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MARCH 2025

BREAKING: Azov Militants Confirm There Are Hundreds Of Civilians In Azovstal

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BREAKING: Azov Militants Confirm There Are Hundreds Of Civilians In Azovstal

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The final stage of the mop up operations in Mariupol began. The seaport and the Illich plant are under the Russian control. The last stronghold of the Ukrainian nationalist militants in the city is the large Azovstal plant.

The AFU fortifications at the Azovstal plant are constantly shelled by Russian forces. On April 17, the members of the nationalist Azov regiment blockaded in the Azovstal were once again offered to surrender. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation offered them to surrender, guaranteeing security. No one left the plant along the provided humanitarian corridor. Kiev ordered the fighters in Azovstal to shoot anyone who decides to lay down their arms. The assault on the territory of the Azovstal plant has resumed.


On April 18, the first video showing clashes on the territory of Azovstal was shared online. The assault units of the DPR and the Russian Federation have taken control of the northern sector of the industrial zone of the Azovstal plant and are currently conducting a mop up operation there, including in the underground facilities.


As soon as Russian forces approached Azov militants in the Azovstal, Azov commanders played the trump card.

Late on April 18th, commander of Azov regiment, Denis Prokopenko, claimed that hundreds of civilians are sheltering in the Azovstal plant. 

I am commander of Azov regiment, Denis Prokopenko. I call to the leaders of the world. Right now, in Mariupol, at “Azovstal” steel factory hundreds of civilians are sheltering. Among them – people of all ages, women, children, families of Mariupol defenders. They are sheltering in the basements and bunkers from “russian world”.

They found their only available shelter next to the Ukrainian soldiers, who are still defending the city from russian invaders.

Russian occupational forces, and their proxy from “lnr/dnr” know that, they know about civilians, and they keep their fire on the factory willingly. They use free fall bombs, rockets, bunker-buster bombs, all varieties of artillery, both ground and naval for indiscriminate attacks.

City theater, maternity hospital, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, houses were destroyed by those who now offers civilians evacuation and safety. These are the same people. And nobody believes these bastards. Therefore I urge the politicians of all civilized world to organize a proper “green corridor”, ensure it’s safety and provide immediate evacuation and protection of civilians, wounded soldiers, and bodies of dead soldiers, to bury them with honors.

After almost two months of hostilities in the city, Azov commanders officially confirmed that civilians are taken hostage at the Azovstal. Previously, there were only rumors in the media.

BREAKING: Azov Militants Confirm There Are Hundreds Of Civilians In Azovstal

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BREAKING: Azov Militants Confirm There Are Hundreds Of Civilians In Azovstal

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BREAKING: Azov Militants Confirm There Are Hundreds Of Civilians In Azovstal

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Azov sources shared a video prepared in advance on the official Azov channels. Mainly children, women and elderly women are seen. Civilians look calm, even optimistic. It is clear that they suffer lack of food, spent a lot of time in the basement, but it does not seem that they could not leave the basement for almost two months.

They claimed no actual dates, so it is not clear when exactly the video was made. They also did not mention the Azovstal or Azov militants in their claims. Thus, there is still a chance that the video was made not recently and not in the Azovstal.

At the same time, no footage from the drones confirmed that civilians were spotted on the territory of the Azovstal in the recent weeks. Moreover, thousands of civilians have been evacuated from Mariupol, and no one confirmed on the camera that they knew someone taking shelter at the Azovstal plant.

However, thousands of civilians in Mariupol confirm war crimes committed by the Azov Nazi fighters:



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Just flood the plant and be done with it.

Richard Hoard


Richard Hoard


Vlad the Impaler

Go crawl back into your hole, nigger. Nobody wants to hear about your scam.


Will you please fuck off!

Michael Petrovich

Just go away you maggot.

Omas Bioladen

Asshole. There are children and women.


IMAGINARY ‘women and children’ !


No they are not. ISIS textbook doesn’t work.


Maidan ISIS are worse than real ISIS.

@StigFaerch von Dänemark

Their needs to be an immediate ceasefire to allow them all to lay down arms and escape #NaziLivesMatter #SlavaUkraini

jens holm

They wont. They bind troops.


Yes cease fire and then slay all those nazi scum once they are in a bus.


They had an opportunity to get out. The scum bag Azov NAZI’s probably prevented them from leaving. So no mercy to them once the civilians are out of there. Throw the book at them and charge them with war crimes, jail them and throw away the key.

