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BREAKING: France Already Conducts Combat Training Of Its Battalion Group Assigned For Ukraine

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BREAKING: France Already Conducts Combat Training Of Its Battalion Group Assigned For Ukraine

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Read in French below

While the media and European politicians are making a fuss after Macron’s resonant statements about the deployment of military personnel of NATO member states in Ukraine, Paris has taken action, bringing a major war in Europe closer. The French military leadership has already begun to form and train combat units to be sent to the Ukrainian frontlines.

At the end of February, President Macron set the task for the French Ministry of the Armed Forces to study the issue of sending forces of the Foreign Legion to Ukraine.

On February 27, 2024, by order of the French command, the formation of three companies of fighters from the Foreign Legion began.

On March 5, 2024, the French military leadership and the command of the Legion approved the staffing of the battalion tactical group, which should include 1,500 military personnel. This battalion tactical group includes three companies of the Legion, which were assigned for this unit before. These are :

  • one material support company;
  • two engineering companies.

The battalion tactical group should also include:

  • up to 6 motorized infantry and armored companies
  • as well as the operating team.

The French command failed to assure the declared manpower of the battalion tactical group from the members of the Legion. That’s why the French military leadership has decided to fill the ranks of the group with personnel from the Ministry of the Armed Forces. The supposed ratio of members of the Foreign Legion to regular military personnel of the Ministry of the Armed Forces in the newly formed battalion tactical group is approximately 1 to 2.

In the first half of March, the battalion tactical group began combat coordination at the la Courtine training camp. It is tasked with completing combat coordination in mid-April. The personnel should be waiting for the order and be ready to be sent to the frontlines in Ukraine. It is expected that the order for the transfer of the group to Ukraine may come in the second half of April.

The French military showed a high speed in forming and training of its units for Ukraine. Paris has already worked out the formation process and is now coordinating with other NATO member states.

The French Ministry of the Armed Forces is already actively cooperating with the colleagues in Germany and Poland on the formation of the similar military units from German and Polish military personnel on the territory of these countries. Berlin and Warsaw are expected to publicly announce their intentions to form units for Ukraine in the coming days. Other NATO member countries are sure to follow their example.

A major war in Europe is coming. It has every chance to lead to a nuclear conflict.

We urge our readers to join the search for the servicemen of the French battalion tactical group or their relatives in order to take interview or ask their opinion about their upcoming deployment in Ukraine.

Contact us: info@southfront.press , southfront@list.ru



BREAKING: France Already Conducts Combat Training Of Its Battalion Group Assigned For Ukraine

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En français:

Alors que les médias et les politiciens européens discutent vivement les déclarations retentissantes de Macron sur le déploiement de militaires des États membres de l’OTAN en Ukraine, Paris est passé à l’action, rapprochant une guerre majeure en Europe. Les dirigeants militaires français ont déjà commencé à former et à entraîner des unités de combat à envoyer sur le front ukrainien.

Fin février, le président Macron a chargé le Ministère des Armées d’étudier la question de l’envoi de forces de la Légion Etrangère française en Ukraine.

Le 27 février 2024, sur ordre du commandement de la Légion, la formation de trois compagnies de combattants de la Légion a commencé.

Le 5 mars 2024, le commandement militaire français et le commandement de la Légion ont approuvé les nombre du personnel du groupe tactique de bataillon, qui devrait inclure 1 500 militaires. Ce groupe tactique de bataillon contiens trois compagnies de la Légion, qui ont été assignées pour ce but en avance. Ce sont :

une compagnie de soutien matériel;
deux compagnies d’ingénierie.

Le groupe tactique du bataillon devrait également inclure:

  • jusqu’à 6 compagnies d’infanterie motorisée et blindées
  • ainsi que l’équipe opérationnelle.

Le commandement français n’a pas réussi à assurer le nombre du personnel déclaré du groupe tactique de bataillon auprès des membres de la Légion. La direction militaire française a décidé de remplir les rangs du groupe avec du personnel du Ministère des Armées.

Le ratio supposé de membres de la Légion Etrangère par rapport au personnel militaire régulier du Ministère des Armèes dans le groupe tactique du bataillon est d’environ 1 pour 2.

