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MARCH 2025

Israel Once Again Strikes Damascus International Airport (Videos)

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Israeli warplanes carried out an airstrike on a depot in the Damascus international airport at the late hours of January 11, a military source told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

“At 23:15, Israeli warplanes, coming from the direction of Galilee [in northern Israel], launched several missiles at the outskirt of the Damascus international airport. Our air defenses immediately responded to the hostile missiles and shot down most of them,” the source said.

The SANA said that the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) have intercepted at least eight Israeli missiles over the Syrian capital of Damascus. Several videos released by pro-government activists and locals confirmed this.

Following the airstrike, Israeli warplanes were seen flying at high speed and low altitude over the southern Lebanese city of Tyre. Experts believe that the warplanes were on their way back to Israei airspace after completing their mission.

If confirmed, this will be the second Israeli attack on Syria within few weeks. On December 25, Israeli warplanes targeted several military positions around the Syrian capital. While Israeli sources claimed that the positions were being used by Iranian forces, the airstrikes injured several Syrian service members.

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So the world is preparing to reopen their embassies in Syria but one state thinks they have the right to conduct airstrikes on Syria…

When will the world stand up to this evil state and nation that is called Israel !!!


It aint no nation but stolen land run by murderers and thugs, claiming to be ” the chosen ones”.


We’re not talking about Iran are we?


hell no thats a decent country


….of criminals.



Israel actually. The land of the Khazar Squatters.


They are a nation but yes, the lands are stolen. And they continue to steal every day.


Tommy Jensen

So they stole the land others stole from others who stole it from the Arabs who stole it from the Christians who stole it from the Romans who stole it from Egypt who stole it from Persia who stole it from Babylon/Iraq who stole it from the Jewish King Solomon?


Solomon, David and al the Smalah never existed, Hänsel and Gretel or Santa Claus too !

Legend aren’t poverty title justifying Colonial invasion !

Crusaders times was on thousand years ago, since then Civilisation is supposed to have done some progress….

But the US went straight from Barbary to Decadence without to pass by Civilisation, alike the Ashkenazi’s Khazars from Khazaria to Palestine…

Tommy Jensen

It seems evidence has been found for both Solomon and David.https://www.thetrumpet.com/14445-did-david-and-solomon-actually-exist I agree time passes and claims should be adapted. But it should be admitted that the Jews have some right in their claim, like the Indian natives in American can claim to have a right to live there.


Do you are a Cave-man ?

Ashkenazi Place is the King Bulan Khazaria, and they got already the Jew Oblast from the Bolshevik Jews.

Any World wide Christians have similar bogus rights.

Sephardi and local Christians never had any problems in the Middle-East they belongs, before UK did it on Colonialism purpose !

One Day your dishonesty will cost you Hell, and you are looking for it !

Tommy Jensen

Where do you see dishonesty?

At the times of Jesus, Jewish Israel and Jerusalem were occupied by Rome. The Jews in Jerusalem had Temple I in 950 BC destroyed in 587 AC. Temple II in 350 BC destroyed in 70 AC by Rome because of Jewish riots.

Thus Rome not only destroyed Jewish Temple II in 70 BC but also banned Jews to enter Jerusalem, and left to newly Christians to rule Jerusalem Later attempts from Jews to enter Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple were sabotaged by these Christians.


Lies are unpleasant, all you said is totally bogus.

The Temple Construction was done and paid by a Persian King, it’s the same king ordering the Torah writing under Zoroastrian inspiration used to unify his Empire… It’s all written on deciphered cuneiform tablets


Beautiful ! Thank you for those links.


Interesting, thank you.

Tommy Jensen

There is a lot of bs on the net. Not easy to find the real stuff.

Acc. to my findings you could be right about Persia paid for the Temple II and contributed to collect the first Torah (5 Moses).

However the text itself is said to have origin from the Aleppo Codex and Masoretic text fragments 1000 BC. Some claim tablets from 4500 BC has been found referencing the Bible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SciSJFPI9w

Whatever, Judaism was outlawed in 167 BC from Egypt rule. Just saying somewhere Jews are not totally strangers to the disputed area :-).


“Just saying somewhere Jews are not totally strangers to the disputed area :-).” As well as the Middle East Sephardi, Christian, and Muslims, but with the Caucasians, and Ashkenazis and others exclusion, I myself included, even my family is Christian since 1’600 years


Yeah sure, only your stuff is not BS. Question remains, HOW can a people who have NO genetic link to ANY of the 12 tribes, claim a piece of Palestine? You clearly have no understanding of the Zionist fraud or you are just an idiotic ZioTroll. Decades ago, Arthur Koestler wrote about the Thirteenth tribe in reference to the Khazar jew converts. Today, his writings are backed up by unassailable genetic research conducted by Jews themselves (Elhaik, Oppenheim et al)


You’re an idiot. “jews” have no right to a piece of Palestine, especially if they are not “jewish”. It’s like saying all Christians have a right to claim Bethlehem whether they have roots there or not. Clearly, Khazar converts to Judaism have no genetic roots to the Holy land and are not members of the original 12th tribe. It’s idiots like you that help perpetuate the Zionist farce

Peter Jennings

Tommy, the isreali regime were given the area on a plate by the British. It seems the area wasn’t big enough or good enough so the regime thought it a good idea to attack its neighbours for their land. If innocent people died beneath bulldosers trying to save their property, so be it. Some isreali’s thought that was the fault of the goyim, who now shouldn’t be there apparently, getting in the way of isreali progress.

The regime harps on over their treatment in nazi ghetto’s, yet they have created just that for Palestinians. Maybe in future we just view Hilter’s actions as merely claiming Germany back for Germans?

Icarus Tanović

Now you revealed your ugly Zionistic face, root of all evil, including Wahhabism. Come to duel, you Jewish gangster, come on, if you’re a man, and not coward, jewish gangster. Pussy!

Tommy Jensen

Im just trying to be fair. I dont participate in the divide and conquer game between “sides”, only in justice.

Icarus Tanović

Aha, yes no question.


Justice needs knowledge.You are deficient in Knowledge, hence cannot deliver justice

Brother Ma

You forgot Solomon and his forebears stealing it from the Philistines and Caananites. Funny you did that.

Tommy Jensen

We know little about the times of Solomon and David, only from the bible. The most ancient map is this. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5757d8aa86322c77cff23802f5f5d231f2e10d73c5d13cc08fd526323375dd04.png 900 BC.


Babylone, Cairo, Athene and Canaanite abundant writing isn’t toilet paper alike the Thora and Bible fairy tales.

All Historical detailed are known and confirme by Archeology discoveries…

Thin air is better quality than Tinfoil believes…

You like it or not, Herodotus from Halikarnas(Bodrum) is almost Solomon contemporain, he is unanimously considered the first Historian and Geography everything he wrote was confirmed, and he wrote a lot !

Do you belongs to an absolute simpleton herd inside the bogus Israel Dome ?

We know little about the never existed Solomon and David

=============================== https://mondediplo.COM/2008/09/07israel

Zionist nationalist myth of enforced exile

Israel deliberately forgets its history

An Israeli historian suggests the diaspora was the consequence, not of the expulsion of the Hebrews from Palestine, but of proselytising across north Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East

by Schlomo Sand

Brother Ma


Brother Ma

Rubbish! You must be Silly, an Evangelical Zionist or a shill.We have history and archaeology. What planet are you from?

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha my kids drew better maps than that and were more real. What a load of crock :)


Tommy also forgot the Irish Traveller Scum that nicked my diesel :)

They must have Khazar blood in their veins :)

AM Hants

Goes back to this. Fagan’s Gang, over 2000 years ago. Running the same thefts.


Tommy Jensen

Same origin, same concepts yes :-). I were trying to find God, but opened up a worm can…………………….LOL.


There s a lot of crime out there aint it. ?

Tommy Jensen

Digging after the truth just made it uglier ……………….LOL.

Peter Jennings

That may be so Tommy, but it has to stop some where. The isreali regime and their dream of a ‘greater isreal’, by stealing it from whoever happens to be there, is the policy of a throwback. The isreali regime have their prints all over Sept 11th and their operatives even bragged about it on isreali TV. The isreali regime isn’t the only regime with blood on their hands. All their bribe takers in the west are also up to their necks in treason and aggressive war mongering for the sake of a ‘greater isreal’.

This has claimed millions of innocent lives. It has to stop some where.

Jim Prendergast



they r Chosen… by satan arihman

Alon Beck

If you get a bit more sense to your fucking brain, then you have the chance of reaching to the level of a donkey

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are a cancer for humanity and there is urgent need to eradicate the vermin or whole humanity is in peril. That is a fact.


there Aloni the donkey hater goes again ( the Khazar Ashkanazi import to the illegally occupied and ancient land which still is Palestine). Aloni works for Benjamin Bullshit (aka Net-an-yahoo) and the most important weapon Is-ra-hell has got – the Ministry of Lies, Deception and Insults. Jesus loves you Aloni, Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus will forgive all your sins (including the donkey insults), if you would only accept Him as your Lord (master) and Saviour, and turn from your wicked ways. The book of Revelation in the Christian bible prophesies that in the last days you “chosen” ones will face major tribulation, so bad you will cry out for the rocks to fall down and crush you up. So please try and be nice. You can’t be Holy (chosen) and Evil (bad to donkeys) at the same time, any more than you can be black and white, or Jew and Arab, at the same time. Lots and lots of love, from Chookie.xx

Zionism = EVIL

They are not chosen by anyone, it is all a Hollywood fake narrative line their Pisrael built on the blood of Palestinians and holocaust by US weaponry. The so-called Zionists have no history or anything in common with the region, there never was a “homeland” for Jews or ever will be. The world needs to eradicate these evil bastards of there will be endless turmoil. Only since 1945 have these apes become a real threat to humanity after they hijacked the dumb Americunts.



Zionism = EVIL

Is that photo yours? you are one cute smart chick :)

Brother Ma

I wish you really looked like your avatar. I would then date you

Zionism = EVIL

Even at my age I would do more than just date her ;) thanks to the modern miracle of blue pills, raging bull.


Ah, BUT would she want to date you :)

Jason De Larue Samuel

Could i have je phone number:))


Not chosen ones. The only ones created by god-zilla.

Zionism = EVIL

All is true, but it is time to act. The Arabs have killed half a million people in Syria, but not a single Zionist or Americunt has been killed or targeted. It is this type of cowardice that has emboldened the Zionists. Syria has nothing to lose and everything to gain by hitting back. At least a few missiles at Zionist ELINT station at Mt-Hermon would do the trick. The Zionist criminals are basically bullies and cowards and will not escalate as they know the cost of a full scale asymmetrical war on multiple fronts. I am from old school, and believe in standing up to bullies and hitting back, no matter what the cost or outcome.

Alon Beck

How can 8 million Jews, be bullies on 1.6 billion Arabs without God’s will? Can you explain that?

Zionism = EVIL

You parasites hide behind the Americunt brainwashed morons, Jews are are evil fucks who always use the goyem to do their dirty work. If the 400 million Arabs were united, the Zionist cancer would not last a day, there are 400 million Arabs , not 1.6 BILLION you dumb ignorant hasbara ape, there are 2.2 BILLION Muslims in the world, but 80% of them are not Arabs, and live in Asia. The Zionist parasites live off western charity while our own people struggle. Jews are truly a cancer. The US taxpayers have given the scum $2 TRILLION in weapons since 1960’s and even the smallest EU states are being fleeced the the Zionists.

Alon Beck

Why don’t you put your picture so we can see how stupidity is also looking?

Zionism = EVIL

I don’t have to put a picture for a Jew ape :) You are a pathetic troll and then you wonder why humans hate Jews eh?

Alon Beck

If you really want to know, i don’t wonder why humans hate Jews. As far as I am concerned, people are all human beings before their religious, gender or ethnic belonging, and I would be happy if all educational systems in all countries around the world educate the next generation accordingly, It is time for humanity to grow up.

Zionism = EVIL

Then leave Palestine and stop killing unarmed Palestinians and stealing their lands. The Zionists simply don’t belong there.

Alon Beck

It seems that you do not know much about history, there is no such thing as the Palestinian people and never even was, those who are associated with the Jewish religion, lived in the this land that was called by the Romans Palestine over three thousand years. The Palestinian people that the Jews allegedly stole their land is an invention invented in 1967 for political reasons(the Arab know it very well by the way).

Zionism = EVIL

Rubbish. Heard this usual hasbara spin before. Where did your family of squatters come from as there were no “Jews” in Palestine before 1948?

Alon Beck

My family came to Israel around 1881 from Yemen, which is considered the first modern Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel, although Jews lived in Israel throughout history (since and before the days of the Romans) in cities like Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem etc. If you have already asked


Brother Ma

Who cares? Philistines and Caananites were there before Hebrews got there anyway. Le me not speak about possible Early Greeks before some of the latter became Philistines.

Alon Beck

Just for your general knowledge my friend, the word Philistine in Hebrew means “invaders”, that is the term the Jews gave to the ancient Greeks who conquered coastal cities in southern of Israel (the cities of Ashdod, Gaza and Ashkelon). Later on, the Romans used this name to call the entire Land of Israel after the Great Revolt of the Jews against them(and the Jews defeat). So in general, there never was an Philistine or a Palestinian people in the sense of a nation, you can check it, it easy to check.

Brother Ma

Just a little more research would have shown you that when the Hebrews were still no diff in culture to Caananites and had still not INVADED Palestine the Philistines were already established in their coastal cities. Their civilisational achievements in comparison to the Hebrews/caananites were like comparing us to isis now. Yes that is right. The Hebrews were uncouth barbarians then.

Oh by the way,The research above. All by Israeli Jewish researchers.

Difference is they are professional ,objective and secular so do not lie.

Alon Beck

It’s impossible to argue against stupidity, a waste of time.

