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BREAKING: Clash Between Egyptian And Israeli Forces Resulted In Casualties Near Rafah

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BREAKING: Clash Between Egyptian And Israeli Forces Resulted In Casualties Near Rafah

Illustrative Image: Military vehicles and soldiers of Egyptian Armed Forces are seen as Egypt reinforces its military in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt on October 27, 2014. (Pool / Egyptian Armed Forces – Anadolu Agency)

On May 27, a firefight was reported between the Egyptian military and the Israeli Defense Forces in the border area near Rafah. There was no immediate comment from the Egyptian and Israeli authorities. 

Israeli media reported that the IDF fired “warning shots” in the direction of the Egyptian forces. Al-Mayadeen also reported the opening of fire by the Egyptian military and retaliatory shots from the IDF. Daily News Egypt, an independent Egyptian newspaper, cited unnamed sources as saying Egyptian soldiers were “affected” by the Rafah massacre on Sunday, in which an Israeli bombing led to the killing of 45 Palestinians at a displacement camp.

According to preliminary reports, the incident resulted in casualties. According to Israeli media, an Egyptian soldier was killed.  Some other sources reported that two servicemen were killed. Sources write about the wounded among Israeli soldiers.

The incident is investigated.

The occupation of the Rafah crossing increased tensions between Egypt and Israel, threatening 45 years of peace between the two countries, which had previously fought four wars. Cairo deployed additional military personnel and heavy military equipment to its border with Gaza since the beginning of Israeli military operations in the area.


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jakoop el-mad el essan

my name is jakoop el-mad el essan, i live in germany since 1 year, ı so glad being in germany , ı have 10 children, germany pays me 600 euro per child per month, ı earn 6000 euro, thanks to germany and to social sytem.germany also pays %40 my rent after 3 years i will be german passport

Cheap Jewish Tricks

jews and western leaders wanted this shlomo. now europe is turning pro islamic and against israel. thanks to your short sighted avarice shlomo. eat it up and enjoy the fruits of your labor

Icarus Tanović

but an expensive bill the filistines cannot foot! maybe with their flappy used up aynus and their mothers c0nts… big maybe…


amcik have you ever try ottoman yarak. that’s what you need 😁

Icarus Tanović

i can’t. your shyt covered tiny ottoman dikk is still stuck in the @ss of your supreme leader of gayran. you filthy islamic parasyte. crawl back into the hole where your atta turkey bird is buried you filthj islamist jizz eating tranny.

Last edited 8 months ago by Icarus Tanović

amcik look behind you.sooom.wallla

Icarus Tanović

gobl gobl…


islam is the demise of any peaceful civilization. it will inevitably lead to european downfall. president putin knows this. it is one of the long term plans against the west. in the end russia will kill all muslims. at least the radical ones. but not before they destroy europe. think long term.


don’t smoke this shit anymore, you brain is dying.

Icarus Tanović

he just another g@y filistine supporter. what do you expect from living in the dirt of the greatest parking lot, formerly known as gaza. or g@yza as you say it in arabic.


you too. 12345


it’s the other way around – you already see it in the intern struggle of russian military units in ukraine. who gets beaten up regulary there ? chechens getting a beating by russian soldiers, or russian soldiers getting a beating by chechen soldiers. putin is part of the global jewish elite – he is playing his role – in order to secure the destruction of the white european caucasian race.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

we’ll chat again after you complain about how islamists r@ped and kylled your wife and daughters on the streets of europe. it will happen on a large scale.


that is very true my friend.


no future in fascism nor you lgbtq henchemon affiliates,loser,bum,no good lib!

