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MARCH 2025

Breaking News of Saudi Crown Prince’s “Secret” Visit To Israel Brings Embassy Scramble

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Clearly the war in Syria and the international push for regime change against Assad has created strange alliances in the Middle East over the past few years. Among the strangest bedfellows are the Israelis and Saudis. It’s no secret that common cause in Syria of late has led the historic bitter enemies down a pragmatic path of unspoken cooperation as both seem to have placed the break up of the so-called “Shia crescent” as their primary policy goal in the region. But that’s perhaps why few pundits seemed overly shocked when Israeli media late last week began reporting that a Saudi prince made a secret visit to Israel, in spite of the fact that the kingdom does not recognize the Jewish state, and the two sides do not have diplomatic relations.

Last Wednesday (9/6) Israel’s state funded Kol Yisrael radio service made cryptic reference to the “secret” yet historic visit while withholding names and specifics. “An emir of the Saudi royal court visited the country secretly in recent days and discussed with senior Israeli officials the idea of advancing regional peace,” the station reported. It added further that, “Both the Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Ministry refused to comment on the issue.”

Breaking News of Saudi Crown Prince's "Secret" Visit To Israel Brings Embassy Scramble

Left: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Right: Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

The visit is said to have occurred the same week Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed “unprecedented” relations with the Arab world. Netanyahu made the comments before members of the foreign ministry and said, “Things that are happening today between Israel and the Arab world are unprecedented. Cooperation on a wide range of issues are occurring behind the scenes, more than at any time in Israel’s history.”

But on Sunday reports began to emerge that the unidentified Saudi royal in question is no less than Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, which would indeed be shocking news:

On Sunday, the IUVM Online Arabic news outlet identified the Saudi official who reportedly visited Israel as Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, the Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia and heir apparent to the throne.

The IUVM Online report cited a United Arab Emirates intelligence officer, who claimed that bin Salman was the member of the Saudi royal family who met with Israeli officials in last week’s secret meeting.

Western journalists also began on Sunday to report the dignitary as being Crown Prince Salman – something which could have huge geopolitical consequences for the region given that such a high level meeting would possibly take place at all.

The reports were immediately disputed and subject to disbelief and controversy. As bin Salman’s name continued to circulate Sunday, the Saudi Embassy in Washington D.C. attempted to shut down news of the visit. A senior Saudi diplomatic official took to Twitter with a simple “Nope” in reference to the allegations.

Of course, if true such a dramatic move between the countries would signify a monumental shift in relations and outlook. On Sunday Israeli media was also broadly advancing bin Salman’s name as the Saudi emir in question.

Breaking News of Saudi Crown Prince's "Secret" Visit To Israel Brings Embassy Scramble

Multiple Israeli outlets on Sunday identified Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as having met with senior Israeli officials early last week.

Though initial reports in Israeli media speculated that it could mean positive momentum on the Palestinian issue, it is unlikely that the future king of Saudi Arabia himself would suddenly pay a personal visit to Israel over an issue which has stalemated regional diplomacy for decades. It also doesn’t appear that Israeli policy on settlements has undergone any significant on the ground change. If true, public knowledge of the visit will certainly result in embarrassment for both countries, especially on the Saudi domestic front.

The initial Israeli public radio report referenced the visit of “an emir of the Saudi royal court” on Wednesday while saying the trip took place “in recent days”. As both Israel and Saudi Arabia have been so heavily invested in pursuing regime change in Syria, and at a time when other world powers seem to be backing off, it is inconceivable that Syria wasn’t high on the agenda during the unprecedented visit.

The timing of the meeting also seems more than just coincidental in relation to last week’s Israeli airstrike on a Syrian military facility, which took place in the middle of the night Wednesday (or more precisely Thursday morning at 3:00 am). As we reported at the time, Israel’s brazen act of aggression was designed to provoke a response from Syria. As the Syrian government stands poised to be victorious in the more than 6-year long conflict while rapidly regaining more and more territory, Israel seems desperate to keep the war going and is still making last ditch efforts to draw external powers deeper into Syria, though framing its aggression as “humanitarian”.