Brother Ma

Your behaviour has just proven you will not let facts get in the way of a good story. You are the fool with whom noone should waste time,not me.

Indoctrinated or a Zionist propagandist ;we know you now. I will keep my eye out for you.

Chris Saunders

A fool will turn to name calling to hide his own utter stupidity . .


” The Hebrews were uncouth barbarians then.”

They still are :)

Chris Saunders

Philistia was a coastal lowland nation with fairly advanced warfare abilities and a god they called Dagan. Comparatively, they were similar to the English under the reign of King Edward the first in the late 13th century and the Israelites were similar to the Scots during the same period. They had iron-working technology , iron armor, iron chariots and iron swords, while the Israelites were still using mostly brass metallurgy and wood and leather shields. they were a well-established nation that was a constant threat to Israel. When the Israelites conquered Canaan, they were advised by Moses not to go through the land of Philistia because it would have been a massacre. They were there long before the Israelites appeared on the scene . .

Alon Beck

For the sake of argument, let’s say there is some justice in what you say? Still, those who call themselves Palestinians today do not have a small connection to those Philistines of the past. The Arabs who began to call themselves the Palestinian nation since 1967 are Arab Muslims who immigrated to Israel from the countries of the region during the Ottoman period, While most of them still have family ties to the extended family they left behind in their countries of origin: Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the like, they are not seafarers; they have no connection with the seafarers. Their history from where they came to Israel is clear and transparent. Their family names, such as Al-Masri, Jarbi, etc.). Palestinians were a common name during the Ottoman and British periods for anyone who lived in Palestine, whether he was a Muslim, a Jew, or a Christian. After several Arab defeats to destroy the newly established Jewish state, and for political reasons to keep the cause for continued fighting, they invented the narrative known as the Palestinian narrative.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the Greek historian Herodotus names Palestine and it had nothing to do with fake “Jews”.


Palestinians aren’t an invented people and they were there long before Jews or Israel ever existed. The ones there today are far more indigenous to the land between the sea and the river than the Israelis will ever hope to be. They built Jerusalem 1,000 years before David attacked and occupied it.

Zionism = EVIL

Then maybe you should be telling your Saudi scum cowardly cousins to stop killing the children of Yemen too. They seem to be adopting the same tactics of indiscriminately killing women and children as you scum do in Palestine.

Alon Beck

Yes, you are right, the Saudis like the other Arab barbarians, murdering children and women to each other, that is the nature of the Muslim barbarians, when you yourself sound like a primitive Muslim. If you were a Christian you would surely be silent (after what the Muslims did to Christians in all Islamic countries).

Taz T

Is that the reason your lots are getting in bed with Saudi Arabia and UAE because they are following your murderous lot killing children, women and destroying Yemen. They are doing just what Israel has been doing to Palestinian. They have learnt from their Zionist friends but just like your lot they are not going to win.


The Saudi are US/UK/Israel/NATO Colonial Proxy for the 7 Sisters

Seven Sisters (oil companies) https://en.wikipedia.ORG/wiki/Seven_Sisters_(oil_companies)

Rüdiger Preiss

That’s fine and nobody other than some parrots dispute that, but on the other hand the Jewish settlers consistently have taken and are still taking land from the Palestinians (yes there are such people, just as much as there are Austrians or Swiss etc. – you don’t need to belong to a specific ethnic group to identify yourself with a place where you and your forefathers have lived for hundreds of years.). Jews also lived in Damascus throughout history, does that give them the right to take Syria? Christians lived in Jerusalem throughout history, does that give Spain the right to take your country?

Alon Beck

If there really are such people, can you tell me a little about their history? Who were their kings? What is their religion and belief? What were their wars throughout history and against whom? Their capital city? Their customs? Historical writings and books about them? And so forth


We have and know all with details on Canaan writing, cuneiforms, Hieroglyph, Ancien Greece or archeology !

All what the Zionists are saying is fake at 99’9 %

Rüdiger Preiss

So people who have no kings are unworthy of living? Who cares what they believe?? Fact is, people like you decided to come from wherever, in your case Yemen, to take away from people in Palestine only because you think it’s yours as some thousand or more years ago those that share your religion have lived in that area (and even then unlikely within exact borders and of 100% pure ethnicity). Do you know where exactly your great, great, great grandfathers lived? I bet even only as far back as 500 years you can’t tell. You think Jews have never been inter-breeding with other ethnicities or religions? Genetically you might only be 5% Israelite, what gives the other 95% of you the right to now come along and claim this land to be yours, just because you call yourself 100% Jewish? You people seem to think you are superior to everyone else.

Alon Beck

When people like me came from Yeman, those Arabs who call themselves today Palestinians have not yet arrived to Israel/Palestine, they came later

Rüdiger Preiss

So who was there before then … nobody? You really seem to dutifully believe everything your corrupt government serves you


That’s a complete lie. The demographics of Palestine are well known. And most of the area’s history has no Jews or a Jewish minority. Because Jews are anti social miscreants who alienate non Jews by their crime and evil taught by their Talmud cult manual. It’s why they’re the most persecuted, expelled, and genocided group of miscreants in history.

Rüdiger Preiss

p.s., what has this to do with Israel bombing Damascus, anyway?

Alon Beck

Israel bombed a warehouse of weapons and missiles belonging to the Iranians destined for Hezbollah and are in Damascus. Iran and Hezbollah have declared their intention to destroy Israel and as an act of prevention, Israel is attacking.

Rüdiger Preiss

Where has Iran declared their intention to destroy Israel? Hezbollah is to stop Israel’s aggression into Lebanon. Your and many of your stooges have declared to topple Assad and the legitimate Syrian Government. Cyprus hosts UK/US troops and planes and war ships – should Syria now attack Cyprus? In fact, with the same argument Korea and Russia could attack half of the World. Apart from that there is enough documentation that Israel has helped ISIS and HTS fighters on Golan Heights. Iranian threat? Laughable!

Alon Beck

In which planet do you live in? What does an Iranian Shi’ite terrorist organization have to look for in a sovereign state in Lebanon? Was the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri by Hezbollah, also was in order to prevent Israeli aggression? Is digging the tunnels under the international border (today they discovered the sixth tunnel in Israel), also was to prevent Israeli aggression?

And yes it is true that thousands of wounded Syrians from the war in Syria have reached the Israeli border in search of help, children, women and men, some of whom were apparently in military organizations. Israel does not make inquiries, anyone who is injured and asks for help helps, we help. In Judaism, life is a supreme value (even if it is an enemy that seeks help).

Rüdiger Preiss

I live on Earth but you seem to live on Zorc. There is no such thing as Iranian terrorist organisation. The Hezbollah is there to protect Lebanon from Zionist gangsters like you and successfully has done so in 2006. The Hezbollah in lawfully in Lebanon and also lawfully in Syria. Your country is consistently attacking Syria, which is in violation of UN resolution 350 from 1974. FUKUS as well as Turkey are illegally in Syria. If “life is a supreme value” in Judaism then you are total hypocrites, continuously killing defenseless Palestinians and not only that, you have been attacking civilian vessels in international water and killed civilians only to stop them from delivering aid to Gaza (Mavi Marmara) – there are hundreds of examples! When I was serving with the UN on Golan Heights 2 Israeli Kfir overflew the DMZ on a daily basis, violating UN resolution 350. the Syrians never did anything like that. Question: what for? There can only be one answer, to intimidate and provoke. That’s what you people do best.

Alon Beck

It seems that your brain is filled with shit of Jews hatred from birth, a waste of time. Hundreds of thousands were killed and murdered on a daily basis by the murderer Assad and his associates who murdered his own people and you are obsessed with blaming the only democracy in the Middle East, the only place in the Middle East where people of all faiths and sectors enjoy equal rights and a very good life. Shame on you.

Rüdiger Preiss

Now, now, Alon Bleck – running out of arguments? I couldn’t care less what your religion is. I don’t follow any religion but I am happy to listen to some of the wisdoms that can be found in every religion, including Judaism. I have jewish friends in Israel, Tel Aviv, as well as in the North such as Kiryat Tivon, Tiverias etc. Some are left-wing and despise Netanyahu, some have exactly your point of view and therefore we have an agreement not to talk about politics. When I read your sentence, “hundreds of thousands were killed and murdered on a daily basis by the murderer Assad..” well, my friend, this is where our communication stops. You can repeat a lie as much as you like, it still is a lie. I also happen to know many people in Syria and some of these friends have been personally visited by Venessa Beeley. I know what to believe. You certainly have never set foot in Syria and you don’t know the people there either. Why don’t you simply let the Syrians decide for themselves whether they like Assad or not? Assad has said it many times – and you can easily watch his full interviews on Youtube – Peace with Israel absolutely is possible, however, in order to achieve this, there needs to be a dignified solution for both sides.” You can’t sow unrest and try to destroy a country, then ask for peace. You can’t take away without asking and then ask for peace. You can’t murder one of your next door neighbours and then ask the survivors to shake hands with you. Your lies about chemical weapons and Assad butchering his people haven’t worked and certainly will work even less now, there is no need to keep trying ;). If you want peace, you’ll need a different approach!

Alon Beck

“Why don’t you simply let the Syrians decide for themselves”- Do you mean to the Syrians who are in the refugee camps in Jordan? or those in Greece? Or in all the rest of Europe? Which Syrians do you mean? For the wounded who seek help from Israel? Or the dead from the shelling of Assad and the Russians? Or is it also lies? Now i’m sure you’re not from plant earth.

Rüdiger Preiss

Yes of course I also mean the Syrians in the refugee camps and those who live as refugees abroad. Did you know they were prevented from voting in 2014 – not by Syria but by their host countries? Did you know that many, many Syrian refugees are returning to the safe parts in Syria as we speak? The wounded who sought help from Israel are not welcome, because they are known terrorists. And of course the dead can’t vote, silly man. There is no doubt many civilians have died due to the shelling, but many more would have died if the terrorists had turned Syria into total chaos (just look at Idlib, they fight against each other all the time). The Syrian Government and Russia have gone a long way to do everything possible and minimize the damage, this is well documented (Contrary to how the US and allies have literally leveled Raqqa). Corridors were kept open where possible to allow civilians to escape (Venessa Beeley and Pierre Le Corf have been right there and I personally know Syrians who couldn’t get out of Aleppo, who saw terrorist snipers shooting at civilians when they tried to leave through these corridors), even terrorist murderers when captured weren’t just shot in the back, but moved in green buses to Idlib. I am from planet Earth, whilst you are in a country that exists through propaganda and lies, you have never set foot in Syria, you don’t know any people who live there, so what makes you think that you know the truth and only the truth? Never mind that. One last thing you should consider and it really doesn’t matter whether you believe your truth or mine. Israel is not going to achieve peace unless you treat your neighbours with dignity and respect. You won’t win if you keep sitting on your high horse, wielding your sword in every direction. Eventually, you will come down.

Rüdiger Preiss

You are again wrong, Alon Beck. I neither hate Jews nor Muslims nor anyone else as long as they keep their religion to themselves. In fact I have quite a few jewish friends in Israel and elsewhere in the world. Some are more left wing and they like Netanyahu as little as I do, others probably share your opinion, in which case I have an agreement with them not to talk about politics. You really see your country through pink glasses and everything else around you in darkness, good for you, be happy in your “Garden of Eden” :D. But there really is absolutely no need for 100% lies such as “Hundreds of thousands were killed and murdered on a daily basis by the murderer Assad … “, come on, seriously – do you really think you have any chance or credibility with that? No comment to the Mavi Marmara raid? No? You see, I offer you hard facts only to receive some old lies and exaggerations from you. You should know that a lie stays a lie no matter how often you repeat it ;)

Brother Ma

Seems you don’t know much about history. Only real Hebrews in Israel are the Samritans and they are facing extinction by the alien Khazars.

Alon Beck

and how can 8 million Jews, be bullies on 400 million Arabs without God’s will? Can you explain that?

Zionism = EVIL

Moron, you scum hide behind the Americunts. BTW, there is no god or whatever.

Bill Wilson

He can’t explain that nor why he keeps repeating the same silly insults in all of his posts.

Brother Ma

Easy. It is better tech and powerful friends …nothing more.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionists are an imperialist outpost created by the devious Brits and then later on sustained by Americunt brainwashed dumbasses and their lust for OIL. If the Arabs had no OIL, do you think anyone would give a lizard’s ass about these Khazar vermin and their illegal occupation of Palestine?

Alon Beck

On the day that your Arab brothers do not have oil, they will return to ride camels and fuck sheep as they like

Taz T

What use will Israel have for US if there was no oil in the Middle East. Are you stupid enough to think America will bankroll Israel if there was no oil in Middle East. I hope they ll find a replacement for fossil fuel soon.

Zionism = EVIL

You are an Arab yourself dumbass.

Taz T

May be he thinks he is from Eastern Europe because he has changed his name.


And the day that most Americans realise what your cabal do in the US, as more and more are realising , will be that day the US stops dying and paying for you.

That is the day when your cabal well reap what you have sown. That day is long overdue.

Brother Ma

Yes. I agree. Sometimes Justice MUST be SEEN to be done as well even if it costs yoi. What happened to Russia approving Syria ‘s new “airport for an airport” policy.

When can we expect rockets to slam into Mt Hermon Elint station, tel aviv Jaffa Airport and see some Israeli planes falling?

Zionism = EVIL

You are one of the more intelligent and rational ones here. It is simple schoolyard logic on how to deal with bullies is to hit back, regardless of how much pain you may suffer. I have always been outspoken and held my ground even when much bigger kids picked fights, they normally respect you and leave you alone if you stand your ground, nation state behavior is no different. The Zionist scum are thugs who strut on US weapons and money. In officer school we were taught the concept of “strategic mass”, the Zionist scum have a total manpower of 2 million and simply can not sustain a long asymmetrical war, why do you think the Americunts neutralized Egypt? It is time Syria hit back at some Zionist target or these raids will become more regular. The Russians will not do anything as history has shown. It is for Syria and more like Hezbollah to hit back, most obvious target is Occupied Golan Heights or Shebba Farms. The whole Zionist airspace can also be shut down if Ben Gurion airport is hit.