Don Groyper

putin may be part of the jewish elite but at least he is restoring orthodox christianity in russia, while at the same time pointing out the hypocrisy of western europe in allowing arabs/africans/asians to overrun their societies.

if putin or his successor can oust the jews, it will solidify russia’s position as the spiritual leader of the western world.


i suggest you quit neo catholicism righjt now before ye end up dead as as nazi=fixed!

jens holm

u dumb nazi teresa amerikann hillbilly sniff too much glue


it’s the other way around – you already see it in the intern struggle of russian military units in ukraine. who is gets beaten up there ? chechens getting a beating by russian soldiers, or russian soldiers getting a beating by chechen soldiers. putin is part of the global jewish elite – he is playing his role – in order to secure the destruction of the white european caucasian race.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

and here just recently, look what happens to white christian russian soldiers due to putin allowing entrance to scum from all around the world into russian army units. here from russian source: african mercenaries rape russian soldiers in the barracks. https://t.me/tradrussia/811

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

far majority of whom are still alive and kicking your sorry queer liberals ass.


12-1 kill ratio,i dont believe fascist libtards like you,can’t fight for shet all the american money and everything you are just a loser true and true=fixed!

Zack Priem

jews opened the borders of europe dumbass. jews have been an eternal sickness of europe for eons

Icarus Tanović

the eternal sickness is the smells coming from your mothers c0nt. hold your nose before eating dirty old rags from the skidrow.


germany is occupied same as gaza strip. to go there and live from the money of palestianians living there under occupation hardship is very evil act. same thing is to go to occupied germany and live from the money of the enslaved germans. this is 100% unislamic and parasitic, shaitani behaviour. try to get some money – but then go back to your home-country, if you are truely a muslim and believing in allah.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

part of germany is occupied by fashington since 1945 and totally occupied since 1991. find info about the chancellor act (signed in 1949).

jens holm

teresa aka saxon=amerikan nazi hillbilly retired walmart janitor


i knew it. but he is not retired, but retarded ‘walmart’ toilet cleaner, because he is a coprophile who stealing a brown mass to create shitty golem in his basement.


but they want the smart phones from the devilish west and they want the mercedes cars from the satanic west… what are they supposed to do?

the hypocrisy of the mushlom folk is open for all to see.

they are too stupid to run their own countries and they go to the western states to ruin them too.

they are evil parasites and must extinct. there is no way around.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mowaten

blame it all on biden liberal democrats and ass hole faced soros,there you go=fixed!


what makes you dumbass think they are not doing that in chechnya,asswipe!no you belligerant katolick cia wef ulta maggot liberal tossers need to learn to butt out of other countrys and sort out you own backyard before daring to utter to pothers insomuch as how to work live and die in peace!


germany is occupied same as gaza strip. to go there and live from the money of palestianians living there under occupation hardship is very evil act. same thing is to go to occupied germany & live from the money of the enslaved germans. this is 100% unislamic and parasitic, shaitani behaviour. try to get some money – but then go back to your home-country, if you are truely a muslim and believing in allah.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

stop the copy you lazy fool!


question remains how far does that 600 shekel get you by nowadays with interest ontop of interest that is,way to go not sukrr


congratulations on that, much better than to stay in shitrael.


you’ll always be a brain dead sand nigga with 10 little sand nigga babies.

and when germany expels you in 5 years you’ll be in a third world country selling youre littlr nigga babies as slaves like most of islam history.

Cheap Jewish Tricks

just as you thought the jews couldn’t get any more faggety….they are ruining peace all around. thanks to the self absorbed jew, arabs, persians and turks are now united on the issue. thank you hooky noses!

Icarus Tanović

just because you mother sells her c0nt in gaza doesn’t mean she is a pr0stitute… maybe she is just another skaenky cheap arab wh0re. i mean it could be…


betwween them lot don’t have the balls to take on any tranny of usas,call that isis puffs if you like!

Icarus Tanović

they cant come. they are doing each others c0nt hair.


sins of the great pharaoh, attack the slaves


have the egyptians found their balls at last?

Icarus Tanović

yes, they were in the @ssholes of the tent-people in the great big and new jewish parking lot. formally known as gaza, you f0kkers have no homne no more. so, the october 2022 operation was a full success. way to decimate your population you g@y sob’s

Last edited 8 months ago by Icarus Tanović

the jewish supremacist state was behind the october theatrics. it remains to be seen if it was a success. the best before date on the entire fake story of “israel” has clearly passed, so the jewish supremacists are going to have to resort to some very desperate measures.