Au cours de la première quinzaine de mars, le groupe tactique du bataillon a commencé la coordination des combats au camp d’entraînement de la Courtine. Le personnel est chargé d’achever la coordination des combats à la mi-avril. Le personnel devrait attendre l’ordre et être prêt à être envoyé sur le front en Ukraine.

Le deployment du groupe en Ukraine peut avoir lieu dans la deuxième quinzaine d’avril.

L’armée française a montré une grande rapidité dans la formation et l’entraînement de ses unités pour l’Ukraine. Paris a déjà élaboré le processus et se coordonne maintenant avec d’autres États membres de l’OTAN.

Le Ministère des Armèes français coopère déjà activement avec ses collègues allemands et polonais à la formation d’unités militaires similaires à partir de militaires allemands et polonais sur le territoire de ces pays. Berlin et Varsovie devraient annoncer leur intention de former des unités pour l’Ukraine dans les prochains jours.

D’autres pays membres de l’OTAN vont surement suivre leur exemple.

Une guerre majeure en Europe approche. Elle a trop de chance de conduire à un conflit nucléaire.

Nous invitons nos lecteurs à rejoindre la recherche des membres du groupement tactique du bataillon français ou de leurs proches afin de les interviewer ou de leur demander leur avis sur leur prochain déploiement en Ukraine.

Vous pouvez nous contacter : info@southfront.press , southfront@list.ru



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france, germany and britain still haven’t learned their lesson. just remember sitting back and supporting the war in ukraine might have seemed fun. but wait until war is declared you will be living under martial law and if you read the eu law you can be imprisoned and or executed.

CEO of Yapping

yeah but we are talking as if they (people) have any control over their government in western world. most of their governments are owned by lobbies and massive companies… it is, what it is. now add in the us of pigs headed by “israel’s” lobby. they were fuked and they let the devil inside.

p.s. germany: israel follows international laws and our position in this regard has not changed!

Last edited 1 year ago by CEO of Yapping
CEO of Yapping

like you can’t make this shit up… most of europeans are pro-palestine yet none of their leaders dare to even mention palestine…

it is funnier in the us… most americans are even pro-palestine… the right even know “israel” has zero use for them. zionists in “israel” say “aipac is our best ally in the world”… dead ass pissing on all american left or right that still support “israel” lol.

Mike K

complete bullsh.t

CEO of Yapping

hahaha good counterargument.

Son of the Kingdom

give all your money to the synagogue of satan goy

AM Hants

1913 fed reserve created. 1917 2 november, balfour declarations signed. bolsheviks overthrew russian empire. ira launched. us enters ww!. 11 november 1918 the end of ww! and the dissolution of the ottoman empire, austro-hungarian empire and prussian empires. 1947 creation of cia, whose first exercise was operation paperclip, creation of isr*el.

CEO of Yapping

don’t get me started on federal reserve… you know what is messed up about it? back in the days many people disliked banks and bankers… but guess who owns the federal reserve? it is owned by banks…

“israel” is no longer a useful tool for the us (that is just a fact) even the zionists know it. what really holding them together is cheap/corrupt politicians in the us.

cia even mentioned before “israel” was spying on the us.

AM Hants

all created by the same families, just changed their faces. the titanic, when it went down, didn’t it allegedly have a few of the elite, that had no desire to be part of the fed reserve? events of those times, all linked into each other and using the same script a century later.

Foogly shoshana

don’t worry the french battalion is only training with using strap-onz and proper use of pronouns for non binary members which is the majority.

foogly shoshana

lol the nafo cipso trolls with the barrage of fake thumbs down are here. ukraines greatest weapon in this entire military operation. that’s how sad ukraine is. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


they are like helpless children throwing a tantrum. quite amusing.

AM Hants

joined by integrity initiative and 77th trolls, funded by the uk foreign office.


they love to hide behind nato and the us and shout from cover.

