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MARCH 2025

Breaking: Israeli Warplanes Target Iranian Position In Aleppo

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Breaking: Israeli Warplanes Target Iranian Position In Aleppo

Click to see full size map, Via Google Earth

UPDATE: According to some pro-opposition sources, 5 IRGC members were killed.

On July 15, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombed a military position north of al-Nayrab airbase, which is located southwest of the northern city of Aleppo, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The state-run news agency said that the Israeli airstrikes resulted in material damage only.

Syrian pro-government activists revealed that the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) controls the position, which was targeted by Israeli warplanes. The activists have not reported any Iranian casualties, so far.

This is the second Israeli airstrike on Iranian forces in Syria since the beginning of this month. On July 8, Israeli warplanes destroyed military equipment of the IRGC in the T-4 airbase in the central governorate of Homs.

Recently, Israel adopted a new policy, under which the IAF began to target any advanced military equipment of the IRGC in Syria. These airstrikes will not likely end anytime soon as Iran appears to be determined to maintain its presence in Syria in order to counter ISIS and Israel.

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Kell McBanned

Israel is a rogue state that needs to be brought to heel by the civilized world! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d835a39dd2f47d5469076525134f054f21887879ff1904f5f1ef0da24541b89.jpg


chill out people israel wants a war now

give it to them later


Absolutely correct


The child butcher Netanyahu see and cannot stop this Syrian and Russian rapid advance towards Palestine.

Therefore, Netenyahu find himself in trouble now that Syria will take back their land of Golan Heights.


It’s always later with Russian keyboard warriors

The fake Russians weapons and their military cower and tremble in front of the US and Israel

Stick to the keyboard

Iranians and Syrians let their soldiers die without retaliation

Ishyrion Av

I don’t see anything patriotic for an american to bomb another nation. Unfortunately, you will learn the true patriotism just after the bombs will start falling over US soil…


Hahahaha good one

The US will never be invaded

The Russian Air Force would get swatted like Flys just like they are over Syria

Invading the US is full frontal suicide

Empire's Frontiers

The US won’t need to be invaded.

It’s got enough unemployed, drugged up retards throughout the land to tear itself apart.

Fayez Chergui

well said.


That’s what Soviets used to say, funny how imbeciles repeat this shit even today, no wonder how many Russians regret Staling and Lenin who killed some of their relatives. Looks like the actual Russian Federation has the same future with such bright people repeating like parrots, 100 years old propaganda.

Empire's Frontiers

If you live in the US and write that well, you’re demonstrating my point.

If you don’t live in the US, what are you talking about?


Ok let me explain it for you, USA and Russia currently have the same unemployment rate, around 4.7. In USA, the most used drug is marijuana while in Russia, alcohol and tobacco, the last two give dependence and kill. The other drugs consumption are just 1-2 percents higher in USA than Russia. But Soviets always used to exaggerate the problems of the decadent bourgeois society and the inevitable auto-destruction they were eager to witness. Also calling them retards just shows you are mad of hate and most likely because you are frustrated that Russia shows its weakness. Also thinking that I might be from USA shows that you wish too hard to have their attention because you feel unimportant.

Empire's Frontiers

Unemployment rate does not equal idle people without work.

Get real.

And if you don’t live in the US, what do you know?


Should I be in the US to know about the Soviet rhetoric about how fast the Occident will fall? that’s a n interesting logic. I bet you have an explanation about how the people in USA are employed but being drug abusers retards, they don’t work, or something

Concrete Mike

Let ne correct you then sinve you are not from.north america appare tly. America is addicted to drugs, not mari jane…no prescription drugs is the problem, that dont fit your narrative so you omitted that.

Nice try but we are not fools here.

Paul Cock

The US is invaded by Mexicans, and it seems that no weapon systems can’t stop them, They are cheap labour you know..

Joe Kerr

The U.S. has already been taken over: “We Jews control the U.S., and Americans know it”- Ariel Sharon Oct 2001. And: “When we s.u.c.k the U.S. dry, the wind can blow it away”- Bibi to Jon Pollard. Too bad you failed in Syria… your Jewish masters will never forgive you for that.


