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Israel Hits Three Positions Of Syrian Army In Hama and Aleppo (Video)

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On April 29, an unnamed source of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that several military positions of the SAA in Hama and Aleppo governorates were targeted. However, the source didn’t identify the side responsible for attacks.

Syrian pro-government sources said that the military positions that were targeted are the 47th Brigade ammo depot east of the city of Hama, the Fire Fighters Center in the western Hama countryside and a military position around Aleppo Airport.

All three positions are known to be bases of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and different Iranian-backed armed groups. According to Syrian opposition sources, several Iranian serivcemembers were killed in the strikes.

All of the available facts suggest that Israel was behind these strikes. The Israeli Air Force used a similar tactic to target a position of the IRGC in Syria’s T4 airbase on April 9. Since then, serval Israel officials have threatened that they will continue to attack the Iranian bases in Syria.

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Borna Francetić

Russians are sleeping again .. :) too much vodka .. AHAHAHHAHAHA Just Joking .a deal is a deal .


President Putin. This is one illegal attack too far. Syria and Iran are your allies. Your reputation is now at stake. S300, S400 – whatever it takes. Give Syria and the Iranians the lot. Or explain why not – as you watch your allies being mass murdered and you refuse to protect them as they deserve.

The Latin Mass

Chabad Putin would never hurt Israhell. That is why the S-300s will always been considered, never given to Assad.

Borna Francetić

i agree with that . over 40 people might have been killed tonight .this is unbelievable . russia is so weak ..

The Latin Mass

SF is not allowing me to provide the evidence, but Putin as PM was involved in a false flag terrorist attack on Russian civilians. “darkpolitricks” website will explain.


sources? CNN?

Tom Tom


google website

The Latin Mass

“the globe and mail” also have an article. Google that and “Yuri Tkachenko” Reporting that in fact, Yuri Tkachenko does exist, and he did test the bomb for explosives and they tested positive. Wonder if SF will delete this because I am providing too much evidence.

Feudalism Victory



Latin Mass is just another Hasbara troll.


like Vit X

The Latin Mass

Putin has all these Muslims supposedly in the old cold war Russian sphere of influence. So Putin will seem buddy-buddy with them so long as they don’t get too uppity.

Russia sanctions Iran in the UN, sanctions North Korea. China abandons NK. Why? Because jewamerica calls and threatens and blackmails and terrorizes. And Putin is good friends with the Chabad, so it does not take much arm twisting.

Iranians should look to themselves and develop their own weapons and be better than the Russians. And take whatever the Russians sell and try to copy and make improvements.

The Latin Mass

boy would I like to be gifted $ by jewish goblins while exposing to Muslims not to trust Putin, telling Muslims to take all the help from the zionist troll Putin, but to never rely on Putin.

100,000 shekels would be nice…

I could get out of the jewish hellhole of jewamerica.

The Hasbara trolls don’t want my comments on jewtube exposing Putin’s role as an agent of the jew.

Cyric London

It is getting increasingly hard to cover that up.

888mladen .

He must be a cannibal. That’s what his name suggests to me.


Hey there, How is the weather like in Tel-aviv?


google is your father

The Latin Mass

Whenever Putin fails defending Muslims. I will expose Putin’s role in the false flag Russian Apartment Bombing. And the CIA role in starting a war for Russia.

When Putin is a good servant of the good, I will forget. Putin is the one playing both sides for the zionist agenda.

Tudor Miron

Try harder creature.


like putting stickers on cars? :)))

Feudalism Victory

I believe you mean iran. They cant protect themselves


You can’t protect yourselves either, that’s why russian ships are getting captured by the Ukraine, lol. A bunch of losers.

The Latin Mass

I posted this on jewtube and it got deleted and auto-deleted upon each time I tried to repost it, I had to post it in Farsi to get by the auto-delete:

On the Iran Nuke Deal.

It’s not the end of NATO (as a Press TV Guest said it was), but all zionists are lining up with Hell Aviv to try to muzzle the Muslims from defending the Palestinians. Will Putin defend Iran’s right to have defensive missiles from the zionists. Putin is the point guy for the zionists on the relations with the free Muslims. If Putin will not defend Iran’s missile program, another betrayal by Putin.

This is serious, but expected. “I meme for Le Pen” would have fallen in line with Trumpstein and fallen in line with her jewish boyfriend. Zionists will eventually find their way to hell. With Trumpstein’s Jerusalem move and the goal to blow up the Dome of the Rock.

New Israel is Muslims

I deleted a post but I’ll put up something like it.

Why Russia attacked ISIS. Israhell wanted to prevent this nightmare scenario in 20 years:

ISIS Fighter 1: “We have murdered 50 million Muslims.” ISIS Fighter 2: “It’s been 25 years of glory” ISIS Fighter 1: “But I was thinking” ISIS Fighter 2: “Don’t do that you’ll get in trouble” ISIS Fighter 1: “Thinking about why we murder Muslims, I remember a place called Palestrine” ISIS Fighter 3: “Palestine. That’s right, jews murder Muslims in Palestine.” ISIS Fighter 2: “That’s enough, if you continue this I’ll report you to my commanding officer – Shlomo” ISIS Fighter 4: “What you guys talking about.” ISIS Fighter 1: “You remember a place called Palestine” ISIS Fighter 4: “Palestine is occupied by jews, I now remember that” ISIS Fighter 3: “What the heck are we doing murdering Muslims” ISIS Fighter 2: “I am reporting you to the commanding officer Shlomo” ISIS Fighter 4: “I remember something else, Shlomo is a jewish name” ISIS Fighter 1: “And all our commanding officers are Shlomos” ISIS Fighter 2: “Shlomo was my birth name, now stop it” (ISIS Fighter 2 neutralized) ISIS Fighter 1: “We have to warn the others, we have been controlled by these Shlomos”


@borna francetic; In WWII, was it Russian ‘weakness’ that won the Battle of Stalingrad, turning the tide of the entire war against Germany? Was it Russian ‘weakness’ that alone crushed 80% of the entire NAZI war machine during the war? The word ‘weak’ certainly doesn’t describe the 27,000,000 Russian citizens who gave their lives fighting the German military. Russia has stated it is in Syria by request in defense of Syrians’ rights to determine their own future and not have that future determined for them by a coalition of greedy, self-serving, Western, expansionists. Russia understands the risks it takes on here and will act with prudence in achieving it’s stated goals.

