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BREAKING: Finland And Sweden To Join NATO On July 5

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BREAKING: Finland And Sweden To Join NATO On July 5

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Protocols on accession of Finland, Sweden to be signed on July 5, countries will enter alliance after their ratification.

According to the NATO press release, allies will sign the Accession Protocols for Finland and Sweden on July 5, 2022. No media are allowed to cover the procedure. Then, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will give a joint press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Mr. Pekka Haavisto, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Ms Ann Linde, at NATO Headquarters.

On Monday, 04 July 2022, NATO Headquarters will host accession talks between NATO officials and representatives of Finland and Sweden.

BREAKING: Finland And Sweden To Join NATO On July 5

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The membership of Sweden and Finland was opposed by Turkey, which demanded from them the extradition of members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), whom it considers terrorists, the closure of all organizations associated with the PKK, and the provision of security guarantees. The parties negotiated and on June 28, the office of the Finnish president reported that the differences had been settled and Ankara would support the applications of the two countries. As a result of their meeting in Madrid before the NATO summit, the foreign ministers signed a trilateral memorandum confirming that Turkey will support the invitation of Finland and Sweden to become NATO members.

The expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance will lead to a deterioration of regional security and turn the Baltic Sea region into a zone of military rivalry.

President Vladimir Putin said earlier that the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO cause no concern to Moscow.

“We have nothing to worry about in terms of Finland and Sweden’s membership in NATO. They want to join NATO — please. Only they should clearly imagine that there were no threats to them before, and now, if military contingents and infrastructure are deployed there, we will have to respond in a mirror manner and create the same threats to the territories from which threats are created to us,” he said on June 29.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Alexander Grushko explained the further developments after the official accession of the countries to the Alliance.

“If we follow the logic of the Madrid decisions, then after this accession is finalized, NATO will begin to say that the most vulnerable area is the Russian—Finnish border, which must be protected. This is 1300 km, so it is necessary to deploy troops, weapons, and so on there. All this will lead to a deterioration of regional security, to significant threats to complicate the situation in the north,” the deputy minister continued.

He stressed that Russia has no territorial disputes with Finland and Sweden, but their accession to NATO is a “very significant shift.”


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“Dying ” for war to begin -Russia surrounded – USA desperate with worthless fiat $ – inflation caused by money printing presses red hot only causing grief to the poor. Even US “Banksters ” are transferring their funds due to the forthcoming Recession.Zionism is prepared to initiate the Talmud Total War – leaving them alive to take over a “world of Zionism”.


Food price inflation is first of all result of food processing monopolies by few multinationals (all owned by blackrock & co), as Robber Barons did, they can agree on price independantly from market demand whatsoever, if people cant spot that, it makes their game easy.

Blas de Lezo

Shoplifting is going through the roof, won’t be long before people start looting.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia
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Last edited 2 years ago by April Woods

Its a shame on the West, they need war to survive and to achieve Absolute Power. Russia should not be so soft dealing NATO as they are in Ukraine. Should wipe out all the foreign military NATO army in their neighbor countries with ABCV weapons to send Washington and London a clear message that The Game is Over and their cities will be next if they keep playing with Fire… Smart People should be start preparing for WWIII. WWIII is on the Horizon right now. Be prepared!


Russia is not afraid of NATO. As soon as they started talking about entering the border, the Iskander division went and now there is a base.


Last edited 2 years ago by Iren

On the Finnish Border, a month ago, a new base was built from several Iskander divisions:


Last edited 2 years ago by Iren

Nuking warmongers from Warsaw. Vilnius, Helsinki and Stockholm should be nice warning against WW 3.

Muhammad your Prophet

It’s a massive defeat for the shitty Russian government. Vladimir Putin forgot that to make terroristic theats on other countries he needs to have an army that isn’t so fucking pathetic.

Samatar Koseean

Do you have backing for your claims? Oh wait, you don’t you’ll just either make it up and only be stuck on a shitty Western military doctrine and the US discriminating bombing tactic called “Shock and Awe”.

