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UPDATED 18+: Large Terrorist Attack In Crowded Concert Building In Moscow

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UPDATED 18+: Large Terrorist Attack In Crowded Concert Building In Moscow

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The Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region has published the first list of those killed and injured as a result of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. It included 37 people.

Russian security forces are reportedly looking for a white car in which several terrorists who left the scene of the terrorist attack could have fled. Thus, some of the attackers could leave the scene under the cover of the fire, disguised in civilians.

31 victims were identified. They include three children. The final number of killed and wounded is yet to be revealed.

According to preliminary reports, at least 40 people could be killed and more than 100 were wounded as a result of the terrorist attack. The FSB confirmed preliminary reports, but the numbers may grow.

‘The terrorist attack in Moscow is a planned and deliberate provocation of the Russian special services on Putin’s instructions,’ the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine declared. In fact, such stupid claims amount to the official admission of guilt.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations reports that firefighters have taken 100 people out of the basement of Crocus City Hall. They are evacuating people from the roof.

A group of terrorists reportedly barricaded themselves inside the building. The assault of the building by the special services began.

Several unidentified men were detained in the building, but it is still unknown if they were linked to the terrorists.





On the evening of March 22, a terrorist attack took place in the large concert building “Crocus City Hall” in Moscow. Unidentified men opened fire on the crowd of people before the concert.

According to preliminary reports, there was a group of shooters in the building and they were in camouflage. After the shooting, the concert hall was engulfed in flames. The attackers probably staged an explosion.

The number of victims may be very high, there may be dozens of killed and wounded.

The special services came to the spot.

Any details are yet to be revealed.

It is reported that a partial collapse of the roof of the burning has begun, rescuers cannot fully begin to eliminate the fire due to the threat to life of civilians. Presumably, there are still people inside.

There are no doubts that the terrorist Kiev regime and NATO patrons are behind the attack.

Two weeks ago, the US and European Embassies in Moscow issued warnings to their citizens about possible attacks in crowded places in Moscow.

On March 21, Moscow officially announced the results of the presidential election. 87.28% of the voters voted for Vladimir Putin.

The attack could be launched in response to the massive identification and detention of supporters of the pro-Ukrainian groups in Russia by the FSB. The number of detentions has significantly increased in the recent days. The risk of neutralizing the remaining ‘sleeping sells’ of pro-Kiev terrorists apparently became unacceptable and NATO decided to hold the action.

The Ukrainian military likely used the attacks on the Russian border to allow the specially prepared fighters infiltrate to the Russian territory. The saboteurs trained in NATO countries were aimed to launch the terrorist attacks.

There are reports that the attackers were not slavik. Highly likely NATO/Kiev tried to use some ethnic minorities to hide their responsibility.

The terrorist attack in Moscow will definately provoke the escalation. Moscow may launch retaliation strikes on the decision centers in the center of Kiev. NATO and puppets in Kiev showed their real face to the whole world. No MSM could help to whitewash the terrorists.












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CEO of Yapping

remember, two weeks ago, the u.s embassy published a warning to its citizens about possible attacks in crowded places in moscow.

this isn’t your normal wahhabi yelling for 2 hours in france or uk…

CEO of Yapping

“at least 40 people dead, according to local emergency services.”

say i said many times before, remember who paid, trained and supported terrorism in the middle east, africa, asia and europe. (nato, us, wahhabis and zionists).

us “ceasefire” resolution rejected by russia, china… guess who was mad like dogs at the un during that meeting?

also, it is fuking funny how none of these msm yet to say a word about this terrorist attack in russia so far.

CEO of Yapping

before the kerman massacre in iran, the united states ‘warned’ that they had intel something was about to happen.

a few weeks before this moscow massacre, the united states ‘warned’ its citizens in russia of impending terrorist attacks.

the us/israel openly showing their ugly faces what is new 🤡 😆.

you better remember isil and what people did to them clown. terrorism never works if it did israel would control the middle east and wouldn’t get fuk by hamas alone.


nothing is going to change in regards to ukraine so you can stop cheering on islamic terrorists unless you want another 9/11 you should be worried because you know what is going to happen next.