Daniel Castro

The hasbarat net brigade came on droves for one more propaganda operation.

They pretend they do not know these types of attacks are made with zios shooting missiles across the border in Lebanon, even with s-300 would be hard to stop such sneaky attacks, the only way to deal with this would be counterattacking Israel which would escalate the war. right now the priority is to clean all the pockets from the zio rats, then next come kurd traitors, and only then it will be time for Israel.

It is a good thing zio trolls all show themselves with such posts though,,,

The Latin Mass

A S-200 hit a F-35. S-300s if they are fully operational and Putin has not put a kill switch on it, should shoot down any air attack.

Daniel Castro

If s-200 hit a f35 it would easily hit such missiles, the fat is it is very hard to counter an unexpected sneaky attack.


Ouch! you surptised me with normal vision!

The Latin Mass

“I hear they turn off the S-300s at night and go to bed, so Putin not delivering them is not to blame. Everyone would have been asleep.”


Bro, you are joking. But i saw such thing isn the soviet army. With russians in uniform you never can be sure. :) for such thing kicked lot of officers out shoygu, when he made surprize visits in garrisons. :)

The Latin Mass

I was continuing on the jew claw comes with the “sneaky attack” and disarmed it. No I do not believe the jew has some secret way to attack Syrian bases that bypasses all air defenses.

Russia is developing it. Iran should independently develop hyper-sonic missiles and the jews would cry and rage even more. The jew wants war. Send the war to Russia who would destroy the jews in a day. And if jewamerica wants to get nuked out of existence…

Daniel Castro

There is no secret, if you shoot a cruise missile flying on low altitude around the detection zone of radars it will be too late for the defenders of the actual target when they detect the missile.

Zionists can use this tactics only in small scale though, if they try a big attack like this they will certainly draw too much attention.

Thomas Wolsey

Iran will use barrage of missiles instead of hyper-sonic missiles. Barrage is more cheap and do work.


Shut up, turkey!


Shut up, turkey.


They only way to stop this is to take back the golan Heights and put your best radar on that mountain! Israel hides behind natural cover! Thats why they need the golan heights to attack syria! Take it back by force and it ends!

Daniel Castro

Yes, but as I said there are other priorities.

They will keep doing these sneaky attacks, but they too can’t increase the intensity or they risk escalating the scenario themselves and forcing russians to act.

It will be like this until all the pockets are cleansed at least, then a choice will be made, if they attack Golan or the Kurds, and I think kurds come 1st because if SAA go after Israel before dealing with the kurdish rats they risk getting flanked by SDF.


I think they have already decided to attack the Kurds in Deir-Ezzor first and, later, they will have to decide what to do in Idlib.


Nope.., the only way to stops all these is to send rains of missiles and razed Haifa, Hellaviv & Dimona to the ground.. It’s as easy as that.. It’s just that most of those in power had no or small balls.. they should cut it & give em to dogs..!


I agree. Those low altitude flights can only be effectively detected by AWACS. I’m pretty sure Israel and Russia must have some agreement about that. Besides that, before the activation of the S-300s, Syria wil have to set a multilayered missile defense system to protect them.


As US needs Israel similarly Russia and China also needs Israel because Israel sharing secret military technology between countries like US, Russia, China etc. Israel steel one country secret and sell it to others to make money. Now to defeat Israel is very easy just it needs the Muslim world unity without Saudis, Bahranis and Qataris etc.

Feudalism Victory

Uh huh iran has not recognized crimea as part of russia. Some ally.

Iran and russia ARE NOT ALLIES. They may temporarily share the same interests.

Syria is a client state and cannot operate with out external patronage.

Damned arab socialists. Always insisting someone else do the hard work(unless it involves shooting ak 47s wildly into the air)


On RT I have said the exact same thing. Russians are either cowards or have become slaves as well to the zio terrorist in isrealhell!!

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You could not be more right in your comment, and sadly I share and feel the same as you, my friend.

888mladen .

RU has been keeping SY on life support just above clinical death. Bashar should kick RU out and try to find the way how to deal with US and EU. It’s not worthy to continue like this. SY doesn’t need enemies with allies like this. It looks like RU and US have been playing good cop bad cop game with Syrian people. Syria has found itself between a rock and a hard place.

Free man

Assad should push Iran out of Syria, not Russia. Russia wants to end this terrible war and want to rebuild Syria. The mullah regime is interested in continuing the war against the Kurds / Americans in eastern Syria, the Sunnis in northern and southern Syria, and Israel in western Syria. The choice is simple. Peace must be chosen not war.

888mladen .

RU wants to protect its interest which include preservation of the illegal fascist state of Israel which Iran doesn’t want as well as preventing Qatary and Iranian gas reaching EU shores. There will be no peace in ME as long as the state of Israel exist. It’s very simple. Everybody knows that. And by the way all the parties involved must make a choice for peace. Don’t you think so? How’s about Zionist entity? What has been their choice so far based on evidence?

Free man

The Russian leadership is practical and realistic. It does not choose which countries should exist and which countries should be destroyed. Israel is an existing fact that Russia has normal relations with. The current Iranian leadership is a religious extremist one operating from revolutionary messianic motives. As such, it thinks it can decide who is a legitimate country and who is not. So let it fight its own religious wars, with out the help of the Russians or the Syrians.

Robert Duran

For guy called “free man” you dont seem to be thinking too freely.just repeating anti iranian bs from CNN

Free man

I responded to the baseless accusations against Russia. But you may think differently (-;

Jasminko Grdic

You this to defend Russia, but what you realy do is the protect and defend Israel. Any other country in this world beside US and Israel can not do what this two do. They shout, destroy and kill ppl every day and all this in the name of freedom.

Get Israel back to pre WW2 and you will have Peace in ME. Give Plaestina back to Palestinians, give back Golan, to Syria, Stop to destroy Lebanon avery 10 year..stop shothing at ppl every day in Gaza and Palestina….STOP STOP STOP…

Free man

I suggest that the mullah regime grow Balls and do whatever you write. Or stop embarrassing itself with false threats. The mullahs only bark at Israel like frightened dogs and expect Russia to fight for them.