Last edited 2 years ago by EyeintheSky
jens holm

Most likely its not as your eveil insinuations.

In the last days of ISIS at Hajin and to Abu Kamal the women an children were their families, so they stayed no matter what.

Next time You should read the article before you comment.

The Azov says: of Mariupol defenders

Michigan Man

Yes, btw. Look at this. Very funny video.

Ukrainian troops take russian tank crew prisoner. Ukrainian with hand-grenade in hand, knocks on the Russian tank upper door, and tells the russians: “Guten Morgen, Russland Schweine Soldaten” translation “Good morning, Russia pig-soldiers !”.

Very funny ! Hahah, the Ukrainians obviously are a very humoristic people. They are so superior to the invader scum, that they even make fun of them, while taking them prisoner. Great video !


Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

What makes you think there are Russians there? Most likely, one Ukrainian Nazi has locked himself in, and the other is knocking. Videos for gullible idiots! Aha-ha-ha-ha!

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey

They are so superior that they lose wherever they can.)))


Judging by what the residents of Mariupol say about the Ukrainian scum, they are the occupiers.

Toronto Tonto

You need to be a special level of complete and utter imbecile to believe this shit. But then you are an inbred obese cocksucking pig owned by Joe Biden so I guess you braindead degenerate mutants believe anything.

jens holm

There we go again. Only evil assumption from evil person.

All propletars in the world are against Putin. Soon he will be the only person in Russia just as Honnecker almost was.

Only prisoners behind bars was there. Even seniles with no legs had left.

sod off

fuck off gay monkey

James Ferguson

Russia should use a tactical nuke as example for NATO

jens holm

The ants a worms will enjoy visiting Lake Moskva on sunny days.

James Ferguson

The ants and worms will eat every NATO maggot, Russia will be from Tokyo to London.


please do not threaten my family. our favorite restaurant is l’angolo italiano in vejle, denmark. i have a beautiful wife and two teenage children. if i keep posting moronic shit on southfront they are threatening to post a few pictures along with a geolocation and information on my childrens school. southfront moderators can you please help me

jens holm

I have no wife or children I hate women and children.

This is me. http://www.facebook.com/jens.holm.902


How does a doddering cross-eyed fool like you manage to hit anything with that weapon? Is it a shotgun that you only fire from 10-foot range?


I see your trolling is becoming lower and lower quality. No hrivnias for you anymore?


his trolling can’t be any lower, jens is more retarded than insects

Jens Assholm

Worms already ate your monkey brain bitch. Russia needs 5 minutes to turn your tiny slave banana republic of Denmark into radioactive cesspool and exterminate all you filthy vermin, you retarded cocksucker from Aarhus brothel for US sailors.

Captain Hohol

He doesn’t need to, he’s systematically taking apart the NATO sponsored regime in the east, as it should have been in 2014 onward.


Yeah but on Washington, not Mariupol.


And yet, curiously, the western media keeps silent about this

The Great Extinction Event

Why is it curious? They are what they are and they do what they do.

Omas Bioladen

They will make it big news tomorrow.


media whores are part of the terrorist activities worldwide


Not even the Al Qaeda terrorists hid behind civilians in Aleppo.


The western whores obey their globalist masters. They have no decency left in their rotting silicone bodies.


Probably BS, that video proves nothing. If their are civilians there, their blood is on Azov’s hands no matter what happens.

The Great Extinction Event

Dude, those last 3 vids are the quintessential ‘man in the street.’ Speaks volumes.

Omas Bioladen

It’s was NATO trap. Russia smelled the rat.

Edgar Zetar

Great and Realistic point of view. Its a shame that Azov will use civilians in the first line of contact against Russia. If dont work they would probably kill all of them, if they wanted alive they probably would surrender the civilians to Russian forces. So there is no war crime and blood on Russian soldiers this time because war is war and you cannot complaint in the middle of it.

The Saint

This is a poor article and a negligent headline. Azov nazis do not “confirm” anything. They make claims and say whatever they believe might save their own skins.

The Great Extinction Event

This is true. An Azov nazi could claim the the sun rises every day and you’d still need to check with the weatherman.

James Ferguson

This is how Russia explains how they couldn’t take Azovstal after the ultimatum.


If those civilians soo stupid and freely went to the Asovstal, then they have to pay the price for stupidity

The Great Extinction Event

Which ukranazi in the rada was it that said that you need to kill their children first’? Well, there you go.

James Ferguson

Indeed, Russia should use a tactical nuke there


No, the Azov bastards kidnap them and they take to various “strongholds” to use as human shields. This is a deliberate crime against humanity.