AM Hants

where did the first red shield bank come from? free city of frankfurt – holy roman empire? why did the queen call the city of london, the firm? is maccron part of the red shield family? 3 corporations rule the world, all squatting in host nations, with their own taxes, laws and rules, based all loyal to the ideology of the roman empire, over 2,000 years ago, jerusalem was an outpost of the roman empire.

CEO of Yapping

yooo… so i just read a report that ukraine launched a land invasion into russia (a few mins ago as of right now).

“the armed forces of ukraine are carrying out a large-scale landing operation inside russian territory, using several helicopters to land in the city of kozinka, belgorod oblast – reports”

hmmm… what a timing huh. yes, it is nothing big but still, read this report and you understand what i mean.

CEO of Yapping

– russian forces, including artillery, are currently engaging in heavy clashes with the ukrainian landing force.

– additional ukrainian concentrations have been detected on the border; more incursions will likely happen and the fighting will intensify at night, as reinforcements arrive – russian sources

it is most likely a pr move but still good to know.

real iranian

well, then russia should already lock the nukes to paris, wie du mir so ich dir

foogly shoshana

that black dude on the far right of the picture with macron is eyeballing macron like “bitch i don’t trust you, macaroni.” bombastic side eye.😒

Orson Cart

so the claims are that the eu troops are to be sent to the rear areas to replace ukrainian troops , who can then be sent to the front. the unspoken scheme is that if (or when) the russians attack these “non-combatants”, that will be nato’s excuse to attack russia.

but what if russia just drives right by these “non-combatants”? will the nato troops have orders to shoot? if they do, that will produce exactly the opposite situation, i.e. nato will have attacked russia.


russia already stated that they will treat them as combatants. nothing will change on the battlefield. russia will achieve all its goals. if needed there will be a permanent buffer zone created. lets hope the nuclear war stays limited to western ukraine. i doubt it though.


rus by ich mal zlikvidovať ešte skôr, ako vkročia na ukrajinské územie!!! preventívny úder by to mohli nazvať!!! svetu mier!!!

fm eere et

i thinnk nobody cares if france will be wiped off the face of planet earth, it will be fun to have a sea between spain and germany

captain hohol

i would prefer to see a french revolution 2.0 where the people go ultra instinct and get rid of their government and all the migrants, but it looks like macron is intent on having his country turned into a barbecue instead.

Icarus Tanović

yeah, me too. this zionist pig deserves noble price for starting ww iii.

Stan le français

je suis français, et je suis en total désaccord avec la politique française concernant la guerre en ukraine. si l’on envoie des hommes en ukraine, une guerre générale éclatera forcément avec la russie, et l’ordre de mobilisation générale ne manquera pas d’arriver. peut-être à l’été, comme en 14 et en 39 ? quoi qu’il en soit, et même si je suis contre, si mobilisation générale il y a, je ferai mon devoir, pas le choix


ton devoir? t’as une morale bizarre. ton devoir c’est de refuser les ordres de l’usurpateur

Stan le français

je comprends que ma position surprenne. je vais expliciter.je suis en total désaccord avec la politique de macron, je déteste l’homme. mais un patriote, c’est quelqu’un qui se bat d’abord pour son pays, au delà de ses idées, quand l’heure l’exige.

Stan le français

2e partie. en 1914, nos ancêtres ont fait bloc au delà de leurs désaccords politiques (mais je ne nous considère pas du tout menacé comme en 14).quelqu’un qui refuse de se battre pour la france car pas en accord avec son gouvernement, n’est pas un patriote mais un lâche. si nos ancêtres avaient fait de même, il y a longtemps que la france aurait disparu !

Stan le français

3e partie : je considère un peuple comme une famille, et de même qu’on apprécie rarement qu’un tiers venu de l’extérieur critique un membre de notre famille, même si on déteste ce dernier, je considère que les désaccords profonds avec macron passent après les intérêts de la patrie et le sort de son destin


en 14 les boches etaient sur la marne , en 2022 les russes sont sur le dniepr … entre défendre la nation et défendre la politique d’un idiot qui ne s’est pas donné les moyens de l’assumer ; il y a un monde …

Stan le français

évidemment je suis d’accord, j’ai parlé de 1914 pour souligner ce que l’on appelle l’union sacrée, au delà des différences idéologiques. mais je suis entièrement d’accord pour dire que nous ne sommes nullement menacés en tant que français, rien à voir avec 1914 sur ce point.