Jasminko Grdic

HAHA israhell is only big because US donate them every year the best weapons and Bid Daddy daughter fucker is a big Jew, who tell trump what to do. Without US in back Israel would be very small country. Over 1700 veto from US in UN for Israhell.

Free man

Is this another excuse for Iranian impotence? Cowards always have good excuses for not responding for constant slaps they get.

Jasminko Grdic

Don’t know who is here the Cowards. It has been many times in the past and life that the one that get this slaps one time Return. But this return is the last SLAP.

After Trump there will be a other , I ask myself why Israel was not so big with Obama, He did give minimal support what he needed to do.

Free man

1. If the Arabs were smarter and less cowardly, Israel would have to reach a just political solution for all sides. 2. The mullah regime is an extreme religious regime that undermines the stability of the Middle East. There are no good jihadists.

Floyd Hazzard

Russia in an international embarassment.

Free man

Russia saved the Middle East and Europe from the creation of Suristan.


Are you familiar with psychological concept of ‘projection’ – it’s when you blame-shift all of the worst aspects of yourself directly onto others – so don’t have to take any responsibility for them. Welcome to the official US mindset in 2018.

Floyd Hazzard

Yes apologist. Let’s see how many allies they win with their practicality. China must be watching with disgust. Now a lot of countries know for sure they better not buy Russian weaponry and bring themselves against the international order.

Free man

Putin is a master of international politics. As such he knows to bet on winning horses. Iran is a losing horse, the whole international community knows it.


Yes, and the Soviet Union is invincible and the West will soon collapse because of the great Soviet Strategist Brezhnev or whatever. :)

People heard that from the Soviet Union many times. Guess who collapsed.

Same old Cult of Personality again, about the “Great Leader”, only this time no one is buying it.

No wonder you have almost no allies and people are laughing at you all over the comment sections. People have no confidence in you. Even Belarus does not trust you. Good luck losing whatever allies you had.

Free man

I live in the West, but I appreciate Putin’s abilities, he turned Russia into a world power again. Look at the Middle East. Who is the most influential country right now? Russia has good relations with all countries in the region.


Free garbage.

888mladen .

Correct. They did the heavy lifting.



John Mason

Too many games are being played and eventually Russia will have to do what is necessary which is to support as the US does it’s allies.


John…they’ve had near one dozen of instances to do so and they ducked undercover each time…plenty Huffing and puffing but just hot air….I hope I am wrong the next time …..

888mladen .

It has always been a next time, hasn’t it?


Just, f-kin shoot down those missiles and war planes no mater who owns them!

The Latin Mass

If Russia was truly a friends of Assad, Putin would say any un-authorized missiles or planes flying over the sovereign state of Syria will be shot down by Russian S-400s/S-350s because Russia is invited by the legitimate Syrian government recognized by the UN.

Does the UN mean anything or is it a play toy for Colin Powell and hillary duff crying about non-existent WMDs.

Cyric London

Russia has no allies. Even Belarus doesn’t trust them.


Iran must have their own independent strategy rather than depend on Russia as their hands are tight. Russian air is only for defenceless Terrorists so far

888mladen .

It’s a game and you can do only as much as you have agreed to before you started to play. So they have to fallow the rules and nothing else.


It looks like that Russia has a Israel a its main allied.

Cyric London

I think the Zionist control of Russia is absolute. Here they have the world convinced that Putin is the superhero. What a joke.

He is a been very quite as of late too hasn’t he. Ever since his bombastic ” You will listen to me now” speech. Well they listened and they found him wanting. Then you had that weak jasper milk toast speech he gave before the Russians stood down again in Syria. Then another weak reply after the strike about violation of international law. Since then it has been Mr. Magoo Lavrov doing the appeasing. I suspect we will here again from Magoo after this latest strike. If I was a Russian General, I would be ashamed of myself by now.

klove and light

yes control of putin but brother…..STOP BULLSHIT WITH ZIONIST JEWS OR ANGLO-ZIONISTS.

ITS THE JEW:AS SOON AS HE BELIEVES IN THE TALMUD HE IS A JEW. stop with that bs zionist jew.dont u get it yyet.YOU are making a mockery out of yourself..ITS THE JEWS.ZIONISTS ARE JEWS.THEY BELIEVE AND LIVE BY THE TALMUD. ITS THE JEWS!!!! you are all alwys letting them off, as if saying here is a jew.he is not a zionist so he is ok.LOLOLOOLOL here is a zionist, he is a so called “bad jew”.LOLOLOL They all believe in the talmud.That makes them the enemy of all other humans.read the talmud.ALL NON-JEWS ARE GOJIM:ALL NON JEWISH WOMEN ARE WHORES.etc…. ITS the JEWS!!!

888mladen .

Exactly. RU most likely knew via the phone hot line about details of the attack. If they did what have they done about it. Allegedly IR is RU ally however Israhell is Pusin darling. It’s interesting how many on this discussion forum do not get from articles on RT or Sputnik referring to illegal state of Israhell where RU-ISrahell relation stands.


@colicky Limey; Show source for your Putin quote. While you’re scrambling around trying to come up with one, here is the actual, VERIFIABLE transcript, (Russia Insider) of his remark; “we warned you..you wouldn’t listen..listen to us now.” Putin never said ‘listen to ME now, (but you already knew that didn’t you?) ‘He has been very quiet of late hasn’t he.’ (Your words and your perception.) Pres. Putin offers considered comments when deemed necessary. The reason you think you hear silence from him is more because his words are being drowned out by the noise a 24/7 torrent of despicable lies of projection make, emanating from a crumbling West’s collective failed and desperate leadership.

Cyric London

Ok, so the correct quote is listen to us now, but that changes nothing. The results are the same. No one is buying what Putin is selling anymore. Once you realize he is just puppet, then all the events that are happening in the world start make a lot more sense. If you wish, we can go back to Putin’s speech in Munich in 2007. He was full of warnings back then to wasn’t he? Has NATO withdrawn from Russia’s borders since then or have they increased their troops presence?


More likely the Russian System could not detect F35 … So S400 maybe useless . Until now have not proven in battle yet. Talk only

Real Anti-Racist Action

I agree with you. In fact I think the S-300 system is not useful against 5th generation aircraft. Maybe S-400 system is a bit, maybe. My hopes truly ride on either the S-500 system. Or Russian needs to make laser systems like the US has made.