9/11 was mossad and there were no planes in, ny, on the field or at the pentagon. air defense in the us had a stand down that day, think how high this goes. quite scary for some who will stay in denial and choose to look the other way. wtc7 was a controlled demolition as well.

Icarus Tanović

indeed, no word.

محمد مصاصة الديك

definitely work of my brothers. allakhu akhbar!! 💪🇸🇦

Icarus Tanović

yes, your brother charlie and father jeremy. i pitty them.


your a zionist jew. your name means muhammed is cocksucker. so i think you were totally right, this attack was done by you, namely israel. you even wrote akhbar like you dimwits prenounce hamas (khamas).

Last edited 1 year ago by Algerian

you mean your sisters, because this shit is pretty gay

Tia dalma

bon ramadan assassin


sυck muzlim dicks, that’s what happens. keep sυcking. more coming 😀

CEO of Yapping

your ego going to end you child, lmfao. dickhead find out you can’t type “suck” at sf.

Folio’s team

it’s ukraine u.s and israel that are the terrorists in this attack in moscow.

Crazy Canuck

russia is the terrorist state they do this daily in ukraine and russian trash will pay the price eh

Bob Bath

yeah just keep on watching castros bastard trudeau and his lying propaganda you brainwashed piece of shit and believe everything they feed you! in 2014 there was a cia coup in ukraine and since than there is a jewish terrorist government there, who are responsible for this whole war but you retarded shit just blame putin. pathetic fuck.


canada het voorbeeld van een fascistoïde staat met een psychopaat als president ,ook niet vies van het afslachten van zijn eigen burgers


another zionist jew. this zionist must be a janitor, because he could not prenounce muhammed/muhammad right.

jens holm

very optimistic those are the only ones.

i wonder why they those king of people attack us. facts are there has been terrorisme is an ancient thing.

its a given facts communist did it from day one. the ink from karl marx was not even dry before they startet.

its likely tzar russian lost ww1 by that

CEO of Yapping

“attack us”…? oh yeah nato is arming russia and sending troops to russia to fight ukraine.

i love clowns that say shit like you, “attack us” you are killing russians by supporting your puppet nazi fangirls stfu.

also, clown jews were one of the first groups to use terrorism in the world history… oh don’t look up jewish/zionist terrorism. or you know their role with isil or what they did to iraqi jews.

Last edited 1 year ago by CEO of Yapping

cia fingerprints are all over this one


not just cia, but mossad also. cia is controlled by jewish mossad – it is like israhell’s mossad’s extention. it is all kosher business.


you don’t know what you’re talking about, go study a little!!! israel is not russia’s enemy!!! learn and understand that!!! israel knows very well that russia is being attacked by the satanist globalist governments of the west!!! also enemies of israel!!! it’s a very heavy and intrinsic game!!!


what about amir weitmann direct threat to russia ?


he spoke for himself, he didn’t speak for the israeli government. israel is a friend and grateful to the russian nation for freeing israelis from nazism!!!


jews should be gratefull to russians if they free them from zionism. zionism=nazism. israelis are so gratefull to have stalin expelled them en masse. israeli government have broad support from israelis for killing and expelling palestinians. only minority of israelis oppose this war crime.