US dont stand a chance against Russian army in direct confrontation. Tha is why US is using terroists group against Russia


That’s why Russia gets bitch slapped around in Syria and ticked its tail after saying it would target US platforms if Syria was hit

lol what a joke


Russia did not get slaped at ll in Syria. Its the US that is losing soldiers in Syria (regular and iregular US terrorist forces such as ISIL) and that is exactly why US has to organize fake deaths of its soldiers like the ones when destroyers get crashed into ships so they dont have to admit in front of public where they really died.



You have to invent fake stories because you’re humiliated

Here’s some actual verified facts

1) Turkey shot down a Russian jet and Russia did nothing 2) An SU25 got shot down by a shoulder fired MANPAD


The US also killed over 100 Russians and Israel bombs Syria daily

And all you can do is invent anecdotes with no proof to make yourself feel better



Where are the “actual verified facts” you promised? Your point number one is wrong. It was US that shot down russian SU24 but Turkey accepted the blame in order to prevent WW3. But it is not true that Russia did nothing about it. Putin has actualy efectively removed Turkey from NATO. Since Turkey was 2nd strongest army of NATO, Russia managed to significantly weaken NATO because of the shot down jet. Your second point is actualy right. SU25 did get shot down by US sponsored jihadists. But i dont know if that is something that patriotic white american should be proud of. And your third point is just straight out of CNN/FOX/BBC fake news factory.


LOL wtf you’re a crack head


“We are speeding up the training of ISIL forces” Barack Obama “Obama is the founder of ISIL” Donald Trump “We have brokered the power transition in Ukraine” Barack Obama about the 2014 coup that brought the war into UA.

Any questions?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russia said that if they were attacked and NATO tucked tail on the 3-4 wave as Russian fighters were scrambled and many of the NATO ships and subs were pushed out of range by Russia navy.


That all Your Headchopping Mercenaries of Satan & their Foreign Intel May Burn in the Desert….Traitors to Mankind… Bring on Your War! Hasbara Boy…You are Nothing! You will be Obliterated… Your Desperate attempts to Create War… will Backfire and Lead to Your Total Destruction….I see Your Empire Crumbling….You are Finished…How beautiful it is… the Dawn of another day…

Concrete Mike

Lol your lying. Russia said if russian forces are hit the launchers will get destroyed. We know here becausr were real patriots.

US has no answer to hypersonic russian missiles. NOTHING not even your fat ass can stop it.


No, they said if Syria was hit

The article is still on RT

Russians are pussies


Concrete Mike

Yeah once again, we quoted russian mod your again with journalists…your too naive.

John Brown

You are an Israhell troll. You should be showing an Israeli flag and admitting you are a patriotic racist supremacist Nazi Satanic Jew. If the Russian/ Shiite forces are utterly impotent, and Russia gets bitch slapped around in Syria, why are they winning the war against Israel’s ISIS and Al-cia-da puppets? Why is Israel so afraid of them coming up to the Israeli border? Why is Israel afraid Russia will give the S-300 or the S 400 to Syria??


Why did Russian cucks cancel the S300 shipment to Syrians after Israel warned them?

Ishyrion Av

They didn’t warned. They begged. Netaniahu makes 2 trips to Moscow every month. He’s really trying. But still impotent.


Well, what is the % of Hispanic descent people in US nowadays. What was it 30 years ago? And what is their reproduction rate? There is an invasion ongoing long time.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wake up you dumb ass it has been and will be again , just send more extremists and call them Syrians again this time.


The Divided States of America Is Bound For Civil War II… Foreign Traitors Rule the American Government…. it will be no Invasion… it will be an Angry Mob with Pitchforks and a Lot of Ropes…Live by the Sword…Die by the Sword…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It’s getting there close already Neocons have been allowing it to happen way too often.