At the moment Russia is a neck chained bulldog.. lol..!


Damm right…..for them to redeem them selves…they have to first show the freedom loving people of the world that they can break the zio dog chain placed around their necks…


It seems that there might be an agreement between Russia and Israel, not to attack each other and ignore the other side.


I suspect as much…Putin has to grovel st the jhous feet…


The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting (Sun Tzu)

Let America and its Israeli minion make lots of noise, it won’t effect the outcome, US/Israel are cactus fuctus.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Speaking of Sun Tzu, I’ve always wondered about how many wars has won this guy with the implementation of its own tips from its famous art of war book? Because if being trampled and murdered by the enemy without doing anything about is to obey some tips from the Sun Tzu book of art of war, I think there is something quite wrong with that supposed book, unless the death of the cowards has something of honor and victory in it, of course.


I liked always your comments, terence. because yu are simply clever.

sun tses chine lost all wars against comquerors. and all conquerors did the opposit of sun tses principles :)

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Thank you, velociraptor, and I consider you also as a very intelligent person and even much smarter than many of us here taking into account the content of all your comments. And the bad thing about the smart ones is that only very few people are able to grasp at first sight the value and real weight of many smart comments made here, but sadly poorly understood, as rarely positively qualified by the majority. Thank you once again for your comment about me, dear friend.

888mladen .

He has a good logic and discernment however his language is abysmal. That’s why I blocked him.

Panthera Pardus

If China “lost all wars against conquerors” then explain existence of China as a single political entity.


It can not explain nothing. It is an idiot,


the conquerors were defeated by others (japans, tatars, russians) or moved away (huns, avars)


goble, goble, goble. Turkey speaks again when told to shut up.


China lost war with Japan, with or without Sun Tzu.


i wrote the same :)

viktor ziv

Hi Terence. I believe this means winning the war with non combat means, this basic principle was used many times in the history. Ho Shi Minh said “It may take three years, it may take five, it may take ten, but that will be the war of Indo-china.” North (NVA) with 250 000 soldiees (plus 1 brigade soviet spetsnaz) faced 575 000 US and 600 000 South (SVA) soldiers during the war, also peasent economy faced heavy high tech industry. Having this in mind winning the war with WW 1 approach was big NO, hence “guerrillas do not aim to win great battles, but rather to drain the forces of the enemy, to cut off their appetite and sleep, to destroy them, to abuse them morally and materially to end up with annihilation”. The very same approach was used by Yugoslav partisans under Tito during V. enemy offensive, where 17 000 partisans under burden of 2 000 wounded fighters faced 127 000 axis soldiers accompanied with 300 airplanes. Partisan movement during 1 month long battle looked like fly movement avoiding a bird.

888mladen .

In imagination of many he has been a greater strategist than Alexander. I think that has something to do with China being the second largest economy in the world today. Like everything “made in China”

Melotte 22

Sun Tzu nonsense does not work against Anglo-Zionist cabal. The only thing they understand is a brute force.


@melotte22; Recall, in it’s fight for independence, N. Vietnam successfully defeated the French, then the US, applying to a great extent, the methods of Gen. Sun Tzu.


Iran have S-300 air-defense but Syria does not have it. Now it’s the perfect time for Russia to deliver the air-defense.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Believe me my friend when I tell you that your comment is the secret and fervent prayer of each and every friend of Syria reading your said here. Believe me EmilyEnso.


1000 ticks to you, my friend, as well.


If Iran cannot handle this and need russia then Iran has no future let alone vowing hundreds of time to retaliate.

Let’s see if any vow will be issued this time

Free man

Don’t be ridiculous. Why Russia should fight for the regime of radical mullahs. Russia does not intervene in the conflict between Israel and Iran. Iran threatens to destroy Israel at every opportunity, the Israelis bombard the Iranians at every opportunity and in response the Iranians bark back. Assad defeated the terrorists, there is no longer any need for Iran and all its sectarian militias. Therefore, Iran must leave Syria and prevent unnecessary war with Israel on Syrian soil.


Who said ‘fight’. My comment says give the allies the means to defend themselves. You clearly misread it. Saying that – forgive me – but it looks to me as though Russia is already fighting in Syria and is allied to Iran…

Seems you have lost the plot.

Free man

Russia and Iran had a common interest in saving Assad. And they succeeded impressively. Now the interests are different. Russia wants to end the war and Iran wants to continue it against the Kurds / Americans in the east, against the Sunnis / Turks in the north and against Israel in the West. Only the Syrian people will suffer from the unnecessary continuation of the war and a new war against Israel. Therefore, at present the Russian / Syrian interest is different from the Iranian interest.


So Russia wants out. The war is won? What planet are you on. Plenty of Syria still in non Syrian hands. You clearly haven’t looked at the map.

Free man

The Sunni jihadist threat has been removed with the help of Iran, Russia and the Western / Arab coalition. Russia is realistic and practical and does not want to fight forever. They understand that a war in eastern Syria against the Americans or in northern Syria against Turkey or in the west against Israel would be a disaster for Syria. Russia is the only force that can stabilize the situation in Syria. I hope that Iran will not interfere, but apparently my wish is not realistic.


Not al all. The Americans, French, UK and Israel all support the Sunnis. fund the sunni terrorist, arm them, train. them and import them. They also occupy large tracts of Syria. The battle is not over yet. The fat lady has not sung.

888mladen .

RU has an interest in keeping SY on life support neither let it live or die.

Ariel Cohen

Russia will only allow so much before they act, but they don’t go for the egotistical public confrontations that the US favors. They prefer strategic thinking and astute, but subtle chess moves that further their broader agenda. Watch for a definite date for the S-300 deliveries to Syria and more investment in upgrading Syria’s air defences. They will also use their considerable political weight to gradually isolate Israel further . .

Floyd Hazzard

That’s the end result of appeasement.


To a degree in general – but not necessarily in this case. Its more ‘tactics’. However the time has come to give Syria and the Iranians the best defense there is.


Dont let ur emotions cloud ur judgement! And dont get upset over what I just wrote to u or u will prove my point! Israel will continue to escalate all the way to nuclear weapons! DO U UNDERSTAND? They believe they are special because they have convinced the world that they have been forever oppressed! They have the USA in the palm of their hands! The USA send their own citizens to die for wars for Israel without Israel even lifting a finger!

