  In short, they governed the country.”

Nor could Trudeau claim to be vastly different from his 2015 conservative opponent, Stephen Harper, certainly on the subjects of Canada-US ties, free trade and the Keystone XL pipeline.  Trudeau might have excited millennials on the subject of legalising cannabis, or opening doors to Syrian refugees, but he caused suitable irritation, even fury, over breaking a campaign promise to end “first-past-the-post” federal voting.  The Afghan Canadian Liberal MP, Maryam Monsef, was saddled with the task of gradually strangling electoral reform in the crib.

Trudeau also revealed, in his government’s purchase of the Trans Mountain Pipeline for some $3.4 billion from Kinder Morgan, that he was more than willing to back fossil-fuel infrastructure while proclaiming green credentials.  As Martin Lukacs noted with devastating precision, despite Trudeau signing the Paris Climate Accords in 2016, “the gap between Canada’s official carbon reduction targets and its spiralling emissions has grown wider.”

The record, then, is not only patchy, but abysmal for this particular cardboard progressive.  Oil companies have been guaranteed continuing subsidies, organised labour has been confronted with attempts to outlaw strike action, notably in the postal sector, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been assured arms sales even as Trudeau celebrates Womankind.

Fighting an Instagram prime minister might have required some marrow, but the Conservatives’ Andrew Scheer was not going to provide it.  He did win more votes than the Liberals and dominated in Alberta and Saskatchewan, but this merely served to eliminate Trudeau’s majority and highlight a chronic sense of Western alienation.  Nor did Jagmeet Singh’s NDP, whose caucus was reduced by half, roar with any success. The Bloc Québécois buzzed, the Greens were a preserving stutter and the People’s Party barely registered.

Scheer decided to play the card of ordinariness, and stayed, for the most part, ordinary.  When supporters chanted the old Donald Trump expression of locking up the opponent – in this case, Trudeau – he doused the flames, favouring the chant of “Vote him out.”  A judicial inquiry would be preferable.  The politics of blandness.

Canadian political strategists were even noting a certain similarity between Scheer’s views and those of the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, whose tactics he is said to have embraced.  But Canadians were left with the spectre of considerable vacuity.  As Jonathan Kay argued this month in Foreign Policy, the big issues had been settled if not avoided altogether, leaving the ground on hashtag wars to be fought with mind numbing emptiness.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: bkampmark@gmail.com

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Peter Jennings

Bad luck Canada. Another 4 years of ruin under a immature, clueless racsist with a habit for deception.

Because of the close proximity to america, is it any wonder that Canadian politics have been flushed down the same toilet. Lots more laughs to come.

Ceasar Polar

Canada is doomed, politics are the last reason. Crypto-nazi, super-zionist, nice-but-racist people. They hide behind kindness, but they are as racist as their british counter parts. Plus it is tremendous frozen waste land!

Ceasar Polar

That is why Jack Layton died in 2011 of 4 different cancers in less than 4 months ? You dont know what is summer Paradise in Canada. What you guys call summers are actually spring for countries that truly enjoy paradise in Summer. Canada is frozen from November all the way to April. 6 months of frozen life, shoveling, and pain in the ass. Such a vast frozen waste land with Manginas as men and women calling the shots.

Jens Holm

Things like that are relatives. If You are there in generations, You adapt and assimilate.

I live in a town, where Tiurisme is overwhelming 3 months a year and we sometimes hardlycan sleep. But people here also know the rest of the years we can and it sometimes is too silent.

And one more thing. Canada urbanize as every other country. People evem leave areas, because its too hard work and becomes 80 years old instead of 50.

Let me finally remind You, that we todat has racisme against the few jews we have here by many many muslims.

I also see it on this site every day. Both and the rest of us has to learn to be different to that or seperate. The ones, which cant, should go somewhere else.

I am very surpriced Jews dominate like that in Canada. Fact are You as muslims are the ones thinking You always are born above everybody else being wast overpopulated majorities.

Now You learn how it is to be a minority and might learn how things are for bad treated minorities incl. jews.

In west almost always are, what You do and not if You are a boy having an amputated carrot below the belt.