Bullies are a perennial problem amd we have all suffered it at times.

During my school days I sometimes struck back immediately, sometimes weeks or months later, in a few instances ,years later.

All were at times when I had an advantage and ALL of the bullies lost. In later years, financially as well.

Russia also bides her time as is evident throughout her history.

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly, the Zionists are basically thugs and criminals and only understand the logic of force. The only Arabs that have stood up to them and are left alone are Hezbollah, who have retaliated instantly at every Zionist aggression. Why do the Zionists not attack Lebanon at will now as they do Syria every day? because the cost will be too high and Hezbollah will destroy their hovels,


Syria is a bigger target for Israel though , with a huge choice of assets, civilian and military to attack.

Hezbollah have tailored their defences to avoid easy and obvious targets on ways that are not really possible for a nation state.

Hezbollah have a near perfect strategy to oppose the conventional military of Israel.

viktor ziv

It’s interesting how jews accept old testament and deny new testament. Exclusive right to accept salvation for 12 tribes and to deny everyone elses salvation right promised by Jesus.


Until NOW, Jesus is as Bogus the Solomon, David and Smalah

We have only one approximately contemporary writing existing !

A Roman clay Archive tablet saying we have Crucified a trouble maker named Jesus, but it was Palestine most common name.

Aside that, during the Council of Nicaea, also called First Council of Nicaea, (325), the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, meeting in ancient Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey). It was called by the emperor Constantine I, an unbaptized catechumen, who presided over the opening session and took part in the discussions.

They had about 30 Testaments, they had chosen 4 of them, translated, rewrote and adapted to the Constantin needs, it’s today considered “Holy Scriptures” by ignorant’s….

It’s duped Crusaders, Middle-East and Europe more than 1’500 Years (lol)

Be realistic Religions are Darwinian, Babylonian, Egyptians, Ancien Greece and all Cave-Ages Gods are gone by evolution since long… !


Once again 0 Israeli planes lost. HAHAHAHA

S300 is weaker than pissing in the wind


Nevermind the S300, why dont you tell us where are the US soldiers going …? Dont they like it in Syria ? I heard they leaving Afganistan too… And how about them 45 US war veterans that commit suicide every single day in mourica …? Wana talk about that for a bit …? dumbass yankie!


0 American in casualties and we slaughtered our enemies like lambs


hahaha you mean you sold weapons to the Kurds, you sold weapons to isis, you sold weapons to al qaeda and…what else lets see….oh yeah ! you sold weapons to Turkish terrorists proxy groups.

Slaughtering !?! hahah Your boys coudn’t slaughter a pig in a pigsty !


Remember the 60 Syrian soldiers we “ accidentally” killed



I remember many things…

I remember how the USA smuggled out of Raqqa the isis terrorists bosses for example…


and I remember how the USA killed 188 civilians ‘accidentaly’…


and many hospital bombings and phosphorus bomb attacks on Syrian civilians…

Do you remember …?


And those weak pussies never retaliated

You gonna cry, you little bitch?


Looks like my comments touched your inner holes too deep… But I bet you are used to that and you take some sort of weird filthy pleasure…like the dirty redneck troll you are…

Manuel Flores Escobar

Remember the 4.742 US soldiers death in Iraq for nothing!


We run Iraq dummy lol

Manuel Flores Escobar

you run Iraq?…Iraq is under Iran goverment..they move its forces there and deploy IRGC in Syria through Irak!


No lol, everyone knows Iraq is a US military outposts

Iranian cowards got slaughtered by Israel during the T4 strikes and were too chicken shit to retaliate


Manuel Flores Escobar

Iran launched 55 rockets and only 4 were intercepted..meanwhile Hamas launched 150 rockets and only 50% were intercepted!..


Fake news lol

Iran got fucked hard at T4

Manuel Flores Escobar

Iran retaliate launched 55 rockets and missile and are building military assets and bases there and neither israel and USA can do anything to stop them!..well a wasted operation that needed 16 cruise missile to hit a warehouse…thats nothing as Israel would need many airstrike with heavy antibunker bombs to destroy underground Irani weapons depot..and israel dont risk planes and pilots for such operation!..


55 rockets and not a single hit or casualty


Manuel Flores Escobar

Israel told that 4 were intercepted..so the others hit military bases in Golan and other parts..of course Israel will never say that rockets hit his military assets beside it is forbidden to show photos of aftermath causing damage in strategic military bases…Iron dome is useful vs 4-5 rockets..but a barrage of more than 20..Iron Dome only can intercept about 40% as we can see in the last palestine attacks when they launched 100 rockets at the same time!


You have no proof, just talking haha

Israel kicked Iran’s ass in Syria and everyone knows it

Manuel Flores Escobar

Surely less damage that Hamas ( allies of Iran) inflict to israel


No we do not. Iraq just took the first step, after Trumps visit, to remove the US from the country, dummy. Again, you don’t know anything, just hot air and inflammatory remarks.

Hisham Saber

the Iraqi insurgency, coupled with moqtada al Sadr’s forces actually bogged down i4 of the total 16 battalions of the u.s. army. it was an unwinnable war. now u.s. forces in Iraq hide in two basses because if they left their bases, they would be slaughtered. Iraqi members of parliament are demanding u.s. forces leave immediately or face another vicious insurgency



Stfu, we have thousands of soldiers in Iraq, they killed hundreds of PMU and no one dares to strik back

Hisham Saber

your obviously a pathetic miserable jew.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, he is.

Hisham Saber

U.S. bases and soldiers in Iraq and Syria are sitting ducks.

Brother Ma

Poetic justice! Love it!

Tommy Jensen

Every dollar has a price…………………LOL.


Wow, this is awesome! Got a legal buddy over in Nuremberg, he thinks there’s a big future in war crimes tribunals. Would you be willing to testify if travel and accommodations were paid for? See, my friend figures it’s good to get on the ground floor early, he wants to be ready to role when the indictments are announced.

Luke Hemmming

Yeah I remember USA losing the Vietnam war, and Afghanistan is a loss, Iraq is…well no victory there, Saddam was just a Zionist/US puppet. 911..well the US defense was asleep on the job (if you believe the official story that is, which I don’t) Hahahaha


Russia losing to Finland, Afghanistan, Israel, Japan, USA (cold war )

lol Russians are pussies

Another failure today

Luke Hemmming

So basically the USA is just as much a loser as Russia then?


No because Russia lost to the US dumbass lol

Luke Hemmming

No USA lost the cold war to Russia because the USA is full of losers like you ‘dick for brains’ that are fat obese lard asses that eat too much Maccas, drink too much koolaid and masturbate too much to pron instead of checking the internet for REAL facts not the fantastical masturbatory material you make up in your pea sized mass you foolisly call a brain. When god was giving out brains you thought he said trains so you asked for a small one. I can call you infantile insults too like you LOLBWAHAHAHA trolololololololol


lol Russian faggots get slapped around by the Israeli Air Force while their shitty SAM systems fuck themselves in the corner. Everyone knows the US defeated Russia in the Cold War and made them collapse. Inferior economy, weak people, inferior weaponry. China is a competitor, Russia is just a joke tryin to remain relevant when it isn’t


Well, then I love this war:



None death body or children or human being deserve to be presented in this way as an act of show up. African people have suffered a lot at the hand of white people, and also o their own people.


This is about marines not about children…. Don´t you get it?

Icarus Tanović

Hahaha, Butros Butros Ghali had his Zionistic claws in that.


You sound like we did when we were like 12 in the US. We knew nothing but, the official line. You don’t know who has been killed and who has not.

Israel is feeling a few oats because Pompeo visited. That will change soon enough. BN is also close to being indicted, hence the attacks. It is all business as usual, including you cheerleader. For whom do you work?

Brother Ma

I wish it wasn’t so but nutandyahoo will never be inconvenienced by a jail term. Sad really.

Hisham Saber

in the u.s., a veteran commits suicide every 22 minutes. no, there are so many victims. most are homeless, hooked on heroin, and about all have PTSD.

the u.s./nato militaries cannot even subdue a bunch of guys on motorbikes dressed in bedsheets and beach sandals, lightly armed with ak-47’s, rgp’s and a few ied’s. for 18 years now they are getting outsmarted, outmaneuvered, outmatched and the Taliban are plain and simply a warrior type people, not like the sissy u.s./nato troops and special forces.


And Russia gets fucked by Israel until they love it


Hisham Saber

Your very childish.

Zionism = EVIL

Russians have a very pathetic military history going back to Afghanistan when a few thousands CIA armed terrorists chased them out with 13,700 dead and Soviet Union collapsed. Russia is now in much worse shape as the Jews have infested the oligarchy and Putin is is totally in their pockets.

Zionism = EVIL

Even though you are neither an Americunt or “white” unless you painted yourself :) but the truth is that bullies are encouraged if the victim does not hit back. The Arabs for some reason are good at killing each other but not their enemies, unlike the Vietnamese and other people. Syria should have hit back with equal force when it was bombed the first time by Zionists.

Taz T

You are hiding behind the Kurd. American politicians know very well once body bags start going back home the people will say what are we doing in Syria. The same thing happened in Iraq and they mostly left and the fighting was carried out by the Iraqis.


I don’t think he is an American. His writing is off.


They were in Lebanon …and flying fast there , fired and run like dogs back to base. So how to react to the Israeli planes?

Assad should place some SAM at the Lebanese border .


S300 range stops past Damascus lol

Ricky Miller

When Syria actually gets these systems, in their own chain of command I’ll bet that’s the first thing we see. Eight launchers with radar and command vehicles will make the broad daylight drive from central Syria down to Damascus and it’s environs. Right now they are too far away to target Israeli aircraft flying inside Israeli airspace and flying over Southern Lebanon too. And the wrong people have their hands on the buttons. If that doesn’t change than Syria will be able to shoot down a majority of the attacking missiles but won’t be able to impose a real cost on these attacks. Hence, they’ll go on and on with growing frequency. I don’t understand the Kremlin’s thinking here. Unless they want Israel to be able to get away with assaulting Syria, and they want people who matter laughing at Russian defense technology. Letting Israel get away with this ad nauseam, without even letting the Syrians use the S300 system to fight back isn’t really great advertising for Russian Surface to Air missile systems. Almaz-Antey has to be frustrated.


Didn’t read



The range depends on what’s loaded in the tubes. It goes out to 250 miles.

Ricky Miller

250 kilometers, this system. That’s 150 miles. But an aircraft on the perimeter of the target range only needs to turn 45 degrees and fly out of effective range. Some of the launchers and radars have to be moved closer or Israeli aircraft can loiter on the outside perimeter and launch missiles at targets around Damascus. To protect Damascus from aircraft, not just the missiles they launch, the S400 TEL’s have to move and offset the range of the attacking missiles.

Ricky Miller

S300’s, sorry


Can’t you read, Is there something about 250 MILES that you don’t understand?

Hisham Saber

s-300’s are not meant to shoot down missiles. they are there for much more lucrative targets like bombers and fighters. the s-3oo missile is too expensive and not used on lowly pathetic Israeli missiles. there are other sytems for the missiles.


McDonalds rule the fries. lol

Icarus Tanović

Ronald McDonald

Bob Starsky

bomb israel cities. simple. do it western style, they should be happy. do Dresden or Hiroshima from jews.

Kelli Hernandez

Inside Lebanon.

Brother Ma

I wish you looked like this avatar photo. I would date you.

Ricky Miller

Again, the S300 system is not under Syria’s operational control. Which I admit is a problem seeing how Russia stated that there would be a three month training period, dating from October 1. It’s as if Russia is deliberately withholding the transfer, perhaps at Israel’s urgent request. I don’t understand it, what is the point of giving them an improved air defense system to defend themselves but then not allowing them to use it?


Hahahahaha im laughing too hard to read you.

Hahahahaha Russia is the weakest


3 months was up almost 2 weeks ago.


“Patriotic White American”? Ri-i-ight.

Kelli Hernandez

More like hasbara troll

Icarus Tanović

Fucking shlomo!


Yeah, he is a hoot.


Doesn’t matter. What matters is Assad hasn’t gone anywhere, the Iranians are still in Syria stronger than ever, the Russians are now calling the shots and the USA is leaving once again as LOSERS.

After 18 years of warfare the Taliban are kicking your asses in Afghanistan and they don’t even have modern artillery let alone an air force. WTF is wrong with you people. You brag that you’re the greatest military in history but you still haven won a war on your own.

Ok I went a little too far, I admit it, I apologise ….. you won the civil war.


S400 humiliated again today XD

Icarus Tanović

Hey Shlomo! Your empire is going down, and no where but down!


Okay, what are you going say, when an Israeli plane is shot down, …… again? You won’t even post here, is my bet. ;)

Icarus Tanović

You’re Jewish slave American.


Brainwashed white American.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, dumbass you are right to some degree, but an Iranian upgraded S-200 or Sayyed 2 (Hunter) brought down a Zionist F-16I and damaged a F-35 aka birdstrike. However, on balance the Russians have done jack shit to even restrain the Zionists as they brought down the IL-20 killing 15 Russians and I am certain the over 200 Zionist airstrikes have killed many more Russians as Syrian and Russian bases are integrated.


No F35 was hurt lol

Birds take down more planes than the S400 system.

You’re right though, Israelis have killed much more

stary ujo

S-300 , waiting for F-16 and F-35 no for small cigarets !


Rather than an attack on Iranian ghosts, the real intent could be to dissuade nations that wish to reopen their embassies in Syria. All of the embassy staff would use Damascus International Airport I would think.

Brother Ma

Or to humiliate the Russians who appear to have no working AA.