Stan le français

ce que je veux dire, c’est que même si on est contre les motifs de la déclaration de guerre, une fois celle ci effective, le pays adverse cherchera forcement à vaincre la france, et en tant que patriote on ne peut le laisser passer


il y a plus d’un militaire français qui a préféré rejoindre la france libre et de gaulle que de servir pétain. la collaboration d’aujourd’hui avec les usa c’est du même tonneau. il nous manque juste un degaulle …

Stan le français

pardonne moi pour la pauvreté de la langue et de la syntaxe, mais la brièveté qu’exige les posts de ce forum empêche tout développement plus clair et étayé…

Stan le français

j’ai lu sur ce site certains intervenants français se vanter de fuir à l’étranger si la guerre éclate. et pourtant ça se déclare patriote, alors que ça souhaitera la défaite de la france si l’ennemi partage ses idées. pathétique. je ne parle pas pour toi je précise. peu importe que l’on soit d’accord ou pas avec les motifs de déclaration de guerre, si celle ci éclate , le sort de la france est en jeu et son avenir menacé, donc pas d’autres solutions que de faire son devoir !



Last edited 1 year ago by Puppetmaster
Son of the Kingdom

quel avenir la france? la meilleure chose qui pourrait arriver à la france s’est la libération du pays par la russie. les tentacules de la synagogue de satan vous a déjà tués.

Stan le français

pour finir par une remarque, je ne comprends pas comment certains peuvent se revendiquer patriote et fuir leurs responsabilités quand la france appelle à la mobilisation ( si celle ci a bien lieu). encore une fois, je suis fermement contre une intervention en ukraine, mais si c’est ce qu’exige le devoir, pas le choix, car quoi qu’il arrive, une fois la guerre déclarée, le sort de la france est en jeu, c’est notre devoir !


vous nous prenez pour des dégénérés. macron trahit l’intérêt de la france au profit de londres/blackrock, s’engager derrière lui, c’est non seulement être complètement niais (je me doute que vous êtes payer pour raconter vos salades), c’est aussi être un traitre.

Stan le français

pas du tout, je ne touche pas un centime, j’essaie juste de vous expliquer honnêtement et sincèrement mon point de vue. vous êtes français ?

Stan le français

et je ne prends personne pour un dégénéré, encore une fois je suis contre l’intervention de l’occident en ukraine, je considère que la crimée et l’est de l’ukraine font parties historiquement de la russie. je ne soutiens pas du tout l’otan ni ne défend une quelconque supériorité de l’ouest

Stan le français

et je suis d’accord pour combattre macron, mais il faut le faire au sein de notre pays, entre français, pas en comptant sur l’étranger qui profiterait forcément de la situation

Son of the Kingdom

wow finalement un qui n’est pas un dégénéré


si tu pense que tuer et mourir pour les intérêts de l’élite globale en ukraine est ton “devoir”, alors comme on dit ici en russie, “il n’est pas possible d’interdire de vivre une belle vie”. see you on telegram videos.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cacofiend
Mark Dankof

recruitment advertisement for macron’s special faggot battalion and donbass deployment: “ideal candidates will desire to receive a hypersonic missile or fab-1500 up the a double slash prior to death for globohomo in its last 10 minutes of existence. obsession with liz truss motivational speeches a plus.”


excellent work. particularly enjoyed: “obsession with liz truss motivational speeches a plus.”

captain hohol

“faggot battalion: globohomo strike force”


france is another uk proxie. there was a rumor french military might not obey to macron who is a totally illegitimate piece of sh+t so lets see.. french foreign legion was already in ukraine as we saw in karkiv bombing with douzaines of french mercenaries killed

Florian Geyer

all ‘foreign legions’ are disposable and without much support at home.

foogly shoshana

macron couldn’t care less about french soldiers just like zelensky about ukrainian soldiers. both are as equally disposable to the wef stooges.