Rafik Chauhan

US will be invaded from within US soil soon by Russian no need of air force or navy have patience soon you will get unswer


now all,ll m americans gays it,s only the pacific and atlantic ocean you proteged stupid trool sionist!!

Concrete Mike

You were already invavded from the inside dumbass. Your too stupid to see it

Ishyrion Av

So the Romans thought… until the barbarians burned the Rome! Every empire is meant to fall.

Ishyrion Av

Like when a Raptor run away from a Su-35?


“The fake Russians weapons” Look How Trump. Clintons and the deep State Dance around Russia. Now compare the Actions of the Americans to how they treat Mexico. The Americans Clearly respect Mexico more than Russia, Obviously for good Reason.

John Eldorado

Re: Patriotic_White_American Only a jewish_ameican_shill would use a username like that

Concrete Mike

Probably sitting in a starbucks…fucking hipster

Tom Choads

Filthy Zionist shill. Remember that we can harvest your rat gods wherever they infest in the world, not just in their den.


Hey Hasbara Boy… Told you Before.. Patriotic White Americans don’t Like you NeoConNazis & Zionazis that much any more…

Jewish Albert Pike – Agent of Rothschild in America – Main Architect of Civil War – Founder of KKK Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to the Jewish family of Benjamin and Sarah Chase. It is unknown why Albert Pike’s father later change his name from Chase to Pike, maybe to hide his Jewish identity. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army and one of the major architect of the Civil War. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and implicated in the assassination of President Lincoln, only to be pardoned by fellow FREEMASON President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon President Johnson the 32nd Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. Albert Pike acting in behalf of the de Rothschild family, founded the KKK. ALBERT PIKE LETTER REVEALS ILLUMINATI PLAN FOR WORLD WAR 3 Famous Freemason Albert Pike wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 that purports to outline the illuminati plan for World War 3. The letter to Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977, before being inexplicably removed from public view. Bibliotecapleyades.net reports: Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary leader of the mid 1800s as well as the Director of the Illuminati. Albert Pike (historical Masonic figure) is a 33rd degree, Freemason Occultist Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order. Following are apparently extracts from the letter, showing how Three World Wars have been planned for many generations. “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.” “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.” “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view ( via boredombash.com ). This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”



stupid trool fasciste sioniste!! the yankee coward in front the russia syria!!

Concrete Mike

Bwahaha im not affraid of you. Russia is not affraid of us or israel. Russia is more worried about more senseless civillian suffering, as the civilized world is.

Youd rather spend your money on foreign wars? Not me rather spend it on infratructure projects at home.

Riding a john deere machine right now in fact.

Whatever your probably a dual citizen with an arts degree. How is weather in lativia thia morning?

Give me regards to the canadian lads there wasting my money on politics…just like you bitch.

Hear that? Your a parasite just like your bosses.


You Remind me of me and How my mind works. Russia has cleared South Syria and now they are picking at Israel defences. Poking, testing and exploring.

Feudalism Victory

No they can make an impact now. Attrition should be in their favor. These small strikes favor an ambush. Aleppo is deeper in should be detected on the way?

No russian heads up or nothing to shoot at it?(or a miss)


This is fake news propaganda. The SANA website has not mentioned it. Putin knows that Israel every week trying to invade Hamim air base by using DIY homemade drones but they never succeed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dušan Mirić

Whatever. SAA was supposed to collect remains of Israeli terrorists and wrecks of their manned aerial vehicles

Ishyrion Av

I doubt Israel can cross all Syria and bomb Alepo. Most probably it was US.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Could be another poor weapons storage again with this heat would be unstable.

Ishyrion Av

That too.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There has been confirmation of 5 dead SAA in Aleppo murdered by contemptible Israel Arrogant Force no war so it’s murder.


If it was US, you would have heard Russia complaining to the UN. When all you hear is silence, it means it’s Israel. Also with modern air-to-ground missiles, you don’t need to reach Aleppo, you can fire them from hundreds of km away.