Kev not Kiev

the only zionist that won’t stab you in the back and rape and murder your kids, is a dead one.

jens holm

they even try to put us in the collapsed ussr-engels one.thats all they know. most of the word knows marx was made as contrast.

its also is ignored we has a lot of social demodemocrats. my premiere minister is that not being republican or konservative.

you are raised and fight things which were true – at least making sence once.

jens holm

i agree in the firts part. they are not enemies.


the enemy of my enemy is my friend, conversely the friend of my enemy is my enemy! russia like the kid who smells of pee and picks his nose doesn’t have many options for friends these days, but maybe should be a little more selective.


another nafo urinal-puck sucker pretends to be ol’ clyde. nafos just crying in their circle jerks.


israel is not russia’s enemy? zionist jews are the enemy of the entire humankind. we are currently observing what you in israhell do to the palestinian women and children. hunting for hamas perps – fine, no problem, but leveling entire neigbourhoods, destroying hospitals, calling them animals, expeling them out of their land – these act are universally recognized as crimes – except in israhell.


speaking of the satanists you are invoking in your defence, well, rotschild is celebrated and commemorated in israhell as “a father of the settlements”. has his own silver shekel issued by israeli government. prime class of a globalist turd.

jens holm

if true they do a dammed good job here.

you might have naughty still .not feeding your proletars well drowning them in alcohol instead.


nuland promised “nasty surprises” when she was in kiev.

jens holm

only russian believe like that. as in the non selection they have no choise.


of course us embassy knew something when they were plotting this.

CEO of Yapping

remember this “biden says he’ll shut down nord stream 2 pipeline if russia further invades ukraine”… oh guess who the us blame nord stream 2 pipeline attack on? ukraine.

for some funny reason the us tells others that ukraine was not involved in this attack… and “isis” which btw is fighting with ukraine against russia was to blame… lmfao.

jens holm

seemes you are last message from the latest moonlanding. marsians there inspread you too. they import cheese from there´.

Icarus Tanović

what the hell you gibbering about?

CEO of Yapping

“seemes” stfu and use google translate ffs. also, putting down drugs might help you rtd.

Peter Jennings

it doesn’t look good for the usadmin. blowing pipelines, assisting genocide, and now this. imo, just about all terrorist attacks and kidnappings and bombings on a foreign soil are planned and carried out by us embassies.


you can see the desperation growing over at biden’s administration

jens holm

i dont see that. he has from day one used to get motr votes thrn he and they got.

i only stability as well as it goes. thats a big contract to what the 4 years before that. in never have extrected everthing everything dont well.

its like that in my denmark too. for the moment we plus and has to subtract minusses. trump added the opposite way.

jens holm

you can improve the world with glases and oxygene.

then you get of travel ticket and acutally see the rest of the world. it might be uncif will donate.

Icarus Tanović

well screw you and your sort, okay?


yeah i remember that also. nato is behind this shit also. they arr not very undiscret

CEO of Yapping

the head of nato is the us… if i mention the us i mean nato and their proxies (ukraine/isis) as they work under the umbrella of the us.

jens holm

of course we are mr and mr moron nad the other way was well.

you only see the world by you tin foil have.

but we see we are well connected both ways in welfare by enomy.

as contrast to russia most things are not owned by the states and often contry crossing.

jens holm

2.at lot is owned by smal people like me too. fx is many private part of my pension saved in big stocholding my several 100.000 in the level as me.

we are in wind, insulation, medicare, transport and many fx maersk line. the biggest insulin producer in usa is danish and now bigger the tesla.

jens holm

that true. we force them to hospitals and they alcohol as legal medical care. the know how much.

next we arm then and they nehave as russians.


like with the nordstream pipeline and the blowing up of the dam flooding of the kherson region. attacks on the crimea bridge. these are all biden admin terrorist attacks and provocations us deepstate criminals. it is time the biden terrorist clan is brought to account and tried for their crimes against humanity. these criminals have blood on their hands. they created the conflict in ukraine


meanwhile the biden family is filling their pockets in riches as they have scammed the whole us and european economy out of billions which were transfered to blackrock. the biden family has a big share in blackrock and personally profits from the war in ukraine and all the deaths and suffering. these criminals deserve a nuremberg trial.

CEO of Yapping

you know what i find out not long ago…

money from pro-israel (aipac) to us senators, 1990-2024… guess who that is? joe biden is the top recipient of pro-israel (aipac) funds (5.7 million) and that is on the records… so yeah add a lot more lol.

jens holm

total crap. putin has digged you deep. you only see his behind.