We see so many muslim boys from incommers not learning a thing inshool because the majority of teachers are vomen as well. They cant handle that vital change and by that low learning dont eductare. Girls actually are better. They drom home are learned to learn even the most stupid things, so they can fit toi any stupid man, which family has money.

Very fine for first generation – if boys and parents allow them to. Almost all of them becomes even low leaders, because they are not learned to decide things by themselves, but atleast they integrate by an eduction and a job.

We have so many muslim looser men, which still dont understand why. Sunni is not like muslims from Syria has to behave as in Syria but adapting whats needed where they are by the local traditions.

I am sure at least some of You will gain respect from Jews, if You behave mainly like sekular Canadians and makes Your own income.

Concrete Mike

Wellnthats thendifference between me.and you.

I embrace winter , i.dont shovel indrive.a.snow plow :)))

+35 anytjing hotter than that is just gross .

The manginas do bother me.alot.

And the anglos are fucken racist indeed, ive lost countnofnhow.many times i said cool it adolph.

Some french are racist too, like my mom LOL, but.compared to anglos its not even close.

Ceasar Polar

I fixed the snow problem for good tho. Just moved a little bit south on the Tropic of Cancer, to be honest that snow man isnt bearable for long. Most people i know that could move away during winters did move away mostly in Florida during winters. The only thing i missed during winter is the drifting nights-out that used to enjoy with my Audi quattro (so much fun), i used to wait for the first snow to come, like a white blanket, literally the only thing i miss about winter LoL.

Jens Holm

More like You need some help. Canada isnt like that at all.

You are right about several things has to be changed ir start from zero, but its not as bad as You say compared to, what most people see.

Ceasar Polar


Jens Holm

The main difference in GDP is based on a much better wellfare system+, which also gives back things, GDP dont count.

Canada is not flushed but partly has to sing as their closest partners. Who else do You compare with – Mexico, Cuba ???Skandinavia, Sanders Warren ?

Concrete Mike

Yup its still the oligarchs that run the show, matters not if itsnliberal or conservative, the privvy council still rules!!!

Ceasar Polar

Canadian politics are all jokes. The real problem with Canada is cutting the ties with the Queen of England as she is still the head of the Country, doesnt matter what Prime Minister is voted. The Queen “lends” her executive power to the Prime minister, her legislative power to the parliement, and her judiciary power to the Court. All powers belong to her originally, Governor General is the representative of the Queen in Canada. This is all in their constitution. Where in 1776 the US have fought the british and kicked them out. Canada welcomed them and never kicked them out.

Never Canada will be taken seriously until it decides to do what they needed to do centuries ago, CUT THE TIES with the Queen. Same goes for the Aussies.

When is the day where those dominions (Canada/australia) will finally become independant countries ? It s about time dont you think ?

Toronto Tonto

The Queen has no authority over us dumbass .

Ceasar Polar

You are just a troll, and not a real Canadian. This comment proves it all. Read the Canadian Constitution and find out who is officially the Head of State. The Prime Minister is only her 1st advisor as she lends her executive power to the PM. Go away troll !

Jens Holm

It would be nice if You related to facts. Those are the Dominion Qeen has nreal power in Canda and Australia.

The Queen of England as well as the ones in Norway, Sweden, Denmark a.s.o dont run much as well.

We also have our Premiere Ministers, Goverment and Parlament doing it.

I like our Danish Queen very much blocking for Presidents like Makron and Erdogan.

Ceasar Polar

The status of the Queen of England in Canada is different from her status in England. In her Dominion of Canada, she has all the powers, she lends them only to her executive, legislative and judiciary. Different status than Danish Queen as well. The point here is the independance of Canada, it is only a dominion, not a independant state. Contrary to common belief of course.

Jens Holm

So how many times has she done that.

Its exact the same for the danosh Queen. If She dont sign important documents, She wont be a Queen here anymore.

By that she is a symbol and a litlle more then that only.

Ceasar Polar

There is much more than the symbol at least for Canada. She closed Parliement 3 times throughout history in Canada, when she wasnt happy with Her government. I dont know about Danemark, i have to take time to read your constitution to find out.


Quit pretending your a canuck solomon kupek.

