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Breaking: Iraqi Army Launches An Operation To Capture Kirkuk City

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Breaking: Iraqi Army Launches An Operation To Capture Kirkuk City

On October 16, the Iraqi Army backed by the Iraqi Federal Police launched an operation to capture Kirkuk city and other areas around it from Kurdish Peshmerga forces, according to Kurdish and Iraqi sources.

Iraqi sources reported the Iraqi Army and other government forces recaptured several areas inside Kirkuk city and several oil fields around it. The sources also claimed that K1 Airbase, Northern Oil Company and the Khaled military camp were captured by the Iraqi Army. However, these reports are yet to be confirmed by any official sources.

The sources also said that the Peshmerga withdrew from all the areas without any resistance. Moreover, local sources said that the governor of Kirkuk city is asking local civilians to carry weapons and prevent the Iraqi Army from entering the city.

According to several reports of the Iraqi media, the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) is not part of the ongoing operation in Kirkuk city. The decision not to let the PMU take part in such sensitive operation, is a very wise decision of the Iraqi Federal Government.

The Iraqi Army operation may continue until the Iraqi Federal Government restore its control over all Nineveh province areas that were captured by the Peshmerga after ISIS upraising in 2014. If the Peshmerga reacts to the Iraqi Army operation, Iraq might witness a resistance that will slow down the war on ISIS.


Pro-Kurdish sources are denying initial reports that the Peshmerga withdrew from K1 Airbase, Kirkuk Airport and Maktab Khalad.

The Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) released a statement saying that the Popular Mobilization Units are involved in the operation. The statement says that government forces are using battle tanks and other US-made equipment in the operation.

The KRSC also claimed that the Peshmerga destroyed 5 Humvees belonging to the PMU.

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The US military planners will be scratching their heads and phoning Israel for advice.

If the US supports the Kurds the US military will be forced out of Iraq and if they do not support the Kurds the SDF could stop fighting as all trust in the US would evaporate.

US ‘diplomacy ‘ is a long lost art it seems.

‘Might is only Right’ when ones opponents have a child’s fists. The USA has ignored that for too long.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

America could have avoided a lot of headache by not supporting Israel in the first place, but then again, we have a massive fifth-column of Jews in this country with lobbying money collected as usury from the goyim.




Control of the Fed is jewish like always – I think there was only one short time office holder with the proud title of goyim.


Yes, Timothy Geithner.


This is all result of US going too far in condemning the referendum, which being the Middle East — Kurdistan neighbors took as a sign US won’t support Kurdistan.


You’d be right if “Iraq”‘s neighbours attacked it’s Kurdish region, which they didn’t so far. However, they may, if Iraq’s federal government asks them officially for help.

KRG’s official do they best to spread this lie, that Iran is behind the Iraqi Army’s “attack”. They try to paint it as an imposed war by a foreigner, not the federal government trying to bring the stolen land under it’s authority.

Serious Dude

Nope, it is not imposed by Iran.

You can call me Al

? what isn’t imposed by Iran ?.


It is in fact the result of the US politicians playing both sides when their acumen is not up to that deceit.

DJ Double D

And that is bad news, I guess for Syrian Kurds.


Not necessarily. Syriah Kurds are dominated by YPG which is PKK spin off, that has been sponsored by Russia since 1979. PUK was Iranian friendly group that controlled Kirkuk. KRG is dominated by Turk friendly Barzani clan from Erbil. So there are many different facets to Kurdish Question.

DJ Double D

But, would you want the Syrian Kurds to also keep territories captured from ISIS that were not originally theirs just like Iraqi Kurds are trying to do?


Why not? A cursory examination of the history of east Syria shows it is only marginally part of Syria. No President of Syria ever even visited Raqqa for 50 years. And the Sunni Tribes of the region are pretty much ungovernable by any realistic standard.

DJ Double D

If your point should be true, then do you think that, had SAA to liberate the whole of the Kurds enclave (assuming it were to be under full ISIS control), that SAA will then revoke the autonomous status based on that and therefore nullify the existence of Kurdistan as an ethnic group?.


Not sure what you are attempting to say. But, the truth is that the whole of east Syria is not the life of a single SAA soldier.

DJ Double D

And that’s what I really want to achieve, to continue asking you strong questions until you find it difficult to answer. You see, it’s not easy doing what the Kurds in Iraq and Syria are doing – grabbing lands that do not belong to them because they believe US will protect them (remember they are now accusing US for lack of support, that is the reason why they lost Kirkuk), right!. So the same thing will happen in Syria, it’s only a matter of time after ISIS is defeated.


No worries DD, there are legion of armchair Assadis on the internets who know almost nothing of Syrian history. I don’t fault you.