There is a way to win this war but its not with a “fuck u take that”! Its about precise counter movements. U allow ur enemy to escalate! You dont give them the opportunity to go ALL IN! You just keep chipping away day by day! (winning) U give warnings and more warnings and u slowly up their defences until it makes it harder and harder for Israel to complete their mission until they just go too far! (Invasion)

U want Israel to pick the fighting have Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and perhaps even Turkey ready to make dire warnings!

Iran and Russia are on a chess board and they are winning. they are slowly positioning their pieces on the board so that Israel is in a no win situation!

Israel is so small, it doesn’t take a nuke to wipe it out!

Dont forget Israel is full of Palestinians! You may find Egypt in this war against Israel too!

Israel is being contained! They are panicked! Why give them an excuse to escalate! Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction.Just clear ur map, make it red, wait for former enemies like Qatar to jump on board (they are joined at the hip with Iran due to the shared Gas well.

You can bet ur balls russia will FLY IN the S-300 systems! Syria only needs about 4!

Israel wont be able to fly in, they wont be able to launch cruise missiles, they will need Israeli soldiers! These soldiers will be killed or caught! Then what? Israel is screwed! they are going to have an enemy protected by russia breathing down their neck and Israelwill be seen as”the bad guy”!

Its gonna be Iran dictating terms soon!

Happy days! They are so desperate! Never interrupt ur enemy when he is making a mistake! I love how Iran and Russia play it cool! It must be scaring the shit out of Israel because Syria just keep re-taking land every day! Iran is literally going to move into Syria! Russia will be in Syria! Jordan is going to be under a lot of pressure and so too KSA from Iraq! KSA sandwiched between Iraq and Yemen!

this is awesome! If u dislike Israel should be enjoying the show! Their plans have back fired and now they are desperate! Russia is just being nice and allowing Iran to move in! Iran will take the losses, its expected and its not gonna stop the tidal wave of hardware thats coming over the border!

Paul Pestell

you are talking shit

The Latin Mass

“Don’t worry everyone, Putin ok’d it. Netanyahu and Putin are old pals.”


Many people told you that Russia is becoming a total joke. If Israel can bomb Syrian Gov at will then why not the US too?

This is becoming a big embarrassment for Russia. So now anyone can bomb the Syrian Gov? Still no S-300 for Syria? Why is Russia there?

The Latin Mass

ISIS was getting out of hand for the zionists. Separately, Assad asked help from Russia to fight ISIS. Obama did not want to fight ISIS, so the rabbis ok’d Putin helping Assad to drag on more Muslim killing, which is what jews like. So long as there is war and more wars for Muslims dying, jews are happy. And Putin knows who’s the boss, and it is not Putin, but Netanyahu.

There are those who are not zionists in Russia that may be demanding more air defense for Syria, those are the good guys, Putin wanted to move the Russian embassy in Israhell to West Jerusalem, like the bad little zio-nazis Putin is.

There is a strategy jews use all the time, they are called agents, they try to pretend they are on your side, but are there to give you the false hope that they will defend you. Putin is that false hope.

If Putin proves a large delivery of S-300s to Syria and sale of S-400s to Iran, I hope I am wrong and Putin is a double agent. The embassy debacle proved Putin’s loyalty. That was before Trumpstein’s decision too.

Cyric London

Russia’s only hope is that there is military coup and Putin is lined up and shot. It almost happened when this coward was about to let Crimea go.

You see the Kosher Nostra cannot control every eventuality. Yes Putin is their puppet, but he is only one man. There are real Russian nationalist in Russia believe it or not, that see exactly what is going on, the way we all see it.

I think Tel Aviv let Russia intervene in Syria for reason. Just like you said, to kill more Muslims, that’s always a bonus, but also to draw Iran further in. I never thought that once Russia intervened that Syria would continue to be bombed. Those were the days when I believed that Russia and the US actually opposed each other. Now I see that it is all been a charade. If I see it, then a lot of people must beginning to see it too. King Zion Putin is in danger of being exposed.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

That you are right in your comment causes me such a great and so big pain, Cyric. Because one of Russia’s biggest lovers and one of the most fervent and unconditional Putin’s fan is telling you that, my friend. But the true is the true, for more than some insist on finding other alternatives to this, to evade an inevitable and harder reality.


Also keep in mind how Putin was brought to power — literally the choice of Rothschild’s “oligarchs,” all of whom were Jewish, who brought up the obvious puppet Yeltsin, and all of whom rather suspiciously moved to the City of London and Israel with all their assets after Putin supposedly “cracked down” on them.

I’m not aware of a single instance where the choice man of the Jews truly became independent after acquiring power, although a leader becoming “independent” is often the narrative.

There’s also the picture of George Bush and Putin together in high-level mason robes, taken during a time when US-Russian relationships were supposedly poor.

And finally there are the bottom line results (all the Jews care about) Putin’s domestic policies. The divorce rate is the highest in the world at ~75%, meaning cultural rot spread via media is more rampant than even in the West. Consequently, there’s widespread alcoholism, prostitution, extreme demand for luxuries, etc.–all the ingredients needed for a complaint, weak populace whose life consists of working long hours, paying interest, and staying distracted.

Jules Mark

‘I think Tel Aviv let Russia intervene in Syria for a reason’

Yep. The military intervention of Russia was never about countering the US and Israel or their strategic objectives in Syria and the region, it was simply a ploy to raise Putin’s prestige on the global stage with the blessing of the same. Eventually they are planning on attacking Russia so they have to set the stage with Putin the fraud posing as a menace and global villain whom we should all despise and whose ‘influence’ we should counter everywhere with the military might of America/NATO.

However the clearest sign that Russia’s deployment in Syria is a mere political show or for some kind of global plot from the usual suspects, consider that Russia’s deployment there is completely insufficient in terms of numbers and hardware to counter any of the NATO forces which surround it from all directions in that region. Also consider that the very means of getting there and supplying its forces in Syria are dependent on the NATO alliance which could easily cut off this access if it so desired. The truth is that if Russia wanted to counter NATO influence around the globe and thin out its forces then it should start in its own backyard

Putin is a complete fraud who is using the Syria campaign for his own and for others goals while completely drawing attention away from the massive geopolitical disaster that Russia suffered in Ukraine. The fact that hardly any one gives the Ukraine debacle the due attention that it deserves (even the western media prefers to ignore this huge defeat) despite it being a massive loss for Russia proves that Putin’s Syrian adventure is a recipe cooked up in foreign capitals to give him a political boost. You can only pity those poor souls who ‘trust’ in Russia or Putin.