Jens Holm

You probatly is some infantile infant inuit of Port Churchill, which next step sill be to declare the north pole as Your having Santa Claus in swimming suit there as well.

Concrete Mike

Why speak derogatory of our inuit peoples?

Go fuck yourself prick, ill kick your ass from here to iqaluit

Jens Holm

Sowhat about Freddy Mercury. He was a Qeen too. Hard to see any logic in Your arguementation.

I see Canda is doing fine or better then fine. Canada is well respected in the whole world. Very strange You dont know.

I see nothing wrong in Your affiliation to GB and it seemes You dont know why Canada as USA became some united states or som extra ones in USA.

Ceasar Polar

Sure if taxing its people to death is what you call doing fine, i think you are used to it, since you dans are taxed at 70%, to death as well. “Canada is well respected” —-> by whom ? Uganda or Cameroun ? Not Russia, China, US, or any country with power. Canada is treated like a far US cousin. No weight only another vassal of the Anglo-saxon empire. Nothing to be respected for. Even Philipines have sent back their canadian trash back to canada and threatned to send it to their canadian shores you call that respect ? You see how Trump belittles Trudeau, is that respect ? Your vision of respect is very EU-fag like, vassal-like type of respect.

Jens Holm

Taxing is not to death here. We get a lot back for that such as free school, free education, almost free medical care, free hospital and a pension everybody can have a small but good life for.

A lot of things are much easier and fair. We have one of the highest employment rates for men and women in the world even we also have one of the most well paid systems for unimployment.

We also pay extra to keep criminals among each other in stead of just say: Jail them. Wellfare is how many we dont exclude.

It seemes were are between the hardly non corrupt countries compared to others as well.

Maybee You should focus on, what we also see. We have good airplanes from You and well a many stations for fuel, food carwash and repair. Those are + + for Canada.

Most countries are not at the front sites as You expect. According to Trump we should sell Grenand to USA, and our prime mister declared it was absurd. A few years ago some fox news speaker told we were socialists as venezuela and socialisme by that was shown as bad.

So We know Your belowed neighbors well.


You are delusion if you think Canada is doing fine. Ontario and Quebec may be doing fine. Ask the people out west how they do lately?

Jens Holm

My voice is not that loud.

We have that kind of problems too and trytosolve them as well. Everybody has. Our belt is named the poor banana. Who wants to live on or inside a poor banana.

So You have to help them but in a realistic way. Dont blame Trudeau for it. Itstarted long time ago and things like that cant be solved within 4 years, but now You have to ask harder.

I am not for ours should be too much minus looking more and more like museums. We have wind for windmills out there, so one solutions is good space for electric power. I have no ideas for many new jobs. We should remain goodecucation to them, so parts of them can move and get jobs in other parts of the country. We also has to help the old ones, so they can have a good life.

Concrete Mike

Or out east, times are touggh im the maritimes too. We have had it tough since the 90’s

Toronto Tonto

Trudeau will be ejected .


Fuck off Israeli poster solomon kupek.

Jens Holm

Free speach includes éven You.

Jens Holm

We will see. Right now he is the chosen one.

Toronto Tonto

We will find a way to dispose of the idiot .


Trudeau is paid for by the USA?

If Sheer could get away with it he’s hand over the entire country. Last time those assholes were in power they destroyed Ontario manufacturing with their high dollar policies which made Canada’s exports more expensive. From 1996 – 06 there was a shitton of work in Ontario building automotive and parts plants …. from 2006 – when I left in 2016 there was nothing but government welfare jobs like hospitals and court houses because manufacturing in Ontario was destroyed by the cons.

So the Cons had their high dollar policy and what did they do with it? They gave the USA a sweetheart deal selling Alberta oil to them for 60 cents on the dollar. Then the Keystone XL pipeline got canned and they can’t sell oil even at a discount.

Now this election cycle Sheer wants to build pipelines to sell to China in a world awash in oil at a time when the Chinese just made a huge pipeline deal with Russia as well as one with Iran and where Rosneft just took control of Venezuela’s oil fields which is a direct competitor to Alberta crude.

Sheer and the Cons have one game plan and only one …. suck America’s dick.

Trudeau’s main advantage and the reason he got elected …. he’s not Sheer.