CEO of Yapping

you forgot the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant failed attack which the us 24/7 was saying it was russia false flag.

you ukraine invaded russia borders with isis members from syria – russia flat ukraine nazis – “isis” attack russia… this attack btw was not just a death run no no no it was a well planned operation.

the whole western msm saying one of the things, it was false flag, it was isis, “it wasn’t ukraine”, “russia is to blame”.

jens holm

thats not only a moscow thing but some kind of a weatherrapport looking for hotspots all over.

more as bolsjov theatre, which went very bad.

Folio’s team

detailed information from the fsb on the terrorist attack at crocus city hall:

▪️the terrorists who participated in the terrorist attack tried to escape towards the russian-ukrainian border . they had contacts on the ukrainian side 🇺🇦

▪️the terrorist attack was carefully planned. the weapons used by the terrorists were prepared in advance in a cache.

Folio’s team

▪️as a result of the actions of special services and law enforcement officers, 11 people were detained, including 4 terrorists who were directly involved in the terrorist attack.

▪️four terrorists were detained in the bryansk region within a few hours of each other.

Malcolm Z

nato knew something about these terrorist attack because they were trained and armed in ukraine


this is is what happens when you sυck up to muzlims.

Last edited 1 year ago by SOSMITE MUHHAMAD
Icarus Tanović

i pitty your father in law. i really do. that guy didn’t deserve this animal in his house. he was good man. i feel sorry for him. unspeakable.


agreed. being submissive to muslims only brings this as reward.

jens holm

thats a lie. most muslims in those matters are just as us.

we have own extremist here and they even take over as nazis and communists.

jens holm

thats not related at all.

cia and many semilar are all over there.

very much has lost more then your arms yoiurself.

Folio’s team

detailed information from the fsb on the terrorist attack at crocus city hall:

▪️the terrorists who participated in the terrorist attack tried to escape towards the russian-ukrainian border . they had contacts on the ukrainian side 🇺🇦

▪️the terrorist attack was carefully planned. the weapons used by the terrorists were prepared in advance in a cache


past time that the gloves came off, and these cowards are ended


see the thing is, there is no limit to how many russians the cia can kill. there will not ever be a response of any kind. the only thing that’s going to happen is that russian troops will continue driving in circles in ukrainian mine fields.

hell, the russian elites will probably celebrate this event because with events such as this one, support for the current regime will remain high.

russian elites are as useless as western ones mate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

that’s perfectly true. russian generals are incompetent and the only one who was doing something (prigozhin) is dead. and putin is mostly busy grabbing golden phones to order jewels for minors figure skating girls. and he has no time to care about conscripts. russian conscripts are cheap. they even don’t bother to protect them against ukraine drones and shelling. they don’t protect event their warships and planes on the airports.


and with every dead soldier and civilian the russians vote for putin more and more. it is some stalin complex or what. these russians are not normal people.

Last edited 1 year ago by hlohlo

>these russians are not normal people.

incorrect. i assure you people are exactly the same no matter what part of the world they inhabit. the reason for that, is because 99% of the population is driven by basic stimuli. whatever social engineering programs take place in that country, dictates how the public will respond.

the same social engineering tricks work everywhere in the world.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

must be amerikant moron

jens holm

i also fx learn rich and poor people in most things has the same worries for their children.

it was a good schools for life. i was even paid and could efford my first home. my buy was a coffee machine. there were no kichen and i could make coffee, teas, coco and soup.

so i believe in your 99% version and has international proof.


and this means a lot more volunteers to liberate donbass completely

jens holm

i support him. most people treated relavativle well dont care half a tourist tursist camel.

they just want to have have a descent life before departure by age.

the see the samefore fx syria and partly ukraine.

half of the syrians are not even in syria. they support not the warmongels there.

jens holm

some om the ukranians say same thing. any country is better then this. we immigate and hope our children might visit or move back.