Ishyrion Av

Because is useless to complain. Russia keeps the peace, doesn’t spank the hooligan unless the damage is worth the trouble.


When they struck Iraqis in Al-Bukamal one month ago – that’s the same distance. They didn’t know at first who bombed them, they accused Americans at first, then Americans revealed it was Israel.

Ishyrion Av

It was US there too. Americans “reveal” what their masters want to reveal.


whatever floats your boat, probably USA and Israel has a deal with Russia to reveal Iranian targets in Syria.


Inside Israel’s Raid to Seize Nuclear Documents in Iran Agents infiltrated Tehran warehouse, extracted trove including partial warhead designs, officials say



Absolute Bullshit being peddled by MSM and other “worthy sources”.


Why of course, some troll calling itself Redamdmiral knows more than the reporters at the Wallstreet Journal, NOT!!!


Just as a person who has a net worth of zero is wealthier than millions of those who have negative net worth ( due to debt ) , so a person who only knows one thing – that the MSM lies , constantly – is more well-informed than the millions who consume those MSM lies uncritically.

Graz Bugni

Yesss, I too believe “agents” sneaked into and out of a Tehran warehouse and absconded with 5 tons of papers in binders.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Being a reporter doesn’t magically grant you integrity. There is a reason the phrase “fake news” exists.

Empire's Frontiers

Though that phrase is usually redundant.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No, nowadays it’s an oxymoron!

Tudor Miron

Wallstreet journal as a credible source? Now that was funny. Thanks for a good lough.


Lol WSJ ? Really? Got a Novichok to share ?


The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the guy who discovered that readers would rather look at boobs than news.

Concrete Mike

I use wallstreet journal as an asswipe for my cat

Empire's Frontiers

What about the agents that infiltrated -staffed- the wsj?

Next the NYT will be telling us the truth, huh? Bezos Post right after that?


Believe it when they say Kilo class submarine surfaces in lake Michigan


Did you ask yourself why Israel chose the WSJ? Because the WSJ is the only non Jewish media outlet in New York.

Brother Ma

Who says? Murdoch’s maternal grandma or grandpa or both were Jews.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Jeff Bezos owns WSJ NYtimes 650 million US contract from the CIA for two papers worth not more than 225 million US.

Brother Ma

Thank you and my mistake ,sinbad2.bezos is mexican?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Jeff Bezos owns Amazon and stock in multiple companies owned by Jews great friend of Israel ,George Soros , Harvey Weinstein ,AIPAC etc. remember walks like a duck talks like a duck then it’s not you who is quackers!

Bezos is just a Jewish as Bibi.

Brother Ma

He is jewish!!i am surprised. Please give me a link or reference.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Google search Jeff Bezos one of the richest Americans.

Brother Ma

Yes. I know about Bezos. I just did not know re him being Jewish.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

His maternal side he is born Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen , Bezos is his Step-Father’s name.

Brother Ma

Jorgensen is a Scandinavian name although the Scandinavian countries have Jews as well.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Very deceptive rules if a woman converts her children are automatically Jewish but not the father.

Brother Ma

True. I know that . Are you saying his mum converted to Judaism?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

His grandmother could have and he would become Jewish that way it’s automatic down the female line.

Brother Ma

All true but we are only speculating. We still do not have proof he is Jewish.


terra_cotta_woolpuller ):

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wow ! Fake news you shut up and sit down no comments from the fake news peanut gallery!


I find it strange that people declare Russian air defences invulnerable and then denounce deep strikes into places protected by those defenses.


To choose not to kill is only available to the more advanced primates, that’s why you don’t understand mercy.


You’re not helping your case there, buddy.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

It was munitions storage that blew up way too many NATO munitions too store in this heat.


Russian/ Shiite forces are utterly impotent in the face of Israeli strikes

They intercept nothing, they’re too cowardly to retaliate, and Russian military equipment is humiliated over and over again


How could you possibly fight the US?