The Kurdish referendum was not a very smart idea. Now Iraq army will take areas that the Peshmerga have no legal right to possess. :)

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

I remember the journalist hack “Wladimir” on The Region saying the referendum would not destabilize the region. At least we know The Region is another rag.


The sectarian shia arabs are attacking the KRG without any legal cause For democracy, the fascist sectarian shia arabs must be defeated soundly, showing them to be fascist elsewhere.

KRG must now consider whether is serves any purpose to try to have discussion, negotiations, with a government that does not even act within its own constitution.

Imo KRG should ally with sunni arabs and defeat the shia arabs and either go their own way or just in a confederation.

On the other hand, what reason is there for kurds to stay within Iraq?


Did you read the article? “According to several reports of the Iraqi media, the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) is not part of the ongoing operation in Kirkuk city. The decision not to let the PMU take part in such sensitive operation, is a very wise decision of the Iraqi Federal Government.”


Dutch just follows the narrative he has been given by his handlers :)


I will tell my wife she handles me not to your wishes.




Dutch, your written English here TODAY suggests you are not the same troll that wrote your post YESTERDAY.



Wahid Algiers



And sadly all of these Orwellian descriptions are actually being peddled by the MSM today.


The Iraqi army is shia. There are no more kurds in the Iraqi army and hardly any sunni. That means it is, as it was in 2014, mainly shia arab.


It’s so typical of you westerners to divide nations into groups and pitch them against each other.

Solomon Krupacek

that is not true

Wahid Algiers

No lousy kurds in the Iraqi army? Fine. So go for them.

Jonathan Cohen


Robert Duran

Something about the Iraqi constitution which the Kurds supported in 2005. If groups are allowed to change things as soon as they believe that it doesnt suit them anymore where would the world be…


Something in what you say. In case of Iraq, a dead state, not much though.

Art 140 of the Iraqi constitution gives disputed lands the right to join KRG, Kirkuk mentioned, specifically, to be decided upon by referendum ultimately end of 2007.

As the central government did not want to lose Kirkuk, they broke their own constitution.

So I pose that your argument is correct but firstly has to be applied to Baghdad. Central government sets an example. If they do not follow the law, so why should others?


why do you even try? do you get paid to post ?no one believes a word you type and can see right through you


Forget it Dutch. No one is giving any land or oil to Kurds. This is not reality. You will see Kurds bow to Iraqi government.


you have a similarity in stupidity like your former colony peoples – indonesian

Serious Dude

We, as Europeans, have nothing to gain from this conflict.


It is, for me, not about gains. For me it is about a region unjustly treating a people of somewhere between 25 to 45 million kurds, subjecting them to several counts of genocide and the West has done them wrong in the past.

That a country, in whatever form, for kurds means a “loss” in some ways for countries where kuŕds live, so be it. Many countries have seen minorities break away, all survived after adapting. The history of Europe is written this way. Dutch, Flemish, Poles, Balts, Norwegians, Swiss, Balkan peoples, Tsjech, Slovaks, Hungarian, Rumanians, and many others broke away at some time, some of them even recently.

Serious Dude

This is true about the Kurds. However, Kurds helped in crimes against Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians. I believe that separatism is a bad thing in the long run.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Good luck Iraq, do not allow the separatists undermine the Axis of Resistance.


The planners of these wars don’t care whose blood flows as long as it keeps flowing.


Reports from Kirkuk so far tell that Peshmerga are not retreating from K1 or anywhere else. Also Kurd reinforcements are steaming into the area.


Fake news by Iraqi government.


Iraqi government made big mistake in thinking KRG would give up Kirkuk & the oilfields. And Iraq risks backlash from US & Turkey if it attacks KRG.

Miha Semprimožnik

What are you kidding about? Turkey will not allow the existence of a Kurdish state. Erdogan will not allow it. Americans should not interfere in a dispute between Iraq and the Kurds because otherwise they will lose army bases in Iraq or risk a renewed war with Iraq.The Kurds will have to withdraw from Kirkuk or they will be destroyed by Iraqi army. The question is just what the SDF will do


SDF already announced they support KRG weeks ago. Despite Iraqi propaganda, the KRG stopped Iraq from entering city of Kirkuk. US has denied Iraqi use of airpower vs KRG — said they wl be shot down. If Abadi was trying to stop KRG independence, invasion & blockade have basically created an independent KRG today.


“US has denied Iraqi use of airpower vs KRG”

That’s quite a statement. Do you have proof?




Air power? US State Dept is against this Kurdistan foolishness. America couldn’t wait to withdraw with some little semblance of victory and now you think bomb Iraqi army. Bullshit. Kurdish leadership and aspirations are moot. No one in America wants to go to war in Iraq for the lousy Kurds. Maybe some neocons like McCain, but you count out 99.99999% of American population. You can’t sell this, not even you’re a sauve Jew.