Using the most powerful Russian air defences against against small hit and run Israeli raids is what in fact the Israeli’s and FUKUS wants . Politically and militarily.

Patience in war has never been a US’Israeli strategy and the result is that they blunder around issuing threats and provocations that actually seek a blundering response.

Brother Ma

Yes I understand not showing your hand too early ,yet Russia did with the knocking out of the Aegis system with the USN Donald Cook in the Black Sea didn’t they?


They did indeed and what percentage of the Russian capability to do so is unknown. I suspect it was not 100% as the Russians were not at war and were just ‘playing ‘ with the Yanks. Partly to assess US systems as well of course.

One day we will know, I would think but not in our lifetimes as we are over 30 :)

Brother Ma

Haha. May we never need to find out and the US voluntarily limits its imperialism behind certain borders as Augustus Ceasar once did… after a major reverse of the Romans dealt to it by the Germans. Maybe it can at least leave the EU and Middle East alone!


Funnily enough, I was a film extra in a 90’s, for a depiction of the Roman defeat . I was a Roman cavalry soldier and my aluminium theatrical sword shattered and the blade narrowly missed the ‘German tribesman’ I was in ‘combat’ with :)

Brother Ma

Haha. What do they say.. six degrees of separation?


Ironically, a horse owner often has a long distance circle of friends in many nations. I have also ridden Russian Army Cavalry horses in Russia :)

Bob Starsky

when bolsheviks invaded poland and finland just after doing genocide on ruthenians and kazachs then the world instead attacking stalin, attacked Poland instead and was supporting stalin with their crimes. even Katyn massacre or Gulag havent changed it, damn, these even increased western support for bolsheviks


The bolsheviks and the Soviet Union WAS a US ‘invention’ !

Extra extra read all about it :

I suggest watch it all but i linked it at the point where it starts to explain how the illuminati created communism…


PS : This is a video that keeps getting deleted from youtube.


UN can be trusted !

It’s time for Lebanon to be closer Russia

to stop such impenitent agressive Racist Fascist Squatters !

Taz T

Syria is very close to Russia and Russia does not use S300 and S400 against Israeli planes. They are either useless or Russia and Israel have an understanding after all there are more than a million Russian Jews in Israel. Just imagine Syrian planes going near American forces , they will probably will be attacked but Russia never does the same to Israeli planes.


We know the Tragic past, thinks are changing…

America decadence is on the Way. China and Russia improvements is impressive, hopefully we will see a Europe-Russia-Turkey-Iran relations normalisation… Putin is an excellent Charismatic Chess player… I am used since decades to go often to China and love it =======================================


71% Of Military Age Americans Too Sick To Join, Study Says

71% of Military Age Americans Too Sick to Join, Study Says

By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze

The United States is now facing a security crisis the likes of which it has never faced before. Although we are awaiting the attempts to blame it on them, it’s hard to see how the State Department or the corporate media can pin this on on the Russians.

According to a new study by the Heritage Foundation, nearly 71% of young U.S. citizens are ineligible to serve in the military. To be more specific, out of 34 million people, between the ages of 17 and 24, more than 24 million are unable to join the military. Sixty percent of those ineligible to join are ineligible due to health problems or physical fitness. Around one-third are too obese.

Indeed, 27% of young Americans are “too overweight for military service.”

“The obesity issue is the most troubling because the trend is going in the wrong direction…by 2020 it could be as high as 50%,” said Major General Allen Batschelet, former Commander of U.S. Army Recruiting Command “back in 2015, “which means only two in ten would qualify to join the Army.”

Other common health concerns are hearing and eyesight problems, asthma and mental illness.

The study also shows that a quarter of those unfit for military service, are due to intelligence factors and are unable to complete their high school education and lack a “basic understanding of written and cognitive skills…to complete an organized program.”

The research points out that these individuals are considered unfit despite the fact that the military routinely accepts people who do not complete their high school education and “rarely pass the armed forces qualification test.”

Another 10% were ineligible due to a criminal record.

The national security issue comes to play when one realizes that this stunning commentary on the intellectual, mental and physical health of the United States will lead to a very serious shortage of recruits for the military, meaning that the U.S. military will suffer from a lack of manpower.

All ready, the U.S. Army is having a hard time meeting its 2018 goal of enlisting 80,000 volunteers.

Army Major General Malcolm Frost, Commander of the Army’s Initial Military Training Command, publicly stated in 2017, that “I would argue that the next existential threat that we have… is the inability to man our military.”

One highly important point to mention, is that the southern states, who have traditionally supplied the military with the largest amount of recruits, are experiencing even more concerning health issues than their Northern and Western counterparts.

South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee and Texas are “significantly less fit, and consequently are more likely to encounter training related injuries and recruits from other U.S. states,” according to recent research conducted by the Citadel, the U.S. Army Public Health Center and the American Heart Association.

The southern states mentioned above make up more than 37% of new recruits.

Thus, Americans’ poor health, dropping IQ and mental instability have reached such a proportion that it is now a national security issue.

While there are many other factors at play in regards to national security and the ability to man the military, such as an expansive military presence across the world and a constant state of warfare – America must begin to make drastic changes in its food supply, healthcare and culture unless it wants to do to itself what no outside power is capable of doing.

Zionism = EVIL

The world will do squat for Syria, Russia, Iran or anyone. It is pointless even to comment as the Syrians have repeatedly shown cowardice and not hit back. As I pointed out a couple of days ago, since the fat pig Pompeo visited Occupied Palestine, the Zionist scum were emboldened. It does not the wisdom of Socrates to figure out that bullies and thugs only stop when the victim hits back. So far Syria has been attacked 130 times plus, Russians have lost over 200 dead, had their aircraft shot down, Iranians have lost around 700 dead and not a single response. It is pathetic and will only invite more brazen Zionist attacks and it is only a matter of time before a large civilian aircraft is hit at Damascus airport with mass civilian casualties, as the Zionists are firing Popeye salvos at random from Occupied Golan and South Lebanon. Syria needs to act no matter what the costs or face daily humiliation. Putin is in league with Zionists and will do nothing. Iranian mullahs are basically illiterate swine who have no support at home or abroad and they themselves are not sure why they are in Syria while Iranian economy goes down the tubes. Assad needs to grow a pair and at least hit Zionist targets on the Occupied Golan.


I think you are looking at this issue as if it is a fight between kids in a schoolyard… Diplomacy and relations between countries dont work as simple as that.

Zionism = EVIL

Nope, I live in the real world. Russia is piss weak.


Dont know what ‘real world’ you live in pal, but in this world the USA is has been and Russia is the new num 1 Superpower with China soon to be the second and probably India will overtake the Yanks too.

Now, if you choose to get your info from CNN, CBS, ABC, FOX, The Washington Post, The NY Times, BBC, SKY, The Sun… and the like… then your opinion on Russia DOES make sense…!

Alon Beck

If you don’t know, Syria does not really exist anymore except for a few neighborhoods in Damascus, wake up, Assad destroyed his people and the rest did other Muslim primitive groups(in the name of God and fucking Mohammed of course).

Zionism = EVIL

Jew idiot, you hooked noses are an aberration :) and curse on humanity.

Alon Beck

So how do you explain Mr donkey’s brain, that those Jews idiots “curse on humanity” as you say, have won most Nobel Prizes in the world in relation to their share of the world’s population?

Zionism = EVIL

Nobel Prize is a joke and has no meaning.

Brother Ma

Secular and Western Upringing.

Fat Wanker

It’s callled intellectual theft, spying or industrial espionage you ethnically confused shower dodger.


What happened to ASSAD’S PROMISE to “Strike Back”, in kind, made a month ago?

I believe Israelis, do not believe Assad, and are testing his threat, for what it really is – Bluster..


It doesnt matter what Assad promised.

Leaders will say things and then do other things or not do what they ‘promised’ to do at all, all the time everywhere in the world.

Netanyahu him self is being prosecuted for all sorts of shenanigans in Israel, Trump is accused every single day since the day he become president that he is Putin’s tool…

So…the real question you should be asking is Why are the Israelis attacking a sovereign country that they are NOT at war with. And dont give me that Hezbolah malarkey please nobody buys that Israely propaganda.


From you: “So…the real question you should be asking is Why are the Israelis attacking a sovereign country that they are NOT at war with.”

I suspect you are NEW here as I Have ASKED that QUESTION, many TIMES, AND, then just as now, I KNOW the answer.

MY questions are ACADEMIC

Thanks for stopping by


I don’t know if your question(s) is (are) academic, or if in fact you understand what ‘academic question’ means.

But my question was R H E T O R I C, it needs no answer, because we Do know why the Israelis are doing what they are doing.

PS I am not as new here as you think I am…


2 Years and 3 months and business as usual,thank you Russia,


Well, who cares what the world says or does. Assad must put his money where his mouth is. He claimed Tit for Tat. the Fake jews only understand the language of force, so we await Assad’s strike on Tel Aviv airport

Rob G

World will stand up as soon as they grow some kahunas


As I’ve said here and on RT….the Russian military is only mouth and hot air!!! They obey their master…Satanyahoo in Hell Aviv only. Where are the follow up response reported in Dec last?? What happened to the new policy…airport for airport, etc??? PUTIN is now Pootin!!!!


Everyone punks Russia

Remember turkey shot down a plane lol


P W A is a P O S, lol

Icarus Tanović

Remember 72 merkavas fucked up for scrap metal in 2006.

Carol Davidek-Waller

According to Israeli policy, rocket attacks are punishable by carpet bombing.


Another strike, another failure of Syrian air defense, another IDF operation with 0 losses


The israeli planes reported flying at top speed back to Israel from Lebanon after quickly flew there fired and run for their dear lives.

Try flying over Damascus … like before … can they .. Balls they can.


Weren’t there any comercial flights tonight in the area for them to hide ….I wonder


Their new tactici is to fly there at top speed, reach the spot where their preprogrammed missiles are fired and immediate return at top speed to the base.

This way no time for the missiles to hit the planes but only the missiles which are cheap compared to the Sam systems.

They can wear out the Syrian defences this way . One thing though , Hez, Iran and Assad are all big air … talked about retalation with bravado .. but kept silent .

Maybe this is not the time when US is withdrawing etc… which is what Israel love to get attacked so that US withdrawal will stop.

Icarus Tanović

Seem they were.


Israel struck again, their cowardly enemies are listing reasons why they won’t strike back



If you love Israel so much why you got an american flag on your avatar and call your self patriotic american hahahahaha

Got a feeling you are a black jew troll …


lol coward


Coward ? Who is the coward ? Look again :

According to local sources, the US warplanes targeted civilian homes in the village of al-Fadel, killing more than two dozen women and children and wounding many others.


According to reports by a non-partisan monitoring group Airwars, from 6,136 up to 9,315 civilians have died as a result of coalition strikes since 2014, while the US-led military alliance said that between 2014 and January 2018 its strikes killed “at least 841civilians.”



Why weren’t Us forces therefore targeted?


Kelli Hernandez

Gathering from the response you’re likely correct. Only kike trolls get a hard on at potential death & destruction of other countries.


Failure? The report says the Syrians shot down the Israeli missiles and they attacked from Lebanese airspace. Even if Syrian SAM’s had the range to hit Israeli aircraft over Lebanon do you honestly think the Syrians were going to be firing at aircraft over Lebanese territory? What happens if they bring down an Israeli jet over Tyre?

The Syrians aren’t psychopaths, they at least ….. Oh right I forgot you’re an American troll …. never mind.


Well said pal, only mouricans could fly even their own planes on their own towers like they did with the twin towers and shoot down their own passenger planes !


Syrians can only intercept IL20’s lmao

Another bitch slap, enjoy!

Prince Teutonic

I think you are mixing inability with prudence…

John Whitehot

let’s wait for the photoshopped satellite pics of the targets, just like the last time.

Icarus Tanović


Peter Bozich

Israel can’t accept no regime change in Syria, meanwhile Iran is gaining influence while the Yankees are leaving with their tail between their legs. See you laters yank arsewipes, your country is broke and collapsing big time.


Look at Russian military getting humiliated again

15 Russians can die and the pussies still won’t fight back ?


Should I laugh when you die? Should I delight if you wind up enduring a lengthy, painful death? What goes around, comes around partner. You are way over the line. Be careful, life is always watching. It has no mercy on the arrogantly cruel. Clean it up a bit sparky.

Lena Jones

6 million jews died hahahahahahaha!

Pemba Sherpa

Destroy this filthy apartheid regime widely hated by every decent human being.


Hahahahaha weak Russian faggots, even Israel isn’t scared of you



Epic fail again – 8 out of 9 missiles taken down!


In your dreams ?

Lena Jones

If your owners in tel aviv are so brave, then why don’t they strike at ‘petite’ Lebanon? They sure have NOT DARED touch Lebanon since Hezbollah wiped out their lauded ‘Golani Brigade’ back in 2006 hahahahahaha!

Better still, why don’t the terrorist jews strike at Teharan directly? The answer to that in your face is that jews are born cowards hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

Icarus Tanović

You were forced out of LEBANON! AUS!

Jim Bim

What are the new Syrian S-300 for?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Adding an extra layer to the S-400, defending Russian infrastructure.


They’re garbage, you can put an S500 and Israel would laugh at it

Dick Von Dast'Ard

And maybe you could describe what success the Israeli’s had tonight… It’s all very token, isn’t it?


Another strike another failure to shoot down Israeli jets

Good job lol

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well it seems a rather unsuccessful raid, with the planes (of U.S. origin) doing a hit and run from Lebanese airspace. Again.


0 Israeli planes shot down (again)

Syria reporting more interceptions with buildings burning in the background


S400 is pathetic

Dick Von Dast'Ard

And you would like Russia’s expeditionary force to shoot down Israeli planes? The cost of the operation to the U.S. taxpayer every time Israel does a military action is rather expensive by the way.