Icarus Tanović

yes, lets show the dirty filistines the desperate measures. cant wait for the wipe out. the new parking lot will be great. free beachfront parking. for the jewish supermall shoppers. open 24/7 just like a filistine mothers c0nt.


just because el sissy loves the taste of zio-american c0ck in his mouth, doesn’t give him the right to force this c0ck on all of egyptian people! people’s patience is running thin and hopefully all zionists puppets face a painful and humiliating punishment!

Icarus Tanović

just like your mothers taste in dikk. it has to be arabic and must stink like @ss. otherwise your mom will reject it. i say more power to your mothers c0nt.


yes the jew – al sissy, with he jewish-sephardian mother from morocco shall go to hell !! he is not egypt guy – but a camouflaged jewish leech from ancient jewish-infested maroccan hook-nose tribe.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
Icarus Tanović

…said the leech.

… and died a horrible death…

Last edited 8 months ago by Icarus Tanović

yes the jew – al sissy, with he jewish-sephardian mother from morocco shall go to hell !! he is not egypt guy – but a camouflaged disgusting jewish leech from ancient jewish-infested maroccan hook-nose tribe.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
Icarus Tanović

…said the leech.

… and died a horrible death …

Last edited 8 months ago by Icarus Tanović
Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

israel ataca o egito, isso não ficará impune!

Icarus Tanović

exactly lets punish egypt as well!


just go back to cave and shut up idiot

Icarus Tanović

i cant i’m still stuck in your daddy’s tranny c0nt, you ball-less imbecile. and after that its your mom again

gobl gobl… if you catch my drift :p


just go to your cave and shut up. idiot

Icarus Tanović

gobble, gobble…

One Good Reason

egyptian must intervene against those zionists warmongers.

Icarus Tanović

great. we need more parking space for our beachfront super mall, formally known as gaza.

Peter Jennings

the isreali apartheid regime clearly isn’t listening to the egyptian admin. perhaps they never forgot or forgave the egyptian admin for the advance warning of the ‘surprise’ attack by hamas? if mr miilikowsky wanted to make isreal the most hated and targeted place on the planet then he got his wish.


its war, my favourite

Icarus Tanović

oh, good! another front is opening for israel entity.


is it you mothers c0nt?


walla it’s not my mothers c0nt. maybe my sisters or my dads. oh, wait it belongs to me its my @ss c0nt. i always forget.

i have such a huge c0nt, my husband has to invite his relatives over to fill me up. same goes for my family,friends and pets. both living an deceased.

that’s how big of a @ss c0nt i am.

gobble gobble…

ps big shoutouts to my lgbtq+ community in kurdistan


you sukk, boi

Icarus Tanović

you suck, girl.


where is hezbollocks when they really need them,let me guess payed by cia fake proxy milita!

Icarus Tanović

they cant come. they re beading their clits.


time to destroy the zionazi cancer already. arabs need to learn to stop crawling and finally destroy the vermin that infests the m.e.

Icarus Tanović

we get it. you want all the arab c0kk for yourself but you will have to share with the filistines and the hootys and the g@yranian queers too. so, wait your turn you face c0nt.


arabs are like parasite. they only know crawling and their super g@y c0nt god yallah punishes them for it. we love it when they take a chopper!!

Last edited 8 months ago by Mowaten

listen to brain dead comments.

white man is too powerful… and too friendly.

muslim scum occupied spain for 600 years but when the euro spaniard resisted the muslim scum was easily removed.

only difference now is that white man wont wait 600 years,

whites could literally wipe out every nigga in western countries in 2 weeks…. and every muslim sand nigga in 1 month.

these niggas and musims are very simple and stupid creatures. they are no problem for the supreme white dna


and now spain recognizes the sandnigggerz… they put the “pain” back into spain…

Icarus Tanović

shut up you traitor. you know friendly fire, right?

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