Its not rocket science. Just let the women and children leave and then continue fighting.

Omas Bioladen

They won’t and pretend the civilians are hiding from the russians.

Dummy Perez

But Russia gave them a window to surrender and they refused. If there was really civilians there they would stepped out on Sunday morning. The azov terrorists must be lying


But then who will they use as human shields? XD


It’s not rocket science, there are no civilians in the plant. This is a desperate lie so that their short and filthy lives waste a little more of everyone else’s.


I doubt they can leave. It’s also a question if it was their choice at all to come to the steel plant.


Once again, the Azov Nazi show that they are cruel cowards. They must be wiped out for the sake of humanity. Russia is doing the right thing! Thanks to all who fight this Nazi scum.

Omas Bioladen

Probably NATO officers hiding behind the children. Turks, french, americans and germans are cowards.


“Families of Mariopal defenders”, ergo families of the Azov Nazis… They would use their own families as human shields???

James Ferguson

Better die with beloved ones than being raped in the city by Ivan the Rapist.

jens holm

ISIS did that in Hajin qand eadst of that. Most likely most of them are family.


LOL…… so, if hiding behind civilians — using them as human shields weren’t enough —– Now the neo nahtzees are hiding behind IMAGINARY civilians.

Color me surprised.

Muhammad your Prophet

The problem is that the Putin cockroaches didn’t really give them the option of surrender and live. The Putin cockroaches only gave them the option of surrender and die. Now the shitty Russian army has no idea what to do.

James Ferguson

Probablt they continue doing the same things and many will never see their parents again.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Ferguson
Michigan Man

Yes, I agree. And behind jewish cockroach Putin and jewish cockroach Zelensky, there are even more kosher cockroaches. And they call all non-jews, which is all muslims, christians, hindu, buddists GOYIM ! What can be translated with “subhuman”, “halfhuman” or more wordly “human-looking animals”. One Goy , several Goyim (singular, plural).

Goy or multitude Goyim. Notice: The jewish so-called pharmaceutical corp Pfizer ( the name is an anagram for shaitan resp. LUZIFER, google it or search for Pfizer+ Luzifer on bitchute.com if you do not believe me) is doing the jewish new gene-altering poison. It’s not a vaccine, it’s a satanic poison ! They put this poison into all non-jews in order to degrade them from human beings down to, yes, to goyim, which can be translated with “subhuman” or “halfhuman” or “human-like animal”. But guess what, also the so-called vaccination-substance itself, which Luzifer is calling “Comirnaty , better read it ComiRNAty is just a satanic anagramm for the word GOYIM-RNA. You just need to connect the little ‘t’ into the big ‘C’ , which then gives you the big ‘G’ of the word GOYIM, and then the rest of the word Comirnaty (omirna + y) does the trick. It is a satanic anagram Comirnaty is just a camouflage for the word GOYIM-RNA, in order to hide from mankind that the jews are on full purpose destroying it, and are poisining them forever, destroying their genetic-code and downgrading it to some pig-like animal mode. So here we have the proof again Jews are satanists, judaism is satanism. The are the absolute enemies of God. Or like Jesus called them: The children of Satan. Wake up, people !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Good lord, using women and children as hostages. Jesus Christ! How low can these people stoop?

James Ferguson

It’s how Russia justifies their lack of advance, like they ever cared of civilians


Too late for Azov. If this video is shown on MSM, then not many will believe that these civilians are not human shield, since MSM already showed the surrender option for Azov couple days ago. Nazilensky did not say about civilians too. He said that our fighters will never surrender – nothing about civilians. More ‘suicidal’ lies from scumbags


Zelensky wants the azovists dead. When KosherPuti has finished the job jewlensky will sue for peace.


Repugnant Vermin…. The guy in the Video announcing they got civilians GETS PIANO WIRE at the closest lamppost if captured alive. No considerations whatsoever and the video of the execution widely published.


Let’s think for a second who they are. These are those who are not confused by the fascist “romance” of these bastards from Azov. Are these the civilians WHO WENT to these maniacs THEMSELVES? These are those who believe that this scum (Azov) is their defenders. You can continue to think about who they are, but the above is enough for me to decide – roll them together in concrete….


“They are hiding from the “Russian world”.” And the fact that people have been hiding from the “Western shitocracy” in basements in Donetsk, in Lugansk since 2014, is this normal? And remember the Russian World already – IT SETS FIRE to

Last edited 2 years ago by Сергей

Weird !! The Kids and Women look freshly bathed and shampooed….. They got hot showers in the Plant Catacombs ???