Expenses are only worrisome when you’re a 3rd world country

If Russians weren’t pussies they would simply put their foot down and begin targeting Israeli planes and bases. However, they’re too weak and cowardly for the task.

Kelli Hernandez

You assume they are, however, the S-400 is not fully operational until the end of this month. Also Putin and Assad are very well aware that Israhell not happy that US pulling out of SYRIA. Israhell well known for false flags to drag into war. It didn’t work. Again.

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, and Americans are payong for your heroism over Palestinians kids.


Once again youre domonstrating usual poor logic. The non use of S300/400 doesnt equate with it not working. Syrian air defence are only targeting incoming missiles & planes which fly in their airpsace not planes operating in Lebanon or Israel


Nope most missiles taken down = usual zio failure!

Willing Conscience (The Truths


Dick Von Dast'Ard

One night I’m almost sure we are going to hear of another Israeli jet downed over Lebanon.


Israel will never stop until one is dropped down the throat of Tel Aviv. Maybe that will give it pause as its citizens demand Netanyahu’s balls.


Netanyahu’s balls ? Dont think he is got any balls…


True I suppose.Only a two-faced coward would set up civilian planes for destruction.


Israely army in action here :



I find it difficult to hate but these bastards should be put down without pity. These kids will one day be adults and god willing bring retribution down on these racist cowards. They sow hatred with every act

Tommy Jensen

Did she play on the ruins of the Jerusalem Temple II the Romans destroyed in 70 BF?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Once again the mighty S-400’s failed to respond, but then again so did the mighty Hezbollah and Iranians, who said an airport for an airport last time it happened, and I believed them. So unless I see 2 Israeli airports hit by Iranian missiles in the next few days, either fired by Hezbollah ot the Iranians themselves, I’ll think they’re both full of crap too. An airport for an airport means exactly that, I’m still waiting. I wonder what was hit and how successful they were.

Kelli Hernandez

This is exactly what Israhell wants, to drag the US who is leaving, into a wider war. Putin & Assad don’t take the bait which frustrates Israhell. Still, Syria has every right to bring down an Israhelli jet utilizing it’s airspace. I read somewhere that the S-400 is not operational until the end of this month??


There was a SF article quoting an unnamed “expert” that said the end of January or early February after the Christmas airstrike.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hopefully Trump won’t allow that to happen no matter what the Israelis do. Yes a smoking Israeli jet would do wonders for morale, it’s a pity the Russians don’t feel the same way, I suppose they’re thinking of the big picture by being tolerant or acceptant of the Israeli incursions. I’m not sure about the S-400, to be honest I would have thought the SAA personnel who were going to use them, would have already been at least partially trained to use them before they even received them, if not, Russian personnel would train them until they were capable of doing so and stay on site in Syria to do so. As to being operational now, and the integration between Syrian operating and Russian operating systems being a cause of delay, I’m not sure, I suspect not. They’re the most advanced AA and anti Ballistic system in the world bar the S-500, and supposed to be deployable and operational in just over half an hour, I would have honestly though they would have been up and operational within a week of arriving in Syria, even if they did have to integrate the Russian operating system to a Syrian one, I suspect that was something they’d already worked out how to do back when it was first hinted that Syria would receive the systems, the first thing they’d do in other words not the last. If they are operational, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Israel and the US would all know about it, their radar detectors would detect the S-400 radars when they were operating, I don’t think the S-400 are undetectable, everyone around Syria would know when they were switched on or off, though I’m not 100% certain of that, only 99%.


I remember a website saying an airport for an airport. Not Syria, Iran or Hezbollah. Does the website have ballistic missiles to hit the baby rapers with?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well the Iranians stated last month that they now had the ability to reach Israel from Iranian territory with their ballistic missiles, so if they don’t now it will be somewhat humiliating for them to not fulfil their threat/promise, and me and anybody else that thought they actually would. The last time I said to everyone don’t be in such a hurry for a response, that they would retaliate in their own time when it suited them, I’m still waiting for that retaliation, I’m not going to maker the same assertion this time, but that doesn’t mean I’m not hoping they still will sometime soon, it’s still a possibility even now, though I want hold my breathe waiting for it this time. I ran out of air last time.


“it will be somewhat humiliating for them to not fulfil their threat/promise”

Do you have a link showing that the Iranian government threatened/promised an airport for an airport in response to a renewal of IAF airstrikes, or is this another one of your mischaracterizations that you’re constantly spamming these threads with?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/hezbollah-releases-new-video-threatening-top-israeli-sites-1.797885 http://www.thetower.org/6904-hezbollah-once-again-threatens-nuclear-terror-against-israel/ Hezbollah and Iran I said, check. But I never thought they’d hit a reactor. And I’m not giving up hope they still won’t hit a few airports and military bases in retaliation, who knows what sort of timeframe they mean, it could mean years after the event, How’s the mighty S-400’s coming along? they all trained up and integrated into Syrian system, are they operating yet, the Israelis would know if they were or weren’t, they could detect them the moment they were switched on I’m pretty sure, and what about those new Russian missiles that Putin gave to Assad, you know, the ones with the Russian GPS systems. And I thought we’d agreed not to communicate with each other, it was driving us both a little insane, at least it was driving me insane, let’s stick to our previous few weeks of bliss, with no communication between us, it’s better for both out health.


Those Hezbollah threats that you’re linking to are referring primarily to Lebanon, not Syria, and they’re been issuing them for years. They have little to do with the Syrian war. The threats that you’re referring to “who said an airport for an airport” are from a GCC member state location website referring to Syria, not Lebanon. Which doesn’t name the source of the information and is originating from an adversary organization location. They’re also the source for the claims about Syrian receiving GLONASS MISSILES:

“The Syrian Armed Forces will respond by force to any Israeli attack on its bases as a part of new policy, which was adopted by the Syrian leadership following the incident with the Russian Il-20 plane last September, the Kuwaiti al-Ra’i newspaper reported on December 15 citing a high-ranked Syrian official.

The unnamed official clarified that “this means that a strike on an airport in Syria will be met with a strike on an airport in Israel and so on.” …

The source denounced Israel’s claims regarding the destruction of the Syrian missile capabilities and claimed that Damascus had received medium and long range missiles guided with the Russian satellite navigation system, GLONASS. The report says that the SAA can use these missiles to respond to Israeli attacks.”



At the time I pointed out to you that what missiles Syria has is mostly classified war time information that isn’t published open source material.

The SADF S-300s aren’t S-400s. But they might as well be under the circumstances. Because they are the latest version S-300s available and are thoroughly compatible with the S-400s in Syria and can be run by the S-400s and loaded with the same or close to it missiles as the S-400. What the Russians have effectively done is put 3 full S-400 battalions in Syria if they want to use them that way. Assuming that their own S-400s aren’t taken out.

They’re also capable of operating at a lower level as stand alone S-300s running off of their own radar and command and control systems. It all depends on the circumstances. It’s early in their deployment, and why they aren’t being used against the IAF yet is unclear. Maybe they don’t work and can’t take down modern NATO fighters. Maybe they do work and can take down modern NATO fighters using proprietary technology that the Russians don’t want disclosed in response to IAF nuisance attacks of little battlefield consequence. Maybe they do work using known technology and the Russians don’t want to use them to avoid Israeli escalation. Whatever the reason, the IAF airstrikes are damaging Russia’s reputation and putting the US withdrawal at risk.

Right now the Syrian government coalition is advancing and moving the front lines forward to expand the areas being recovered from the regime change terrorists, and the Kurds are capitulating without the S-300s being used. I don’t know why the S-300s aren’t being used. I’m trying to figure it out like everybody else.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can’t talk to you RichardD, you drive me insane, here are some of my old posts to read and hopefully entertain you, I left out the Daraa/Quneitra comments and predictions because this alone took me too long, but I’m very proud of my comments on that campaign and should have included them, I went against the grain with all my predictions, troop numbers for all sides, casualty figures for combatants and civilians, refugee numbers and death tolls, timeframes, everything, and even though I went against the grain and said the opposite of not just my fellow commentators, but all the so called experts too, I will boast that I was 99% correct with ALL my predictions, you can check them out too if you want, or I may take the time and look it up and send it myself, until then here’s something to keep you busy. Discussion on southfront 51 comments U.S. Envoy: We Are Not Committed To Regime Change In Syria Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago KURDISH RECONCILIATION WITH ASSAD that’s what this story is all about and nothing else. It didn’t mention the Kurds even once and yet this story is all about the Kurds and little else. This is a message to the Kurds admitting the US will abandon their cause [the same thing they did to the FSA in Daraa/Quneitra/Rif Dimashq] if they don’t reconcile with Assad, it’s as simple as that. But Trump’s been telling the Kurds this for at least 5 or 6 months now, so they already know what’s being orchestrated for them right now, it’s just the chimpanzees that don’t. Trumps said from before his presidency he wants to leave Syria, and he’s said it many times since, but the deep state doesn’t want to leave because they still want to build a Saudi pipeline to the EU [to help destroy Russia], this confuses the chimpanzees more than anything else does. Trumps working on a deal to force the Kurds back to Assad, but the deal will include the removal of Iranian forces from Syrian territory. We don’t hear about it but we don’t have to, only chimps need to be told, the rest of us don’t. With all the info made available to us over the last 6 months, how could any human not realize what’s been happening, it’s not like they have to spell it out for us, chimps maybe but not us humans.

“The idea of a trade of Iranian withdrawal for American relief on sanctions on Iran to come up, that’s something that under no circumstances would we accept,” Jeffrey stressed.— Chimps don’t know what this is but the humans do, it’s called a lie little chimps. It’s what some smart devious humans do, but it only fools chimps, not humans, it’s actually a magicians trick, the left hand is doing the opposite of the right hand, say one thing and mean the exact opposite, ohh it doesn’t matter, chimps can’t understand anyway. The chimps will probably think that everything else was a lie and this part of the statement was the truth, but it’s the exact opposite, this was the lie and all the rest was the truth, poor chimps.

The Kurds are on strike and only fighting the Turks and their proxies, not Isis. I wonder why the chimps don’t understand what that means, any human would recognize this as a means of leverage over the US, a way for the Kurds to get something they wanted, but not the chimps. Trumps calling their bluff right now, this article tells us that, us humans at least, I’m not sure what the chimps make of it, judging from the comments so far the chimps are even more confused than ever, but what Trump’s really saying is this, –NO you Kurds can’t have anything more than I’ve already promised you, take what I’ve already offered and go back to Assad with my blessing and all my presents, or else face Erdogan all by yourselves with no support from the US, that’s it. We’ve already given you permission to start kicking Erdogan out after we go, we’re letting you kill them now while we’re here in Syria, and we’re still going to continue to let you kill them after we go too [and with overt and covert help from the SAA and Russia, and us too but that’ll be our little secret], be happy, live long and prosper, but don’t ask for even one more thing—, that’s what Trumps saying, I’m guessing it doesn’t translate into chimp language very easily. Putin’s got all the chimps fooled too, they all think he has nothing to do with what’s going on, they don’t realize it’s a plan that both he and Trump came up with. A good plan to help sort out this whole sorry mess, and it’s a plan that will keep all parties at least halfway happy, EXCEPT FOR ERDOGAN, not Turkey itself, just Erdogan, I think it’s a brilliant plan. And just so the chimps can make fun of me if I’m proven wrong, I’ll make some predictions now. The Kurds will return to Assad and Syrian sovereignty with some political concessions not self autonomy, this will most likely include, the allowance of Kurdish language and Names, local council administration, Kurdish police force [possibly], inclusion in the SAA but some forces left independant to deal with Erdogan, a fairer division of oil revenue but totally administered and controlled by central government, and the US will even let them keep all the weapons and equipment they’ve already been given, the US may even give them even more before they finally leave. I’ll also predict that Erdogan is about to leave/abandon Southern Idlib to concentrate on east Aleppo and then try and find excuses to take over Kurdish territory in Ar Raqqah, which is his real intention, he’s told us a million times already but for some reason it’s only our chimps that haven’t understood the message, the Turkish chimps did, the Kurdish chimps did, but ours didn’t, mmm, their chimps must be smarter that ours. And this will all happen according to Trump and Putin’s GRAND plan too, it’s all a part of the same plan to implement a stable state of affairs in the whole region, one that will keep all parties secure if not happy, it will include the Israelis/US/Russia/Iran/Iraq/Syria/Syrian Kurds/Lebanese Hezbollah/Jordan and Turkey, but it won’t include Erdogan, he’ll have to go. A little war between Erdogan and the Kurds that he loses [quickly and decisively] will be enough to get him out of power, the Turkish economy is already failing and the people are getting angry, at the moment they’re angry with the US, but they won’t be after a failed war with the Kurds, they’ll rightly blame Erdogan for that, and then for sure the Turks will vote in someone Putin and Trump can really do business with, not a destabilizing Asshole like Erdogan, another part of their grand plan. Erdogan hasn’t abided by not even one of the things he said he would in the Astana agreement he made with Putin, NOT ONE, he’s done the exact opposite so many times it’s insulting, but Putin the diplomat doesn’t have feelings, he takes it all in his stride, he just keeps on doing deals with a man who hasn’t adhered to any deals they’ve previously made regardless. And unlike me, Putin doesn’t really want to see him hanging from a tree [due to an orchestrated uprising against him after a failed war against the Kurds], Putin’s immune to being shit on so many times, he’s inhuman and has no feelings, just a zombie diplomat, yeah sure chimps, humans are no different from chimps in that respect, when we have our feelings hurt we get angry too, and want revenge, I don’t think Putin’s any different from any other human alive, I’ve seen him say on video,”for every one of ours you kill, we’ll kill 10 of yours”, that was not the diplomat speaking, that was the man. I’ve been saying this for 5 months now and have endured all sorts of insults for my observations, called a liar, halfwit, troll [NEVER unless trolled first, this is a rare exception] Zionist [NEVER], ignorant, propagandist for the US [guilty on just the odd occasion when I agree with them], Kurdish sympathizer [not an insult to me], Anti Turkish [not true, just anti Erdogan] and a lot more things too, this comment is for all you people that had a go at me for stating what I thought was the obvious, and insulted me for my observations when you should have just countered them with your own. It’s becoming as plain as the noses on your faces now, I think you’re all about to find I’m not the one misunderstanding everything going on in Syria, it’s been you guys that have been calling me stupid, the chimps. The Kurds WILL go back to Assad in the next few months, Erdogan will lose/leave at least the south of Idlib in the next few months, and everything else I’ve stated will also play out over the next 12 months, the Turkish war against the Kurds, the end of Erdogan in Turkey, a NEW deal with Iran, and a new stability in the region where most parties either return to the pre war status quo, or in most case are actually better off than they were before the war. Trump crunched the numbers before his presidency and said, the numbers are bad, we want out of Syria, now he’s getting out. Most of us believe [due to the crap media we read], that getting out of this mess in Syria will be just about impossible, there are too many factions with too many different interest to make anything easy, but that’s just chimp think, it’s exactly the opposite, it’s really easy to get out of this mess and improve things, what was really hard was making the war in Syria happen in the first place, but chimps don’t see it that way, they just sit back in their own little worlds, rubbing themselves against the nearest tree, eyeing off the neighbouring chimps stash of food, screaming uselessly at the predator on the ground that’s trying to eat them, but I shouldn’t really complain about it, that’s just what chimps do, they can’t help it, they’re just chimps

