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Breaking: Hezbollah Mourns Nasrallah In Official Statement

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Breaking: Hezbollah Mourns Nasrallah In Official Statement

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Hezbollah mourned its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on September 28, confirming in an official statement that he was killed in the violante Israeli strike that targeted the headquarters of the group in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, a day earlier.

“In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
{So let those fight in the way of Allah who exchange the life of this world for the Hereafter. And whoever fights in the way of Allah and is killed or victorious – We will give him a great reward.}
God Almighty is true

His Eminence, the Master of Resistance, the righteous servant, has passed away to be with his Lord and to His pleasure as a great martyr, a heroic, daring, brave, wise, insightful, and faithful leader, joining the caravan of martyrs of the eternal, luminous Karbala in the divine, faith-based path in the footsteps of the prophets and martyred imams.
His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, has joined his great and immortal martyred comrades, whose path he led for nearly thirty years, during which he led them from victory to victory, succeeding the Master of the Martyrs of the Islamic Resistance in 1992 until the liberation of Lebanon in 2000 and to the glorious divine victory in 2006 and all the battles of honor and sacrifice, arriving at the battle of support and heroism in support of Palestine, Gaza, and the oppressed Palestinian people.

We offer our condolences to the Master of the Age (may God hasten his reappearance), the Guardian of the Muslims, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, may his shadow endure, the great authorities, the mujahideen, the believers, the nation of resistance, our patient and struggling Lebanese people, the entire Islamic nation, all the free and oppressed people in the world, and his honorable and patient family. We congratulate His Eminence the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, may God be pleased with him, on receiving the highest divine medal, the Imam Hussein Medal, peace be upon him, fulfilling his most precious wishes and the highest ranks of faith and pure belief, as a martyr on the path of Jerusalem and Palestine. We offer our condolences and congratulations to his fellow martyrs who joined his pure and holy procession following the treacherous Zionist raid on the southern suburb.

The leadership of Hezbollah pledges to the highest, most sacred and most precious martyr in our journey full of sacrifices and martyrs that it will continue its jihad in confronting the enemy, in support of Gaza and Palestine, and in defense of Lebanon and its steadfast and honorable people.

To the honorable mujahideen and the victorious and triumphant heroes of the Islamic Resistance, you are the trust of the martyred Sayyid, and you are his brothers who were his impregnable shield and the jewel in the crown of heroism and sacrifice. Our leader, His Eminence, is still among us with his thought, spirit, line, and sacred approach, and you are committed to the pledge of loyalty and commitment to resistance and sacrifice until victory.

Saturday 9-28-2024
24 Rabi` al-Awwal 1446 AH” the group’s statement reads.

The strike on Hezbollah headquarters flattened six buildings in the southern Beirut suburbs of Dahieh. Between nine and 300 people were killed, according to various media reports.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said in an earlier statement that alongside Nasrallah, the commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, Ali Karaki, and other senior members of the group were also killed. In addition, Hebrew media reported that the daughter of the Nasrallah lost her life in the strike.

Citing Israeli officials and Iranian media reports, the Axios news site also reported that Iranian Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander in Lebanon, was killed alongside Nasrallah.

Video footage released by the IDF showed F-15 fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force taking off to carry out the deadly strike. The warplanes were armed with advanced American-made 5,000-pound bunker buster bombs. Initially, it was falsely reported that the strike was carried out by F-16 fighter jets.

Nasrallah became the leader of Hezbollah after the group’s previous leader, Abbas al-Musawi, was assassinated by Israel in 1992.

For the next 32 years, he led the group through very difficult times while securing several political and military achievements, from the liberation of southern Lebanon in 2000 to the establishment of deterrence against Israel in the war of 2006, the successful intervention in the Syrian war after the 2011 uprising and finally the ongoing battle in support of the Gaza Strip since 2023.

The strike that killed Nasrallah was the latest in a series of Israeli assassinations that took out most of Hezbollah’s senior commanders.

Most of the assassinations took place in the last ten days after the IDF escalated its strikes against Lebanon to a level not seen since the war of 2006. In response, Hezbollah expanded its attacks deep into northern Israel, hitting key military sites.

The assassination of Nasrallah will generate unprecedented tensions in the Middle East and could even lead to an all-out war between Israel and the Iran-led Axis of Resistance.


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indeed, we belong to allah, and indeed, to him we return. netanyahu may you get killed soon and live the most miserable life until you die.

Hassan nasrallah

allah had a vision to me:

allah gave me a vision of the last and final prophet moments before i got killed.

his name was mossad..

Hassan nasrallah

he missed out the fact that ordinary lebanese are celebrating the demise of me who has led their country to disaster and caused it to become a failed state.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Hassan nasrallah

the resistance should target the israeli high command and politicians.


if they can. f@ck around find out and they’ll be dead


you too will learn you can’t play with israel, then you will meet your halla dog in hell. i prophetise this for kebab :🚀💥☄


hezbollah after october 7: party hard

hezbollah after september 27: plays the victim card

Hassan nasrallah

i’m alive at allah’s 72 virgins p0rn hub you idiot. i have come here to join haniyeh

US is becoming a shithole

israel has been playing victim for over 50 years

Dick Von D'Astard

israel closer to achieving regional war. u.s. taxpayers could be funding three wars by the time biden/blinken leave office… though it could be they try and do a zelenskyy.