Muhammad your Prophet

What claims are you talking about? Finland and Sweeden are already joining NATO. They could care less about your deranged Russian president.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Moshe Dufusstein

Russia is kicking our tuchus, but we will win as long as other people kill each.

transgender mummy for profit social worker

slurping more tranny sperm in kansas trailer park has a improved mummy depression—new appt scheduled tomorrow for double estrogen injection

Edgar Zetar

The Deranged Russian President and the Russian People should start talking the Anglo US Dialect and start saying “We dont negociate with Terrorist” while preparing all their weapon and technologies to defend their sovereign country against the we cheat, we lie, we kill, we sabotage, we subdued we slave and the we want to rule all over the world no matter what, we are superior and we will stand forever ruling over everyone and do what we want if we achieve our Machiavel’s goals…


Someone called Muhammad calls someone else a terrorist. -> Satire

Ben Gurion was a pedo

He is Jew troll uses Muslim monikers to insult 2.5 billion people who are cheering of a Russian victory.


dont worry, we know them well who they are and they will get what they deserve, more and thorough than 1933-1945


Shut the f u c k up , i d i o t.

Retired Troll

Dude, the Russians have taken over bigger landmass than UK and you still butthurt, its quite hilarious.

Horváth Zsolt

you are a fake death bird with an ugly hoarse voice may Allah punish you sevenfold


lol you moron. nothing will change, because finland and sweden are us and western ziotransatlantic puppets since decades. also no threat to russia with they smal populations and military.


Well Putin what are you gonna do now. If you let it slide Georgia and Moldova might be next.

If you attack than the Brics will probably be compelled to denounce you and isolate you.

Who ever is behing the curtain in the west is the real 3D Chess player. But at the expense of people in the west and east. So he seems to not be living anywhere in the potential war zone.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

No matter what happens, russia is going to win


we know them well, its the same white christians enemy like since centurys, controlling the western media, politics and finance sector. so like they forced and financed all sides at world war 1-2, they will also at ww 3, to awoid loosing theyr power to a russian-chinese union as new world power no.1

Ed Theman

From my research, Russia can win in a tactical nuclear war. Not by attacking cities but if Russia hits NATO countries with tactical nukes the West and NATO countries will fold.

There is no way these countries are going to fight a nuclear war against Russia which has thousands of these nukes. They will not want their country destroyed and will not want mutually destructive war by attacking cities with nukes.

Russia should move on NATO with tactical nukes to force the break up of NATO, and the end of sanctions, and the end of USA power.

Again, NATO countries are rich and will not fight a nuke war. They also don’t have many nukes and don’t have hypersonic nukes.


satan is happy for all humanity and God’s creation to be destroyed through man’s hand. His idiots are playing Russian roulette.

Edgar Zetar

Western System is falling apart, you have Stock Exchange, Market Control, Bond Market, but you dont have any food, resources, commodities… you just own Papers you call it Money, but in West its more, its “GOD” MONEY.. Russia knowns the Basics of Civilization and keep it tight, they have food to supply 1/3 of World Population,(including Conquered Ukraine grains), they have Oil to move, they have Electricity, Gas… also haves a great military and weapons to protect their land against any World Invasors…. so, how can you check mate Russia? Your only option is Propaganda, Brain Washing to force Russia Domestic Population to get rid of their Goverment and System of Resources Distribution in Russia; so if they achieve this Goal, Western Powers could save their failed system using Russia Resources. the West knowns that Elites Wealthy Billonaries Olligarcs Minorities with Complex of God are their best allies in any country of the world… they use them using the cover tactics they mastered since they start to study them more than 400 years ago….. the West are attacking (making all moves) but in real 5D Chess what happen if you miss your attack while you cannot defend yourself to a counter attack or any other strategy Russia is developing right now?… you are an Amateur Mister KOTROMANIC


Not sure what you wanted to tell me but off course i am a amateur like everyone writing here.

