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Brazil: Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff will be voted on April 17

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Brazil: Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff will be voted on April 17

Dilma Rousseff

Written by Celso P. Santos exclusively for SouthFront; Edited by Yoana

Discussions on President Dilma Rousseff´s removal start at April 15th and culminate with a final decision on the evening of April 17th, decided Cunha. The motion needs 342 votes in favor of the deputies to follow to Senate.

Eduardo Cunha (PMDB), President of the Chamber of Deputies, defined in April 12th will be like voting rite of impeachment of the President Dilma Rousseff on the floor of the house.

The assent to the impeachment of Rousseff, prepared by the reporter of the Special Impeachment Committee, Jovair Arantes (PTB), was approved by 38 votes in favor and 27 against, in April 10th.

At a meeting with the collegue of party leaders, Cunha decided that discussions will start on April 15th, in the morning. The complainants against the President and the defense of Rousseff will each have 25 minutes to manifest.

Following up to five members from each party represented in the Chamber will have an hour to talk. The discussion can last until the next day. Members who want to discuss the Arantes report may register to comment on the document favorable to preventing the president on Saturday.

In April 17th, the final vote in the Chamber starts with speeches of party leaders who can guide their stands on the vote. Each member shall have ten seconds to express its decision (‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘abstention’).

The result should leave at the end of the night. For the approval of impeachment in the Chamber are needed 342 favorable votes of 513 deputies. If the motion receives enough votes, the opinion follows to evaluate the Senate.

Cunha said he will follow the script impeachment discussion trial of former President Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992). According to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, Cunha must prioritize the order of voting by members of the South region first, and leave to the end the Northern parliamentarians, more aligned to Rousseff. The intention would be to create a “pro-impeachment wave” during the session.

Dilma attacks impeachment

The Vice President Michel Temer is the “chief conspirator” against the government, and Eduardo Cunha, President of the Chamber of Deputies, is the “deputy head”. The attack came from President Dilma Rousseff on the morning of April 12th, during a speech at the official ceremony.

This was the first public demonstration of Rousseff after the alleged leak of a speech made by Temer, where he talks as if the impeachment of the President had already been approved. The statement came during an event that brought together politicians, students and educators in President´s support at the Presidential Palace.

In the recording, released on April 11 and, according to the office of the vice president, had a private and experimental, Temer speech like president. President Rousseff criticized what he called “deliberate action”, “farce” and “treason.”

“We live in strange and troubling times. Blow times, farce and betrayal. The gesture (leakage), which reveals betrayal of me and democracy also explains that this conspirator boss also has no commitment to the people,” said Rousseff.

Marina Silva defends new elections

Former senator Marina Silva defended on April 9th, in Chicago (USA), the date of opening of the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.

Invited to speak at the end of a conference of Brazilian students at the University of Chicago, Marina said that the revelations of “Operation Lava Jato”, which investigates the corruption scheme in Petrobras, made the impeachment of President justified politically and legally. “I understand that is not scammed and that it clarified the basis for impeachment,” said the former Senator.

Marina again defended the cancellation of the plate Dilma Rousseff-Michel Temer by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) as the best solution to the political crisis in the country. According to former Senator, if it is proved that the “money corruption rigged elections” of 2014, the TSE should revoke the electoral plate. If this happens by the end of this year, Eduardo Cunha, President of the Chamber of Deputies, who should assume the presidency temporarily and call new elections within a maximum of 90 days.

“The trial of the TSE is more legitimate because it is not only political, but it is based on facts. (…) The best is that the TSE return to the 200 million Brazilians the possibility of another choice,” defended Marina.

The former Senator said that in recent whistleblower award, an executive of the company Andrade Gutierrez said that money diverted from Petrobras was equally divided between PT and PMDB. “Imagine that the two parties that rolled all only one is punished and the other is anointed do not,” she said. If new elections are called, she argues that the new president to command a transitional government and that he doesn´t compete for re-election.


  1. www.oglobo.com.br
  2. www.bbc.com

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Dilma and all of those PT criminals should be hanged for treason.

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