some has hopes by that. denmark fx has a lot of vacent jobs. almost all incommers has low paid part or full time joibs. some are ready for education in danish contrext and already pay normal low tax as many danes.

none has crimerates as we are told. none. we have a few very bad ones and fight them well. dont see them as well.

the wrong ones are expelled.


who would you have them vote for the cia candidate?


like europans or fat psycho americans are normal. mental sick people . mental sick government is the biden administration. int

jens holm

thats long before before stalin. in about 1850 somthing the tzar and the uppercall and not the church started reforms as in europa and sevaral places in the world – china included.

but they are all stopped. onlt the tzar tryeda little and stopped too.

rusians by that mainly changed rulers but not minds and systems. those khoses more or less is back to feudalisme and the selected partly becaome the new upperclass with only one owner – the state.

thats how i see it. many does.


true. before the war even began, both sides had already agreed on how things should proceed. in return they were promised that they will keep their positions of power. an easy choice to make if all you care about is self enrichment at any cost.

prigozhin deviated from “the script” and for that he was killed. the russian mod will also actively sabotage their army. for example they disband the most successful units(e.g. wagner or obtf cascad).

jens holm

rusian hardly has done a single reform since 1991.

they have improved a little to bulling for rookies. that they downseized in soldiers. i dont recall officers are updates apart for more handling missiles well.

and it is possible. whenn denmark in 1864 lost inwar to presssua al were poor. it was decided that the much smaller denmark should upgrade from almoist 0.

jens holm

its when slow but the decindings from there were almost all to the better. so its possible to improve even you have to use many small steps.

after ww2 we were poor but ready to use the marshal help well.

russian is not ready


dude, stop eating crayons. unless you got sources in the russian government, you’re just speculating


you are correct that i am “speculating” about this particular event. however i am closely familiar with the modus operandi and i can tell you the formula never changes.

jens holm

i agree. but it other away is there too.


well russia can start by hanging these animals in downtown moscow if captured.

One vote

that’s what i think too “cowards, come here. i’m waiting you”.

jens holm

the usual idiotisme.

we try the opposite here in denmark. we fullfill they demand, where we can. by that they have less programs and supporters.

it about food, chothe, a heated home with kichen and bathroom. its free education, hopitals, descent pension and demand they has work well. and they do. only few are estremists.

jens holm

and the results including all.

poeple work well. they are educated, the reward all lives longer and better. gdp elexetent. we have low crimerates and even are mentions as happies country in the world.

is not by gloves. we motivates and see. sometimes we trick many by candy.

we also raise people to be very themselves. by that they make their own choises. and we has jails are reward too.

emperor jeff bezos

this is our expertise—terrorism


nuke the kiev presidential office with hypersonic nukes pls


die usa hätte es schon längst gemacht.


nuke langley and foggy bottom.


so you are not only a neo nazi supporter you also support terrorists killing innocent citizens? good to know.

Last edited 1 year ago by Winston

you are talking to a bot. possibly the humanoid kind of npc. either way it’s a bot.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

this is the depraved swamp these insects inhabit.


in this kind of situation you have to control your emotions and wait for clues before pointing the finger at someone guilty. may god have mercy for the victims 🤲🏼


tayyipten yardım istesinler dünya lideri yardım eder


terazi var tartı var, her şeyin bir vakti var. sular durulsun gereken adımlar atılır sen endişelenme


this is fsb following the words of peskow: war. alibi for mobilization and upscaling of war.


let me guess, gun kontrol for russia? looks like another freemason op, but better since the russian branch of the queerhood isn’t so closely in bed (literal and metaphorical) with their other branches. about on par with boston bombing. maybe when the russians are used to giving up their rights, they’ll just stop bothering with fake blood too.


you better crawl deep in a hole under the ground because something is coming


i’m not scared of dying and leaving this filthy planet, i most certainly will never be taken to a enclosed hole in the ground, or on it, alive. i know more than enough of the evil filth on this dump to know what absurd folly it is to think that being around child raping mass murderers in order to live is a good idea.