What i was criticising that he should have put a stop to this a long time ago before every moron in europe startet believing that russia is weak and can be taken down.

Yes they can still win but wouldn’t winning without loosing a ton off your people be better then to wait until the enemy turned millions off your own people into your enemys by bribing a couple “elites”.

Look dead slavs are of no importance to the western elites. Its like sending cattle to the slaughter. But a russian that has to kill a fellow slav cause the west has managed to turn him against him is traumatised for life. Of course i am not talking about mercenarys who have zero regard for any life at all but about the normal soldiers from russia and the donbas.


oy vey


Four pigs!


I’m guessing Turkey didn’t get the extradition of PKK members from Sweden. I wonder what they did get, other than Sweden and Finland recognition of Turkey’s designation of the PKK itself.

Retired Troll

Turks are turds and slaves of US and Zionists. They even impounded a Russian grain ship on US masters orders. These bastards can not be trusted.

Ed Theman

Would you trust turks? I see them roaming around Germany and most of them are trouble.


Sweden adnd Finland signed a paper making a compromise with Turkey about their support to PKK and other enemies of Turkey, but Erdogan knwos very well that papers are just papers without any posible value when the things change.


Neither were under any threat from Russia, but both will pay heavily economically in the future.


And not just economically…


as anglo racists and EU colonies descend into cultural, moral lgbt degeneracy and economic ruin, Russia optimistic unified, happy….not encumbered by bourgeoise values we cherish freedom and justice….”it is not Russianism that will destroy Western Europe it is the putrefaction of amerikanism–” Martin Heidegger


“world domination manifests itself as an intellectual or if you prefer a cultural diktat. this is why the amerikans have so zealously tried to bring down thew intellectual and cultural common denominator of the whole world down to their own level. try to convince an amerikan their values will destroy Russia–you will not be able”. Alexandr Zinoviev


I hope Turkey makes the right things and stop this USA-NATO madness.


Turkey? Don’t make me laugh. Erdogan has many faces and all of them are ugly.

Karl Pomeroy

So now the people of Finland and Sweden must live in fear. That’s how the NWO elite works.

Marcelo Rodriguez

Ahora es el momento oportuno de responder de manera espejo, instalando bases militares con armas nucleares e hipersonicas cerca de EE.UU en países como Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela siguiendo el ejemplo de las bases que Rusia posee en territorio Sirio. Esto disuadira a la OTAN de cualquier aventura bélica ya que Todo el territorio de EE.UU sería amenazado de ser destruido por completo rápidamente, además se debería reforzar la presencia militar en la frontera con Suecia y Finlandia instalando misiles Iskander y de crucero Kalibr con cabeza nuclear.


I advised the nations of the whole world that please vote cautiously. If you vote for men of thugs standing behind them then they will tite knots on your nicks if they succeed on your vote. Actually you are giving power to thugs.

Peter Jennings

Welcome to the rat pack Sweden and Finland. Enjoy the peace while you can. What plans the US and nato have for you will soon become clear. Are you to be a US poodle, or a nato bitch, like Ukraine?

People of Sweden and Finland. Prepare to say goodbye to your sovereignty. Although your spineless politicians may have inadvertently saved you from the same fate as Norway, by bending over straight away and being royally fucked by the US and nato.

Sweden and Norway and Finland are just decoys for London, meant, like Ukraine, to deplete the Russian arsenal.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Jennings

I advise the nations of the whole world that please vote cautiously. If you vote for men of thugs standing behind them then they will tight knots on your necks if they succeed on your vote. Actually you are giving power to the thugs.

Bigg Chungus

“No media are allowed to cover the procedure.”

What, we aren’t allowed to see them sign their pact (contract is in Hebrew) with the Devil using the blood of sacrificed Christian children?

Lance Ripplinger

Wow, so two more crap countries with populations of mere millions joined NATO. Europe knows they wouldn’t survive a war with the Russian Federation. This is all bluster and bravado. Finland and Sweden are both run by retards who have only sealed their nations fates, by being stupid as fuck.

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