Russian and Iranians cowards are only good at barking on the internet




Read the news.. Donald T. And Israeli Prime minister are both in Russia trying to negotiate Syria and tell then not to fire at US and Israeli combat planes over Syria… so until now the US and Israelis planes are far away from Russian forces in Tartus and theirs air base.

Lena Jones

Oh “LOOOOOOL” you are neither patriotic nor are you ‘white’ for all the brown-nosing you do for israel you little brainwashed israel-firster!

Has it occurred to you to research the last war the US won? Well it was the Invasion of Panama/1989 – if you can call invading a non-militarized small patch of land a ‘real’ invasion.

FACT: israel’s pathetic strikes change NOTHING on the ground: Syria/Iran/Russia/Hezbollah are still winning!


And your are walking flith a fucking joke a nothing. They outnumbered us by ratio 30:1, huge tech advantage and with bottomless propaganda. Still they barely can defeat us. And Allah sees everything your nations will suffer inshaallah for what have you done to the muslims.

Lena Jones

LOL all you’re doing is defending your ISIS headchopper pals and your masters in tel aviv. And shut the fuck up with your ‘muslim’ garbage. You are as much of a real muslim as a mouse is an elephant! Go collect your shekels and dinars from Bibi’s and MBS’s stinking arses.


Eat less pork it clearly poisoned your mind and now you are halucinating. Prove then why we are not real muslims? You are talking complete nonsense probably projecting own life into others.

Lena Jones

Oh shut it down already you fucking fake muslim! You are a disgusting talmudic terrorist with no clothes on! Run along now and hide your ‘chosen’ porky ass!

Concrete Mike

I will eat whate er the fuck i want and its not some israeli bitch that will tell me what i can and cant eat. Al quds forever


Pork is prohibited food by eating it you rebel against the God. Even the Bible says eating pork is haram. Judaism too. And Islam is Judaism and Christianity combined into final prophecy and message to mankind.


3 dots ISIL troll. You seem rather quick to defend your masters! How transparent is this. Are you changing your name every two weeks? Spam time: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/13a2a669997878cbca9df9d1508baafc9382cc62c7bba04c23ef7f1984183643.png


Do you eat pork too? My first name Islamic state Lioness was banned in less than two hours then the .. name after one day and now this one is going to be banned soon so i ask you where is your freedom of speech? Where are your so called freedoms? You are nothing but barbarians pretending to be something else you steal muslim lands and spread corruption.

Concrete Mike

No freedom for fascists like you, you are the anthetethis of freedom, you represent opression tyranny and your masters business interests. You are nothing but cannon fodder for them

Concrete Mike

Its not the palestinians you should fear…its us…your neighbors

John Brown

If the Russian/ Shiite forces are utterly impotent, why are they winning the war against Israel’s ISIS and Al-cia-da puppets? Why is Israel so afraid of them coming up to the Israeli border? Why is Israel afraid Russia will give the S-300 or the S 400 to Syria???

Promitheas Apollonious

Russia has no plans to give S300-400 to Syria, until Syria is free and re establish her sovereign rights within the nation. If they was intending to give them strategic weapons they would have done this already.

chris chuba

That sounds suspiciously close to the deconfliction zones that are legitimately policed by Iran, Russia, and Turkey. Is it possible to find out if this is actually one of the zones policed by Iran? That would be a dirty trick, even for Netanyahu but when you get way with murder, you murder.


The airstrike was probably from Lebanon because the baby rapers know that the Syrians won’t drop their planes onto Lebanon. Which pushes back the attack and improves the chance of intercepting any ordnance. Lebanon needs to secure it’s airspace. I’m sure that they’ve talked with the Russians about this. Meanwhile the evil Jew’s terrorists are just about finished on the occupied Golan border. As a Palestinian protection force is being formed at the UN bypassing the US veto with UNGA Resolution 377A provisions that can be used for clearing the IDF, Mossad and Shin Bet out of the Palestinian territories. Which could be helpful with Syria and Lebanon doing the same thing in conjunction with the Palestinians and other regional governments.