Hassan nasrallah

hi my name is hassan nasrallah.

my balls exploded. allah gave me a dysfunctional pager that didn’t explode and martyred me into receiving the 72 virgins.

all is well. sukrah and allah curses iran. thank you


nasrallah the rat was barbecued by israel and is now burning🔥 in dschahannam 😆

Hassan nasrallah

my balls exploded. allah sent israel to help me receive my 72 virgins. and now i am happy.

Colony Fort Al Tanf

okay so zelensky is touring america begging for money no one attempts to take his life but trump has 2 attempts on his life now, all the while storm helen is flooding the southern states, now this, those zionists really massacred that many civilians just to kill nasrallah( r.i.p) that’s madness and desperation.

Colony Fort Al Tanf

iran still hasn’t retaliated for the assassinations of high ranking officials.

Colony Fort Al Tanf

whatever course of action iran was taking is now going to drastically change.


no peace for israel….until there is peace for palestine. that’s what will continue until the zionists accept reality

Hassan nasrallah

allah gave me a final vision that to attain peace i must chose the path of becoming the recipient of 72 virgins


the 72 virgins was a lousy zionist wahhabi psyop. nobody except western normies bought into that stuff


72 virgins is in the quoran. the jihadi scums will receive their wet dreams of having imaginary virgin wives when they blew themselves up or get killed in an instant


at least he’s early gone to meet his imaginary virgins.

pardon me . does nasrallah go to heaven?

US is becoming a shithole

jews have imaginary yahweh


hassan nasrallah with numerous titles, namely:

an arch-terrorist. mass murderer. kidnapper. a religious extremist. the master of psychological warfare.

the most important title is the one he holds now: “dead”


they call it ‘strategic patience’, iran will make a 24hr announcement prior to missile attacks. just like israel gives 5min warnings before striking. i suppose this is how you slowly wipeout one of the oldest countries to oblivion, take out the entire leadership.


this ‘patient’ way of dealing with cancer is almost like hopefully thinking that time will cure it. same strategic mistake russia made over ukraine, where putin is forced by his own indecision dealing with the cancerous west, to change the core of russia’s nuclear doctrine.

Shlomo's little weenie

iranians have an asymmetric option, if they have the necessary hardware to do it, and aren’t bullshitting. instead of hitting the world’s most privileged eternal victims in their foul rats’ nest, just mine the straits of hormuz and blast away the refineries and shipping ports of the gulf states and ksa. fun times ahead with oil prices then. bibzi the psychopathic boofhead will be adored worldwide for it. it ain’t over ’til the fat hook nosed ‘ho sings, or is necked.


just aim here with a massive swarm: 32°08’40.0″n 34°48’15.4″e


the voice of reason and restraint has been brutally murdered along with likely hundreds of civilians. my personal hope is that his replacement will be more hard line. this is very likely to cause unrestrained attacks on israel. hopefully it will also spell the end to israel. the criminal entity known as israel needs to be put down like the rabid animal it is.


although this will cause a world-wide catastrophe, it is becoming evident this will be the only way to rid the world of this malignant disease. if this has to be, then let it be. this outcome was going to be anyway, the zionist horde a disease that has infected the world for many decades has to be eliminated with prejudice, meaning in totality. that this could result in the deaths of millions is to be israel’s legacy to the world. hopefully israel is evaporated first.


the fundamentalist zionist maggot brains in israel have no sense of shame or guilt. they are creating new enemies every single day. every single innocent killed creates multiples of new enemies in a magnified manner. living around israel is like living with cancer. the jews i think thrive off creating “anti semitism”. it gives them a reason to perpetuate fascism


the comments from those who israel employs are a stark reminder of just what dark creatures they really are. the sickest of the sick. may they be the first to fry in a long, painful and pathetic manner. whatever they are, it isn’t human. they are truly the dregs of the earth. whatever their manner of death, it won’t be painful enough.


indeed they expose themselves for the lowly scum they are, and celebrate the only “achievements” they are capable of: cowardly massacres and hatred. they get their 15 minutes of “glory” now, but little do they realize their end is near. millions upon millions of people now are more disguted and revolted than ever, and understand there will be no peace until they are finished. arrogance will be their downfall.

Terrorist Hunter

play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


jihadi lottery malfunctioned


nasrallah and haniyeh were moderates in the resistance. what the jews are trying to say is they want extremists to replace them, because one extrimeist regime in israel requires a counter balancing extremist force to justify itself and its subhuman behaviors. there is no evidence that the israeli regime seeks peace and security for itself or the region


like nasrallah and haniyeh like their fanatic hitler as well. also known as radical islamic nazism


i see plenty of imbred jewish nazis in ukraine, israel and usa. judaism is an intolerant, racist cult like christian zionism, catholicism and wahhabism. these belief systems belong in the garbage can of history

Last edited 46 minutes ago by hasbarats

word has it that, iran has finally achieved. or very close to nuclear power status, hence israel hasty decision to behave irrational. whatever the case, even if iran had the bombs, israel seems accute to striking leadership when necessary. no bomb would change the status quo. only muslim nations uniting would deal a final and fatal blow.

israel kill50k civilians4fun

the guy was too soft. he should have gone on the offensive and opened a second front on oct. 8 while the war criminals and their western benefactors-accomplices were still off balance and reinforcements, ordnance were still far from arriving. lebanon was going to get hit regardless.

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