Could the two powers have been engaged in face to face talks over renewed efforts at ramping up the stalled war for regime change in Syria? After all, Israel’s declarations of its willingness to do anything to prevent an enduring Iranian presence in Syria have reached a new erratic pitch of late. During Netanyahu’s recent contentious summit with Vladimir Putin in Sochi, the Israeli leader reportedly warned Putin that Israel would not tolerate an enlarged and stronger Shia sphere of influence along Israel’s border. Yet the current trajectory of the war in Syria ensures just that, especially after the US-Russia brokered Astana agreement seemed to give tacit approval of Iranian troop presence in parts of Syria, while placing Russia in the driver’s seat. It was further revealed that a senior Israeli official accompanying Netanyahu on the trip threatened to assassinate Syrian President Assad by bombing his palace in Damascus, while further adding that Israel will seek to derail the Astana de-escalation deal.

As for Saudi Arabia, while its deep embroilment in inter-GCC diplomatic war with Qatar seems to have tempered what used to be routine calls for Assad’s departure, it must be remembered that the current unraveling of the GCC is ultimately benefiting IranIt is entirely possible that the Iran issue alone might drive the kingdom into direct engagement with Israel no matter the risks and political embarrassment (for example, news of the visit hands Iran a propaganda victory and likely more influence on the so-called Arab street, even perhaps within Saudi’s own domestic population).

Saudi Arabia could also be worried about future blowback from its well-documented actions in Syria. A WikiLeaks cable released in 2015 as part of the “Saudi Leaks” trove of internal leaked Saudi diplomatic memos speaks to just this scenario. Though the memo’s exact date is unknown, it was drafted sometime in early 2012 based on internal references in the Arabic text. It spells out the kingdom’s internal long term rationale on Syria: that should the Syrian regime “be able to pass through its current crisis in any shape or form” then increased “danger for the Kingdom” means Saudi Arabia must “seek by all means available and all possible ways to overthrow the current regime in Syria.” A full translation of the key passage reads as follows:

“In what pertains to the Syrian crisis, the Kingdom is resolute in its position and there is no longer any room to back down. The fact must be stressed that in the case where the Syrian regime is able to pass through its current crisis in any shape or form, the primary goal that it will pursue is taking revenge on the countries that stood against it, with the Kingdom and some of the countries of the Gulf coming at the top of the list. If we take into account the extent of this regime’s brutality and viciousness and its lack of hesitancy to resort to any means to realize its aims, then the situation will reach a high degree of danger for the Kingdom, which must seek by all means available and all possible ways to overthrow the current regime in Syria.

Whether or not it was in fact Crown Prince Salman that himself went to Israel, the timing of the high level delegation’s visit is simply impossible to ignore. Simply put, Syria was without a doubt discussed… and shortly thereafter Syria was bombed. Such direct and closer relations among perennial enemies could be a sign of more escalation and desperate measures to come in the region. This is certainly not – as Israeli media reported – a sign of regional peace.

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Yet more proof that the house of Saud are crypto-jevvs


hahahahah, where is the proof??? Crypto jews, hahahahahahahahaha

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

The founder of the “House of Saud” was a Jew from Iraq. You can do your own homework.


You red too much conspiracy crap

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No ,you are just bad at being a troll , can see why you never really said anything before, your an idiot.


It is documented that the father of Abd al-Wahhab was a Jew.



davey price

Wahhabism.. muhammad ibn abdul Wahhab was a descendant of a family of Domneh Turkish jews from Turkey. the Domneh were Descendants of the infamous false messiah of Judaism. Shabbetai Zevi (ASKENAZI JEW) shocked the world by converting to Islam in 1666. His followers imitated his conversion to ISlam secretly keeping to there Kabbalistic doctrines. In europe the Shabbeteans were led by Jacob frank a century later, a follower of Zevi(to elimanate the opiate)fact check to them belonged Rothschild who had a hand in the founding of the Bavarian illumanati


So where did you learn this “truth” ? You really think the world works that simple, hah? And Jezus was actualy the son of Julius Cesar and Cleopatra, right?