all the countries that were involved in sending weapons to kill russians will be glowing in the dark if france continues on this path. i am just throwing it out there for those who still think this is not going to reach their front door that you will be affected by the nuclear fallout that is coming. it will first happen in ukraine first and might go beyond europe and spread globally. notice how no leftish group has been protesting against the war and they are actively promoting it.


there are no nuclear shelters for europeans unlike in russia. wake up before it’s too late. your leaders want you dead. when they were talking about man-made climate change think nuclear war not co2.


russia will be wiped off the earth. the end of all things.


i misspelled ukraine cause i’m a dumbass. sowwy 🥺


i think your little island in the north sea is going to get hit by nukes and the fall out will be minimal for the surrounding european countries yet will serve as a stern warning for what is to come if there is still taste for war after that.

captain hohol

no, russia if anything will survive it is the west that suffers from a civilizational disease that only losing a large part of the population could cure.

i would prefer civil war in the west tbh, for obvious reasons.

captain hohol

of course, leftists know how to instinctively sniff out a good proxy conflict that serves their nefarious interests.

the thing is the war going global is probably one of the worst case scenarios for leftists, because if that causes western countries to go wrol, i can guarantee you that spanish civil war “white terror” style death squads will be rampant, looking around for progressives to annihilate.


unfortunately, those so called leaders are ready to have europe in a direct war with russia. i guess russia’s threat to use nuclear weapons was not enough for those people. i have no problem with saying goodbye to paris, london, and berlin. if that’s what it takes to make them understand that they will not win, so be it.


how about targetting the real culprits accross uk to avoid seeing the same happening again within a matter of years?


i do not know where you live , but no matter where it is on the globe, a nuclear exchange would involve the entire world, and be the end of life as we all know it , so be it?

fm eere et

niggas fighting for nazis lol 🤣🤣🤣


whlte dickheads slaughtering each other in ukraine lol🤣🤣🤣


you just outed yourself


read. this. carefully. fuck. white. people. how is that for outing?


read. this. carefully. sissy. nigger. sυck. white. dicks.

Last edited 1 year ago by SΙSSY NΙGGER
John Smith

woke blm supporter triggered as fuck

captain hohol

schninger, you do realize that if the west isn’t nuked then it will devolve into civil war and activist leftist pocs will have to run and hide or submit to white tyranny 2.0 right?

Satanic Anglo Scum!

war is coming…


french sheep vs russian wolf…”the wolf cares not how many sheep (jens holm)there may be”. virgil


just kill all that ladyboys…. they are weak and unuseful


plus de viande francaise pour le hachoir a viande


as with the first two world wars, key officials have been removed and replaced with ones more willing to “do what needs to be done”, for the greater good of humanity of course. i hope you guys have your guns, food and some good plans, because the self important pink slime want to send ‘barbeque’ to a locale near you.

Last edited 1 year ago by BunkerDwellers

neo nazis down voting in the thread means we are over the target


a little children’s tantrum because they are helpless. and can’t do anything else. 😂

mark twain

shaman commits animal abuse—to compare jens holm with sheep is unforgivable insult to sheep


anybody willing to fight for macron the homosexual deserves the worst death imaginable.


brigitte has a dick….


they will just get wiped out like other merceneries


i don’t know what the french dildo macron thinks, that he will defeat russia with a grande armee battalion of 1500 soldiers? for russia, these soldiers are no different from other mercenaries who are already fighting on the ukrainian side.


just a part of the escalation towards war, mass death, and martial law. it’s a mass die off event. people who rape and murder children will do anything.


even if they enter ukrainian territory under the official tricolor of france, it does not protect them from anything, and the moment they cross the border, they become legitimate military targets. this does not mean a direct conflict with the nato alliance and the implementation of article 5, because french soldiers will not be deployed by the alliance but by one or more member states. i really want macron to do this and stop hiding behind proxy ukrainians.


france will be on its own there won’t be any help from nato this is their own choice and they will get a reality check. macron days are numbered.


still incapable these vampires of learning. russia will use tactical nukes to take out nato, there is no question.

Dick Von D'Astard

let the fab-5000/9000 do the talking along with iskander-m (er) tactical ballistic missiles.

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