Feudalism Victory

The answer to why russia is there is to maintain bases in latakia in the mediterrean bleed jihadis in syria before they got sent to Russia test and display weapons for sale and finally maintain a friendly syrian or post syrian government in latakia be it assad or some one else.

These goals do not require russia to fight all of syria and friends allies. Grown ups like assad understand this.


You don’t need to “fight”, dumbo. You can simply give them the S-300. But you are too weak to do even that, lol. Because someone in Tel Aviv will get angry with Putin.


but putin officially told something else. i know russians, and i know, they are not for syria there. explain this to syrians.


Actually it’s to stop the American gas pipeline to Europe. If the US losses control over global energy supplies they lose the petrodollar, power and their empire. Also that tick(Israel) that has been sucking the blood out of America for over half a century, will have to find a new host to live off, or cease to exist. Israel has never been able to support itself, it has always relied on handouts, so it needs America to win.


Congrats. You understand the long game. Your Sun Tzu quote says it. Sad that most people can’t get their head around it.

Feudalism Victory

Good point yes the pipelines are also in the mix.


The US and its allies have spent over $15T managing Syria and Iraq over the last 30 years. This wasn’t done over a couple hundred billion worth of oil and gas at most–the benefits of which would mostly fall into the hands of foreign stockholders, the remainder of which the gov would only get to tax.

By the way, the supposedly self-interested US conquerors handed over all the captured oilfields to the Iraqi government, and the benefits of this oil are today being used to fund the Iraqi government. Why would they do this if the US really just wanted to profit from the oil?

But the oil narrative is moot anyway: Have you seen how the US manages its domestic administration!? At 10% efficiency at best! The idea the US suddenly becomes a self-interested force when in foreign nations is a trick of propaganda–setting up a false assumption that the US gov is this benevolent entity working to maximize the interests of its citizens.

Your second reason is the real reason why the US is doing all this evil. But the oil is a convenient cover story, even for the well informed.

Cyric London

If Air Defense is part of the package, I don’t think there will be may buyers. I don’t think the S300 or the S400 or S500 is worth a damn. All we seen is a lot of propaganda.


This Zionist escalation, this kike “chimp-out” – becoming a sort of perma-chimpout, is the result of their F-16 getting shot down. The Russians obviously have the expertise and knowledge to build effective weapons. What will happen if the S-300 shoots down 3 or 4 kike planes over Syria? Will it then be necessary to start WWIII for the insane Jews?


When is it that SAA are to have S-300 set up? Does anybody know if the Russians have a kill switch to disable their exported version of the S-300 and S-400? So, for example, if Turkey, SA, or Syria had these systems could Russia disable them to prevent themselves from being targeted. Or could they disable them if they do not want Israel or some other specific country retaliated against? I could see having the safegaurd for their own protection but it seems the reputations of their system would be at risk if they can be manipulate beyond that.


Russia is a joke!

The Latin Mass

“Don’t worry, there are reports that Russia coordinates their air defense with the Syrian air defense, so not anything will get through. (((Trust Russia)))”

Ziad Adda

putin is zéro. Sorry double zero

The Latin Mass

If Erdogan was in charge of Russia’s military, there would be no Israhell left. It would be over in a day.


trples zero: 000

0 = putin 00 = wc 000 putin on wc = shit in shit :)

Ziad Adda

russia is à joke.

The Latin Mass

Russia should give or sell Syria:

10 – S-500s (planned) 20 S-400s 50 S-300s

many more Buks, Tors and Pals

30 SU-35s 1,000 T-14s As many rocket trucks as possible.

And yesterday…

Ziad Adda

s 300 or s 1000000 and russia Wil became à joke.


Do you know how much money this all costs.. Even Russia wants to sell this combination to someone, cannot just take from their deployed arsenal and just sell to someone, all that has to be paid accordingly to a deal and be made and delivered in which you add 1000 T-14 tanks that will take time + 30 Su-35 LOL ,man maybe by 2025-2030 its possible. And Russian Defense Minister said, S-500 the Upgrade system on S-400 will not replace the S-400s, the S-500 are just new radar and longer range missiles nothing more, they will be developed for only HVT targets, for Incoming ICBM threads, Cruise Missiles, Awaks, and many more other Munitions. and they will only be stationed for starters in Moscow area.

The Latin Mass

About 45 billion, it could boost the Russian GDP.


they have no capacity for this.


No pal, you and your new trol account with the 5 comments are a joke ! Not Poutin. Poutin has booted the yanks out of Syria and soon out of Iraq and out of Libya. Israel is acting up cause they are scared s^itless !

They cant do nothing to Syria or Iran for that matter… The F35 is the joke you were looking for cause a kid in school can build a WW2 low frequency radar that spots them from 150 km away … Hope you get payed for your troll comments…otherwise you must be a total moron !

The Latin Mass

I repeat, If Erdogan was in charge of Russia’s military, there would be no Israhell left. It would be over in a day.

Daniel Castro

If ErDOGan was in charge, no Syria, there would only be ISIS at this point, and he would be sharing the profit with the zionists.

Remember this, these people are not jews they are turks, Israeli are khazar turks, they are not semites in any way or form.

The Latin Mass

Turks died off with the Ottomans. Ataturk was a jewish zionist. 90% of the population of Turkey are Byzantine converts to Islam, they are not Turks, but Greek Muslims.

Daniel Castro

Go tell that to your pal ErDOGan.

Joe Dirt

“The Republic of Turkey, just like our previous states that are a continuation of one another, is also a continuation of the Ottomans,” Erdoğan said in remarks he made during a commemoration ceremony to mark the centenary of the death of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II at the Yıldız Palace in Istanbul.



People are expecting you to sell S-300 to Syria and you are even too weak to do that, lol. You won’t get allies if you are cowards.


my words, too

Pave Way IV

Missiles came from southwest?