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/0hr5mub66swf/ there are also videos of one of the runners literally running past as the ‘bomb’ goes off but being totally unphased or effected (3 ft away). fireworks are coming out of the fun guns in the russia videos (i know what guns that spray actual fire when they are used look like). a karen in the corner totally unhurt. run by the same people, freemasons. they’ll screw russia up too if you let them.


it would surprise me if it wasn’t real. the reason? in russia its 100x easier to just do the real thing. there’s no shortage of hissing ukrainian goblins who have nothing else going on in their lives other than their desire to kill russians.


this isn’t the first fake attack they’ve pushed as real. there was another one with a ‘crater’ they were literally digging in front of everyone. freemasons have been in russia a long time too. russia was just hope and change 3.0 after the warpspeed wailer vaccine pusher. they’re probably getting ready to make their move there under the guise of war, like everywhere else the fagmasons do their queer theater. luciferians with a different costume.


and you did nothing to address what i said. why would you stage an event like this with fake blood and props when there’s at least 20 million crack addicted orcrainians savages who will gladly do this shit for free?


sf has upped their censorship game, so be it, when you silence dissent you make the outcome inevitable. they want control but they know there are people upstairs who take offense to people being killed, this is their game to pretend like they are absolved of culpability in the killing that follows. its luciferian. they are shooting obvious blanks and control through fear.

Last edited 1 year ago by BunkerDwellers

time to hit israelis and britons hard, wherever they are. ukraine or what has left of it just signed itself death sentence. no slavic brotherhood b-shit anymore, vlad. chabad may feel they secure control of russia for the next years to come but they may fool themselves. if there is no immediate response, kremlin can be replaced by mob from periphery which is bombarded on daily basis.


let bomb paris, london, kyev and tel aviv for starters.


and after you ll disapear from the map also or you are mentaly retarded? who would survive to a nuk war stupid half a brain


is shin bet or some other laughable intelligence agencies changing the voting pattern under comments? does not change a thing. the final outcome is clearer by day. jewish world and anglosaxon terrorism is nearing the end.

Clown Z

time to flatten kiev


guess possible retaliation would be intense saturation assault


white house claims it knew nothing about the terrorist attack that happened in russia and claimed that ukraine is not involved. the terrorist attacks happened in concert with attacks on civilians in belgorod so this is pretty much all the confirmation you need that the usa and ukraine are involved.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheUSEmpireOfMisery

the white house claims it has nothing to do with this… after it warned the us citizens in russia… yes, makes perfect sense. just like it makes perfect sense, that the muricans told about the nordstream pipelines, that they have a means to stop them working, and suddenly “someone” blew them up. and they were not involved… yes, i believe…


as long as russia skirts around the fact that us is jewish supremacist occupied territory nothing will stop these savages from their attacks against humanity everywhere.


…time for the ru to level kyiv…


cia fingerprints are everywhere. they (cia) just can’t eat the fact that the war in ukraine was mistake from the beginning and want to escalate and double down till the nuclear war. maybe putin tried to pretend that the nuclear war is avoidable when rothschilds want it but it is not true. the global elites have always some cards to play and they will always get what they want. i can’t imagine any peace talks after what cia/usa achieved in less then 8 years.


us media confirmed that cia has sleeper cells all over russia so it’s going to be hard for them to deny the involvement in this terrorist attack. it’s how they operate around the world.


the gloves will now come off in regards to kiev. i wouldn’t want to be in one of those decision centers they use to coordinate attacks against russian civilians in kiev and other parts of ukraine. a response will come in the next few days.


not enough!


time to remove ukraine from map


this terrorist attack gives russia carte blance.


ukraine is being removed from the map through attrition everyday


this is a speciality of the brits: ex-sas and pmi. flatten the mi6!