Jens Holm

You too. I am sure UN feed You and You were naked in the cold Canadian winthers id we didnt give You clothe as well.

Jens Holm

We are partners in Western Economics, where China is a good affiliated. No politiciens are paid here. But we do have lobbyísts of different kind.

Incl. GB The EU has a bigger GDP then US and we have our own currency, which is doing fine.

Denmark also sell more and advanced things to USA then they sell to us.

You are very incorrect about western economies. It true we in many matters and for good reasons are close to USA because we are westerns.

Ypu dont get we also iwn them or parts of them as well as they do with us.

You might be in the Muhammed Economics based on Muhammed and Jews 1300 years ago. Its very strange You dont tell Jews and Americans also wrote the Holy Choran to keep the arabs and other muslims down as well.

Whats the alternative proposal for us for improvements ? I would like improvements, if there are any better. Come on….

Sorry for loosing some spelling contest for good reasons.


Again your an Israeli so please fuck off solomon kupek.

Jens Holm

You ceratinly is like me and no good role model Your self.

Jens Holm

Thats how Your little world is. Everyone else are jews and steal from muslims producing nothing.

Jens Holm

If so, I would like to thank them very much. Compared to what I see other places in the world this is first class or close to.

Ceasar Polar

Obedient slave/goyim. You still prefer the best evil. The world can be a much better place without the zionists. But you trust you media so much that you cant believe that there is a better world without the zionists.

Concrete Mike

So your thanking our leaders forntheir corruption, for.pandering to large corporations on the backs of the people?

You accept then that palestinians are treated as subhumans?

Cool it adolph thats enough out of you, stick to economics.

Ceasar Polar

That is because the zionists control the muslim leaders, in turn their leader corrupt to the bone, do not let enough ressources allocated to production/manufacture/innovation. Highly skilled and talented muslims are forced to immigrate in Eu/US to use their skills at benefit of society (western) instead of rotting at their home country with their capabilities unused. Muslims are hooked with a zionist rope, from their leadership. And EVERY muslim country it is the same for them, except Iran.

S Melanson

This article missed the mark on the outcome of the election. The rise of Trudeau was better but needs edit to flow as a bit of a slog to read.

First, Trudeau lost his majority and that means he will have to work with another party to maintain power – the opposition parties have sufficient votes to declare non-confidence in the government which means new elections. And my take on Trudeau is he will despise having to share power being the spoiled prima donna he is.

Trudeau has to work with an opposition party that gives him enough votes for majority and three parties meet that criteria but only one is a realistic option – the socialist NDP under Jagmeet Singh’s leadership. Perhaps Trudeau can wear brownface when negotiating with Singh on forming a coalition.

The NDP May have lost seats in the election but they are in a much more powerful position as they hold the balance of power and are the only viable partner – the separatists Bloq Quebecois party is a no go zone and coalition overtures to the Conservative party would be dead on arrival, and the Conservative party needs to focus on getting a new leader anyway.

Now one thing Canadians do not like is an unnecessary election and the offending party or parties get punished enough to encourage minority governments to prevent an early return to the polls.

Trudeau has to at least give the impression of trying to form a working coalition and maintain while passing legislation. After four autocratic years, Trudeau has quite the adjustment to make and something to watch. Singh is going to make Trudeau twist in the wind…

Jens Holm

Good and sober comment.


Toronto tonto is an Israeli agent, by the name of solomon kupek.

Jens Holm

And heroin in a lady too ?

Jens Holm

Not as good as expected but doable. Congratulations.

S Melanson

Ok, reading these comments about Canada needs a rebuttal.

I am Canadian born, live in Toronto, grew up in the USA (age 7 to 15) and did my MBA in the States. When I did my MBA I bought health insurance offered to students through the College. Unfortunately I broke my arm in a bike accident. I was well taken care of by hospital staff so no issue there – wait times and professionalism I found not much different from Canada.

What was different was dealing with the insurance firm that denied my benefits because my broken arm was a pre-existing condition. Fought that and then they said I had no insurance, fought that and then it was excessive costs. I was in collections so paid around $1,400 out of pocket plus exhausting constant battle. It would have been cheaper and easier to fly to Toronto and then fly back once taken care of and no battle with insurers as the hospital bills the government and not me.