… Discussion on southfront 4 comments New ISIS Attacks In Euphrates Valley Pushes SDF To Move Onto Defensive Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths Barba_Papa 2 months ago I’m glad you found my comment interesting, but I’m sure you won’t find my conclusion as interesting, and understandably, even more unbelievable, don’t read it if you don’t have the time, it’s a bible. Trump doesn’t want the Kurds for sure, but he also doesn’t want the oilfields either, he knows that between Assad, Putin, the Kurds, Isis, and the Iranians, they’ll end up costing more than they make, he’s not a moron, he knows what will happen, 1000 times what we have there now, so no, he doesn’t really want the oil. But don’t assume that means he’s accepting Erdogan’s vision for Syria either, not on your life he isn’t, that’s the last thing anyone but Erdogan and his crazies want, least of all Trump. Erdogan’s stood up to everyone every single time he’s had a problem with them, the US, Russia, the EU and everyone else, he’s not very diplomatic at all, arsehole is a better description, Trump knows any deals he makes with Erdogan will always suite Erdogan more than himself, and from seeing the way Erdogan went back on every single deal he made with Putin since the Asatana agreement, he also knows he can never trust him. He wants and needs a new moderate Turkish leader, and he wants one that also wants and needs the US as much as the US wants and needs Turkey, it’s time for a seachange in Turkey. If you’re thinking that means Putin’s the odd man out don’t, what’s happening to the Kurds now can only be happening because both Putin and Trump want it to, it’s not an accidental coincidence or a failure to react appropriately to the likely fracturing of the coalitions main fighting force, it’s all part of a well developed plan by both Putin and Trump. Putin will get a lot from this deal, he’ll give back all of northern Syria to Assad by the time it’s finished, and losing Erdogan as an ally is no loss at all, it’s actually a bonus, Erdogan’s responsible for a lot of Russian deaths so far and Erdogan still has a knife at Putin’s throat, so I don’t think Putin will miss him at all if he goes, it’s more likely he’ll buy the rope for the lynch mob. Trump will lure Erdogan out of Idlib with the false promise that he can have all the US territory in Syria eventually, but he’ll propose it this way, Trump will say something like, ‘I’ll let you have it all but we have to do it slowly, we have to make it look like those nasty Kurds have provoked you and given you no choice other than to take over their territory for your own security’, that’s how I see Trump luring Erdogan into a trap, but that’s only stage one. Stage two will begin when Erdogan tries to move from Aleppo into Ar Raqqah, that’s when they’ll spring the trap. Trump will do nothing for the Kurds when Erdogan invades Ar Raqqah, making it easy for Putin to lure them back to Assad’s forces, taking all the shiny new US equipment and weapons with them to kill the Turks with, but Trump and NATO won’t lift a finger to help the Turks either, even when they start losing to the Kurds, and they will lose, they’ll end up fighting the Turkish Kurds in their own country as well as Syrian Kurds in Syria. Russia and the SAA will pounce on Erdogan’s proxy forces and the Kurds will take on the Turks, Erdogan’s already as broke as he can be so fighting a full on war with the Kurds will only bleed his coffers even faster, meaning he’ll be paying for a war he can’t afford. And regardless of how well the fighting goes for the Turks, it will still become unaffordable eventually [unless he manages to take some oilfields and gets them up and running, I’m very doubtful he could], that alone would end his ambitions for a greater Turkey, you can’t fight a war with no money, and because of all the financial problems he has at home [due mostly to US sanctions], that would have been excessabated by his foolish war in Syria, his popularity at home would also plunge accordingly. Before the war he had a 60% approval rating with most of the 60% devoted to him and his cause, but the other 40% that don’t approve of him hate him with a vengeance [10,000 Turks locked up after the coup attempt], they’ll not only vote him out of office if they get the chance, they’ll hang him from a tree. A miserable failure here in Syria would mean the end of Erdogan, a snap election or a lynching would be equally on the cards, that 60/40% popularity would quickly change to 40/60% or worse. A new moderate Turkish leader that needs to make friends is just what both Trump and Putin want. Turkey becomes a transit hub for the Iranian gas line to the EU, and Trump gets a bargaining tool to use against Iran when he needs it. Putin as part of delivering all of Syria back to Assad will demand that Assad removes all Iranian forces and assets from Syrian territory, but as a part of the deal will also come up with a new mutually acceptable declaration of intentions, which will keep Israel, the US, Turkey, Russia and Iran all happy, Putin’s diplomatic skills are second to none, I often think he’s too diplomatic at times, but I won’t mind this time if he is. And even though Putin will lose some market share to the Iranian/EU gas pipeline, he’ll be able to negotiate with the Iranians in a way they never could with the Saudis, Russia and Iran will drive world fuel prices up even higher than they are now, and both countries will benefit big time. If a Saudi pipeline was ever built it would practically destroy Russia’s economy [secondary reason for the war in Syria], but fuel prices would go down for the rest of us, Russia will never allow that to happen ever, that would be enough reason for Putin to go to war against the US, but Trumps not as stupid as the deep state is, he won’t allow that to happen and has done everything he can so far to prevent it. It sounds far fetched I know but you have to think about 2 important things for it to make sense. 1, Trump and the US government/congress are two totally different entities now, Trumps at war with both the deep state and the deep state controlled media, some of the things he says he means, but others are only for the benefit of the deep state and their media stooges, that’s important to consider when analyzing his comments. Attacking Assad for the false flag CW attack as an example, it did little to harm to Assad’s forces but still kept the deep state and their media stooges happy. 2, What has Trump said from the very start of his presidential campaign and said many times since, he’s said that it’s wrong that Russia and the US don’t cooperate, he actually wants to change that, he thinks it would be beneficial for both countries if they were both acting from the same script, and with a potential trade war looming with China and increasing tensions between Israel and Iran [unofficial Russian ally] I can understand why. He also used to say he wants out of Syria. The fragments that make up the big picture don’t tell a very sensible story, but the big picture does, so when they say “Politics is a dirty game” it really means you can only ever trust self interests when working out what a player will do, there are no real alliances at all, just convenient ones, so don’t even assume that Trump has the Israelis backs either, he’d probably shove them under a bus too if it was worth it, maybe his own mother too, that’s what leaders do when they get way more than they lose by doing it. Every country involved in Syria except for Saudi Arabia comes out better off with my scenario, Erdogan loses out but Turkey wins big time. And I don’t think we have to wait to see if I’m right, I think they’ve already started. I hope if you bothered to also read this post to the very end, that you also found it at the very least interesting, if not very believable. cheers. …


“I can’t talk to you RichardD, you drive me insane”

If the truth bothers you so much, you have some serious mental issues.

You’ve just spammed this thread with reams of irrelevant material that has nothing to do with my comments or the article. You’re a head case.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Exactly how I feel too, if you post me again I’ll do the same thing again. “irrelevant material”, it’s relevant to me, as I said, nothing’s surprised me about current events, everything that’s happened has shocked you though hasn’t it. You have nothing at all relevant to say, you just copy and paste and link useless propaganda from the other side that only helps confuses everyone, I think of people like you are just part of the overall problem. With all my predictions I made would you say that I got nearly everything right, and hardly anything wrong, I think I’ve actually done quite a good job of understanding what’s been happening myself, but I know you’ll say the same thing you always say to me, “you’re just a liar”, “you have no idea what you’re talking about”,”all your data is wrong, your facts and figures are wrong, your dates are wrong”, I’m sick of it, I don’t want to communicate with you at all, I find you way too unintelligent, but worse still, too offensive. If you post me again you’ll get more of the same, I have 12 months worth of posts to send you, and so far I’ve only gone back 3 months and only sent what I think are my best ones, when you post me again you’ll get a few more months worth too. I like doing this far better than I did spending hours finding relevant article to post you to prove a point, I prefer reading my own comments again for the second time much more than I enjoy reading the deep state propaganda you send me all the time. So please, no more communication, it’s futile as you say so just stop.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

View in discussion Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago How about some facts and info to help the readers understand what’s going on here SF, you’re not doing a very good job so I’ll do it for you. Coalition forces have increased airstrikes against Isis at Hajin by a factor of at least 20 during the past few weeks. The constant US airstrikes and increased French artillery strikes have been the only factor stopping Isis from breaking out of the US enforced siege on either the western or northern fronts. Luckily the Iraqis who also have a stake in not allowing Isis to break the siege, are containing them from the eastern front, and also helping out the SDF with artillery and airstrikes when needed, and of course the SAA across the river stop any southward moves by Isis, and also assist the Iraqis with coordinated artillery strikes [only once so far]. But even with all the help and constant bombing Isis still has a very good chance of breaking the siege at Hajin, they have at least 1500 well seasoned fighters there, and because the Kurds are on strike, the US only has 1700 mostly unproven SDF stationed there to counter them. The US forces at Hajin now mostly consist of well vetted Arab militias and at least one Christian militia, but none of them are anywhere near as battle hardened as the Kurds were, and nowhere near a match for the Isis fighters they now have to fight, hence the constant US bombing with no regard for civilian casualties, they’re really desperate and have no choice. But for me the big question I [used to] wonder about but no one else seems to ask is this, why isn’t Trump doing everything he can to reassure the Kurds and get them back to the negotiating table, he needs them after all, doesn’t he, or maybe he doesn’t anymore. Maybe just like Putin he’s come to the conclusion that the Kurds are better off with Assad and the US is better off out of Syria altogether, if that’s what he’s actually doing, as I suspect he is, it’s working out perfectly.