Davey Price

I read, research what I find interesting, I don’t intend to talk to you you, cause you ask a Q without wanting to be enlightened, just keep asking Q’s without trying to disprove. Just bullshit. I don’t care what age u are or where u live.


It is fact and been known for a long time, you are Boomer cuck and responsible for this murder now happening in the middle east because of your generations lazyness, idocy and willfull ignorance – luckily you are all about to choke on your own fat. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/359afa4648e964445df6f6102a785edd7a0580e143e5759721a26c3cb40ad83b.png


You are mentaly ill and do not know anything about me


I could tell you are a retarded Boomer from the first sentance I read – its a special mix of stupidity, greed and arogance that is unique to your lot and the weakness required for a parasite to undermine and destroy a civilization in one generation – we know who you are.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cf8c2836ae0336dfe6f23038893b4ccc219e2cb087730bd33a595f56c50e7cb3.jpg


If you think im bad, Generation X wait until you meet Generation Z or better known as Generation Zyklon, the Generation with nothing left to loose, they are known as Generation Zyklon for a very good reason, the jewish narritive of loving nothing and laughing at everything is well ingrained ie nothing is sacred and especially not jews of the holohoax, combine this extreme narsicism with widespread information availability where they can learn why they have nothing left of their civilization and who pissed it away and you have an interesting set of conditions that are about to occur, dont expect mercy because you will get none, these kids will laugh and dance on your graves, they are scary even to me.


Hahahahah, ok i am younger, so no babybommer


Just because some dumbo like u says it is a fact, does not make it a fact. The world is full of fairytales..


..and you are living in them.


Aah how cute, all the suckers on this forum are buddyboys….


Time to wake up from your slumber dumbarse – before you burn! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/89755ae0d968f37297aad732ca5091b956b04c91892c533a99870867c37e2533.gif


What makes your generation better then the babyboom generation???? They are NO diferent, at least the mayority is just as stupid, ignorant, materialistic, narrowminded and selfish as the babyboomers. And if we look to the developing countries, they are making the exact same mistakes, poluting the envoriment and only thinking about more wealth and showing off and eating more meat and driving bigger cars!!! So what the FUCK do you mean man?


You have destroyed our civilization! We now have to rebuild it and burn away the old with fire but rise like a phoenix we will and you will be no more than a retarded mention in a history book about how greed selfishness and stupidity destroyed a thriving civilization – a generation that was given everything and you pissed it away through your own greed – you will be remebered and dispised for thousands of years – we will make sure of it! You and your beloved demonic hate-nation of Israel will soon be dead and the world will rejoice!


Are you trying to figure out how old i am and where i am from? Hahahah, i will not tell you sucker! You seem to be a teenager, otherwise you would not write such imbecil comments and have so little knowledge about humanity


Now, why would a zionist troll research something he already knows and then admit it? Wouldn’t that be kinda like Cheney admitting that 9/11 was an inside job?


so if someone does not agree he is a troll. How stupid is that?


They both have a taste for the blood of children Matt.


I bet you eat red meat as well

Moussa Saab


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just another idiot comment out of your one after another , you probably have the wit of of a wild pig rooting about for trifle.


Lets not bring the poor swine into this. They really do make pretty fair pets and won’t shite on you, unlike…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wild pigs are not really potbelly pigs or even farm pigs they like to root for their food like this matt does.


A wild pig has more common sense then you, that’s for sure

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Typical nonsense from a troll .


Not of children Matt. Or even adult humans for that matter :)


All species have children and i consider eating mamals a barbaric act


Heres your favorite people talking about killing your children –



I prefer these people actualy https://youtu.be/-SwMd-CqL1s


Shut the fuck up donny! You’re like a child who wonders into the middle of a conversation u have no reference too.

Who the fook is this guy?