POWERFUL EXPLOSION! warehouse BC on the basis of the 47th brigade, which is used by the Iranian military. The rockets flew from the south-east of Al Souwaida. Maybe an Israeli air strike or a US missile attack ⇢


US from at Tanf? https://twitter.com/GeromanAT/status/990705932521934849

Possible variants of the Israeli Air Force rocket launch trajectory at the base of the 47th SAA Brigade in Syria


Pave Way IV

Remember my crazy theory that the FUKUS attack might have just been cover for destruction or disabling of the Syrian Air Defense equipment, missiles and the communication network that links all of them (and the Russian systems) together? That damage would have been caused by the EMP version (CHAMP) of some/all of the JASSM-ER cruise missiles launched by the two B-1Bs.

So far, we know Russia pulled a lot of their equipment as well as Syrian equipment out of Syria’s interior and stored it at Latakia or Tartus prior to the attack.

About the only good video of the attack in Damascus towards the airport looks more like multiple power line transformers blowing up and a substation arcing over rather than multiple missile strikes disbursed over a wide area. You can see the power go out to that section of the city at that exact moment. Syria said that nothing was hit in Damascus besides the research complex, and that was confined to the complex itself – not over kilometers of any section of Damascus. The video looks more like an EMP attack than missile strikes.

The research complex should have been covered by many AD layers and multiple SAM sites in, around and hundreds of km from that location. Damascus is supposedly one of the most heavily-defended sites on earth. It wasn’t hit by 109 cruise missiles, but twenty or twenty-five obviously got through judging by all the craters/damage. The Syrian air defense network should have seen these cruise missiles coming in from 100’s of km away and been able to handle most of them between all the layers. Yet no reports back then of dozens or possibly a hundred-plus SAMs being launched from the Damascus area. No reports of SAM launches visible at all the other bases that were supposedly attacked. Was the air defense system mostly fried by the EMP missiles before the Tomahawks arrived?

Video of Syrian AD sites saying no damage and showing an intact BUK wagon and other missiles and equipment, but it would have looked the same after an EMP attack. The electronics inside would have been fried or useless – the external appearance of the equipment doesn’t change.

The next Tuesday after the attack, two Syrian AD sites fired at imaginary targets and later blaming a US/Israeli electronic attack. I never heard of a EW system able to produce realistic false targets on AD radar at great distances. And a fully-integrated network hooked in to other sites and Russian long-range radar would show something is off with the local site detections. At least odd enough not to start launching SAMs that nobody else can see. It sounds like these sites are operating in autonomous mode without the network. Is the network down or comms links to it unstable or inoperable? Are the sites radars and equipment damaged enough to operate, but not operate properly?

Now we have a missile strike supposedly originating from the southeast and traveling over 300 km across Syria and through several AD sites/layers to hit their targets. Yet no detections by Syria? No attempt to destroy the missiles with Syrian SAM launches? Seems plenty damn strange for an AD system that was claimed to have taken out nearly all of the incoming missiles just two weeks ago.

And where is the Russian EW gear? They had it out in central Syria last month and it apparently worked pretty well. Why wasn’t it used against these missiles? Did it get fried in the attack two weeks ago or are they still sitting at the Russian bases to protect them? EW gear is as susceptible to EMP damage/destruction as other electronics. The energy of the EMP pulse in the CHAMP JASSM-ERs is focused downward and has a limited area of intense local effect. That cruise missile can overfly targets at ten(s) of meters. You don’t need a 500MW behemoth microwave rig to fry something that close underneath you. They claimed the EMP module in the JASSM-ER has a hundred shots. That’s a lot of targets for a 300 km-range cruise missile.

“But the Russians could see them and did nothing!” Does that mean they could see them with their not-fried long-range search and acquisition radar but couldn’t tell the Syrian AD sites it overflew? I would think they would wait to see if the missiles were a threat to Russian bases and then take them out with their shorter-range systems. Lighting up a very-long-range 40N6 or long-range 48N6 at every potential threat “just in case” would get pretty damn expensive. Russia isn’t able to tap into US taxpayer extortion funds and endless USD. They actually have to pay for their weapons themselves. Besides, that’s not the way to react if you have a functioning AD network with several medium- or shorter-range sites hundreds of km down range – you use their missiles first, by design. Another sign that either the radar network or the downrange sites are not functional.

I’m sticking with the EMP theory and an apparently degraded or non-functioning Syrian AD network and equipment. If Syria mysteriously isn’t using its SAM sites against future attacks, then they may have been junked in the Apr. 15th attack. At least the ones in the central corridor of Syria up to and including the anti-Lebanon mountain range.

The Latin Mass

An EMP attack would be an attack on the Russian base.

Pave Way IV

JASSM-ER CHAMP missiles use a focused, directed energy EMP. You’re confusing that kind of technology with the regional- or national-area sized EMP generated by a high-altitude, high-yield nuclear explosion. A JASSM-ER CHAMP missile can target individual hangars of an air base without affecting others. The US wouldn’t have used them in Syria to attack the Russian bases or radars. The US and Israel want to take out all the Syrian ones. Those will be enough – Russia isn’t going to move in a few AD divisions to cover all of Syria.

Barry Warmkessel

Looks like a neutron bomb to me.

Joe Dirt

do you even read the article?

Joe Dirt


Ziad Adda

the only Thing tout Say. russia is à joke


Agreed, kicking Americas ass is the funniest thing I have seen, especially the way the Americans try and pretend they weren’t made a global laughing stock.


Rumoured from Turkey airspace not Lebanese.

The Latin Mass

here come the hasbara trolls.

Joe Dirt

stop being just a quran thumper


I read in AMN look it up.

The Latin Mass

So the Hasbara trolls want us to believe Turkey wants war with Iran. Or the Jewamericans are too stupid as to launch an attack against Iran using Turkish soil. Iran would demand Turkey kick out the jewamericans and Iran would be right. Erdogan would have to kick out the jewamericans.


Everyone is quick to point the finger at Russia for not responding with force to Zionist provocations but they are forgetting that the Syrian government itself and their Iranian and Hezbollah allies could also strike back at the Zionists but choose not to because that’s exactly what the Zionists want. Right now the Syrian government and their allies are winning victory after victory against the Anglo Zionist proxies and the Anglo Zionists are looking for a justification to escalate the conflict before Syria and it’s allies crush the final pockets of resistance south of the Euphrates River.

The Latin Mass

where are the S-300s. And also S-300s to Lebanon.