Discussion on southfront 9 comments Turkish-Backed Groups Declare Their Readiness To Participate In Ankara’s Operation Against YPG East Of Euphrates Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago Start paying attention to what the SAA and the Kurds are both doing, they’re both getting ready for Erdogan, they’re both making preparations for an invasion, and not only consolidating their forces, but cooperating in process, not something you do if you don’t intend on fighting on the same side. The die is now cast, the US isn’t going to protect the Kurds at all, they’re already in the process of palming them back off to Assad, and I say that because every single little thing that Trump’s done lately, with NOT ONE exception, has been designed to drive the Kurds away from the US and back to the Syrian government. Trump hasn’t done or said one little thing to reassure the Kurds in the last 5 months, and it’s not by accident, it’s done for a purpose. Trump’s always said from day one he wants out of Syria, it costs the US taxpayers too much for too little return. The US deep state, unlike Trump, wants to remain in Syria at any cost, they want to build a Saudi pipeline to the EU to help them destroy Russia’s economy and influence, and they haven’t given up yet. Assad’s reassured them though, he’s already said he’ll help the Kurds repel the Turks every single time they’ve asked, but only if they fight for Syria under a Syrian banner, and that means they have to give up on their dream of self autonomy. He’s already sent reinforcements to areas under Turkish threat and is coordinating with the Kurds there already. We’re told it’s so he can protect his own territory south of the Euphrates from possible Turkish incursions, but that’s only half of what’s happening now, the other half is the SAA is coordinating actions, setting up supply lines, and also beginning cooperative operations with the Kurds. Assad’s been sending reinforcements to all Turkish/Syrian border regions, not just the Kurdish/Syrian border areas, he wouldn’t be doing that if his only intention was to protect his own borders from the Turks accidental incursions when they’re chasing the Kurds. He knows the poo is about to hit the fan when Erdogan finally realizes the US is about to sit out the next fight, and won’t be helping either the Kurds or the Turks. All those weapons the US just delivered to the Kurds are fine as they are, but all the vehicles Trump sent them will have to be painted with SAA colors now, and the Kurds will all need new SAA uniforms as well, maybe Trump could help out with that too, since he’s been so helpful in every other way already, thanks Trumpy. I think both Putin and Trump have a plan to put Erdogan back in his place and this is how they’re going to do it. Erdogan’s thinking Trumps actually on his side, because behind the scenes Trumps actually egging on Erdogan to invade, and initially at least, making things easy for him to do it. But once he’s in too deep, they’ll spring the trap on him and bring his world crashing down. Eventually his own people will end up killing him [40% of the population hate him, 10,000 in jail] for his dismal failure that drove their country bankrupt, and both Trump and Putin will have a new Turkish leader to deal with, and it’ll definitely be a more moderate and open minded leader than the last one, that’s 100% for sure. And if you’re thinking it’s only Trump that would benefit from a change in Turkish leadership, think again. In every agreement between Putin and Erdogan since the Astana agreement, Erdogan hasn’t complied to NOT EVEN ONE of the stipulations, NOT EVEN ONE, great partner hey, I think Putin would love to deal with a new moderate turkish leader, after all, moderation is Putin’s middle name. The SAA and Russia will kill all the goon army with complete impunity, leaving the NATO protected Turks for the Kurds alone, the Kurds have already killed as many as 100 Turks without US or NATO intervention, and I’m sure things wouldn’t change if the Kurds switched banners and get some help from Assad [and Russia on the sly]. That smile and thumbs up that Putin gave Trump the the other day seemed to me at least to mean, ‘the plans working out perfectly and no one has any idea what we’re really doing, least of all Erdogan the dumbass and the LGBTQI dominated US deep state, not long now and we’ll both get what we really want’, that’s what that thumbs up was telling me they were happy about. … Willing Conscience (The Truths Barba_Papa 2 months ago I think Erdogan is going to abandon the south of Idlib as part of as deal with Putin, leaving most of the nut job militias to the mercy of the SAA and moving the rest north. He’ll then consolidate his loyal forces in the north of Idlib, and start moving the bulk of them east into first Aleppo, and then eventually even Ar-Raqqah and Al-Hasakah when the time is right. And as much as that sounds like a mad prediction, I’ll also make it even more unbelievable by adding this, I also think that Putin, Trump and Erdogan are all agreeable to this, and formulated the plan between them equally, though I don’t think the Iraqis or Assad are privy to the plan or agreeable to it if they are. If it happens it’ll happen soon, 2 to 4 weeks at most, so I won’t have long to find out how wrong or right I am about what I think’s about to happen. … Discussion on southfront 4 comments 8 Turkish-backed Militants Killed, 10 Others Wounded In New Series Of YPG Attacks In Afrin Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago I wonder who’s feeding the 300,000 Kurds displaced from their homes in the western areas, it’s not the UN, they haven’t even noticed they’re missing yet, but when they do, I’m sure we’ll hear the usual mantras of, genocide, ethnic cleansing, refugee crisis, impose sanctions, military protection, humanitarian aid. That’s what they usually do when someone comes in and kills and displaces hundreds of thousands of people. They love to do it to Assad everytime he simply tries to eradicate the rebel terrorists from his own country, so I’m sure they’ll do the same thing to Erdogan too, eventually. The window of opportunity is closing for the Kurds, it’s looking more and more like they’re going to end up becoming Erdogan’s little playthings, the point of no return must be very close now. It’s time for the Kurds to rebel against their ignorant LGBTQI dominated leadership, and hang them all from high trees in public squares, if they don’t, they’ll end up being sold into slavery by the LGBTQI dominated deep state of the US, the UN isn’t going to save them which means NATO won’t either, they only have one option now and should take it pronto. Trump and Putin have both been sending them the same subtle message now for 4 months or more, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears, it won’t get any louder until the shouting actually starts, and it’ll be Erdogan doing the loudest shouting, but by then it’ll be too late and they won’t be able to hear the genuinely helpful whispers anymore. THE TIME IS NOW so go get the ropes and find the trees you need, tic tok tic tok, when the Kurdish leaders start packing up their families and heading to greener pastures overseas, with heavily loaded wallets and big bank balances, the rest of the Kurds will realize it’s already too late for the rest of them, and that would be a terrible shame I think. … Discussion on southfront 2 comments Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On November 5, 2018 (Map Update) Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago HTS might end up all alone trying to defend Idlib, and Erdogan could end up trapped in Ar Raqqa, sound too good to be true, not to me it doesn’t. HTS won’t survive an SAA assault without Erdogan’s forces supporting them, they’ll cave in pronto if they’re left to defend themselves, just what the SAA and Russia want. Once the Kurds start killing heaps of Turks [and they will], the Turks will start moving in more proxy troops from Idlib to counter them, it might only be 1200 this time but we all know that numbers going to grow. And where that will end no one knows, not even Erdogan yet, he’s got 28800 troops left in Idlib out of the 30,000 total, lets watch and see how that ratio changes. Erdogan has a lot of support in Idlib from the local population, but he’s also spending a fortune to maintain that support, it’s a huge drain on the Turkish economy that he can’t afford for much longer, he’s going broke faster than the Saudis are now, so he has no choice now but to do something to stop that drain. So what does he do, keep all his forces in Idlib where they, and the rest of the local population just cost him money, or does he start moving them over to where the goldmines are [oil], I think we all know what will eventually happen. In Idlib Erdogan has the support of all the Turkman population and a fair bit of the Arab population, In Aleppo he has all the Turkman population [less than Arab pop] supporting him and only some of the Arabs. In Ar Raqqah he’ll have no support, the Kurds we already know are mortal enemies with him and the Arab population won’t treat him or his fighters any better either, I think it become a quagmire for him if he gets trapped there. Someone’s plan is working. …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Discussion on southfront 32 comments US Says Turkish Strikes On Kurdish Militias In Northern Syria Puts Its Troops At Risk Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago All political doublespeak to fool the masses. The US is about to get the perfect excuse it needs to pull out of this area altogether, leaving behind all that shiny new infrastructure they purposefully built for Erdogan [so his soldiers can use after they leave], and cruelly leaving the poor old Kurds to his boundless mercy, or lack of it. This development is just a precursor action that’s enabling Erdogan to pull his troops out of Idlib [welfare trap] and move them east to the oilfields he really wants [goldmines]. A secret deals been done that’s going to allow this to happen, and to also fool us all into thinking it was all by simple chance, but no me. US servicemen acting as human shields, that doesn’t sound right, what about US servicemen killing Turks whilst protecting Kurds, that doesn’t sound right either, what about Turks accidently killing US personnel who are trying to protect Kurds, that does sound a little better, but no as good as Kurds killing Turks and Turks killing Kurds, that sounds just about right if not perfect. How long will this joint Turk/Kurd patrolling exercise last when they’re already killing each other, not long I suspect. The Turks will not only have a right to retaliate against the Kurds if keep attacking them, they’ll also be justified in taking over new areas from them to insure their own security and safety. Step by step this will continue until they’re at the Iraqi border and dipping their toes in the Euphrates there. US servicemen acting as human shields for the Kurds, yeah sure, history already tells us what they’ll do when their troops are in danger, pull them out at the first sign of it. … Discussion on southfront 15 comments Syrian War Report – October 31, 2018: Turkey Finishes Preparations For New Large Operation Against YPG Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago Erdogan’s broke and needs cash fast, Idlib’s sucking Turkey’s coffers dry and Turkey’s failing economy [due mostly to US economic sanctions] can’t afford to keep paying for it. It’s getting to a point where Erdogan will have no other option but to go for the syrian oil just to save his own failing economy, if he doesn’t, he’ll most likely have a rebellion in his own country before too long. This is the game of thrones for Erdogan, he may have 60% of the population totally devoted to him, but he also has 40% of the population that would eagrily hang him from a tree. If Turkey’s economy were to fail Erdogan’s popularity would drop so low so quickly he would be in real jeopardy for his life, when the 60% to 40% popularity becomes 40% to 60% the tree and the rope will be ready and waiting. He locked up over 10,000 people after the coup attempt, and those people he locked up have a lot of family and friends that would love to repay the favour, or even worse. The politics are obvious, the Kurds are being driven back to Assad and Erdogan’s being enticed into invading Aleppo, Ar Raqqah and Al Hasakah. If and when he does, the Kurds and Assad will unite and the next phase of the war will begin. Putin turned Idlib into a welfare state and added it to Erdogan’s financial expenditure, just to help suck it dry even faster, and Trump, who’s mainly responsible for causing Turkey’s economy to fail in the first place, is now dangling a massive chest of gold right in front of Erdogan’s eyes, and even better than that, he’s also telling him he can help guard it, a cat put in charge of looking after the canaries, that never works out well for the canaries does it. On top of that Trumps also telling the Kurds now, that they have to bury the hatchet and make friends with their worst enemies, and all while the Turks are still ethnically cleansing all the the western enclave, displacing over 300,000 Kurds and moving their own people into their homes so they can never return. does anybody seriously think the Kurds are going to put up with that, no way. Somebody’s plan’s working out perfectly though, but who’s plan is it that’s working out perfectly, that’s the real question , is it Putin and Trump’s plan, Putin and Erdogans, or Trump and Erdogans. I’m hoping it’s Trump and Putin’s plan. … Discussion on southfront 18 comments SDF Halts Its Operation In Euphrates Valley Because Of Turkish Attacks On Kurdish Armed Groups In Northern Syria Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago The Kurds were being played like pawns on a chessboard by the TQI controlled deep state of the US, but Trump is now using them more like Knights Rooks or Bishops. Up until now Erdogan has been playing both Putin and Trump for fools, but that’s changing, I see both Putin and Trump turning the tables on Erdogan this time, because this time I think they’re both about to fool him. Erdogan’s pissed at Trump for allowing the Kurds to kill his soldiers so now he’s doing something about it, he’s moving both his own Turkish soldiers and his proxy forces to the area to stop it. But why is Trump allowing the Kurds to kill Turkish soldiers with impunity, when he alone could so easily stop it, but doesn’t, what does he get out of letting it happen, when all things considered [NATO ally first and foremost], he should stop them. I don’t mean the deep state of the US wants it to happen, but I do believe everything I’ve seen in the last 4 to 5 months has been a combined effort by both Putin and Trump to do this; 1 Allow Assad and Russia to take back control of Idlib and the surrounding areas without The Turks intervening. They’ll make him falsely believe he’ll be allowed to take over the revenue rich areas the Kurds are now controlling, which they’re in the process of doing right now, by making a deal whereby he’s firstly allowed to make some inroads into Ar Raqqah [in return for getting out of Idlib], and on the false assertion he’ll be able to take over everything else east and north of the Euphrates eventually, they’ll then pull the rug out from under his feet when he does accept and comply. If Erdogan had a choice between ruling the cash hungry province of idlib, that would bleed his own fast depleting coffers dry faster than he could cope with, or the 3 governate’s that have all the oil and natural gas he needs to prop up his failing economy, I think I know what he’ll do if he has to choose, he can’t afford to stay in Idlib as it is, so doesn’t really have an option. 2 Putin and Trump are pushing the Kurds towards rejoining Assad for the lowest cost to Assad and Syria’s sovereignty, this is driven mainly by Putin. Has Trump done anything at all that’s really relevant to assure to Kurds that they’re not in for a bumpy ride, has he done anything to reassure them that they won’t eventually fall into Erdogan’s evil clutches, NO, there’s no new laws or declarations from Trump and congress on their behalf that would reassure them. It’s actually the opposite going on, Trump seems to being doing everything he can to worry them and make them believe their only hope is Assad. — Trump doesn’t like dealing with Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood, and is probably right now developing a great relationship with the next person that will probably be elected after Erdogan’s gone, the leader of the opposition. If Erdogan was to fail in his quest to deliver a new Ottoman empire, and the Turkish economy and people paid the price for the failure, Erdogan and his party would be out in the next election and a member of the opposition would be appointed to take his place. Would the scenario I proposed whereby Putin and Trump ended up pulling the rug out from under Erdogan’s feet be enough to cause this to happen, I think it would. I think this whole Idlib/Ar Raqqah drama has a lot more going on behind the scenes than we’re all being made aware of. I may be totally wrong in my assumptions, but something’s going on that doesn’t seem to make sense, not when you take it at face value, my scenario seems to me at least, to be the most logical explanation for what I see going on. I hope I’m right, I’d love to see Erdogan get the tables turned on him for a change, but maybe my whole scenario is just wishful thinking. NATO members being killed, ethnic cleansing, genocide – no it’s not the civil war in Yugoslavia where the journo’s screamed baby killers at the Serbs, it’s just Turkish controlled Idlib where Erdogan’s doing the same thing to the Kurds, and also where the journo’s only ever cry out “Assad must go, Assad’s a baby killer, Assad poisons his own people”. The fantasy land the TQI are trying to build. …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Discussion on southfront 22 comments Erdogan: Turkey Finished Preparations For ‘Counter-Terrorism’ Op East Of Euphrates River In Syria Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 2 months ago For all the supposed animosity between the US and Russia, Trump has repeatedly said he not only wants to develop a better relationship with Russia, he thinks it’s also necessary for world economic and political stability. He’s also said on numerous occasions he wants to pull the US out of Syria altogether to save the US taxpayers some money. Erdogan’s trying his hardest to stave off an economic collapse that threatens to ruin Turkey’s economic future, which in turn would probably diminish Erdogan’s popularity no end. He has about 60% of the population that love him like a father, but he also has about 40% of the population that would happily hang him from a rope, which means he can’t afford to lose the people’s affections by allowing the Turkish economy to deteriorate any further, otherwise he might end up like Saddam. Does anybody out there seriously believe the media when they tell us Erdogan has any real ability to hold onto Idlib, he can’t afford to, it’s a sinkhole his failing economy just can’t afford, and a death trap for his soldiers. I think that holding onto Idlib would be the worst thing that could happen to Erdogan and his popularity, unless he could get his hands on some extra cash that is. If he had all the oil revenue the Kurds and the US are now reaping he’d be able to afford it though, but that’s the only way he could, hmmmm. But I don’t think that means the US will pull out and leave Erdogan in charge of both Idlib and north east Syria, I think it’s way more complicated than that. There are no reliable statistics on Turkish casualties inflicted by the Kurdish fighters, but I think it must be close to 50, possibly as many as 100. I can understand the Kurds getting away with killing the Turks proxies, but I can’t understand how they can actually kill Turkish soldiers and get away with it, they are under US jurisdiction afterall and Tukey and the US are both NATO members, what’s going on. Erdogan won’t last politically, he may be popular with a majority of the Turkish population but the other 40% hate him way too much to allow him to be a long term politician for much longer, a fall in his approval ratings means it’s all over for his dreams of a greater Ottoman Empire. He’s too divisive politically both in the domestic arena and outside. The only Arab nation friendly to Turkey is Qatar and noone in the EU is happy about Turkey’s political direction the US included, would it really make sense for Trump to invest a huge effort in forging a relationship with someone like Erdogan, I don’t think so. I only see things heading in one direction. … Discussion on southfront 14 comments Militants Once Again Violate Deconflication Agreement Shelling Aleppo City

View in discussion Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths Brother Ma 3 months ago I think you’re mistaken about Assad offering the Kurds self autonomy, I’m not aware of even one occasion where that was even put on the negotiating table, before or during this war. Would limited self autonomy for the Kurds be so bad, it would solve a lot of problems for all concerned. Nearly a quarter of all Kurds living in Syria don’t have Syrian citizenship at all. They’re not allowed to speak their native language or name their children with Kurdish names [though that doesn’t stop them], and there’s a few other matters that need to be resolved before every Kurd living in Syria has an equal stake in the countries future. Assad’s been very effective at negotiating and reconciling with all the other rebel groups, some of which I think he shouldn’t have, but so far he’s ignored the Kurds, I think he could solve all of Syria’s problem by talking to them now. Maybe Erdogan will eventually pull his troops out of Latakia, Idlib, Hama and Aleppo, and the US could also pull their troops out of Ar-Raqqa, Al- Hasakah and Dier ez-Zor, but don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen, not unless the Kurds are involved that is.