I think you might already have an idea. I do.


in the middle of my own conversation, with all you silly losers


The Alt-Right is now 10% of the youth in America, times are changing real quick and you are just beggining to get the reason why you will be loaded into the ovens next to your (((Favorite))) people!


Why you always ask for the proof together with hahahahahahaha? Something’s wrong with you? Or just trying to hide from obvious.


Dont worry about the boomer shabas goy above, they will all soon be dead and the world will be a better place. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f7b3933b002f20be2fd2550ac96f905d9c0c0977dabe3fd9a5b99b3f6ec9dc6.jpg

Cheryl Brandon

I like the cartoon; This is what Jews are so good at; TRICKERY/Double talk/stealth/LYING!


Yes hes called Le American Bear, a 4Chan/8Chan meme meant to illustrate the stupidity and greed of the American boomer – who is constantly tricked and led around by the nose by the “You know who” to cause all the evil and destruction in the world.


“where is the proof???” he says! My God, people are living with their heads in the sand!



That’s no proof buddy boy


This is nothing new, ISISrael used Ziodi Arabian airspace to bomb Saddam’s Osirak nuclear reactor in Baghdad in 1981; even Tehran reacted favorably to that bombing given that Iraq was lobbing US chemical weapons at Iran.

Ziowahhabis are the creature of the Brutish empire of the City of London, birds of a feather…


Truly. Israel and Saudi have been in bed for quite some time. When the US sold KSA F-15s in the early 80s, it was with the full approval of Israel. Anyone with a ounce of sense realized then that something was rotten. Avowed enemies, in bed with the same 3rd party. Right. When ZH says this is abnormal or new, what they mean is PUBLICLY. These two have been bedpartners for a long, long, time. Just not in the public arena facade.

chris chuba

If only they were ‘talking about peace’ instead of how to proceed with the genocide against the Shiites and how to sell it as preemptive self-defense.


Maybe Salman was also begging for more Israeli help against Yemen.


We all know that saudia arabia, usa and israel are very close allies.


Yes is very obvious, anyone that “cant” see it is either being willfully ignorant or pushing an agenda.


my agenda is to reveal your stupidity Why non of you silly boys don’t understand that this FAKE news serves the interest of Israel?


I did not know and do not agree, i think its more like game of thrones, if it serves their interest they are allies, if not they are enemies. For now they work together, but they would stab each other in the back without hesitation

Cheryl Brandon

The Clown prince of SA has decided to become a TOOL of Israhell hegemonic ambitions. What a rich/idiotic/wahabhist TWAT; He is ignorant of his own power! A willing serf/Goyim of Israhell!


He has no power. Saudi arabian are garbage. His people is worthless and he knows it.


Saudi arabians are very very very weak. they can do NOTHING. So, they prefer to stay behind USA and use islam to their advantage. the regime in Saudi Arabia doesn’t give a f… about sunnis or arabs. Traitors to sunnis and Arabs. But, Sunnis and Arabs love them. I don’t know why. You like shit, you get shit.


you are the clown here, this dictator prince is not a clown but a sociopath, like most people with a lot of money and/or power


Sunnis. You knwo sunnis. Sunnis are garbage. That’s all. Everywhere, they give their asses. that’s their nature.

So don’t talk me a lot about these low lifes.


In Chechnya, Putin make sunnis understand the hard way. Chechen have the chance not to be a real country and to be protected by a strong country. Otherwise, they will have become like daesh.

That’s why sunnis have to ask for dictatorship.


I don’t understand why sunnis always ask for troubles. Wherever they are, they make troubles. Whay don’t you help the country you live in instead of burning everything ??????


Its jews not Sunnies – Wahabis are jews.


They (Sunni instigators) do it for the same reasons as their bedpartners, Israel and the West. Money and power.


Sunnis can practice their religion only in a strong and not sunni country. Otherwise, they will start killing each others.


Sunnis need dictatorship.


That’s why USA has no problem invading sunnis countries. USA kill them for “democracy” sake and after, they put some “sheikh” in power and that’s it.