James Ferguson

It’s just they are not Russian monkeys

jens holm

Pls dont offend the monkeyes

jens holm

You really dont get how those big facilities are. That no katakombs.

As minimum its HQ for many 100 navy people working there. The factories above them has undeground facilities as well.

The Kombinate – or whatever its name is – 5 x 2 kilometers. It has levels.

There are older open ones for the public which You might find at the internet with pictures or You tubes. If You have nothing else to do, that might be an idea.

I have been in an old one in Durham England. Here the brittish Goverment could live some time after a nuke attack. They had facilities for sport and even paintings on the walls.


As the daughter of Goering was sterilized of her own accord, after she found out that she was the daughter of a monster, saying these genes (Goering) should not be on the planet. Here’s the same answer to the Azov slap, about the fact that families of “defenders” are on Azovstal, and in fact these brutes (Azovians) are occupiers of the land of Donbass, and even brought their geeks with them, with fascist bedding. And I agree with Goering’s daughter, there should be no fascist genes in this world, roll them together in concrete

Last edited 2 years ago by Сергей

What about the sickness of Stalin, Lenin and all the other Satanic Commie Dictators?


Now your brain will burst, but under Stalin, 1 million people were in the Gulag at MOST, and in the USA THERE are NOW 3 million people in prison, something else?

jens holm

You seemes to forget there were other kinds of jails and fx deportations and working camps.

You seemes to have forgotten USA had more inhabitants as well


And of course Stalin is hated in the West ONLY BECAUSE he was able to pull out from under the noses of TWO COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, the secret of nuclear weapons. And by the way, what about Churchill? During World War 2, he took ALL the food from India, even the sowing, in India several tens of millions of people died of hunger. This bastard Churchill should have been hanged at Nuremberg, he did the same thing as the fascists – condemned people to imminent death. Instead, this dirty drunk hypocrite insisted on a nuclear strike on Russia. What about it? you’re our brainless one.

jens holm

The communists was hated even before 1917. Its hard to understand how dark can be. You just tell lies of the worst kind.

Churchill hated not only Stalin but everything even close to the mild versions. Have yiur heard about Churchill.

And where is the idea that West and the Nazis should unite an take away communisme in Russia. Didnt it exist. Even Hitler hoped so.

The nuke is added to Stalin as counterweight. So he now almost became a nice person in Your history book. Its an erase.

jens holm

You grow them Yourself. New ones will arise as long as there are someone like You.

In those matters there a no difference from Zars, Communisme and Fascisme by fx Aldofilius.

You show it very well. You recommend nazi methods Yourself. The nazis also took Polandfor the same reasons as You decklare.

She was wrong too. Many children actually see their parants mistakes and do almost the opposite and after some times find themself as own persons.

I have a book about Svetlana Stalin. She was not the next dictator of Russia or very dominant.

Omas Bioladen

CIA/NATO child sexfort tyrants must be decapitated !!


As long as the Azov thugs think that human shields will save them, they will keep taking hostages. The only way to save civilians, is to kill the Nazis, regardless of who they hide behind.


Anyone buying this story about civilians needs to think harder.


You mean Azov would lie about this?

Florian Geyer

Give me a second, YES, AZOV would lie. The dirty US/UK secrets hidden in the circa 24 kilometers of tunnels of the Avostal complex today, must be secrets that would blow the disgusting USA off the face of the earth.


So in other words the scum bags are using civilians as human shields to protect their asses. Russia provided a humanitarian corridor. People either chose not to or more likely, were prevented from exiting to use this opportunity to escape. And then the cowards go crying like babies to the western media, boo hoo bombs, explosions sob sob, sookie la la. Yeah nah. They definitely need a bullet in the head.


Carpet bombing

Karl Wolfe

These neo nazis are lower than the lowest dogshit. They’re paid to kill people for a living. I have seen video after video and watched the shelling of civilians by these sum bags for 8 years now. There’s NOTHING so dishonest as to pretend that they are “looking out for others” and grand standing about proper burials. What garbage. These dirt bags deserve to buried under tons of rubble and left for any stray animals that might be hungry.


Not a single Chechen soldier should die for this. Just flood the joint with sea water.

Thomas Turk

Methinks the Cheches gonna capture the Murikan Generals etc. They are now de-mining and will go in. Bet some civie prisoners, eh?

Von Tzu

A disgrace for the human race

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