I taught a managerial economics course and pointed out government is necessary to deal with public goods such as highways and military. In healthcare, government happens to be better due to monopsony (single buyer). By better, we have overall better health outcomes for the population and we are efficient as we spend far less per Capita on healthcare than in the US. Check world health organization and statscan. I am pro-free markets but sometimes free markets are not the best choice and government is.

Taxes here are not as bad as made out to be and keep in mind that our health care is covered through taxes we pay.

Also, crime is significantly less of a problem then in the US and this is from direct experience.

As for the Queen, that is some led lady on our money and I think the only thing she did regarding Canada was occasionally visit, take in a few photo ops and show complete disinterest in our politics.

Jens Holm

Sober comment. The big difference from Skandinavia to USA in many parts of our symstems are, that its the state, which outsource things and mainly are very competent.

By that a lot is private and made cheeper, but the privates dont control us even they try and try.

Denmark is small. But if we compare USA do have 52 states like ours and could do it by each of them.

Its terifying to see old Judge Judy and medical bills as well as extra support needed for a broken arm or worse.

I cannot compare with Canada. I hardly know anything. But facts are, that private companies cant control themselves and many try to plunder You if they can. We dont have that anymore and if we dont ask, we automatic gets the cheepes copy product. ( I have hard diabetes 2 with many copy products).

If I had need of opiats they are much more restricted because they can be sold to drug addicts. But I order by an app here at my computer and it normally says same day after 4 o clock( and ready next, next day..) .

I was at the hospital for an opration. I transported my self by bus and train. Everything was free at the hosital. I got medicine home to me for free, because I should stay at home the next 4 days. They transported me for free home, and there was time for me to buy food. The driver in a kind of taxi even asked me, it he should go in and take the heavy things for me. When we came to my house he waited until I was inside and closed the door. That was free too.

The reasosns for that of course is, that I dont use an expensive bed on the hospital more days then needed. It was very good for me to come home as soon as possible – a win win.

I got a socalled stent in my heart. I am not swetty all the time and can take the stairs to first floor 3 times up and down as I wish. Actually I has to or talk a long walk every day.

Maybee I wil write a novel next time…


There are at least two historic precedents for what is going on in Canada right now. Argentina and Venezuela come to mind. The former was 1st world nation in the early decades of last century and Venezuela was not far from that status either in the ’70 and ’80. Now they are both basket cases, with the former being close to defaulting the second time in as many decades on its foreign debt and Venezuela having become the first class mess we know’ both of their own fault, with no foreign occupation or an economic system imposed by outside powers on them. Canada is going the same path, into becoming a third world country in the next 15-20 years. With generations of loons that practice economic self flagellation and dream about “green new deals” in a country whose economy is based primarily on natural resourcesthe purse will be soon empty.

Jens Holm

GDP and what I know dont say that at all. Argentine and Venezuala are no comparables at all apart from shoeseize.


Trudeau is Canada’s Clinton. What puts him in power is not democracy but what corrodes democracy.


His party actually ended up receiving significantly fewer votes than the opposition Conservatives under Andrew Scheer.

It’s an unfortunate anti-democratic outcome of the voting system used for Parliament.

The irony is Trudeau had campaigned strongly four years ago in support of election reform, of getting rid of our “first past the post” vote counting and using instead something yielding proportionate representation.

But he completely failed to make good on his promise, adding election reform as just one more of a list of failures,

Trudeau is a demonstrated failure in a number of extremely important matters, and he is someone known for a number of follies and scandals.

It really is disheartening to see him back on the job.

Lack of significant voter choice in candidates is the proximate explanation for the election result, something which is sadly all too common in our “Western democracies.” The other parties – especially the ones with some chance of gaining power, the Conservatives and the New Democratic Party – simply did did not offer candidates strong and appealing enough to vote Trudeau out under the system we are stuck with.

It reflects, as I think is the case here, poorly functioning political party organizations or, in some cases as in the United States, limiting voter choice by design.

Good God, look at the two candidates America offered its voters in 2016. Simply unbelievable. And the explanation for Trump’s win.

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