– Syrian Civil War Map –



It is not a civil war, it’s a US invasion.


Lebanon is controlled by US/Israel. Hezbollah was only formed, because the Lebanese Government and army would rather defend US/Israel than Lebanon. The leaders of most of the worlds countries work for America, and not the countries they lead.


the new governement lebanon is prosyrian and pro hezbollah lol

Promitheas Apollonious

and the world for you obviously is western countries. maybe is time to look at the global map and digest that the world is not only europe and north america, who are just a small part of it.


The Government of Pakistan has denied its people electricity and gas to please America, do you think Pakistan is a western country?

The US installed Suharto into power in Indonesia, and he killed a million people for his American masters, do you think Indonesia is western?

I could go on about Vietnam and Korea, they would also be western in your eyes. Maybe it’s you that has monocular vision?

Promitheas Apollonious

Pakistan is an ally of China and China threaten India with war if she attack Pakistan few years back. Also kicked the americans out little peanut butter brain, joining along with India SCO.

And I can analyze you also the rest countries you mentioning but it is a waste of time with one track minds as yours, who speak with out knowing the facts. Try and catch up with reality and not some illusions you seem to have.

Learn to get your info knowing the countries you talking about as well their external policies and internal ones and their alliances, rather from the alleged media.

Promitheas Apollonious

Pakistan same time as India have joined SCO or you have not hear of it and definitely is not controlled by US as you suggesting.

Indonesia has turn around in 1998, so you talk of ancient history and vietnam is not controlled by Us though because of China and their dispute with them, use the US as sort of a shield but not for long as things show.

As for monocular vision, get educated of reality on the ground and then come back and apologize of your ignorance of facts. Your heart maybe in the right place as I read your posts and where you stand, but your knowledge of what is going around the world is assumption and not true knowledge so ………… get up to date and dont put your foot in your mouth again. Or at least wash it before you do.


More likely this was from the new Israeli base in Iraq, or Israeli agents in Turkey.


new base in kurdistan!!


How is this news, the US/Israel bomb somewhere daily, they live to kill.


I refuse to fight You, Will You do the same?


Looks like being allied with Russia has no effect for NATO & Israelis bombs.

Concrete Mike

Thats true, insignificant and a mere annyoance, we won the war you lost suck it up buttercup


Reports Detail Mossad Raid on Iranian Nuclear Documents

By The Associated Press

July 15, 2018

JERUSALEM — New details have been leaked of how the Israeli spy agency Mossad smuggled out Iranian nuclear documents earlier this year, but the material does not appear to provide evidence that Iran failed to abide by its 2015 nuclear agreement with world powers.

The information reported Sunday shed more light on the daring Mossad operation but offered few other details beyond what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed in April, when he unveiled what he said was a trove of secret Iranian nuclear documents dating back to 2003 seized by Israeli intelligence.

The Israeli leader argued that the 55,000 pages of documents and 183 CDs of the Iranian program dubbed “Project Amad” provided more reason for President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal with world powers… The New York Times reported Sunday that Israeli agents had six hours and 29 minutes to break into the nondescript nuclear facility in a commercial district of the Iranian capital, Tehran, before the guards arrived in the morning. In that time, they infiltrated the facility, disabled alarms and cut through safes to remove the secret documents before leaving undetected.

But the trolls at southfront are too dumb to actually comprehend actual news.



Empire's Frontiers

Nobody believes that’s actual news.

Promitheas Apollonious

one word BULLSHIT.


Pathetic lame response

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You do know dumb ass people use memory sticks isn’t rocket science to figure that out and why rob some production company of a movie script and CDS seems more fake the story gets told. Her is another one that was busted right from the start by the people on the scene was the Skripal’s chemical poisoning now two more but poisoned two weeks later!!

Promitheas Apollonious

been a complete idiot shows from your links and your comments, hasbara. So…….. in a highly sensitive facility the guards leave at night and return in the morning, after a good night sleep.

You really are a very stupid tool.


Massad has a long list of success while you only have a history of trolling, idiot.