operation gladio 2.0.russia better start using some nukes on those bastards


just saw the reports on western news outlets. this is almost certainly a terrorist attack directed and sponsored by western intelligence services! using whatever suragates available to them. this murderous barbaric outrage must have been approved at the highest levels within western governments


you have less brain than a chicken, who invaded another country? the typical russian troll with 2 neurons


you are an idiot and a fool if you believe for one second that western governments were nether involved or had prior knowledge of this attack!


you are retarded mate, a chicken can’t eat a fox

gestapo mCstupid

ey matey, speak normal spanglish sellout whore…


🫵🤡 😆😆😆


“i do not envy amerikunt happiness-it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal

Icarus Tanović

i’d cut your head off with my hands, be sure on this one.


my condolences to all russians. my anger to russian military for its lack of strength.


russian military should have already answered harshly when ukraine bombed kindergartens in belgorod.

jens holm

thats but infantile revenge but russia has invaded a well by un well recognized country. un confirmed it and some 141 countries as for their retreat.

apart that you in your best seemes to be very underinformed. russia are killed many more people the the ukras.

it seemes you ignore the proud hip hips hitting almost everywhere in ukraine. do the jokes filled with candy and fireworks for fun or what?

very much as russians use children for humans sheilds.


too bad europe and america has no strength when countless terrorist attacks and massacres occur there much more frequently.

jens holm

in dont see that as you.

in europe parts of the incommers do it. should be skoot all for they arrive. i dont think to even when temped.

and certainly need reforms. but your kind dont want to help not even the poorests there. you only has to give from the rich a people doing absolutly nothing. thats how ussr collapesed.

too many people are forced to do nothing. by that there is nothing to share. if jesus were in russia the not even had a shirt.

Clown Z

time to hit ukraine hard.


nuke the jew run shithole

Clown Z

victoria nuland said 2 weeks ago russia was in for some surprises.


time to pay paris,london and washington in the same way…..

jens holm


moscow would be a lake for radioactive fishing too.


its a war you can be predator on the front or prey for terrorists on a concert. if everyone mobilized the banderites would have been history a year ago.

i do not speak russian but if i could i would volounteer for the all slavic fatherland even if chances for liberation of poland from eu and nato and volksdeutsches in the future are almost non existent. let at least ukrainian slavic people be free from volksdeutsche.

Icarus Tanović

volksdeuther are pretty okay, there is something wrong with ukies. and their bosses. this requires fat retaliation.

jens holm

what a joke. volksdeuthe hardly exist.

the ones which didnt die were expelled west by the communists.

simple modern and updated maps show that too. and anyone here with few click at internet can get it. its free.


hardly exist? then what do those banderites fight for? to be able to pick strawberries for you in denmark and get a pat on their head “good white nigga good” ?

they fight for your interests against slavian people who are proud and want to live proud, call a russian or a serb a strawberry picker and you will be pickin yer german teeth. but you can say it to a volksdeutsch and he will say “yes master where are strawberries”.


volksdeutsches are servants of the germans and subgermans like danish, norwegian, austrian ones. they live to serve and clean their shit and pick their strawberries. when needed they fight and die for their masters.

we proud slavian people want to get them volksdeutsches to live in their beloved german reich and free our nations from all that liberal faggot lgbtq ecosocialist and other degenerated scum and put them in their real home nation where they can live to serve their masters.

jens holm

none at that is true as well as realistic.

you cant even handle simple well made maps from fx just before 1914 in old borders, regilion. language

improssing you can ignore several millions jews too. you prefare russians and austria-hungarians back. not even a single pole want too.

jens holm

you not even know the much later bandares were a very short lived result.

poles anytime has freedom then ever has had. before that the infected polish/german/hungarian upperclass runned it from paris, london and injoyed the warmer winthers in fx italy.

this is a waste and pearls for swine. your mother should try to make a new one.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

true polish patriots want to live in a slavic empire not in this eu degenerated lgbtq ecosocialist mess and they do not want to be your servants for some coins.

we are proud like our russian and serbian brothers and we will fight for our freedom and to get the volksdeutsche to run and move into germany and scandinavia where they belong.

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