The Anglo Zionist Empire will do anything in it’s power to prevent the Syrian and Lebanese governments from being able to effectively defend their own airspace. Russia is trying to change that paradigm but it’s not like Washington and Tel Aviv are just going to sit on the sidelines and let that happen. So Russia is treading cautiously because the Anglo Zionist Empire does have escalation dominance in Syria at this present time and Russia does not want this proxy war becomin WW3 which threatens the whole planet with nuclear holocaust.

Joe Dirt

This is why you hold no authority in battle! LOL


Tell that to your proxies who are being defeated by the SAA, the Iranians and Hezbollah on the ground and Russia in the air.

Joe Dirt

7 years into the war and nothing to show, SAA will never have full control over there country again.


BS! They’ve almost recaptured all of Syrian territory south of the Euphrates.

Don Hall

I am tired of all these illegal attacks on sovereign countries. Where will it all end? Every weekend another attack. The Truth is We Are Being Betrayed. When this war goes off it will escalate very quickly. You will wish you had a bomb shelter stocked with supplies!

Joe Dirt

I know! When will Iran, Russki, China, N. Korea stop playing proxy Wars!


S-500 and S-600 will be soon deployed according to Russian media. S-700 will be directly transported to Syrian forces.


S-1000 will be so powerful, that will be enough to draw it on paper and the enemy missiles, planes will fall. :DD

Joe Dirt

the invisible SS-100000s are already there, you just can’t see them




Yeah, everybody is the smart ass here. F#ck the Zionist, lizard head. :)


and you are the smartestest :)))

Cyric London

Preliminary tests for the S-1000. See; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv5HZ1IT8Zo




Terence Silvestre Jr.

I do not think so, my friend. As Russia has always done in those cases, tomorrow Larov or Putin will protest with great force verbally against Israel or whoever was responsible for the bombing, and depending on the severity of the attack, Russia will proceed to threaten to give Syria more lethal weapons to defend itself, apart from the S300 that still does not arrive and will surely never arrive, and in a couple of days after everythings calms down a bit, some influential Russian military representative will be celebrating with his Israeli or american counterpart, about how much and how well they agree to avoid any misunderstandings and incident in Syria. While Syria will continue without S300 weapons and much less, without any possible and more lethal weapon to defend themselves from the damned Israeli and American murderers, and all that, because of the cowardice and lack of commitment of the greatest allies of Syria. What a sad and hard reality, my friend


it was irony from hos side ;)

Cyric London

Exactly right Terence. Even the thickest brick can see what is going. Everyone knows any alliance with Russia is worthless. Serbia found that out. If they did nothing to help their so called Slavic brothers, you think they will do anything for Syria. Recall the promises to protect Russians in Ukraine. Ask people in the Donbass what they think of Putin.

I am telling you if the Germans had just treated the Slavs as human beings like so many Germany ministers were begging them to do, WWII might have ended differently. It really was a battle against World Jewry and Russia was at the heart of it. Oh you can call it Bolshevism or ZIonism or any other ism that you wish. Well communism has come and gone but its the same leadership in Russia. Nothing has changed at all.

It would not surprise me if Bibi and Putin had talked about sucking the Iranians into Syria so the very events you see happening right now could unfold. If Syria ever gets back on its feet again, they should tell the Russian to get the hell out.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Well said my friend, well said. Very wise and objective, your comment, I have to recognize it, both I and anyone else with some common sense and intelligence here.


Bigger number better? Are you American? If you read, you would know the S300 and S400 have different purposes.


Provocations intended to force Iran to react so that Israel can call in Uncle Sam to attack Syria.

The Latin Mass

Iran should never respond. Just keep making missiles and jews will cry and rage. That is the response.

All them Russian air defenses, and no Russia defense works. Syria only brought down the last batch from the US cause Trump phoned ahead and let Putin know they were going to attack. In true warfare between two sides, you never alert the other side of your attack. Russian defenses are shit against an enemy that does not call ahead to inform you he is attacking you. And in this all out ongoing war between Jews against Iranians, the Jews have 37 points, and the Iranians have 0 points. Iran has failed, game over. https://dailystormer.name/


I told the whole time, that soviet/russian systems always were weak. Bekaa-valley was the real reason of gorbachevs coming and presestroyka. the russian maershals understood, they last the competition in weapon technologies.

Perhaps, but you assume the Russian military is going to stand by and let happen?

888mladen .

RU leadership has never been good with history. It has been proved so many times beyond reasonable doubt.


So where were the Syrian air defenses? Seems like without the Russians constantly pushing the Syrian air defense people, they just go back to sleep.


kangaroo, everything is OK, the soviet weapons are perfect, minisovietunion is invincible. you can jump away. :)


Ever seen a skippy attack a man? They grab you by the neck with their front legs and then either kick you, or disembowel you with their rear legs.


i saw it as 9-10 years old child. in documentary movie.

Joe Dirt

Pootin just make a public statement saying “they have fired hyper-sonic invincible missiles blowing up an Iranian ammo depot, Russian have taken 0 causalities.”


Do you have a link?


All this will do is force the hand of the Russians and the Iranians. Every action has a reaction, might not be an immediate reaction but it will be there. I think it will be in the form of more Russian troops to speed up the unification with bases inside Syria. The Syrian government will probably get some offensive weapons as well.

The Latin Mass

Will Russia start to get serious and arm Syria and Iran with as much defensive weapons as possible.

Joe Dirt

FREE FREE FREE FREE ain’t nothing in this world for FREEEEEEE


Notice how it’s Israelis and their Hasbara losers that want Russia to shoot back? Do you think they would cheer if Russia nuked Israel off the face of the earth?



Cyric London

Nothing will ever happen as long as Putin is still the leader. He is their puppet. I am hoping the Russian General Staff finally says enough is enough and removes this Quisling Ceausescu style. He is not popular with the army at all. They know what game is being played.


For me the video seems to show a small thermo-nuclear bomb (mini-nuke), with the burning protons just after the explosion.


Those are actual ammunition going off – not sensor effects.


We’ll have radioactivity confirmation then.


Burning protons or fast neutrons?


Ah fucking Zionists you should cherish this attacks, because after the S-300 installment you will have no other chances, so pound the Syrian targets while you can you disgusting fuckheads. Your times is almost done. S-300 will fuck up all your drones and jets, and all of your incoming missiles and and sort of ammunition.

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