Wahid Algiers

Turkey supports kurds? Ask your doctor for a drug change.


Agreed. Reports from a dutch-lebanese journo couple on the ground in and around Kirkuk describe all Iraqi claims as fake news. There is fighting 50kms se of the city, large lossess to iraqi attackers.

In Kirkuk pesh merga are flooding in and the population is armed and mobilised. It will be another Kobane only twenty times bigger and this time defenders have heavy arms, tanks, ATG’s and an armed population aiding them. Iraqis needed more then a year to take Mosul, 100k+ troops and US special forces, artillery and CAS, which they will lack now. All that against 10k IS. Now they are up against more then 50k trained and armed peshmerga in a hostile countryside and sunni arabs are coming in to fight against the shia.

Might reason and dialogue not be more apropiate,

George King

You really baffle and bull shit so much that it is tiring on the soul. Do you think that Kurdish cities are well defended? Sun Tzu is correct in “attack your enemy where they are not”, it will not be Kirkuk where the strike will come but at the heart of the invader’s interior.

Travis Kelso

The Iranians and Iraqis done messed up here.




You mean reports from here:



clashes have broken out as large Peshmerga reinforcements is streaming from everywhere.

Thus the war has begun http://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/massoud-barzani-02.jpg


Things aren’t looking good for Israelistan in Iraq or Syria. Hopefully this will continue and Syria and Iraq will secure their border all the way to Turkey.


Could be Iraqi army is still in pursuit of ISIS trash. Those that fled from Hawija, north to Kirkuk. :DD

Solomon Krupacek

you again write against central government, fsa-member!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Yes yes this is good! The American people stand with you Iraq all the way! Our Zionist government does not yet at this time, but you have the support of We The People and that is all that matters at this time. Take back what is rightfully yours away from the terrorist. That is the way to a bright and prosperous future!


What terrorist are you talking about?

Jonathan Cohen



Heavy clashes reportedly broke out between peshmerga and Iraqi security casualities on both sides. Iraqi forces pushed back


Reports of artillery firing & casualties from both sides. Several Iraqi vehicles destroyed.


Not so much actual fighting I think, you understand the media noise. Latest AMN report: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-heavy-clashes-breakout-iraqi-forces-enter-kirkuk/


Kurds need to calm down and work with the respective country governments and forget this Kurdistan nonsense. Use America for negotiation and all will end well.


That train has left the station. Now that Iraq has invaded Kirkuk, it is guaranteed that KRG will become independant. No matter what US or Russia wants.


D-DAY.. The Iraqi army immaturely ran into a heavily fortified peshmerga defensive lines



Well done, Iraq shouldn’t allow Zioscum to grab more land and resources in the Middle East at the expense of the Iraqi people. All countries in the region must support Baghdad on this liberation campaign.

jhon malakiat

allahumma sholli ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad.

God Bless Iraqi Army!!!! Crush kurd zionist’s slave completely..

Wahid Algiers

…completely AND sustainable. End the wet dreams of these land and wells grabbers.


God bless Kim Dzsong Un, who has weapons to destroy all the arab peninsula, and can end this war completely AND sustainable.


well it will be a very bad thing if this escalates to a war……it will draw attention and forces away form the real enemy ,ISIS. why does the article say it was a good idea not to mobilize PMU for this area?sectarian speaking?shia and sunni?and why does the kirkuk governor wants to fight the central government?he prefers the kurds?

888mladen .


Behold a Pale Horse

SDF know full well the same fate awaits them if they take the oil fields of Syria.


Actually they don’t know that, that’s why they’re on this suicidal path in the first place. They’re literally dumb enough to think the US is always going to be there protecting them.

The Farney Fontenoy

“Peshmerga withdrew from all the areas without any resistance” Naturally, they are cowards who wont fire a shot without the USAF overhead.

Kawa Asinger

it is fake news, read you stupid shit.

The Farney Fontenoy

Name-calling? My, what a child you are.

Kawa Asinger

Be aware of false news from news outlets such as Rudaw and K24 (Kurdistan 24). There is little to no fighting. The Hashid has lost many fighters, and the peshmerge have moved back from some areas to reinforce their positions.


There is no war. Even the Iraq’s Prime Minister said so, the Iraqi military is not at war with Kurds. Do not make lies up to send a nation into civil war.

Kawa Asinger

KDP is trying to betray the Kurds. Hashid is getting their ass whooped.


They are still trying to make a peaceful solution.

Kawa Asinger

Peshmerge have not retreated or lost. They are moving back to reinforce their positions.


Kawa Asinger

Some news outlets from KRG are trying to start a civil war in Iraq. Again be aware of false news coming from news outlets, both from Iraq and KRG. Haider Al-Abadi and Iraqi Military have warned against false/fake news to start trouble.

Iraq wants the oilfields back, not war with Kurds.


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