Just imagine. Sunnis are fighting for “Al Baghdadi” a CIA puppet that they have never seen !!!!!! They are just mad people. Sunnis need dictatorship.


you need it


Who cares! the House of Saud is a zionist arab. not even arab…in ancient times, they are actually just marauders and bandits who claims to be arabs.

Moussa Saab

Arabs first came in Saudia Arabia..


House of Saud is from a jewish tribe of slave traders/bandits.


Saudi-salafist, Erez-Israeli, and US-zionist axis powers. It’s real. And btw, it’s not sunnis that cause trouble. It is always the salafists.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The one that showed was that snake Jafir , wasn’t that big of a secret since he was flying about the region , apparently Mohamed bin Salman is busy trying to keep the KSA from falling apart.


I think you are right. When in KSA in the early eighties, it was a very poorly kept secret that the common Saudis hated the ruling royals. The joke among the Sauds that would speak out was that if the Saudi police ever ran, they (and the royals) would have to keep running as the people would kill them all, to the last child. That was 35 years ago. After seeing several subversive(by KSA standards) videos, it’s not just the Shia in KSA that are fed up. There have been more and more demonstrations in the last 5 years… unheard of in the 80s.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is why they jumped at the chance to be part of this. They saw it as a way to distract the country and keep some of them distracted as they deal with one side and then the other.

Zainab Ali

these two zio satanic terrorists have one main evil objective – to destroy/weaken iran and why iran … they know what iran stands for http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/08/11/why-is-israel-looking-for-imam-mahdi/



VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Aaaaah! So romantic! The love that dare not speak its name is coming out. Israel and Saudi Arabia, what a lovely couple they make! Let the all the Arab people see the true face of their head-chopping “leaders”. Yukkh! I need to go to the loo!

Carol Davidek-Waller

You might be worried if Saudi Arabia was useless. Mired in privilege;.lacking wit.

You can call me Al

There is talk of a coup happening in Saudi Arabia, I don’t mean to go against the article nor all fellow commenters, but maybe this Saudi bloke was drumming up support for his team in that coup and the meting has nothing to do with Syria. Just an alternative, that’s all.

Can you honestly imagine “a United Arab Emirates intelligence officer” breaking this and the Israeli papers making it public, if it wasn’t meant to made public ?.

eric zweistein

Another laughable article from Mossad-ZeroHedge.

“Among the strangest bedfellows are the Israelis and Saudis”

Really?? Should this be funny ?? Yawn.


No shit. ZH=purveyor of half-truths and propaganda.


Yep Salman visiting his Jewish cousins lol – cats out of the bag now.


The historic bitter enemies!!!??? Give me a break, they were never enemies.


Saudis and Israelis have been joined at the hip forever, litterally cousins – at no time have they been opposed to each other since their mutual creation by the Rothschilds.


How come NON of you understands that this FAKE news serves the interest of Israel PERFECTLY????

Real Anti-Racist Action

Saudi Arabia has not denied this event. So obviously it is true. You easily fall under the (zionist attempting to sow disinformation here) This report is true and it’s facts are in order. To hide truths serves the interest of Israel. Truth always hurts the Ashkenazi’s.


Ahah, and if it is true, wich is possible but not prooven at all, it does not really promotes the saudi royalty on the peninsula and that is exactly what israel wants


how come, you are so sure? just because you read this on several websites? most of them just copy eachother, that is no journalism….


And Qatar is not having a conflict with the saudis? That whole thing is a false flag, including blocking all the planes, trucks and boats??

Solomon Krupacek

not fake news


According to the Q’uran Mohamed, the founder of his faith, was married to a jewess. So what are people complaining about?

Both Christianity and Islam are crypto jewish religions, or, if one wants to say it nicely, based upon a large foundation of jewish writings and philosophies.

I am christian myself, not a scholar, but if one reads a little bit, the truth is clear.

Solomon Krupacek

Both Christianity and Islam are crypto jewish religions,

thats true

…based upon a large foundation of jewish writings and philosophies

thats false


First thing u have said that I agree with!

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