Promitheas Apollonious

`massad` ……….. the idiot is the one who did not jerk you off broken condom. As for your `massad` you can take it and stick it where the sun dont shine motherf*cker. Now answer what I said since when sensitive facilities send their guards home at night?

I understand your single cell can not rub itself around this but try any way.


Mossad still has a long history of success and you’re still a know nothing troll, idiot.

Promitheas Apollonious

ok you got the name, right this time. You still have no help from your single cell to answer simple questions, single digit I.Q.

One more chance before you show yourself to be a complete moron. Name one sensitive facility that send the guards home at night for a good night sleep retard.


Obviously reading comprehension isn’t your forte so try reading my post again:

Mossad still has a long history of success (documented by journalistic sources) and you’re still a know nothing troll (with the ussual lame ad hominems), pathetic.

Concrete Mike

Journalistic sources…wtf is that? News approved by the us state dept???

Your out of your league boy, go outside and play in the sun

John Whitehot

“Journalistic sources…wtf is that?”

It means Israeli or jewish owned newspapers lmao.

Concrete Mike

Hahahaha theres only one troll here dude and its you, peice of shit hipster upper canadia scumbag

Concrete Mike

Change your profile pic, your a fucken disgracr that dont even play hovkey


I’ll get back to you once you’ve matured beyond the toddler with dirty diapers stage, pathetic idiot.

Concrete Mike

Yeah thats what i thought, why dont you answer my question fascist?

Concrete Mike

Lol is that the best you can do? Here is an adult question to you.

What benefits canada by promoting a pro israeli agenda? I really dont see it other then its what everybody else does.

Also the source of your post is compromised…thats why we all laughed at you.

Cheers hipster

Lena Jones

LOL lookie at the death throes of israel in Syria.


BREAKING: https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=PT1f0mkacIs 13 hours ago!

Douglas Houck

This is an odd story, which is also on Sputnik.com, but when you go to the Syrian website SANA you get this.

“The army air defense on Sunday evening confronted an Israeli aggression on T-4 Airport in Homs countryside.

A military source told SANA that the army air defense downed a number of missiles which targetedT-4 airport and hit one of the attacking warplanes, forcing the others to leave the airspace.”

Unclear as to what has happened, as is the usual case when these events occur.

John Mason

I think what you are referring to occurred last week, this is a new attack.

Douglas Houck

John, You are correct. I pulled the story off the Sana News Ticker thinking that was only the latest, and missed the story date of July 9th.

John Mason

So much happening that it is easy to get confused. You have a good week.

Joe Kerr

Another pinprick by the IAF to try and provoke a response from Iran and demand their U.S. colony to bomb it, if true. However, they usually film their missile hits.


They use Gaza for target practice ,then sneakily attack Syrian Forces. There are no words to describe the utter evilness of this Luciferian zionist regime. The war that they crave,may not turn out the way they expect,time will tell.


This is fake news propaganda. The SANA website has been blocked to confirm. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/israeli-defense-chief-warns-hamas-will-pay-heavy-price-amid-new-escalation/ Is Everybody ready to Enlist? Everybody Just Loves Israel.

John Mason

If the Israeli excuse for their conduct is due to Iranian presence on Syrian territory to justify the attack then logically the Syrians can attack using the same logic Tel Aviv because that city harbours terrorists. Would be a sight for sore eyes to see the Israelis cop a few missiles right where it hurts.

Promitheas Apollonious

ALL IN GOOD TIME. A good leader first he clean and tight his own house and garden, then he look for adventures, outside his boundaries.


Shoot these IsraHell’s Serpents of Satan out of them Skies….Mo’ Missiles…Obliterate them…

Fayez Chergui

You should report the truth: israel has bombed a syrian base not iranian since their is no combat troupes in Syria but advisers.

John Whitehot

“UPDATE: According to some pro-opposition sources, 5 IRGC members were killed.”

How strange that “pro-opposition sources” sing to the tune of Israel.

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