View in discussion Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 3 months ago Gee is this any surprise, Erdogan couldn’t stop his FSA lunatics from attacking HTS fighters only weeks after he’d brokered a truce and alliance between them, how’s he going to stop them from attacking the SAA, even it is in his best interests to do so. I don’t think he can which is actually a good thing, it gives the SAA and Russia just the excuse they need to go in and finally clean them out once and for all. But sadly the longer it takes to do that, also means the less likely it is to happen. The Kurds are a wild card Assad can play too, they’re already killing Turkish soldiers in Aleppo and Idlib with no NATO retaliation whatsoever, and they alone are they only fighting force in Syria capable of taking back Idlib and the other areas under Turkish control, without also bringing NATO and or the US into the fray. All the Kurds hate the Turks now even if they didn’t before, and most of them now also hate the US as well, all the western Kurdish enclaves populations are totally anti US now, and most of the eastern enclaves are also starting to feel the same way too, unlike some of their political leaders who are still pro US. They didn’t like seeing their brothers being fed to the wolves when it suited the US, and they also didn’t like the UN’s silence about the 300,000+ Kurds that have been displaced because of the US’s treachery with Erdogan. Especially after the song and dance the seemingly conscientious UN made to help the refugees from the Darra and Qunietra campaign, who were mostly just the terrorists and their families trying to flee from Assad and avoid their just retribution. The Kurds have sent at least 40 delegations to negotiate terms with Assad, offering to not only help kick the Turks out of Syria, but nearly unbelievably, the US as well, but the one thing they want in return for this, is the one thing Assad doesn’t want to give them, self autonomy. If the only alternative to having Syria permanently divided into 3 separate states means Assad giving the Kurds limited self autonomy, I’d choose giving them limited self autonomy. Though that wouldn’t make him very popular with his allies Iran and Iraq, who wouldn’t like him doing that either, it would save his country from disintegration. Yes I know Iraq isn’t an official ally, just a really good friend. … Discussion on southfront 17 comments Kurdish Cells Use Snippers Equipped With Thermal Sights To Hunt Turkish-Backed Militants (Video) Willing Conscience (The Truths Willing Conscience (The Truths 3 months ago The only fighting force in Syria able to attack the Turks and their proxies without US or NATO retaliation, and also the only group in Syria that could ask the US to pack up and leave Syria altogether, leaving absolutely no justification for the US to remain there. If Assad had the Kurds on his side, this war in Syria would be over in just a matter of months, no more problems from the US and it’s coalition, which would then only leave the cash strippen Erdogan and Saudi prince to deal with [and both have imploding economies], but it seems self autonomy is too high a price to pay. Maybe Assad will change his mind when both Turkey and the US start building more and more infrastructure on what was once his sovereign territory. Limited self autonomy doesn’t mean the Kurds get to keep all the resources they control and do what they like, it only means more political freedom to make decisions about things that concern themselves, much like the different states of my home country of Australia do, one size doesn’t fit all here and it shouldn’t anywhere else either. The Kurdish citizens of Syria have ‘most’ of the same rights as all the other different groups of Syrians do, but they also lack a few freedoms that the other Syrians have, laws concerning language, naming rights and business opportunities have to be dealt with before they have truly equal citizenship. Also the fact that between 20 and 25% of the Kurdish population aren’t even considered to be citizens, even though some of them have lived in Syria for 2, 3 or more generations, that’s another problem that has to be resolved. But Assad has proven to be a master negotiator and willing to reconcile with all but the most evil of the murderers, reconciling with the Kurds and coming to a mutually beneficial arrangement with them should be the easiest thing he has to do now, but it seems like it’s proving to be the most difficult. The deep state of the US [TQI] wants to stay in Syria but Trump wants out, he thinks it’s just a waste of US tax dollars and wants to plug the hole, but he can’t just pack up his troops and leave, that would mean leaving the Kurds to Erdogan’s mercy, so what can he do. He has to keep Iraq on side, because they won’t tolerate an independent Kurdish state any more than Erdogan will [they have enough trouble with their own Kurdish populations], so from what I can see he only has one choice if he wants out. What he has been doing but no one seems to have noticed, is playing the situation in such a way that it’s going to force Assad into giving the Kurds exactly what they want, self autonomy. I don’t think it’ll be too long before we hear the words “Kurdish self autonomy” coming from Trump’s lips, not the deep states lips, just Donalds. Give it another month or two and I think we will hear the words self autonomy come from Trump himself, if it does it’ll mean that everything that’s happened since the Daraa/Quneitra campaign, has just been part of a grand strategy by Trump to bring it about. That doesn’t mean Assad will accept it even if Trump does propose it, but if things go from bad to worse, as they appear to be doing, Assad may have to accept the proposal like a lifeline. And if you’re wondering how the hell I could even think what I am, it’s only because you haven’t been paying enough attention to what’s really going on. I won’t elaborate except to point out two things. Firstly the fact the green light was given by Jordan, Israel and the US to go ahead with the Daraa/Quneitra campaign [not Erdogan though], and in conjunction with the new statement of “Assad may remain in control” [Erdogan also RELUCTANTLY agreed for a few weeks], that was like a thunderbolt from the heavens and totally unexpected, a new page. And secondly the remarkable ability of the Kurds to kill NATO members [Turks] and get away with it, if that’s not an appealing advertisement to Assad and just what he could do with those Kurdish fighters, I don’t know what would be. All the numerous delegations [at least 40] the Kurds have been sending to Assad offering to help fight the Turks and also offering to help diplomatically force the US to leave Syria, and all in return for the low bargain price of limited self autonomy. That isn’t something they’ve thought of themselves or really want for that matter, they’d much prefer an independent state run by themselves with all it’s natural resources they’d have available, that’d be the reality if that’s what Trump also wanted, but he doesn’t, hence all the delegations and offers they’ve already made to Assad. Trump is a genius, this is what he wants but not what the Kurds want. This would be his free pass out of Syria and both he and Putin are doing everything they can right now to make it happen. As much as most of you would hate to see this happen, I think it’s becoming inevitable now. …….. Nothing is surprising me at all, I’ve predicted everything that’s happened just about as well as anyone could. Show me links to any of you’re so called experts that you seem to believe in, that said any of the same things I’ve been saying at the same time, because no one else did, only me. Tell how I’ve been wrong with any of my predictions so far please, and then tell me why I should listen to the people you do, they’ve all been say the opposite of what I’ve been saying. Sorry Richard, you just waste my time.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Read from last comment to first.

Vince Dhimos

Russia moves slowly but always reponds eventually. It WILL respond in due time. The next logical move might be to make a deal with Lebanon for a Russian air base there. OR Assad could strike Israel a bit harder this time. OR Iran could strike with a shitload of those accurate missiles. If Shoigu or Putin makes a statement, rest assured they will keep their word.

Bigaess Wangmane

The next logical move might be to make a deal with Lebanon for a Russian air base there.

The next time Lebanon is directly targeted by the Fake-Semites (which is not if, but when), they will seek shelter under the missile defense umbrella of Assad’s S-300’s as Russia would not be willing to directly engage the Chosenites.

Kelli Hernandez

Where the hell are the S-400 we keep hearing about that Russia and Syria said they would use if Israhell did this again?? And this time no ghosting of commercial airliners to bomb Damascus?? Russia and Syria along with S-400 looking really fucking WEAK right now. They could have brought those fucking jets down and SHOULD. Now Israhell just thinks it controls Syrian skies again. Stupid move on part of Syria and Russia. Now no one will believe their whining when they do not stop Israhell from violating SYRIAN airspace. Just stupid .

Manuel Flores Escobar

Syria live map accord Syrian sources told that 8 missile were intercepted and only one Hit a warehouse causing limited damage…it is to say that 9 Israeli Delilah cruise missile ( 250.000 Us dollar per unit x 9= 2.250.000 US dollar). VS. repair expenses limited damage on a SAA warehouse = 20-30.000 US dollar…not needed S-300 or send there Smerch rockets…keep on Israel!

Lazy Gamer

From the recent attacks, Israel has settled on a saturation strategy for a target among others.


They are testing the limits of Syrian air defenses. There are only 2 ways to handle this. 1 ignore the attacks until Israeli planes enter Syrian airspace. 2 attack an Israeli airport.

2 would cause the US to launch a full scale invasion of Syria.


“2 would cause the US to launch a full scale invasion of Syria.”

You’re dreaming. Especially if the SADF S-300s are effective in taking down NATO fighters. The Syrian government coalition has already taken down IAF aircraft and hit 10 IDF positions in the occupied Golan. And the US response was a big yawn.


I differ with many on here. I don’t think the Syrians (or Russians) would hasten to use their S300s because every Israeli strike is surely going to be backed up by Israeli ELINT planes. So using a sophisticated missile has to wait until it’s a F16 or F22 flying over Damascus, or you’d just be participating in Israeli (and probably American) intelligence research – giving away your trade secrets. At the moment it seems to be a very complex ELINT cat and mouse game. And, if I were the Russian military I might tend to underplay any tactical ability until it’s really needed (although the Russians tend to be a bit talkative about their latest military toys).


Pretty fair assessment of the situation. I can also see something like that being the case, although many in here are truly tired of the constant Air strikes with little to no reprisals. It is draining after a while.


The S-300s have never been proven in combat. Syria’s are the latest version. And with S-400s in Syria that can run them, and S-400 missiles that can be loaded in their tubes. Syria effecticely has a lot of S-400 grade capability.

The big question is do they work against modern NATO fighters, and who has air supperiorty? Until Russia and the SADF demonstrate this system”s capability. Their deterrence value against IAF fighters is zero, as the ongoing airstrikes demonstrate. And air supperiority rests with NATO and it’s allies, not Russia and it’s allies.

If the NATO fighters can be taken down with known tech, NATO has had access to these systems in their older versions for some time now, there would be no risk of revealing secret tech by using them.

If they have newer versions with secret tech. There would be more reluctance to using them. In either case, every uniinterdicted airstrike damages Russia’s reputation as an arms provider, security guarantor, and ally. And strengthens the impression that either these systems don’t work. Or that when pressed, Russia will back down and sell it’s allies out to the Jews.


A public message to any and all SouthFront users.

I would strongly recommend blocking the account known as “Patriotic White American”. It is a troll account that only serves to derail and harass sincere users here from having rational and civilized discourse.


That Patriot user only crawls out of the woodwork when there is an Israeli attack – most times its quiet although just a nuisance

Chris Saunders

He’s just a worthless shlomo. He’s definitely not American.


When you start limiting freedom of speech, you become the very thing we are fighting against.

PWA is a maggot, but should be allowed to voice his depraved thoughts.


Judaism should be outlawed and Israel trashcanned so that we don’t have to listen to these idiots anymore.

Tommy Jensen

“When you go far enough to the left, you meet the same idiots from the right”.


Cmon man, we have some good talks :^)


These attacks are targeting Russia as much as they are Syria. As part of the Jew’s long runnng campaign to destroy Russia, enslave it’s people, and steal it’s resources. Every unintercepted attack makes Russia look weak and feckless in the face of Jew aggression. And willing to sell it’s allies out to the Jews. Which is what the Jews are trying to accomplish. Russia should recognise the Jews as Russia’s primary enemy and treat them accordingly.


Syria promised an eye for an eye ….. maybe now is the time for an appropriate response targeting Israel. No response means green light for never ending Israeli attacks.


A website promised that, not Syria.

Chris Saunders

This is a great look for Israel: valiantly deterring aggression from Iran by being aggressive to a civilian Syrian airport. This would be like me trying to deter aggression from you by barging into an aged care / nursing home facility and beating up your grandmother . . duh


It’s part of a series of events, like a baseball game with many innings. Time will sort out the winners from losers. Right now Israel has been caught red handed hiding behind other aircraft, while their PM is getting close to being prosecuted. The IAF will make a mistake and get some nuts cut off. It is a matter of time.

Xoli Xoli

Was Russia informed.No respond to Serious incursion while Syrian and once protected by Syrian sovereigntys life were endangered. No airport to airport action.Is Israel above all international laws.Or did Satanyahu get permission after pretend like his concern about Russian life after he give fake condolences.Israel doesn’t have respect for human life.Satanyahu is a Judas Iscariot of Saddam,Gaddafi, Ahmadinejad of Iran,Spike in the coffin for Russians in Ukraine issue.

Xoli Xoli

Satanyahu wants to destroy Syrian airport to stop landing of dignitaries.


So how many Israeli jets were shot down using the s-300s?


0 lol

Icarus Tanović

Blame high flying gouses!

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